The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 14, 1915, Image 5

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FlLL ope
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I 1H
DR.. 0. 11. CRESSLER, t
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
Miss Graco Swanson entertained
the Epworth League Friday evening.
Mrs. L. L Hall, of Gering, is visit
ing with friends in town this week.
Percy Schott returned the latter
part of last week from a visit in
Infants' and children's coats in all
styles, at a great variance of prices, at
The Leader,
E. L. Blakslee of the Fourth ward,
who has been very ill is reported to bo
Attorney Albert Mudoon spent the
latter part of last week in Ogokilla
on business.
Double Trading Stamps on nil cash
purchases from to 1(1 o'clock next
Saturday evening at The Leader.
Miss Merlo Thornburg has severed
her conection with the Fashion shop
as .saleslady.
Mrs. Fred Payne returned Friday
evening from a short visit in eastern
points with relatives.
James Elliott has resumed work in
tho Rexall Drug store after enjoying
his summer vocation.
Mrs. J. E. Ilaynes returned' tho
latter part of last week from a visit
with Denver relatives,
Tho display of fall and winter mil
linery at the Hub is completo and
your patronago is solicited.
J. E. Hood, a machinist in the shops
was injured Friday by being lilt on
the head with a tank apron.
A good place to bo at McVlckcr's
millinery parlors September 10 and
17 Ynn win bo shown a comprehen
sive display of tho season's newest
9 !&
ROOMS 155521,
We open our foil campaign on the above dates with the lurgest and most up-to-date assortment of dry goods,
consisting of wool dress goods, silks and all washable goods and domestics that has ever been shown under one roof
in North Platte, at prices that defies all competition.
In our ready-to-wear department we are showing all the latest effects in suits, sizes 16 to 4S, coats of all des
criptions, dresses and costumes in the latest des'-gns. No two alike. Alterations free. In dress skirts we have them
in sizes from 22 to 36 waist measurements, in all shades.
Our line of Misses' and Childrens' Coats, in sizes from 2 to 16 years, is almost endless in its range of variety
and prices. Children's dresses in' wool and washable sizes 2 to 16 years, at prices from fifty cents up.
Ladies Raincoats, 200 to pick from, sizes from 16 to 48, prices from 12.95 up.
Ladies' Sweaters, in silk and wool, misses' and children's sweaters in all shades and styles.
Ladies' misses and children's Night Gowns in muslin and outings. y h
Ladies' Waists, over 1000 to pick from, all sizes, from $1.00 up.
Gloves, the Kayser and Adler makes, the R. &S. Rustless Corsets, the Kayser, Luzercne and Dependon under
wear for ladies, and misses and children, the Kayer and Dependon hosiery.
Blankets in cotton, half-wool and all-wool in all sizes, guilts in bats and downs.
All goods mentioned above were purchased this season, and as we paid spot cash for all merchandise, and buying
direct from the manufacturer, we are enabled to undersell any competitor. -
During our opening days a silk petticoat will be given away with every suit sold at $15 up.
The H. 8t S. Green Trading Stamps are given with all cash purchases.
NOTICE- Our store will be1 closed Saturday, Sept. 18, until sundown on account of the"Jewinh Atonement Day.
Saturday evening, Sept. 18th, from 6 to
green trading stamps on all cash purcha ses.
Dan Roberts, who had been in
Omaha for, h week or more, returneil
home Saturday evening.
Albert Brown, of Farnam. came a
few days ago to transact business and
visit friends for a week.
'Dick Baker and Art'.ulivr,imer let
few days .ago on a hunting trip in
he Lake country.; .
pw Full Waists in Silks. Net. Lace.
waists imaeinable. now shown at
BLOCK'S, G5c to $7.50.
The next meeting of the Indian card
club will be held at the home of Mrs.
M. K. Neville on Sept 22nd.
Lem Graves returned a few days'
ago from Denver where he visited
the Mooney family for a week.
Double Trading Stamps on nil cash
purchases from (i to 10 o'clock next
Saturday evening at The Leader.
Mrs. H. M. Getty and children have
returned from Omaha and1 Lincoln
where they visited relatives.
The latest millinery is found at the
Hub. Styles that will please and
prices that will satisfy.
Mr nnfi Mrs., O. W. Allison, of
Wallace, came last week and nro
guests or Mr. ana iirs. uuy iuu..
Silk and washable shirt waists,
from $1.00 up, in great variety, arc
shown at Tho Leader.
John Ritncr and party will go to
Curtis this week to begin work on a
now concrete bridge over Fox Creek.
Mrs. J. Alden returned to Grand
Island the latter part, of last week
after visiting with Mrs. W. T. Alden.
Mr .and Mr3. P. D. Scott are re
the arrival of a baby
boy which was born to thorn Friday
-vticonii Dnrniiiv Hubbard and Esther
Schwaiger left yesterday morning for
Koarnoy to attend the Normal.
Miss Alice Luby, or Giltnor, came
Friday evening to-visit her brotlfer
Edward Luby and wife for a couple
of weeks.
Mrs. Huron or Hershoy, who ac
companied her grand-daughter hero
last week, has returned homo a few
days ago.
Every Home
Should be Covered
v n good Fire Insurance Policy, be
cause no body knows how or when
a lire Is going to originate, no matter
how careful householders themselves
may he. It is a matter of good busl
ness policy anyway to have your home
and effects fully Insured against pos
sible loss, and this Is our business. I
shall be glad to talk Fire Insurance
with you, and can offer you some
very attractive propositions which II
would pay you to consider.
Miss Gertrude Rebhausen left yes
terday for Hastings to take up her
duties as teacher of music in the
convent there. '
Dean Bowker returned the latter
part of last "week from Omaha and
Ijlastlngs where he spent the greater
par of tho week.
Mrs., J. W. Clough returned Friday
from Ogaiaila where she was tho
guest of her daughter Mrs. Arrow
smith for a week.
Carl Peychp, of Gothenburg, is
spending this week with local friends.
Ho was formerly employed at the lo
cal telephone office '
Mrs. II. N. Yarucll, of Keystone,
was operated upon n few days ago at
tho Nurse Brown Memorial hospital
and.'.i I'olng nicely.
50 of tho famous "Reglna" Pattern
Hats on display Thursday and Friday,
Sptember 1G and 17. McVlckcr's Mil
linery, 2nd lloor Tho Leader.
Tho J. F. F. Club will entertain
their husbands at a card party at
tho home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Manii this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calhoun who
had been visiting in Los Angolcs for
several weeks, returned homo tho lat
ter part of last wook.
John Poulas, proprietor of tho
North Platte Candy Kitchen who hud
been ill at the Genoral hospital, was
ablo to bo out Saturday.
At a meeting of tho high school foot
ball team a few days ago Jack Hus
band was unanimously chosen as cup
tain for tho present season.
Walter Hoxie who spent tho sum
mer on his father's ranch near Ogai
aila rcturond hero Saturday to finish
his courso In high school.
For Sale Hard and soft coal heat
ers. Inquire of Mrs. James Hart.
Mrs. Charles Yaudos nnd Mrs. A.
Thompson left itho Nurso Brown Mem
orial hospital yostonlay, Having made
a good recovery after operation.
Mrs. Thodoro White, of Cedar Rap
ods, la., who has been tho guoat of
Mrs. F. J. McGovorn for two weoks,
will leave tho lattor part of this week.
L. B. Bers of Denver, formerly of
this city, who spent the greatar part
of last week hore on business pertain
ing to his late father'-, estate, left
Sutiird'iy .
Miss Floronco Stack will loavo
shortly for Omaha and Lincoln to
spend a couple of weeks. Enrouto
homo sho will visit in Columbua ami
Dr. Brock, Dentist, has moved his
office to tho Reynolds building, ovor
Stono's Drug Store. OOtf
Joseph Fillion, Jr, who was In
Jured last week by fulling from tho
roof of the Davis garago Is able to
bo out and cun walk with tho aid
of a cano.
Mrs. Goo. Pappas visited her par
cuts at Gothenburg last week. Sho
was accompanied by hor daughter
Esther who will remain there and at
tend school.
Hoars For Sale
Pure bred Duroc-Jorsey gprlng boars
o'clock, we will give double
Miss Evelyn Forcnde, of Cercsco,
who had been the guest of Mrs. James
Shea for some time, left Saturday
morning for Broadwater to teach In
the schools there.
James Ware, of Blair, Ncbr., went
through tho latter part of last week
to Ogaiaila to attend the funeral of
tho late Henry Aufdcngarten, a pio
neer of Ogaiaila.
Fred Warren, of Tampa, Florida,
camo Sunday to visit his family who
havo been guests of Mrs. Warren's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bullard,
for several 'months.
Wanted Agents to sell our prod
uces on a highly profitable basis.
Start 'a business of your own. Wo
will tell you how. North Ridge Brush
Co., Frecport, 111.
Tho Elk dancing party givon at
their hall Friday ovonlngv was tho
first of a series which will be given
during tho frill and winter months
and was a very plensant one.
Mrs. Ditch, of Kansas, was called
here tho latter part of last weok by
the death of her son, Ira Ditch of
Wallace who died in this city. Sho
will spend a weok or more wltjh
relatives in Wallace.
For Farm Loans see or write Geno
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. 41tf
Lucius Stebbins ' returned a few
days ago from Omaha where ho spent
several days on business and while
thoro wrote several artlelos for tho
Hoe expressing his views on "Billy"
For Rent
West Third.
rooms, 41,4
Miss Lcona Marovlsh who had been
the guest of her sister Mrs. A. J.
Srnzior .tor a week, loft Saturday
morning for Thormopoplis whoro sho
has a position as teacher in tno
I'nll Dneiiliiir nl The Leader Thurs
day and Friday of this week. Don't
fail to attend.
A Bint; picnic was hold "n Ih'j cen-
.... .11. 1,1h! I v .r A.arttttlF
fir tiw MnnHrs. Dnv. Gantt. Wolr. Nor-
ris, Russell, Ottonrfteln nnd Schnial-
zrlod who will leave this week ror mo
university. Hot woinioB, sandwltches
and coffee wore sorved.
Kvorv wnnmn who nrides herself
on tho offoctlveness of her millinery
cannot afford to miss our first big dis
play of beautiful fall hats September
1(5 and 17. mcvicicors juiiiinory, ami
lloor, Tho Leader.
Mnv ItiinkR vmu tendered a surprise
party by a number of his gentlemen
frionds Friday evening, it Doing mo
nnnlvnrunrv n f lilu hlrlli. rPho ovonlnir
wnu nlnnenntlv annul 1)V all Tirosont
and tno reiresnmenis scrveu y 4irs
Bunks wero highly complimented.
Tho Misses Glnapp, of Gaslln, ar
rived In town last weok and began
tholr duties us tcachors In District
No. 5. Tho young ladlos taught In tho
west part of the state last your. Tliey
aro tho daughters of Frod Glnapp, one
of tho early settlors or Gnslln pro
For Snlc.
Thoroghbred Poland Qhlna Honrs:
took first prize at tho Into county fair.
Four and one-half months old. Prlco
Robert Anderson, of Omaha, enmo
up tho latter part of last wook to
hunt and visit local friends.
Mrs. Toole, of Kearney, returned
home Sunday ovonlng after visiting
her daughter for two weeks.
Mrs. Agnes Boyor returned Satur
day afternon from a Ivlst In Omaha
and other eastern points.
Tho Indies' aid society of tho Pres
byterian church will moot Thursday
afternoon in the church parlors.
Mrs. Young and daughter Miss
Ncola Hamilton of Kansas City, moth
er and sl3ter of Enrl Hnmllton, left
for ho'mo Saturday afternoon, nftor
visiting here for two weeks.
Every Saturday, also tho 15 1G, 17
and ISth days of each month, will bo
potato days at tho North Sldo barn.
Phono No. 29 for prices. I will savo
you money.
To Margaret McGovorn, owner of lots
1 and 2, block 85, North Platte, Nobr.
Tho owners of property on tho
Bouth sldo of Eighth street between
Locust and Walnut streets, aro here
by notified thnt tho Mnyor and Coun
cil of tho City of North Platto, Lin
coln county, Nebraska, passed and
approved un ordlnnnco on tho 18th
day of Juno, 1913, ordering a side
walk adjoining their said premises, to
bo constructed as to lino nnd grade
and of pormanent material, as pro
vided In tho general ordinances of
said city, regulating tho construction
of sldewulks In suld city.
Unless said walk Is constructed by
you along tho north side of suld lots
lund 2, block 85, owned by'ypn in ac
cordance with said ordlnnnces on or
boforo tho 19th dny of October, 1915,
tho saniewlll bo constructed by said
city and tho costs assessed upon tho
said lots owned by you adjoining which
tho fiomo shall bo constructed.
(SEAL) City Clork.
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
W. T. Berry, of Omaha, spent yes
terday hero on Union Pacific business.
Mrs. Elmer Burko will entertain tho
Novitn club on Wcdnosday, Septombor
Miss Nell Hanltln was off duty this
week at Tho Loader, having been ill
with rheumatism.
Amending Section 1 of un ordlnnnco
entitled: An ordinance establishing
the lire limits in the City of Aorth
Platte and regulating building
therein and providing u penalty for
the violation thereof.
Bo It ordained by tho Mayor and City
Council of the City of North Platto,
Section 1 That section 1 of tho or
dlnnnco entitled: An ordinance es
tablishing tho flro limit In tho city of
North Platto und regulntlng building
therein nnd providing a penalty for
tho violation thereof, be amended to
read as follows: That tho cast half or
Block clghty-'threo (S3) and tho west
half of Block eighty-four (84) and nil
of Blocks one hundred ono (101), ono
hundred twq (102), one hundred tirco
(103). ono hundred four (104), ono
hundred fourteen (114), ono hundred
fifteen (115), ono hundred Hlxteen
(110), ono hundred thirty-ono (131),
ono hundred thlrfy-two (132), and ono
hundred thlrty-lhreo (133) in tlifa orig
inal town now city of North Piatt",
Nobrnskn, as plntted und shown In tho
office of tho County Oerk, shall bo
the fire limit which la horoby estab
lished in .said city.
Section 2. All ordinance? or parta
of ordlnnnces In conlllct herewith are
hereby repealed,
Section 3. This ordinance ahull take
oflect and be In force from and nft.-r
Its passage und publication according
to law.
U Passed nnd aproved this 7th day of
September, 1915.
Attost: Acting Mayor.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
1 CwniZwS
your choice at ?25.00 each.
m2 sm!jS C