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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1915)
DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over tho McDonald State Bank. ' LO(jAi AND PEKSONAL Mr. and Mrs. John Denn visited in, Julesburg Tuosday ovening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porrltt spent "Wednesday in Horshey with friends. 4The Prosbyterlnn ladies will hold thoir annual fair and-suppor Dec. 2d. :Mrs. Dan Durke left Wednesday mornLig for Maxwell to spend severnl days. ,W. E. Starr left Wednesday morn ing for Omaha to spend a week or longer. Miss Alice Plumer, of Maxwell, vis ited this week with Miss Laura Murray. "All Wool Dresses, newest fall styles in' all shades and sizes at $4.9S at BLOCK'S. Mr. 'and Mrs. Glen Ferguson and baby, loft Wednesday for Paxton to visit relatives. - For Farm Loans seo or write Gene Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North Platte. 4itf Miss Lenore Cummlngs of Chicago, arrived hero Wednesday -to ba tho guest of Mrs. G. T. Field. A marriage license was granted Tuesday to Miss Elian Wagner and John Oliver of Paxton. Don't forget the exclmngo to be held by the Lutheran ladies at Derryberry & Forbes tomorrow. Mrs. Albert Able left at noon Wed nesday for Grand Island to visit friends fQr a week 01 .longer. Mrs." J. C. Federhoof left Wednesday morning for California by way of Den ver to spend several weeks. Delicious cakes, nien anil dnlntloa at the Lutheran exchange tomorrow at Derryberry & Forbes. Fred Peterson will leave Saturday for San Francisco to spend three weeks attending tho exposition. Home made bread, cakes, pies and cookies at the Lutheran exchange to-' morrow at Derryberry & Forbes. ! Mr. and Mrs. Dan Etchel and baby icit weunesuay morning ror Oguen to spend several weeks with relatives. Mrs. Stanton and daughter Delia of Wallace, who spent several . daysj neru wiin menus leu weunesuay. Everything like mother use to make at the Lutheran exchange at Derry perry & Forbes tomorrow. If you want to see a crowded store with a Jolly crowd of enthusiastic shoppers, just drop in most any af ternoon at BLOCK'S. Mrs. W. P. Snyder and children left at noon "Wednesday for Kearney to visit relatives for several, days. Mrs. Ja'nies Kennedy left' Wednes day morning for Willow Island to visit relatives for a week or longer. George Stroup of Omaha, formerly of the Payne Investment Co. here, is spending a efw days here this week. Mrs Mike MoFadden and baby of Paxton, came this morning to visit her parents., Mr. and Mrs. John Plerrod. Rev. McDaid who has been attend ing the Panama exposition for three weeks, is expected home tomorrow evening. Miss Lola Jones, of . Chicago, came Wednesday morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weir while enroute to Cheyenne, r ( . , Glasses or Spectacles Whichever you' prefer. A nice effect is produced by rimless spectacles artistic in ap pearance and perfectly secure. But tho lenses are the principal thing to think about. The style of glasses may bo any of several kinds but the lenses have got to bo Just so that's my spe cialty; C. S. CLINTON Registered Optometrist. Harry.BEock, of Julesburg, is visit ing at tfje Baker home this week. GeorgS Adams left last ovening for Cheyenne whero ho has accoptcd a position. ' , Edgar H. Dedrlck was appointed! foremnn of the Union Pacifln war? house Wednesday! ' Mrs. Charles Reynolds will leave next week for Omaha to spend a week or longer on business. 0. H. Thoeleoke spent yesterday Oshkosh attending the coutny fair and transacting business. New ,Fall Silk Poplin Drossos, in all tho' leHiliiiR shades, made Up to thd minute at $4.75 at BLOCK'S. Editor Bentz, of the Oshkosh Her ald, spent WedneSday in town and made a friendly call at this office. Attornoy W. V. Hoagland left Wed nesday for Lincoln where he will spond a wook or more on tfusiness. Miss Mae Wilson left Wednesday af ternoon for Paxton to spend the re mainder of-tho week with relatives." Judge. 11. M. Grimes and Court Re porter Barron returned Wednesday from a business trip to Arthur county Lost At high school building Scjft. Sth, bicycle with mortorcycle handles, Finder call Blk 404 and receive re ward. , Mrs. R. A. Scott of Sutherland, came down Wednesday morning to visit Mr .and Mrs. M. E. Scott for a few days. Mlsg .Irene Connor, of Laramio, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawrenc? for two months, returned lrome Wed nesday morning. Mrs. Emma Knauff of Hillsborough, la., came yesterday to visit her cousin Mrs. Thomas Orton for a couple of weeks. Chris Jensen, living north of Her shey, transacted business in town the early part of tho week and niado Tho Tribune a call. Mrs. E. W. Salisbury of Lena, 111., arlved here Wednesday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Salisbury for a couple or weeks. Dr .Walter Covell and wife of Blan cho, Colo., came Tuesday evening to visit the former's sister Mrs. Edmund Dickey for a week. Mrs. T. C. Eppley, of Grand Island, who spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jessup, returned home yesterdayafternoon. Charles Wm. Brestel, of Gothenburg, and Miss Louise Youngstoun of Brady, were married Wednesday morning by County Judge French. C. F. Temple, W. J. Landgraf and A. J. Salisbury were among the North .Platte people who attended the rnces fut . jveanity uaujriiuy, ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott and Mas ter Melvin Yates of Sterling, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cy Russell -this week and left Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. D. II. Carson; of Grand Island, came Tuesday afternoon to visit' her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Smith for a couple of weeks. Mrs. F. H. Thompson and daughter Mrs. j John yoseipk.a returned ed "nesday" afternoon', from, a visit with relatives, in Oman's.' and Lincoln. , . Mr. and Mrs. Butler Buchanan are Expected to return today from an ex tended visit in Mt. Pleasant, Ia and other eastern ponts with relatives. Peter C. Peterson returned Tuesday night from a two weeks' trip to points in Colorado, visiting Denver, Creek and Georgetown and making a trip over the Moffit scenic line. Mrs. Ana Seyferth returned Tuesday day night from a month's visit with her daughter in Denver. She was ac companied by her bou Charles who has been visiting in San Francisco for a couple of months. Albert Smith of Miamsburg, 0 who has been visiting his aunt Mrs. George Tekulve for a weelc le.',t Wednes day morning. He was accompanied home by his sister MIsb Marguerite Smith who spent the summer here. Blankets and Quilts. You will soon need ihem, The Lea der can supply your every want in this lino and save you money. II MB Successful Farm Auction Sales Before making other arrangements for your farm auction sale, drop in at the Platte Valley State Bank and talk over your plans with uo. You want your salo to bo successful. This calls for more than a good auc tloner, it requires experienced and careful judgement of notes taken and the security offored. Our past experience in this work will go far in making your sale a profitable one. Come in. Platte Valley State Bank, "ALL GRAIN CHECKS CASHED" 'Jorth Platte, Nebraska. CLUIIS AND SOCIETIES The D. P. O. E. will hold a social danco at tho Elk homo on Thursday evening Sept 30th. At a meeting of the Travel and Study club held tho first of this week, Miss Flornco Stamp was appointed journalist. A number of ladies will be enter tained this evening at ho homo of Mrs. Gllncs at a miscellaneous showor for Mrs. Edwin Harrnclough. Tho Ivanhoo club hold nn enjoy able, dancing party nt the Lloyd opera houso Tuesday evening. About fifty couples attended and roport hav ing spent a pleasant cvonlug. A party of twelve young pcoplo chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Brooks held a moonlight picnic at SIoiix Lookout Tuosday evening. They were convoyed to tho hills in auto mobiles. The Tllllkums Girls wort nTor talned at tho basement of the Epis copal church Wednesday evening by Misses Janet White, Margaret Craiglo, Marie Stuart and Maude Owens. Tho evening was spent in music and games and dainty refreshments wore Berved. A birthday dinner for Harry Sam uelson and F. C. Tanger was held nt the Samuelson homo Wednesday ov ening. Tho guests numbered twenty and were relatives of tho guests of honor. They included tho Tnhger, welngand, Forstedt, Alchey and Potors families. Tho second nftcrnoon party given by Mesdames James Hart and Will Hawley was given Tuesday afternoon nt Mrs. TIhw1v'h linnie. FIftv ladles were entertained nnd the Misses Alma Waltemath, Blanche Fonda nnd Josle O'Hare assisted In serving. Tho refreshments were nicely prepared and highly complimented. Out-of-town guest was Mrs. E. C. Fredrlckson of Kansas. Tho Travel and Study club hold a pleasant outing in tho canyons south of the experimnetnl station Wednesday evening. Tho Indies went out by auto at five o'clock in tho nf ternoon and prepared a delicious sup per over a camp lire. The gontlomen arrived In time to partake of the good things to eaf and take part in the evening's entertainment. Tho full moon and tho pleasant temperature made tho evening an Ideal one for a picnic. Tho Et-A-Vlrp club held a Guest Day party at tho homo of Mrs. John Dirk Tuesday afternoon. Each member of the club was requested to Invito a friend and unique contests we're pro vided for their entertainment. A nicely prepared lunch was served during tho afternoon. Prizes wero awarded Mes dames Adams and Fredrlcks and tho guest prizes were awarded to Ales dames TIley and Lawiiead. Mrs. Ed mund Dickey assiste d Mrs. Dick ii ent6rtalnlng. The M. M. M. Club and their bus bands wero royally entertained at the home of Mrs. J. B. Redlleld Tuesday ovening. Progresive five hundred was plnyd and thdn an enjoyable lunch was served in courses. While tho refreshments were being served Miss Florence McKay rendered a number of piano selections. Mrs. George Trexler assisted Mrs. Redfleld. Guests of tho club were Mr .and Mrs. E. F. Seeber- ger, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Salisbury and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hen,lcyj WKLL KNOWN YOUNG PEOPLE ARE MARRIED WEDNESDAY. Wednesday morning of this week nt the Church of Our Saviour occurred tho wedding of two of North Platte's most popular young people, Miss Ma bel Duke and Dr. Claude A. Selby. Tho church was beautifully decorated with ferns, smilax nnd asters. Thos. Golden and Harold Duko served as ushers. Promptly at 9:30 Miss Helen Min shall took her placo at the pipe organ and in her usual charming manner played "Tho Morning Prelude" and and Longhrln's wedding march as a processional. Traummerl was ren dered during the impressive ceremony at the chancel nnd Mendelsohn's as a recessional. Dean J. J. Bowker en tered, followed by the groom and his attendant, Alvln Sandall, and after them the bride on the arm of her father. Tho bride was gowned In a blue tailored suit with fur trimmings and wore a black picture hat. Sho wore a corsage boquet of white rose buds and llllles of tho valbsy. After the ceremony tho bridal par ty and relatives enjoyed a three courso wedding breakfast at the Duko bungalow on east Fifth street. In tho receiving lino wero Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Duke, Dr. and Mrs. Selby and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Selby. Tho color scheme throughout was green and white, Tho open stairway was massed with as paragus ferns and autumn leaves and tho dining room anil living room wero decorated with llowors and foms. Tho guests were seated at small tables scattered about the din ing room. Tho bridal party was seated at a nicely appointed table In tho living room. Those assisting In serving wero Misses Ruby Manuel, Helen Minshall, Maud Rcos, Sarah Monlcal and Esther Hummel. Tho numerous gifts of sterling, cut glass and hand pointed china which wero seen In tho prettily arranged gift room showed the high esteem in which tho brldo and groom wero held. Dr. and Mrs. Selby left on the noon train for Chicago, whero Dr. Solby is houso physician in one of city's woll known hospitals. Tho best wishes and congratulations of tho entiro community aro extended. Tho out of town guests who wero in attendance wore Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Golden and two sons of DosMolnos and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shoupo and Mr. and Mrs. Bornard Gummoro, of Suth erland. XX Some Investments. 8 room houso, modern oxcopt heat, First' ward. C room houso, shade, furnace and bath, Fourth ward. GA acros In oast end. Those are snaps at an attractive price. J. F. CLABAUGH. 70-2 Room 4 Ford Garage. tr HTiicILBwaiGoMnwira Js s WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. The Six Leading Styles A MONG our many handsome Wooltex tailored suits, we want you to sec especially the six models we call the Winningham suits "CVVCH one has distinctive features, yet all have the style tendencies that fashion requires ' this season. In these six models 3Tou will see the correct style tendencies the natur- al-figure lines, flaring collars, semi military effects, convertible collars with wide revers, belted effects with flare below, fur trimmings and skirts with soft rolling plaits. These Winningham suits include special models for misses, for young and elderly women, for slender, medium and stout figures. h i To their stylish beauty is added all the well known Wooltex superiority of materials and tailoring Variety of fabrics and colors Each model is shown in a variety of fashionable materials and colors such as broadcloth, gabardine, poplin, serge, cheviot, worsteds and Scotch mixtures. Colors are blues, browns, grays, black and novelty mixtures. The quality of materials Every thread of ma- terials in all Wooltex suits is pure' wool, sponged and shrunk before cuttinc. The linings are pure silk. Custonvquality tailoring Custom-quality characterizes tho tailoring of every Wooltex garment. You sec it in the straight scams, the soft-rolling lapels and shapely busts, the thin, flat edges, the trim skirt bands that do not wrinkle. In fact, the longer you wear a Wooltex garment, the more apparent is its exceptional quality. Quality that means service It takes good materials and good tailoring to maintain the trim, fresh appearance of good styles. That's why Wooltex tailored suits and coats give so much more satisfactory service than ordinary garments, made in the ordinary way. i I mm i 3 Winninnham Suit 2430 Jjmtyreet uit fnl medium tni slerma (Scute!? Dote tb mirt flitliiccollj: auj ciivrlife pocketi. llu plain on each t:ie of jacket sn.I ikirt to clre mnliih flare. In .arloui material anj colon. See die Winningham suits. Then you will know the correct styles for fall. Choose your suit now and have full enjoyment of it for the whole season.' .... Jyi Winningham. and other Wooltex Suits at $5 to $65 Coats at $16.50 to $45 Skirts at $5 to $15 Winn!n?!iam Suit 24CO h (rim, lublwuble mold, ilmplc l.i l-lin, tt cry ilraM. Cenfonni la aery wy to tyle riulrementi, v Itli 3 tlliilnct air of detune tnU refinement Drautlfulljr talluicJ, uj ie til WooU Wilcox Department Store. The Store That Sells Wooltex Tie Wooltex Tallori & 1