The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 01, 1915, Image 3

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Misunderstanding of Orders On Part
of Train Crew Causes Disaster.
Making 40 Miles An Hour.
n Hum n ii iwu wmmi fuoin i 1
Handsome Coat for General Wear
American textiles have been mak
ing rapid advancos in Oneness and dis
tinction of weave. This holds good es
pecially of cotton, but is true of wool
and silk as well. This remarkablo
advance in tho art of weaving Is
brought forcibly to mind by tho now
"fabric furs" manufactured for tho
coming season. Last year wo called
them "fur-cloths," which is a truly
descriptive name for them. But man
ufacturers, having made some of them
so like tho fur of animals in appear
ance, have newly named them, and
fabric furs thoy are.
Not all of tho cloths of this kind
aro woven to imitate furs. Ejome of
them are supple with silky surfaces
and aro used for costumes. Many
others aro of a heavy fur-liko texture
and are used for topcoats and as
trimmings on other cloths. With tho
advance of tho season they aro like
ly to appear often in muffs and neck
pieces. Already at tho milliners be
witching three-piece sets, including
turban, muff and , neckplcco, are
shown made up in these fabrics, and
often thoy are trimmed with bands
of real fur. These new textiles aro
rich in appearance and very durable.
Thoy combine tho warmth of fur with
Little Girls' Hats, Made by Home Milliner
Thero are somo styles lp millinery,
especially In that designed for small
people, that aro always good. Tho
"tam" reappears season In and out,
only varied by differences as to size
and fabric or color and trim. It is
always suro of a welcome by mothers
and misses. From four years up tp
the ago whoro the young lady forgets
to have a birthday all tho maid asks
of It Is to keep in lino with fashion's
A pretty tam for tho mlsB from four
to sixteen Is shown hero. It Is mado
of dark velvet (In this particular In
stanco midnight bluo. with two-color
cord trimming and a whito pendant
cord and tassel of silk. Tho cord
trimming is of white and tho color of
tho tam.
Tho hat at tho left is a familiar
shapo with crown slightly higher thun
in tho last two seasons, and soft at
tho top, as beseems a shapo that
proclaims that it is up to date. It Is
covered with velvet and tho top with
a band of ribbon, shirred on about tho
lower part of tho sido crown. A nar
row rufllo Is loft upstanding at each
edgo and that at tho lower edgo rests
on tho brim. Hero It covers tho band
of whlto fur that makes a soft Huff
about tho face of tho llttlo miss,
better lasting Qualities, and some ot
tho topcoats mado of fabric furs do
serve to bo called magniilccnt.
Ono of the plainer coats for general
wear is shown hero. It is made oi
a familiar weave in fabric fur imitat
ing Persian lamb, The coat llaroa
from tho neck down at tho back,
but nts smoothly above tho bust line
with a gradual flare below. It is some
what double-breasted, fastening in a
slanting lino at the front with hand
somo dark mother-of-pearl buttons.
Tho sleeves aro roomy, set in a long
arm's eye. Their fullness is confined
in an ample cuff.
Tho high, straight collarband sup
ports a wide turnover at tho sides and
back and fastens with two buttons
Hkn those at tho front, but smaller.
Largo and practical patch pockets at
each sido aro also finished with but
tons. This coat is in very dark brown much
like seal brown but having a slight pur
pllsh cast. Inlays of gray velvet at
yie collar, cuffs and pockets harmon
ize with it and add a smart finish.
Tho Ingenious cut of the pockets and
cuffs bears witnesB to tho art of the
designer, for it is in such novel llttlo
touches that distinction lies.
Tho underside of the brim Is cov
ered with a shirring of whlto satin rib
bon. This hat is ono of those that tho
homo milliner may undertake to mako
with every chance of success. She
is first' to secure a light buckramette
framo and unless tho framo Is made
wit'1 a soft top crown of net, its buck
ram top crown is to bo cut out. It
should bo remembered in fitting a
frame that it should bo a llttlo largo
for tho head to allow for the facing
and lining.
A Party Bag.
Have you ever gone to a party and
faced tho problem of where to put
your handkerchief? Party dresses as a
rulo aro not provided with pockets.
girdle is a dangcroiiH hiding placo for
a handkerchief If one desires to keep
tho handkerchief. A pretty finish to
such a costume, as well as a servlco
ablo finishing feature Is one of those
dainty llttlo bags Just largo enough to
hold a glove handkerchief and a vaulty
box. Thep are done In silk and llgurcd
satin and shirred on a ribbon which
hauga on tho wrist.
Somo peoplo make an effort to be
happy and trust to luck to be good
State prohibition convention,
Lincoln, Sept. 29 and 30.
National Farmers' Congress
Omahn, Sept. 28 to Oct. 1.
York's Fall Festival, September
28 to October 1.
Ak-Sar-Bcn Fall Festival, Oma
ha, September 29 to October 9.
Hastings' Fall Festival, October
4 to 9.
Southwest Nebraska Fair, May
wood, October 11 to 15.
German-American Alliance an
nual convention, Omaha, Oct. 50.
Nebraska Woman Suffrage con
vention, Columbus, Oct. 12-14.
Meeting of State Federation of
Woman's Clubs, Norfolk, Sept. 28
to Oct. 1.
National Futurity Coursing Meet,
Sutton, October 12 to 16.
American Waterloo Cup Cours
Ing Meet, Talmagc, Oct. 19 to 23.
Midwest Bowling Tournament,
Omahn. Nov. 19 to 29.
Sunday School Day is to be ob
served November 7.
Omalia. Throe men lost their lives
and several persons wero more or
less seriously injured as I he result of
u head-on collision between south
bound Missouri Pacific fast passenger
No. 101 and northbound freight a half
mile south of Oreapolln, about
eighteen miles south of Oinaha. Tho
collision was caused by a misunder
standing of orders on tho part of the
passenger crew, Missouri Pacific of
ficials said in Omaha soon after tho
wreck. The trains were to .puss eacli
other at the Oreapolls siding. Mis
souri Pacific oflieluls also said they
thought the crew of the passenger in
tended to pass the freight at Platts-
niouth instead. The smash came on a
grade just after the passenger came
around a siiaip curve. Kallrond of
ficials estimated -the speed of the
passenger at forty miles an hour and
the freight at fifteen. The passenger
carried Ave cars, the mail car, ex
press and baggage, two day coaches
and n diner. An explosion of one of
tho engine boilers followed the col
lision, and botli engines were prac
tically demolished. Physicians from
Plattsniouth and other nearby points
and a wrecking crew with, physicians
from Omaha wero rushed to the
Vanda'e Cut Off Girl's Hair.
Hastings. Klsie, 12-year-cld daugh
ter of the Itev. and Mrs. P. J. Tiiiel,
whoso luxurious head of hair was the
pride of her parents and mrfny friends,
was a victim of mysterious vandal
ism. Wliilo Miss Ulsie was enjoying
a street pnrado at a crowded intersec
tlon, her hair, hanging in a braid ex
tending below her knees, was dipped
hack of the neck. Leaving Imme
diately for her home, the broken
leurled child wept bitterly.
Business Men Work On Roads.
Oshkosli. "Good Roads Days" were
lelebrated In Garden county, SopU in
ner 20 and 21. A proclamation to that
effect had been ls3ued by tho county
commissioners to -make and repair
roads by gratuitous work. The busi
ness men of Lewellan en niasso closed
up their business houses those days,
taking up the shovel and plow handle
Work'wns dono all over tho county
and tho Good Roads Days were a suc
cess. Prairie Chickens Scarce.
North Platte. Hunters in Lincoln
county report that tho prairlo chick
enls are fewer this year than ever
known before. The constant slaught
er in years past during tho open sea
son and tho inortallty of the birds dur
ing tho storms havo diminished tho
numbers so It Is feared they will be
come extenct
Ankle Severed by Mower.
Kdlspn. Hidden from his father In
the thick enno, the 2-year-old son of
Kston Hlxson, farmer, living four
miles south of here, stepped In front
of the scytho with which Hlxson was
cutting the crop and one of his legs
was severed at tho ankle.
One Centenarian Present,
ork. -The attendance at the ilf
teenth annual sunset social for men
and women of York county, held re
cently, was 17C over tho ago of 70.
One man was 101 years old.
Falls Into Creek and Drowns.
Ashland. Whilo fishing for drift
wood on tho west end of tho Main
street bridge over Salt creek David
Do Voe, 8 years of age, son of Mrs.
Maudo Do Voe, fell into tho creek by
tho breaking of tho railing to tho west
approach and was drowned,
Reproduction of a contemporary drawing of the grimd review of tho Northern armlcB Immediately after tln
Civil war, showing tho troops passing nlong Pennsylvania avonuo In Washington on tho routo of tho parado ot
the Grand Army of tho Republic fifty yoars later.
Detachment of United States artillery patrolling tho country along tho Rio
bandits. The artillery is occasionally swung into position on the river bnnks
This photograph, taken recently "somowiierc In France," shows how
tho French have taken a lesson from tho Germans and havo adopted tho
frlghful liquid fire as a weapon of defenso.
Work on tho Arlington memorial at Washington has been rushed, so
that President Wilson may lay tho corner stone on Friday, Octobor 1.
Grande to provent raids by Mexican
so that tho Mexicans can seo tho big
This Is ono of tho Texas Hungers
who havo been so actlvo in combating,
the Mexican bandits that havo been
making raids across tho border.
Yankee Ingenuity.
An American Inventor has contrived
an aluminum framework which, on be
ing fastened over a bolt of cloth,
shows tho effect of a ilnlshcd suit ot
clothes. Tho wire framo carries out
lines of arms, lapels, collar, etc.. and
molds tho cloth to tho propor shapo
without Injuring It in tho least. Tho
framo may readily bo dotached and
tried on another ploco of cloth until
tho customer's fancy Is suited.
"I found out nbout Jinks' hurry toi
got off; thero was n woman in tho
caso." .
"You don't nay so!"
"I saw his wlfo'8 plcturo In nisi
His Object.
"Do you want to cash tho check t"
asked tho polite bunk cashier to thoi
man rushing up."
"No, 1 don't," cried tho man. I(
want to get ahead of a swludlor and'
check the cash."