THE 8EMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. ART OF SELLING FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Apples Graded (By S. B. SHAW.) A great many fruit-growers mako ,tho mistako of allowing their fruit to becomo too rlpo boforo picking, and as a result tho produce, which looks fresh enough In tho orchard or garden, reaches tho market overripe and often decayed. Ovorripo fruit or vegetables should always bo sold in a market which can bo reached within a very short time after leaving tho farm and very ripe fruit should bo consumed at homo or banned. Nevor ship bruised fruit, because ovory bruise meaus quick decay and rotting fruit novor brings its cost on tho market. Some growers harvest their fruit by shaking it on tho ground on beds of straw placed around the trees or by knocking it off with poles -or clubs. Fruit gathorcd in this way la almost useless. Fruit should bo picked in bag3 or baskets slung around tho pickers neck in order that ho may uso both hands and every Individual fruit should bo laid, not thrown, into the receptacle. Growers of flno oranges have learned that ovqn tho slight abrasions made by tho picker's finger nails will cause decay, and in many orchards tho pickers nro provided with gloves to prevont injury of this kind. Noxt to propor picking comes grad ing, and many growers couslder thi3 tho most important operation in pre paring fruit and vegetables for mar ket. This work can best be started in tho field with tho growing of tho crop. Careful cultivation means fewer culls and less expenso for sorting and grading. Uniformity is tho chief requirement to bo considered in this operation and fruit and vegetables should always be sent to market uniform in condition, quality and general appearance. Mar kets arc seldom overstocked with good fruit and vegetables, but it is the poor ly dovoloped, unoveuly ripened and badly selected products that injure tho sale of tho better articles. Produce of all kinds should bo sort ed so that in each package tho speci mens are as nearly alike as possible. Tho efficient grader has in mind tho appearanco of tho wholo package and not tho individual spoclmen. Tho time has coma when tho better grades of fruit and vegetables aro put up in special packages that go with tho salo of tho product. Tho increasing demand of this period for produco In "gift packages" has created very strong competition among manufac turers, and prices have been reduced ito tho minimum. It is a good plan for amateur grow ers, who have not shipped to tho gen eral markets, to first visit tho farms of successful growers and learn by obser vation how produco should bo picked, graded and packed in order to bring tho best prices. To show tho Importance of tho propor grading and picking of fruit it may bo mentioned that some apples sold on tho New York market at $4 per barrel, while apples from tho same orchard ut the same timo sold at ?4 ADVANTAGES OF SILO Cutting Ensilage and Filling 8ilo. Tho silo has opened advantages to dairymen In other countries whore corn doos not mature. In England, whero tho conditions aro unfavorable for production of matured crops of corn, tho farmers sow corn for fodder, stora In tho silo, and thou grow a crop of turnips on tho land from which thoy took tho foddor. Tho aamo system can bo practiced In this country, but our farmors aro too often content with ono crop, and thus do not derivo as much from tho land as is possiblo to bo obtained. Tho land In England is high, and farmors pay high rents, but thoy do not hesitate to apply manuros and fertilizers liberally, becauso in that way oxdy can thoy get large crops in return. and Faced. por box- Tho formor were ungraded, whllo tho latter wero graded, wrapped and well packed. Most of tho fancy fruit from tho wostern states sold on tho eastern markets is wrapped in papor and packed in boxes. Apples of this kind frequently sell on the Chicago und Now York and other big markets at from 10 to 15 cents each, whllo 11 thoy wero packed indiscriminately in barrels they would not bring one-third of tho sum. Trained pickers enn also faco each basket, thereby Increasing tho attrac tiveness of tho package PREPARE ROASTERS FOR MARKET TRADE Ohio Farmer Begins Fattening When the Cockerels Weigh Four Pounds. When we furnished soft roasters to a local market, writes an Ohio farmer In an exchange, wo began fattening about September 1, when tho cockerels wore about four pounds weight (soft roasters are crate-fed cockerels). Wo now sell most of ours In Now York city and have our first ones ready for tho Thanksgiving market. When the weather is cool enough to risk a ship ment that dlstanco (and wo keep it up as long as wo can buy nico young chickens), wo mako tho work lit In with our other work; wo begin as soon as wo can nftcr tho silos aro filled and our stock cattle are in. Wo keep the wind pump golug when wo aro dressing and let tho cool ing trough overflow. Tho tempcraturo of tho water is about fifty degrees F, and cools them as well as ico wntcr, but no better, and not qulto so quick ly. Wo do not draw any that wo ship, but draw them for our local trade, after first weighing as dressed. Wo 'find they aro worth four cents por pound moro drawn than dressed. Some markets require them drawn, but not table drawn. Only tho small Intestines aro taken out without cut ting any opening. If poultry is properly dressed and cooled, it keeps better and longor than if drawn, and tho carcass is very much improved if kept at a tompera turo of about fifty degrees F. for ono or two weeks boforo being drawn and cooked. If any feed is loft In tho crop it gives a sour flavor to tho carcass because tho fermentation of tho food takes place there. But when that is over and tho feed passed out into tho intestines, and tho carcass cooled as soon as dressed, no bad flavors re sult. If tho skin Is cut to removo the entrails, bacteria enter and very soon spoil the carcass. Time to Feed jChlcks. 1 Do not feed young chicks till they aro at least ono or two days old. They absorb tho yolk shortly boforo leav ing tho shell, and that gives all the nourishment their systems can uso for somo timo. TO THE DAIRYMAN DRY AND WET COMPARTMENTS Moisture In Incubator Tends to In crease Hatch of Eggs Also Adds to Weight of Chick. A test made in April, 1914, by tho New Jersoy experiment station to do tormlno tho efficiency of a 300-cgg capacity Incubator gavo a percentage of hatch of fertilo eggs of 77.1 and a percentage In July of 85. Comparing compartments run dry with those run wot it waB observed that the latter gavo a much hlghor percentage of hatch as well as an increase in the weight of tho chicks, tho average weight for tho dry being 1.2 ounces, and for tho wet 1.25 ounces. Four brooders of 100 week-old chicks each were fed for nine woeks, two lots receiving n regular chick ration and two other lots receiving In addition all tho sour milk thoy would consume. Tho first' two broodors made a total gain of 4S.G2 pounds and 42.35 pounds and tho mortality was soventy-ono and soventy-threo respectively, while the last two brooders mado a total gain of 82.22 and 81.04 pounds and tho raor tallty was twenty-eight and twonty eight, respectively,. It was found to require 3.C quarts of skim milk to pro duce a pound of body wolght. It is stated that the skim-milk-fcd chicks represented a moro uniform flock than those not so fed. It has been concluded that skim milk has tho power to kill the organisms which causo many poultry diseases, tho bacilli being destroyed by tho dlluto acid of the sour milk. DURABLE COOP FOR CHICKENS Illustration Gives Outline of Sanitary Pen for Confining Chicks Simple In Construction. This drawing shows the plan ol chicken coop wo designed and have been using tho last ten years. The coops aro made in the winter time when the men are not busy with othoi work. They aro mado of 12 and 6-inch soft pine boards. They arc 23 inches long, 18 inches wide, 18 inches high in Sanitary, Safe and Durable. front and a foot high at the back. The roof extends over tho side walls about 3 inches on nil sides, writes Mrs. S. M. Pephart, In Farmers Mall and Breeze. Tho floors are hinged on as shown and tho coops are painted insldo and out. Wire screen is put in tho ends as shown, to provide ventilation. The littlo side door permits chicks to come and go. Tho material in each coop costs about $1. Wo U3e the coops from year to year as they are cleaned out every fall and put away in tho dry during tho winter. I have never yet lost a chicken in these coops, eithet by drowning, smothering or through having somo animal get In. FILLERS FOR EGG CARRIERS Shocks Incident to Shipping and Han dling of Fragile Articles Will Not Cause Breakage. Tho Scientific American In illus trating and describing a filler for egg cases, invented by C. P. Daly of Now York, says: This Invention relates to fillers fqt egg cases or carriers and moro par ticularly to an improved double-walled filler of such construction that shock? Filler for Egg Cades. Incident to the shipping and handling of eggs or llko fragllo articles will not causo the breakage or injury thereto ua is now commonly caused. Improving the Flock, liaise a few moro pullete than you will want for layers, then you will have a chance to pick out tho best and sell tho culls. In this way you will Improve tho flock. i . Eggs for Winter. How many eggs aro you putting away for next winter? Bo suro thoy aro fresh and then use a 10 per cent .water-glass solution Backache is Discouraging Nothing Is moro discouraging than a constant backache. Lanio when you nwnkon, pains plorco you whon you bond or lift, it's hard to work or to rest. Backacho often indicates bad kidneys. If tho urlno is disordered, passages too fre quent or scanty, thcro is furthor proof. Delay Is dangorous. Prompt uso of Bonn's Kldnoy Pills now may oparo you sorlous troublo later. Doan's is the world's best-rocom-mended kldnoy romedy. An Iowa Case "Evtr ricluro T'UStotv".t6l N. II. May, 1700 rZZJf v sixth St., Sioux I (CTlx l0Wft Ba,8i VVS'fiWP. ."My kidneys wero t lfXl in bud slmpo and I li a tl rheumatic iinlns In my arms. My hack nched so severely It was n iv r a ror mo to ntnon or lift. Tho kldnoy s o c retlons scalded In paBsnKe. Doan's Kidney Pills wero Just what I needed. They strencthened my back and kidneys and drove away tho pain and other kidney ailments." Get Don' at Any Stor. COo Doz DOAN'S WAV FOSTER-MILDURN CO., BUFFALO. N. V. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never (nil. Purely vefceta ble act surely but gently on tne liver. Stop after dinner distress-euro inriiirpstinn improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A tolltt preparation of merit. Itfilr toaradlcnttduidrurf. Fnr Rritorini Color and Daautr toGrar or Faded ItatrJ ftuo. ana iaj at itueki.i. Use Aeroplanes to Hunt Seals. Difficulty experienced this past sea son In locating seal herds in northern waters has caused tho owners of seal ing ships to gtvo serious considera tion to employing aeroplanes In next year's hunt. Tloso craft of tho air, thoy believe, can scout moro cheaply and with less wasto of timo than tho sealing ships, themselves. Small aero planes, designed especially for tho purpose, aro looked upon as entirely feasible. Through tholr uso, seal herds will bo located and roportod to tho vessel which can then mako for the spot Indicated. No Long Term Wished. "May 1 say just ono word boforo you lmposo sentence?" asked tho street railway magnate. "Well, what Is It?" snapped tho court. "Please remember, your honor, that, you aro imposing' sentenco and not granting mo a franchise," ho cau tioned, fearing for tho worst. Art Discussion. "I understand tho War department Is sculpturing an army," remarked tho man who likes action. ''1 wondor what kind of a model lio's using." "I don't know. I hopo It Isn't pa tience on a monument." When you havo no reason to smllo, keep In practice anyway. dHmunn kiwi MMF livER JEavSra II pills. itart Children to School Bight After the vacation rest, school children should quickly settle down to the task of learning. Do your parti Parental responsibility does not end by sending them to school. The child must be equipped with mind and body at their best. And here the right food plays a most important part. Growing children need energy; the right kind and lots of it And energy cornea from well-nourished nerves and brain. a food made from wheat and barley, contains the vital mineral salts Phosphate of Potash, etc. (grown in the grains) which directly act with other food values to build up body, brain and nerves. Statistics prove that much of the "backwardness" of some children, is due to faulty nourishment. A morning dish of Grape-Nuts and cream is good alike for the bright scholar and the backward pupil. The latter needs the nutrition; the former will progress in sounder physical and mental health because of it. Si There's MIGHTY POWER OF LOVE Great Truth In Words Which Emer son Is Put on Record na Having Spoken. H was Kmorson who said, "An nc coptnnco of tho sentiment of lovo throughout Clirlstondom for n season, would bring the felon nnd tho outcast to our sldo In tears, with tho devotion of his faculties to our sorvlco. Lovo would put n now fnco on this weary old world, In which wo dwell as pa gans and onomlos too long, and It would warm the heart to seo how fnBt tho vain diplomacy of statesmen, tho Impotence of armies nnd navies nnd lines of defense, would bo superseded by this unarmed child." Alas that tho Bontlmcnt hns not boon accepted, but Instead tho world and tho Indi vidual havo been laying their plans, and directing their action, by a calcu latlon of chnncos which, of courso. can bo no bigger than tbo human mind thnt doos tho calculating. That lovo hns not been tried Is provod by tho cdllnpse of commercial civili zation, but tho things of commorco and of calculation perish, whllo tho sentiment of love endures, becauso it Is of Ood, and being of God, Is suro In tho end to triumph. Unlvorsallat Leader. Drink Denlson's Coffee, For your health's sako. Hotter a song In tho heart than two In tho flat upstairs. Mot particular women uso Red Crow Hall Blue. American made. Sure to please. At all good isroecrs. Adv. Very Thirsty. In tho good old days gono by when a gnrdenor was kept It usod to bo tho custom to keop a cask of lemon ado from which tho outdoor servants could holp themselves. Tho gnrdon or was noticed to go very frequently to tint cask, and hta mistress took tho opportunity to Bpoak to him on tho subject. "John," sho said, "I think you get thirsty very often." "No, mum, I don't," replied John. "Woll, John, I seo you very frequent ly nt tho lomouado barrel." "Yes, mum, that's what keops me from gottin' thirsty." Time Has Made a Difference. "Tho Inst timo I saw Sylvia Pank hurst boforo tho war," writes a Lon don clubman, "sho was In tho arms of a policeman, being carried off to tho Vino Stroot stntlon, followed by scores of militants shrloktng that woman would nover bo slaves. I saw her a few nights ago down near Poplar, way, where she was presiding over a two ponny restaurant whore splondld din nors of hot stow, potatoes and fruit pudding with bread, butter and tea wero served to distressed East End ors. In addition tho sulTragottos havo organized ,puro milk depots for tho babies, and an employment bureau for glrlB and women." Wise Fish. mil I seo tho herring catch of Eng land last year oxeccdod by far that of any provlous season. Jill Thoy probably wanted to got In out of tho wet boforo tho submarine war started." Of courso thoro Is moro than ono good reason why tho match-making mamma should bo called Mater. A genius may nntlclpato his famo, but only a fool would anticipate his fortune. Thero's many a kick concealed in an insulnted olectrlc wiro. ape-Nuts a Reason" for IN ALL OUR NEIGHBORHOOD There Is Hardly A Woman Who Does Not Rely Upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Princeton, 111. "I had inflammation, hard headaches in tho back of my neck and a weakness all caused by fomalo trouble, and I took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegotablo Com pound with such ex cellent results that I am now fooling fine. I recommend the ,7 Compoundand praise v it to all. iBhallbo glad to havo you publish my letter. Thoro is scarcely a neighbor around ma who does not use your medicine. "Mrs. J. P. Johnson, R. No. 4, Box 30, Prince ton, Illinois. Experience of a Nurse. Poland,N.Y. "In my experience as a nurso I certainly think Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetablo Compound is a great medicine I wish all women with fe male troubles would tako it I took it when passing through tho Chango of Life with great results and I always re commend tho Compound to all my pa tients if I know of their condition in timo. I will gladly do all I can to help others to know of this great medicino." Mrs. Horace NewmAn, Poland, Her kimer Co., N. Y. If you uro ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at once tako Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. If you want special ndvlco wrl to Lydia 13. Pinklinm Mod(clno Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. W. N. U., OMAHA? NO. 37-1915. xm , vrn i i In Time of Due Prepare for Drought Brother Casslus Cautious Kush camo forward to bo baptized at tho colored campmoeting. Tho parson was tlrod of baptizing Brother Casslua and said: "Waffoh you always como forward to bo baptized Into tho fold? You dono boon baptized 17 times. I'so bap tlzod you my own solf ovory fall olnca tho big woods burned and Marso Hon oycutt died f'om obor-exertlu' hlsself. Ain't dnt do truf?" "Amen," said Casslus. "How many times you-all expect to bo baptized, dat's what I ax yo?" S "I reckon," replied Casslus Cautious Kush, "I'll bo baptized ovory year. Do oftoncr I gets dis mortal clay soaked down, do safer I'll bo from sparks on dat groat day whon do world am all on flro. Hallelujah!" Judgo. One Commandment Broken. Bridget Tho now neighbors want to cut tholr grass, mum, and thoy sont ovor to ask tho loan of your lawn mower. Mistress Lend them our lawnmow or to cut grass on tho Sabbath! Cer tainly not! Toll thorn, Bridget, that wo haven't ono. Boston Transcript Where the Vacuum Was. BUI Ho's got a now Idea for a vac uum cleaner. Jill Whoro'd ho got it? "Out of hB head." ' The Signs. "Tho follow yondor Is a gunman." "How can you tell?" "By his bullot head." Grape - Nuts sold by Grocers everywhere.