The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 14, 1915, Image 1

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    mm Jtorin m
No. 68
Mr. ami Mrs. W. J. Tlley roturnetl
Saturday-from an auto trip to Lin
coln. Mrs. Asa Snyder will ontertaln tho
En-Trn-Notis club "A'ednosday, Sept.
22nd. ' .
Fisk Hats aro tho hats of quality
and distinction, at Howe & llaloney's.
Dr. Lathnn loft the latter part 'of
last week for Lincoln and Omaha to
spend a weok or longer.
V. E. Bloyd, of Lincoln, arrived horo
a few days ago to visit his brother,
Everett Bloyd, and wife. .
Jess Vernon and Harry Huffman
left tills morning for Lincoln to en
roll in tho state university.
!fin nf Mif most' stvllsh Pall Suits
to select your suit from at prices to
suit your purso at ul.uuiv&.
Mrs. George White, of Sutherland,
who was the guest of the Bird family
last weok, has" returned home.
rioll Tlnnimr. who has boon studv-
ing music in Lincoln, came homo a
few days ago to visit his parents.
E. A. Stewart, of the North Platto
Produco Co., returned Sunday even
ing from a snort visit in juenver.
The Woman's Hdme Missionary so
ciety will meet witn Mrs. juooney,
west Third street, Friday attemoon.
tiip wi11 drossod woman always
profers a Gago hat.- A new line of
them aro .now on display at tne hud
All Wool Poplin Suits with guaran-
teed satin linings, in all tho leading
shades and latest fall models at $15.
Sheriff Salisbury and. Mrs. Salisbury
returned Saturday . from Lincoln,
where they attended the state fair.
They made the trip in a car. ,
Bids for the erection of tho new
school building at O'Fallon were op
ened Saturday at tho office of Beeler
&. Crosby, in this city, ,but the bids
were all considered too high and wero
rejected. The directors desire to
keep the cost of the building within ten
thousand dollars.
.Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith have is
sued invitations to a reception, at their
new liome on west Second street for
Thursday evening. One hundred and
llfty friends will be entertained at
different hours. Tho new residence
has been named "Tho Elms."
" The Sarah Rebekah lodge will cele
brate the sixty-fourth anniversary of
the establishment of tho Rebekah de
gree on'O-'riday evening, September
17th nt 8:50. A musical program will
be rendered and refreshments served.
A cordial invitation is extended to
the members of all branches of the
order. j
Model 7 room house at o. 121 west
Second si reel. Will accept smaller
lionsc or .small farm as part pay. Price
right mid terms easy.
Whelpley.Lord Wedding
Mlaa .tlnlnn Wlinlnlm nf Vrnmnnt.
who taught In tho primary grado of
the local schools for two years past
was marroid at tho home of her nioth
or, Mrs. L. -D. Wholploy, nt half past
nine Sunday morning to Carl Lord,
of Lincoln.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Buff, pastor of the Congroga
tlnnnl church In the nrosonco of six
teen relatives and close friends. A
three course wedding breakfast was
served after the ceremony
nnil rnturrntitlnHntiR nml Ihn bride a 11(1
groom left for eastern ponts on a hon
eymoon trip.
.liulim H. M. fSrlninq. nf this cltv
khvii tlin lirliln nwnv. Shfi worn a I
beautiful gown of white messallno audi
lace veil, and carried unties roses, i
The groom wore the conventional
Decorations wero carried out in
tho color scheme of green and white
and cut flowers were used in profu
sion, n,
Tim trlfts woro mnnv and included
silver, cut glass, china and furniture.
Mr. Lord is the telegraph editor on
tho Lincoln Daily Star and is very
popular in business and social cir
cles. I
The bride made many frlend3 during
lior" rnslilfinrn here hv her amiable
manner, and tho best wishes of a lareg
circle of acquaintances are' extended.
They, will reside in Lincoln in a newly
furnshed home.
Our fourth car of peaches Is on the
(fiw.l.-. (lilt U from I'liili nml I'vlril
nice. This car has peaches In crates
. i . ii...
and imsnci imsKcis, niso uie luuwu
Prune In crates. This prune, or blue,
Ilium, is the king of all plums forj
cannlnjr. Tills is our last car of the.
iibovc fruits. Get jour supply early.
You can get this fruit at the follow
Arilnnv. John Ilerrod.
Triunp & Son, Westenfeld, Louden nnd
11, X. Lamb. Phone 07.
Conductor A. L. Seibert surprised
his friends yesterday by announcing
his marriage which took place in Wat
ertown, S. D., on August 25th. Mr.
Sollinrt- lpft thrpn WPfilfS nco. as Ills
friends supposed to spend his vacation,
but "he has since been traveling in
eatem points on bis honeymoon. Mr.
and Mrs. Seibert returned here a few
days ago and are, 'at home at 709 west
Fourth, street. The: bride was former
ly Mlste -Mary Birchall. Of Watcrtown.
Congratulations are extended.
! , The case of Beryl Freel vs. the Com
mercial Union Insurance Co., which
fame- iin in tim rnuntv court Satur
day. wa3 continued. Mr. Freel had
insured his Ford automobile with that
confpany and claims that they failed to
nnv tim nollnv nftar tho car was dnm-
aeed by tire, because the car had
been mortgaged. Mr. Freel claims
they knew of the mortgage.
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wed
npsilnv! warmer Wednesday. High
est temperature yesterday G3, a year
ago 05; lowest last night 51, a year
ago 41. ,
Liinkitllz Discharged
Tho Lunkwitz family, residents of
Blrdwood precinct., that has figured
so frequently in Urtj county court for
years past, had an inning in that court
Saturday when Ed Lunkwitz had a
hearing on the chnrgo of attempting to
shoot his son Henry. Tho lntter testl
lled that his father shot at him, and
only through quick foot-work did ho
oscnpe. Tho father, on tho other hand,
testified that it was tho son who did
tho shooting and that he, tho fathor,
escaped by tho swiftest foot-pacing
Blrdwood precinct had over known.
Tho case was dismissed with an ad
monishment from the judge that pcaco,
quiet and contentment must hereafter
reign with the Lunkwitz family or
something serious may happen.
m S'V.n Plum, ,it o: t mi
lino ?.. Pliinii ii A'Jlll
One Piano nt SSEO
One ?.() Player at
tiicsp mines are Migimy uscti una
iilinosl new. Some lunc been partly
until fur nml Inl.iMi Imrk.
We lso luue n iine line of now PN
alios, Jilmball, 3IcPhail, 11. S. Ho wind,
Smith k Barnes, Hrinkorhof and oth
ers lo select from.
We make terms to sull you.
Leave your tuning orders here, nil
work Guaranteed.
L. L. WALKER, aianager.
Milton Sehuster Pleases Audience
Milton Schuster and his Graces of
Musical' Comedy entertained a crowd
ed house nt tho "Keith last evening,
nresnntlnir a throe-scono .comedy en
titled "A Prince for a Day." Schustqf
is certainly a clever comedian, and
his portrayal of the Jewish character
provoked much lnuglitor. Ho is sup
ported by an excellent company, in
cluding eight or' ten girls who sing
well nnd dance well. In fact the sing
ing Inst night was good throughout,
nml rsneeiallv so was the male trio.
The company has tho ginger that
makes the -show go through without a
iinii mnnipnt. The comnttnv will ap
pear again tonight In "A Prince of
Scandanavla," in wnicn singing ami
dancing will be features, and of course
Rniuiatpf will hn there "with tho
goods." It is probable that practical
ly all wno wero present msi iugm
will bo thero tonight, so you had bet
ter get your seats early.
eautiful Fall Hats.
Our first display of attractive New Millinery will be
given 1 0
September, 1 and 17
The discriminating buyer will find our bats to be of
unusal value and exquisite charm. Our big quanity buying
enables us to retail high class millinery at more reasonable
prices than the small buyer musl ask for inferior merchandise.
We Sell "REGIWA HATS." Best in Style, workmanship
and quality. Ask to see them. We will be pleased to wel
come the trade lo our First Fall Opening.
McVickers' Millinery
, Lexington, Cozad, North Platte, Ogallala.
ay ror mst
e Cora Crop
Ti linv ii iiiiiii nr irnoil lot hclow
market .value ,on easy payments. Sec
our. list.
ItltATT & fiOOUMAft.
r.vrU llnnptrnn leaves tomorrow for
tho state university to take up his
V P Rnvilnr rettirnpil veestordav
morniuK from Lincoln whoro ho was
a visitor at tho state fair.
Vnr snip THinnn. No. Six Radiant
Home base burner. J. H. Hays, phono
Black 574. CS-2
w. J. O'Connor left this 'morning
for Kearney to spend several days on
lUru IT TV Tlnnsnn nnd dftiichter
Katherlne returned Monday from a
visit In ""Omaha and Lincoln.
Tiir SnHrillst study club will meet
tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. D. M.
Hogsott at G21 west Fourth stroet.
tip H r. nmnk and Owen Jones
left tins morning on a miming inp.
south. They will bo absent several
Mrs t w. Pnvnn entertained the
Rebekah kensington club yesterday
afternoon, isnloyauio -reirosnmoius
were Berved.
Aim Tnii'niinth Knnr-Lnncstoii has
rnfurnnil frnni Mniv York Whoro she
had been taking Instructions in music
lor several weeks and will resume her
duties In tho school of music nore.
I'lro IjIttlilnliiL', tornado, cyclone
and life Insurance written at lowesl
lilies. HKATT ,V (!OOIMIA.
1 1L SL 5
For this one week we will give you the benefit of an extra
ordinary discount on all our Dress Silks.
All Crepe-de-Chenes in the 40-inch, Regular $1.50 values, at
98 Cents.
A new assortment of Taffetas, colors and fancy stripes, also the plain in black
Tafetteta, 36-inch material, special values this week for '
.. 78 Cents
The nev Plain Silk Waistings, for this one week only
7 98 Cents
All the fancies in the $1.00 quality Dress Silks at
78 Cents-
Silk Poplins, all the new shades, 40-inch material, at
- 78 Cents
All our Silk Messalines, 27-inch material, our best values, for this week only
' 68 Cents
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. McNamara en
urday evening in honor of Rev. and
Mrs. B. A. Cram.
,Mlss Elaine Dundy will entertain,
a number of friends at Hie homo ofi
her slstor, Mrs. Harold Wright, Fri
day evening. ,
Don't forgot to Inspect the beautiful
lino of Fisk hats at Howe & Malonoy's
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat
Tim nniis in the sncclal election
opened nt nine o'clock this forenoon
and for the first hour and a half tho
number of votes cast was very light.
It looks as though tho total numbor of
votes cast will be small, as not a great
amount of interest is being evinced.
Albln Dorris, a Mexican, wns ar
I'wtnii vnstnrrtnv for bcinc drunk, dis
orderly nnd resisting an officer. Ho
was fined twonty-flvo dollars and costs
which amounted to thirty dollars and
fort cents. oBIng unnblo to pay ho
was taken toJnll to sorvo out Ills sen-'
A number of Improvements aro be
nn nvob nt tim Pat thcatro among
thdm the llnlsinng worn on mu
cony, which wns opened last evening.
Now stops haye been built and each
row or seats raised, besides a number
or extra rows put in, making tho seat
ing cnpaclty ono hundred nnd llfty,
and on tho first floor two hundred.
Hugh Scoonover, Ralph Allison nnd j
Georgo Weinberg returned Sunday j
from an auto trip to Donvcr. They
were compelled- to leave the car at
Ogalalla on nccount of a burned bear
Ig. ,
Rev. Lawlor of Sldnoy, conducted
tho services at St. Patrick's church
Sunday and will be In churgo for sev
eral Sundays while Rev. McDaid is
visiting In Cnllforna.
Plans have been drawn for a remod
eling and enlargement of tho R. II.
Kowlcs residence on, west, iiiui
stroet. Tho houso will be convorted
into a double apartment.
Work on the now bridge east of
town is progressing with a fnlr de
gree of speed. Tho steel' piling has
boon erected for over half tho dis
tance. Oron Coborly left this morning Tor
Lexington whoro ho will nccept a po
Bltlon as harbor during fair week nt
that place.
'Mrs. B. R. Fletcher and children
loft yesterday for a visit with relatives
in Topokn, Kansas.
stornuo space and safe deposit boxes,
by llltA'lT & GOO DMAS.
Tt,;e- monnc mnrp than ercttinir vour equip
ment in first class condition for field use. How
about your buildings?
t,n i-rihe nnrl n-mnnries in shanc to take care
oi tne crop.; auu,wu,u n..v. . .-....
now, so that the work oi harvest time
i-ill not be interrupted.
And it's a good time to plan your
other fall construction work whether you
in any new buildings or just a tew oyu
jobs of repair.
Von Mti munt on US for good
lumber, shingles, roofing, etc., for all r
this work,
Union wlade di
For the entire iaim
can be bought at this store
The high cut white lace
NAPOLEON Boot in patent or
kid leather are very snappy
this season.
WHY PAY $5lVND $4.
edeesday5 Sept. 15
III. i " wwnww n'n'hi'niii'iii'"!! if ''TiiPiTiTinTiirirTiiiiiTnwin
Aflcr developing pictures wash hands in hot water, some
preparations are poisonous and injurious lo the eyes. Never
drop Hypo in Developer, and use ruby red light exclusively.
Harrys Shoe Shop
No Matter How Beautiful
the tilings you may see,
they'll soon he forgotten.
Our Cameras will enable
you to remember and tell
the Story at any time. We
not only sell you the
Cameras and Supplies hut
take great pleasure in teach
ing you how to use them,
free of charge.
Do not hesitate to ask for
tnc. any information whether you
eonsiuer uuying or not.
North Platte, Nebraska,