THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. 3 Would Outlaw Canoes. Burning of tho canoes at Camp Tek akwltha la a good example. Tho uao of these extremely frail, unstable nnd thereforo dangerous cliaft should bo everywhero restricted to expert swim mers. Any others who go out In them risk their lives, since tho least In cautious movement Is likely to cause an upset oven when tho water Is quiet. Whllo canoes may still be used by thoso who are lilted and ready at any moment to swim ashore, It would bo better if thoy wore put out of uso al together. Thero Is always tho dan ger, as long as they are kept at hand, that boys who cannot swim may seize un opportunity to venture out In them. Thoy serve no purpose that is worth while. An expert may derive some pleasure from paddling a canoo about, but to persons who want to enjoy a ride upon tho water they offer neither necurlty nor comfort. Albany Journal. Tune Aids Mastication. Mr. JJeechnin has declared music at meals a nuisance. Such was not tho opinion of Michael Mail in "Under the Greenwood Tree." "Truly now," ho said, "thero Is a friendly tie of some sort between music and eating. 1 was once sitting in the little kitchen of the Threo Choughs at Casterbrldge, hav ing a bit of dinner, and n brass bund struck up in tho street. Such a beau tiful band as that werel I was sitting eating fried liver and lights 1 well can mind. Ah, 1 was! and to save my llfo I couldn't help chewing to tho tune. Band played slx-elght time; six eight chews 1 willy-nilly! Uand plays common; common time went my teeth among the fried liver and lights as true as a hulr. Beautiful 'twere. Ah, I shall never forget that there band!" London Chronicle. Women Life-Savers. Tho National Women's Life-Saylng league announces that with the open ing of the coming indoor season they will Inaugurate a new branch of work in tho form of a junior branch for girls under tho age of sixteen. No child will bo considered too young to learn the rudiments of swimming, and prac tically all of tho crack swimmers of tho league have promised their aid to Miss K. P. Mehrtens, Its president, in developing tho younger members. Now York Evening Post. The Latest. "You ought to see my new flat." "Any special features?" "Well, I should say. A folding stovo and a built-in piano.' Penntylvanla divorce laws are more lax than thoso of most eastern states, approaching oven those of some of tho western states in this respect. Kissing is dangerous; the result Is I Bometlmes a wedding. 1 At Less Cost There's more nutritive value that the system will absorb in Grape-Nuts than in either meat or bread. A remarkable fact. Weight for weight, a package of Grape-Nuts sup plies one-third more nourishment than a roast of beef and at about half the cost. A roast of beef is about twenty per cent waste and there is a shrinkage in cook ing. Grape-Nuts comes ready cooked and not a crumb need be wasted. Think it over! Then there's bread white bread lacks certain ele ments essential to building brain and body. Why? Because in milling white flour, four-fifths of the precious mineral content (all important for health and life) is thrown out with the brancoat of wheat, to make the flour look white and pretty. Graoe-Nuts not only supplies all the brain- and bone-building, nerve and muscle-making phosphates of the wheat, but all the rich nutriment of malted barley. Besides, Grape-Nuts is easily digested generally in about an hour white bread and beef require about 2 hours. Grape-Nuts comes in germ-proof, moisture-proof packages ready to serve with cream or milk a de licious ration, economical and highly nourishing. "There's a Reason" Sold by Grocers everywhere. FIGHTING AT SHORT RANGE Italian Soldiers Persist In Using the Rifle and Disregard "Useful ness" of Bayonet. Among tho Italian troops fighting in tho Isonza region nre thoso from Cor lea, Sardinia and the south of Italy. Those, when hand-to-hand lighting comes, throw nway their rllles with their bayonets, and drew their dag gers, assailing their man at closo bod ily quarters. They cannot bo tnught to uso tho knife or bayonet on tho rlllo; thoy want a knife In their hand and their hnnd on their onomy. Tho bid centuries-long uso of tho knife and Btlletto ennnot bo overcome And thlB doubtless Is an inheritance. The Romans fought all tholr wnrda hand-to-hand with knives or short swords. Tho infantry line which was tho main rollanco in all battles advanced and throw tho pllum, which wan a short, heavy spear, that at thirty paces went ltko a rlllo shot nnd small buttering ram combined. After this ono dis charge tho men drew their swords or knives and advnnccd to a bodily con test, shield against shield, with cut nnd thrust to decide. And tho Homans had a maxim that "tho nation that shortens its swords, lengthens Its boundaries." It has been noted In this year of war that there Is a return In many ways to old methods. Tho uso of hand grenades Is one Illustration, making real tho old term grenadiers who woro originally foot soldiers who throw grenades. The French now give preforenco to tho bayonet as the deciding factor In an assault, after the cannonade and rlllo fire. Tho Ger mans prefer the rltle. Now wo have these Italians going farther back to tho hand knife of whatever kind. In our own army a new bayonet like the Phlllpplno bolo has been adopted, In stead of tlfo present sword bayonet. It makes an all-round knlfo for many purposes and can he used llkd tho South American machete for cutting nnd hewing In domestic requlroroonta as well as for warfare. European News. "Got tho paper, my dear?" "Yes." "Well, what's tho Jtusslan news from Timbuctoo and the German news from Tokyo?" Louisville Courier Journal. The Summing Up. "Which nations do you think are going to win in tho war?" "Well, as to that, I think they all have a lighting chance." There are over 300 female black smlthsin England. Some men are like umbrellas; they have so many ups and downs. 5v FOOD little insect known as leopard moth Destroys many trees in new England This Pest, Which rtes Recently Has Long Been Known as Kinds of Trees (Dy V niUTTON.) Many of tho aagnlllcont elms that havo stood as landmarks on tho streets In Now England cities for over a century nro dying with little out ward apparent causo. And not only nro tho veterans being dostroyed, but trees of all ages suffer whero appar ently receiving sufficient food and moisture. Dead branches mny bo seen in numbers, standing abovu tho leafy masses in tho treo tops. Each storm brings down many branches, nnd" If tho broken ends nro oxamlned, ono will notlco that Just underneath tho bark tho branch has been girdled. This Is tho work of an Insect that has only recently reached this country, but which has already proved Itself a very serious Insect onemy of shade trees tho leopard moth. Slnco tho larvae bores largely In tho sapwood and cambrlum, tho dam ngo done by It Is unusually sovoro, tho work of ono Insect often being Leopard Moth Just Emerged Adult Moth Larvae In Burrow. sufficient to kill a small tree. Remain ing In tho wood during tho greater part of Its life, it is rarely seen by tho casual observer, and for the samo reason no general and convenient methods of controlling it aro available, as in tho caso of lusocts which eat tho foliage. It does not confine itself to cIiub, but is a very general feeder, being found to somo extent on nearly all decidu ous trees and larger shrubs. It also attacks tho cherry, apple, pear and plum trees in England, and has been known to kill young walnut trees. The adult moths appear during a period extending from Muy to Sep tember. Tho male is much tho small er, and flics with ease, being attracted by tho electric lights. Tho femalo files 'very Httlo, preferring if possible, to lay eggs on tho samo treo whero she emerged from tho pupa. For this reason, high trees, isolated, and 100 feet or more away from others in jured by tho leopard moth, may re main uulnfcsted for years, whllo con tinuous rows of trees with branches touching are soon infested throughout. Tho eggs aro inserted in croviccs in tho bark, beneath platos of bark, ono to several in a place, usually in the higher branches of tho tree. They may also be laid on the trunks of small trees. Tho larvao do not enter tho branch at tho place whero they hatch, hut crawl somo distance to tho smaller twigs. Euch femalo may do posit from 400 to 800 eggs. As tho leopard moth Is a pest chlolly of cities and towns, it Is thought that certain birdB, especially woodpeckers, assist in checking it, especially in tho country districts. Tho habits of tho moths in flying about electric lights would lead ono to expect thnt many of them would bo eaten by bats and Broken Branch Girdled by Leopard Moths. night flying birds. It in also heliovca that sparrows sometimes teed upon tho eggs or young larvao. Ono writer, however, states that tho leopard moth Is a serious pest only whero tho Eng lish sparrow has driven away tho nativo birds. No other explanation can bo given of tho Bcarclty of tho leopard moth in tho country, adjacent to lnfeatcd towns, except tho presence of insectivorous birds. While travel ing from ono branch of tho treo to an other, a habit of this Insect, It Is ex posed to tho attacks of birds. Many girdled branches in full leaf aro broken off by storms. Nearly all ot these contain tho caterpillar which Made Its Appearance in America, Borer Into Trunks of Various All Over Europe. has done tho girdling, and tho branch soon wilts nnd dies. Though most of the larvao desert tho branch within two or threo days after It falls, Insects In shrunken und dying condition havo been found in tho branches, showing that thoy cannot sustain llfo on tho dead wood. It la also evident that very few of thoso which leavo tho branch aro ablo to again llnd nnd climb a largo treo. Tho nowly hntched larvao aro great climbers. A number woro placed at tho baso of a fresh lilac bush and soon commence to climb. On renchlng tho twigs, they wcro at onco takon on, and again placed at tho baso, whon thoy would Immediately commonco climbing again. In this way four of thoso making tho greatest progress had in four hours traveled distances varying from 25 to 80 foot. Other ex periments showed thnt somo nowly hatched larvao woro ablo to crawl from GO to 100 feet on tho ground, through grnss nnd rubbish, whllo others would protect thomsolves by spinning together small particles of sticks and dirt. In vlow of tho protected llfo led by this Insect, treatment Is especially dif ficult. Tunneling under tho bark dur ing tho greater part of Its llfo, It is not affected by arsenical or contact sprays. Tho protracted period during which It may appear as a moth hin ders effectlvo action against tho adult. Isolated trees, recently Infested, and small trees with smooth bark, can be saved by a thorough Inspection two or three times a year, followed by tho ro moval of infested branches und tho destruction of larvao found, olthor by tho injection of carbon disulphido (blsulphldo) into their burrows or tho insertion of a hooked wire to draw them out. Largo trees badly Infested should bo cut down at onco. Many peoplo aro avorso to having trees ro moved from In front of their property until thoy aro very far gone, but stern measures nro necessary In provontlng the spread of tho dlsoaso. Tho moths aro attracted by tho electric lights, and great numbers of them could bo secured in tho flying season by having men collect them. This method of chock Is of immonso Appearance of Galleries In Large Branches. value, as it is much easier to prevent cggB being laid than to find tho larvao, which would othcrwlso hatch. MOST VALUABLE AS GARDEN FERTILIZER Save Every Ounce of Hen Ma nure and Put Where It Will Do Most Good. Hen manure Is ono of tho most val uable fertilizing materials on tho farm. This statement is mado by Charles II. Chesloy, in writing to a farm journal. In many cases, how ever, It is handled the most careless ly. Every ounce Bhould bo saved and j put where It will do tho most good. 1 1 uso considerable dried muck as an I nbsorbent to scntter on tho droppings boardB in tho hen housos for the pur ; poso of retaining tho liquids; also ' every bit of litter Is cleaned out In tho spring and used in tho compost heap. j Hen manure is a valuablo aid to tho j gardener, but it is rather too strong . to uso directly in contact with seeds i or young plants. For cabhago, cauli flower and othor deep-rooted vegeta bles It is a good plan to spread n lib oral quantity on tho sod and plow It in. This may bo done any tlmo dur ing the fall and winter. Whntover of tho elomonts may leach out during the winter sink directly Into tho soil to ho found and appropriated by the plants next summor. r If a strawberry patch Is to bo set or a new garden spot taken up, this method Is advisable as tending to In troduco olements Into tho soil that will remain for several yeara. On tho dairy farm, whero' there Is a consid erable amount of hen mnnuro to be used, it Is drawn directly from tho houses nnd spread upon tho sod.elthor on land to bo plowed tho next year or frequently scattnred simply as a top dressing. Perhaps thlB is ono of tho most economical ways of using tho j product. I It requires but little work to collect tho manuro ovory day or every other day, as tho caso may bo, put It Into , a cart and haul It out for spreading when full. Every ounce ot fertiliz ing material goes into the soil with out waste. His Trouble. A stenographer was out of n Job. Ho was discussing tho host ways nnd means of rehabilitating his ebbing bank roll with a frlond who also was listed among tho unemployed. Said tho friend: "If I woro you I'd wrlto a letter for monoy." "I havo already dono bo," replied tho stcnog. "For how much?" "Oh, threo thousand d6llars." "Well?" repeated tho shorthand man sndly, "tho lettor asking for tho threo thousnud dollars is nil ready to mall, but I'll bo darned If I can think ot anybody to mall It to." Efficient One. "Can you tell mo tho quickest wny to got up In tho world?" "Suro I can. Pat a mulo on tho hind leg." Birch veneer Is being sought In Canada by London manufacturers ot ton chests. Lots of girls put on airs, oven tho air of lunocenco. Don't Poison Baby. FORTY YEARS AGO almost ovory mother thought her child munt har PAREGORIC or laudanum to mnko it Bloon. These drugs will produco Bleep, and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produco tho SLEEP FROM "WHICII THERE IS NO WAKING. Many aro tho children who havo boon killed or whoso health has been ruined for llfo by paregoric, lauda num and morphlno, each of which ia a narcotto product of opium. Drugpdsta nro prohibited from Belling cither of tho narcotics named to cliildrcn. at all, or to anybody without labelling thorn poison." Tho definition of "narcotio" ia : "A medicine tihich relieves pain and produces sleep, but which tn poison ous doses produces stujyor, coma, convulsions and death." Tho taato and smell of medtcinea containing opium aro disguised, nnd sold under tho namoa of " Drops," " Cordials," " Soothing Syrupa," oto. You should not permit any modlcino to bo given to your children without you or your physician know or what it 18 composoa. uaaiumv uuno nut CONTAIN NARCOTICS, if it boara tho signaturo of Chas. 11. Fletcher. Gonulno Castorla always hoars tho PLAN TO EXCHANGE IDEAS Conferences Are to Be Held to Dis cuss the Best Means of Fighting Tuberculosis Plague. How to munition and carry on tho war against tuberculosis during tho coming year will bo discussed at sec tional conferences on this subject be ing called by tho National Associa tion for tho Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, In Indianapolis, Ind.; El Paso, Tex.; Columbia, S. C; Spring flcltl, Mass., and Albany, N. Y. Tho IndlanapollB meeting, to bo held Septembor 29th, 30th and Octobor 1st. will be known as tho Mississippi Val ley Tuberculosis Couforonco aud will take in tho states of Ohio, Indiana, IlllnolB, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ken tucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Mon tana, Wyoming nnd Colorado. At El Paso tho Southwestern health conference will meet September 27th to October 1st and will discuss not only tuborculosls, but other health subjects. This conference Includes Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Ari zona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado. Covering Cream Cans. A groat part of tho valuo ot keeping croam cool on tho farm and at tho station or Creamery is lost If tho cream is oxposed to tho direct rnys of tho sun whllo being hauled from the farm to tho point of sale. Far too few people stop to rcallzo tho Impor tance of covering tholr cream cans when bringing them In to town. Ex ponslvo Jacketed cans aro not a nec essity to keep tho cream cool. In summor weather just an ordinary pleco of wet burlap thrown over tho cans will keep tho tomporaturo of tho croam as much as 20 degroos below what it would rise to if left uncovered whllo bolng transported over tho av erago hauling distance, In tho United States last year 10, 175 now books woro published, nnd then- woro 1,833 new editions of old works. 10c Worth of W V 1X1. ICCII IIJ X VV is the time to Not Free. "The ocean should bo free to every body." "Il'm," replied tho man who always differs; "evidently you never went bathing from a seashore summer hotol." Everything comes moro quickly to thoso who refuso to wait. Too many pnoplo aro. llko clder they become sour with age. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 20 YEARS IN OMAHA Home treatment for Gum Diseases. Painless Dentistry; work guaranteed 10 years; Filling, Crowns, Bridge. work and Plates that stay where 1 put them. Send for Booklet on Unusual Dentistry It's free. Railroad fare (or 50 miles allowed. Crowns from $2.50 up. 921-22 Woodman of Woild Bide., Offlihl. Nib. FIXED IT IN HER MEMORY Ingenious Method by Which Lawrence Hutton Cured Waitress of 'ler Forgetfulness. Tho lato Lawronco Hutton used to say thnt having to tnko a Httlo trou bio would impress a fact on anyono'a memory so that ho would never bo ablo to forgot IL In Illustration ho would tell this story: "Our waitress, Maggie, could never remember to put tho snlt on tho table, and tlmo after tlmo Mrs. ' utton would remind her to do Jt. Ono morning It was absent, as usual, nnd I said, 'Mag gie whero Ib tho stepladdor?' "'It's In the pantry, sir.' " 'Plenso bring it In, Maggie,' I said, kindly. "Maggie brought It in with a look of wonder on her fnco. '"Put It right bcsldo tho tablo,' I commanded; and when Bhe had dono so I added, 'Now, 1 want you to climb up to tho top of It, look all over tho table and boo If thore Is any salt there.' "Magglo never forgot tho salt again." Youth's Companion. yrjCyt- m signature of Wty JC6Ccu4, Lights Outl Sergeant Now, thon, how many timos do you chaps want tolling to put that light out? Volco from Tont It ain't a light, sergeant; It's tho moon. Sergeant I don't caro a tlnkor'a clank, blnah what It la; put It outl" London Opinion. Always proud to show white clothes. Red Cross Hall Blue does make them white. All grocers. Adv. Tho moro .monoy a man haB the moro ho disllkcB to waste any of It paying taxes. When all others fail to ploass Try Denlson's Coffee. It's no ubo in trying to convince a mulo that ho is stubborn. Ho who 1b nblo to hold Ills tongue can sidetrack a lot of trouble. Vienna Sausage and Sliced Dried Beef Both contain less heat producing properties than heavy meats. Try them for summer luncheons and picnic tidbits. Libby, M9Neill & Libby Chicago Intitt on Libby's t your grocer's W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 38-1915. Ul Lll til L.H11U r Ml M KVt Kl Get rid of the stumps and grow K&jVlTs big crops on cleared land. Now W&SjWl clean ud vour farm while products bring high prices. Blasting ia quickest, cheapest and easiest with Low Freez ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold weather. Write for Free Handbook of Explotives No. 69F. and namu ot nearest dealey DU PONT POWDER COMPANY WILMINGTON DELAWARE Nebraska Directory If aftk 8 A and nuppllci. Lartreit IWJPLJAsX house ill the west. All ElUICIIlUn Kastinau Roods. Wepajrre- 1 IB I O II I n U turn pontage ou llnfaUlnif. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1013 Farnam Street Eaitman Kodak Ce. Omaha, Neb. Good Serum Will niL.fl.. Save Your Hfgs 1 .1111 OF :From VIIV1UI 0ie U. 8. Oar, Licensed He mm. Pborm. wire. wrIU or call od OMAHA BlCltUM COAllANY,!iath O Kti., tj.Oumlia.Nsb., rhouo Booth S8SB