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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1915)
LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Edward Goodman, who have hecn visiting irclatlvca In Stroms borg for ten days, will return today. MIsb Clco Chappcll, of Brady, ex county superintendent, is spending this week In town. Tho Et-A-Vlrp club will bo enter tained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Wm. DIener. Mrs. James Morrow left yesterday morning for her bomostoad near Gurnsey. Mrs. OBcar Snndall wll leave the first of tho week for Palmor to visit her slBtcr. Ira Woldman loft yostorday morn ing for Sidney on business for the Union Pacific. Miss Gcrtrudo Robhauson will leave tho first of next weok for Hastings to tako up her classes In music. See those, apodal 79c Drosses at Wil cox Department Store. I,. L. Starr, of Racine, Wis., enmo yesterday to visit. Ills brother, W. 12. Starr, for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Wm. Baldock and childron went to Sidney yosterdny morning to visit friends for a weok or longer. Miss Ruby Manuel, of Kearney, re turned yesterday to tako up hor work as instructor In tho Jefferson school. Dr. Stevenson and wife, of Gothen burg, came yesterday morning to visit Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Itcdflcld for a few days. On page 50 of this week's Saturday Evening Post they will tell you about our Gllletto Safety Razor. CLINTON, Tho Jeweler. Mrs. E. A. Calling, of Gothenburg, arrived yesterday morning to visit with Miss Gertrude Baker for a week or more. A baby girl was born to Mrs. C. M. Drown, of Mitchell, at tho home of licr mother, Mrs. John Comett, Wednesday evening. Queen Quality Shoes at Wilcox De partment Store. Mrs. John McGinnis and son of Den ver, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morsch last week, liavo returned to their home. Miss Margaret Costcllo, of Sidney, who was tho guest of Misses Mario and Helen Schwalgcr, returned homo yostorday morning. Dr. Brock, Dentist, has moved Ills office to tho Reynolds building, over Stono's Drug Stora. ' GOtf Miss Margaret Hughes, of Gretna, who spont a couple of months with hor nunt, Mrs. Frank Doran, returned homo yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Thooleclco aro planning a trip' to Lincoln and Omaha in tho near futuro to attend tho state fair and visit relatives. Mrs. Cathcrino Uuchtor and Mrs. Louisa Loguo, of St. Louis, came Wed ncaday oven'lng to visit Mr. and Mrs Max Wcstfall for a weok or longer. Mrs. Robert Lannin, and baby of Grand Island, formorly of this, city, aro Bpendlng this weok with tho Lan nin family and attending tho county fair. Fall Suits and Coats, complete Btocks. Como in and look c them. .Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. Charles lioguo, son Ted nnd daughter Emma, returned Wednesdt-y from California, whero they visited relatives for a month and attended tho exposition. NURSES REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. GRADUATE NURSES PHONE 82 We arc in a position to furnish competent nurses for physicians, on short notico. Cnll Phono 82 nnd state whether you want graduate or domestic nurso and we will complete all tho arrangements for you without chnrgo. EVERY DROP Kl FRICTION STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nelirnal(a) Omaha Miss Gertrude Dill and brother) Charles, of Chicago, wlio have been, viRiflni' tlm Yost family for several weeks will leave tomorrow morning. Frank Harbor and family and Dr. L. C. Drost nnd family returned Tues day from their auto trip to thd Pacific coast after an absence of two months. Mark Atchison, representative of the Pnxton & Gullagor Co., rosumcd work lioro Tuesday nftor a two weeks' vacation, which ho spont in Colorado. Sco those 25 and 50c dress goods at Wilcox Department Store. Max HonBolt, former baggage ngent here, visited local frlonds tho first of the week whilo enroute from Salt Lake to St. Joe to spend his vaca tion. Everett Kendall returned Wednes day from a month's visit In Beatrice nnd othor eastern towns and rosumcd work as ropdriflr for the Telegraph yostorday. McVlckorfs Millinery aro display ing a ftrib lino of early hats, at Tho Loader. The tlokot committee Of tho Chau tauqua for 191C roport that they have received contracts for ?120 wortli of tickets and will begin preparations for the program at once. Mr nnil ilrn. (llnroneo Vroman. Mr. nnil Mth. f!lnv Vroman of Omaha, and Mrs. Wm. Owens nnd son Walter, loft Tuesday morning on a camping trip twenty-soven miles norm or town. Workmen aro engaged in removing tho stono shield from the mountd In tho Union Pacific park and in its place will bo a largo U. P. shield of con creto In three colors. Hardware, Lumber, Crating nnd Kindling at IIcrHhej'H, opposite Post office, Flflh and Locust strcels, Phone i:. n Nick Adamy, of Stnploton, formerly manager of tho bowling alley here, Htiont a few daya In town tins wcck and reports tho birth of n daughter at his homo last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Schatz, formor ly of this city, who bavo resided In Ogden far soveral years, came Wed nesday evening to visit tho former's brother, A. A. Schatz and wife. Dr. and Mrs. V. Lucas entertained a number of friends Tuesday evening at a muBlculo In honor of J. Wesley La Violctto of tho Lowry-Moody Co., who was their guest. Tlioso taking part In tho program were Misss Erma Huff man. Florence McKay, Estner Anton Ides, Mcsdamos W. V. Hongland and C. If. Lolnlnger. The numbers given by Mr. LaViolotto woro exceptionally good. Dollclous refreshments wero served during tho ovonlng. For Sale West half of Section 7, Town 10, Rango 30, Lincoln county, Neb. Possession at once. Prlco blA Dollars per aero. Fred E. Bodle, Tecumseh, Neb. 04-4 How to get Into new families Is tho big problem or puimslicrs. tho biato Journnl of Lincoln has solved this by nlnklntf-'a big reduction trial offer of .fl 11. 'iV.ltV. mwl dl.ll- uuiy mm uuuu iui uiu tvunjy uuu uuh ilnv fi .Inntinrv 1. 1910. ana also In eluding tho Weekly Independent Farmer. Tins oner snouiu get new rnnilnrH liv tlin hiniilrnils nnd the nub- lislicrs feol that till that lB.jicoded is for tho popoplo to become acquainted wiflnthe Journal. Lincoln's only morn ing ifpapor, and Tho Independent Fanner, which Is'NCbraBkarfl coming fnnn' tuiiinr. A ilnllnrVfnr tho combina tion Ih r.hnnn. Order It ht onco nnd na- ' pors will bo started at once. The great 1 mm Airnnta HMft T.lnnnln Tmirnnl 1 particularly tleslrnblo. DOMESTIC NURSES LLS 1 Arrcslcd on it Serious Charge Charles James and sons Guy and Luther, all three living north of Sutherland, wero nrralgncd In the county court Wednesday on the charge of rape, and pleaded not guil ty. The complaining witness Is Mnude Jones, fourteen years of age, grand daughter of Chas. James, who lived with the Jnmes family nt the time the deed wus committed. Tho charge is brought at tho in stance of tho governor and the attor ney genoral of tho stntc. Some time ago tho young girl went to Kansas City nnd whilo there gave birth to a child. Tho instance came to tho no tice of the police authorities, and In the Juvenile court of Kansas City she told her story, implicating tho two Jameses and Lethor. Tho Judge of the uvenllo court communicated with Governor Morehead, with tho result that tho matter was placed In the hands of tho nttorncy-general who In structed County Attorney Glbbs to Mo n complaint against tho three men. Tho girl's affidavit wns signed by hor July 8. Slio snys she is fifteen ears of ago and lind lived at the homo of her grandfather near Suther- nnd for a period of two years and a half prior to July 1 of tills year, that no year ago her grandfather began riminal relations and that sucli re lations were sustained since that time by her two uncles. She says she was sent to her aunt, Anny Gladys, 1709 West Prospect street, Kansns City by er grandfather because she was about to become a mother. From the home of her aunt she was taken to detention homo nt Kansas City. Conductor Davo Young was intern ally injured here Tuesday evening and Is now under the care of physicians In nn Omaha hospital. Ho was riding in tho caboose of a west bound freight hlcli was about to strike a string of cars in tho west yards. The engineer applied tho emergency brakes and the force of tho sudden stop throw Mr. oung across the desk, which struck hi in in tho abdomen and rendered him unconscious for sovoral hours. Following is the menu for the Chris tian ladies' commercial dinner in the church basement next Monday from 11:30 to 1 o clock: Fried spring chlckon, cream gravy, whole boiled po tatoes, sweet corn on the cob, warm buttered beets, sliced tomatoes, home bnked light rolls, apple pie, water mel on on Ice, tea, coffee and milk. Price id cents. Wm. Gnrinan, of Hastings, who has been 111 at the homo of his sons Ralph and George Gnrman for several weoks, Is reported to bo la a serious coudl- tlon. I Fred Welngnnd, of Omaha, is ex pectcd hero today to visit his sisters Mrs. Charles Stamp and Mrs. Louis Potorson. Mrs. Welngnnd has been here for several days. Miss Lillian Roberts of Cheyenne, who has been visiting her brother Dan Roberts and Mrs. Roberts for some timo will leave tho first of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Luby are the proud parents of a baby boy which was horn to them Wednesday even ing. Miss Lulu Burke will leave Satur lay for California to spend several weeks with relatives. WANTED .Good girl for geniTnr'h'nuscivork'. vppiy in us west f ourth street. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children s Diseases. Office McDonald State Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones, Office 183, Residence 283 Hospital Phone Black G33. Houso Phono Black 633. IV. T. PJUTCHAIID, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., ono-hnlf block southwest of the Court Housb. To Tobias Komla, owner of lot 8, Block 11, Bollevuo Addition, North Plntto, Nebraska. Tho owners of property on the north sldo of 9th street, between Jef ferson and Augusta Ave. aro hereby riotllled that tlis Mayor and Council of North Platte, Lincoln County. Nebrns kn. passed and approved an ordinance on tho 18th day of June. 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their snld preni Ises, to beconstructed as to lino and grnde, and of permanent material, as provided in tho genorul ordinances of said city, regulating tho construc tion or siuowniKs in snld city. Unless ,snid walk is constructed by you along tho south sldo of said Lot 8, Block 11, owned by you In nccordanco with said ordinances, on or beforo tho lGth dny of September,' 1915, tho snmo will bo constructed by said city and the costs assessed upon tho snld lot owned by you adjoining which the same shall be coiiHtructed. C. F. TEMPLE. (SEAL) City Clerk To Lucius Smith, owner of Lot 9 Block 11, Bellovue Addition, North Platte, Nebraska. Tho ownors of property on the north sldo of 9th street, bctweon Jef ferson and Augusta Avo. nro hereby notified that tho Mayor and Council of tho city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinance on tho ISth day of June. 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their snld prem ises, to beconstructed ns to lino and grado, and of pormnncnt material, as provided In tho genoral ordinances of snld city, regulating tho construc tion of sidewalks in snld city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along tho south sldo of said Lot 9, Block 11, owned by you In nccordanco with snld ordinances, on or beforo tho 10th dny of Soptcmbor, 1915, tho snmo will bo constructed by snld city and tho costs nssossed upon tho said lot ownod by you adjoining which the snmo shall bo constructed. CP. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. Holler Rabies Contest In the Better Babies contest held at the fair grounds Tuesday and Wednes day there wero sixty entries In the three classes. Tho first class was for babies fram one to two years old, class two those from two to three, and class throe those from three to four. In the first class Lucille, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Swope scored highest, 9S.3S per cent; Helen, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Edwards, sec ond with a score of 98.09; and Mar garet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Leypoldt third, 97.87. In tho second clnss Ogl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tucker, scored 97.94; Charlotte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Reynolds second with 9G.02; and Isadoro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stack third, with 95.0G. In tho third class, Cntherine, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Healcy, led with a score of 90.97; Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry nollins with 95.33, and Calvin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simon, third with a percentage of 91.- 03. August Wendier. The weather last month was almost i record breaker in two particulars; first In low temperature and second in the amount of precipitation. The menn temperature last month was 08 de grees, and with the exception of Aug ust, 18S8, It was tho coolest August in forty-three years. The average for the 41 years is 72.2. The prcclpltaton last month was 1.23 Inches, while the normal for the month is but. 2.40 inches. "With the ex ception of August, 190 and August, 1892, tho rainfall was greater than In any August since 1875. On the morn ing of August 30th there was a trace of frost. Mrs. B. F. Wllcoxson received no tico recently from the Farm Woman's Congress thnt she hns been nppointed secretary at the national Farmers Congress In Omaha next fall, where it is the Intention to form a nntionnl and state woman's congress. The appoint ment wns made by Mrs. Ada Caroll Wortman of Beatrice, mother of Art Wortman, formerly of this city. Mrs. Wortmnn is president of the associa tion and nn active worker. She will deliver an address on "Social Life on the Farm." Mrs. Wllcoxson Is local correspondent for several farm maga zines. If something is wrong with your eyes you ought to find out all about It right away. Neglect Is tho worst kind of folly. Taken in time the ordinary errors of vision are easy to correct. Neglected they steadily grow worse. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist. Among the exhibits at the county fair was n sunflower stock fourteen feet high which was grown in the gar den of H. N. Smith in this city. Tho stalk at the butt was over two Inches in diameter. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schipfer, of Sigourney, Iowa, are guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. F. Secberger and will remain until Tuesday. They are returning from a trip to the Panama exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Wlnquest, of Brady, nro among tho out of town peo ple here this week. 3EZZ3IZ 3C LT OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -ol- XORT1I PLATTE, JS13I3IisYSKA.. Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CA.PITA.L AA'D SURPLUSt One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. fc STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HA YE BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS RANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID D 3C "inn i minr iimn lia H WIDL ncHU Some one, also wise, has said, "To protect your tools from dew and dust, And the ravages of Kain'and Rust" Plenty of Shed Room On A Farm Is pretty good evidence of economical and successful management. Coates Lumber and Coal Co. The Home of Good CITY AND COUNTY NEWS E. II. Springer left yesterday for Philadelphia to make an extended vis it with relatives. Miss Marguerite Keofe, of Sioux City is expected today to visit her brother, Attorney James Keofe. Miss Emma Smith has returned from Farley, Iowa, where Bhe spent her Bummer vacation. Mrs. Henry Cramer wll give a lunch-1 eon this evening for Miss Hilda Koes- ter, of Baltimore. Miss Freda Johnston, who had been visiting her nunt In Grand Island, re turned home Wednesday. O. H. Thoolecke has sold his car to C. H. Lolnlnger and wll buy a later model In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. 'Fjrnnk Nugent, of Maxwell, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Temple this week. Logan Mnrcott, of Brady, Is spend ing this week visiting local frlonds and nttending the county fair. A special showing of tnllorcd hats, Saturday, September 4, 1915, McVIck er's Mllllnory, at The Leader. Mrs. David Crockett of Grand Island, who visited her son Arthur Howard and family, left n few days ago. Miss Rao Weaver, of Turlock, Cal arrived yesterday to visit her uncle Clyde Gideon for a week or longer. The county fair committee of Jules- burg, spent Wednesday in this city visiting at the Lincoln county fair. Misp Effio McKinley, of York, Is be ing entertained at tho homo of her sister, .Mrs. ueorge Ulbhs, this week. Guy Reese, of Plattsmouth, who was the guest of the Stamp family, left Wednesday. He formerly resided here. Roy Ames returned Wednesday af ternoon from Potter where ho visited his father, Dr. J. A. Ames, formerly of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sensll, of Gar field, came yesterday to visit their daughter, Miss Lena Sensil, and at tend the county fair. Mesdames Carfleld and Clark, of Maxwell, came the early part of tho week to attend the Llncoln-Schlck wedding and visit friends. Be sure and look on-pagc 20 of this week's Saturday Evening Post and see what they say about our Elgin Watches. Clinton, The Jeweler. Miss Edith Malm, of Stromsborg, who has been engaged to teach in the local schools, arrived Wednesday ev ening nnd will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Lem Toole. Miss Ada Toole, of Kearney, arriv ed here yesterday to nccept a position ns teacher in the local schools and will make hor homo with her sister, Mrs. Harry Boyle. Eighty soldiers from Ft. Russell at Cheyenne, In command of Major Wm. Reno, aro spending a few days here, in camp on the B. & M. lots on south Dew ey street. They aro returning from Sparta, Wis., whero they attended a camp of Instruction slnco July 2nd, 11 ON TIME DEPOSITS. IT. tiiit nun nn i nnrn" m DUILUDH DlltU Coal. Phone 7. F. C. Hoxie returned to Ogalalln yesterday after spending several, days here. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Kny and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Redfield, M. D- J. S. Simms, M.D. Miss Elise Sicman, Supt. Office phont' 241. Ufa. phone 217 L . C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. J. li. ItEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS' HOSPITAL Drs. Redfield & Redfield Offlce Phone 042 Res. Phone 076 LEGAL NOTICE. Walton H. Rlggs, the heirs, devisees. legatees and personal representatives of said Walton H. Rlggs and all per sons Interested In tho estate of said Walton II. Rlggs; R. B. Matlack. tho heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of said R. B. Matlack and all persons interested in the es- tato of said R. B. Matlack: Charles McArthur and Emma McArthur his wife, defendants: You and each of you will tako notice that on August 21st, iai5, Al Zollars plaintiff hied his cer tain petition In tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, the object and prayer of which aro to quiet and confirm against you title to the following des cribed, lands situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: East Half of South west Quarter and West Half of South east Quarter of Section Twenty-threo (23), Township Nino (9), North of Range Twenty-nine (29), West of tho 6th P. M. and to establish new and In dependent title in the plaintiff and his grantee In said described lands by reason or the adverse possession thereof as against said named defen dants as in said petition pleaded and to cancel and annul a mortgage mado on February 7, 1890 to one Marshall S. Way and assigned to defendant R. B. Matlack as being barred by the statute of limitations. You and eacli of you will make an swer to said petition on or before the 4th day of October, 1915, or decree will bo taken against you as in said peti tion prayed. AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff. By E. II. Evans, His Attorney. a24-4 LEGAL NOTICE. Catherine V. Beers, the heirs, de visees, legatees and personal repres entatives of said Catnerino V. Beers and all persons interested in the es tate of said Catherine V. Beers: tho Nebraska and Kansas Farm Loan Company, a corporation, and unknown claimants of tho West Half of North east Quarter and East Half of North west Quarter of Section Twenty-threo (23), Township Nino (9), North of Rango Twenty-nlno (29), West of tho 6th P. M :You and each of you will tako notice that on August 21st, 1915, Al Zollars, as plaintiff, filed his cer tain petition in tho dlstriqt court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho object and prayer of which aro to quiet and confirm against you and ench of you, titlo to tho following described lands situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wlt: West half of Northeast puar- ter and East half of Northwest puar tor of Section twenty-three ((23), Township Nino (9), North of Rango twenty-nine (29), west of the 6th P. M. and to establish by said action new nnd Independent titlo in plaintiff and his grantee by reason of tho adverse possesion of snld described premises ns In said petition pleaded and to can- col thnt certain mortgngo mado and executed to the defendant, Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan Company, a corporation, on Juno 17, 1889, nnd re corded In Book 9, nt pago 280, of the county clerk's records of Lincoln county, as being barred by the ptatuto of limitations. You und each of you will make ans wer to said petition on or beforo tho 4th day of October, 1915, or decree will bo taken against you as in saitl petition prayed. A Li ZOLiLiAUB, Plallltltr. By E. H. Evans, Ills Attorney. a21-4 , LEGAL NOTICE. William Wells and wifo Serena Wells, tho heirs-, devisees, legatees and personnl representatives of said William Wells and nil porsons inter ested in tho estato of said William Wells, defendants, will tako notice that on August 21st, 1915, Al Zollars, plaln- tur, meu ins certain petition In, tho District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, against said named defen dants, Impleaded, tho object and prayor of which said action aro to quiet and confirm titlo in plaintiff and against said defendants in tho West Half of Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-threo (23), Township Nino (9), North of Rango Twenty-nlno (29), West of tho Cth P. M. Lincoln County, Nobraska and to ostabllsh by said action now nnd Independent titlo In tho plaintiff against said defendants by reason of tho adverse possession of said lands by plaintiff for moro than ton years past. You and each of you will answer said petition on or before tire 4t dny of Octobor, 1915, or decree will bo takon against you as prayed lor In plaintiff's petition. AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff. By E II Evans, His Attorney. n2&4