The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 14, 1915, Image 8

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    Serai-Weekly Tribune
1HA L. HAKE, Editor and Publisher.
One Ycnr by Mall In Advance... $1.2t
One Ycnr by Cnrrlcr In AdTnnco..$l.oO
Entered nt North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofllco as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, HEPTE.IIHElt 1 1fli, 11)
Mr. anil Mrs. 8. A. Thomas, of Suth
erland, are spending thin week with
local friends.
Miss Mntlo Paulson has ucceptod a
position In tho mllllnory doparttnont
of tho Hub.
Mr. und Mrs. W.
J. Tiley havo
) trip to tho LIn -
turned from an auto
coin state fair.
Floyd C. Rlchoion of tho Tramp 1
Grocery atoro has taken a ton day I
miob Ttnrrioif nivnninfi Friiinv nv- 10 mr nau airB- Irn wnittaKor oi si reel Willi sidewalks, cuy water, new
onlnff for firll to 0 llio1 Vormllllon, S. I), and Grandpa Miko or and electric lights. 1'rlco only $100.
iw h, ' lll0iSornBon is passing the cigars. Terms to suit.
collogo thoro,
Goorge Wolr left Saturday for tho
state university whore he Is taking n
dental course.
iwiu tii.m. w(ni im. ..Wnn n iwn '
wooks' vacation
m from her duties at
Wornott store. j
. , .... ,
the Kaufi'man-
Jacob Miller, of Garfield, a fornior
sheriff of Lincoln county Is spending
a fow days In town.
11. E. Nichols, proprietor of tho
i:olorudo Hotel at stoning, spent last
week Visiting frlonus nore. J
Mrs. Elmer Coatos and daughtor
Forn wont to Sutherland Saturday af
ternoon, to visit relatives.
Full Opening at The Leader Thurs
day and Frldny of tills week. Don't
fail to nltcnd.
Rov. Cram is spending tills week
In Omaha attending tho sessions of
tho Methodist conference.
Abnor Wcssburg and Robert Gantt
will leavo today for tho state univer
sity to tako up their studios.
Mlssc JMarganlt and Lucllo Gl-
nnppe of Brady, havo boon elected to
teach In the Hall school north oi tins
A marriage license was grantd Fri
day afternoon to Ethel Lena Anderson
and John Robert Carskadon both of '
thls city. I
ci , ,,, iii
Mrs. illlll ouyLUiui oaiuiuu
afternoon for Denver to mako an ex
tended visit with her daughter Mrs.
Wm McGlono
Mrs. 'Oscar Sandnll and baby will
return Thursday from Palmer, Nebr.,
whoro sho has beon visiting hor sis-
a. t. ......
IOV Mia. JUIlg.
,. . ,
Miss Lola Walker, of Sholton, who
camo hero rccerttly to visit her uncle at Blx O.cocj voting Mrs McGovcm Judge French yestorday afteriloon.
L. L. Walkor nnd fnmlly was elected (m l(1(,nl hostess Tlioso present wero This wns tho first couplo to bo -mar-to
teach In district 29. Mosdames J. J. Horrlgan, O. Huff, rled on the 13th of any month since
Fireman Riley Warren loft Friday
afternoon for St. Louis, Chicago and
Knnsas City to spend about threo
weeks visiting rolatlvcs.
Full Opening nt Tlio Lender Thurs
day and Friday 'of this week. Don't
fall lo attend. y
Mr, and Mrs'. Goorgo Shoupi. of
Sutherland, who attended tho state
fair, visited at tho Paulson home this
week, while onrou'te homo.
Mrs. Kidwell, and daughter Dolly,
of Wallace, who wore guosts of Mrs.
Elizabeth Young for sovarnl days, re
turned homo Saturday ovonlng.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. Mlltohborgor ,of
Lincoln, will arrive tomorrow to visit
tho former s cousin, Ira L. Milton
borger nnd family for a woeek.
ll.iwKv.m. T umber CrnHiiir nnd
inaitnu At' lIulioT'H onuoHlf a P "t
UU1ll'K.Hl Jle.,yiCJ K. "PI'""" sl'
onite, Hfili mid 1-01 ust aitets, mono
1 , i
Prof. E. A. Garllanh of thin city. Is1
again teaching vocal music in tho ,
Brady schools, spending Wednesday!
of each week In that village. I
Nn, :i4ii(i
At North l'latto, In tho State of Nebraska at the closo of IiusIuors September
. I'JIO. 1
Louns and discounts (except thoHo shown on b)
Ovordriiftii, uiiHeoiired
U. 8. bonds deposited to sucuro circulation (par vuluu).
II. 9. bonds plrdgtid to socurn W. S. deposits (par value..
Honda other than V. 8. bonds pledged to secure postnl
savings deposits 2S.000.00
Keouruies oiuer man u. b. .uoiium uhh uaiuding hiduksj
owned untilcdged . ,
Total boudu, Hecurlttes, etc
Subsorlptlon to Block ot Federal Ilosqrve bank
Lash amount unpaid ,
Vttluo of lianldng house (If unencumbered) .....,,...
Ktiuity In banking houso
Kurnlturo mid tlxtu
and tlxturoH
Not anidunt due from Federal lloservu
Net amoun-t duo from approved reserve agon ts In Nw
Yorlc, Chlcngo and St. Louis r, .
TJnl iitnimnt diiit from nltnrnvml reserve nirnnlM In
rosorvo cities 01,532.13
Not amount duo from banks mid bnnkosm (othor than
Ineliidoil In 0 or 10
Other checks n"MankM In tho bbiuo city
porting name
Fractional currency, nlakles und Conls,
Motne of other nauonai uanits
Lawful money rosorvo In bank;
mouw coin ana copuiiuuiuh .
LtfgKl-teudor notes ...N
Ui'damptlon fund with U. 8. Tronsuror
o por cent on oirouintiou;
Capital stock paid In
minims runa ..................
Total Cntiltul and Surplus
Undlvldod profits
Loss ourrulit oxponsos. Intoroat nnd taaos paid
Clroulntlng notes ................... . t ... i .......... . .
Duo to banltsnnd bnnkos(othor than Inudod In 5 or 0
uotnauu uopoHim:
Individual deposits subjoct to, ohook
CortlucntoB of deposit duo In leas than 30 days
Casblor'M checks outstanding
United States deposits
Postal savings deposits
Total doposits, noma 4. i, o, i unu
Time deposits (payablo after 30 days,
days of more notice
Total ,
HtatO OI NqbrnBKll, county OI MUCOlIi, ss;
i i,i i. Mnnnuv rnui.fnt. rt tim ntnv. nninnci linnif. do soiniiiniv nwMr timt
tho above statement is truo to tho
' . nnd Hwnrn to before
F. C. Hox o. of Oacalla. who visited
In town tro latter part of last week
left Sunday oveninc for Omaha.
vi.. rt nivn.,.nf fT-.,i viaHn,! I.,
town the latter part of last week
wh n nnrniitn to Ocnln a to tnk-
ni.n f din MnVinknr Miiiinnrv.
v..u.Bv v.w ' "W
rm. T ., .. -I- ...III i. I.M.I
at Stapleton Sept. 28th, 29th and 30th.
1 11U JJUf,"" UUIIIIU 11111 1.111 I'U IIUIU
uuu biuiiu, l ornu aauw,
roping unu ruling win uu nmuru.
Tho case of the state of Nebraska
vs. Wm, Ottcn for killing prairlo
chlckons out of season was tried In
tno county court i-nony anu ns-
Henry Clark left tho lnttcr part of
Inst week for Lincoln to drlvo up the
now Kissoll car purchased by 0. II,
Thoelocke, which was on dlsnlny at
the state fair.
Nn huntlnc or tresnassliic allowed
on tho smith half of Mm N. M. oimrinr
of section 14, T. 14, It. 32.
Arch-bishop Knno, of Dubuque, for-
ro-;niorIy tll0 cathollc bishop at Chcyonn
wont tlirontcli Friday evening enrout
Zl n
iday evening enrouto
homo und visited at the train with
former friends
Word was received In tlie city Sat
urday of the birth of a ton-pound son
to Mr. nad Mrs. Ira Whittakor of
Supt. Joffors and A. L. Mohler,
officials of the Union Pacific went
Uirough Friday evening, to Cheyenne
and returned on tho Harriman
sneclal tlio followinc evoiilnir.
Tho Presbytorian choir wore enter-
taincd Thursday evening in .tho base-
mont of the church by Mrs. Walter
Hoaglnnd, Misses Florence McKay, s S- ion. ior meir iiuuius
Gladys and Jennie White. A delicious 131 . Nb8'"1' aftornn
lunch was esrved. . M- II. N. Yarnoll, of Carmen, Neb.,
rur ouiu vut iiuu ui auction ii
)wn 10, Rango 30, Lincoln county,
T-i ri iir.. ., .. n
Nob. Possession at once. -Prico SIX , , mc,ucai treattaicnt at tho hos-nD1.aJL,.PM,!1Cr0-
FrCd K BtlCl Pltal for several weeks had a slight
xv.v......0v.., ..v.. '
Burr Murphy, a brother of Ed
Murpny or urauy, ami who learned
telegraphy in the office at Brady in
1SS0, is now superintendent oi the
Canadian Northern railroad with
headquarters at Calgary.
Mrs. J. J. Horrlgnti entertained
twenty-Ilvo ladles at a "movie"
party nt tho Keith Saturday evening
In honor of Mrs. Theodore White of
Cedar Rapids, neo Orra Hall or tins
city. Tho guests were all girl friends
of Mrs. White during hor residence
bore and enjoyed the ronowal of their
acquaintance. After the pictures Mrs.
Horrlgan took the party to tho Gem
candy kitchen where refreshments
wero served on long tables decorated
with autu'nin flowers. Following this
oight or tne muies wore entortaineu at
slumber party given by Mrs. Frank
Tlofnrn rnllrlnir dm iriiOHln
wore entertained with unlquo stunts.
music and flashlight) pictures. An
ini.omi l.rnnVfnot wna cnpvi.ii tho
following morning, nrtor wnicn an
auto ride was enjoyed and tlio guests
returned to partanc or a nvo course
ititlnlnn iHtirtnt nt mm VnlnfMf 'I'linl
" v "7" "v'r
aitornoon was spent 111 music anu so-
,,ao(I ,,,ifn,rt ,,r.aiH wt
George Voseipka, Misses Lucy Dunn,
Alice and Edna SUlnvan and the guest
of honor.
To Walter Hlnkloy, owner of lot 8,
JET :"rr'n hn
Wert HldVof Wllto 'S, between
12th and 11th streets, aro hereby no-
tilled that the Mayor and Council of tho
riiv f Vnrdi Pintto i innnin Pnimtv
Nobraska, passed and approved an 1 for a year past, Is In a serious coti
ordlnanco on tho 18th day of June. 1913, dltlon and an operation will probab-
ordorlng a sldowalk adjoining tholr
said premises, to bo constructed as to
lino and grado, and of permanent ma-
torial. as nrovlded In tho general or-
dlnncos of said city, regulating the
construction of sidewalks in said city,
Unless said walk Is constructed by
you along tho east sido of lot 8,
b,ock 20 ownotl l)' yu- 1,1 accordance
wlth sn"1 ordinances, on or before the
hndi nv nt OMnlmr 1 ft! f.. tbn Rinnfi
wm 1)0 constructC(l hy Bul,i cty nm
the cost asseaHod upon tho said lot
owned by you adjoining which the
same shall bo contructed.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
'I'lir. COMHTIOX )!'
1,000.00 I
IS. 100.00
S. 400. 00 I
or town as ro
, ....
(not mort than
, $100,000,00
. 17,190.30
o, .............. .
or subject to 3,0
f 114.C3S.09
, $754855.04
best of my knowledgo and belief.
r. J-i. muunui, v.uanier.
inn tlilH dth dav of Hontember. 1915.
T, C. l'ATTEUSON,, Notary Public.
Elks Bury Dull L'arc.
Abot ono hundred Elks attended the
clam bako at tho Blvorslde Country
uiub grounds Sunday anu onioyeu a
clln ak nd a varied program of
uumui nuinoi "'-'i
cnor anu proviueu mo diners wun
, l.t..l ..I !.! ..
- "" BU"1' tiauio. mvu piiuS
Lorn nnd of cour8c thorcr wcro .?tphll.
. .ton ltnl.. a.t.nnl nnhlnan nrniili
hninm" both lioforo and after.
Thn , fnllrf,n llf ,i. nrncrnm
wore the noronlano fllnlits and the
ImnrnsBlvo ceremonv connected with
tho burlnl of "null Care," a stunt that
was as original as It was appropriate
in tlio occasion, and wna ovidonco of
tho resourcefulness of Dr. Wurtele,
Jim Keofe, Jim McDonald, Jack Horn
gan and several others who set the
stage for the big doings of tho Elks.
Other numbers on tho program were
foot races, roping contests, ball game
and golfing. .The best foot raco was
between Col Beatty, of Brady, and
Dell Huntington, which was declared
a draw.
Members were present from Max-
h'l. "rudy and Horshey;
,.. ' imi
It was unanimously voted to make
the clam bake an annual affulr.
Choice residence lots' on west I'lflh
si reel with sidewalks, city water, new-
00 - 4
Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital Notes
Mrs. C. J. Roth loft a few days ago
for her homo near Wallace, blie was
voy muV'h Improved in health.
M,rs' A' lj' Thompson and Mrs. C.
1 Yaundes, who were operated on two
i i n iprivnnr iiti iiiii'riii mil I in rs iv
11 nrlofmnlit
nn operation Thursday
' ,,'r
uuuci l'viiu
Mis Mnudo Clark, who has been re-
operation Friday morning,
Master Clarence Troy had a minor
operation performed Thursday morn
igi Ho was able to be taken to his
homo at 121 cast Second street Fri
dlvy afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Redman, of Ar
thur, Neb., aro rejoicing over a fine
baby boy which arrived at the hos-
pital Sunday afternoon. Little wll
llam Ralph and mother arc doing nice-
Dr. J. S. Twinem left'Sunday even
ing for Chicago to attend Dr. Pratt's
clinic, which is in session there this
week. On Wednesday afternoon ur
Twinem gives a paper! on Surgery In
Nebraska. Dr. Richardson, of Jlcr
shey will be at tho office and attend
to Dr. Twinem's calls during his ab-
T1I0 ill HUM Jtlllllllllg iV JbOIMl SSOClil
Io In prepared to issue a limited
amount of Its Full laid Stock. First
come first served. This stock Is is-
" 'J .V ......'1.11,.
oi""." ' "
i lul i "v....
ran(n nrwl MIHO Ponrl Shnw.
-" 1
of Ocalalln. wcro married by County
Judge French has been In office,
Mrs. Thomas Gplden and child, of
nosMnlnes. formerly .of this city.
camo Saturday afternoon to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duke.
Mrs. Thaw, of Pittsburg, mother of
rry T ,aw. went tills c y
, " " ' '
10 1Jever-
Mrs. Catherine Frye, who has been
iy "o pcriormcu una wemv.
l)irvpP o. (n
c ,,' . V V "t
Kcnl Eslato und Insnrnnce
Come and see ub for town lots In
different parts of the city. Good In
vestments on easy torms. Houses for
sale and rent. We have also good bar
gains In farms and ranches,
Cor. Front and Dowev Sts.. upstairs
John s. snois, ar. d
Physician and Surgeon
Oitlco U. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phono, Oillce, 83; Residence 38,
Oillce phone 241. Res. phono 217
L . C . DROST,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.-
McDonald Bank Building.
r- 11. II. LAXDGllAF
l'ainlor, raporluuigcr nnd
Phone Black 570.
Welcome a
Good Cigar
And a good cigar means ono made
I at tho Schmalzrlcd factory. Our rop-
ntntlnn ni n mnlrnr n firnnrl In
I utation aa a munor o igoou cigars in
North Platto extends tack thirty years.
If wo did not mako good clears wo
would havo been forced to closo tho
factory years ago. If you havo not
boen smoking Schmalzrlcd's Cigars It
is not loo late to begin.,
J. F. Schmalzried.
We, 'tlie undersigned, will prosecute
to the full extent of the law any per
son caught hunting or trespassing on
our land or land controlled by .us:
G. Phillips, C. II. Smith,
Geo. Starr. Bert Liles,
A. E. Mooro, A. W. Arnett,
G. II. Schnrmnnn, T. A. Wlson,
A. E. Ravis, Tom Kelly,
H. W. Scharmann, V. HSchnrmann,
L. E. Jones.
Frank Heneka,
C. S. Trovlllo,
John Tllford,
A. O. Olson,
S. C. Anderson,
Tom McConnell,
E. Jackson. , N
We havo tried in the past to ac
quaint you with our advanced meth
ad of curing Rupture without operat
ing, as well as treating Gall stones
and Appendicitis without the use of
the Knife.
We wish to call your attention to
tho sovoral articles In our Booklets
written by our Dr. Lorfler on the blood
and Intravenous Treatments.
These treatments are given to cor
rect the chomlcal composition of the
blood and bring It up to Its normal
Oxygen carrying powor.
This is bsolutely nocessry In such
cses as Anaemia, functional nerve
kidney diseases. '
High or low blood pressure ensos
cannot be successfully treated without
the aid of our direct Intravenous in
jections Into tho blood stream. This
particular condition of the blood is
the main contributing cnuse of Apo
plexy and Paralysis, also Epilepsy
and Tuberculosis.
We would be pleased to have you
call at any of our offices and Investi
gate this method of treatment, whore
It will be fully nnd cheerfully ep
plalned to you- by one of our Blood
Yours truly,
Thursday, September ICth, 9 n. in.
to 4 p. m. at the Timmerman Hotel.
To George LeDloyt, owner of Lot S,
block 45.
The owners of property on the west
side of Oak street, between Dth nnd 11th
streets are hereby notified that the
Mnyor and founcll of the City of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, pass
ed nnd approved an ordinance on the
18th day of June. 1913. ordering n, slde
walk adjoining their said premises, to
be constructed ns to line and grade, and
of permanent material, as provided In
the general ordinances of said city,
regulating the construction of slde
wnlks In said city.
Unless said walk is constructed by
you along the east side of said lot 8,
block 45. owned by you, In accordance
with said ordinances, on or beforo tho
7th day of October. 1915, the same will
be constructed by said city and the
costs assessed upon the said lot own-
a ny you unjoining wnicn tuetsame
hall be constructed.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
To George LeDloyt, owner of lots 1 nnd
Z, IJIOCK 4 1.
The owners of nronerty on the south
side of 10th street between Oak and
Klni street nro hereby notlfled that the
Mnyor and Council' of the City of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebrhs-
ku. nasseu ana apnroveu an ormnance
on the ISth day of June. 1913, ordering
n siuewaiK aujoining ineir saui prem
ises, to be constructed ns to lien anu
grade and pf permanent material, as
provided in the general ordinances of
said city, regulating the construction
r siiiewaiKB in saui city.
Unlesssntd walk Is constructed by
you along the north side of lots 1 niut-
block 47. owned by you, in nccoru
ance with said ordinances, on or be
fore tho 7th day of October, 1915, the
same will be constructed by said city,
nnd the costs nssesaed upon the said
lot owned by you and adjoining which
the same snail bq constructed.
(SEAL) . City Clerk
To George LeDloyt,- .owner of lot 1,
mode 47.
Tho owners of property on tho west
side of Elm street, between 7th nnd
lot h streets, nro hereby notllled that
the Mayor and Council" of the City of
.North I'latte, ijincom county, xseuras-
Ka. passed ana nnnrovea an ordinace
on tno istn dny oi June. lyu. order
ing a siuewaiK nujoining ineir sniu
prem ses. to be constructed as to lino
and grade, nnd of permanent material
ns provided in tho general ordinances
or said city, regulating the construc
tion or HldewnlKs in said cltv.
unless saiu walk is constructed by
you along the east side of said lot 1,
block 47, owned by you, In accordance
with snld ordinances, on or before the
7th day of Octobor. 1915, the same will
be constructed by said city nnd the
coats assessed unon the Raid lot owned
ny you adjoining wnicn tne same shall
ue constructed.
KJ. P. 'VtiMl'ldK.
(S13AL) City Clerk.
To Estate of Catherine Glrktns, own
tr ot iot ii. uioc U4.
The owners of property on tho
enst sldo of Chestnut street, betwoen
t tn and loth streets, are hereby notl
lled that the Mayor nnd Council of tho
fity ot rsortn i'latte, Lincoln county
rsebraska. passed and nnnroved nn or
dlnanco on the ISth day of Juno. 1913
ordering n sidewalk adjoining their
snld premises, to be constructed as, to
line nnd gr df i,nd of permanent ma
terlal, a p. ov !ed In the genernl or
dlnnccH of suld city, regulaing the con
.struct Ion of sldewnlks In Bald cltv.
I'nless said walk Is constructed by
you along the west sldo of lot C, block
CI owned by you. In accordance with
said ordinances on or before tho 7th
dny of October. 1016, the snmo will be
constructed by snld city and the costs
assessed upon the said lot owned by
you aujoining wiuen tne same snail ue
(SEAL) City Clerk
To Minnie V. McGulre, ownor of lot 1
Hlock 20.
The owner of property on tho west
side of Willow street, between llth
nnd 12th streets, aro hereby notllled
Unit tho Mnyor nnd Council of the City
oi worm I'intte, Lincoln county, jno
brnskn. lmssod and npprovod nn ordl
nance on tlie ISth dnv of June. 1913
ordering a sldowalk ndjolnlng their said
premise?, to be constructed ns to lino
und grinle. nnd of permanent material
ns provided In the general ordinances
of snld city, rogulnting tho construe
jii Kit atliu uaitno ,ii cum vivj.
Vnless HRlilS walk Is constructed by
you along tho enst sldo of lot 1, block
20. owned by you. In accordance with
said ordinances, on or before tho 7th
dv of October. 191C. tho snmo will be
constructed by said city nnu tne cobib
aHsessed upon snld lot o ucu by you
ndlolninff which the same sunn b
constructed. .
l. 1 TEAll'l.E,
(SEAL) City Clerk
To Michael C. Harrington ownor of
Lot 1. Block 75.
Tho owners of property on tno west
side of Oak street between Sth and
10th streets, nro hereby notllled that til
Mnyor and Council of the City of North
lMntte. Lincoln county. Nebraska, pass
ed nnd approved an ordinance on the
ISth day of June, 1913 ordering a sldo
walk adjoining tholr said premises, to
bo constructed as lo uno nnu grauo, an
of pornuuient material as provided In
the Ken oral ordinances of snld city
regulating the construction of sldo
walks In Bald city.
Unless said walk Is constructed by
you along the east side of lot 1, block
75, owned by you. In accordance with
snld ordinances, on or beforo the 7th
day of October. J91C, tho same will bo
constructed by wild city nnd the costs
nBHessod upon the snld lot .owned by
you adjoining which tlio sanlo Bhnll be
constructed. , cpTKMpljK
(SEAll) City Clerk
Nollco lo Contractors
You aro herby notified that sealed
bids will be received by the dlroctor,
Leonard Lnubncr, of School District
No. 33 In Lincoln county, Nebraska, at
the office of Beelor & Crosby in North
Platte, Nebraska, up until 1 o'clock p.
m. of tho lGth day of October, 1915,
for tho erection and comnlotlon of a
four room brick and re-lnforced con
creto school house at O'Fallon, Lincoln
county, Nebraska,
Such bids must bo accompanied by
certified check In tho Bum of ono hun
dred and fifty. 00.000 (150.00) dollars,
payable to Henry Fulk, treasurer of
School District No. 33, In Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, which will bo forfeited If
the person to whom tho contract is
awarded falls to enter Into the con
tract. The school board reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Plans and specifications may be ex
amined nt tho office of Bert M. Rey
nolds, architect, North Platte, Nebras
Bids will be opened nt the office of
Booler & Crosby, North Platte, Nebras
ka, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day.
14td Director.
To Dora V. VanDruff, owner of lot 5,
block 57, North Platte, Nebr.
The owners of property on tho
east side of Chestnut street, between
9th and 10th streets, are hereby no
tified that the Mayor and Council of
tho City of North Platte, Lincoln coun
ty. Nebraska, passed and approved an
ordinance on the 18th day of June, 1913,
ordering a sidewalk adjoining their
said premises, to be constructed as to
llr.c and grade, and of permanent ma
terial, as provided In the general or
dinances of said city, regulaing the
construction of sidewalks In said city.
Unless said walk Is constructed by
ou alone tho we8t side of said lot 5,
block 57, owned by yotl, In accordance
With said ordinances, on or bofore the
19th day of October, 1915, the same
111 bo constructed by said city and
the costs assessed upon trie said lot
owned by you adjoining which the
same shall be constructed.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
Probate Notice to Creditors.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Couu
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Estate of Wll
llam Highbergor, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the cred
ltors of the deceased will meet the
rdmInlstrator of said estate bofore
me, County Judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, ftt the county court room
In said county, on the 21th day ol
September, 1915, and on the 24th day
of March, 191G, at 9 o clock a. m. each
ay for the purpose of presenting their
claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance. Six monthG aro al
lowed for creditors to present their
clnlns and one year for tho adminis
trator tq settle said estate from the
24th day of September, 1915. This
notice will be published In the North
Plattte Tribune, a'soml-veokly news
per, for1 four weeks successively prior
to the 24th dny of September, 1915.
Witness my hand and seal of said
court this ISth day of August. 191o.
A24-4 County Judge
Department of the Interior
Serial No. 05:118
U. S. Land Offce iit North Platto, Neb.
August 5, 1915.
Notce is hereby given that Syril II
Edis, of North Platte, Nebraska, who,
on November 21, 1311, made Homestead
Entry No. 05318, for EV. and E ol
WVi Sections, Township 11 N., Range
29 W Cth Prlucipal Meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to make final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to tho land above described, before
the Register and Receiver at Nroth
Platte, Nebraska, on tho 5th day of
October, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses: F. G.
Wheeler, of Bignell. Nebr., William
Holderness, of North Plntte, Nebr.,
Jesso Hlghberger, of North Platte,
Nebr., Harry Stevens, of Bignell, Nebr.
a!0-6w J. E. EVANS, Register,
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty. Nebraska.
Ip the matter of tho Estate of Nancy
Houk, Deceased.
To the Creditors, Heirs, and all Persons
intorostod in said estate:
Notice Is hereby clven. that John
Houk field his netltlon in this court
on tho 27th day of August, 1915 In
which ho alleges that ono Nancy Houk.
deceased, departed this life Intestate on
tno zutn dnv or XNovomuer. tuus. in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, and nt tho
time of her death wns solzed In fee
simple of all of tho South hnlf (S.)
of tho Northwest eiuartor. (N. V 'A).
and Lots throe, C3). and four, (4), of
section two isj, xownsnip niiccu kmi
North of rtnnire thirty-trroo. (33)
YvoHti of the sixth (Cth). .Principal
Meridian. Lincoln County. Nobraska.
said lands embracing one hundred and
slxtl (100) acres nnd olghty-olght ono
hundredths, tssauii), acres.
Tbnt the petitioner. John Houk,
and Llnulo Williams, brcther nnd sis
ter. onch inherited nn undivided one
hnlf Intorost i.i tho nbova dt-scrlbod
ronl estate. Tho pray nr of said potlt-
tlon In that the court dctcrmUui tho
time of tho death of tho said Nancy
Houk. decehveed. bar heir, tlio degroo
of kinship, and .ne rlnt of descent of
ilin rnnl nrnnnrfi' nh.wi. iloMnrllif.l. nllrl
that all clainirt and demands, against
said estate bo lo.-evor barred.
It Is therefore ordered that tho said
petition will bo hoard before the coun
ty uourt oi ijincom LDuniy.icnr aha,
In tho Court house. In tho rlty of North
I'latte, in sal. I (ounty an I state, .it i
o'clock A. M.. on ti: 30th dav of Sep
tombcr, lOifi, nt whim tlnm a", ppr
Monti Interested in said estnto may nn
npnr nnt Rhow I'iitjno. I all" there bo
why the nravnr of R.ild Del I lion s'lOUid
not bo granted,,and ttiat 1 1 'oregolbg
notice be published In tho Noi th Tlatte
Tribune, three sjooesilo 1.-eil:a prior
to said noarinar.
Dated AubguSl !7. mr.. iiiirii,.,il
t.EO. M f M 11
s6-3w County .ludgo
In the County Court of Lincoln Coun
tr Vnlirnskn.
in tho Matter of tho Kstato of Abblo L,
Hoblson, Deconsed.
Vntlrn In bnrnbv alvon. That tllO Cred
ltors of tho docoased will meet tho
Administrator of said estnto, before
inn. I'mmtv .Tuiltrn of Lincoln County
Nebraska, at the County Court ltoom
In until pnnntv on tho Sth dny of Oc
toiler, 191G, and on tho 8th day of
April. 1910, at 9 o'clock n. m. cacn dny
for tho nurnosn of presenting tholr
I' M for examination, adjustment and
allowance. Six months are allowed
for creditors to present tholr claims
nmi nn vnnr for the Administrator to
settle tho oBtate. from tho 8th day pt
October, 191S. Tins notico win uo puu
Hniimi in tlm North Platto Tribune. I
legal semi-weekly newspaper, for four
weoks successively prior to the 8th(day
of October 1915. ,
Witness my hand and senl of said
court this 3d dfty aitt'nber. v
"ana. T3. prench.
((Sonl ) nG-4 Gonnt. Jujjge
..General Hospital..
Phone 58
723 Locust Street
"A modern Institution for tho
scientific trentment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Rcdfield, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D.
Miss Elisc Sieman, Supt.
Licensed Embalmers
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phone Black G8S. '
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red C3G Office 459
Walton H. RIggs, the heirs, devisees,
legatees and personal representatives
of said Walton II. Itlggs and all per
sons Interested In tho estate of said
Walton II. Rlggs: R. B. Matlack, the
heirs, devisees, legatees and personal
representatives of said R. B. Matlack
and all persons Interested In tho es
tato of said R. B. Matlack; Charles
McArthur and Emma McArthur his
wife, defendants : You and each of you
will tako notice that on August 21st,
1915, Al Zollars plaintiff filed his cer
tain petition in tho district court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, against you
and each of you, the object and prayer
of which are to quiet and confirm
against you title to tho following des
cribed lands situate in Lincoln county,
Nebraska, to-wlt: East Half of South
west Quarter and West Half of South
east Quarter of Section Twenty-three
(23), Township 'Nine (9), North of
Range Twenty-nine (29), West of tho
Gth P. M. and to establish now and In
dependent title In the plaintiff and his
granteo in said described lands by
reason of the adverse possession
thereof as against "said named defen
dants ns in said petition pleaded and
to cancel and annul a mortgage ruado
on February 7, 1890 to ono Marshall S.
Way and nsslgncd to defendant R. B.
Matlack as being barred by the statuto
of limitations.
You and each of you will make an
swer to said petition on or before tho
4th day of October, 1915, or decree will
bo taken against you as In said peti
tion prayed.
AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff.
By E. H. Evans, His Attorney. "324-4
Catherine V. Beers, tho heirs, de
visees, legatees and personal repres
entatives of said Catherine V. Beers
and all porsons Interested In tho es
tate of said Catherino v. Beers; the
Nebraska and Kansas Farm Loan
Company, a corporation, and unknown
claimants of the West Half of North
east Quarter and East Half of Northwest-Quarter
of Section Twenty-threo
(23), Township Nine (9), North of
Rango Twenty-nine (29), West of tho
Cth P. M :You and each of you will
tako notice that on August 21st, 1915,
Al Zollars, as plaintiff, filed his cer
tain petition In tho district cour,t of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho object
and prayer of which are to quiet and
confirm against you and each of you,
title to tho following described -lands
3ltuato in Lincoln, county, (Nebraska,
to-wlt: West half of Northeast puar
ter and East half of Northwest puar
ter of Section twenty-threo 1(23),
Township Nino (9), North of Range
twenty-nine (29), west of tho 0th P. M.
nnd to establish 'by said action new
and independent title In plaintiff and
his grantee bv reason or the adverse
possesion of said described premises
as in snld petition pleaded and to can
cel that certain mortgago mndo and
executed to tho defendant, Nebraska
& Kansas' Farm Loan Company, a
corporation, on Juno 17, 1889, and re
corded in Book 9, at pago 280, or tho
county clerk's records of Lincoln
county, as being barred by the statuto
of limitations.
You and each of you will mako ans
wer to said petition on or beforo tho
4th day'of October, 1915, or decreo
will be taken against you ns in said
petition prayed.
AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff.
By a H. Evans, His Attorney. a24-4
William Wells and wlfo Serena
Wells, the" heirs-, doviseos, legatees
and porsonnl representatives of said
William Wells and all porsons Inter
ested In the estate of said William
Wells, defendants, will tako notico that
on August 21st, 1915, Al Zollars, plain
tiff, filed his certain petition In tho
District Court of Lincoln County, No
braska, against said named defen
dants, Impleaded, the object and
prayer of which said action aro to
quiet and confirm title In plaintiff and
against said defendants in tho West
Half of Northwest Quarter of Section
Twenty-threo (23), Township Nine
(9), North of Rango Twenty-nine (29),
West of tlio 6th P. M. Lincoln County,
Nebraska and to establish by said
action now and Independent title In
tho plaintiff against said defendants
by reason of tho adverse possession
of said lands by plaintiff for more
than ten years past,
t You and each of you will answer
said petition on or beforo tho 4th
day of Octobor, 1915, or decree -will
be takctn against you as prayed for in
plaintiff s petition.
AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff.
By E II Evans, His Attorney. a24-4