The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 21, 1915, Image 1

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No. 70
Tlio Luthoran ladies will hold nn
exchango at the Dorryborry & Forbes
storo Saturday.
Sirs. Chas. T. Wholan lof t last night
for Omaha whero she will visit with
friends this -weok.
W. V. Hoagland wont to Lincoln
last night, where- ho will argue a case
In tho supremo court.
Carl Ilolman goes to Lincoln today
for tho purpose of arguing h case In
thjj state supremo court.
For Sale Hard and soft coal heat
ers. Inquire of,Mr3. Jamos Hart.
Buy your bakery goods at tho Luth
oran oxdhango .at tho Derryberry &
Forbes storo next Saturday.
Girls' Dresses in nil tho hew Fall
Styles, in worsteds, all wool serges and
corduroys, from 98c up at BLOCK'S.
BIIbs Floronce hidings will leave
Friday for Byrn Mawr to attend col
lege. Cy Fox and family, of Garfield, were
among the out-of-town peoplo wlio
visited here last week.
Miss Floronce Louden, of Staploton,
camo Saturday to spend the winter
with relatives and attend school.
It will pay you to invstlgato tho
stylos at tho Parlor Milllnory boforo
buying clsowhoro, ns the quality Is
the best and tho prico the lowest.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Congdon nnd baby
of Chicago, who havo been visiting
tho foimor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
C. Congdon, loft today.
Mrs. James Flynn left tho latter
part of last week for hor homestead
near Oshkosh after visiting her family
For Rent House, inquire 115 west
Second or phono 722. 70-4
Dr. B. B. Baker, of Lexington, now I Boy Mnrovish, of Sutherland, was in
president of a life Insurance company, j Itown last weok visiting his sister
lias been spending several days in Mrs. A. J. Frazior and while bore pur-
town, chased a new Overland car.
Mrs. A ,B. Hongland loft last night
for a visit with relatives in St. Louis,
stopping enrouto in Omaha for a fow
days to visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tagador, of Or
leans, camo a few days ago to visit
tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Tagader.
For Ttont FurnlBheil rooms for
housekeeping. Mrs. church, 414 west
Third street. OStf
C. S. Stewart left Saturday for Ore
gon where he will accept a position
as draftsman for tho Canadian Min
ing Co.
Bread, cakes, cookies, doughnuts
and other good eatables at the Luth
eran exchange next Saturday at the
Derryberry & Forbes store.
For Rent 14 room rooming house
opposite freight depot; partly furnish
ed; modern except heat. Phone black
160 or call at 51 G east Fith street. 70-3
J. J. McCarthy assumed tho duties
of postmaster at Ogalalla, yesterday
morning. Thus an old dtmocratic
wheel horse has been given his re
ward. BLOCK is doing It all right; doing
what?" The Ready to Wear business
of the town. You wonder why? Be
cause ho has the stuff at the price
Annette Kellerman will bo seen this
evening in "Neptune's " Daughter" at
the Keith. This is a weird, wild and
wonderful spectacle, presented in sev
en parts. The admission wil bo 20c
and 10c.
For Rent Second house west of the
postoffice. Inquire at 122 west, Fifth
street. 70-1
At the request of the Jewish people
of Grand Island, Julius Pizer wont to
that city Saturday and officiated at the
Atonement Day services. A hall was
rented for the purpose and a large
number of Jews were present.
The city council held a special
meeting Monday evening and canvass
ed the returns of tho election held
Tuesday of last week. The vote was
tho same as published In these col
umns Friday.
II. J. Runner, living near Hershoy,
is in town today enroute homo from
South Omaha, whore ho marketed cat
tle. Ho says ho struck a bad market,
17,000 head being in the yards when
business opened and more coming ev
ery hour.
We have u few choice lirst niorl
irjiRe loans In sums of $300.00 and up
wards, netting the Investor 7 nnd
S interest. These mortgages are
made on a conservative Imsis and made
by good parlies. Sco ns If you havo
If you want to soo a crowded store
with a Jolly crowd of enthusiastic
shoppers, Just drop in most any af
tornoon nt BLOCK'S.
Miss Kathorino Cooney, of Overton,
who wns tho guest of Mrs. E. W.
Cross, left Saturday for Hershoy to
teach in tho rural schools of that vi
cinity. Mrs. Catherine Cronm o Cheyenue,
formerlv of this- city who was the
guest of Mr .and Mrs. Fred Oulmette
last week, left Saturday afternoon for
Owing to tho large increase In bus
iness Mr. Block has engaged Mrs. Har
ry Moore to assist Mrf Keltner-To-miske
in the alteration department of
tho Block store.
Minor Hinman goes to Hastings this
week to purchase a number of Over
land and Chalmers cars. He hopes
to secure one of tho now Overland sixes
for demonstrating purposes.
Money to loan on real estate.
Harry Pizer and Leslie Bare, who
left last week for the Wcntworth mil
itary academy, write that they aro
highly pleased with tho condi
tions. There aro about 150 boys en
rolled. If something is wrong with your, you ought to find out about- it
right away. Neglect Is the worst kind
of folly. Taken In time tho ordinary
errors of vision are easy to correct,
neglected they steadily grow worse.
O.-.SOLINTON, Registered Optomet
rist. '
( ,
Walter Adams, Jr., of Omaha, son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Adams, of
this city, came Saturday to visit his
parents for a fow days. Walter Jr. is
a female Impersonator and has been
giving entertainments at the "Don" In
Omaha during tho summer. Ho has
received an offer from a New York
company for next season.
Everything In Fall Merchandise to
suit your every want at the right
Mica TUni.nm TVTpMlnlinnI pntnrtnlned
.ItlO A T 1 1. ' . v ...v-.p..." - -
eight girl friends nt an announcement
dinner last evening at live ociock. me
tnhip wns tastefully decorated with
irnnion flnwprs and the color scheme
mno rnrrlpil nut in each course. After
I the dinner tho young ladles enjoyed
un mitn rfiiA niifi intnr ntxenueu a mea-
trc party. Miss McMlcheal will be
married to John Mann of Sidney on
October Gth.
iTniinni 7 mom house. A nrcttv
home with shade. Close in. At right
price and on easy terms.
Lady Attendant
Corns Removed without any
pain and permanently
210 West 4th St.
Phone Black 376.
lionrd Asks for New Ilulldlng. I
By a unanimous vote tho Board of
Education at a speciRl meeting held
last evening decided to submit a
proposition to vote sixty thousand dol
lars for a Junior high school building
This election will be held on December
While rfinlte phvn cf the building
lme nt 1 .vn prepared, tho general
plan la to erect a building on the north
line of the present high school
grounds that will be 05x190 foot threo
stories high. Tho basement, the floor
of which will be practically level with
tho ground, will contain rooms for
manual training, domestic science and
lucludo six shower baths for thoio
who angnge In athletic or gymnasium
work. On the first floor there will bi
twelve school rooms, and ou the sec
ond or top floor there wil be four
school rooms nnd an auditorium
C5.S8 feet, with bnlcony, the whole to
havo a seating capacity of about 1,000.
This auditorium will also ho used as a
The rooms will be used to accommo
date the pupils of the seventh and
eighth grades In the ward schools thus
relieving the congested conditions
there that now exists, and to relievo
the crowded condition of the present
high school building the ninth grado
will be transferred to tho new binding.
While the proposed now building
may be somewhat larger than at pres
ent needed, tho board believes that tho
mistakes of the past should not bo re
peated, namely, that each school build
ing erected has been too small they
wore erected for present needs and
not for tho future.
Had we erected a SGO.OOO high school
building instead of one costing $30,
000, and erected ward buildings cost
ing $40,000 each Instead of $20,000
each, we would have shown better
Judgment than we then exercised.
However, to remedy our past lack of
Judgment the proposed buidlng must
bo erected. We are face to face with
a necessity a prooiem or greater
school accommodations, and we must
solve the problem like men without
unnecessary delay.
Special on lied Spreads
For Thursday, Friday and Satur
day, and it's a sure special, too.
The SI quality for 79c
The ?4 excellent values, cut corner saU'
The $1.50 special quality $1.19
Tho $2 cut corner special ....$1.59
The $4 ercellent values ,cut corner sat
in spread $3.19
The $B satin spread, extra values, also
ortra'.slze, for this sale. .... .$4.19
Come aiid see these real values.
Every Home
Should be Covered
by a good Fir Insurance Policy, he.
cause no body knous how or when
u lire is going to originate, no matter
how careful householders Ihenisolves
limy he. II is a matter of good busi
ness policy any AMiy to have your home
and effects fully Insured ugainst pos
sible loss, mid this Is our business. I
shall bo glad to talk Fire Insurance
villi) J on, mid can offer you some
very attractive propositions which it
would pay you to consider.
Remodeling of your own materials a
specialty at the Parlor Millinery.
Ray Tighe returned yesterday from
Denver where he spent several days.
Miss Edna Elliott has returned
from Omaha and resumed work ns
bookkeeper at the Hub.
Mrs. Harry Kelly returned yester
day afternoon from Omaha whore she
visited relatives.
Mrs. Bert Culton, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Brodbeck, will return to hor homo at
Melro3e this week.
Tho Presbyterian aid society will
hold an indoor picnic in the basement
of the church Thursday evening for
the members of the church.
Wm. J. Sellers of Wellileet and Miss
Marie Bartmess of Wallace wore
granted a permit to wed Saturday af
Tho third annual tournament of the
Buffalo Bill Gun Club oponed this
morning and will bo held today and
Mrs. Magnolia Duko has returned
from a months visit in DesMolnes
and other clios of Iowa, whore she
was the guest of friends.
Tho bans of marriago for Wm. Wolsh
of this city and Misg Marie Flahlne, of
Louisvile, Ay woro announced for
the lirst time at St. Patrick's church
Sunday morning. The woddiug wi'i
iimc ue lanoi juw u ui una
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity. Partly cloudy and
waiisiPi tonight. Probably unsettled
weather rnu warmer Wednesday
Highest temperature yesterday 02, a
year ago bi.; lowest last night 3S, a
year ago 4o.
The ''rst of a series if parties to h
ghen by .Mrs. James Hart nnd Mrs
.Wm. Jlawlcy was. 1 eld at tho horn -i
tho latter yesterday nfternoon. Forty-
t'vo were entertained at n ken
slngtou and served with delicious re
freshments. Roquets of flowers wen
arranged throughout the living room:.
Assisting in serving were Mrs. L. V.
Jensen, Mrs. A. Liddell and Misses Ida
Otensteln and Blanche Fonda. Out
of town guests were Mrs. George
White and Mrs. Clarence Tollefsen, of
Sutherland. A number of ladles will
be otnertainc-d this afternoon at cards
it tho l.u'vley home.
Now Ready for Your
The Leader takes pleasure in announc
ing that its splendid stock of Ladies'
Ready-to-wear Garments, including
Dresses, Suits, Coats and Skirts is now on
exhibition in its entirety, and a cordial
invitation is extended the ladies of North
Platte and surrounding section to call,
examine the garments and learn prices.
The Leader is confident that no store
in western Nebraska can make the show
ing in Ladies' Garments that it is making
this fall. Not only is the stock exception
ally large, but the models are of the latest
designs, the fabrics the best and the
prices are wondrously low.
For years The Leader has been furnish
ing the ladies of this section of the state
with garments; the customers of twenty
years ago are still patronizing the store,
and this is accepted as evidence that our
style and prices are always right.
It will bo a pleasure for The Leaders1
clerks to show you through the Ready-to
-wear Department, feeling assured that
they can satisfy your every want.
An early call is solicted.
Toe Leader,
We give Green Trading Stamps away
with all cash purchases.
The SiK'dlsh Congregation
Mission meeting will bo held by tho
Kearney district of the Nebraska Con
ference Wedntsday evening at eight
o'clock at the Advent church.
Reverends Carlson and Ellman, of
Bertram will preach.
We Invite the Scnndunnvian speaking
people of North Platte to pnrtako with
Note. It is our sincere Intention to
estnblish a Swedish church In North
Platte. The Augustana Synod Is too
actlvo all over tho country to lot op
portunity go by, where it po given, not
to build up churches In communities
In which thoro aro Swedes. Wo do
not Intend to build up a church by
robbing our brethern of other church
es, but it Is nn established fact that
the Swedes, like othor people, possess
tho free will of deciding in which
language they deslro to hear and
practice their roliglon, and tho English
speaking element ought to 'respect it.
Honco perflations to tho contrary
works disastrous and poople so united
as tho English Lutheran with the
Swedish Lutheran, both doctrinal and
ecclesiastical ought to Join heart and
hand, und it is my opinion that tho di
versity of tongues is to its nntiiro In
significant and inforlor in viow of the
great purpose of all Luthoran church
Horshey, Nebraska, Sept. 20, 1915.
Rifle Range Scores Yesterday.
range. Quito n largo crowd was at tho
rungo from 7:30 a, m. until C o'clock;
at night. Tho weather was lino for tho
shoot and tho club was enthusiastic
ovor tho success of its first big Hold
day and promlso to hold Uko events
often. Tho scores aro as follows:
500 yds. COO yds. Rapid Fire
7 7
Mrs. Emily Coates has oponed her
benuty parlors ovor tho First National
Bank. Hair Dressing, soft w liter
shampoo, scalp treatment, facial
mnssago, and manicuring. All work
guaranteed to be satisfactory. Resi
dence phono Black 140; office CO.
.Notice For Rids.
Sealed bids will bo rocelvod until
October 21st for the salo of tho two
buildlugB known ns the old church
nnd resldenco on lots 7 and S, block
135, The committee reserves tho right
to reject any or nil bldB.
Chairman of Building Committee,
Home choice residences, building
lots, farms, ranches and unimproved
land nt what they are worth, on easy
payment. Sec
To Automobile (Miners.
The following 1b a list of automo
biles that are not equipped with tall
lamps: Nos. 10033, 98G5, 34083, 0709,
19336, 36258, 46451, C7847, 7403, 3945.
The law Is that all motor cars must
be equipped with one or more white
lights on front end nnd a red light
visible on rear end of enr, und that
light must bo exhibited during tho
period from one hour after sunset to
una hour before sunrise; also thoro
are a number of cars that do not
show license number on rear end, as
required by law; also there aro a num
ber ot cars that have no ilconso num
ber, nnd tlioy are subject to a fine.
Now if you aro held up on tho streets
in regard to lights or numbers, Just
bear in mind that you are a violator
of the law. From now on you will bo
called to oxplalu.
Chlof of Pollco.
Tho following aro tho scores made
by tho dlceront members of th'o, North
Plntto Rlflo Club at tho rlllp rango
Monday, September 20th. Ucrgstroni
scoring high mark at tho 300 yard
range, Dr. oKrr at tho 500 yard and
Tiloy at tho COO yard and rapid llro
Nnmo 300 yards
A. E. Brown 0
R. I). Blrgo
J. E. Brooks
Ilorbort Borstrom 37
R. E. Biggs
B. E. Davis 27
Ray Wolborno 35
J. V. Romlgh, Gothonburg ....
W. D. Esholman 12
E. 0. Garrison 20
Julius lloga .'. 13
T. J. Korr ....;...,
Rod Murdoch
C. W. Likes
John Lincoln '. 1
1?. E. Moody ,...' 29 '
Johu OoHtroioh 22 "
Leonard Robinson '
f. s. Russoii ; '
C. Scharmonn ., ...10
E. C. Stevonson, Gothonburg..
K. M. Sturtovnnt 31
A. W. Shilling
W. J. Tiloy
L. I. Tuckor 17 3 f
Leonnrd Robinson, Rango Officor.
The following scoros were made at tho 300 yard rango:
A. F. Hammond 19 F. C. MoMlchoal 10
R. W. Adams 23 E. II. Kendall 29
N. C. Donegnn 22 T. A. Gllbort 24
c arOTinLfr,
James Elliott Is transacting busi
ness in Brady this week.
Mrs. Ira Weidman loft this morning
for Des Moinos to spoud a couplo of
w eks.
For Rent.
Five room liouso. Call 722.
the Cora Crop
This means more than getting your equip
ment in first class condition for field use. How
about your buildings?
Are the corn cribs and granaries in shape to take care
of the crop? Make additions and repairs
now, so that the work of harvest time
Will not be interrupted.
And it's a good time to plan your
other fall construction work whether you
plan any new buildings or just a few odd
jobs ol repair.
You can count on us for good
lumber, shingles, roofing, etc., for all
this work,