THE SEMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. MTIOML New Sports Sweater for Fall From Suffering JUSTAWORD ABOUT YOUR OMMAFFAID to Satisfaction HEALTH Dr REV. D. D. SUTCUFFE AnUutl Suprrinltndrnl tt Men, Moody Dill Iwlituli of Chicago No outfit Is quito coraplcto In these days without a sweater of somo sort. Aud thero is a wide and varied choice in sweaters, for they ar claiming more attention than ever boforo In their history. There are finely woven sweaters of Bilk, in gay colors, which one sees at the afternoon concert, at the country club, on tho beaches and tho golf links, and In any other outdoor meet ings of fashionables. Thero are sweat ers considerably like them, made of artificial silk, usually in more vivid colorings than tho all-silk variety. Then thoro aro the practical wool sweaters, Bimilar to that shown in tho picture and bolonging to tho same class. Tho now models aro carefully de signed to the end that thoy may em body Just tho right stylo. In tho cx amplo pictured hero, for instanco, it will bo noticed that tho sleovos aro well shaped and finished with a cuff Three New Models for Fall Of all things,'' millinery requires caroful choosing, and, after It is bought, tho hat requires caroful plac ing on tho head, if it is to fulfill its destiny. According to nn old millin ery maxim that destiny is to improvo tho appearance of tho wearer. "You must look bottor with your hat than without .if' that is the oxacting test to which each new modo is to bo sub jected. Tho three now models for fall, which appear here, aro types that will repay a llttlo study on tho part of thoso who consldor things boforo buy ing them. Thoy includo a small tur ban, a turban with extension crown which forms n halo brim, and ono of tho graceful wide-brimmed hats to which fashion Is extending welcom ing bands. Quito a number of thoso wido brimmed hats are shaped with brims turning upward at tho back. Tills has brought in tho undorbrlm trimming again and It Is not confined to wido brimmed shapes. Short, curling ostrich plumes fit Into tho trimming of tho underbrim in tho most graceful way. , ' The small turban Is mado of corded and button. The patch pockets lcavo a turnover flap, and tho new order of things In belts is recognized. Tho col lar may bo turned up closo about the neck if required. Uecause this is a sweater for real comfort In cool days it is rather heavy. Its usefulness begins with fall, and continues to tho coming of another summer, for it reinforces the too light wrap in tho depths of winter. It Is an excellent model to choose for tho young girl to wear to school during the autumn months, and nothing could bo better designed or arranged for sports wear. Sweaters of wool stand tho rough handling which they are likely to get from young people, and continue to look none tho worse for it. Now that thoy aro mado In beautiful colors and with so much attention to style, tho Hold of their usefulness Is wonderfully increased. silk, and would bo equally offectlvo in panne velvet. Tho material is covered with corded tucks and serves for the covering of tho hat and for its trim ming. Tito edges aro finished with a silver tinsel braid which has tho effect of needlework. It looks Hko close-set overcast stitches, and needlowork decoration is a featuro of tho now fall millinery. Tho turban with extension crown Is mado of black velvet and white chiffon. A bead work ornament trims tho front and is mado entirely of white beads. The soft and graceful brim of tho third hat bespeaks for It, and for many others of tho samo character, first placo In tho favor of young women. It Is mado of velvet In black or ono of thp dark shades of fash lonablo colors. Tho trimming is of whito fancy ostrich and looks Hko a bit of flroworks, dono In frost. It throws Us sprays In front of tho loft oyo of tho wearer with an abandon un known to ornamonts hitherto. Hut it is strong in tho knowlcdgo that it is less In tho way of vision than many a veil. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Children Who Insist on Being Real Americans WASHINGTON. Whllo tho now "Americanization day" Idea, for instilling tho spirit ami Ideals of tho United States into naturalized citizens, will undoubtedly appeal to many in Washington, a largo number of tho foreign' born of tho city aro nlroady devoting I WOM'T LGMH IT iffjm) LE EP. Am happened when a teacher of a kindergarten had her pupils out for a walk may glvo an understanding oi" this spirit. A woman approacned tho party and, pointing to a bright-appearing boy near tho teacher, asked his nation ality. "Ho Is Russian," replied tho tcachor. "No, I nm npt," quickly retorted tho five-year old; "I am American." "I did not mean you wcro Russian," explained tho teacher. "1 meant thnt your mother nnd father aro Russians." ' "No, thoy aro not, cither. Thoy aro Americans, too," camo back the answor, quickly. ' Another incident may sorvo to show the dlllgonco with which tho foreign born nro seeking to bocomo "truo Americans." A reporter in search bl children who, !io had heard, could speak thrco, four or flvo languages went to ono of tho schools. Tho teacher in charge cnlled to ono of tho pupils known to speak o number of languages: "Annie, can't you say something in child. Annio Immediately becamo bashful and rcfusurto say anything. "What Ianguago do you speak?" tho child was akcd. , "I speak English," sho answered. "Yes, hero nt school. But what do you speak nt homo? What do mothoi and father speak?" "Oh, thoy speak English, too,'' camo back quickly. "Thoy want to be Amorlcan." United States' Crusade Against Weight Frauds AMERICAN consumers of print butter nro paying moro than $8,000,000 each year for butter thoy do not got. This is bocauso tho weights of the commodity they actually receive are materially less than thoso thoy nro supposed to bo buying. Consumers of bulk butter that Is weighed out over tho counter aro paying other real mil lions for imaginary fat that can never bo cut with a knlfo or spread on a slice of bread. And buyers of pota toes, sugar, flour, meat, milk and all other foodstuffs that go to mako up tho American dietary aro contributing additional millions, in tho aggregate, for thing3 that thoy never receive In tho virllo Ianguago of the street, tho American consumer is being illm- llammed and short-weighted; and in a largo percentage of cases ho or usu ally she is wholly Ignorant of tho fact. It Is becauso of tho conditions of affairs of which these things nro only amples that tho division of weights and measures of tho bureau of standards has directed many of its activities In ment of better weights and measuro laws by tho federal govornmont and tho several states, and toward bringing nbout stricter enforcement of existing laws. Recognizing that tho education of tho consumer Is a nocossary prereq uisite to better conditions tho department has prepared a bulletin on house hold measurements that will bo a popular trcatlso on tho subject nnd which will put information in tho hands of tho housekeopor that can bo mado ot tho greatest usefulness and money valuo. Training Good Cooks for F lato years since 190G tho United mass of wen who simply got food. men who havo studied the subject, and tevv5Torx IHifiifL -oh VJ Tho men aro tnught how to Bolcct good meat, tho chemistry of food values, the testing of foodstuffs, tho nutritlvo elements in vegetables and tho chomh-try of brcnd-baklng. In tho big, 'Bwcot-smolllng bakers a. Iho Washington barracks thoro arc to bo seen overy morning nbout a dozen husky fellows for thoy tako tholi lessons by small detnlls all engaged In mniihing tho dough In working machines, poking it Into tho huge oven or fishing it out nt tho end of a long woodon polo. As thoy bako tho bread for tho entire post, thoy use each day about two barrels of flour. The bread Is delicious and fashioned of tho purest Ingredients. Tho barracks kitchen Is used for the preparation of most of tho food, but thoro is nlso outside a "field kitchen." in which tho cooking Is virtually dono in tho open. The place Is a Hlmple shed, open all around, oxcopt that tho sides aro protected by wire screening. There aro taught lessons In how to proparo an appetizing meal with the thonnometc- below zero or rising toward tho top of tho glass tube. Experiments at the Government's Chicken Farm THERE'S a sixty-acre poultry farm thirty minutes- rldo from Washington, and beyond nil doubt tho work which is being dono thoro would throw light upon nt least ono of the many problems which arlstr constantly to "stump" the chicken fancier, bo ho amateur or professional. Whcnovor a local breeder of feath sred stock is puzzled by a question of feeding, breeding or housing; when over he Is uncertain as to what strain of chickens had better be specialized upon to meet his particular need; whenever ho would Hko to know how an expert would go about handling fowls with nothing moro thnn tho equipment expected of an ordinary, privately owned farm, It will pay him to look oyer this particular establishment. Ho will bo moro than welcome, for, you soo, tho farm in question belongs to Uncle Sam and Is part of tho Uoltsvllle, Md., bureau of animal Industry station. In fact, tho men who aro running tho big poultry establishment doslro above all things to havo chicken fanciers and breeders visit, them and aeo the work thoy nro doing. Collateral with tho foedlng, housing nnd breeding probloms of ordinary poultry production, tho Roltsvlllo farm at present Is tho scone of n good many Investigations which, when completed, aro unquestionably destined to bo of Intense Interest to tho poultry dealer, Ono of them dcala with an attorapt to control tho color of tho yolks of oggs. Anothor Is designed to dtscloso tho ingredients of a ration based on staples easily obtained In any Qart ot tho ivriutry, which will produce tho highest numbor of eggs posatblo. much timo and thought to becoming real Americans. Particularly Is this true of tho younger generation, which has no doubt suffered from nppolla tlons nfllxcd to them by children born in this country bocauso of their for eign descent. Tho foreign-born children aro "all Americans," dcsplto their foreign orl gin. It is doubtful if tho much-discussed hyphen will over bo attached to them. An incident which recpntly your native iMiguago?" nho asked the rocent years toward securing tho enact Uncle Sam's Soldiers States army has been no longor q Thoy aro now scientifically fed by In a practical way by presiding ovoi ovens and stoves In schools. There, nro six training schools for arm cooks, ono bolng In each division ol tho country San Francisco, Fort RI loy, San Antonio, Philippine Islands Hawaii and In Wushlngton. Soldlors who wish to tako n course aro allowed to enter for four months' study and al tho end bf that time tho proficient ones are graduated. Tho courso consists of a thorough training in actual cooking and baking, I I to THXT-DiiUKhti-r. thy faith luith mndc theo wluilo, ko In peace. Mark 6'15-J). Tho Incident of tho healing of this woman illustrates in a very slmplo way tho five stopB which bring tho sinner from suf fering to satisfac tion. First stop Her nood of Jesus, Thoro wnB no help for her eith er in herself or In others. Sho had suffered for 13 years, had trlod many physlclnns, had spent all bIio had in attempt ing to rid herself of this disenso, but in snlto of all sho and her physlclnns could do, sho was "nothing bottcred but rather grow worse." Sho was hclplcsB and thoro foro sho wn8 hopeless. What sho need cd was this Great Physician who nlono could heal her. What a truo picture of tho slnnor striving against sin. How very soon snlvatlon would como to many if thoy could only sco how hopo- Iobb nnd helpless their condition is apart from him, tho Great Physician. Second Step Her Approach to Jesuo. When Bho heard of him sho camo to him. Would that all might bo brought to Jesus as simply as this. Supposo sho had merely gono to Peter or ono of tho other loaders among tho Lord'B followers? Would Peter havo boon ablo to do her any good? Would ho havo been any better than her physi cians? And what moro enn nny min ister today do thnn simply point tho wny to Jesus? wfio would think tho Journey's end wna reached JuBt bo causo tho signpost was In sight? Tho truo minister Is but a signpost point ing tho wny to Jesus as tho only ono who can heal tho soul's disease. And neither did this woman meroly go to tho crowd around Jesus. Sho muut necessarily go to tho crowd, for tho peoplo wcro thronging round him, but It was Jesus himself to whom alio went. Too many aro satisfied today when thoy nro merely with tho crowd that Burrounds tho Lord. That Is, they doom It sufficient if thoy aro members of somo church, mingling with tho peoplo of God. Hut nolthor can tho church, nnymoro thnn tho ministry, glvo salvation to a soul. Tho church and her ministers nro sot for tho spiritual help and growth of tho Lord'B peoplo; tho Savior !b Jobus nlono. Third Step Her Touch With Jesut. Sho might bo near him, but It was necessary to touch him and touch him sho did. After her long experi ence with many physicians thoro would not be, porhnps, great faith be hind the hand sho stretched out to touch him. Rut It la not. groat faith that brings tho blessing, but tho ac tual coming in touch with tho ono who hns all power. It is not tho faith. but tho object of faith that works tho mlrnclo. I3ut thero must bo faith, bo it small or groat, to touch Jesus for one's own need before tho powor of Jcsub can oporato. A small wlro can carry tho powor of n largo dynamo, but there must bo contact So ono can bo very near to Jesus and yot go unsaved If thero bo no personal touch for ono s own salvation. Fourth Step Her Healing by Jesus, It camo Immediately upon her touch ing him. Tho moment her hand reached out and touched him, thnt mo mont "sho felt In her body thnt Bho was healed of that plaguo." Thoro was no waiting, no long period of con valesccnco, no gradual passing of tho plague, but nt onco thero enmo relief and sho wns whole. So it Is when soul is saved. Tho moment that soul, seeing Jesus as tho only Savior, and believing In his power and wllllngnoflu to Bave, reaches out the hand of faith for tho personal need, that moment snlvatlon comes. Fifth Step Her Confession of Jescfe Why did Jesus bring her out boforo thnt crowd to tell her Btory? Dc causo Bho would nevor havo hoard tho word "daughter" from his lips nor would sho ever havo heard tho words "go In pence" If thoro had not been this public confession. Thero nro many who havo believed In Jesus to tho saving of their souls who havo no satisfaction and peace concerning thoir sins, becauBO thoy nro hold back from making an open confession of their faith. If you havo believed and aro saved, tell tho Btory and you will hear him say to you na ho said to this womun, "go in peace." If It bo that you are not saved, ho Bays to you, "him that cometh unto mo I will In no wlso cast out." Ho haB tho powor and tho willingness to Bnvo you Just now If you but trust him. When tho Heart Is Weary. When tlio heart is wearied by the hard conflict of llfo it Is woll some times to withdraw to tho solitude for rest nnd Inspiration. Thero may como peaco and cournKO and renewed strength; but it will not do to stay there, thinking to sorvo God, Tho service of God is tho sorvico of one's fellow men. H. 0. McDougall. If your health is poor at a result of a weak stomach, lazy liver or clogged bowels HOSTETTER'S IT HELPS NATURE CORRECT SUCH FROUBLES f ND IMPROVES HEALTH A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed For Douches In tlio local treatment ot woman's ills, uneli us loucorrhoea, nnd inflammation, hot douches ot Paztlno aro very olllcnclous. No woman who has ovor used medicated douches will fall to appreciate- the cloan and hoalthy condition l'axtlno produces and tho prompt relief from soreness and discomfort which follows its use.Thls is because l'axtlno possesses superior clwinslniy, disinfect ins mm iicniuiR properties. For ton years tlio l.ydla E. i riukliam Medicine Co. has roc- ommomlod l'axtlno In thoir prlvato correspondence with wo men, which proves its superl. orlty. "MVomon who havo boon roltovod say it is " worth its welclit In cold." At dmcclsts. BOo. largo box or by ninll. Sample free Tho Puxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. Wntion 1'. Colemnn, l'alent Lnwyrr.WulituiUon. I).C Advice and book. tree. lutes reasonable Highest references, lkateerflccsv 47 bu. Corn per Acre &nAr.W. loam, (lood water, no bnlldlnca, near tnatkot. Snap. 1U acre. Write Theodora Johnson llurko, B, Dak. This Ib tho busy Bcasou for tho farmer and tho hen. Ileautiful. clear white clothes delights the laundress who uses Red Cross Hall Blue. All grocers. Adv. Hut a mother-m-law can lay down tho law to n lawyor. Drink Denlson's Coffee, For your health's sako. Ono llttlo dlmplo has caused many a fall. Nebraska Directory IA OS If no supplies. Largest BVJ Uf EV bouse In the Trent. All ClUICUIIIfS KoHttuuuKOods. Wepayre rilaldniilU turu poatago on flulahlur. ME ROBERT DEMPSTER CO- 1813 Farntm Strati Entrain Kodak c. umana, neu. Jackson-Slgnall Go. Write or wire, for market Suntntlons oa all kinds of 'eelcrs, Sheep and Cattle. 155-157 Eichintt BUi ,i Omitii, Rik. Kererencesi LItb btook Nation al Uank, Security 8 la to Hank. DATOT VH Live Slock LJ V WW JLaJLaCP Commission Co, BMPMBNT3 SBCORBD BT $100,000.00 'ffiftS.0 BUST PRICES AITD FILLS. South Omaha Chicago Has. City AUTO SUPPLIES St OF ALL KINDS GUI PRICES WRITE FOR COMPLETE LIST WITH PRICES AND SAVE MONEY CONSUMERS AUTO SUPftT CO. 1921 firnin JtUniai DOCTORS M AC H & MACH DENTISTS 3rd Floor Paxton Block 16th FarnamSti., Omaha Htik H3ulipd DanUl OSBom In OauW llsuouibli DilCi. Heltl dlicouul to til pl Urlnf eutaltU Omftka. HOG CHOLERA can be prerentrd. for particulars rousultyour Veterinarian or writ t us. AlwRTnapecirrlBlclllrra (piri tsil.iiou ciioUBidiaiB, V. H. TtUrUarr LUmm If imkar St. See that the boitlea bear onr labels and that the seals are unbroken. HB1 OMtreet, South OmuUa RHEUMATISM can be cured or money refunded. The rum Treatment in the only ponltlve cure known. Only ten days tlino required for a cure. Call or write for teBtliuonluU n-rnl full particulars. Dr. W. W. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. Hotel Castle 632 So. 16 St., Omaha, Neb. New, absolutely fireproof. Rooms with private bath - $1.50 Roomi with private toilet - 1.00 Fred A. Casfle, Proprietor MUTUAL LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. Selltrt of Live Stock on tfi South Omaha market. Fetdar buying a tptclalty BOTH CATTLE SALESMEN. BOTH HOO BALES MEN AD OFFICE MAHAGBR WITH TUB "HAT 10JTAL' UP TO TUB TIME IT SOLD ODT. rTAGG BROS. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION AGENTS SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. joum MOTTO OOOD bknviok Mm 131 II