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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1915)
I Semi-Weekly Tribune IKA L. HAKE, Editor nnd Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION IIATES: One Year by 2IInll In Advnnco. . . .81.25 One l'cnr by Cnrrlcr In Adrnnco. .$1.0 Entered at North Platte, Nobraslta, Poatofllco as Second Class Matter. nil day, September hii, mis. COUNTY FA I It A SUCCESS. The county fnlr closed last even ing, and while there wore a number of disappointments as there always are tho fair as n whole was a successful one. In point or exhibits the full allotment of spaco was taken. The exhibits of small grain and grasses, so artistic ally arranged by Mr. Oilman, was moro complcto ithan ever boforo, tho wheat samples being taken from fields tliht are averaging forty-five and fifty bushels per acre. Jn the vegetable line the display was large, notwithstanding that the cool, wot summer lias been unfavorablo for this class of products. Vegetables from both tho Irrigated and dry sections woro shown, and in a number of In stances tho products of tho dry fann ers woro equnl if not superior to those raised by Irrigation. Tho collective displays by Illnman precinct, an Irrigated section and Sel lers precinct, a tnblc land precinct, woro oxceptlonaly good, as was also tho variegated display from Payne pre clnct. Tho lato season was detrimental to tho best display of corn, which Is Lin coln county's principal crop. Howev er, there was an abundance of corn stalks bearing Immenso cars in the "roasting" stage, which gave evidence of n heavy yield If early frost does not come. Thoro wns a large display of apples and plums, and pears. The exhib it of apples gave evidence that this fruit can bo most successfully raised In Lincoln county. Especially lino was tho showing mndo by tho Orcenhurnlo fruit farm and from tho orchards of Illnman precinct. In the ohlna, fancy work, domestic science and lloral departments tho ex hibits woro largo, many exqulslto pieces of china nnd nccdlqwork being on display. The work of the schools of tho county attracted much atten tion by roason of Its vorledness and ciovornoss. Tho llvo stock exhibit was such as to fill every stall and pen, and tho nnl- mnis oxiilblted woro fine. Thov wore howovor, only specimens of thoao to bo louim nu ovor tho county, for Lincoln comity stock-growors aro yearly Im proving mo quality or their horses came and hogs nnd arc profiting there by. Whllo tho attendance Wednesday mm ycsioruay waB vory large, It was somownat disappoint nir that the nt. tendance of farmors wns not Inrccr. It Is gcnorally accented that a nmmtv fair Is largely for tho benefit of the winner; no views what tho other fni low Is doing In tho wnv of famine mid fltodk-growng and Is thereby spurred to greater effort, and In this applica tion of efficiency he reaps a, roward. In .tho ainusomont line thoro woro disappointments, especially in regard .to .the aoroplan (lights. A now englno for tho machine had been ordored ship ped but when It arrived Tuesday night It wns found to be short a radiator, which In shipping had gono estray. Tracers wero Immediately sent out, nnd tho missing part was received Wednesday evenng, but toe late for a Jllght that day. Yestorday tho six or sevon men who camo with tho machine worked on It all day, and as tho hours passed would announco that they hoped to be ready to fly In "another half hour." These predictions wore mndi up to six o'clock, tho crowd the whllo patiently waiting. Finally Chairman Coates be came convinced that no (light would be made, and so announced, and tho qrowd dispersed. Tho failure of this, tho most Important amusoment evont, Ib deeply regrotted by all connected with tho fair, but the fault lies with tho aviator and not with tho commit tee or ofticers of tho fair. When tho committee secured the attraction, they thought that as It was a part of tho equlpmont of tho Nebraska National Guard and therefore backed by tho great state of Nobraslta, that there would ho no falluro; that It would surpass in equipment nnd efficiency any (hat mkht bo seeurud from an Individual or company, but In this the commlltoo was sorely disappointed rlho pony polo races proved at tractive, the players bolng young fnnn- ors or mo soiuii side. Through prae. Hue the players had become vorv ef. flclont and tho contests woro watched witn much interest by large crowds oLspoututors. In tho ball game Tuesday on tho fair ground, tho Roosters defeated tho Rig Springs tenm by a seoro of twelve to one. Tho Stapleton team was to hnvo boon horo Wodnosday, hut failed to appear, and the Roosters played a pick-up nine. LOCAL AJs'J) PUKSONAL Miss Floronco Iddlngs will ontortnln a fow frlonds at bridgo this after noon. Arthur May, of Gothenburg, is vis iting local friends while onroute homo from an oxtonded visit In California. Miss Molllo Ponlstpn left Inst night for Evanston after nn extended visit with hor sister, Mrs. Fred Marti. Miss Estlior Kolly was hostess at an informal party Tuesday ovenlng in .honqr 04 Mlsa Carrlo Well of I Moyno. Rail gamos will bo played 011 tho lo cal grounds Sunday and Monday bo twoen tho Rlvordalo and Rooster teams. Thoro will bo no preaching sorvlces nt tho Prosbytorian church next Sun day. Sunday school will -bo hold at tho usual hour. Mrs. C. C. Roynolds and children ot Sutholand wlio visited her sister, Mrs. Slzcmoro, und attended tho fair this weok, wont homo last ovenlng. J. R. Carflold nnd family loft nt noon yesterday for Grand Island to locate. Tho former had been employed as bak er at the Vienna cafe. Robert McWJllIams and William Hrotlbeck will leave this evening for California whero they will Bpond sev eral weeks. Mrs. Leonard Dick and Miss Hazel Llcrk left at noon yesterday for Clove- land. Ohio, and other eastern cities to visit relatives and friends for several weeks. yesterday afternoon for Omaha to visit Miss Mario Massey. While horo she was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Healey, Mrs. J. W. Adams, wife of Train master Adams, arrived here last even ing from Omaha, to make hor home. rhcy have rented rooms over the Star clothing house. In a card to this office, Mrs. Helen ,i Whltc, wlio has been visiting In Pcnn- sylvanla for several months, writes that she will ho homo in about ten days. She Is now In Chicago and will go from thoro to Kansas. Mn...nn llnnnooa it-nrn r,r,,nn,1 Wednesday at tho office of the county judge to Oren Woodman and Emma Walllno of Paxton ,to Russoll Scho- field and Imogeno Tucker of Wallace, and to Clarence Prlckctt of Atwood, Kansas, and Cecil Smith of Wallace. F. ,i. IMENFr. & CO. Real Estafo and Insurnnco Como and sco us for town lots In different parts of tho city. Good In. vestmonts on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent. Wo have also good bar gains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dowov flts.. upRtnlrn Order of Hearing on Final Settlement State of NebniBka, Lincoln County, ss. In t in nmintv nmirt. In the Matter of tho Estate of Luclnda Clark, Deceased. To tho Creditors, Heirs, Legatees and others interested in tho Estate of Lu- clnda Clark, Tako notlco that Lester Walker has filed In tho Countv Court, a ronort of his doings as Administrator of said cs- tato, and it is ordered that tho same stand for hearing on tho 3d day of September, A. D. 1915, before tho Court at tho hour of 9 o'clock A. M. nt which timo any person interested may annear and oxcont to and contest tho same. I Notlco of this nroccedlnir und the hearing thereof Is ordered given to by publishing a copy of this order In tim Nnrtii Pintin Trihnrn n .n.U weekly, nowbpaper printed In said County, for thrco consecutive weeks prior to said date of hearing. Dated August 10th, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, al73w County Judgo. To William II. Simmons, owner of Lot 7, Rlock 11, Rollcvuo Addition, North 1 Matte. Nebraska. I Tlin nwnnrn nf t,rnn,.r,tv nn H.n north sldo of 9th street, between Jef- - w " ' I'Vt'Vkl w lllV I ferson und AiilmihWi Avn. urn hnrnhv notified that tho Mayor and Council of North Platte. Lincoln Countv. Nohras- L . - - - I ka. Dnssed nnil nnnrnvnil nn nnllnntifo on tho isth iinv nr Timn mi!! nniArinn. n Rldewnlk n.iininin. Uni,i nrr.m. (una In l.nnniinli.nnl, t II. , n,1 O I grade, and of permanent material, as provided in the general ordinances of said city, regulating tho construe- tlon of Hldownlkn In mild iiltv. Unless said walk la constructed hv von nlnnir tlio nmith sliln nf tinlil 1 nt 7 11 nek 11. nwnnil liv vnn n iifcnnlnnno .-..... ... Ww .,. with anlil nrilliinnnna nn nt hnfnrn 1ir 10th day ot September, 1915, tho same will hn rnnntriiftnil liv nl1 nltv mull t in ensts iiHSOHsnil nnnn t in hiiI1 In! owned liv vnn niHnlnltiP wlilr-li tlu samo shall bo constructed. C. F. TEMPLE (KEIA CMv ninrif To Chas. II. . Macombcr, ownor or Lot R, Rellevuo Addition. North Platte. Nebraska. Tho owners of property on tho south sldo of Dili street, between Augusta Avo. and Oak street, are horeby notl- fled tliat tlie JMayor and Council of the City of North Platte. Lincoln County, Nebraska, passed and approved an or- dlnanco on tho ISth day or June, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to bo constructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent inn- torial, as provided In the genornl or- dlnnnces of said city. rcKUlatlm: the construction of sldewnlks in said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along tho north side of said Lot R, owned by you. In nccordanco with said ordinances, on or boforo tho 10th day of Soptombor, 1915, tho samo will bo constructed by said city and tho costs nssesseti upon ino snm 101 owneu by you adjoining which tho samo shall bo constructed. C. I'. TLMPLL, (SEAL) , City Clork. TV7lMPIV.I,ViIJB0"f1(,t.,,tart I.nt "13" l:nimtv f'lnrk'a Snh-illvlHtnn vwiy on 1 l oft jN y aj-i-i-Hu. (1 .... . 1 i... a , lAl , 1 . l. "Ul v , " il"BU8'' special election to bo held on Sep Ave. and Oalt streot. are heroby notl- n,i.n. i.m, imr. ( i.i- . I ml ii.f i... ivt .i n....n r ti. . .. , . ' V"- r,.V..ul. m,,ul i"'u: tuuuiy, .v niii'fi u ir fi no u n i nni n ittrrcii nti rt- it.... ' l: ,n. ; " ....m.. uu mu ioui uuy oi juuu, iuio, ,. i , n , 8U 0T,K n(,J0l,11,B U10tir M ! 1 1 f I 11 tmil IJ no In lr fintintKiinlriil rt a Ia structou of sidewalks In said cltv. Unless said walk Is constructed by you along tho north sldo of said Lot "E" owned by you, In accordance with m rnnl,n.i 101. "u Bn,U, W " Ssts SSioMod ,,5XBh 11 Cl K inVd th tosis nssosseu linoil the said lnt own. ml liv vnn H.1I..I.. . i 7 i .i s in ni. m ,J l, Whlch th0 Blunu shall bo constructed. ,qMn V. Ai1. '. tb. Alj) City Clork. nmi p hwi p ?mnor ofA,L1?4t.8 5 Nn?h Pinl?S vM.rn'il1"8 Atldlt,on' North Platto, Nebraska. iw 0 MWno,rc 0f th0 1roi)0r4t'1 011 the -vnn,! V, !Cni!!1n0rLBtrCet ,botwo?.n L untl 3rd streets, nro horobv nn PiJlt?tvUo.iM?l,n? 1Couc11 of th0 v ,hrnui,0ih I I LlllC0ln county, Nebraska, passed and annroved an nr. o, hi uu tuiiDuuut'u no iu lliftWPPn X'nrtli T'luffn fJilifr nm Pnwnr oHnrlfrnv.'i111,11! l 1,ormnnc,t mf Company, a corporation, as tho party n of tl10 Ilr8t l,ort. nnd City of North nances of said city rcgulatiiK tho con- min i.. i. nn t i i.. .,.i i!lUw.Cn 011 th, 18111 ,day ot Juno, 1913, 2.-For sixty candlo powor inenndes brdorlng a sldowalk adjoining tholr' cent lamps or tholr equivalent in can said premises, to bo constructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent ma terial, as provided In tho general or dinances of eald' city, regulating tho construction of sidewalks in said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along the west sldo of said Lots 5 und C, Block G, owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or boforo tho 16th day of September, 1915, tho same will bo constructed by said city und tho costs assessed upon the said lots owned by you adjoining which mo same snail ne consirucieu. 1C I TEMPLE To M. C. Harrington, owner of Lot 1. Block 75, North Platte, Nebraska. Tho owners of property on tho south aide of 9th street, between Augusta Avo and Oak street, aro notified that tho Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras ka, passed and approved nn ordinance on tho 18th dav of June. 1913. ordering sidewalk ndloinine their said nrem- S(!s, to ho constructed as to line and grade, and of permanent material, as provided in the general ordinances of said city, regulating tho construction 0f sidewalks In said city. UlllCSS Bald Walk Js Constructed by nl""8 tho north side of said Lot 1, " K '. ! ,. l ' Kruu"u '" " --;. " (,".v of September, 1915, the same wll bo constructed by the city and tho ?OHls nssussuu upon u.u sum uwuuii bo constructed. C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. (SEAL) To 0. D. Runtlng, owner of Lot 8, Rlock 57, North Platte, Nebraska. The owners of property on the west side of Walnut street, between 9th and 10th streets, aro hereby notified that tho Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras P". passed and approved an ordinance on me ism uay oi June, ivia, oruer- Ing a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to be constructed as to line nnd grade, and of permanent material, as provided in tho general ordinances ot said city, regulating tlie construc- Hon of sidewalks In said city, Unless said walk is constructed by you along the Enst side of lot S, block 57, owned by yoti. In accordance with said ordinances, on or before tho 16th dny of September, 1915, the same will bo constructed by said city and the costs assessed upon tho said lots owned by you adjoining which the same shall he constructed. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. Tonpll"rI08II"bl z'0ve? Block 112, North Platte. Nebraska. The owners of property on the west sltl? ?J, Wa4lnu street, between Front and 5th streets, aro hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, No braska, passed and approved an ordl nnnce on tho 18th day of June, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their s" premises. 10 no consirucieu as 10 umi Blu mm u ptsmiuueju mu.- lerllll, BS proVHied In tllO general or .. . - . . - 1 finances or sald city, rcgulatlpg tlie cousirucuoii m siuowaiifs 111 sam cuy unless 801(1 wlUK 13 constructed oy V0'1 alonB the east side of said B of T . 1 T 1 1 1 . 111) .. .1 1 . . . I .. '-" . uiuuk. -ii-, uwura uv juii, 111 uu cordaiices with said ordinances on or before the lGth day of September. 1915 ...11, l. 1.1 1... 1.1 I R' aUIIIU Will IJU UUI1SL1 UUIL'U I'V U1U c,,y. 011(1 11,0 ost3 nssesscd upon the D."m ,ul " hujuihuib wmuu luo aillIlL HUUU "u consirucieu. (-" 11 IMlFLib, lol'-'AL) City Olork V. ll.... 4.. ft Ill i nimiiu iiuiu hi muiuiiN. 1,1 n'c County Court or Lincoln Coun tV, Nebraska. I I., il. ,. il c ii. - i i a Tim ' iiuuier ui inu usiuie oi Wll lllgllDCrger, IJOCensCd . Notice is hereby given thnt the cred- iiors or me ucceaseu win meet tlie Auministrator oi said estnte netoro me, County Judge or Lincoln county Nebraska, at the county court room In said county, on the 24th day ot Septombor, 1915, and on the 24th day of March, 1910, nt 9 o'clock a. m. each day for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination,, adjustment and allowance. Six months are al lowed for creditors to present their ciains and one year tor tlio adminls trator to settle said estate from tho 24th day of Septombor, 1915. This notice will bo published in tho North Piatt to Tribune, a seiul-weekly news per, for four weeks successively prior to tlie 4tn day or September, 1U15 Witness my hand nnd seal of said court tins ism uay ot August, lUiu. UKO. is. kkisxuii, A21-4 County Judge '0TICK OF SPECIAL ELECTION Whereas at a retrular meetlnc of tho city Council of North Platte, hold August 2nd. 1915. tho following mo um was ndonted. Moved that tho Council annrove the followlue con tract with the North Platte Light & 011(1 clerl 1,0 authorized to execute . .. ... . . ... , same anu inai mo same ne suunmicu for the approval or disapproval of the 1 t. Ill v Ul 1 IrtllU ((V it "'"'l'"" " in tho manner provided by law siri't't Lighting ContrnH hctweon i . . . . ... .Minn mine ugiu and rower Com- ,... . i (v of vnr. i.t(. This contract entered into by and . . . . " ounty State of Nebraska, as party of tho sec oiul part. WITNESSETH: 1. Tho party of tho first nart here Ul0 HCCon(1 V' "(1 tllO party Of the SOCO,,rt ,mrt horeby "Kreos to tako and on i.n ii,..i ii.. I uau, m inu iiupuno ui iiKiilllIK l" streets, alleys and public places or tho pnrty ot tll0 Becond part nnd (lurng 1110 Period or llvo years heroliibolow described, olectrlc lluht sunnlled bv I CK immllnH rt aiiamIwwi .1 w.Ia.I ,100(,ei1 Incandescent street lamps as "10' required and rrbm timo to time ordered Installed by tho party or tho second part during said porlod, at th0 f0ll0B tos and prices, -which Mm nnv t i.A "Brees to pay to the party of tho first part, and upon tho following terms and kmiiimmi. dle power, each per annum $21.00; for eighty candlo power lncandcsceut lamps or their equivalent In candlo power, each per annum $23.75; for ono hundred power Incandescent lamps or their equivalent In cnndlc power, each per annum $20.50. for two hundred and fifty cnndlc power Incandescent lamps or tholr equivalent In candlo powor, each per annum $58.00; for four hun dred candle power Incandescent lamps or their equivalent In candle power, each por annum $32.50; for thirty-two candle power Incandescent lamps as specified and provided for In Para graph 3, $18.00 por annum. For arc lights or high candle power ncandescent lamps used In placo of arc lights as specified nnd provided for in Paragraph 3, $85.00 per annum. Payment shall be made 1 ntwelve cqunl monthly installments. Lamps shall bo lighted from dusk until dawn each night. All lamps and equipment shall be furnished and maintained by tho party of tho first part. 3. It Is agreed by the parties here to thnt the party of the first part will promptly, after tho confirmation of this contract by the affirmative vote ot tho electors ot North Platte, Nebraska, proceed to Install and equip a new and modem system, Including wires, poles nnd accessories, tor tho service or such sixty, eighty, one hundred, two hundred nnd fifty and four hun dred candle power Incandescent lamps or their equivalent which the second pnrty may order Installed under this contract. The work of In stalling such new and modern system for street lights as provided for above, shall after commencement, be carried on dllllgently to completion. Until tho completion of snid new and modern system, tho street lights now used by tho second party and supplied by tho first party, Bhall be continued in use and paid for at the schedule named In Paragraph 2. 4. In tho event of any of said lamps not burning during the timo required, the party of the second part shall have tho right to deduct the pro rata amount from the bill for each night such lamp falls to supply light for moro than two consecutive nights, after receipt by the pnrty of the first part of written notice from tho proper official of the 'party of the second part that said lamp is not burning. 5. All street lamps provided for herein shall be placed at such points within the territorial limits of the par ty of tho second part as may be desig nated by tho mayor and city council or authorized representative of the party of tho second par; provided that no lamp shall bo ordered Installed at a greater distance than sevon hundred feet from tho location of a then exist ing street series lamp; and should tho party of the second part require tho re-location of any lamp after the samo hns been located, then the party of tlio second part shall pay' to the par ty of the first part the acutal cost of labor and material necessary In such re-location. (!. Tho party of the second part hnll, in conformity witli the law, sub mit this contract for approval or dis approval, to Its electors at a special election held September fourteenth 1915. Should this contract by said electors at such election be disapprov ed, then no onigation hereunder shall bo upon olthor party hereto. Hut should this contract by said electors at such election be approved, then this contract shall In each and all of Its provisions take effect and be and con tinue In full forco for and during n period of five years from and after the first day or November, 1915; It being distinctly understood nnd ngreed that tho party or the first part shall have a reasonable time in which to supply the necessary equipment for the rul filing of its obligations hereunder, and that it will make every effort to supply such equipment as speedily and soon as practicable. 7. Each and all of the rights, prlvl leges and advantages lodged In or pass ing to tlio party of tho first part by virtue hereof may by It be transferred and- assigned, hut only upon the as sumption by any grantee or assignee of each nnd all of tho obligations of tho party of tho first part thereunder, In Testimony Whereof, North Platte Light and Powor Company has here unto set Its hand and attached its cor porato seal by Willis Todd, its Vice President, therounto authorized, and City of North Platte has hereunto set its hand by Its mayor, attested by Its city clork, all on this 3rd day of August A. D. ,1915. NORTH PLATTE LIGHT AND POW E COMPANY, (Tarty of First Part) P.y WILLIS TODD, Vice-President. Witness to signature of Party of First Part W. LITTLE. CITY OF NCHTII PLATTE, NEBRAS KA. tPar,ty of Second Part) By E. H. EVANS, Attest: Mayor. C.F; TEMPLE. City Clork. Therofore notlco Is horby given that a special olectlon will be held In the City of Not tlx Platto, Nebraska, on Tuesday. September 14th, 1915, at tho places horolnaftor specified in the sev eral wnrds of tho city for the purpose or submitting the following proposl tlon to the voters or said city: "Shall tho Mayor and Clork or said city bo empowered to entor Into a contract with tho North Platto Light & Powor Company n copy or which Is printed above for tho purpose of street light ing." Tlie poMs of said election shall be kept opo between tho hours of 9 o'clock A M. and 7 o'clock P. M. on said day and tho voting placos therefor In tho several wards shall bo as fol lows to-wlt : First V ard at tho entrance at tho Lloyd Opera Houso In said ward. Second Ward at tho Court Room at tho County Court Houso In said ward. Third Ward at tho old Hose Houso situated c n Vino Street between Front nnd Sixth streets In said ward. Fouctfe Ward at old Hose houso on North Locust Btreet In said ward. Tho ballots for said olectlon shall hnvo printed thereon: For granting permission to tho May or and Clerk of tho City of North Platto to onter into a contract.wlth said company for tho purpose of street llghtli-r. And Agi.lnst granting permission to tho Mayor and Clerk ot tho said city to orter Into said contract with tho North Platte Light and Power Com pany. Those Voting In favor of granting said permission shall mark tholr bal lots with an "X" opposite tho para graph beginning, For grnntlng said permission. Those voting against granting ot said permission shall mark their bal lots with an "X" opposite the para graph beginning against. This notice shall bo published 30 days prior to said election. Signed this 9th day ot August, A. D. 1915. E. II. EVANS. Attest: Mayor. C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. NOTIt'i: OF SPECIAL ELECTION Notlco is hereby given, that on Tuesday, the 14th day ot September, 1915, a special election will bold in tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, at which said election there will be submitted to the people the question: Shall the Mayor and City Council, of tho City of North Platte, In the County of Lincoln and State of Ne braska, pledge tho property and credit of the City upon its negotiable bonds to an amount not exceeding 310,000.00, to be used in paying tho cost of paving the Intersections of streets and spaces opposite alleys In paving districts In said City, and, shall the Mayor and City Council of said City or North Platto levy a tax annual ly upon the taxable property of said city in addition to all other taxes suf flcient to pay the Interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund, sufficient to pay said bonds when they become due at their maturity. faald bonds to draw interest at a rate not to exceed Five (5) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually from their dnte until paid, and bo evi denced by coupons to said bonds at tached. Said bonds shall bo drawn payable to bearer, due twenty years after date, but redeemable at the op tion of the City ten years after date, Said bonds to be Issued and bear such date as tho Mayor and Council may by resolution direct. Said bonds and coupons to bo payable at tho of lice of the State Treasurer In tho City of Lincoln, Nebraska, and said bonds shall be known and described as "Paving Bonds of the City of North Platte, Nebraska. The ballots to be used at said elec tion shall have written or printed thereon the following: YES For authorizing the Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte, Nebraska, to borrow money and pledge the property and credit of 'the city, up on Its negotiable bonds to an amount not exceeding $10,000.00 to be used in paying the cost of paving tho Inter sections of streets and spaces dppo slte alleys In paving districts in said city and for authorizing the Mayor and City Council to levy a tax an nually upon the taxable property of said City In addition to all other tares sufficient to pay tho Interest on said bonds and creating a sinking rund sufficient to pay said bonds when they become duo at their maturity. Said bonds to draw Interest at a rate not to exceed fivo per cent per annum from their date until paid, which inter est shall be payable semi-annually and be evidenced by coupons to said bonds attached. Said bonds to be drawn payable to bearer, due twenty years after date, but redeemable at tho op tion of the City ten years after the date thereof. Said bonds to be Issued ot such time and bearing sucli date as the Mayor and City Council by reso lution may direct. Roth bounds and coupons to be payable at tho office of the State Treasurer iu the City ot Lin coln, Nebraska. NO. Against authorizing the Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platte. Nebraska, to borrow money and pledge tho property and the credit of the City upon Its negotiable bonds to an amount not exceeding $16,000.00 to be used In paying the cost of paving tho intersections of streets and spaces opposite alleys in paving districts of said City, and againat authorizing tho Mayor and City Council to levy n tax annaully upon tho taxable proper ty of said city in addition to all other taxes, sufficient to pay tlie interest on said bonds and creating a sinking fund sufficient to pay said bonds when they become duo at tholr maturity Said bonds to draw Interest nt a rate not to exceed five per cent per annum from their date until paid, whicli in terest shall bo payable ccml-annu ally and be evidenced by coupons tp said bonds attached. Said bonds to be drawn payable to bearer, duo twen ty years after date, but redeemable at the option of the City ten years after tho dnte thereof. Said bonds to be Issued at such time and bearing such date as thb Mayor and City Council by resolution may direct. Both bond nnd coupons to be payable at tho office of the State Treasurer In tho C'ty of Lincoln, Nebraska. Those voting In favor of said prop position will mark their ballots with n cross In tho square to tho left of tho proposition beginning. "Yes, for auth orizing tlie Mayor, and City Council of the City of North Platte, Nebraska to borrow money and pledge the property and credit of the City upon its nego tlabe bonds," etc. Those voting against said, proposi tion shall mark their ballot with a cross in tho squaro to the loft of the propcsltlon beginning, "No. against authorizing the Mayor and C'!tv Coun cil of the City of North Platte. Nebras ka, to borrow money and pledge tlio property and credit of the City upon Its negotiable bonds to an amount not to exceed $1G,000.00." Tho polls at such special election shnl be kept open during the hours of 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. of said day and the voting places for said election shall be as follows: First Ward at the Llbyd Opera House. Second Ward In tho Commissioners' room at tlio Court Houso of Lincoln County, Nebraska, In said Second Word. Third Ward at tho old hoso houso situated on Vino Street botwoen Sixth Street and Front Street. Fourth Ward at tho old hoso house situated on North Locust Street. By order of tlio Mayor and City Council of said City of North Platte. Dated this 4th day of August. 1915, C. F. TEMPLE. City Clerk. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Notlco Is heroby clven that on the 14th day of September, 1915, a special election wfll bo held In tlio City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebras ka, at which tho following proposition will be submitted to the voicrs of said Cty: SI ill the Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platto, In tho Coun ty of Lincoln, In the state of Nebras ka, Issue Twolvo Thousand 00.100 ($12,000.00) dollars 'City of North Platte Park Bonds' In denominations of Two Thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing Interest nt tho rato of five per cent per annum, pay oblo annually, tho Interest and prln clpal payable at tho ofllco of tho Stnto Treasurer of tho State of Nebraska? Said bonds to bear date of Octo ber 1, 1915, and the Interest on said bonds, to bo payable on the 1st day ot October, 191G, and on the first day ot October or each and every year thereafter, until all ot the Interest on suid bonds shall have been paid. baVd bonds to bo numbered consecu tively rrom ono to six Inclusive, and tho Interest thereon to be evidenced by coupons thereto attached. Bond number one to become duo and payable on the 1st day ot October,. 1920. Bond number two to become duo and payable on tho 1st day ot October, 1921. Bond number three to become due and payablo on the 1st day ot Octo ber, 1922. Rond number four to become due and payable on the 1st day of Octo ber, 1923. Bond number five to becomo duo and payable on the 1st day of October, 1924. Rond number six to becomo duo and payable on tho 1st day of October, 1925. Shall tho Mayor and City Council ot the City or North Platte, In tho Coun ty of Lincoln, In the State of Nebraska, levy a tax In tho year 1915, and In ench and every year thereafter suillclent to pay the Interest on said bonds; and In the year 1919 and In each and every year thereafter sufficient to pay tho principal of said bonds aa they becomo due, until sufficient tax has been levied to pay all of tho principal on said bonds; and such tax both for princi pal and interest to bo levied upon all of the taxable property In said City of North Platte? Said bonds to Bo used for the pur pose or raising money to purchase rrom William W. Rlrge, Trustee, and hold in the name of the City of North Platte, in thcvQounty of Lincoln, in the State of NebrasfcRthe following land, lot and parcel of ground, lying adja cent to said city or Ntw-th Platto, to wit: All that nart of tfra. southeast quarter (SEV1) of oectlorryjtwenty- eight (28) in township fourteen. (14) north, of range thirty (30) west of the 6th P. M. lying south of the NorUi Platte river, and east of the main road running north along said tract, which road Is an extension of Locust street In said City, to be used and Improved for parks and parkways. Tho ballots to be used at said elec tion shall have printed thereon: For lulling of Twelve thousand 00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City of North Platto Park Ronds," In denom inations of Two thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing inter est at tho rate of five per cent per an num, payable annually, interest and principal payablo at the office of the State Treasurer bf the State of Ne braska, said bonds to bear date of October 1st, 1915, and the -interest on snid bonds shall be payable on the 1st day of October, 191G, and on tho first day of October or each and ev ery year thereafter until all of the In terest on said bonds shall havo been paid; to levy a tax In the year 1915, and each and every vear thereafter J-SuffiQl'ent tol pay tho interest on said bonds, and in the year 1919 and In each and every year thereafter sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds as they become due, until sufficient tax has been levied to pay all of the prin cipal on said bonds; such tax both for Interest and principal to bo levied up on all of tho taxable property in said City of North Platto. Against Issuing or Twelve thousand 00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City or North, Platto Park Rond3," In denom inations or Two thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing inter est at tho rate or five per cent per an num, payable annually, interest and principal payable at tho office of tho State Treasurer of the Stato of Ne braska, said bonds to bear dato of October 1st. 1915, and the interest on said bonds shall be payable on tho 1st day nf October, 191G, and on tho 1st day of October of each and ev ery year thereaftor until nil of the in terest on said bonds shall havo been paid; to levy a tax in the year 1915, and each and evory year thereafter sufficient to pay the Interest on said bonds, and in the year 1919 and lu each and evory yoar thereafter sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds as thoy becomo due, until sufflclont tax has been levied to pay all of the prin cipal on snid bonds; such tax both for interest and principal to bo levied- up on all or tho taxable property In said City or North Platto. Those voting In favor of paid proposition shall mark their bal lots witli nn X after the paragraph beginning with tho word "FOR"; and those voting against said proposition shall mark tholr ballot with an X af ter tho paragraph beginning with tho word "AGAINST". Said election will be . open nt 9 o'clock In the morning nnd will contlnuo to bo open until 7 o'clock In tho afternoon of said day or election. The polling places or sqld election will bo at tho entrance or tho old Lloyd Opera Houso on the corner or Pino and and Sixth streets, In the first ward or said City; and at the County Commissioners' room In tho Court Houso In tho second ward or said City; and at the eld hoso houso, situate on Vino street between Front and Sixth streets In tho third ward ot said City; and at the hoso house In tho fourth ward of said City; said election will be conducted In manner nnd form as-provided by tho ordinances of said City, and tho Stat utes or the Stato or Nebraska. Ry order or the Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebrnskar Dated this 4th day of August, 1915. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk.