The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 03, 1915, Image 1

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    Ik'Horth iJlaftc Jictoi4ftkc Stbtmr
No. 65
The J. F. P. club will meet Tuesday'
afternoon with Mrs. H. P. Hcncklo.
C. S. Clinton will leave Sunday for
Excelsior Springs to spend a fortnight.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Von Ooetz left
tills morning for a week's visit with
relatives and friends In Omaha.
Miss Hildegarde Clinton will leave
today for Omaha and Lincoln to spend
a coupe of weeks with friends.
Mrs. Qene Saltzgaber, of Bridgeport,
is visiting Mrs. Harry Boyle while en
route homo from a visit in eastern
towns. y
Miss, Tftaude Bryant, of Council
Bluffs, who was the guest of Mr. and
,M?s. Milard Hosier, left Wednesday
Mrs. John Rodino entertained a
number of ladies at a kenslngton yes
terday afternoon. A nlco lunch was
Mr. and Mxs'. Robert Derrybcrry
ami Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bonhnm left
this morning on a hunting trip near
Miss Julia Mansfield, one of the high
school faculty, returned yesterday af
ternoon from eastern points where she
her vactatlon.
Seven couples of local young peo
ple chaperoned by Dr. and Mrs. Ad
ams will leave for'Gothenburg to camp
until Wednesday.
'"Miss Maudo Warrington, one of the
local teachers, returned yesterday
frm California where she spent the
summer with the home folks.
Julius Plzer is expected to return
this evening from Chicago and New
York where ho spent several weeks'
purchasing his winter stock of dry
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Collins have re
turned from an extended visit in Cal
. Ifornla. They report a delightful sum
mer and, met numerous people who
were former residents here.
The best advice for the protection of
your eyesight Is to visit our optical
department once in a While. We can
tell you In a very few minutes what,
df anything, should be done.
Registered Optometrist.
A Mexican was arrested Wednesday
evening for being Intoxicoted, causing
a disturbance on the streets and carry
ing concealed weapons. An automatic
revolver was found on his person. He
Will be tried in tho county court to
The attraction at the ball park next
Sunday and Monday will be the strong
Rlverdae club. Riverdale Is out with
a claim for championship honors be
cause of defeating the Boosters in a
six inning game at Riverdale a few
weeks ago. Marlatte, who was with
Ogalalla early In the season, will be
with the visitors.
The road east from Brady to the
Dawson county lino has been graded,
and Dawson county Is grading tho
road from Gothenburg to the Lincoln
cojinty line. In a short time this
road will be in good condition. This
will be part of tho Lincoln Highway,
and when In use will reduce tho dis
tance from North Platte to Gothen
burg nine miles.
The Royal Neighbor socinl club was
royally entertained at tlie home of Mrs.
Bonham, 1010 east Kith street last
Tuesday afternoon. A delicious lunch
eon was served, and In the contests
Mrs. Iketebblns receleved the prize.
Church of Our Saviour: Next Sun
day, September 5th, tho 14th Sunday
rt'fter Trinity, morning service at 11
o'clock with address by tho Rov. Mr.
Gilman. No early service.
Owen O'Nell returned last .evening
from Omaha, where ho spent a week.
Miss Helen Minshall will entertain
tho Lutheran girls at her home this
Miss Clco Daniels returned last
ovenlng from Illinois, whero she spent
her vacation.
Verres Johnson, of Brady, visited
friends in town this week and at
tended tho fair.
Misses Irene and Lucille Philips will
leave this week for York to attend bus
iness college.
Miss Georglo Hoxle left for Oga
lalla this morning alter visiting girl
friends here for a week.
Mrs. John Strahorn returned lust ev
ening trom Cherokee ParK, where 8ne
spent several weeks.
Tho Methodist aid society will meet
this afternoon with Mrs. C. J. Mu-
Namara, GUI west B street.
Mrs. Perry Carson submitted to an
operation at tlte North Platte Goneral
Hospital yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Jack Helser, of Palmer, camt
lust ovenlng to visit with Mr. and Mre.
1). Arnold lor a week or more.
Miss Freda Hammer will entertain
a number of triends this evening at
a lurewell party for Miss Vera Pow
ers. -
Will Otten, George Sshatz and Char
ley Johnston left this morning on a
Hunting trip in the section north ot
Sutherland. -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ackleson, of
Kearney, visited the latter's brother,
Tim OKeete last evening while en
route to California.
Miss Marguerite Smith, of Miams
burg, Ohio, who spent the summer
with her aunt, Mrs. Tekulve, will re
turn home Tuesday.
The local members of the Delta Sig
ma Delta society were the guests of
Dr. and Mrs. Adams Wednesday ev
ening at a seven o'clock dinner.
Mrs. W. H. McDonald and daughter
Janet returned last evening from Cal
ifornia where thc spent tho summer
with the former's father James Bel
ton. Mrs. J. W. Noble, of Sutherland, re
turned home this morning after spend
ing fair week- with her' daughter, Mrs.
Alen Woods nnd sons Ed and John
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Probably showers tonight
and Saturday, not much chnnge in teni
peratiue; highest temperature yester
day S2, a year ago 72"; lowest last night
5G, a year ago 51
Misa Marie Von Goetz left this morn
ing ftor West Pont, Neb., where she s
employed as principal' of the schools.
The Geo. Swift 1G0 acres in Gaslin
precinct has been p.urchased by C.
II. Swift fr a consideration of $9,000.
Two pretty and enjoyable social
functions of this week were held Tues
day and Wednesday afternoons by
Mesdames Thomas Henley, Luke Henl
ey, Jess Edwards and A. B. Hoagland
at the home of the former. On the first
day fifty ladles were entertained at a
kenslngton and muslcale. Among
thoso taking part in the latter were
Mrs. Edward Burke, Miss Frances
Flynn of Keystone, Alice Hoagland and
Elsie Waltemath. A two course lunch
was served on small tables decorated
with garden flowers. Wednesday after
noon fourteen tables were used in
playing live hundred and the refresh
mpnts were very enjoyable. Huge bo
quets of llowers wero arranged in the
rooms and hall. Out of town guests
i were Misses Marie Massey of Omaha,
I Frances Flynn of Keystone, Mesdames
I Edward Sharrltt of Denver, Theodore
, White of Cedar Rapids, Eugene Schip
' f C C1 T .1 V Tf t 1 . e
Des Moines.
Chnrgod With IMiruiny
A Cheyenne, dispatch In today's Om
aha Bee says:
Mrs. Julia Baley, of North Platte,
Neb., Is under arrest here, churged
with bigamy by Ira Baley, her llrst
husband. Sho was married here Aug
ust 14th to Frank Wright, a broncho
buster. Wright is 22 years old and Mrs.
Bale; 34.
Baley, who canio from North Platto
to lodge a charge ngalnst his wlfo,
states that sho becamo Infatuated with
Wright, when tho cowboy appeared at
North Platte In high-heeledl boots,
broad hat and other conventional af
fectations of broncho busters.
After their marriage hero the couple
went to Bear Creek, wher Wright Is
employed and were passing their hon
eymoon, when husband No. 1 and tho
sheriff appeared on the scene.
Xo FllKlit, No Pay.
Under the contract made with the
aviation corps of the Nebraska Nation
al Guards, which was to havo made
flights at the county fnlF- Wednesday
and yesterday, the fair committee doos
not consider that It Is under any fi
nancial obligation' to the corps. Un
der this contract the only proviso for
hoii-fllghta wns weather conditions,
and on both days tho weather condi
tions were such that flights were pos
sible had tho machine been In flying
nokth plattk city schools
m;li,i:tin nt.mhku
Ford Joke So. S7,0()0,000
A man In Arion lost his Ford under
very peculiar circumstances. Ho loft
the car standing In front of a store
while he went inside to do some trad
ing. In the meantime a farmer came
along and tied a dog to the car. Tho
dog, thinking someone had tied a can
to his tail, started for home on tho
run. Tho car was located four miles
from town and, except for a soro spot
on the dog's tail, everything was all
l'nrk and Pininir lloostiin? Itaiiquct
Monday evening, September G, 1915,
at 7:00 o'clock, tho Chamber of Com
merce will give a banquet. There will
be 200 plates set and we want that
many present. Tho place of holding
the banquet has not yet been arranged
for, but will be announced tomorrow
To the High School Pupils and their
Eight years ago the Board of Educa
tion Introduced tho Normal Training
Course into the North Platte High
school for the purpose of training tho
pupils of that course to bo more ef
ficient teachers upon graduating
from tho High school. Four years ago
the board Introduced the Commercial
course for the purpose of training
boys and girls In business and office
methods and procedure and especial
ly In aliort hand and typewriting.
Since tho Introduction of the commer
cial course tho Interest in tho normal
course has lessened nnd It Is to this
condition I wish to call your atten
tion. Wo have un oviV-aupply of
stenographers nnd would-be stenog
raphers In North Platte and tho rural
schools of this county aro sending
nway for ther teachers. A boy or girl
who completes the Normal training
course nnd has a reasonable amount of
brains and gumption can upon grad
uation engage- to teach a country
school paying not less than $45 a month
while some of our studonts havo gono
from our high school Into teaching po
sitions paying as high as $G5 a month.
And they make good teachers, too,
among the best thoro are. We havo
both courses to offer and ono docs not
cost more than the other but It seems
to us that a larger number of those
who aro thinking of enrolling for tho
Commercial courso should consider
tho advantages, of tho normnl train
ing course beforo deciding for good
Many of the fathers and mothers aro
Indifferent to what choice their chil
dren make and theso children aro of
ten Influenced by' tho fascination of
ninklng a typowrltcr go or some other
equally unimportant cause. All wo
wish to do is to call tho attention of
the high .school pupils and their par
puts to this matter and leave the choice
to them after they have investigated
it. Wo aro as much Interested in one
course ns the other.
City Superintendent,
The Swedish Mission Society.
Cn.ul.. In l.r.1.1 In Mot Mot A . 1 . n I (r, )
; m. . u church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
. .1 ; ' . . f n 1 Rev. Beschcr, tho pastor will preach;
"Z"'a Z "L' 'eae:,"VnU' The Svea society will meet at Ole
",:Vr ' Oleson's rooming house Friday. Sopt
1 17th, at :s:00 p. in., nnd not Sopt. 21th,
Attendance t the Fair. !"s Previously announced.
..... ....
'Hie total attendance at the county, Mrs. Ora Sailor returned-Saturdnv
fair Was in round numbers 7,400, dl-, njgi,t from Kansas City, St. Joe and St.
vlded as follows: Monday 800, Tiies-' Louis markets where she spent thrco
day 1.G00. Wednesday 2,900, Thursday, weeks getting acquainted with tho new
L'.iuu. of tins total attendance about fall stlyes and purchasing an up-to-'4,000
paid admission at tho gates, date stnclf nf inllHnerv for thn fall nnd
tho other representing season tick- winter. She Invites the ladles of North
ets and exhibitors passes. piatte to visit her department at
I Block's beforo buying. Remember, she
airs, t naries m. uayis, uaugnier or j8 at all times Interested in her cuh-
A. R. Adnmson is visiting her father
and will stay two months. Her hus
band is a North Platto boy and is lo
cated in Portland, Ore., where he is
a conductor on tho S. P. & S. railroad.
Mrs. Robert McGrale returned to
Rock Springs Inst evening after vis
iting Mrs. C. Burroughs nnd Mrs. M.
Sixteen cars of stock wore- derailed
at Sutherland this morning causing
a delay In the moving of tho morning
tomors and will give you tho best pos
sible for tho price. While In Knnsns
City she also attended a four days
school' of the Goodwin Corset manu
facturers, of which sho represents,
and wishes to nnnounco that she will
bo better fitted from now on to at
tend to her corset customers. Thoso
Interested will call at tho millinery de
pnrtment and investigate.
Supt. Jeffers and party of Omaha
aro transacting U. P. business horovto-
Saturday, September 4.
ii N into w ,, I
f C 3 u " A
1 . t '
E f H i TC rltu ?, I I
ffn'i" i i :j "" c I
I l"l IJ'o)l4 W
a five part adaptation
of the play by Eugene
Walters with Janet
Beecher in the lead
ing role.
10c and 15c.
School Shoes
We arc giving away Free with
each purchase of BOYS' SHOES
A minaturc Flying Machine.
Short time only. Wc also have
clean fresh line of LADIES Shoes
for FALL. All the latest and
newest effects.
Why Pay $5 and $4.
Harry's Shoe Shop
1st Door South of Keith Theatre.
Compact and
This i--. a most conveniently
arranged house. The grade
entrance on the side gives ac
cess to the basement, kitchen
and liwng room. The bath on
the second iloor opens on a
ball and is easy of access from
all the bedrooms. Each bed
room is a corner room, with
two windows.
The dining room has a built
in sideboard, and there are col
onnades in the opening to the
living room. In the rear there
is a nice "screened porch.
Come in and let in how you the
second floor plan. This house will
make you a comfortable, convenient
and distinctive home. Ask as to let
Another Car of ELBERTA
We would advise you to get your supply for
Canning from this car. We look for higher prices
on Peaches.
All bushel bankets in this car.
Having Completed a full course in
I am prepared to answer any private calls for
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone Black 140 for
Appointments. EMILY COATES.
Good Until Sept. 30th.
With every Red Electric orThor washing machine,
sold this month, we will give a solid maple ironing
Jlny be cashed or Itnnlced at the I'lntto
Valley Htnlo Hunk reffiirdloss of where
they are drawn r iniide payable.
Fanners always Hud us uttcutlvu to
their bunking needs. Our experience
enables us to handle their business
with more than ordinary euro and dls
lint cli;
When checks are received In nay
iiient, lirlui? Iliein hero to be paid.
Platte Valley State Bank,
JYorth Platto, Nebraska.