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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1915)
JJoHli pattc & THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.,, SEPTEMBER 24, 191 5. No. 71 CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Frank DTstcl went to Llsco this morning to spend several days hunt ing. II. V. Hllllker, of Denver, came down this morning to spend the day on business. . Mrs. M. II. Douglass left last even ing for Loramle to spend sovoral days with friends. The Entre Nous club will be onter tulnod Wednesday, Soptembor 29th by Mrs. Carl Boui'or. Mrs. George Cooper, of Wcllflcet, has been visiting with local friends for several days' this week. Mrs. Italoigh Cocltlo left yostorday morning for Sutherland to visit rela tives tor a werik or more. Wo have n splendid new assortment of trimmed hats for ?4.00 and $5.00 at the Wilcox- Department Store. Wc have a splendid new assortment of trimmed hats fo r $4.00 and $5.00 at the Wilcox Department Store. Carl Lintz and Wm. Rodden loft last ovening for cities of Colorado to spend a week or more on business. Beet dumps aro being erected at Blrdwood and Nichols for the con voijlonco of the beet growers. Mrs. John Palmer, wlfp of n. wnll known McPherson county cattleman, was m town yesieruay snopping. The Ycdmcn will hold a special meeting Tuesday ovening at which a number of now members will be taken in Miss Ida Weinborg left yesterday morning for Geneva and other points to spend a couple ofoveeks with rel atives. Mrs. Harry Flelshmann and daugh tor returned last evening frota.Omuua iwliero they visited relatives for a week. Harry Stevens, who was up from Bignell yesterday, said seventy-ilvo per cent of his corn would not be in Jure"U by frost. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Jones, of Lara mie, who wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kelly for a week, went home last ovening. County Commissioner Springer, who has been visiting In Philadelphia, wrtes rue Trinuno mat ne win oe homo next Monday. Tho domestic science department of the Twentieth Century club will meet with Mrs. Roy Cottrell at three xtclock Monday afternoon, Miss Alice Luby, of Glltnor, who spent tho past two weeks with her brother Edward Luby and wife, will return home Sunday. J. O. Don, O. B. Elder and Ed. Reb hausen leave Sunday morning on a hunting trip in Arthur county, ex pecting to be absent two or three days. Mrs. N. McCabe returned last ev ening from Omaha where sho accom panied her daughter two weeks ago and has sinco been the guest o her sister. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Moroy loft yes terday for a visit with relatives in Hastings Mr. Morey will return Monday,- but Mrs. Moroy wl'l stay there two weeks. For Sale. Pure bred large Black French Stal lion; Cheap. J. Seeley, Wellfleet, Neb. ARROW tlie 15 ATARI W I tlH rLCAdUKfi W The low prices yon get but adds to this pleas ure because you are sure to dress within your means Collegian Suits and Overcoats $15 to $2S JT. i H l T HVttT t IV t . rfti rfk ,rv utnter REGAL SHOES Harcour Word from Lincoln Is to the effect that r'ool Donegan, of this city, has dovolopcd into a very classy foot-ball player, with a good show for being picked for the university team. , Dr. J. S. Twlnom. who has been at tending the Dr. Pratt clinic In Chica go for two weeks, will return home tomorrow. Enrouto homo he spent sevornl dnys with relatives In Iowa. Commercial dinner at Christian church Monday, prlco 30 cents, come. Hot stenks with pan gravy, oscalopcd potatoes, sweet corn on tho cob, sliced liomatoes, beet rollsh, hot biscuits, peach pic, tea, coffee, milk. The Presbyterian people held an indoor picnic In the church basement last evening which was largely at tended. A lino lunch was served and a good time socially resulted. The ob ject of the picnic was to have tho con gregation minglo with each othor and thus keep intact during the period that the church Is without a pastor. The literary department at' tho Twentieth Century club and their families wore entertained at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLaile Tues day ovening at an Indoor picnic. Mu sic and caning and fortune telling fur nished minis' tnient for the evening and tho refreshments were exceptionally good. The atttndance numbered over thirty-live. The Phllathea society of the Bap tist church were tho guests of Mrs. Gcorgo S. Arnold Wednesday after noon. At the business meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Edward Murphy; vice president, Mrs. Robert Arnold; secretary, Mrs. Charles Thornburg; treasurer, Mrs. Smith; re porter, Mrs. A. Bunting. ?he Eldeen club was entertained Wednesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. George Schaffcr. A couple of hours were spent In kcnslngton work, after which a nice lunch was served. An election of officers followed and the following were chosen: President, Mrs. Arthur Artz; vice president, Mrs. E. W. Cross; secretary, Mrs. Robort Arnold; treasurer, Mrs. Raleigh Cockle; reporter, Cora Souser. The t next meeting will bo held In two weeks at the home of Mrs. Csarles Toole. John Hnrrignn, one of Maxwell's oldest and most respected citizens, Idled at;Mnxwell last Friday, Sopt. 17, at 9 p. m. Mr. Harrigan had an oper ation about two-months ago and spent nine weeks at that time in a hospital at Omaha. Mr. Harrigan was born in Ireland and vas about 73 years old, nrmilnr in Amprinn In tlin fift'a nlnl followed railroad work mainly and seiiieu, at uaxweu many years ugu. where ho acquired property and re mained until tho end. Mr. Harrigan never married and lived aleno. The funeral service was held at 9 o'clock this morning and tho body was laid to rest in the Maxwell cemetery. Brady Vindicator. Skirls! Skids! , Any stylo, any color, any size, at most any price you may want to buy; you are sure to find it at BLOCK'S. Judgn Grimes has started in on his court calendar for 19i5-10, and from now until next Juno will be kept bdsy. Ho has already held fall tonus In Kimball and Logan counties. In tho latter county hccleared the docket of .every case; while in the fprmer only three cases went over until tho noxi term. COLLARS that comes Suit proper cloth iiooa na&es That aWell Dressed95 THE STORE WHERE YOU FEEL AT HONE Mrs. Young and daughter, of Hor shey aro visiting friends in town. tranncted. Unique styles and oxcellont qualities Honry Weil, of LoMoyne, Is visiting In town this week. W. J. O'Connor left yesterdny morn ing for Kearney to spond several days on business. The case of 1ho 55. S. Middy Co., of Now York, vs. H. I. Block, which came up In the county court yesterday Was continued. Hans Neilson, or Froid, Montana, and Potra Jepson, of Donmnrk, wore married yestordny afternoon by Coun ty Judge French. Frank Stroup, president of tho Payno Investment Co., of Omaha, for merly of this city, is spending a fow days in town on busnoss. Herbert B. Bristol and Helen E. Dean, of this city, wore grantod a marriage license yostenlny morning and were lator married by County Judge French. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Swnnson return ed to piolr home In Nelson last ev ening after vlsItlngMhls week wth their son A. B. Swanson, who Is ill with typhoid fever. Eugno Dolatour, of Oshkosh, la spending the week end in this city. I J. Thomas Dillon, of Arthur county.' Is nmong tho business visitors hero this week. . Tho Royal Neighbor social club will, meet with Mrs. Elmer Koontz, 520, west Third street, Tuesday afternoon. All members are urged to be present as business of importance will be nt the Prior Millinery. j Harry Huffman writes thnt he has' been olocted to play cornet in tho state, university band. This organization usually accompanies the foot ball team ' on its trips, thus giving tho members. tho benefit of a holiday In addition to the pleasure of playing on state oc casions. Messrs. Joder, Mann, Weir, Meyers, Esholman and Dowell, who were call ed to Norfolk Monday to testify In the. caso of Wm. Hurst vs. tho U. P. Co.,' for $50,000 damages, returned last ev- by n freight train at Chappoll. The case was dismissed. ; The City of Pola. Since tho Auslriniw made' the city of 'frSjXluelr chief base Yu'iS-lS they hiivtr neconipllshed wonders there. It Is claimed that with tho assistance of submarines and aircraft l'olu Is vir tually Impregnable. Its commodious hnybor, almost land locked, bus ifeon enlarged ho that it easily contains the enjiro Austrian "licet. It is divided Into two basins by a chain of small Islands. Tho entrance Is strongly defended, and an extensive system of fortifications on the hills inclosing tho harbor insures complete protection. There Is a good roadstead In the largo channel of Fasa ua, which separates tho nialnlaud from the Bilonlnn Islands. Tho marine ar senal of Pola Is a vast establishment with nil the requlsltos.for n largo fleet. Artillery laboratories and powder mag azines are situated on tho north shore, and behind tlio nrsenul is San Pollcar pn, with huge barracks and hospitals. --Argonaut n c tjfi ciressea m $iu to WdM INTERWOVEN HOSE risen SOUTH I'LATTi: MAY SVX (JAMB OP LKAHl'i: HALL "Pa" Hourke, manager and owner of tho Omaha ball team, is in town today for tho puropso of making arrange ments for a gamo of ball to bo played by the two all-s.tar teams that will tour the west. These, teams will play In Omaha, Lincoln, Columbus and Grand Island, and also North Platte If tho necessary arrangements can be made. The date of tho gamo for this city would be October 28th. The two touring teams are made up of the best league aiuK association players, and their games are therefore oxhlblttons of real ball playing. At the hour Tho Tribune wont to pross final and po'stlve arrangements for the gamo had not beoit completed, but at that time it was almost certain that the required guarantee would be forthcoming. Hold Mecllntr ut Sow Park, A county meeting of the Farmers' Ufllon wns hrld yesterday at tho new city park, faimers from Maxwell, Blg nojl, Hershey and Sutherland being present. A number of addresses wero made, those being Interspersed by se fqtions from tho O'Fallons male quar tette. Tho principal addross was made by Mr. Woods-, tho state organ ii4r. About one hundred farmers Svqre In attendance. Underwear. To lit tho infant or to tho largest size mane, tor men, women ami can dren, all Btyles, separate and union. ion will find fn our undorwear de partmonL the old scarlet wool. TUB LEADER. - Hoagland in Lincoln. 'The staff correspondent of the Omn ha Bee in writing from Lincoln un der dato of yesterday says: !' According to Senator Walter V. Hougland of North Platte, the corn in Lincoln county nnd tho country around that section will turn out a wonderful yield, the lnrgost in the history of the state. '"Senator Hoagland will not be a candidate for the republican nomina tion for lieutenant governor next year. He says he has all the business ho can attend to and docs not caro to pass it up to play second flddlo In tho Nebras ku state political orchestra. v "However, ho belloves chances for republican success in this stnto will bo exceedingly good. According to his way of looking nt It tho democrats avi) so split up that, they will not be nine to get together, on anything ex cept Wilson, and the republicans, vrc- senttng a united force will be able to clean the political platter and put tho stnje onco more in tho hands of nn administration which will mean much to tho stnto In a business way. "Tho senator was hero attendlngn session of the suprome court and while awaiting Ills turn, called at the office of Govornor Morchoad and paid his rospects to Private Secretary Mumford, in the absence of the gov ernor." For Salo ('heap. Tho two-story building back of tho McDbnnld clothing store. Seo Otton- stoln, or phono 258. 71tf Undertaker Maloney was called to Mexwell Tuesdny to prepnro tho body of the late John Harrigan for burial. Mr. Harrigan was an old settler of that vicinity and died at the ago of 72. Funoral services wero held yesterday morning. STETSON HATS eeii ng and made accord dictates oi style, ' m i b ilu i itn mm m w w $ WliTr I Si I MiuaiMMwaiciiaMmfi -mnmrnrnt wittttt. II I CFiTT CITY AND 'COUNTY NEWS Flsk Hats at tho Parlor Millinery. M. S. Robhnuson wont to Oshkosh yostorday morning to spond a couplo i 1 oi unys. Mrs. flnv flrancor Inft Tnnsilnv nf- tonmon for Coznd nnd Gothenburg to visit relatives. F. W. Rlnckor loft Wednesdny monlng for Keystone to spend scvoral days on buslnoss. Mrs. F. J. Doran will lonvo next wceok for Gretna to visit her sister for a week or longer. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Osborne nro preparing to lonvo In a fow dnys for thoir homestead In Colorado. Mrs. T. C. Chlstlnnson and son Clif ford will loavo today faf a visit with rolattVcs In Omaha and Gibbon. ' Walter Harmon of Ogalalla, county troasuror of Keith county, returned homo yeatcrdny aftor a short visit in town. Edward Shoup, of Maxwell, spent Wednesday In town with friends nnd attended tho Travel and Study Club picnic. Mrs. John Ell and baby and sister Miss Goodhnrt loft yesterday 'morning for Elkhorn to visit rolntlvos for a couplo of weeks. Miss Floronco Stack loft at noon yesterday for Omaha to visit Miss Hannah Kollhcr. Enrouto homo sho will visit in Lincoln and Columbus. Miss Ellen McCnrthy has changed her dressmaking apartments from tho rooms over tho Roxall drug store to rooms in tho First National bank balding. Remodeling of your own mnterlals at tho Parlor Millinery. Weather forecast for North Platto and vicinity: Showers tonight and Sat urday; not much chnngo In tempera ture. Highest temperaturo yesterday 78, a year ago 75; lowest last night CI, a year ago 39. Cin .1 dtaru ing mminery Mrgamsi Saturday, September 25th READ THESE SPECIAL PRICES Lyons' Velvet Sailors, Ostrich Pompon trim $2.50 Small Silk Velvet Turbans, neV shapes, fancy feather trim i'- $2.75 "Floppy" Hrim Velvet Hats, new tUcl bpnil trim $2.25 This is a shipment that just reached us, and above prices arc for ONE DAY ONLY. Writch our window difp'ay Saturdaj'. McVicker's Millinery g wrtrniH ,m fill H'llW'lf'Lfl'UJI'i'K'MOTWMr Lenrtliesx the q Your Machinery It has been proven that 75 per cent of the depreciation of farm machinery is due to weather exposure only 25 per. cent is due to wear and tear. This means that rust destroys your machin ery three times faster than use. You can't save your machines tj"'" " " ' 18 cucaper man paying lor nvw wu sr L i ,r 3 cliinery or new parts. Huild it now. fiV1 - iara 7tt Strum til., iinnncc iv fiminiit linn Txn m w&t to uh REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE ROOMS lESSa, I.O.O.F. BUILDING, ' NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Buildings Condemned J. K. Otenstcln rccolvcd official no tlflcatlo n yesterday that his two framo buildings in the rear of tho McDonald clothing storo hnd been condemned by tho stnto fire commissioner nnd that thoy must bo removed or torn down within a reasonable time. Mr. Ottonstcln will tear down the build ing occupied by the Chlneso laundry man, tho other ho offers for salo. Tho two-story building is ono of tho oldost in town nnd formerly occupied a slto on which the Ottcnsteln brick now stands. Moro children wear glasses these! days than ovor before; you seo them ovorywhoTp. But It isn't a sign (as many people suppose) that Micro are moro eye defects among children than there used to bo, it means that there is a bettor recognition of th o valuo of glasses than formerly C. S. CLIN TON Registered Optometrist. Announcements wore received In town this week of tho birth of a ten and quartor pound baby girl to Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Saunders at tho homo of Mrs. Sounder's parents In Donvor. Miss Virginia Wolfo entertained six toon guests nt a dinner party this nt tornoon in honor of her eleventh birth nntilvorsnry at tho W. C. McDcrmott homo. Tablo decorations wcrG sweet peas nnd ferns. Two Ileal Simps. Four room frame cottage, barn, out buildings, 2 lots, on south Walnut St. Prlco $1200.00. Terms $400 ensu balanco ?S.80 per month In B. & L. Six room cottnge, outbuildings, nlco corner lot with shndo trees, Bldowalk and electric lights, on south Elm St. Prlco $1800.00. Terms $G0O.uo casu nnd balnnco $13.20 per month In B. & L. I These aro real bargains, much loss than tho properties nro worth. Let ' us show thdm to you. I BUCHANAN Si PATTERSON. T 1 Life from tvtar, but you can save tlicm trom run, iiuiiu n sued, lvecp your machines in it wliun not in uc A machine shed is very simple to build. It doesn't cost much in fact, i. . i . i r - bcr, shingles, rooting, etc., nn'l ' be glail to help you. with the J.l. Let's talk it over. This puts j u under no obligations. Every Hpmo Should be Covered by u good FIro Insurnni'o l'ollcy, bo cniiso no body- knoivs how or wlien u lire 1h Koliif,' h oi'lulnnle, no matter how ciuel'iil lioiiseJiohlers themselves may be. It Is a niittter of goud busl iicsh jidlley anyway to hnvo your home and e heels fully insured against pos sible loss, and this Is our business. I slinll bo Kind to talk FIro Insurance wllli you, nnd can offer you some wry attractive propositions which It would pay you to consider.