The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 21, 1915, Image 8

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    Semi-Weeklv Tribune
Arthur Count- Brings Suit.
Suit was filed In the office of tho
supremo court Friday by Attorney
flflnoral Ueod against Judge GrlmoB
IHA L. ItAKE, Editor nnd Publisher, of the Thirteenth Judical district for
the purpose of compolllng tne juugo
One Year by Mall In Advance.... $1.2.1
to hold court In Arthur county,
When the last legislature changed
One Year by Carrier In Advance. .$U0 the Judicial districts of the wght n ami
iMIllll UIBlI lLlfl 11 HU3 JlUtu-HDill 117 111
Entered nt North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofflco as Second Class Matter.
Jericho Repented In Oinalia
Omaha, Sept. 19th. More than $10,
000 was raised at tho Hilly Sunday
meeting at the tabernacle this morn
ing. The men's meeting yielded an
additional $1,023 and the women's
meeting added $200 io this. The total
now aggregates $22,000. No more col
li etions will be taken until Friday.
Tho miracle of Jericho Is being re
peated In Omaha. Tho walls of the
citadels of sin In the Nebraska me
tropolis are crumbling to pieces under
the blasts of Hilly Sunday's trumpets.
l;nmlstakle evidences of ,the com
ing victory were given today when
speaking before two monster meet
ings Hie evangelist, by tho power of
his oratory and the eloquence and np
peal of his message, brought almost
every person to their feet eleven
thousand men nt one gathering and
twelve thousand men and women at
another; with a pledge and a promise
to live better lives and closer to Ood.
between thirty-five and forty thou
sand Omahans pushed and shoved
their Way Into tho Sunday meetings
today, four in number.
With an overflow meeting to hear
from, the harvest of trail-hitters for
tho Sabbath' totals 419. One lmndrod
and sixty came forward nt tho night
meeting. These figures by no means
measure the rcsponso to tho stirring
appeals of tho ovangollst. At least
elude in the bill all of the districts.
The clerk who copied .the bill took nn
old stntuto, which wns printed before
Arthur county wns organlze.d nnd
consequently when the bill wns passed
inat county wns left out. Tho terri
tory Embracing Arthur county has al
ways boen In tho Thirteenth district
ttnd the suit is one to make legal
he holding of tho tonus of court so
that Arlnur county may become a
pnrt of .l.r Thirteenth district.
Y. C. T. U. Coinenlion.
It Is always especially delightful to
be a guest when one knows cvory pos
sible effort has been mnde for one's
reception and entertainment.
No guest will ever receive greater
attention and preparations for com
fort, Pleasure, and bonoflt than aro
being mado for thoso who will be the
guests of tho Grand Island Woman's
Christian Temperance Union at the
state convention to bo held In that
city Sept. 21st to 24th.
The early gleanings of what Is be
ing prepared for delegates and
guests of tho convention Intensify
everyone's desire to be present. Dele
gates from North Plntto aro Mrs.
Maud Sawyer, Mrs. Roso Louden, Mrs.
Iielle Norrls and Mrs. Mlnnio Perkins.
Miss Lena Sensil spont Sunday with
her parents in Garfield.
W. P. Snyder spont tho week end
In Paxton on buslnoss.
Mrs. Glen Mann will entertain the
mombors of the J. F. F. club Friday
Rest for Jlumnnlty's Cure Orlflclul I C. S. Trovlllo,
Siirfforv with Ifomnmmtlilc Modi. Jonn mioru,
- C " - a
cine for Acuto and Chronic Disease.
Not a Hospital Hut a Homo
When North Platte Citizens Show n Nurso Brown Memorial Hospital
Thero is no reason why any reader. 1008 "West 4th St., North Platto, Neb.
of this who suffers tho tortures of an, jiargnrct Ifnll, Superintendent,
aching back, tho annoyance of urinary, ' .
disorders, tho pains and dangers or Miss Ycln I'lckurd, Graduato Nurse.
. , i . ,it. ..M . t . .. .i
Kiunuy iiih, win urn u iiuuu i n,. t q rPiviimtii
ifnnla of ti nnlehlmr who litis found ro- J-WJUUJII,
llof. Read what a North Platte cit
izen says:
Mrs. A. O. Wessborg, 708 west
Fourth St., North Platte, says: "I had
a dragging pain In my back and trou
blo witli my kidneys. A doctor diag
nosed my case as a floating kidney
and tho kidney secretions woro un
natural. An operation was advislcd,
but luckily I learned of Doan's Kid
ney Pills and procured a supply from
Mcnonoll & Graves' Drug Store, (now
Tho Roxall) nnd began using them.
A few days' use removed tho paina
and restored my kidneys to their
proper working ordor. Anothor of my
fjt!ii. life Mnce been troubled by
kldnoy complaint and ha8 had a world
of good from this remedy.
Price C0c at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney romcdy get
Doan's Kidney Pills tho same that
Mrs. Wessberg had. Foster-Mllburn
Co., Prop., Uuffnlo, N. Y.
Wo, tho undersigned, will prosecute
to the full extent of tho law any per
son caught hunting or trespassing on
our land or land controlled by us:
G. Phillips, C. If. Smith,
Geo. Starr. IJort Lllos,
A. E. Moore, A. W. Arnett,
G. H. Scharmann, T. A. Wison,
A. E. Ravis,
Tom Kelly,
II. W. Scharmann, V. H. Scharmann,
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Olllce: Building and Loan Building
.Phones f Residence 115
Mrs. Adam Sensil, of Garfield, camo
a fow dnys ago to visit her daughter
Miss Lena SoiibII for a week or more.
JOHN S. SDDIS, ar. I).,
Pliyslclmi nnd Surgeon
Office H. & L. Dulldlng, Second Floor.
Phone, Office, 83: Residence 3S.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Ofllco McDonald Statu Dank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phonos, Office 183, Rosldcnco 283
half tho men in the afternoon meeting
thrust up tliolr hands when they wore 1 afternoon.
asked If they desired to got closor to; ... ,
n.i Ti,.iiii,. n i,. Attorney W. E. Shuman loft yoster
night meeting shot to their feet whon, day afternoon for Lincoln to spend a
Sunday, standing almost erect uponi W,!UR u 1ub'" uuD...Dn.
his pulpit, trumpeted through his1 nov. Eishman of Omaha, delivered
hands the call of Savonarola to the nn impressive address at the Motho-
uniians io nciuiowicuge jesus jurist aisL church Sunday morning.
no tliolr lHnt nnil nnt'tnr I
Mrs. James Guymnn was called to
A Tnljrcdy of Political Life i Schuyler Sunday afternoon by tho sor-
V. !l. Thompson of Grand Island 1 10113 " 01 or momor.
! . b.en leading forlorn hopes In rur8: j0hn Vosoinka left Sunday
t.-, ..tate all his life. Whon nobody morning for Omnha and Lincoln to
e woum run ior omce in oruor to visit a woek with friends.
Keep the democratic party togetnor ho!
.1. 15. ItEDFIELl).
Successor to
Drs. Rcdllold & Redfleld
Ofllco Phone G42 Res. Phono G76
Hospital Phono Black 633.
House Phono Black 633.
Graduato Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterlnar
Ian. .Hospital 218 south Locust St.,
one-half block southwest of the
Court ilousfc.
was willing to make the sacrifice.
Now nrr office of great dignity nnd
libernl emolument appears to bo open
to him In the vacancy on tho fedoral
bench, but the department at Wneh
ngton finds that ho has passed the
ago limit for such appointmont.
Should this rulo hold, Mr,, Thompson's
caso will command much sympathy.
All political Ufa brings tragedy soon
er or lator, but rarely Is It more cruol
than it threatens to be in this partic
ular Instance. Stnto Joumul.
N. P. (ionernl Hospital Notes
Prof. M. M. Rcdonbnugh of tho high
school faculty, entered tno City Hos
pital for treatment yesterday.
Mrs. Wm. Ackcrman returned Sun
day evening fitai Lincoln whore she
visited rclntlvcs for two weeks.
John LoMasters loft yesterday after
noon for Denver to visit his son Ira
LeMacters and wife for a wcok.
Miss Ellon McCarthy returned Sun
day evening from a months visit In
Spauldlng and O'Neill with rolntlves.
MIbs Ilolon Waltemath, who wns op-
Mrs, H. Trimmer, who undorwont orated upon for appendicitis at tho
an operation Saturday, Is getting along City Hospital last week continues to
nicely. improve.
riu . I fr .. . P A T , . Hflllln rim.. . ,
,"f...V. Mr .and Mrs. John Tucker and chll-
V"."V-".r" i"""""",u,drm who havo boon visiting relatives
Z: Pnlnn.Vnahov. is 'tllkJ in Beatrice for two weeks are expected
lng treatment nt tho hospital. 1 1101,10 loUUJ'-
Mrs. Alphonso Plcnrd, who has been Miss Ruth Chossmoro or Tryon,
taking treatment for somo tlmo is Bubmlttted to nn operation at tho City
rapidly gaining strength. hospital thw week and, la getting
Misses Hunter and Erlnndor, rog- along nicely.
lilt? iii tlin hosnl .11 ' I Tllw Travo1 nna Stml' cluo woro
111 l, 1U ino IlOHpilUl. iil.mannHv nnnriilnnil lnat nvntil.wr nt
Miss Viola Knox has been cngngetl to ; ,. "'..p . Ar.T..A ......
take charge of some special casos this "V" ' u"
..Genera! Hospital..
Phone 58
723 Locust Street
A' modern institution for the
scientific treatmont of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. Rcdfield,M.D. J. S. Simms, M.D.
Miss Elise Sieman, Supt.
LiceiiHed KmbalinerH
Umlertnkcrs and Tuncral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 5S8.
. Joyablo program was given.
, ; , Rev. and Mrs. B. A. Cram, Mr. nnd
Frank Alonso. u Mexican, caused rt MrBi E. j Vanderhoof and Mr. and
disturbnnco on the pub lc stroets lri- MrB w 13 Sllirr Hont Sumlay ln
iiuv uvbu uk ? lon.auHB .i m.. otlienburg having mado tho trip by
and drawing a knlfo on hltn. IIo was'
Sio and costs ln tho poltco court Sal-1 Mrs. Frank Hoxlo and daughter Kcsidence tted O.iG
urday. Unable to pay he Is spdndlng Georgia, who had boon spending tho
the tlmo In Jail. ' j au'inmor on tho Keith county ranch,
. , ... . ,.i i, i returned to town the latter part of last
iluUHlluunu ui.ucii n.ia iidiuiu j vq- yg;i
terdav when Llnshltz. the Junk dcnl-i
or shinned out a carload of old tlroa.! Woingaud & Orton uro now throsh
the Hocond shipment ho has made In lng swoet clover seed on tholr leased
ninety days. These tires when new lands and expect nbout fifteen hun
c:oa the purchaser practically one dol- drod bushels. Tho ylold this year
lur a pound; ns old tires the 'market will avorago about tho samo ns last
price Is around four cuita n pound. season.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Ofllce 459
In the
Projects you agailinisS cleprecSa- JwtJm
g. Won and wear. It soeapss ffl
Ofllco phono 241. Res. phono 217
L . C . DROST, ,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
General Auctioneer
North Platto, Nebraska.
Stock and Farm Sates a Spocialty
A. O. Olson,
Frank Honeka,
S. C. Anderson,
Tom McConnell,
E. Jackson.
To Gootko LoDIoyt, owner of Lot 8,
IflUUft Id.
Tho owners of nronerty on tho west
side of Oak street, between 9tH nml 11th
Htreets are Hereby notlued that tho
Mayor and Council of the City of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, pass
ed nnd approved nn ordinance on the
isth day of June. 1913. ordering a side
walk adjoining their said premises, to
be constructed aH to lino and grndo, and
of permanent material, ns provided In
tho general ordinances of said city,
rcKUlatltiK the construction of side
walks ln said city.
uniesH said wane is constructed y
you along tlio onst sldo or said lot S,
block 46. owned by you, ln accordance
with alcl ordinance, on or before tho
7th day of October. 1916, the samo will
be constructed by said city and the
costs assessed upon tho snld lot own
ed by you adjoining which the samo
shall be constructed.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
To Margaret McGovern, owner of lots
1 and 2, block 85, North Platte, Nebr.
The owners of property on tho
south sldo of Eighth street between
Locust and Walnut streets, nro here
by notified that tho Mayor and Coun
cil of the City of North Platte, Lin
coln county, Nebraska, passed and
approved an ordinance on the ISth
day of June, 1913, ordering a side
walk adjoining their said premises, to
be constructed as to line nnd grado
and of permanent material, as pro
vided in the general ordinances of
said city, regulating the construction
of sidewalks In said city.
Unless said walk is constructed-by
you along the north side of said lots
land 2, block 85, owned by you in ac
cordance with said ordinances on or
before tho 19th day of October, 1915,
the snmo will be constructed by said
city and the costs assessed upon tho
said lots 'owned by you adjoining which
tno some shall be constructed.
(SEAL) city Clerk.
To George LeDloyt, owner of lots 1 and
i, UIOCK 47.
The owners of property on the south
side of 10th street between Oak and
Kim street are hereby notified that the
Mayor and Council of. the City of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, passed and approved an ordinance
on the 1Mb day of June. 1913, ordorlng
a sidewalk adjoining their said prem
ises, to be constructed as to lien and
grade and of permanent material, a
provided ln the goneral ordinances of
Buid city, regulating the construction
o f sidewalks ln said city.
Unlesssnld wnlk is constructed by
you along tho north side of lots 1 and
-'. block 4". owned by you, in accord
ance with said ordinances, on or be
fore the 7th day of October, 1916, the
samo will be constructed by said city,
and tho costs assessed upon tho said
lot owned by you and adjoining which
tho saino shall
bo constructed.
City Clerk.
Painter, Pnperhnnger and
Phono Black f70.
To George LoDIoyt, owner of lot 1,
The owners of property on the west
side of Elm street, between 7th and
10th streets, are hereby notified that
tho Mayor and Council of tho City of
.ortli I'latte. J.incom county, iveuras
ka, passed and approved an ordlnace
on the 18th day or June. 1913. order
ing a sidewalk adjoining their said
premises, to be constructed as to line
and grade, and of permanent material.
as provided in the general ordinances
ot sam city, regulating tne construc
tion of sidewalks ln said city.
Unless said walk Is constructed by
ou along the east side of said lot 1.
block 47. owned by you. ln accordance
with said ordinances, on or before the
th day or October. l'Jio. the same will
be constructed . by said city and the
costs assessed upon the said lot owned
by you ndjoining which the same shall
be constructed.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
County Court of
County, Nebraska.
In tho matter of tho Estate of Owen
T. Lytic, Deceased.
Notice ot Ilcnriuir
To tho creditors, heirs and all poi
sons Interested ln said estate
Notice Is hereby given that Nellie
Russell (lied her petition in this
court on the lGth day ot Sopt. 1915, iu
which she alleges that tho said Owen
r. Lytlo, deceased, departed this life,
Intestate, on tho 25th day of August,
1910 In Lincoln County, Nebraska be
ing nt the1 tlmo of his death, a rosl-
doiit of said county and state, and
seized of tho following described prop
erty, to-wlt: Tho South Half (Vj)
and tho South Half () of the North
Half (NV4) of Section twenty-six (26),
Township llfteon (1G), North of Range
thirty-two, (32), Wost of the 0th P.
M. Lincoln County, Nebraska, ln
which ho had an enultable interest
and oslnto of inheritance.
Mrs. Schuyler Heald, age 40 Real
donee Moore, Mont.; Mrs. Nellie Rub
Kfl, ago ttS, residence, North Platto,
Ncbr.; Mrs. Nola oung, age real
donee, Francltivs, Texas; Miss Ilia
Lvtle, ago 37, residence, Fort Km
math, Ore., Lostor Lytle, ago 21. rosl
dence, Valparlso, Nebr., oach Inher
ited an undivided one-lllth (1-5) inter
est in tho nbovo described real es
tate: that all of tho property herein
described was and Is wholly exempt
from attachment, oxocutlon or othr
mesne process and Is not llablo ; for
the payment of the debts ot the said
Owen T. Lytlo. Tlio prayor or sniu
petition Is that the court determine
the tlmo of tho denth of the sniu
Owen T. Lvtle. deceased, his heirs, tho
degree of kinship, anil the right ot
descant of tho real property above
described, and that all claims and
demands ngalnst said ostaie no ior
ever barred.
It Is thoroforo ordored that said po
tltlon will ho heard bsforo tho County
Court ln tho court houso In tho city
of North Plntto, Lincoln county, No
hrnskn. on tho 15th day of Octohor
1915. at 9 o'clock a. in., at which tlmo
all persons lntorosted in said oetato
may appear and snow cause, u any
why tho prayor of snld petition should
not ho granted.
Dated September, 15. 1915.
(Seal) GEO. B. FRENCH,
621-3 County Judge
Good Cigar
And a good cigar means one made
at the Schmalzrled factory. Our rep
utation as a maker o fgood cigars ln
North Platto extends back thirty years.
If wo did not make good cigars we
would havo been forced to close the
factory years ago. If you have not
been smoking Schmalzrlcd's Cigars it
Is not too late to begin.
To Estate of Catherine Glrklns, own
er or iOt &. DIOC1C t)4.
Tho owners' of property on the
east side of Chestnut street, between
7tn ana ltitn streets, are hereby noti
fied that the Mayor and Council of tho
City or North i'latte, Lincoln county,
fscurasKa. passed anu approved an or
dinance on tho ISth day of June. 1913
ordering a sidewalk adJotulnc their
said premises, to lie constructed as to
lino and crrade. and or permanent ma
tenai, as provided ln the general or
diances of said city, regulalng the con
struction of sidewalks ln said cltv.
Unless said walk Is constructed by
you along the west side or lot 5. block
owned ny you. in accordance wun
said ordinances on or before the 7th
day of October. 1915, the same will be
constructed by said city and the costs
assessed upon the said lot owned by
you adjoining which the same shall be
(SEAL) 1 City Clork
J. F, Schmalzried.
To Walter Hlnkley, owner of lot S
block 20, North Platte, Nebr.
The ownors of projarty on the
west sldo of "Willow street, between
12th and 11th streets, aro hereby no
tilled that the Mayor and Council of the
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nobrnska, passed and approved an
rdlnanco on the 18th day of June. 1913
ordering a sldowalk adjoining their
said premises, to bo constructed as to
lino and grade, and of permanent ma
terial, as provided ln tho general or
dlnnces of said city, regulating the
construction of sidewalks ln said city,
Unless snld walk is constructed by
you along tho cast sldo of lot s
block 20 owned by you, in accordance
with said ordinances, on or beforo tho
19th day or October, 1916, tho same
will be constructed by snld city and
tho cost assessed upon tho said lot
owned by you adjoining which tho
same ahal! be contracted.
(SEAL) City Clerk
To Minnie E. McGulre, owner of lot 1
The ownors of nronortv on tho wes
side of "Willow btreet, between 11th
and 12th streets, are hereby notified
tnat tno .Mayor ana council .ot tno uity
or North i'latte, Lincoln county, no
braska. passed nnd approved an ordl
ordering a sldowalk adjoining their said
promises, to oe constructed as to line
nnd crrade. and of permanent material
as provided in the general ordinances
or said citv. regulating tne construe
tlon of sidewalks in said cltv.
Unless snld walk Is constructed ny
vou alone the east side or lot 1. Uioci
o. owned uy you. in accordance witn
said ordinances, on or before the 7th
dav of October. 1915. tho samo will b
constructed by said city and the costs
assessed upon said lot owned uy you
adjoining which the same shall be
(SEAL) City Clerk.
Notice to Contractors
You aro herby notified that sealed
bids will be received by the director.
Leonard Laubner, of School District
No. 33 in Lincoln county, Nebraska, at
the office of Beelor & Crosby in North
Platte, Nebraska, up until 1 o clock p.
m. of the lGth day of October, 1915,
for tho erection and completion of a
four room brick and re-inforced con
crete school house nt O'Fallon, Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Such bids must be accompanied by
certified check In the sum of one hun
dred and fifty. 00.000 (150.00) dollars,
payable to Henry Fulk, treasurer of
School District No. 33, in Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, which will be forfeited if
the person to whom the contract ia
awarded fails to enter into the contract.
The school board reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Plans and specifications may be ex
amined at the office of Bert M. Rey
nolds, architect, North Platte, Nebraska.
Bids will be opened at tho office of
Beeler & Crosby, North Platte, Nebras
ka, at I o'clock p. m. of said day.
slttd Director.
To Dora V. VanDruff, owner of lot 5,
block 57. North Platte, Nebr.
The owners of property on tho
east sldo of Chestnut street, between
9th and 10th streets, are hereby no
tified that the Mayor and Council of
the City of North Platte, Lincoln coun
ty. Nebraska, passed and approved an
ordinance on the ISth day of June, 1913,
ordering a sidewalk adjoining their
said premises, to bo constructed as to
line and grade, and of permanent ma
terial, as provided in the general or
dinances of said city, regulalng tho
constri.ctlon of sidew.iiKS in said city.
Unless said walk Is constructed by
you along the west side of ald lot 5,
block 57, owned by you, in accordance
with said ordinances, on or before tho
19th day of October, 1915, the samo
will bo constructed by said city and
the costs assessed upon the said lot
owned by you adjoining which tho
same shall be constructed.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
Dep.irimcnt of the Interior
Serial A'o. 05J51S
U. S. Land Offce at North Platte, Neb.,
. August 5, 1915.
Notco Is hereby given that Syril H.
Edife, of North Platte, Nebraska, who,
on November 21, 1911, made Homestead
Entry No. 0531S, for Ei and E of
W'Vs Sections, Township 11 N Range
29 W.f Cth Principal Meridian, has ,
'lied notice of intention to make final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, beforo
the Register and Receiver at Nroth
Platte, Nebraska, on the 5th day of
October, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses: F. C.
Wheeler, of BIgnell. Nebr., "William
Holderness, of North Platte, Nebr.,
Jesse Hlghberger, of North Platte,
Nebr., Harry Stevens, of Bignell, Nebr.
alO-Gw J. E. EVANS. Register.
To Mlchnol C. Harrington owner of
Lot 1. Ulock 76.
The owners of property on the west
side of Oak stroet botween Sth and
10th streots, aro hereby notified tnnt tno
Mayor and Council of the City or rortn
Platte, Lincoln county. Nebraska, pass
ed and approved nn ordinance on the
ISth day of Juno, 1913 ordering a sldo
walk adjoining their said promises, to
be constructed ns to line and grade, and
of permanent material as provided in
tho general ordinances of said city,
rogulating tho construction of sido
walks ln said city.
UulesH said walk is constructed by
you along tho oast sldo of lot 1, block
7fi. owned liv vou. in accordance with
said ordinancos. on or before the 7th
day of October, 1918, tlio name will be
coimtructed by said city and the costs
assessed upon th said lot owned by
you adjoining which the same haii no
constructed. TEMPLE.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
Charles E. RIma. Hattte M. Rimn,
Ann Phillips. William L. Phillips, hus
band of Ann Phillips and R. B. Deu-
nls, defendants will tako notice that
on the 11th day of September, 1915,
In the County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty. Nebraska.
In tho matter of tho Estate of Nancy
Houk, Deceased.
To the Creditors, Heirs, and all Persons
interested In Said Estate:
Notice is hereby given, that John
Ilouk field his petition in this court
on tho 27th day of August, 1915 in
which he alleges that one Nancy Houk.
deceased.departed this life intestate on
tlio 20th day of Novomber. 190S. in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, and nt tho
time of her death was seined ln fee
simple of all of tho South half (S.)
of the Northwest quarter, (N. W. ).
nnd Lots three, (3). and four, (4), of
Section two (2), Township llfteon (Id),
North of Range thirty-trroo. (33).
AVest of. the sixth (6th). Principal
Meridian. Lincoln County, Nebraska,
said lands embracing one hundred nnd
slxtl (ICO) acres and eighty-eight ono
hundredths, (8S.100),- acres.
That the petitioner, John Honk,
nnd Linnlo Williams, brother and sis
ter, each Inherited an undivided one
half interest la the abovs described
real estate. The prayor of said petlt
tlon In that the court determine tho
tlmo of the denth of tlio said Nancy
Houk. decease-.!, hoi holri, tlio drgrco
of kinship, and ne rlrnt of descent f
the real property above described, and
that all claim. and demands, against
strfd cstato be fo.'over barred.
It is therefore ordered that the saM
petition will be nonvd before the Coun
ty Court of Lincoln County.Nel-raska,
In the Court houwj. In the city of North
Platte, In said tountv anl stat, ,t 9
o'clock A. M.. on the 39th day of Sp
tember, 1915, at whim time a" per
sons Interested in said estate may np
nenr nnd show eaane. I an" tlw rrt bo.
why the prayer of s.nd pottilon should
In the Matter of T. J. Bnldock & Son,
a co-partnership, and William M.
Bnldock, an individual membor
thereof, Bankrupts of the County
of Lincoln.
Case No. 11. In Bankruptcy. Volun
tary Potltlon.
Notice of Sale.
Notice is hereby givou that by vir
tue of an ordor of W. V. Iloaglnnd,
Reforoo In Bankruptcy, James T.
Keofo tho trustoo ln bankruptcy of
tho above named bankrupts, will sell
at public auotion to tho highest bid
der for duih, nil of tho stock of said
co-pnrtnershlp consisting of a stock
of groceries and fixtures. Said snlo
will be hold In tho storo room formor
ly occupied by said co-partnership in
tho City of North Plntto, Lincoln
county. Nobrnska, and will commence
at 2 o'clock in tho nftornoon of the
24th day of September, 1915.
GSt3 Reforee in Bankruptcy.
William E. Samnson filed ) ! petition
n tho district court of Lincoln county, I not he granted, and tnat tlu foregoing
, .... i..... ,.i.i ,ic,. tlio, notice be liuhllshed in the North I'latte
.Mm sku hxuii a imuu ";X Tribune, three sjesile vol:.s rrior
foreclose a certain mortgage executed
by the defendant Charles E. Rimaand
Hnttle M. Rimn to the plaintiff upon
the Northwest quarter of Section
Twenty-nine, Township Twelve,
Range Thirty-two ln Lincoln County,
Nobrnska, to securo tho payment of
one promissory note dated December
2G. 1911 for tho sum of $1,000.00;
that thero Is now due upon said note
and mortgage the sum of $1244.97 for
which sum with interest from the
2Gth dny of September, 1915, at 10 per
cent por annum plaintiff prays for a
decree, that the defendants be re
quired to pay tho same, and that said
premises be sold to satisfy the
amount due.
You nro renulred to answer said
potltlon on or beforo the 1st day of
November, 1915.
Dated September 20. 1915.
By Wilcox & Halligan, His Attorneys.
to said hearlntr.
Dated Aubgust 27. iSin.
(,EO. 1'. KKENi lI
s6-Sw Couuty.Iudge.
In the County Court of Lincoln Coun-
In' the Matter of the Estate of Abblo L.
Roblson, Deceased. . .
Notice 1b horeby given, That the cred
itors of the deceased will meet tho
Administrator of said estate, before
me. County Judge of Lincoln County.
Nebraska, at the County Court Room
in said county on tho Sth dny of Oo
tobor, 1915, and on the Sth day of
April. 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day
for the purposo of presenting their
iihn for examination, adjustment and
allowance. Six months are allowed
for creditors to present tholr claims
nnd one year for the Administrator to
settlo tho estnto, from tho 8th day of
October, 1915. This notice will be pub
lished ln the North Platto Tribune, a
legal soml-wcekly nowspaper. for four
weeks successively prior to tho Sth day
of Octobor 1915.
Witness- my hand afid seal of Said
court this 3d day of September. 1915.
((Seal ) aC-4 County Jubgo