ii nil w nri 1 1 1 i II insi p THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 17, L915. No. 69 LOCAL AKD PERSONAL Itov. Dener left this morning for Koystono to spend a fow days. Charles Temple nnd V. C. IMelstlcker went to Lexington this mornlnir to at tend the fnlr. The Et-a-VIrp club will bo enter tained by Mrs. John Dick Tuesday af ternoon. W. V. Kurr came down from Donvor todnyto transact business at the exper iment station. Mrs. John Stackhouse left today for Huntley, N'eb., to npoud a coupfo of weeks with her paroutsi Miss Olive I'lorce, of Omaha, Is vis iting Dr. nnd Mrs. Charles Adams while enroute homo from Urule. The literary department of the Twen tieth Century club will moot with Mrs. Charles McLanc Tuesday afternoon. Dr. 12. C. Stevenson, of Gothenburg, returned homo this morning; aStor as sisting this week at the City hospital. Mrs, Glen Lorlmer will leave today for Denver and other cities of Colorailo to visit relatives for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Tel Kppley, of Grand Island, camo yesterday afternoon and will bo tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jes sup for a week or longer. For Itent Second house west of the postolllce. Inquire at 12a west Fifth street. J. J. Gettman wont to Hastings yon- CITY AXI) COUNTY' X1JWS ' torday morning to visit relatives and UiUl "'5 transact business. " . T1.,0..V,1.bJt?ln8S,rot Istr.,,.t So:.. VI1 ' J- O'Connor returned Wednesday cust Vf&ja;82?&.nA 80Utu Lo"ieynlnB from ,i i,us,,,e88 visit in Kenr Tho ivanhoe club of tho Yeoman lodgo M. Kfro,in Mottln has accoptcd a will glvo a social dance n tho I. oyd position as saloslady at the Fashion opera house Tuesdny evening to which shop. nil Yeomen are Invited. . . I Miss Lillian Sick left the srst of this A live cent danco will bo given In the wook for LoMoyno to visit the I'ushmnn Lloyd opora house this evening by family Mossrs. Splcor nnd .Christ. Stamp's or-, . ,,. ,, , n..-i . chestra will furnish tho music. Lfei1' kPL0.8i,,teJ,,vi0Mn".c.'1t, , , ... , , , , . ' nor notne for several days with an nt- Tho Tllllkum girls will hold a bus!- tuci 0( tonsllltls V M f the UV0,,1"B W,U b po,,Sf:onn-bu.tro2Stir """"" T , , ... . . J I A permit to wed was granted Wedima- Tho Junior Auxiliary of tho Eplsco- ,iay ovenlng to Arthur Law and Miss pal church wllf meet this afternoon m K,lnu Tullls. of Wallace. tho church bnsomout. Mrs. McNamarn ,. , , ... . will toll nf imr trhvnls in Tnimii All Jlr- lint Mrs. George bchnrmmin. who m M , & uMfe lie Ul , o011S:i,ev3e,!!,,!,gl. lMt For Itont Furnished rooms for ,. ... . .,.,' ...,, . . ,. TI,VrakHtrSet& 4" Tstf & Omaha tSSSnrt ciuplS 'weather 'forecast for North l'lntte wlw with her sister, nnd vicinity: Fair tonight and Satur- Wm. Hasklns, of Stnpleton, camd-yos- day, not much change In tempornture. torday to visit his cousin, Uutlor Mll- Hlghest temperature yesterday si, a tonborger, and transact business, year ago 7b, lowest Inst night G3, a yoar p. n. McUvoy has boon off duty as ago . I foreman of the IT. P. ctudopartinent for rmgineor (JiuiioupKn iniorms xno oevorai uaya on account oi imiichs, Lance thnt there Is n prospect of tho north river bridgo Doing randy tor , trnlllc In about two weolcs, Judging from the progress being made on the Mrs. E. A. Shupbach, of Ohlowa, who ' surfacing. Sutherland Free Lance. had boon vlsltinir hor slstor. Mrs. John Stackhouse at tho state farm, left this morning. Dresses for street, afternoon or ev ening wear, of the bettor kind, In tho now combinations, etc., now shown in greater varities than ever, at popular prices at BLOCK'S. John Livingston reports n ylold of thirty bushels per acre from ono pleco of fall wheat and thirty-five from an other. The quality is said to bo ex cellent. Ho will have something like 0,700 bushels of wheat this year. Suth erland Free Lance. Out of slxty-threo head of hogs, Geo. Williams reports that sixty-one have died of a disease which he thinks Is cholera, at his- place just west of town. Mr. Wlllfams has certainly suffered some serious losses since locating here, having suffered two loses by fire. George says there Is ono bright spot out there now, and thnt Is his apple orchard, loaded with fine fruit. Brady Vindicator. Juan Arrlga, a Mexican omployod Mrs. Charles Hupfer and dnughtor Mary loft yesterday mornng for Cali fornia to visit relatives and nttond tho Panama exposition for soveral weeks. Mrs. L. P. Hansen, of Council muffs. Is expected here tomorrow to visit hor Skirts! Skirts! Any style, any color, any price; de sirable sizes, 22 to 3S, prices $1.9S to $14.75. BLOCK'S. on tho section, who has boon living at mother, Mrs Emmra 1'ulver, for a fow Jlirciwoou, was Killed insi evening uuyn. while trying to board a train. Ho was Wm. Itobb, of Urady, was In town about twonty-yenrs of age. An of- yestordny enroute home from Suth- fort Is being made to locate his xela- orlnnd whore ho solil a quarter section tlves by papers found In his clothing, of land. Miss Helon Wnltemath submitted to r -.xr,.,,,, nf ,,..l.., ,,, an operation yesterday afternoon, and M-, b. , L . A 1 e. of Ilershcj. who A . .. I. 1 .... 4 ... I 1. 1. n.1ltln UIUUKU luni Bl J.UUUIHUII iw ,ni. l.rn mill Mim l.'ro.l tllrlnlf nt II, o """?. ?sir the state far 1. returned ho o vestar: Is aggravated by tho fact that tho up-. ,ln arternoon. penllx had bursted twelve hours prior Word wns received by local friends to tho operation and tho system had the ilrst of tho week that Anton l'ush- absorbed part of tho poison. lleliekuli Soclnl Tho Hebeknh Degree will hold a so cial at the hall this evening to which all members of tho degree and Odd Fellows and their wives nro Invited. Tho following program will bo ren dered: Piano selection. Prof. Klein; Vocal solo, Miss Caryl Derrybcrry; pi ano selection, Miss Florence McKay: vocal solo, Mrs. AValtcr Hoaglaud; reading,, entitled "Pen rod Srotllold," Miss Irina Huffman; vocal solo, Mrs. Edw. Burke; piano solo, Miss Marie Hoagland; vocal solo. Miss Esther An tonides; piano solo, Miss Floronco McKay. i After tno program rotresnmcnts win ' bo served, (V One Price Store Alteration Free o Charge . THE FASHION SHOP. TRY US FIRSTr Suits Coats and Dresses See The Fashion Shop Styles You will be surprised 'to find so many JJexculsive styles at cut price. $7.50 up. $6.00 All Wool Serge Skirts, blue," black and mixture at $2.95. k l ' Vr&J7WERSS $5, $7.50 Handsome Trimmed Fall Hats, special offer at $2.95. $5 Silk Petticoat all shades, Jersey Taps at $2.95. man, formorly of this city, was seri ously 111 with nppoudlcltls at his homo near LeMoyne. A marrago license was granted -Wednesday morning to Thomas Mar tinson and Miss Ruth Short both of Calora, Nob. They were married by County Judgo French. Mrs. Emily Coates has routed the rooms In the First Nntlonnl Bunk build" lug, formerly used by Dr. Brock, and will open a hair dressing parlor there tho first of next week. Mrs. Wood White, who visited last weoK in urnmi isiauu. returned a rew days ogo and loft yesterday morning for California to visit her son Major who has been thoro for a couplo of montns. Thcro will bo nronchinir services In the Presbyterlnn church noxt Sunday both morning nnd evontng. Itev. Jack, or Hutneriami. win occupy tno puipit An urgent Invitation Is extended to all to attend tneso services Commerclnl dinner at tho Christian church, Monday from 11:30 to 1:30; Boast beef with YorUshlro pudding, mashed potatoes with brown gravy, green bonus, combination snlad, warm sponge :a lie and sliced peaches, tea, conee auu mine, Jnmes Monngan and wlfo. of Ogdcn, visited in town this week ,dnd left Wednesday evening for Denver. He rormeni was a resilient or tins city when n boy and Is tho son of Charles lonngnn. wno wns employed in tno 10 cal shops nnd lender of a local orches tra Sovoral North Platters attended the stock sale at tho Ltston ranch south of Dickons Wednesdny. hTo crowd wns not as lnrire as at tho salo Inst vonr. ,liut nearly all present were bidders. Cattle sold well, cows selling as high (is seventy dollars and yearling steers ana neirers rrom twenty to twenty- live dollars. The Llston stock Is well bred. Annette Kcllcrmnn. the ncrfect worn an, will bo shown at tho Keith thoatro Tuesday, sentomber 21st. in tho seven part photo play masterpiece "Neptune's uaugnier." anis production wns made In Bermuda by Herbort Bremar with a cast of U00 people. This picture lias been shown weeks nt a timo In tho larger cities and has drawn vast crowds wnerevor shown. Tho ndmisslon for this attraction will bo 10 and 20 cents. Mrs. Homer Frlsch, of Mt. Pulaski, in., huh i mu kucsi oi nonor at two en joyable parties given this week by her aunt, Mrs. Alport Muldoon. On Tuesday ulternoon Iirty indies were entertained with progressive enrd games and enjoyed a number of violin and piano selections by Mr. and Mrs. Frlsch, who are llntshcd musicians. The houso decorations were yellow and white nnd irarden llowors were used In abundance. The color schomo was car ried out )n tho delicious rofroshmonts which wore sorved. Tho following af ternoon fifty ladles spont sovor al hours in konslngtou work nnd social conversation nnd were nvorod with, a muslcol program by the guest of honor. Dnlnty refreshments uiere sorved In courses. Tlie colors of yollow nnd white predominated In each course. Assist ing in Servian: were Misses llolon Wnl tomitth nnd Hjlda Kooster. Mr and Mi's, Ualph .Smith uxtonded their hospitality to oite hundred and fifty friends last evening at tho formal opoulug of their now homo "The 131ms." Tho new residence Is located on west Second street nnd dorlvcs Its name from the twenty-five olm trees which surround It and which have been cared for for several years by mombers of tho family. It has ton largo rooms, Is beautifully finished with evory modern couvonloncc, und furnished in excellent taste. Tho guesis wero received from eight o'clock until ten. In the receiv ing lino wero Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Judge French and Mr. and Mrs, Frlod rlckson, of Kansas City. Assisting the hostess were Mesdameu 11. M. Grimes, Charles McNamnra, Arthur MoNamara, Wm. Hawley Harry Mitchell. G. T. Field, F. W. Ulneker and W. T. Berry SILKS - - SILKS SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK For ibis one week we will give you the benefit of an extra ordinary discount on all our Dress Silks. All Crepe-de-Chenes in the 40-inch, Regular $1.50 values, at 98 Cents. A new assortment of Taffetas, colors and fancy stripes, also the plain in black Tafetteta, 36-inch material, special values this week for 78 Cents . The new Plain Silk Waistings, for this one week only -98 Cents v ;i All the fancies in the $1.00 quality Dress Silks at fAnci Silk Poplins, all the new shades, 40-inch material, at 78 Cents '- All our Silk Messalines, 27-inch material, our best values, for this week only 68 Cents E. ToTRAIfP A. SO Aotlcp. Coates will For -851001101111, No. Six Radiant KThk l.'nillit I'infnn mill mn beauty parlors over the First National j ?""" Bank, Sept. 20th. Hair dressing, Hofl ', wafer shahipo, scalp treatinont, facial masBage, and manicuring. All work guaranteed to bo satisfactory. Resi dence phono Black 140; offlco GG. Homo base burnt r. J. B. Kays, phonottb tho Novlta club on Wednesday at '4. GS Mrs. Elmt'r Burko will bo hostess tcrnoon Of noxt week. Tln Lender C'loNed Tomorrow On account of tomorrow being the Jewish Atonemotn Day, Tho leader de partment store will lie closed from morning until sundown. Mr. PIzor will attend Jewish services In Denver. Get Ready for the Corn Crop Tin- lloo.slliiir Spirit In llniiiiun(. 1 J. O. Becler stopped us on tho streets Wednesday, and said "a dozen men have each offered to gvo tho services of n team of 'horses for n week free to help grade a raco track at the city park." That's the spirit; keep It alive. Stump lliiyN Ilultory j A chimire in biislnoRM nlrnlnfi nnrnr- red yesterday when Charley Stamp, ' ono of tho city's pioneers nnd most widely known citizens took possession of tho Doollttle bakery and will conduct it In the future. Mr. Stamp will mako a number of Improvements and changes and will probably add now linos of goods. Mrs. Doollttle will roturn to the ranch soutnwest or town. Every Home Should be Covered by a good Fire Insurance l'ollcy, be cause no body knows bow or when a lire Is jrolnp lo originate, no matter bow careful householders themsehes may be. It Is a matter of good busi ness policy anyway to havo your home and effects fully Insured against pos sible loss, and this is our business. I shall bo glad lo talk Fire Insurance with you, and can offer you some ycry nttractive propositions which It would pay you to consider. C.F. TEMPLE, REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE ROOMS 15HS2, I.O.O.F. BUILDING, 1 NORTH PLATTE, NEERASKA. '1'vilily I. out mill I'oiiinl. Omaha Is'ews: Teddy Welnnand. fi- yoar-old son of, Clnudo Welngand, 1 prominent buslnes mnn of North l'latte, 1 Xob., late -yostorday afternoon took ! possession of the police station and was monarch of all he surveyed. Ho was found at Sixteenth and Douglns by an! oillcor and taken to tho jail while an effort was made to locate his parents. .Master Teddy told Patrol Conductor 1 .Tim Mnniliv flint lin lirwl linnn l,.ft In tho Kmpress thontro While his parents wero shopping. "Thpy told me to wait for thoni, but I didn't soo any use of staying after the show was over," he calmly said. After munching ernckojnek" for a while, Teddy Informed Dosk Captain Andy I'ntullo thnt ho was not enjoy ing himself. I'ntullo produced a stick of chow Ing gum. Thnn tin. vnnnifKli.f Hiilfil his nnreuts as they entorod. 1 now no you into ino ponce i iihki'u ,ij his father. E good to good hoys like ine, but they don't like bud boys." 1 1 of Grand Island. Tiie living room .was (lecoraieu in yonow aim wnue arm vne xno eiiuor wan oui over iiuuu u iiuiu dlning room In pink and white. Gar-, her of tho lieot llelds of tho valloy last den flowers were used In abundancf Saturday nfternoon with Field Manager and the color scheme carried out In the Hryan. Tho boot ylold will bo much, refreshments. Music wns enjoyed dur- heavier than wan anticipated on ac-; ing the evening. The gowim worn bv count of the unfavorable weather nnd tho ladles prosent were especially so much re-plantlng. Many of tho i worthy of mention. Out of town l-iihhIh field In the valloy will go IS lo 20. were Mrs. V. T, Horry of Grnnd Is- tons per aero ngaln tills yvnr, and IH Kit tlf-i I I - - -II land and Mr. and Mrs. Frlodrlckson, of Kansas City. A complete showing of gurmentB for tho stouKudlcB In extra sizes. Styllf-h Coats, Suits and DrcRses, sIzob up to 51. Prices sumo as regular sizes, nt BLOCKS. Mrs. George Slinl'for ..will entertain tho Eldeen club Wednesday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Spios wont to Lexington yesterday afternoon to spend a fow days. Ralph Wolborn, who was Injured Suiisnq oipojq v, u 63i! ioo.sv ouiu contost was released from tho hospi tal ut Durango, Colo., yostorday. Mr. Wolborn Is a fonnor rosldont of this city. Itoars For Sale Pure bred Duroc-Jorsoy spring boars your choice at $25.00 each. COtf EXPERIMENTAL STATION. spine of tho fields that wero damaged by hall will run 8 to 14 tons. The hall-! - boots are doing surprmingiy wen. Hershey Tlnios. Tho Ileal Snaps Four room frame cottago, barn, out buildings. 2 lots, on south Walnut St. Price $1800.00. Terms $000 cash balance $8.80 jor month In I). & L. Six room cottago, outbuildings, nice corner lot with shade trees, sidowalk and electric lights, on south Eta St. Price $1800.00 Terms $G0000 cash nnd balance $i:i.20 per month in D. & L. Those aro real bargains, much loss than tho nronerios aro worth. Let ub show thorn to you. 08-2 IJUCHANAN & PATTERSON For Sale. Thorotrhbred Poland China Boars; took llrst prize al tho lato county fair. Four nnd ono-half months old. Price $25.00. C. G. LANHOLM, This means more 'than getting your equip ment in first class condition for field use. How, about your buildings? ' Arc the corn cribs and granaries in shape tefc take care of the crop? Make additions and repairs now, so that the work of harvest time will not be interrupted. And it's a-gpottftmc to plan your other fall constructi6nWork whether you plan any new buildings or just a few odd jobs of repair, . You can count on us for good lumber, shingles, roofing, etc., for all this work. W. W. BIRGE CO. HEALTH HINTS After developing pictures wash hands in hot water, some preparations arc poisonous nnd injurious to the eyes Never drop Hypo in Developer, and use ruby red light exclusively, No Matter Mow BeautiM the things you may sec, lhey"ll soon be forgotten. Our Cameras Avill enable you lo remember and tell the Story at any time. We not only sell you the Cameras and Supplies but take great pleasure in teach ing you how to use them, free of charge. Do not hesitate to ask for q5. any information whether you consider buying or not. JOS. H. STONE DRUGGIST North Platte, Nebraska,