The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 14, 1915, Image 3

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Wo nro spirits clad In volls, by mnn wns nover 3cn:
All our deep communing fulls
To removo tlio shadowy screen.
Wo arc apt to forget tho composition
and preparation of many of the deli
cious old dishes of
our grandmothers,
so It Is wise to use
them occasionally
so they may not
bo entirely forgot
ten. Rlvcl Soup Put
a quart of milk on
to scald. Heat an egg until light,
pour, drop by drop, Into two tnble
spoonfuls of flour, well mixed with
one teaspoonful of chopped nuts and
a teaspoonful of salt. Stir with a
fork, and when well mixed roll tho
rlvels with tho hands. Drop tho
rlvcls into tho milk, and when boiled
servo at once.
Apple Bread. Mix together a cupful
of cooked dried apple, ono cupful of
raisins, ono cupful each of sugar and
walnuts, ono teaspoonful of cinnamon,
one-half teaspoonful of cloves and a
half teaspoonful of allspico Into a
pint of bread sponge. Mix and knead
as for bread and let stand until light.
Bako In a slow oven for two hours.
This will keop for weeks If well
wrapped In oiled paper and kept from
tho air.
Dutch Cabbage. Chop a small cab
bago with ono small onion and when
lino, pour over tho fat from a small
fillco of fat salt pork which has been
cut in cubes and browned. Add the
pork, and Into tho frying pan pour
sufficient vinegar to moisten, but not
make tho cabbago wot. Add season
ings of salt and red pepper. Pour
over tho vinegar boiling hot and sorvo
at onco. This Is a dish that you will
not bo allowed to forget, for every
body asks for It again and again. Tho
secret of tho palatablllty of this salad,
as is true of all salads, is tho season
ings. Tasto it often to get the right
proportion of salt, pepper and vine
gar. If tho vinegar is very acid and
you need qulto a little moisture, di
lute tho vinegar with water.
Steak With Olives. Broil tho streak
until properly cooked, season well
with salt, butter and pepper and placo
in the oven to keep hot. Put a table
spoonful of butter in a sauce pan and
when bubbling hot add a half cupful
of finely-chopped olives: when hot pour
over the steak. Serve with baked
A nice change from the everyday
dishes will be found in tho following:
Calves' Liver Vermi
celli. Put flvo slices of
bacon in a frying pan,
cut in small pieces and
fry until crisp; add a
small onion chopped;
cook until brown; add a
tablespoonful of flour
and a fourth of a pound
of chopped liver; stir and cook, then
add threo-fourths of a cupful of
strained tomato, and cook until thick.
Add a half teaspoonful of kitchen bou
quet and a teaspoonful of Worcester
shiro sauce, salt and pepper and a
cupful and a half of cooked vermicelli
Heat and serve hot.
Corn on the Cob. Corn is not al
ways cooked properly. It is either
over or under cooked. Corn husks
should not be removed until just bo-
foro cooking. Some cooks prefer to
removo all the silk and leave tho ten
der Inner husks, tying them at the top
of tho oar, then removo them when
the corn Is cooked. Corn should bo
Pcookcd until tho milk Is thickened. A
teaspoonful of sugar may be added to
improve tho flavor, but do not add
salt until the corn is cooked. Drop
the ears Into a kettlo with plenty of
boiling- water and cook for fifteen to
twenty minutes.
Cornmeal Pancakes. Tako two cup
fuls of flour, ono-half cupful of corn'
meal, one tablespoonful of baking
powder, one and a half teaspoonfuls
of salt, one and a half cupfuls of boll
Ing water, one and a quarter cupfuls
of milk, one egg. Add tho meal to tho
boiling water and boll five minutes.
then turn Into a bowl, add milk and
tho dry Ingredients, mixed and sifted,
then tho eggs well beaten, ouo-thlrd of
a cupful of sugar and two tablespoon
fuls of melted butter. Cook on a well
greased griddle.
Currant Mint Sauce. Two table
spoonuls of finely chopped mint, a
glass of currant Jelly, cut in pieces,
and tho grated rind of a third of an
orange. Serve with lamb or mutton.
Cornmeal musii" mixed wltli any
chopped moat, molded, then when cold
cut In slices to fry in a hot greased
pan, makes a nice breakfast dish
Steel Railroad Ties.
Short cuts by walking tho tracks
will no longo.' save time, when tho
railroads have replaced tho old wood
en ties by thoso made of steel. Tho
sharp edges of Its pigcon-holo con
struction will mako very uncomfort
able walking. In Oklahoma, whero
they have been UB"d for somo time, it
is declared that they cost much less
than thu ooden ties, and that they
havo also been vory valuable in keep
titK trespassers and cattle off tho
iraeks. Tho American Boy.
Tho old-fashioned Johnny cako la
such a favorite that It never goes to
waste when nicely pre
pared and well baked.
Tako a cupful of yellow
cornmcal, a half cupful
of flour, a cupful of sour
milk, two eggs, a half
cupful of sweet milk,
two tablcspoonfuls each
of shortening and BUgar,
a half teaspoonful of soda and salt.
Mix all together and bako In a good
sized dripping pan so that tho cako
will bo thin when done and thoroughly
Another very similar ono Is sour
milk corn bread. Tako two cupfuls of
cornmeal, two cupfuls of sour milk,
two eggs, ono teaspoonful of soda,
two tablespoonfuls of sugar, ono table
spoonful of butter and ono and a half
teaspoonfuls of salt. Cook all tho In
gredients, oxcopt t,ho eggs and soda,
In a double boiler for ten minutes.
Allow tho mlxturo to cool, add tho
well-beaten eggs and tho soda dis
solved In a tablespoonful of cold wa
ter. Cornmeal Crisp. Tako a cupful of
sour milk, a cupful of cornmcal, a half
teaspoonful of salt and soda. Mix
well and pour Into a hot frying pan,
well greased with fat; set in the oven'
to bako. Split and spread with but
ter when sorvlng.
Steamed Corn Bread. Sift a cupful
of flour with ono and a half teaspoon
fuls of soda and ono teaspoonful of
salt; stir in a cupful of cornmeal, add
a half cupful of molasses and two and
a quarter cupfuls of sour milk. Mix
thoroughly and put Into a well-buttered
pall or mold. Fill two-thirds
full, cover and steam for five hours.
Cornmeal Mush. Into a quart of
salted boiling water add a cupful or
moro of cornmeal, gradually; do not
make It too thick, as It needs long
cooking to make It wholesome. Stir
and cook for a half hour or longer If
a larger portion Is used. Pour out
Into a dish to cool. To servo, cut In
slices and fry In hot fat. Serve It
fresh and hot with good, rich milk
and you will have a flno supper dish.
Tho New England people like a llttlo
dried codfish served to eat with tho
mush. This will supply salt, so that
the mush need not bo oversalted.
On baking day when It 1b hard to
think of an easy dessert try these
dumplings: Add
enough shortening
to bread dough to
mako a rich bis
cuit; mold as for
biscuits, and let
stand until light.
Have ready some
sweet or dried ap
ples with an abundance of
Juice. When tho dumplings are light,
dot with butter and pour tho hot fruit
Juice over them. The more Juice tho
more delicious will bo tho dumplings.
Sprinkle with sugar, dust with cinna
mon and bake a half hour In a hot
Combination Salad. Take any kind
of cold meat you happen to havo loft
over, or different kinds will do. Grind,
tho meat, then add ono largo, mellow
apple, chopped flno; one-half cupful of
chopped celery, three hard-cooked
eggs, minced; ono chopped onion, one
half teaspoonful of salt, and a fow
dashes of red pepper. Mix all together
and add any salad dressing.
Blgos. Take any chopped meat of
left-over fowl, beef or pork, add to
sauerkraut with water and boll for
three hours. This may bo served re
heated and will be good as long as It
Oatmeal Sausage. Tako stock in
which meat has been cooked and
when boiling hot thicken with oatmeal;
season well with salt, and when near
ly done add some chopped cooked
meat. Pour out Into a dish and when
cold slice and fry. Good for a break
fast or luncheon dish.
Mock Chicken. Put Into a doublo
boiler ono cupful of milk; add salt and
popper and a few grains of curry. Let
this boll, then add two teaspoonfuls
of cornstarch, stirred smooth In a llt
tlo cold milk. To tho whole add a
cupful of cold roast pork, chopped or
cut In dice. When thoroughly hot
serve with toast as creamed chicken.
Pohomac. Placo a layer of cooked
macaroni and chceso In a baking dish,
then a layer of chopped ham. then a
layor of mashed potatoes loft from
dinner. Pour over three-quarters of
a cupful of milk; season well and bako
New Coast Defense Gun.
A now American coast defense mm
Is reported to bo capable of throwing
us sneii over ai miles, when tho gun
Is ut 45 degrees elevation. Thonch
this Is mere speculation, for tho car
riage ror that elevation has never
been built.
Tho only high-grade heavy gunB
owned uy tlio unted States aro tho
coast defenso mortars, of which ti,
latest 12-inch weapon has an extreme
range or iu.ouu yards, or Just under 11
miles. Leslie's Weekly.
Value of
SutwrialtnJcot ol Mem, Moody Dible loitituts
of Chicago
TEXT This book of tho law shall not
depart out of thy mouth; but thou slmlt
medltdto therein day and night. Josh. l'.S.
Ono of tho best habits ono can ac
quiio is that of committing to memory
choice verses of
Scripture. Some
peoplo commit en
tire books of the
Bible, but'- I re
gard that as an
unreasonable tax
upon tho memory.
Of courso ono
could easily learn
tho first psalm,
and tho twenty
third, and tho ono
hundredth and
tho ono hundred
and twcnty-flrM.
Also tho com
mandments and
tho beatitudes.
Beyond that I should advise tho mark
ing and memorizing of cholco verses
as wo meet them In our dally reading.
Suppose a farmer wero to set out n
dozen cholco fruit trees each year. In
a fow years his farm would bo well
stocked with a great variety of fruit,
and each treo would bear fruit as long
ns hp lived. Each treo has its own in
dividuality and value, and In course of
tlmo each ono" would come to seem
like an old friend. Somo yield sweet
apples and others sour. Somo aro
oarly and others late.
Suppose a person should commit to
memory ono verso of Scripture each
week. That would not be a very hard
task, but how great would bo tho re
sult as tho years went on. Each verso
is like a fruit treo which bears some
kind of choice fruit to enrich his
mind and ennoble his character and
increase his usefulness. And theso
yield fruit not simply onco a year, or
even onco a mouth, like the trees In
Celestial City (Rev. 22:2), but every
day in tho year, and nil the yearB of
his life.
Take such a ver3e as John 14:27,
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I
glvo unto you. Let not your heart bo
troubled, neither let it be afraid.
How many times, think you, would a
Christian feed his soul on that verse
in a lifetlmo? The same la true ot
Matt 11:28 and Romans 8:28 and
I John 3:1 and Jude 24.
If one continued this habit a few
years his mind would become a mag
nlflcent orchard, yielding fruit in such
abundance and variety as to supply
not only the owner himself, but all his
neighbors and friends. If a man had
no other assets than a mind well
stored with Scripture, ho would be a
rich man. But ho would havo other
assets, because it Is declared of thoso
who delight In the law of the Lord,
that they shall be "like a tree planted
by the rivers of water, that brlngeth
forth his fruit in his season. His leaf
also shall not wither, and whatsoever
he dooth shall prosper." Psalm 1:3
Consider also tho effect of this habit
in creating a relish for that which is
pure and wholesome in literature, and
a distaste for that which Is vulgar. No
one whose mind Is stored with tho
subljmo sentiments of tho Bible will
care for trashy and sensational read
Not only will It affect his mind but
his character. He will naturally lovo
righteousness and hate iniquity. He
will havo high Ideals becauso he Is fa
miliar with such men as Enoch and
Daniel and Abraham. In tlmo of temp
tatlon tho Holy Spirit will recall to
his mind some suitable verse, as he
did for our Savior when tempted by
the adversary. When perplexed as to
his duty some passage of Scripture
will flash upon him and make the path
of duty as clear as daylight.
Besides, if he is on tho alert, ho
will find many" opportunities to help
othors. He can correct false Impres
slons, answer excuses and objections
and often lead sinners to begin the
Christian life.
In somo families tho custom pre
vails of each member repeating
verso of Scrlpturo at family worship
In one family each child has a prom
iso each day, and Sunday mornings
they repeat all tho promlsea they
have learned during the week,
verso from each member ot the family
at tho breakfast table, with tho Lord's
prayer In concert makes a very gooi
form of family worship whore some
havo to hurry away to business Imme
dlately after breakfast.
As a help to thoso who wish to
know God's Word bettor tho writer
has arranged a leaflet containing ono
hundred cholco verses, selected from
tho whole Bible, They cover a wide
range of topics and aro particularly
rich In verBes adapted to tho use oi
personal workers. They are arranged
in tho order in which they come In
tho Bible, with chapter and verse
given. Tho whole verso Is not given
but only enough to recall It when once
It lias been leurned. Anyone who mas
ters theso hundrod verses will be well
equipped for any emergency which
may arise. A verso a day for three
months would accomplish the task.
Tho writer ha3 none to Bell, but he
will gladly glvo a copy to any who
will send blm his address on a
stamped envelope.
A Baltimore doctor suggests this
simple, but rcllublo and inexpensive,
homo treatment for peoplo suffering
with eczema, ringworm, rashes and
Imllar itching, burning skin troubles.
At any rollablo drugglst'B got a Jar
of rcslnol ointment and a cako ot reel-
nol soap. Theso will not cost a bit
moro than sovonty-flvo cents. With
tho rcslnol soap nnd warm water batho
tho affected parts thoroughly, until
they nro frco from crusts nnd tho skin
Is softened. Dry very gently, spread
on a thin layor of tho rcslnol oint
ment, nnd cover with a light bandage
If necosBary to protect tho clothing.
This should bo dono twico a day. ubu-
ally tho distressing itching and burn
ing stop with tho first treatment, nnd
the skin soon becomes cloar nnd
healthy again. Adv.
Something Like Foundries.
"What air them kitchenettes I hear
toll of in tho cities?" asked Deacon
Hyperbole Meddors, tho somewhat
honest agriculturist.
"Thoy'ro tho plnccs, Undo Hy," ox-
plained Upson Downs, his city
nophow, "in which aro molded or cast
or somehow produced n flat dwellor's
dally round of mealcttos." Judgo.
The Reason.
"What was tho matter with that
singer? His volco was not at all full."
"Maybo not, but ho was."
XKat Coatents 15 Fluid "Drachma,
Jfinft Ihc Stofiucttfilrid. Bowels of
fK7rt6es Digest ion.CltccrfuIi
WOT' NARCpjMtp',
iuon..dour oroinacauuirrjioui
norms; rewnsiuu-na uuu
i ,. . i
Exact Copy of Wrapper
Putting His Foot In It.
Nleco I do think you aro clovor,
aunt, to bo aula to nrguo with tho
professor about sociology.
Aunt I'vo only boon concealing my
Ignorance, dear.
Professor Bilks (gallantly) Oh, no,
Ilss Knowles. Quite tho contrary, I
nssuro you,
And Lose Your Hair. Cuticura Pro-
vents It. Trial Free.
Cuticura Soap shampoos cleanse
nnd purify tho scalp of dandruff while
tho Ointment soothos and heals the
Irritated scalp akin. Dandruff and
Itching aro hair destroyers. Got ac
quainted with those Buporcreamy emol
lients for the skin and scalp.
Samplo each freo by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY,
Boston. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv.
Woxe Yet.
"You're a lucky man," said Jones
to his bachelor friend Sweeney. "You
don't havo to buy shoes for a wito
and two kids."
"No," replied Sweeney, "but I havo
to buy buocb for a Fearless Six."
If a fair woman Is fair to her women
friends she must uso a very excellent
hair dye.
Crumbs ot comfort are satisfying
only when thero aro enough of thorn
to mako a squaro meal.
1 10c Worth of
Will Clear $1.00 Worth of Land
Get rid of
big crops
in thn timfi to
How Signals Arranged for Between
Soldier and His Wife Really
Were Carried On.
Tho captain had not boon long mar
ried when ho wns ordered Into camp.
To bo suro, tho camp was In plain
sight ot tho captain's residence, but
then It wnB still a soparatlon; and to
lighten this torrlblo condition It wan
arranged that tho bereaved husband
nnd wlfo Bhould signal to each othor
often with tholr hnndkorchlofs. It was
on tho second day that tho young wife
wns seated on tho porch rending, "Tell
mo, Jnno," said sho, "Is tho captain
Btlll signaling?" "Yes, ran'am," an
swered tho maid. "Then keop waving
your hnndkorchlof. I want to finish
this novol." At tho samo tlmo, In
camp an offlcor from nn adjoining
company Btopped up to tho captain.
"I Bay, old follow," ho asked, "why do
you keop that man out thoro all day
.waving a hnndkorchlof?" "Oh, It's
moroly a bit of signal-coda practlco for
"What day was it wo had that tor
rlblo rainstorm?"
"I don't remember tho date, but it
was tho day I first woro my Palm
Beach suit."
A foolish person Is ono who is uu
nblo to boo things from your point of
Castoria is a harmless snbstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare
gorlc, Drops nnd Soothing Syrnps. It Is pleasant. IC
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Harcotlo
substance. Its apo is its guarantee It destroys Worms)
and allays Fcverishncss. For moro than thirty years it
bas been In constant uso for tho relief of Constipation
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Tcothlnff Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates tlio Food, glvlngr healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Fanacea Tho Mother's JLTlonu
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
A Real Sport.
"Thom city fellers is pretty sjlck,
but they can't fool mo," said Hiram
"Thoy couldn't Interest you In any
of tholr skin games, eh?"
"I should say not! Two o' them of
fored ter show mo th' only German
submarlno In captivity. Haw I Haw!"
"And what did you say to that?"
"I told 'em tor git out th' shells
an' the pea, an' I'd make ono guess
Jest ter keep em from boln' lone
some." Nora's Delusion. ,
Lady You qulto understand, Nora,
I shall only bo "at homo" ovory Wed
nesday from 3 to G?
Nora Yes, mum. (To herself)
Nora, you'vo got a heavenly situation.
Tho mistress only at homo for two
hours a week.
It Is a painful paradox but truo that
a man who means everything to a girl
may mean nothing,
You can't very well dodgo tho toll
gates on tho road to Success.
Always use Red Cross Hall Blue. Delight
the lauadres.1. At all good grocers. Adv.
Tho art of binding lies In knowing
when not to.
Drink Denlson's Coffee,
For your health's sake.
Many a man who has to Bwallow
his prldo couldn't digest It.
the stumps nnd grow
on cleared land. Now
clean un vour farm
while products bring high prices. Blasting is
quickest, cheapest and easiest with Low Freez
ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold
Write for Free Handbook of Exploiioei No. OF,
and name of nearcit dealer.
cither for the Stom
ach, the liver, or
the bowels, you
really should try
Stomach Bitters
Its tonic qualities sharpen
the appetite, aid digestion,
and keeptheliver and bowels
daily active. For over 60
years it has been helping
people to promote and main
tain better health. Try it H
h Cutttr'a Olncktei P i. Low.
prlwd. fmh. reliable preferred Uy
wwitAm BtnckTnfin. Mttauis thin
arttMt vntitr eUw vmcImi till.
Writ for loollft ind tMtlraonlals.
IO-bUm skft. IllteMil PUIS $l.0
ekia. DUeklH PUD 4.00
Ilia in Inlfetor. but Cutter! but.
The iuprlorU of CutUr prodiicU Is due to ortr la
rein ot iDtcUlltlitf In vtoelnei ens' serums enly.
Tbi CutUr Laboratory, Oirktlay. CaiJ sr Cklcago, lit
Cry For
Signature of
When It Is.
"Pa, Is mnrrlago a failure?"
"Usually, my boy, if a man marrlea
for money."
It la c.anlor for tho nvorngo man to
to get next to a live wlro than it la
to bo one.
No such thing
as "rubber
A lot of manufacture call thalr
roof in "Rubber Roof inn."
"Rutberine," "Rubbcrold" Rubber-thla and
Rubbar-lhat. The lifa la all out of rubber if
expoaad to tha daylight for abc months.
Thero la no auch thine aa Rubber Roofing"
1 of an r kind. Thero ia no rubber in
It in mads of the very beat Roofing Felt thor
oughly saturated in our properly blended
asphalts and coated by a harder grade ot
asphalt which keeps the toft aaturation
within the Hfo of the roofing from drying
out uuickly.
It is guaranteed 5. 10 or 15 years, according to
whether the thickness is I, 2 or 3 ply re
spectively. Yourlocal dealer will quote you reason
able) prices on our goods.
General Roofing Manufacturing Ce.
World's targt't manttfacturtT$ of Roofing
and Buildfng l'avm
IH.wT.iWCilr CKltat ttilaettsUa Si. Leal
liartaa Pltl.Wi Dttrett SaaFraadKo
Ciatinnati Miaataaalis KaeuiCltf 3attl
Atlanta lloutaa Lassos) llaailwg SjictJ
Nebraska Directory
Rooms from HfX up single, 75 cents up double.
sheet Musid
Latest popular pieces 10 cents per eopr. standard
b cenis. in iiruerlnK send one cent per cour lor
postage. Blaiupa nuiaccited. Write for luilletln.
OMAHA MUSIC CO., 307 Lyric Bailiisf , OMAHA. NEB.
is constantly growing in favor because it
Does NQt Stick to the Iron
and it will not injure the finest fabric For
laundry purpose sit nas no equal. 16 oil.
package 10c. 1-3 more starch for name money.
DEFIANCIv STARCH CO., Oraahi, Nebraska