The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 21, 1915, Image 5

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    DR. 0. Ii. CRESSLER,
5 wadaate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Dank.
J. A. Wolf, of riicyctin", cntne down
S'u: rday t tako charge or tin Amer
lcnn express office during tho absence
i f E. H. mvki.
Mrs. Leonard Dick, who has been
Will Visit Eastern Cities.
F. L. Moonoy who left on nn eastern
trip tho latter part of last week, will
bo absent five or six weeks, and will
visit In Chicago, Detroit, Clovoland,
Mrs. Charles Adams left Saturday
afternoon for Omaha to tako medical
Misses Jessie and Helen Baker
wont to Julosburg Saturday afternoon
to visit friends.
All Wool Dresses, newest fnll styles
In all sliades and sizes at $4.9S at
Mrs. L. C. Sawyer who has been vis
iting in Laramie for ten days, is ex
peoted to return today.
Arthur Owens left Saturday even
lug for cities n Iowa to spend two
weeks with relatives.
Miss Isabelle Stafford, who is teach
ing hi the local schools spent Sunday
with relatives in Paxton
Albert Smith of Miamsburg, Ohio,
came Saturday evening to visit his
aunt, Mrs. Georgo Tokulve.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy McOovern, of
Brady, are visiting at tho Marti and
Donelson homes this week
Now Fall Silk Poplin Dresses, In
all the leading shades, made up to tho
minute' at ?4.7o at BLOCK'S.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Listen, of
Dickens, visited friends in town last
week and returned home Saturday.
Steve Baldwin leit Saturday niorii-'.ig-
'in Town ti spend a couple of
weeks looking after his farm Interests.
"Jack Straffer and Harold Pulluim,
of Brady came, up Friday to attend
tlio dance at tho Lloyd that evening.
Mr and Mrs. James Hopkins who
visited the Shaner family in Gothen
burg last week have returned home,
,:W. S. Wood and Robert Campbell, of
Wallace, were among the business vis
itors in town the latter part of last
visiting relatives In Cleveland, Ohio. ""aio, cw iorn, uosion, rninuioi
nn.i xti,,. onon ita nvnoflto.i Dhia and Washington, spending sev
tn ratrn ,m,,n tn,inv oral days In each of those cities. This
I IB Ills IHSl visil uiiai ui iiui;ut,u nun uu
airs, uaymonu .Miner anti cnutiren w n see ns much of the far east as
of Horsiiey, spent tlio latter part or his time will permit,
last week with the former's sister.
Mrs. 0. W. Slzemrc. Corn Is Doing Well.
This hot. sunshiny weather Is rap
- . . . I I j 1 1 n t hI w m flirt rrr-t nnt 11 T 11-
can Express Co., left Saturday for "''"& v.w,. ... -
k'nntm Plfw on. I M.l.rn i.nlnta L'OIIl COUIlty, niltl BVOry !!' WOU
lo snpml hU vnrntlnn tieiueu ears are ueuig urougui in uy
illinium lib huuiiuus.
Charles Walters, F. C. Pielstlckor, if kllllnc frost is delayed until aftor
Nell Turple and Artliur Plimftner the first week in October Lincoln
transacted business In Wallace tho county' corn crop will bo tho largest
latter part of last week. over grown. SomG one has said that
Pnmnl.oll ' nf tha Mnvwnll H We do 110t have frost Until tlltt
schools, transacted business at tlio Present moon Is full-wlilch will bo
county superintendent's office the lat- ri'" dH J1" escape frost- or
tor tinrt nf inut weak. uiuitauoi.
l.r piirt Ol 1.1BI tOK. I ,, i, ,lni. ,.nW nt Mill
1 IHUIC 11 UU II1U hi lilUUl WIS
A. O. Auams, ot uanuy, came last com cron will mature
weeK to visit ins uaugnier.irs. l. j.
Selby while enroute to Washington runners nro Some! linos Luck v.
iu siiuim eoiva. , ,-. m, ,,. Mnrrnw Flats
Boys' and Girls' new Fall all wool who was In the district covered by the
Chinchilla Coats, lined throughout nt hall about the nrst or July, settled
$2.9S. Can you beat that? At Block's with tho insurance company on tho
of course. basis of a forty per cent loss on his
... wheat. Ho has just completed thresh-
-"'"i " 1 : .:. : ing the wheat from the fields and finds
ilia Inttnr'a 'iiUtar Mrs IJnltih mltll tl,G "Verage to be forty bushels to tllO
the latter s sister, Mrs. Ralph Smith Providing ho had not aufforod
for ten days, Will return homo Wed- . f . np t 1nas t, vlo,..
nesday. I .,.n.i,i i.nv linnn nvnr slvtv-Rlx bll-
Mr .and Mrs. J. B. Meyers, of Om- shols to the acre but perhaps tho
aha, return home last evening after wheat showed wonderful recuperation
spendng several days In town. Mrs. after the hall loss was adjusted
Movers Is a cousin of Mrs. Russoll
Fowles. (.'nssncr-Doughly.
aii wvnn sniiivnn. nf Rrndv. vis- Miss Clara Gassncr and Glenn Dou-
ua At to Atnirni1 7rit7Tntr!oU nst RIUY were quiuuv iimrriuu at uiu m
wPfk while enroute f. Tryou to take E. Parsonage Wednesday evening by
up her duties as teacher in the Uov. E. J. Hayes. Miss Helen, a sls
,,ic ter of the groom and Mrs. Hayos act-
oiiuuio. . I . ..... mi
eu as wiiiiesses. iiiej uujuuicu uiu
Encineer Joseph Murphy is con-
enmn oronlnt nn Nn. 4 for n. short
fined to the house with a broken ankle ii0neymoon but will return and make
which he sustained while at work on chappell their future homo. Mrs.
the branch road tho latter part of the rj0UEi,ty imS lived In this vicinity for
last week. , several vears. tho lust few years being
At n iTo,mc inft Kntitrrinv mnrnlntr sneiit at Nortii Platte, Nebr. Mr. uou
for Excelsor Springs, Mo., to spend ghty has lived hero for the past six
several weeks taking treatment. En- years anu ims matte many - irjei us
route home he will visit the Fikes wno uie negismr joins n "B
family In St. Louis.
tt n T.niv rntnrnpil tho latter nart
I of last week frm Omajia whero he
Dr. Bush, of Sumner, who was the; accompanied his wife recently. Mrs.
guest of J. B. Hemphill last week, Lilly will remain there for some time
left Friday evening tor uig worn and tako eye treatments.
Basin. j Mr. ana jirs. Homer Frisch, of Mt,
pinvri niMiPann ims rptnrnptl from ' PulasKl. ill., viio liau ueen isuiiik
the young couple best wishes. Chap
pell Register.
.x.wt. I e .U f..n-.. flninlll u inrn nol m tit
JIIC SICUgU-llIllllllIlT Mil.
W. T. Wilcox's second epistle1 on
tho North Platto depot advocates the
sledge-hammer way no further dllly
dallying about tho matter. Servo no
Hnr nn flin Tlnlnn Pnflflf! nfflnlnls tn
Table, Neb., where he visited relatives1 the latter's uncle, Albert mu moon nnu get bugy ou a new uepot aml if they
and has resumed work at the Tramp .wife for several weens, m fall so to do' by the first of noxt
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. La'whead re
here a few days ago and has accepted' turned Sunday evening from an ex
Wm. Goldsmith, of Omaha, arrived
March, file a complaint with the stato
railway commission.
Tlin Tribune has no objections to
n in n n ii nnu nciiiniNii in iikii niitiiiv ut ciitiih iwn
bw ..v wwwj... , . i 1 tl.t 0Ui1n.hnmmnf wnv IP H ia i pnnv
n nnniirr no ID flT TllO IIP IKV i l I I'll V 1 ?"l 1 I. Ill llljlilllVli vinmi i -J '
u v - ' K"i 7i.-; ot0rn niio wiih rfilattvna ed best. It will support any move
I in (TV uiiu uliivi Lun .. ...... - . ,
. nnri Trinnns. i w. ..... j "
Mrs. Fred Dick and daughterMIsr
Anna who spent several weeks In
cities of Idaho, returned.home at noon
Mrs. J. B. Louden who has been
with a fishing party in Laramie for
acouplo of weeks, will return home
this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dlener will
leave in a few days for South Dakta
where they will make their home on
a homestead.
Miss Madge Flynn entertained six
teen young friends Friday evening at
th home of her sister Mrs. Ray Sny
der. The evening was pleasantly
spent in games and a two course
lunch was served.
.Lester Langford ent
, ,-' Cff boosting citizen starts toward secur
tertalncd thir- ,if Mniiim-'a .
ieeu4ooK,irHimiB-ui umuci i-i.uajf quest that tho depot bo dropped
eninganThipnorof hislfourtoen. birth- u terniinnl improvements were
day. Tho guests spentfa very enjoy
able evening.
Donald Brln of Dallas, Texas, camu
last week t visit hi- cousins Jul'us
Pizer and Roland Brln for a few daya.
Ho way ui'-oninrnicd by his fnm
Abe Bullman, also of Dallas.
Co. Sunt. Gantt spent laslt weel
visiting schools in different parts f
was uranted: we aro not unfair to Mr.
Mohlcr in demanding Hint the much
needed building be erected at tho
earliest possible date.
20.000 Bushels of Apples.
Wo snent an hour at the Glenburnio
fruit farm north of Sutherland sun
day afternoon and in conversation
i,n nnntv nn.i Amis pvprvthliiir satis- with Mr. Hunter learned that tho crop
factory and tho prospects aro lor apt appies tins year win uu mo iiuaviunt
,r, cnnoQcfiii vpnr slip win attend I tho orchard has ever produced, rho
several days this week compleStiug the total yield this season will be about
investlcatlon of conditions anu accom- iwuiuy muuauuu mio.iu.D. u.. ...u..j
mo iruus mo iiijyiua iiiu.b ... Clus
ters al'mst like grapes and the
branches of tho trees ar bended to tho
ground by tho weight of tho fruit. The
summer and fall apples nave ueen
picked and sold, and tho picking of
tho winter varieties win negin mis
week. Tho crop of tho Grimes Golden
Is very heavy and they are very unl
form" in size.
The Glenburnio fruit farm Is one of
tho "show places" of this section of
tho state and a trip to tho farm Is
well worth while.
We are in a position to furnish competent nurses for physicians, on
short notice.
Call Phone S2 and state whether you want graduate or domestic nurso
and we will complete all the arrangements for you without charge.
Newly Furnished
This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment of Surg
ical, Medical and unsieincai cases.
A Strictly modern Hospital for the convenience of the physicians of
North Platte and country tributary thereto.
Skirls! Skirts!
Any style, any color, any size, at
most any price you may want to uuy
you are sure to find It at BLOCK b.
Two Real Snaps.
Four room frame cottage, barn, out
buihlincs. 2 lots, on soutli Walnut St
Prico S1200.00. Terms . $400 cash
balanco S8.80 per month in B. & L,
Six room cottage, outbuildings, nice
corner lot with shade trees, sidewalk
and electric lights, on south Elm St.
Prico $1800.00. Terms $000.00 cash
and balance $13.20 per month in B. &
Theso are real bargains, much less
than tho properties aro worth. Lat
us show them to you.
STiiKl!.BicuCoinNYra 5?
: ' :
j "She's always well dressed"
HOW pleasant it is to have your friends
admire your clothes. It is one of the
highest compliments that can be paid you.
It means unstinted approval of your good taste
in choosinir stvles and colors that arc fashionable,
that are becoming. It certainly means admira
tion for your choice of garments and your knowl
edge of what is truly. worth while in dress.
Many women arc frequently complimented on the Rood
fit, tho smart stylo and becomintrness of their suits. You,
too, will have the same experience, when you wear
Wooltex tailored suits
If you are already a wearer of Wooltex tailored carmcnts,
wc know you'll be clad to see tho new fall styles. If you
have never worn Wooltex, you cannot cct acquainted too
soon for tho sake of your own pleasure and satisfaction.
There is so much charm and grace in every Wooltex
tailored suit or coat, whether it be for the svelte figure, for one
tending to stoutness, or for the young lady just approaching
womanhood. Each type has been studied out, and for
each type appropriate designs have been created.
We have suits at $z5 to $65
Coats at $16.50 to $45
Skirts at $5 to $15
4 ft I
4 v
m iVv V
ft J V
Now Seml.Norfolk
IKtkliome moJtl (or mlwM n.l
N younf women. Jacket h belt all
P around anl craduitnl trclion, on
C Ifont, wlJfnlng toward lower eilse.
Aiwury cuuiri pmioj iMru
Women who wenr Wooltex
garments arc always well dressed,
because the styles arc correct
without the transient extreme fea
tures; because Wooltex garments
are made of pure wool, pre-slirunk
fabrics; because every garment
is as carefully tailored as a custom-tailor
could make it.
Choose yout Wooltex coat or
suit now this week while the
styles are newest and the wearing
of them is most enjoyable. Have
a garment that will retain its first
"new" beauty throughout the
whole season or for two seasons,
if you choose. Wooltex tailored
garments assure you such service.
Wilcox Department Store.
The Store That Sells Wooltex
The Human Mind.
What is the mind?
In "Tho New Psychology," by Her
bert L. Wilbur, tho author declares it
to bo tho sum total of all the Impres
sions wo get and says tlio sum total
ia constantly Increasing. This, ho con-
The Episcopal guild will meet
Thursday afternoon In tlio church
Furnished rooms for rent In modorn
house. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, 412 east
Third street. G8-2
Herman Erb loft Saturday ctvonlng
dudes elnlns tho ftaet that all men r Calornla to spend several weeks
aro of a different sb.o mentally-the atml 10 poBltlon.
. 1. b..nw .nnr.. ttnm Tlio Luthornu aid society will meet
" C' ,, :""-nc September 28th with Mrs. P. C. Jack
- - - lson, nssisted by Mrs. Albert Haspei
men kuow uiuiu The Nevll(l clul) wn mcot Tliursdny
over kiiow an,. afternoon with Mrs. Elmer Uurke, in
Herein, too, is -where men lm o tlio 8tend Qf tomorrow na previously an
advantage or women men uiuvhik nounCed
nbout in tho world outside, wiiero tne
sum total Is greatest women staying
more on tho Inside, in the house; but,
as above, some women know more than
some men. The salvation ofinll of us
Is to hike to the right place.
Doon Bowker left yesterday for
Nortltport to spend a fow dnys.
Miss Amy Hodges, who had boon cm
ployed in Dr. Rcdflold's offico during
tho summer, will leave tlls week to
teach in tho Horshey vicinity.
r. J. diknri: & CO.
Real Estate and Insurance
Coma and sco ub for town lots in
different parts of tho city. Good ln
vestmonts on easy torms. Houses for
salo and rent. Wo have also good bar
gains In farniB and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowpv St.. utibialra.
The First National Bank-
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
The cun of happiness would bo filled
for a hundred or more North Platto
'men could tliey so nrrango matters
as to Insure nttendnnco at tlif world s
series ball games. If thoro aro any
towns more strongly inoculated with
tho base ball bug, wo haven't heard
of them.
The Sarah Robekah lodgo celebrated
the sixty-fourth anniversary of its es
tablishment in an appropriate man
ner Friday evening. An onjoyablo
program of music and readings was
given and refreshments served.- Miss
es Hoaglnnd and Derryborry assisted
In serving.
GeoTKO Fowler hns recolved tho con
tract for a now house 30 by 30 on the
Ceoreo Single ranch southwest of
town and left yesterday to begin work.
A new barn 48 by 48 feet will also be
J. M. Harker left a fow days ago
for tho Panama exposition to spend
several weeks, and will visit in Wash
ington before returning.
Wc wrllo Iho best Insurance of nil
kinds life, lire, etc.
A baby boy weighing ton pounds
was horn Sunday evening to Mr. and
I Mrs. Ell Hansen. All concerned aro
doing nicelv,
False Alarm.
The poverty' stricken artist gnawed
at his hint crust of bread.
A thump resounded on tho door.
With a cry of Joy lio sprang to his
'TIs opportunity knoeking.'Mio said
and opened the door.
"If you don't pay me that $7 for back
rent out you go!" thundered 1H3 innti-
Life Is full of one tiling after anoth
er nfter nil. Philadelphia Ledgor.
A Straight Vote.
Tlio secret of tlio ballot Is some
times too good to keep. "George,"
Fold tlio squire, "did you vote straight.
js 1 told you'" "Sure. Ol did, scpiolro.
It said on th' paper to put a X. but Ol
molnded as how yo said 'vont straight.'
and Ol put tin straight through tin's
nnnme." London Spectator.
It is false economy to buy any but
high-grade, anti-skid tires.
You can know true tire-saving only by using
"Daughter. I saw you last night."
"Yes. inn,"
"A'lmt induced you to give that
young man n kiss?"
"Well, ho had listened to my Hinging
patiently for nn hour." Louisville Cou
G & J
! Boars For Sale
1 Pure bred Duroc-Jorsey ipring hoars
your choico at $25.00 each.
Language of Flowers.
Nod Do you believe in tho Inngungo
of dowers? Ted-To be sure. Tho last
onus I sent -Miss Charmer tell me I'll
imvn tn do without smoking for a
month. Town Topics.
An Expert Opinion.
Tlio Single One I'm looking for nn
Ideal husband.
The Married One - Thoro ain't no
such iinluinl.-yonUei'H Statesman.
Come in, telephone, or write us for tho price
on this famous, loner mileage, real anti-skid tire.
You will be surprised to find how little you
will have to pay for G & J "Chain Treud" Tires of
the size you use.
J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. North Platte, Neb
c "
p r : ii l