The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 24, 1915, Image 3
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. MAY TAKE MATTER INTO COURT GERMAN SHELLS BURSTING OVER FRENCH POSITION Supreme Body Will Probably Decldo Financing the State Pure Food Commission. Suiting Oneself the Rule for Coiffures Just go on and wear your hair aB you will, in any way most becoming to you, for tho goddess of fashion will nod indifferent approval on anything. For 30'mo monthB this capricious deity has refusod to bo interested in hair dressing styles. Sho did sit up and tako notice when the bobbed coiffure made its debut. It was so novul and bo different, no one could help notic ing. It is a lovely style for youthful faces. A few young women were willing to go tho length of cutting off "bob bing" the hair at tho sides for tho sako of tho stylo, but many wore not. These very qenslblo ones achieved a halrdross wRh tho bobbed effect by bringing tho hair out over tho cheeks and turning tho ends under. Tho back hair was disposed of in a flat coll low on the crown, and all held in placo by much pinning and by bands of narrow velvet-ribbon. Older women havo remained faith ful to waved hair combed in a small pompadour and dressed with a knot, rather high on tho head. Others, with youthful faces, havo been most suc cessful with hair unwaved but pinned Into becoming lines about tho face, it is drawn back and twisted into n knot which supports largo ornamental shell pins. An oxamplo of this style, with everything to recommend it, is pictured hero. This is tho manner of arranging tho hair about tho face which Is favored by tho majority of women. Tho disposition of tho hair at tho back is only govorned by tho choice and taste of tho Individual. Use Jersey Cloth. Jersey cloth is used for tho middy sweater of silk or silk fiber. This is tho only sweater now used that slips on and off over tho head. It has white sailor collar and cuffs, and is laced through four or flvo holes nt the front with silk cord. It is especially attrac tivo for very young girls. , Shawl Coats. There aro some interesting import ed coats made of big shawls or steam er rugs, with fringe around tho bot tom and edging tho capo section that falls over tho sleeves, or sometime edging tho wide collar Instead. Pretty Undermuslins of Sheer Materials DMHKI SB Embroideries for women's under garments tho sorts that aro sold by tho yard havo grown moro and moro sheer until now ono must look twice to discover whether some of thorn are of silk chiffon or of swlss. Sine weaves In voile havo proven to bo prac tical as a background for dainty em broidery patterns to bo used in under wear becauso their wearing qualities aro equal to thoeo of tho materials used In tho body of tho garments. In fact a good quality of sheer cotton voilo ombroldery will outwear tho nainsook or muslin which It trims. Speaking of sheer materials in un dergarments, it is not to bo over looked that chiffon and lino crepes como in for much consideration in tho moro expenslvo and less practical frivolities that aro so enticingly pret ty. Petticoats to bo worn with neg ligees, underbodices for wear with thin blouses, and oven less conspicu ous garments aro mado of theso fragllo fabrics. Dut enticingly pretty garments aro also mado of flno cottons that' emergo from tho tub as good as now. Tbo envelope chemise shown In tho pic- Points Involved in tho dispute over tho financing of tho pure food commission aro likely to bo lam before tho supremo court within a short tlnio. Tho nffair will como up in a 'case brought by Governor Moro head to compel Treasurer Hall to tnnko tho nnvments of fire and food commission vouchors. Tho court will likely give tho matter attention at nnc.o. Thorn is a rlinnco tho railway commission will bo disturbed in its present relationship, and that Govern. or Morchcad will take kindly to At torney General Reed's suggestion that that body as now composed, is exist ing contrary to law. If tho governor does this ho will unseat all tho pres ent members and that would glvo tho people of tho state a chaiico to express themselves upon Tom Hall. Both Halls would then como up for expression next year ono on tho re publican and ono on tho democratic ticket. turo given hero bears witness to this. It is mado in tho empire style and Is tho simplest thing to put together. Tho short "baby" waist Is merely al ternatlng strips of val insertion and swlss embroidery, with edges whipped togethor. Under tho arms tho em broidery strips are omitted becauso at this point of most wear tho lace is moro desirable. The short waist Is finished at the bottom with a narrow open beading which Joins it to tho skirt portion of tho chemise. Tho necfr and armholes are edged with val lace, set on about tho nock with a very narrow beading, Mngerio ribbon Is run in tho bead tngs. It Is to bo tied In full bows when the garment is adjusted. The bottom of tho chemise is longthoned at tho back, cut into a tab and finished with laco edging, Two buttonholes aro worked In tho tab and fasten over small, flat pearl buttons that aro sowed to tho front This adjustment of tho chemlso gives its namo of "tno envelope" und kpops It from bundling up about tho llguro wncn its wearer walks much. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. The State ' I.ivo Stock Sanitary' hoard has lopped off of tho payroll llr. C. M. Dav. BDeclal assistant to Uio state veterinarian. Two other in spectors, T. B. lllchardson of Alliance and C. C. Rice of Gordon, nlso lost their Jobs. Tho reason given Is that tho government Is putting In two in spectors and ho there was no call for tho state huvlnc the two on tho pay roll any longer. Whllo tho force of examiners uppears to bo getting amnllni. iltcnnana nnfllllnr tn Kiock appears to bo "Increasing, besides tho scabies in cattlo and dourino in norses In tho .northern part of tho state, ma- Ilcnnnt catarrhal fever, which has de veloped into pneumonia, has caused the death of about liity sneep m a herd at Kndlcott. Tho disease was brought In by sheep shipped from Kansas City. Agricultural touring parties of ono sort or another havo ceased to bo an Innovation in counties employing ag ricultural agents, but U remains for Madison county to havo the ilrat drainage inspection tour of the state It Is the plan of the county agrloul tural agent to schedule a list of points where the best drainage systems of tho county are situated and Invito farmers to attend a progressive meet ing to be held at the different points and to hear discussions from tho far mors and speakers from the College of Agriculture. Tho date sot for the excursion is September 22. In order to secure good results from hogging down com, sonio protein sup plement must bo supplied tho pigs. For tills purpose nothing excels u good alfalfa or clover pasture adjoin ing the cornfield. If either of these legumes is unavailable, rape may b sown In the corn at tho last cultiva tion. However, unless there' is a thin stand of coin, it is not likely that a good crop of rape can bo secured. If rape Is sown, about six pounds of seed to tho aero should bo used. Til Dwarf Essex variety of rape is the best for pasture purposes. In tho ab sence of a protein feed in tho way of nurture, excellent results can be se cured by using such feeds as tankage. meat meal, and oil meal. Department of Animal Husbandry, College of Ag riculturo. Scattering reports coming Into the ptalo veterinarian's office from a score or more of places In the statt Indicate a resumption of "the dlsensu which last year caused tho death of thousands of iiorses. Investigation! are being mado aa fast as tho veterl nannns can get around. Last year U was attributed to the cornstalks and green vegetation, and warnings were issued against turning the equlues out to graze upon such feed. "Conie-to-Sunday-Sehool Day" will 00 observed November 7, In-Jc hraska. Tho Nebraska stato Sunday School association Is inaugurating a 8tatc-vldo campaign to get 500,000 people to attend sonio Sunday school on that day. Gov. , Morchcad has Is sued n proclamation commending the proposition and setting aside tho day. The killing of Harry Pettendell, thf young brick mason, in the new MHlei & Pain building, at Lincoln, gives at illustration of tho working of the em ployers' llalbllty act that was passed by the legislature of 1913. The vie tlm's widow and Infant child will re celvo ?3,500. "!PJH y ' This remarkabla picture of bursting German shells was mado Just nt tho moment when they wcro falling on a farm in the Argonna district need by tho French as n rendezvous. Tho shells woro directed at tho French sol diers, who are seen working. Nono of tho French soldiers who wcro prcsont whllo tho rnln of Bholla foil on them wero hurt. WAR'S TRAGEDY FOR THE NONCOMBATANT .The Stale Board of Control hai awarded tho contracts for building t joint auditorium and class room build lng at tho state Institute for tho fco ble-mlnded nt Beatrice. Tho con tract price will bo $35,807.05. Tho Southwest Nebraska dlstrlcl fair will be held October 1MB at May. wood. The district is comprised ol tho following counties: Phelps, liar lan, Gosper, Furnas, Lincoln, Front ler, Hed Willow, Hayes, Hitchcock Perkins, Chaso and Dundy. Govern or Morehead, Judgo Kennedy oi Omaha, Senator Hitchcock and Sllat It. Barton will deliver addresses. The southwest district lays claim to the best fair grounds in tho stato, except- ing only tho groundB at Lincoln, Races, band concerts and aeroplane aro on tho program. . - 1-it-b rr -m r t v wi. w vnpw ' . .wi s i Ono of the London Dally Mail's prizo photographs, showing a familv returned to their natlvo village after a serious battle had been fought there, only to find their cottogo in ruins. CAME TO BORROW A BILLION FOR ALLIES .underwood 'underwood TAKING WOUNDED ABOARD I ii in in ii i Pinmnr nwiiiii i mil hiiibiiiiiii ininr mitmnum i . o T" V Representatives of England and Franco, who camo to tho United States for the purposo of negotiating a loan of a billion dollars for the allies, aro shown in this illustration. J. P. Morgan (1), as financial agent of tho Brit ish government, acted as their host. Tho othors aro: (2) Sir Edward Holdcn of tho London City and Midland bank; (3) Sir Henry Babblngton Smith; (4) Lord Heading, lord chief JuBtlco of Grcnt Britain and head of tho commission; (G) Octavo Homburg of tho French foreign office; (G) Busll B. Blackott of tho British treasury; (7) Ernest Mallet, regent of tho Bank of Franco. Russian Barbers Act as Surgeons. IlUBsian barbers with nbout six weeks medical training aro with the czar's army In great numbers as full Hedged surgeons, according to reports of wounded German soldiers who havo just returned from tho front. Theso soldlero, many of whom boar evldenco of Improper amputations, also com plain ot poor annltary conditions lu Russian hospitals, but pratso the Rub Blnn woman nurses as being kind and consldoruto. Lavender Repels Mosquitoes. iNoieu in tins ovoningB issuo a formula for repelling mosquitoes. A simpler and moro effoctlvo ropollcnt ia oil of lavender, sprayed through an atomizer on parts exposed. This oil Is moro efllclcnt than cltronolln, ammonia, camphor, tnr and a hundred other "straws" that "skootor" vIctlmB havo clutched at It has been found tried In Now Jersey and not found wanting, so what moro can ono ask for? (Lettor to Now York Globo.) This photograph, taken nt tho Dar danelles, shows a British soldier. wounded In tho arms, boing loworcd' aboard a hospital launch in what l known as a "bosun's chair," which Is swung out by means of a crane. Would Help Some. It Is a small English country town, and ono of tho members ot tho special war relief committee .a also proprie tor of a drapory "omporlum." To him, camo for advlco and assistance a poor woman jwho had Just "heard tho worst" about her man at tho front. Would tho Boparatlon allowance bo paid still? Or would tho war olllco: mako a special grant? "I can't say dollnitoly what tho war ofllco will do! In your particular caao," was tho! judicious verdict, "but, porson4 ally, I shall bo glad to ah to supply you with mourning from my establish ment at a wholesalo jrlco."