Semi-Weeklv Tribune IRA L. HAKE, Editor nnd 1'ubllslier. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Ono Year by Mall In Advance.... $1.2. One Ycnr by Carrier In Adrnnce. .$1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, PostoIIlco as Second Class Matter. I'JUIIAY, SEPTEJIBER 17th, 1015. We Are Glad. Scvon)clock!tomorrow morning wjll mark thirty-four years slnco the edi tor of Tho Tribune- emerged from a car (a box car filled with coal) and tet his foot on North llatto soli. In that period of tlmo many events have occurred to gladcn his soul, but few, If any, warmed tho "cockles bt his heart'' moro than did the remit of Tuesday's oloctlon. To him there Is no town on the faco of the oartn that compares with North Platti-; to him there are no people so dear as those of North Platte; to him one of t'.xi mil pleasures of life Is to nyfclat, feeble though his efforts mny h In Mr thoring any moe that will redound to tho material Wilfnto of the town and the comfort and hupyincsa of its residents not only in It a pleasure, but It Is a duty that hi' as well as all other cltUniB owe to th lowmvn ity. Tho dr am of long yt rs ego which at times seemed Utopian that North Platto, by reason of its geograph ical location nnd its cnyirouni'tnts, would eventually bocotaio a gem city tho real commercial center of wostorn Nebraska, an empire 250 miles east and west and 195 miles north and Bouth, promises now to bo fulfilled. North Platto Has Awakened. It is a truthful maxim that a town Is just what Its peoplo mako it, nnd In Tuesdnys'a election moro than two thirds of those who cast their ballots wont on record ns favoring a hotter town, a blggor town, a town possessed of more conveniences and moro com forts. In thus holplng ourselves to these good things wo plnco ourselves In a position that attracts tho atten tion of thoso outside who admire a progressive town and following this admiration comes the desire to come here and bo one of us. More thnn th: , th display of this spirit of pro lan is cit tiio part of our peoplo is i.;i incenli-. i for local moil of capital to mako Investments In additional buildings both for homes and for bus iness purposes. It Is a source of congratulation to ''all that iNorth Pintle Has Struck Iter (Salt. Thanks Citizens for their Support. In behalf of-tho North Platte Cham her of Coinm,erco I wish to thank tho voters and citizens in general for their loyal support of the paving nnd park propositions, as well as their approval of tho Hghl contract which will enable tho city ndmlnstrntlon to give the peoplo bettor light service This Is a great movement forward for North. Platto. In tho first plnco wo havo forever shown that tho city is not composed of a majority of knoo'Jtors, and that the majority of our city whon It Is shown thnt they favor boosting propositions that better our city whon It is shown that they aro an nctual betterment. Tho Cham ber of Commerce worked fof ttieso propositions arid h0ostdd 'them bo- causo thoy believed arid are llrm lir their opinion that they do hotter tho city, and make It a bettor place to live In. They aro not going to stop now. but aro going to keop on Investigating on the different classes aud grades of pavement, aud assist tho mayor and city council In getting tho best for tholr money. Wo are going to assist in tlovoloplng the now park as woll as tho ono In tho east end of town, and ninko tliam beauty spots of the valley, Anothor great forward movemont that wo havo accomplished by yestor day's election Is the bringing togethor of tho north and tho south, I am not referring to tho Civil war, hut to thnt part of town north of tho track and that part south of the track. There has been times In the past that a proposition coming up for public opinion was condemed becauso It was to bo a bonoilt for tho peoplo north of. tho track, or becauso It was to ho a benefit to tho peoplo south of tho track and not for any othor reason, This cortalnly should not bo tho case, however, 1 ogreo with tho peoplo north of tho traok that I think nt- times they had a ronson to feol hurt However, I havo not boon able to soo how it could bo helped up to tho prcHout, that is with tho purchase of this park. Now wo can hold tho most or our entertalnmontfl in this park which will bring lust as many peoplo to mo north part of town as It will to the .south, and as a result there can be no hard feelings. In tho voto Tuesday it showed that thoro was hnrmony. Tho people on tho north sldo voted for paving nlimwt as strong as they did for the park and tho people on tho south side voted for tho pnrk Juat ue strong as they did for tho pave&unt. Let It be forevor this way. Lot. Us forgot that tho Union Pa cltlc divides the town, and let us just think whether a thing is good for North Platte or not, and It It Is, lots got togethor nnd boost It regardloss of whero it is located, provided It Is lo cnted for tho general public a good I with to thank tho cltlzons again for their loyal support Tuesday, and say personally that I lmvo novor boon happlor than 1 am at tho result of tho election. C. V. TEMPLE, Seerotary. North Platto General Hospital Notes, At a mooting of tho hoard of dl rectors this week It was doclded to open and mnlutaln a traiulng school for nursos. Ltcturos and Instructions will ho Klvon dnllv. Mrs. "Willis Wood entered tho ltos pltal Wednosday for surgical treat ment. Mrs. Martin Fodorhoof, Who undor wont a sorlous oporatliyi last week Is improving. Mrs, Lumbnrd of Sutherland, wns operated upon this weok nnd is doing nicely. Miss Mario Llnberg, a trained nurso of Gothenburg, assisted in the hospital during tho rocent rush. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Neva Armstrong has returned from a visit with friends In Suther land. Adrian Plzor, of 'Oealalla, Is spend ing a few days visiting Mr .and Mrs. Juluis Plzor. Miss Betty Hlnman returned Tues day aftornoon from a short visit in Grand Island. Miss B. Nlckerson who has visited In Kearney for sevoral weks, ro- turned Tuesday. Dr. Lathan roturnod Tuesday ovon- Ing from Lincoln nnd Omaha where he spent a month. Arthur Bullnrd returned a few days ago from Minneapolis whoro he spent a ween o i business. .losoph Wilson has roturnod from Lincoln whero he attended the stato fair and visited friends. Charles Tomlskn of the North Platte Produce company is spending this week in Omaha on business. Mrs. Frank Hatch Is expected home tomorow for Lawrence, Kan where ho has been visiting her mother. Maat'cc Lannlng lft-a few day3 ngo for Lexington to visit tho homo lolliB for a week or ieig.' Mrs. John Baker of Melrose, enmo Wednesday to visit her daughters, Misses Helen and Jessie Baker. Mrs. John Vomon rf'uriud Wednes day from Illinois whero dhe a nit evual weeks 'visit'n relatives. Wm. Norrls, n state university stu dent who spoilt tho summor at homo, loft for Lincoln Wednosday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hammer who havo been visiting in Omaha for somo time, are expected to return today. Frank Hahler came down from Sid ney Tuesday afternoon to visit with tho homo folks for a weok or more. Mrs. Jako Mang returned Tuesday aftornoon from Chicago whero alio spent sovoral weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Fenton who were married hero the flrBt of this week, left for Ogalalla Tuesday even ing. Dr. and Mrs. Butts of Chicago, ar rived a lev dajs aro RU1 aro guests of tic formers mother Mis. .Jolc-'i White. Hoy Bunnell nnd a party of flvo Grand Island men returned Wednes- lay from a successful hunt lu Logan county. Mrs. Catherine Cronln, of Cheyenne, formerly or this city, camo Wednos day to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oulmette. A baby girl of regulation weight was bom tho -first of ihls wo-jk to. Mr, and Mrs.- Charles Giimmero who ltvo north of town. , Mrs. Joseph iWeoks of Grand Island? formerly'of this city, has been visiting hor.sons nobort nnd Edward Weeks for a week past. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edls, of Los Angeles, formerly of this city who had been visiting their son Levi Edls for two weeks" left Wednesday morning for Clilcago to visit relatives for a fprtulght. r. j. mi-jxER & co.. Heal Estute nnd Insurance Come and soo m for town lots, in .UN A . A J. . ' uuiuruiii puns oi me cuy. uoou in vestments on easy terms. Houses lor Bale and rent. We have also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front aud Dewey Sta.. upstairs. oitniXAM'i: no. to. An ordinance nrorldlnir for (in. ! u'cuon nnii disposal of nil garbage nnd refuse In the City of North i nine; rrovidiug lor the Instnlla lion oi recentacles fur snnh mr, bage and refuse; nnd regulating the iie increoi nun providing n penal. Be It ordnlned bv thp Mb iuy (.ouucii or tho City of North i'laite: Section 1. That all irnrhnim nml fuse found In tho City of North Platto shall hereinafter bo collected and dis posed of by nnd at tho oxponso or said City. Section 2. Tlint said cnlnntlnir nn.i disposing of said garbage and refuse shall bo under tho supervision, nnd at uiu mruciion oc tne street Commission er and ho shnll have authority over It oecuon a. it is hereby made un lawful for any porson, firm or cor poration to deposit nnv enrhn art nr rn, fuse within tho City of North Platto except as In the within ordinance pro vlded, or to permit any such garbago iu HIM.11111UUU0 or no doposltod upon nrnnorf v .nn.,..i.i trolled by any person, llrm or cornnr ation within said City and it ahull im and it Is horoby mado tho duty of every i--oun, mm corporation witiun the minis or tne City of North Platto, to provido and maintain a suitable gar bage can or recentaclo. Said rer-on. tacle shall havo a tight ilttlng cover and bo so constructed that It Is wnter and nlr tight nnd shnll bo approved by the Street Commissioner. St'ctlon 4. Said reoeptucle shall be Kicaieu in a convonlont place of onsy accesM for tho mil-nose nf linlnir mi. loaded or dumped and shall be. tho only receptacle or place whoro garbage or utilise- snail no deposited. Section 5. Any porson, llrm or cor poration who bhnll roniovo. tin over tump or niolost In any manner Fald receptacles, or In any way Intortiro with the duties of tho Stront rvn- nilBsIoner under this ordlnunco, or who shall violate any of tho provis ions of Sections 3 and 4 of this or dinance, shall be doomed guilty of a lnlsdomounor and shall unon a run- vletlon 'thereof, bo fined In any sum not exceeding Ono Hundred Dollars and stand committed until said lino and costs are paid. Section C This ordinance shall take offoct and bo In forco from nnd after Its passage, approval and publication according to law. Passed and npproved this 7th day of septomner, a mo. J. H. STONE. Attest: " Acting Mayor U. F. TKMPLN, (SEAL) City Clork. ' fT w.- W. J. Tlley Bpent Wednesday in Grand Island on business. Attorney J. J. Halllgan transacted legal business In Oshkosh Wednes day. Mrs. Carl Llntz has accepted a po sition as saleslady in the Sailor Mill inery Parlors. Mrs. N. McCabo left Wednesday af ternoon for Omaha to visit her Bis ters for a few days. DR. J. S. TWINEN, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children s Diseases. Office McDonald Stato Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dowey Streets. Phones, Offlco 183, Hesldenco 283 J. . KEDFIELl). I'HYSICIAN & SUKflEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SU.HGEONS HOSPITAL Dr3. Redfleld & Redfleld Office Phone G42 Res. Phono 076 Not n Hospital But a Homo Nurso Brown Memorial Hospital 1008 West 4th St., North Platto, Neb. 3Irs. Margaret Hall, Superintendent. Miss Vela l'lckard, Graduate N"urse. Dr. J. S. Twlnlin, Physician and Surgeon Best for Hiininnlty's Cure Orlflclal Surgery with Homeopathic Medi cine for Acute and Chronic Disease. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building Office 130 Phones Residence 115 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. 1)., Physician nnd Surgeon Offlco B.- & L. Building, Second Floor Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38. Office phono 21. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Hospital Phono Black 633. House Phono Black 633. Y. T. PltlTCHAItD, Graduate Vctcrlnnrlnn Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., oue-half block southwest of the Court Housb. "COL. M. L. McDERMOTT, General Auctioneer PHONE RED 834. North Platto, Nebraska. Stock and Farm Sales a Specialty1' H. H. LAND Git AF Painter, Pnporliongcr ndn Decorator Phone Black 570. Welcome a Good Cigar And a good cigar means ono mado at tho Schmalzrled factory. Our rep utation as a mnkor o fgood cigars in North Platto extends back thirty years. If wo did not mako good cigars we would havo boon forced to closo tho factory years ago. If you havo not been smoking Schmalzrlcd's Cigars it is not too lato to begin. J. F. Schmalzried. To Walter Hlnkloy, owner of lot 8, block 20, North Platte, Nebr. Tho owners of property on tho west sldo of Willow streot, betwoon 12th and 11th streets, aro hereby no-, tlflod that tho Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, passed and npproved an rdlnanco on tho 18th day of Juno. 1913, ordering a sldownlk adjoining tliolr said promlsos, to bo constructed as to line and grade, and of permanent ma terial, as provided In tho general or dlnnces of Bald city, regulating tho construction of sidewalks in said city, Unless snld walk is constructed by you along tho east sldo of lot 8, block 20 owned by you, In accordance with Bald ordinance, on or boforo tho 19th day ot October, 1015, tho samo will bo constructed by, said city and tho cost nssossed upon tho said lot owned by you adjoining whlph tho samo Bhall bo contrticted. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clork. NOTICE We, 'the undersigned, will prosecute to the full extent of tho law any por son caught hunting or trespassing on our -land or land controlled by us: G. Phillips, C. H. Smith, Geo. Starr. Bert Lllos, A, E. Mooro, A. W. Arnett, G. H. Scharmann, T. A. Wlson, A. E. Ravis. Tom Kelly. II. W. Scharmann, V. H. Scharmann, L. E. Jones. Frank Heneka, C. S. Trovlllo, S. C. Anderson, John Tllford, Tom McConnell, A. O. Olson, E. Jnckson. OKA It FRIKMIS AM) PATIKSTS: Wo have tried In the past :to ac quaint you wltji our advanced moth ad of curing Rupture without operat ing, ns well as treating Gall stones and Appendicitis without tho use of the Knife. Wo wish to call your attention to the sevoral articles In our Booklots written by our Dr, Loftier on the blood and Intravenous Treatments. These treatmonts are given to cor rect tho chemical composition of the blood and bring It up to its normal Oxygen carrying power. Tills Is hsolutely neccssry In such cses as Aunomla, functional nerve kldnoy diseases. High or low blood pressure cases cannot be successfully treated without the aid of our direct Intravenous In jections into the blood stream. This particular condition of tho blood Is the main contributing cause of Apo plexy and Paralysis, also Epilopsy and Tuberculosis. Wo would bo pleased to havo you call at any of our offices and Investi gate this method of treatment, where It will bo fully and cheerfully ep plalned to you by ono of our Blood Experts. Yours truly, THE QUAKER SPECIALISTS. Thursduy, September 16th, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. at tho Tlmmerman Hotel. To Oeorse LePfoyt, owner ot Lot 8, block 4u, The ownora of property on tho west sldo of Oak street, between 9th nnd 11th Htreets nro hereby notlflcd that the Jlayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, pass ed and npproved an ordinance on tho 18th day of June. 1913. ordering a side walk adjoining their said promises, to be constructed aa to lino and grade, and of permanent material, aa provided In tho fjoneral ordinances of esald city, reBUlatlng tho . construction of side walks in said city. Unless said walk Is constructed by you along tho east sldo of said lot 8, block 40. owned by you, In accordance with aald ordinances, on or before the 7 Hi day of October. 191C, tho samo will bo constructed by said city and the costs assessed upon the said lot own ed oy you ndjolnln? which the same shall bo constructed. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. To Georfjo LeDtoyt, owner of lots 1 and , DlOCK n. The owners of nronortv on the south sido of 10th street between Oak and Elm street are hereby notllled that tne Mayor and Council of t the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras ka, nassed and approved an ordinance on the 18th day of Juno. 1913, ordering a siuewaiK nujoining tnoir saiu prem ises, to be constructed as to lien and Krade and of permanent material, ns provided In tho general ordinances of said city, regulating tho construction o f sidewalks in said city. Unlcsssaid walk la constructed by you along tho north side of lots 1 and ', block 47. owned by you, in accord ance with said ordinances, on or bo foro tho 7th day of October, 191C, the same will bo constructed by said city, and tho costs assessed upon tho said lot owned by you and adjoining which tne samo snail ue constructed. C. F. TEMPLE. (SISAL) City Clerk, To George LcDlbyt, owner of lot 1, block 47. The owners of property on' tho west side of Kim street, between 7th and 4- 10th streets, nro hereby notified that tho Mnvor and Cquncll of tho City of rtorin i-iaiie, uincoin county, xseoras ka, passed and approved an ordlnaco on tho 18th day of June. 1913. order ing a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to uo-'constructcd ns to lino and grade, and of permanent material as provided In tho general ordinances of said city, regulating tho construc tion oi HitiowniKH in said city. Unless said walk Is constructed bv you along the east side of 'said lot 1, block 47, owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or beforo tho 7th day of October. 191 G, tho same will bo constructed by said city and tho costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which tho same shall no constructed. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk To Estato of Catherine Glrklns, own or of lot C. block 04. Thq ownors of property on tho east sido of Chestnut streot, between 7th and 10th streots, nro hereby noti fied that tho Mayor and Council of the City of North Platto, Lincoln county. Nc-brnska. passed and approved an or dlnnnro on tho IStb dny of Jtine, 1913, ordorlnir a sidewalk adlolnlni? tlmlr snld premises, to bo constructed as to line nnd grade, nnd of normnnent ma terial, as provided in the general or- iiianccs or nam city, regulalng tho con structlon of sldewnlks In said cltv. Vnless said walk Is constructed by you nlpng tho west side of lot 5, block fil owned by you. In accordance with said ordinances on or beforo tho 7th day of October. 191 D: tho samo will bo constructed by said city and tho costs nBsessod upon tho said lot ownod by you adjoining which tho same shall bo constructed. C. V. TEMPLE. (SEAL) city Clerk, To Mlnnlo E. McOulro, ownor of lot 1, Illock 20. Tho owners of property on tho wost nine oi wiiiow stroet, ootween nth and 12th streets, are horeby notified that the Mayor and Council of the City ui .mm ui i-inuc, Lincoln county, ie braska. passed and approved nn ordl nance on tho 18th day of Juno. 1913. ordering a sidewalk adjoining tholr said premises, to ue constructed aa to lino and grado. and of nornianent material. as provided In tho general ordinances or mm city, regulating the construc tion in sjiiewtilKs in said city. I'nless said walk Is constructed bv you along tho cast sldo of lot 1, block 20. owned bv-you. In necordnnco with said ordinances, on or before tho 7th day of Octobor, 1915, tho samo will bo constructed by said city and tho costs assessed upon snld lot owned by you unjoining wuion tuo samo snail no constructed. C. V. TEMPLE. (SEAL) City Clork, To Michael C. Harrington ownor of l.ot i, jjiock lb. The ownors of proporty on tho west side of Oak street botw'eon 8th and 10th streets, nro horoby notllled that tho Mayor and Council of the City of North l'lnttc, Lincoln county, Nebraska, passr ed add approved an ordinance on tho IStli day of June, 1913 ordorlng a side walk adjoining their said premises, to be constructed ns to lino and grado, and of permanent mntorlal as provided In tho general ordinances of said city, mguiuiiiiKT mo construction ot siuo walks In aald city. Unless Bald walk la constructed by you along tho oast sldo of lot 1, block lo. owneu py you. in accordance with snld ordinances, on or beforo the 7th day of October, 1915, the same will be constructed by said cltv and tho costs assessed upon tho said lot owned by you adjoining wuica tne same snail uo cousiruoieii. C. V. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk Notice to Contractors You aro herby notified that sealed bids will be received by tho director, Leonard Ldubner, of School District No. 33 in Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the office of Beeler & Crosby In North Platte, Nebraska, up until 1 o'clock p. m. ot tho 16th day of October, 1915, for tho erection and completion ot a four room brick and rc-Inforced con crcto school house at O'Fallon, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Such bids must bo accompanied by certified check In the Bum of one hun dred and fifty. 00.000 (150.00) dollars, payable to Henry Fulk, treasurer of School District No. 33, In Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, which will bo forfolted if tho person to whom the contract is awarded falls to enter Into, tho con tract. Tho school board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Plans and specifications may bo ex amined at the office of Bert M. Rey nolds, nrchltect, North Platte, Nebras ka. Bids will be opened at tho office of Beolor & Crosby, North Platte, Nebras ka, at 1 o'clock p. in. of said day. LEONARD LAUBNER, sl4td Director. To Dora V. VanDruff, ownor of lot 5, block 57, North Platte, Nebr. The ownors of property on the east sldo of Chestnut street, between 9th and 10th streets, nre hereby no tified that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln coun ty. Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinance on tho 18th day of June, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to bo constructed as to liae and grade, and of permanent ma terial, as provided In tho general or dinances of said city, regulalng the construction of sldevt.tKS In said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along tho west side of said lot 5, block 57, owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or before the 19th day of October, 1915, the same will be constructed by said city and the costs assessed upon tho said lot owned by you adjoining which the same shall be constructed. ' C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. , Probnte Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of tho Estate of Wil liam Hlghberger, Deceased. Notice is horeby given that the cred itors of the deceased will meet the Administrator of said estato before mo, County Judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room In said county, on the 24th day ol September, 1915, and on the 24th day of March, 191G, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are al lowed for creditors to present their clalns and one .year for the admlnls trator to settle said estate from the 24th day of September, 1915. This notice will be published In the North Plattto Tribune, a semi-w'cekly news per, for four weeks successively prior to tho 24th, day of September. 1915. Witness mM.jhand andreal of said court tins ltitn uay or August, iui5. GEO. E. FRENCH, A24-4 County Judge A'OTICH TOIt PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Sorlnl Nn. ).-,:! IS U. S. Land Qff.ce at North Pjatte, Npb., August 5, 1915. Notco Is hereby given that Syrl H. Edls, of North Platte, Nebraska, who. on November 21, 1911, mado Homestead Entry No. 05318, for E& and E of W& Sections, Township 11 N Range 29 W., Gth Principal Meridian, has filed .notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before tho Register and Receiver at Nroth Platte, Nebraska, on tho 5th day of October, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: F. C Wheeler, of Bignell, Nebr., William Holderness, of North Platto, Nebr., Jesso Hlghberger, of North Platte Nebr., Harry Stevens, of Bignell, Nebr, alO-Ow J. E. EVANS. Register. NOTICE OK lIIOAltlXO In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty. .NeuriiHKu. In tho matter of tho Estate of Nancy Ilouk. Deceased. To tho Creditors, Heirs, and all Persons interested in saiu estato: Notlco Is herobv trlven. that John Houk Hold bis petition In this court on mo 27tn day or August, 1915 in which ho allcccs that ono Nancv Houk. deceased, departed this life .Intestate on tho 20th day of November. 190S. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, and at tho time of her death was seized In fee simple or ru or the South half (S.) of tho Northwest nuarter. (N. W. U). and Lots three, (3). and four, (4), of section two uj, xownsnip iutecn xKii), North of Itange thlrty-tt reo. (33). wosn ot mo sixtn (utnj. principal Meridian. Lincoln Countv. Nohraskn. said lands embracing ono hundred nnd slxtl (100) ncros and oighty-olght ono hundredths, (S8.100), ncros. That the notltlonor. John Tlouk, and Llnnlo Willlums, brother and sis ter, each Inherited nn undivided ono half interest i.i the nbova desctlbod real estate. Tho prnyor of said notlt tlon Is that tho court determine tho time of the death of tho said Nancy Ilouk. deceased, lior helri. tha decree of kinship, and .ue rltjnt of descent of the roal proporty abovo described, and that all claim.) and demands, against srfd estate bo fo.ernr barred. It Is thereforo ordered that the said petition will he Hoard beforo tho C'oun ty Court of Lincoln County.Nebraska, In tho Court house. In tho city of .North Platte, In said to'inty an 1 state, .it 9 o'ciocic a. on i lie aatu day or jiep tembor, 1915, at whim tlmo a.", per sons interested in said estato innv an pear and show oauno. I nn- thoro be. why tho prayer of s.ild netiiio'i should not bo granted, and that th' loregohig notlco bo published In tho North Platto Tribune, throe Hacjesile woel-.d prior to said hearing. Dated Aubgust 27. I31r). GEO. J. KltENTH s 6-3w Co u n t y.l u d g o , I'ltOIIATi: XOTiriJ TO CUIODITOHS In tho -County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. Ill the Matter of the Estnto of Abblo L. Roblson. Decensed. Notice is hereby given, That tho cred itors of tho deceased will mot the Administrator or said estate, uoioro mo. County Judge of Lincoln County. Nobraska. at tho County Court Itooin in said county on tho bin day or uo tobor, 1915, .and on tho Sth day of April. VUG, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for tho purposo of presenting their tins for examination, adjustment nnd allowance. Six months are allowed for crodltors to present tholr claims nnd one year for tho Administrator to settle tho estate, from tho 8th day of uctoner, 191&. this notice win oe puo llshed In the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly newspaper, for four weeKs successively prior to tno bin any nf npfnlior 1 fll R. Wltncss my hand and seal of said court tins 3d uay or tsepiemner. GEO. E. FIIENCH, ((Seal.) afi-1 County Jubgo .) I'-T . NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern Institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Rcdfield, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D. Miss Elise Sieman, Supt. BEItltYIJEItKY & POIiBES, Licensed L'mbnlmors Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phono Black 588. s an (1 Ca Bought and highest market pricc'3 paid PHONES Residence Red 63G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. LEGAL NOTICE. Wal alton H. Riggs, the heirs, devisees. legatees and personal representatives of said Walton H. Rlggs and all per sons interested In the estate of said Walton H. Rlggs; R. B. Matlack, tho heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of said R. B. Matlack and all persons Interested in tho es tato of said R. B. Matlack; Charles McArthur and Emma McArthur his wife, defendants: You and each of you will take notice that, on August 21st, 1915,- Al Zollars plaintiff filed his cer tain petition In the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, the object and prayer of which are to quiet and- confirm against you title to the following des cribed lands situate In Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: East Half of South west Quarter and West Half of South cast Quarter of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Nine (9), North of Range Twenty-nine (29), West of tho Gth P. M. and to establish new and In dependent title in tho plaintiff and his grantee in said described lands by reason of the adverse possession thereof as against said named defen dants as In said petition pleaded and to cancel and annul a mortgage mado on February 7, 1S90 to one MaVshall S. Way and assigned to defendant R. B. Matlack as being barred by the statuto of limitations. You and each of you will make an swer to said petition on or before tho 4th day of October, 1915, or decree will bo taken against you as in said peti tion prayed. AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff. By E. H. Evans, His Attorney. a24-4 LEGAL NOTICE. Catherine V. Beers, the heirs, de visees, legatees and personal repres entatives of said Catherine V. Beers and all persons Interested In the es tato of said Catherine V. Beers; the Nebraska and Kansas Farm Loan Company, a corporation, and unknown claimants of tho West Half of North east Quarter and East Half of North west Quarter of Section Twenty-three (23), TownBhlp Nine (9), North of Range Twenty-nine (29), West Of tho Gth P. M :You nnd each of you will tako notice that on August 21st, 1915, Al Zollars, as plaintiff, filed his cer tain petition In the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho object and prayer of which are to quiet and confirm against you and each of you, title to the following described lands situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: West half of Northeast puar tor and East half of Northwest puar ter of Section twenty-three ((23), Township Nine (9), Nort;h of Range twenty-nine (29), west of the Gth P. M. and to establish by said action new and independent title in plaintiff and his grantee by reason of tho adverse possesion of said described premises as in said petition pleaded and to can cel that- certain mortgage made and executed to tho defondant? Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan Company, a corporation, on June 17, 1889, and re corded In Book 9, at pago 280, of the county clerk's records of Lincoln county, as being barred by the statute of limitations. You and each' of you will make ans wer to said petition on or before tho 4th day of October, 1915, or decree will he taken ngalnBt you as In said petition prayed. AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff. By E. H. Evans, His Attorney. a24-4 LEGAL NOTICE. William Wells and wife Serena Wolls, tho holrsv dovlsees, legatees and personal representatives of said William Wells and all porsons Inter ested In tho ostato of said William Wolls, defendants, will tnko notlco that on August 21st, 1915, Al Zollars, plain tiff, filed his certain petition in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, ngalnBt said named defen dants, Impleaded, tho object and, prayer of which said action are to quiet and confirm title in plaintiff and against said defendants In tho West Half of Northwest Quarter of Section Twonty-threo (23), Township Nine (9), North of Range Twonty-nlno (29), West pf tho Gth P. M. Lincoln County, Nebraska and to establish by said action now and Independent title In tho plaintiff against said defendants by reason of tho adverse possession of said lands by plaintiff for moro thnn ten years past. You and each of you will answer said petition on or before the 4th dny of October, iqi& or (lecree will bo taken against you as' prayed for in plaintiffs petition. AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff. By E HJEt-adg;, fills Attqi-fldy. a24-4