The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 03, 1915, Image 2

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U. 5. OE
Reports Reach Stato Veterinarian
That Quarantine Against Cattle
In Morrill County Is Evaded.
Family About to Join Army Officer In
Command at Mexican Border Hus
band and Father Overcome by
News of Tragedy.
San Francisco, Aug. 30. Mrs,
Frances Warren 1'orshlng, wlfo of
Brig. Gen. John J. Pershing, U. S. A..
and tlirco of her four children wero
sunocaicu lo.ueam in inoir qunnura
on Friday at tho Presidio of San Fran
Tholr bodies wore badly burned.
Mrs. Walter 0. Uoswoll, a relative
and hor two children escaped, as did
Warren Pershing, llvo years old, and
thrco servants. Tho dead children
nro Holon, Anno and Mnrgarct, nil
under eight years old.
Mrs. Porshlng was a daughter of
Senator Warron of Wyoming. Her
husband, commanding tho Eighth
brigade, U. S. Infantry, is at El Paso,
Tex., In charge of tho bordor troops.
El Paso, Tex., Aug. 30. News of
the death of Mrs. Porshlng and throo
of her children reached Gen John J
Pershing, commander of tho Eighth
Infantry brlgado hero, through Asso
doted Press dispatches. Gon. Pcrsh
Ing was ovorcomo by tho tragedy
Ho had been proparlng a homo for his
family, which ho oxpected would leave
San FranclBco for El Paso this week.
Ho saldi ho would loavo Immediately
for San Francisco.
Military Property Being Removed,
Says Dispatch Ollta Stronghold
Is Taken.
Potrograd, Aug. 30. Grodno Is be
ing ovacuated. Only sulllcient troops
to delay tho Gorman advanco aro now
In tho fortross. Military property has
neon remov
Ollta, a Russian fortress guarding
tho Nlemon river between Kovno, and
Grodno, has been captured by tho
Germans, tho oncral staff roportcd
at Berlin. Tho fall of this city, on tho
bank of tho Nlonicn, opens tho wny
for another drlvo toward Vllna, to tho
northeast, and Grodno, to tho south..
For. tho second time tho Gorman ad
miralty Issued a statement at Berlin
declaring that tho Russian admiralty
claim that tho battlo crulsor Moltko
and other Gorman warships had boon
destroyed In tho Gulf of Riga. Is a
"No such battlo took placo," tho ad
miralty said.
"Tho Russians allego that they cap
tured somo Gorman ships. Thoy prob
ably mean thoso stoamors captured
by tho Gormann and sunk to block tho
U, S. Agents Seize Reservist of Kaiser
at Washington Photos of For
tress Found In His Possession.
Washington, Aug. 27. Tho secret
service of tho department of Justice
on Wednesday arrested hero on a
chargo of caplonago Gustav Kopsch,
a German reservist, twonty-flovon
years of age, who had In his posses
slon many photographs and 111ms of
tho fortifications of Fortress Monroo
and pictures of tho proposed fortifica
tions of Capo Henry, protecting tho
ontranco to Hampton roads and Ches
apeake bay. Kopsch has boon In this
country two years. Tho atioolfln
char o against Kopsch Is that ho vlo
lated artlclo 3 of tho act of 19U,
which prohibits tho making of pic
tures or tho having possession of pic
tures that might Impair tho defenso
of tho United States. Tho proscribed
penalty Is n lino of $1,000, Imprison
ment for ono yoar, or both. Kopsfch
Is In Jail In default of $5,000 bond
fixed by tho United States commis
sioner. Kopsch's alleged nctlvlllou occurred
In lato July and early August.
Missile Explodes While Being Taken
to Proving Grounnds at Reding
ton, Pa.
Allentown, Pa., Aug. 27. Two men
wero killed and BovornI probobly fa
tally Injured on Wednesday when n
shell, supposed to havo contained a
composition of powdor and nitroglycer
in, oxplodod whllo bolng carried to tho
proving grounds of tho nothlohem
Steel plant at Indian Head, Reding
ton, Pa.
Ono of tho men killed was R. Paul
8tout, ago forty-six, of Dcthlelicm.
assistant engineer of ordnnnco. Mr.
Stout was In chargo of a now test.
Auto Turns Turtle; Two Dead.
Camden, N. J., Aug 30. Misses
Anna V. and Emily Potts aro doad,
and thrco other parsons seriously In
jured as tho result of an automobllo
accident near ooro. "George T. Puzo-,
boarder In tho Potts homo, will dlo.
Wales Strike Is On Again.
Loudon, Aug 30. Dispatches from
tho South Walos coal Holds tcport that
25,000 minors already havo folncd t'io
now strlko thors. The troublo Is duo
to growing llssutlsfirtlon with tho
award of Waltor Runclman.
Dead Lived Among Slavs and His Pro
Teuton Utterances Aroused En
mity of Neighbors.
Gnry, lnd Aug. 27. Out of a muss
of ovldonco two theories doveloped
In tho Investigation of tho assassina
tion of Rov. Edmund A. M. Kayser,
tho TolloBton (Ind.) pastor. Knyscr
whs Bhot twlco whllo In his study on
Tuesday night.
Tho first, and, tho pollco think,
moro plauslblo solution of tho mys
terious murder Is that tho pastor waB
tho victim ot fanatical protagonists
of tho allies b'ecaiiBo of his pro-Gorman
Tho second theory finds its founda
tion In tho fact that tho clergyman
had beconio involved iu a factional
flght In tho Evnngellcal Lutheran
church, of which ho was pastor, and
had received numerous threatening
letters as a result
Kaysor's emphatic pro-German stand
slnco tho outbreak of tho European
war often had Involved him In street
lights. Tho pastor n month ago ap
pealed for pollco protection, declar
ing ho hud been threatened.
General Manager Charged With Man
slaughter In Connection With tho
Sinking of the Eastland.
Chicago, Aug. 30. Walter K.
Groenobaum was Indicted for man
slaughter In connection with tho sink
ing of tho stoannr Eastland, In a true
bill returned by tho July grand Jury
on Friday, Grcenebaum Is genoral
manager or tho Indiana Transporta
tion company, charterer ot tho East
land. Six federal oltlelnls of tho
steamboat Inspection service oscaped
Indictment only bocauso tho jurors
wero advised thoy could not bo suc
cessfully prosecuted In tho Btnto
Thoso aro tho trvernmont ofllclals
tho Jury hollovcd culpablo for tho
Eastland dlsastor:
Inspoctors Robert Rcid, C. C. Eck
lirf, Ira II. Mansllold and William Nich
olas, and CheckorB 11. G. Oakley and
I.. A. LobduU,
Garrison Tells Him to Bar Addresses
siege Big Victory for Teutons
Considered Biggest of the War.
Washington, Aug, 2S. Socrotnry
Garrison on Thurminv nincrm,.i..i
MaJ.-Gon. Leonard Wood, expressing
no mi in uni i mil uiat opportunity wus
given at tho cltlzon soldiery camp at
Plattshurg, N. Y-. for Theodoro Rooso
vent's sensational speech, and direct
ing nothing similar Should bo permit
tod at any of tho other camps.
Secretary Garrison roforrod to Colo
nol Roosovolt' S remarks nn Mm .iiu
tary unproparedncss of tho countrv
...... nuivuuu ui mo aununistratlon
Liner Baltic Safe In Port
Now York, Aug, 30.-Tho liner Flol
tic arrived at Llvornool. Tim tim.i.
sailed from Now York August 18 cap
rylng a 10,000-ton enrcn. mnM. r
which conslBtod of war munitions and
nuiomouno irucKo.
Indiana Wets Win.
South Hand, Ind., Aug. 30. Walkor
ton nnd Lincoln townships Vvont wet
by n majority of 19 In tho local option
oloctlon hold on Friday. Out of 488
votes cost, tho wota secured 261, whllo
mo urys polled 232,
Outlaws Invade State Near Progreso
Peace Officers Fight Bandits
In a Public Road.
Hrownsvlllo, Tex., Aug. 20. Twenty
armed Moxlcans Invaded Texas from
Moxlco and aro bolng pursued west
of hero lit tho region of Progreso by
50 United Stntcs troopers.
Moxlcan bandits and Amorlcnn
pence ofllccrs fought In a public road
leading Into Falfurrlas, Brooks county,
and ono of four armed Moxlcans was
probably fatally wounded. Nono of
tho Americans was hurt.
Moxicnus fired on American sol
diers across tho Rio Grando, nenr San
ta Mnrla, for two hours during tho
night, according to reports received
horo. Casualties two United States
cavalry horses wounded. Tho Ameri
cans fired a few shots In return.
Washington, Aug. 2C Tho Pan
Amorlcan conferenco on Moxlcan af
fairs will shortly bo reassembled to
consider carrying out tho pcaco plans
proposed to tho vnrlous factions n
tho republic.
Favorahlo replies havo boon re
ceived from Villa, Zapata and their
military leaders nml tho influential
civic authorities and prominent citi
zens to whom tho note was addrossed,
with th- oxcoptlon of Carranza and
his military commnndors.
Winona (Minn.) Prelate Wounded
Twice by Demented Man As
sailant Is ArreGted.
Winona, Minn., Aug. 30. Rt. Rov.
Patrick R. HofTron, bishop of tho
Winona dloccso, was shot shortly bo-
foro nlno o'clock Friday morning In
tho privnto chapol of St. Mary's col
lego, whoro tho bishop was colobrat
Ing mass, by Rov. Fathor L. M.
Lcsches, a domontcd priest, who had
been passing tho Inst wcok at St
Mary's collcgo, diocesan headquar
ters horo, sooklng nn appointment,
which llishop-IIofTron had refused to
glvo him. After tho shooting tho
blBhop wont Into tho hall of tho col
lego, nnd, with tho assistance of
priests, was ahlo to walk to his resi
dence. Tho bishop's assailant was ar
Eastman Company Adjudged Guilty of
Trade Restraint by U. S. District
Court at Buffalo.
Buffalo, N. Y Aug. 20. Tho Eust
man Kodak company of Rochestor Is a
monopoly In restraint of trado In vio
lation of tho S'.icrmnn antitrust law,
according to n decision handed down
horo by Judgo John R. Hazel of tho
United States district court. Tho do
clslon urants tho defendant company
an opportunity to presont a plan 'Tor
tho abrogation of tho Illegal monop
oly" on tho first day of tho Novombor
Green Barbed Wire for War.
Plttsburah, Pa., Aug. 28. Barbed
wlro painted a foliago green is bolng
manufactured horo for uso of the ar
mies In Europo. ReportB Bhow that n
Bhort dlstnncs away It Is Imposslblo
to soo tho green wlro.
To Selie Food for People.
Uorlin. Aug. 28. Tho releasing has
adopted a Socialist resolution asking
tho government to orgunlzo a bureau
to tako chargo of tho food problom,
Tho bureau will havo tho right to con
flscato products,
American Government Asked to Carry
Out Mediation Plan Between Brit
ain and Germany Crisis Between
Nations Averted.
Washington, Aug. 28. Diplomatic
developments In tho Arabic easo are
Mich that It can bo said authoritative
ly that tho and of , the entire contro
versy with Germany Is In Bight' with
fiermnny prepared to concodo nil tho
demands of tho United States on the
understood rondltlon that' this govern
ment carry out Its suggestion of medi
ation botween Germany nnd Great
Uritaln on tho freedom of the seas
All danger, therefore, of a break he
tweon tho two governments nppours
(o havo passed.
Germany has Informed tho United
states officially Hint for several
months hor submarine commanders
have boon acting under Instructions
not to torpedo passengor vossols with
out giving warning
Count von Hornstorff, tho German
ambassador, assured Secretory of
oihio Lansing that If tho ovldonco
shows conclusively that tho subma
'Ine commander disregarded his In
structions and torpedoed tho Arabic
r.ithout warning, tho German govern
ment will disavow tho net and offer
reparation for tho lives of tho Ameri
cans, Mrs. Josoph L. Bruglero and
Dr. Edmund T. Woods.
From tho German standpoint the,
principal points in tho last noto of the
United States wero tho demand thnt
Germany disavow tho sinking of tho
Luiiltnnln and promisor reparation for
tho loss of Amorlcan lives; tho ro
quest for assurances that there would
be no repetition of the offenses In tho
future; nnd tho suggestion that tho
United Stntes attempt to bring about
an understanding between Germany
and Great Britain regarding the free
dom of tho seas.
It was announced hero that Ger
many is prepared to accept the three
proposals, and thatcoupIed with Its
representations on tho sinking of the
Arabic, there will bo a declaration
equivalent to n disavowal of the sink
ing of tho Lusltnnln and an offer to
pay indomnity for tho lives of the
Americans who went down with tho
Port au Prlnco, Haiti, Aug. 20. Tho
American government has addressed
tho government of Haiti, expressing
Its desire that thoro bo accepted with
out delay tho draft of a convention for
ten years under which thoro shall bo
established an offectlvo control of
Haitian customs as woll as administra
tion of tho flnunces of tho country, un
der a receiver guncral nnd American
Now York, Aug. . 1. James Connor
Rbcho, an Irish dramatic actor and
poet, and formerly a wnr correspond
ent, died In a hospital hero. Ho was
sovcnty-lwo years old.
London, Aug. 2S. Tho Arabic car
ried no gold for tho purchase of war
supplies for tho allies when she was
sunk, according to nn ptllclal state
ment Issued by tho White Star line.
Berlin, Aug. 28. Drest-Lltovsk, the
nUghty Russian fortress behind which
the grand Russian army retired after
tho fall of Waraw, was captured
by tho Austro-Gcrman troops on Thurs
day after ono of tho shortest sieges
In history. The capturo of tho for
tress was announced by tho Gorman
war office Tho victory Is considered
ono of the most brilllnut slnco tho war
began. Brest-Lilovsk was the pivot of
tho second Russian lino of defenso.
Bombs Dropped by Allies on Dllllngen,
Prussia Berlin Says Four Airmen-Were
Brought Down.
"Paris, Aug. 28. Tho greatest air
raid slnco tho war began was reported
by tho French war olllco on Thursday.
Dllllngen. In Rhenish Prussia. Ger
many, was attacked by C2 war aero
planes of tho Fronch. Ono hundred
and fifty bombs wero dropped upon
tho town, during much dnmago to tho
blast furnaces and arms factories
Berlin. Aug 2S. Tho text of a Ger
man oiriclai statement Issued hero on
Thursday follows: "Two cnomy air
squadronB dropped bombs In tho Sanr
valley, both abovo and below Snnr
louls, Sovoral persons wero killed or
"Tho cnomy pnld for his exploit by
losing four aircraft."
Allies' Consuls Attacked,
London, Aug. 30. Tho Russian and
UrltlBh consuls und their military es
cort havo boon nttackod at Keughovor,
Persia, by nn armed nnd led by M.
O. Sclnnomnnn. Gcrmnn consular
agent at Tabriz
New Director of Mines Bureau.
Washington, Aug. 30. President
Wilson appointed Van II Manning of
Mississippi to bo director of tho bu
reau of mines In tho interior depart
ment to succeed tho lato Dr. Joseph
13. Holmes,
Word haB como to tho state veteri
narian from Sheriff Dyson of Morrill
county that tho quarantine established
against scabby cattle Is being evaded.
Morrill county Is divided about
equally north and south by tho Plutto
river, which enters tho county nt tho
northwest corner and Hows directly
across tho county and passes out nt
tho southenBt corner. Tho northern
part of tho county has been quaran
tined for somo Umo for scabies, and
according to the sheriff, somo of tho
cattlemen havo been driving their dat
tlo across tho river In tho part not
quarantined nnd shipping them away.
It Is claimed thnt one load from
tho quarantined territory was shipped
to Omaha recently. It was alleged
that forty-two head wero driven
across and tho sjieriff, following tho
Instructions of Stato Veterinarian
Anderson, has notified all station
agents to keep watch nnd seo that
no moro cnttlo aro Bhipped. This
may result In quarantining the whole
of Morrill county.
According to nn opinion by Attor
ney General Reed, county assessors
must assess express companies upon
their local property without any re
gard for tho state tax of 2 per cent.
Tho opinion Is given to County At
torney Do Voro of Keith county, who
claims that tho express companies
there wero Insisting that as they paid
the Btato tax of 2 per cent, that thoy
were exempt from the local tax called
for In the Smith 2 per cent tax upon
tho gross receipts of each company at
tho local station.
According to tho state's attorney,
county assessors shall pay no atten
tion to tho state tax and go ahead
and assess the local companies the
same as If tho state law was not In
The stato railway commission has
issued a long 32-pngo order covering
tho crossing of railroad tracks by
electric and telephone wire and also
tho crossing of wires of different com
panies. Electric wires carrying over
700 volts when crossltig under a
track shall "be in pipes and conduits
and four feet below. If under 700
volts, two feet Alternate currents
over 700 volts tho minimum clear
ance abovo or below other wires shall
be eight feet, direct currents two feet
Insulated and four feet bare wires.
Trolley wire must not be less than
22 feet abovo a track at each cross
ing. In many Instances the commis
sion recommends that opposing
forces get together In an agreement
as to crossings.
Believing that tho money expended
on a proposed plan to straighten the
Nemaha river south of Humboldt
would not bring tho results wanted,
Stato Engineer Johnson hns rofused
to approve the plans of peoplo of
Richardson county who havo formed
a new drainage district. Engineer
Johnson does not bellovo the ditch
proposed would bo adequate to carry
off the overflow. According to his
figuring a ditch 100 foot wide would
bo necessary. Tho plans prepared Ly
tho county surveyor of Richardson
county would cover tho drainage of
about GOO square miles.
The Deeson form of flro insurance
policy formerly required by tho State
Board of. Insurance whllo L. G. Brian
was commissioner, has been declared
oft by the present board and hereafter
tho policy of fire Insurance may cover
property In ft general way and not
Itemize tho articles insured. Tho
hoard has also cut out the clause pro
viding tho insured should keep his
electrical emilpmont In condition, ac
cording to the rules of tho national
Danfp weather this suminor has
caused many windows and doors to
stick. Here's a tip from tho Univer
sity ot Nebraska collcgo of agricul
ture that may help. A .window framo
that cannot ho raised may bo loos
ened by running the edge of a case
or putty knlfo between tho sash and
stop, or by rubbing a piece of mois
tened soap on tho stop, or tho appli
cation of a few drops of machine oil
In tho same manner.
Tho automobllo show at tho Ne
braska stato fair September C-ll will
bo tho best and blggost In Uio history
of tho state. Barnoy Oldfleld's np
pearanco and tho superb auto races
will attract automobllo owners from
all parts of tho state. Prospective
buyers can Inspect all tho loading
191G models by visiting tho fair.
"Billy" Sunday will bo tho big fea
turo of tho Nebraska state fair tho
tho opening day, Scptomber C, accord
Ing to Information received by Sec
retary Mellor. Sunday had been In
vited to speak at a meeting by a spo
clal (committee of tho Lincoln Young
Men's Christian association, which
had llrst obtained permission from
tho fair authorities. Mr Mellor has
received furthor word from Joo Steck.
cr, tho champion wrostlor, that ho
will bo on hand to glvo exhibitions
Tuesday nnd "Wednesday nights at
the race track,
Other Companies Making Exploclvet
Suffer Police Think Explosions
Attempt to Cripple Plants.
Acton, Mass. With a uhock that
was felt within a radius of forty
miles, tho glazing mill of tho Amorl
can Powder company, which, ' slnco
the outbreak of tho European war,
had been working to Its capacity,
blew up August 29.
Tho actual money loss to tho com
pany was not heavy, but It was
stnte(T"thnt work on largo orders
probably would bo held up for sev
eral weeks. Property owners In sup"
rounding towns, particularly In Main
nrd, wero heavy losers because of tho
shattered windows.
Pollco expressed tho belief that tho
explosion had been caused with In
tent to cripple tho plant An official
of tho company said that It would,
tako several weeks to install new
hinchlnery and until this was dono
work would bo at a standstill.
Armed guards havo been stationed,
about tho works for sovoral weeks.
Two Killed as Mill Goes.
Wilmington, Del. Two workmen
were Instantly killed and considerable
damage was done to property by an
explosion of two black powder mills
of tho Dupont Powdor company In.
tho upper Hagloy yards, near here.
Tho cause of the explosion has not
been determined.
Effort to Wreck Munitions Train.
Gary, Ind. An apparent attempt
to wreck a train carrying guncotton
was revealed when It waB found that
the plates hpldlng two rails had been
removed a short distanco from tho
Aetna Powdor works. Tho train was
about duo to leavo tho works and
was loaded with munitions of war
bound east for shipment to tho war
zone. Tho police did not credit re
ports that the alleged attempted de
railing of the train had any connec
tion with tho murder of the Rev. E.
A. II. Kayser, a few days ago, but said
the possibility of such a connection
would be investigated. Tho murder
of Kayser had been declared to havo
been tho result of his' pro-German
Shrapnr.l Factory Damaged.
Baltimore, Md. The plant of tho
E. J. Codd compnny, machinists at
Canton, a suburb, was damaged by
lire of a mysterious origin. Tho com
pany recently obtained a subcontract
for the manufacture of shrapnel
shfillB, and tho shops wore being re
fitted for the work. It is feared that
a considerable ,part of tho machinery
was damaged.
Big Guns for Canal.
Washington. The coast artillery
force on duty at tho Panama canal
will bo increased to full strength of
twenty-eight companies or about 2,000
men, it was learned, tho former policy
of maintaining the big gun crews at
about half strength in pcaco time hav
ing been abandoned.
Under the general readjustment
plans of tho army, full garrisons for
tho canal defenses havo been de
termined upon and it is considered
certain that a big increaso in the
coast artillery corps will bo asked for
when congress reassemblos.
Plans are now before' tho army
fortifications board for tho equipment
of new fortifications of tho first class
with sixteen inch rifles, having a
range of about twenty miles.
Five Thousand Homeless.
Little Rock, Ark. Moro than 5,000
persons nro homeless within a radius
of 200 miles of Newport, Ark., and
many others marooned In their'houses
by flood havo been living In upper
stories or on roofs for four, flvo and
oven six days, It was said horo by W.
C. Weltoy, agricultural commissioner
of tho St. Louis, Iron Mountain and
Southern railway. Aftor a motor
boat trip of a week throughout tho
floodeds ectlon, Mr. Wolty reported
thnt ho found conditions serious,
thousands of acres of rich farm lands
under water, heavy loss In llvo stock
nnd personal property, but that ap
parently there had been no loss of
llfo nnd tho refugees wore being woll
cared for in various camps.
Young Robbers Confess.
Chicago, 111. Two girls and six
boys, none moro than 18 years old,
comprising two sepnrato gangs ot
burglars, have been arrested and
havo confessed scores of robberies.
Car Plunges Into Creek.
Phoonlx, Ariz. Weakened by a
cloudburst, ono of tho spans of a
Santa Fo railroad brldgo over Dato
crtok collapsed, plunging tho smok
ing car of a Phoenlx-Proscott train
into tho swollen stream below. Four
wero killed.
China After Submarines.
Now York. It Is rumored that tho
Chinese commission of nnvnl export
recently sent to this country, wro
negotiating for tho purchaso of 100
submarines nt a cost of $75 000,000.