The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 03, 1915, Image 5
DR. 0. 11. CRESSLER, - Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald Statu Bank. LOCAL A?iJ PERSONAL Claude Dolnnoy, of Northport spent tlio fore part of tho week here. Fred Elliott returned Tuesday even ing from n short visit in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hammer and Miss Freda will move to Omaha In the near future. Earl Stebbins, of Gothcnburgs spent tho fore part of the week with local friends. Harry Huffman will leave next week for Lincoln to enter the state tin Ivorslty. Claude Peters will leave next week for Midland colege to enter on his freshman year. Mrs. G. Campbell, of Omaha, who visited Mr. and Mrs. A. F.elly this week, has gone home. Miss Edna Elliott,, who had been ser iously 111 will typhoid fever, has re covered and is-able to be out. Miss Gertrude McKough left for Al llance Tuesday afternoon after a short visit with Mrs. Harry Boyle. Henry and Lyla llalligan, of flrule, are visiting this week with their uncle J. J. Halligan and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Posey have moved from .Omaha .to North Bend, where they have purchased a now hotel. Arthur Toolo returend to Kearney a few days ago after visiting his sis ter Mrs. Harry Boyle for a week. Mrs. Lohnes, of Scotts Bluff, re turned homo Tuesday afternoon after visiting with Mrs. Wm. Hupfer. Mrs. George Stiff and Mrs. Phil Hes pn, of Gothenburg, are visiting this week with Mrs. Nola Novak. Mrs. Charles Burroughs left Tues day evening for Hershey to spend a week or ten days with friends. Mrs. D. W. Arnold and daughter Vera returned Wednesday morning from a short visit in Lexington. Mrs. Hugh Bird and two daughters returned Tuesday evening from ai extended visit in eastern cities. Little Kaymond Christensen will en s' menus at a Mrs. Millard Hosier has returned The Local client MurkM. ' from a short Visit in Omaha. Complaint having been made that n n oi, i ,.,i rv,,n.i ..omn there Is no market for grain in North C. C. Cook and wife, of Cozad, came r,i.. .. .,..i...wi i... m . . . 4 , . . ...... t I I I lilllVt v.vimiinivv uuifuiiuvu uj ntu up Tuesday to nttend the county fair. r, ! nt r-mm" I Mrs. Fred Williams, of Wauneta, Is the the matter and found that the Coates guest of Miss Comfort Conway this Lumber & Coal Co., which has leased' week. me Killings eievaior, is uuying an me Miss Tlllie Kosbau left Wednesday tnWr wheal Uwl ,S bC,ng r, morning for Sterling to spend a week . .....rfi of thp fnct or longer. or. r..,,,,!, nnat much nf tlin wheat Mrs. Robert Wright left Wednosday that has been markted has been so for Wallace to visit her sister Mrs. damp as to heat In the elevator bin or, Dee Rancy. In the car, and that this is true, is , ,, , ., s iown oy uie uma ia quotations, wnicn i Miss Emellne Brower, of Gothen-L. ., ',,,, .., t burg visited the Loan family in this ,hln to the fnct tlmt mucll of; tho wheat received had heated in transit. This damn wheat Is found in Lincoln county as well as elsewhere, and while ' city this week II. II. Barber, of Keystone, is spend ing a few days visiting friends and at tending the fair. , , . ,, thOvContos Co. has bought all wheat Watt?, now of Grand Island, off0)ptl lt hns lmi, t0 lirolcct Itself' up Wednesday to visit home nn,,st thnt whlch wn8 dam nntl Bub. Tom camo folks for a fow days Jcut to heating, and in doing this has I Miss Rfflo Christ returned Tuesday paid for it a less price than would: from Lexington where she visited her have been paid had It been perfectly, sister for a week. dry and hard. I . . . , ... . , . , It will undoubtedly up to tlio uest' W. A. Chamberlain, president of the ,,,,,,,. .,, tn-,nnra , . n,i, ! Maywood State bank, transacted bus- , , , , . t0 market, their 1 wneai until it. uries oui, xor in no niar- iness hero this week. Wm. Adair returned Wednesday net win tney receive uio prico ior, from Omaha where he was called by spongy wheat that they will receive the death of his uncle. If it is perfectly dry. . ,, ihe committee assures mo innners Mrs. Charles WoOtOll, Of MolISC, f tlw. ufwittnn IrllmtHrv tn NJnrtli I III., came 'luesuny evening to visu .nr. ,,,,. thnt thev lmvo ., nmrkot in and Mrs. B. B. Boatman. Vnrtli Plntto for thnlr wlipnt. and that Mrs. Omar Huff expects to leave the highest market pr'co will be paid, shortly for Portland and othed west- based on quality. If the farmer Is em cities to visit friends. t offered the prico he thinks his .,,.,, , wheat should command, tne local el- Miss Carrie Well of LeMoyne, return- nvntn,. win imtwiin it tirmmii tim oio cd yesterday, ofter visiting with the vntor nml Bhlp lt for thc grower if Misses Weir and Kelly. i,, carload lots at a charco of two Tho funeral of tho late Mrs. Aman- cents a bushel. This, the committee da Hemmeritte was held from the uenoves, is a very iair proposuon. Christian church Tueotay. v.,ui,t..,, v..i " Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winn, of Kearney, North Platte ladles' will learn with are expected hero this week to visit interest that If they are to be well friends for a week or longer. dressed this fall and winter ankle ,,. TTfn tp win ionv fiiia watches must be worn. Tho skirts will woi be voluminous and short, very short, week for anuianu college at aicihsoh, ., , - ipt,n iminr thn Kansas, to take up his studies. knees. In order that the watch may ttaln a number of hi birthday party Moniay afternoon For Rent-Jfvb room cottage, mod- of the McVlcker millinery parlors em excentnieat. Inquire William Ma- Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Scofleld are vis- be consulted while walking without itors In town this week, having too much peril to the wearer and per brought In exhibits for the fair. haps lessen the shock to the passerby, ..i v uar,.v pmon nf rwinr the skirts, wll bo divided, some what ?ifAaI "a"L,G.r' ,fnC.Sf Hke the direotolre; the slit about three ; " o.?"T.?:: inches wide and starts at the hip son lum.u, iuil ouuu, u,c....b. Trouserettes, with cuto little fur cuffs Mrs. Earl Crandall, of Lodge Pole, at the knee wll be worn. This will left Tuesday evening after visiting make It somewhat easier to consult with her aunt, Mrs. A. P. Kelly. the watch, but even then it may be I . " .i. i.ii r SocI On ve t s x h H Dvls or a telephone post to Utlock, o-i west sixtn. g,ee w,mt tJmo ,t ,g IJe,ng nn nrdent Miss Mabel Smith, of. Gothenburg, admirer of well groomed ladles, The visited Miss Merle Thornburg this Tribune hopes to seo the anklo watch week and attended the county fair. largely worn In North Platte. Miss Elizabeth Hurtt, of Chicago ar rived a few days ago to take charge For s JJ' ir-'Mis lopeySOB east Fifth. MrT and Mrs. Grover Crane, of Osh kosh, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Plum er this week and attended the county fair. Mrs. Wm. Hemphill, of Columbus, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hemphill, left Wednesday morn ing. rvnoof TMnfilrnr will lpnvo In the near future for Lincoln to take up a! there, course in pharmacy at tho state unl versity. SchlcK-Llncoln Wedding A wedding, simple, but impressive in every detail was solemnized at the Wm. Koester, of Baltimore, who has home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lincoln been visiting his uncle Henry Walte- Tuesday evening when their daughter math and family, will leave tomorow Miss Jennie was married to Charles Schick," of Curtis. Tho ceremony was ,wl 1... nn.. T) A w, ... f ntrrllf Springer, of Kansas city, presence of relatives and e guest of her uncle, T. V. . . , , Miss Minnie Lincoln, a sister of tho bride, played th wedding march. The morning. Mrs. M who was the Cox, for several days, left Tuesday af ternoon Miss Sara Monicle, of Denver, camo Miss Edith Gantt left Wednesday for bride wore a beautiful gown of white WigglrfSTMlsSourl to take up her du- sik crepe "de chene with lace trimming ties as teacher in a private family and carried white asters. The maid of honor. Miss Irma Frederlcl. wore a .. ..... f ...1.1.. lnnn ,1 1 . r, 1 . 1 t ( .. 1 - M. n,l T-T A T nu'hpilfl Inff nt I i fa""" ""' " "" " .-"." .IJi-.r II owors. Georce We nborc stood with noon Tuesday ior an exipuueu yisit f. ', in Wednesday to take up her duties nexH points week as teacher in the Jefferson school. Miss Alma Waltemath and cousin, Miss Hilda Koester, will leave tomor row morning for the latter's home in Baltimore. Mrs. Sam Harris, of Lexington, came up Wednesday morning to visit her daughter Mrs. D. W. Arnold for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Georgte KcrVlelkof Council Bluffs, visited) their VousTh, Mrs. Russell Fowles, fills week and attended the fair. f Miss Marie Massey, lot Omaha, who visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Healey this week, left yesterday morn ing for home, Furnished rooms for rent In modern house. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, 141 east Third street. 04-2 Marcaret and Harry Lanham, of Rtromhcrg. who were guests of their sister, Mrs. L. E. Toole, left the early part of tins ween tho. ootiKratuatlons. Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Charles Calhoun, who spent the Schick "left. Wednesday for Curtis summer with the Warrington family wheres they will make their homo on in Los Angeles, is expected to return tho groom's ranch. They have the best wishes of their many friends. Lutheran Sacred Concerl Next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Anthem Break Forth Into Joy. Anthem Tho Shepherd's Care. Trombone Solo Arthur Tramp. Duet Mrs. and Miss Huffman. Anthem Still, Still with Thee. Duet Comet and trombone Harry Huffman and Arthur Tramp Anthem Sing of tho Mercies of tho Soul. Anthem A Prayer for Peace. Solo Miss Huffman. Duet Messrs. Mooro and Yost. Anthem Oh, Worship tho King! This is the "fall opening" of the ov onlng services. Anyone will be wel coma Morning worship at 11 o'cock. home Friday Misses Sybil Gantt and Lucille Mc Farland have returned from Kearney where they were guests at a house party last week. Miss Phocia Jensen, of Grand Island came Tuesday evening and will bo associated with Mrs. B. F. Sailor in her millinery parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Rancy, of Wallace, who visited the latter! iM"3iit3. Mr, and Mrs. Greeley Bundy, returned to their home Wednesday. Miss Kate Corbett, of Baird, Iowa, was the guest of her uncle Wm. No. loney, Sr while enrouto from Don ver. She left Tuesday evening, KNOTLESS LUMBER SPOTLESS LIME READY TO SERVE RAIN OR SHINE oatj A SHOWING ahead of scheduled time partly because the mode is now assured and partly because all signs point to an earlier than usual demand for these Fall styles and we wanted to. let you see them as soon as possible. The showing is worthy of your at tention in every way. The coats possess a peculiar charm that the art- istic woman will sense at once. They are highly ori ginal in style-r-they are made for grace and becomingness. John s. snors, m. d., Physician nnd Surgeon OfUco B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phone; Office, 83; Residence 38. vr You are invited to be present at this showing and to. select whilethe choice is still so wide. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. H. II. LAND GRAF l'nlnter, Pnpcrliniiger nnd Decorator Phone Black S70. Geo. B. Dent, Physician nnd Surgeon. Special Attention given to Suigcry and Obstetrics. Oillcc: Building and Loan Building Phones I Office 1.10 j Residence 110 Welcome a A Good Cigar And a good cigar means ono mado at tho Schmalzricd factory. Our rep utation ns a maker o fgood cigars In North Platto extends back thirty years. ir wo did not mako good cigars wo would havo been forced to closo tho factory years ago. If you havo not been smoking Schmalzrlcd's Cigars it Is not too lato to begin. J. F. Schmalzricd. DEltltYlJEUItY & FOIUJES, Licensed Ilnilmltners Undertakers unit Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. r Night Phono Black CSS. oney to Loan ON FARMS AND RANCHES M Accidentally Killed Thomas Tittorington, of Sutherland. was killed tho fore part of the week by being struck on tho head with a hay Tn "Will "MnflynM, nml il n ,1 frll i nt Mrs.' A. J. Frazlor and daughter Ty, ,.,, ,.., ,,. cnr.n fr rPnu7n. r, CA"' . 're : iZ,X n ls wash., wiero Mr. .Mcuratn nas stacker. Ho was watching the men 'n.nfvhrn Sn " Ueen eiiiployeu ror soverai weens. stack the hay at tho time of tho acci ht-o Ti,n.ini.. wiii rn,inr nnn. (lent when tho stacker tinned over. James Elliott, of the Rexall drug. Io'.a formerly Miss Orra Hall, of erushing his skull boforo he could hoed ore, has taken a two weeks' vaca-j,, .' ' nrriV0(i Wednesday to visit the warning which tho stackers gave. i. nVif rt 11 It'll! (innni WITH i- . I TVf nltiAltlf ....... L.rt. nm Mrs. f rank J. Aicuovern. . iimuubiuu years of ago and leaves a daughter, Mrs. Magnoua umiu iuu in noon Mrs. Cox, of Sutherland vicinity, and Tuesday for Mason City and Des a BOa Delbert. Moines, Iowa, to visit relatives aim Interment was mad eat Kmmorson. menus tor a coupio or weeics. Iowa stor tion, part of which he will spend with relatives in Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Cy Cochran, of Brady, came up Wednesday morning to at tend the fair and visit the former's brother, Roy Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lanham, of Stromsborg, who were guests of tholr daughter, Mrs. Lem Toolo, returned homo Wednesday. Miss Vera Powers resigned her po sition in tho telephono office Wednes day and will leave shortly for Omaha to make hQr home. Miss Mario Troy returned to Jules burg Tuesday, evening. While here she was the guest of her brother Charles Troy and family. If you are Interested in a fine tlmo- m... ai..i u..ii.h.... r. t...... t i.. piece, and something nw, look on page L,0 " ; tss 10 a II ted "u v. -. , . r, . .Wk l y. U Ii 1 1 1 I I'll III Vll !.' Post nnd Watches. read about our Howard Clinton, Tho Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Granger are en joying a visit from tho former's par ents Mr. and Mrs. Frank U ranger, ot Gothenburg, who camo up Tuesday evening. Xotico to Contractors You are horby nottlled that sealed bids will bo received by tho Director, Leonard Laubner, of School District No. 3.1 In Lincoln County, Nebraska, at tho olflco of lleoler & Crosbyj In North Plntto, Nebraska, up until 1 o'clock p. 'inr of tho lltli day of September, 191G, for tho oroctlon and completion of a four ' room brick and rc-onforccd concrcto school liouso nt O'Fallon, Lincoln' county, Nebraska. Such bids must bo accompanied by cortllled check In tho sum of Ono Hun dred fifty 00.100 (S1C0.00) Dollars, payable to Honry Fulk, Treasurer of School District No. 33 in Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will bo for feited If tho person to whom tho con tract is awarded, falls to enter Into tho Contract. Tho School Board reserves tho right to reject uny and all bids. Plans and specifications may bo ex amined at tho office of Bort M. Roy- nolds, Architect, North Platto, Ne braska. Bids will bo opened nt tho offlco of Heeler & Crosby, North Platto, No- braska, at 1 o clock P. M. of said day. LEONARD LAUBNIuft, a!3-4w Director. Notice to Non-ltcHldciit DefendanlH. Edwnrd E. Jeter nnd William A. Mc- Cutchen, defendants will tnko notlco that on tlio Gth day ot August, 1915, Clara S. Padgett, plaintiff horoln. filed a petition In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, ngatns sain uerenuants et ai, tno object and prayer of which aro to qulot plaln- iiuvs title to tlio Northeast Quarter (NEtf) of Section Twonty-ono (2Mt Altnrnnv W V TInnrlnii,l l,n !, lOWHSIlip Ton UU IN. Ol KtttlKO TUlr- ty-thrco (33) West of tho Gth P. M. several days 1,1 mcom uouniy, isonrnBKa, anu es- I'uuiuiiy lur it uuvruu uujuuglllg liautl Mrs. J. L. Toole, of Kearney camo ulont and void a certain rioed from nun ycsieruay to visit ner uaugliter Mrs. S. R. Razee to S. II. Stahr. and a ccr- uirry uoyio ior a week or longer. Lowest Rates and Best Terms. Plenty of kMoney on hand to Close Loans Promptly. Buchanan & Patterson 3 First conio lirsl served. This stock Is Is sued in uny amount from $100.00 to Misses Carrio Wlsemlller, Myrtle .,1)Immio mid pnys scntl-iinnmil dm Pointer and Margery Pointer, of Suth- uends nt rnlo of six per cent. lnnil nmo ilnuMi tlio flrsl nf lilts Wflfik I tn vlalf M1B Alvn. T'nlntn.. nml nttnnd Hunters Wore OUt in full forco at nn,mt,. rntv the opening of the game season Wcd- ll.U .U,H, .1U.J ,1 l.t ,!. ...1 I IttJOUttJ', IJIIL tlO tV t IIIU Ull,ilU IVliU SPECIAL SALK out found tho chickens scarce. Very Every Saturday, also tho 15 10, 17 few or the parties secured tho limit and 18th days of each month, will bo ton birds to tho man tho average ho -Mr. Harrv Callendar. formerly of potato days at tho North Side barn, ing nbout (Ivo birds to tho man. Tlio .this Htv camo from Keystone Wednos- Phono No. 29 for prices. I will save birds aro flno eating, ns wo can attest day evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Geo. you money. Shaffer for two weeks. i .mi JULIUS MOGENSEN. CITY HOSPITAL 607 LOCUST STREET V NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 Sanitary Newly Furnished Fireproof This institution ia now open for tho Reception and Treatment of Surg ical, Medical and Obstetrical cases. A Strictly modern Hospital for the canvanianco of tha piMii. North Platte and country tributary thereto. by tho trio presented this writer by Messrs. Don, Rebhausen and Munger. For Farm Loans seo or write Geno Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North Plntto. 41tC R. E. Gelsberger, called on Tho Trlbuno yestordny and In talking of crops said wheat, which Is now being threshed, averages as high as fifty bushel per acre, with thirty bushels as tho minimum Lost Tuesday on tho east sldo of court house, black bag with nnmo of Hondy-Ogior on it, containing two in ner tubes. Finder return to this of fice and receivo suitable reward. To Follow Tho BILLY SUNDAY CAMPAIGN IN OMAHA SEPT. 5 TO OCT. 31. Send Your Subscription at once for The Omaha Daily Bee UEST ACCOUNTS AND SERMONS. Special Price of One Dollar for Three Months Daily and Sunday. FOR SALE. Stttlil rako and hay swoon. Lolnlngor, 1114 North Locust. 1i samlCa e C. II. G2-tf Bought und highest market prices paid PHONES Kesidanoe Red G3G OfHco 459 C. H. WALTERS. tain deed from S. H. Stahr toW. M. Jones, nnd a certain deed fromiav. M. Ynt .. 11-V...H..1 -i..t ir Jones to fjawani fj. Jeter, and nscor- . jiU01,i,.. n iiuinu tnhl dcC(1 from Clurfl s PailKOtlfc,ln. (iirso HrOAVn Mmwrlal Hospital PrVten,led V con'v'ey'the aof est ions wo9t jiii st Knrth nintin mm, crniod real csiiuo, aim .niso aocreo- ' I , ,.,, ,l,,1,,t ..,,,1 ,.l,l TU'I.. r - .u . ir ii c. it i t I ttiK u tumuli-ill, mill vuiu tl uuiklllll Mrs. Mura irct II ill. hi ncriiiteiiduut. ..." , x,r ,r t " ' HIIJI LUUUll 111JI11 IV. III. . I I, lift 'A ill! -Miss Win I'lcknrd, (Jmdimto Juirsc. $1000.00 to S. II. Stnhr. and a nralend Dr. J. S. Twinniii. assignment of said mortgugfilTroni ' C tf In Tl'llll.,.,, a -Bi-.r...!.!, 1 o I -tttttlt IU lvitliuill I, iUUUUVUIiUlir j ii, -51011111 uuu o ii rguuu which mortgage protonded to convey Rest for Hiiniiiitllv's (.'lire Orlilehil n Hen on tho above described real es- ,.im. ii.......,...M.t.. ir.n. tnto, and also to dcclaro fraudulent "'"B"'' 'ivilt- , , . lnn ,nn, n,l,.n,l In CII10 ior ACIIIO llllll tlirOlllC UlSeilSC. nln rnsn of wnilnm A MpPiitnhnii vr. Iril urti irl TH Tnint onnflnnnfl In iMirv Tlta .uiiti. ui- l.-M.uitruJt.viiu. trlct Court of Lincoln County, Nebrns- Notlco Is hereby given that tho un- kn. wliich decrco Dretondcd to foro- dorsigned, havo formed a corporation closo tho nbovo described mortgage, under tho nnmo of "Tlio North Platto nnd also damages in the Lum of $100.00 General Hospital," with Its principal far general enultahlo rollof. placo of business in North Platte, ou aro required to answer this said petition on or before tho 20th day o j September, 1015. CLARA S. PADGETT, al0-4w Plaintiff. Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho gen eral nature of its business Is tho own ing, operating, nnd maintaining of a general nospitat, tho leasing, purchas ing and maintaining of such bulldlncs nnd real cstato as may bo necessary NOTICE FOR l'UJlLICATION for that purpose, the amount of the Repiirtiiient ofllie Interior utiinuu moun m uuu inoiiHanu uu.iuu nerlni Mi. O.iHIS ($1,000.00) Dollars, Six Hundred IT. S. Land Offno at North Plntto. Nob.. uu.iuu iuuu.uu; uonars, or winch lius Auguut 15, 1015. been paid In cash, balance to bo paid Notco is hereby given that Syril II. as tho Hoard of Directors may deslg- Edls, of North Platto, Nebraska, who, nato, and tho time of tho commence- on November 21, 1911, mndo Homestead ment of said business Is tho 1st day Entry No. 05318. for FM nnd EA of of August, 1915. nnd shall continuo for vy, ScctIon8, Township 11 N., Rango a period of twonty years. Tho high- 29 "w., Gth Principal Meridian, has est amount of Indebtedness to which died notlco of Intention to mako final tho Corporation Bhall subject itself three year Proof, to establish claim at any tlmo Is tho sum of Six Hundred to tho land nbovo described, before sixty-six G0.100 ($GGG.GG) Dollars. Tho tho Register and Rccelvor at Nroth affairs of tho Corporation shall bo conducted by a president, vice-presi dent, secretary and treasurer. Dated this 1st day of August, 1915 JOHN S. SIMMS, GEORGE I). DENT, JOSIAII H. REDFIBLD, VORHBES LUCAS. Platto, Nebraska, on tho Gth day of October, 191G. Claimant names ns witnesses: F. C. AVhoclor, of Dlgnell, Ncbr., William Holderness, of North Plntto, Nobr., Jesso Illghborgor, of North Platto, Nobr., Harry Stovons, of Utgnoll, Nobr. nlO-Gw J. E. EVANS, Register.