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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1915)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. w 1. I V7 El KAPIE VAN VOBS3&sfcac LUSTRATIONS CHAPTER XXVIII Continued. 10 Later, whon the others had loft them to thomaolvoB in the music room, Snbron sat In a big chair tiy tho oiion window and Julia Ilcdtnond ilnyed to him. Tho day was warm. Thoro wdh a Bincll of spring (lowers Jti tho nlr and tlio vjibcb wcro filled with glrofloH and sweot peas. Hut Sahron Hincllcd only tho violets In Julia's Klrdlo. Nor hands gently wan dered over tho koys, finding tlio tune that Sabron longed to hear. Sho lilayed tho air through, and it seemed ha though who wore about to sing tho flrijt yprse. alio could not do so, nor rould alio npoak. Snbron roso and came over to where sho snt. Thero was a low chftlr near the piano and ho took It, loaning forward, liis hands clasped about his knees. It hnd boon tho life-long dream of UiIb dmple-hcarted ofllcor that one day ho Would spoak out his soul to tho wom an ho loved. Tho Umo hud come, fiho sat hoforo him in hor unpreten tious dress. Ho was not worldly enough to know it cost n great price, nor to appreciate thnt sho wore no Jowols nothing except tho flowers ho liftd sent Hor dark hair was clus tered about hor cars and hor beauti ful oyes lost tholr flro In tenderness. "Whon a man has boon very closo to death, Madomolsollo, ho looks nbout I'or tho reason of his resurrection. Whon ho returns to tho world, ho lo6ks to seo what thero is in this lifo to mnko it worth living. I am young at tho beginning of my career. I may havo hoforo mo a long lire In which, with health and friends, I may find much hnpplnoss. These things certainly havo their worth to a nor mal man hut I cannot make them real hoforo my oyes just yet. As I look upon tho world to which I havo roturacd, I see nothing hut a woman ftiid her lovo. If I cannot win hor for ny wire, if I ennnot havo hor l'ovo " fie mado an oxprosslvo gesture which moro Imprcsslvoly than words Implied liow completely ho laid down every thing olso to hor lovo and his. Ho said, not without a certain dig nity: "I nm qulto poor; I havo only my floldlor'B pay. In Normandy I own o. littlo property. It is upon a hill and looks over tho sea, with applo orchards and wheat floldB. Thero Is a ouso. Theso nro my landed ostutos. -My manhood and my love aro my for tune If you cannot roturn my lovo I thull not thnnk Tromont for bringing mo back from Africa." Tho American girl listened to him with profound omotlon. Sho discov ered overy second how well she un derstood him, nnd ho had much to (my, because it was .tho first tlmo ho had ovor spoken to hor of his lovo. Sho hnd put out both hor hands nnd. looking at him fully, said simply: "Why it seems to mo you must utiqw how I fool how can you help Imowing how 1 fool?" After a littlo ho told hor of Nor mandy, and how ho hnd spont his childhood nnd boyhood In tho chateau overlooking tho wide soa, told hor how ho hnd watchod the ships and used to dream of tho countries be yond tho horizon, nnd how tho applo !loB8oni8 filled tho orchards In tho ftprlng. Ho told hor how ho longed to go back, and that his wandering ilfo had mado It imposslblo for years. Julia whispered: "Wo shall go thero in the Bpring, my frlond." ' Ho was chnrming nu lie sat thoro holding hor hands closely, his flno bont upon hor. Sabron told hor things that had boon deep in his heart and mind, waiting for hor hero no many months. Finally, everything morgod Into his present life, nnd tho Uioauty of what ho said dazed her llko nn onohantod sea. Ho was a soldi r, x man of action, yet a dronmor. Tho ,faot that his hopes wero about to bo iroallzod mado him tromblo, und as ho itnlkod, everything took light from this Viewy. ISvon his houso in Normnndy Iwgnn to soorn a fitting sotting for tho beautiful American. "Jt is only a Louis XIII chntcau; it stands vory high, surrounded by or chards, "which In tho spring are whito as snow." "Wo Bhnll go thoro In tho siMng," slio whtsporcd. Bnbron ntoppod speaking, his rev erie was dono, and ho was silent as tho intensity of his lovo for hor Hiirgod ovor him. Ho liftod her dolt cato hands to his lips. "It Is April now," ho said, and his voice shook, "It in spring now, my lovo." At Julia's Bldo was a slight touch, Bha criod: "Pltchouno!" Ho put his iMm on hor knoos and looked up into !ur -faco. "Brunot has brought him hero," Bald Kauroti, "and that moans tho good chap Is attondlng to his own lovo niaklng." Julia, laid hor hand on Pltchouno's head. "Ho will lovo tho Normnndy beach, Charlos." "Ilo will lovo tho forcstB," said Wabron; "thoro nro rnbhlts thero." On tho littlo dog's hoad tho two B H I mYLTEK5 hands mot and clasped. "PItchoune Is the only one in tho world who Is not do trop," snld Julia gently. Snbron, lifting hor hand again to his lips, kissed It long, looking Into her oyes. Ilotween that great mys lory of tho awakening to bo fulfilled, they drew near to each other nenrer. Pltchouno snt before them, waiting. Ho wagged his tall and wnlted. No ono noticed him. Ho gave a short bark that apparently disturbed nc one. Pltchouno hnd become do trop. He wns discreet. With sympathetic eyes he gazed on his beloved master nnd new mistress, then turned and quietly trotted ncVoss tho room to the hearth-rug, sitting thoro meditative ly for a few minutes blinking at the empty grate, whero on the warm spring day thoro was no fire. Pltchouno lay down before the tire less hearth, his head forwnrd on his paws, his beautiful eyes still discreet ly turned away from tho lovers. Ho drow n long contented breath ns dogs do before settling into repose. His "My Manhood and My Love Are My Fortune." thrilling ndventures hnd come to nn ond. Hoforo fires on tho friendly hearth of tho Louis XIII chntcnu, whoro hunting dogs wero enrved In tho stono above tho chimney, Plt chouno might contlnuo to drenm in tho days to como. Ho would hunt rabbits in tho still forests above the wheat fields, and llvo ngaln In the firelight his great adventures on the dosort, tho long runs across the sands On his journoy back to Prance. Now ho closed his oyes. As a faith ful friend ho rested in tho atmos phere of happiness nbout him. lie hnd boon tho solo companion of a lono ly man, now he hnd become part of n family. THE 13ND. Explaining His One Little Lapse. "Druddren and slstahs," In trium phant tones announced Brother Bogus, during tho recent revival in Ubbnozei chapel, "slnco I was convorted and washed whiter dan snow, two mont'e ago, I bus been wldout sin, bless do Lnwd! I's sanctified, and couldn't commit sin if I wanted to! I " "Hold on n minute, muh bruddorl' Interrupted good old Parson llngster. "Yo' mought uh-beon wushod tollable white, but I's 'bloegod to say dat dar pears to bo a spot or two dat wasn't touched wld de soap o' salvation. How 'bout dnt tlmo Cuhnel Whito filled yo' pussonnlity full o' shot in his hen house?" "W'y w'y, sab, lommo toll yo"! DIs is how 'twuz: Yo knows how absent minded de Cuhnol alius wns. Well, sah, dnt wns ono o do m tlmcB ho was studyln' 'bout suppln or uuddor, nnd dosH 'muglnod 1 wns darl" Kansas City Star. Woman Destroys Bomb. What might have boon a disastrous explosion wns prevented whon Mrs. Paulino Slegol picked a bomb, with a lighted fuso uttnehod. from tho door stop of tho houso of hor neighbor, Mrs. Snlvatoro Corso, lour South Franklin street. Philadelphia Mrs Slegol hurled It Into tho stroot. This broke tho crudely constructed bomb, n:rl only a soctlon explodod. Mrs, Slogol saw two mon place a queer-looking pnekngo on tho stop. np ply n maicn, nnu run away. Sho gniBpod tho pnekngo nnd hurled it in to tho Btreot. It contained six sticks of dynamite and a largo quantity of gunpowdor Tho copper wires, which hnd boon wrapped around tho pnekngo. broko. Tho contents of tho powerful bomb worn scatterod In all directions. Mtb. Corso said hor family has no enomiou. tfi ITOY LITTLE HINTS FOR POULTRY Watch Chicks Closely and Save Those Making Most Satisfactory Growth Keep Them Busy. ray MRS. O. W. IIANDLETT, North Dakota Experiment Station.) Human sympathy to tho bird's com fort amounts to dollars and cents. Clenn tho nests occasionally and put in a fresh supply of nest material. Uniform nest boxes add to the at tractiveness of tho house. White diarrhea is contagious among young chicks. The purchnso of a few baby chicks from somo flno pen of birds will mnko a splendid start if you care to start In June. If your breeding pons wore proper ly bred and mated you need not be surprised to find somo of tho chlckenB developing Into finer specimens than their pnrents. Watch tho chicks cloBcly and mark tho ones making the most satisfactory growth. Select tho ones that aro plump, full-breasted and In good pro portion. You will not enro to keop those that grow leggy and have thin breasts. Never, under any circumstances, keep moro birds than you can take care of well. Green food is necessary for all ages of poultry, but doubly bo for tho littlo chicks. Water and green food aro cheap and vory Important. Ho sure tho baby chicks havo plenty of exercise. Keep them busy and hungry. Keep tho hopper full of dry mash nil of the time. This gives tho chick ens an opportunity to balance tho grain rations fed. Romembor, full-fed chicks aro pay ing chicks. It pays big dividends to hurry their growth. Always practice absoluto cleanli ness In feeding. Cull tho flock closely. Keep tho best nnd prepare tho rest for market. Enrich tho garden plot with tho poultry droppings. Constant thought and judgment aro necessary in poultry raising. YELLOW COLORING IN SHANKS Has Not Yet Been Proved That It Means Hen lo Equipped to Lay More Eggs Than Others. Many believe that a cow that has yellow skin will glvo richer milk than will ono that has a white skin. But how about a hen with tho yellow BhankB of thnt color laying tho most eggs? At tho Maine station It has been found that tho coloring matter which gives tho yellow color to a hon's Red Sussex Hen. shanks is tho samo as that which gives tho color to the yolks of the eggs, and that tho shanks of a good layer will ho much lighter in color at the end of hor laying period than when Bho began. So it looks llko tho coloring matter in tho shanks hns been used to color tho yolks of tho eggs. It hasn't been proved yet that a lot of yellow color ing in tho shanks means that tho hen is equipped to, lay a lot of eggs, nnd how about thoso that havo white, black or bluo shanks? But mnybo something will bo worked out from this coloring matter business that will help us to know good layers. DIARRHEA FATAL TO CHICKS One of Most Common Causes of Mor tality Disease Can Be Prevented by Proper Feeding. Ono of tho most common causes of chick mortality is whito diarrhea. Whllo It has been established that this dlscaso Is usually communicated to tho chick hoforo it is hatched, it has also bcon established that tho dls caso can bo hold In check and even provontod by proper feeding. Tho organisms that causo whito diarrhea aro killed by weak acids. For this reason sour milk can well bo mado a part of tho chicks' rations for the first few days. Either moisten tho food with it, or set in shallow drinking pans. In addition, however, do not neglect to supply plenty of clean, puro drinking water. That Knife-Like Pain Have you a lamo back, aching day and night 7 Do you feci sharp pains nftcr stooping? Aro tho klduoys sore? Is tholr action Irregular? Do you havo hcadachos, backaches, rhoumatic pains, feel tired, nerv ous, all worn-out? Uso Doan's Kid ney Pills tho mediclno recom mended by so mnny peoplo in this locality. Head tho oxporlonco that follows: A Nebraska Caso O If. Hooth, paint pr. Randolph Hotel, Randolph, N e b . . Bays: "There wero sharp, darting pains tlirouKh my buck, followed by swelling of my llmb3. i was all run rtow n ana had to kIvo up work. I suffered from chills und tho kidney se crotlona were scant nmt painful In pas saB After dlferent mrdlclncs had failed I heard of Doan'a KldneV Pills. Tliev frtnr rktjre restored me to Rood health and 1 have since been free from kidney trouble." Cat Doan's at A117 Store, SOe Box DOAN'S "pTJjy FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO, ft Y. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver Is right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gcntlybutfirmly Cures Con stipation, I: digestion. Sick Headache. and Dittreai After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature BLACK LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED bj Cutter's BlieMis Pills. Xxjw priced, fresh, reliable; preferred bj Western ntnekmen. because they w m tm protect where ether vaeolnet tall. H V. Writs for booklft and tutlmonltls. U IO-iois pkae. Blacklei rill $1.00 H iif ,AJ& SJ-ttu akie. Blafkleg Pill 4.00 utD anr Injector, but Cutter's best. The superiority of Cutter products la due to o?er It ynn cf specializing In vaccines and serums enly. Insist en Cutter's. If unobtainable, order direct. The Cutter Laaeratery, Barkeley, Cal., cr Chlcaio, lit. DESERT AUTO IS NO CAMEL These Men Forget to Provide Water for Their Desert Ride and One Dies. Fatluro to thing about evaporation In an automobile radiator brought death to ono man and frightful tor tures to two others, who arrived In Los Angeles from tho desert and told of their sufferings. Tho trio James S. Hocho and John H. Welsh, attor neys, and James G. Clarke, a real cs tato dealer left horo Sunday in an automobllo for El Contro, In tho Im perial valley. Monday morning tho car stopped In tho sand. The radiator was empty and thy had no wntor. Roche and Welsh atartod after a mirage which thoy be lieved was tho Salton sea. Clarko waited a day, and then, believing thom dead, mado his way to Mineral Springs, whoro ho was resuscitated after fnlllng himself in a faint and or ganized a rescue party. They found Rocho unconscious and Welsh dead. Roche said they drank lubricating oil. -Philadelphia Record. Small Comfort. Aakor Ho calls mo a donkoyl Should I challengo him? Telllt You might to prove it! Ordinarily a young man refers to his fathor as "tho old man." But If ho desires to bo particularly polite, ho refers to him as "tho old gent." lHnaTaTaTaTHir I llfLU Food for the Trenches It takes the highest type of nerve and endurance to stand the strain at the battle front of modern business. Many fail. And often the cause is primarily a physical one improper food malnutrition. It is a fact that much of the ordinary food is lacking in certain elements the mineral salts which are essential to right building of muscle, brain and nerve tissue. Grape-Nuts made of whole wheat elements in highest degree. Grape-Nuts food is easy to digest nourishing economical delicious, and as a part of the menu of modern business men and women helps wonderfully in building up the system for strenuous demands and keeping it there. "There's a Reason" for GRAPE-NUTS Sold by Grocers everywhere. WILL AEROPLANES STOP WAR Orvllle Wright Is Moved to Say He Likes to Think So, Anyhow. Did you ever stop to think that there Is a vory dellnlto reason why tho present war In Europe has dragged nlong for a yenr with neither sldo gaining much ndvantago over tho other? Tho reason, ns I figure It out, is aeroplanes, Orvlllo Wright writes In Collier's. In consequenco of tho scouting work done by tho flying ma chines, each side knows exactly what tho opposition forces nro doing. Thero is littlo chanco for ono army to take another by surprise. Napoleon won wars by massing his troops at un expected places. Tho aeroplane hus mado that impossible. It has equal ized information. Each sldo has such complete knowlcdgo of tho other's movements thnt both sides are obliged to crawl Into trenches and light by means of slow, tedious routine rather than by quick, spectacular dashes. My Impression Is that before the present war started tho experts expected It to bo a matter of a few weeks or, at most, a few months. Today It looks as If it might run into years before ono side can dlctnte terms. Now, a nation that may bo willing to undertnko a war lasting a few months may well hesltnto about engaging in one that will occupy years. The dally cost of a great war Is of course stupendous. When this cost runs on for years the totul is likely to bo so great that the side which wins nevertheless loses. War will become prohibitively expensive. And the scouting work In flying machines will bo tho predominating factor, as it seems to mo, in bringing this about. I like to think so, anyhow. The Invitation. "Hollo. Mabel!" "Oh, hollo, George!" "How aro you, Mabel?" "Just flno! Ilow'ro you. George?" "Same. Say, Mabel, let's go through tho park this afternoon. What say?" "Well ah-ah ahem I I ah I'm kind of well, I'm kind of tired, George." "Then you won't go?" "I'm so sorry, but, George, you un derstand just how it is, don't you, George, dear?" "Yes, I guess so. I suppose I'll havo to ride with somcono else, then." "RIdo?" "Yes; my now eight-cylinder road ster camo this morning." "Oh, Georgo! Did It really? Isn't that Just splendid? Say ah George. I guess I'm not ns tired as I thought I was." "Well, I wouldn't take any chances If I were you, Mabel. It doesn't pay. I'll take someone else." 'But really, dear, I'm not tired a bit. Honestly." "It's sweet of you to say that, but I don't want to take advntago of your kindness. Good-by, Mabel." Mabel slammed tho receiver vicious ly on tho hook. "Darn it!" she mut tered. "Why didn't ho say so In tho Urst plaeo?" Michigan Gargoyle. Good! In that new banana which Burbank has ovolved tho skiddy skin Is emit ted. This may be a gain for tho banana and the public, but It's a pain ful loss for the professional funmuker. Cleveland Plain Dealer. By tho tlmo a woman is old enough not to caro how sho looks, sho has wasted enough smokeless powder to blow up a ship. Probable. "Pa, who started tho saying that a man's wife Is his better halt?" ' "Somo mnn's wife, 1 reckon." Go slow hut you'll arrive late. FOC and barley, contains f" T !"3 IKaiKs " "aB BJln bbR OF OL GIRL Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Re stored Her Daugh ter's Health. Plover, Iowa. "From a small child my 13 year old dnughter had female weakness. I spoko to throo doctors nbout it and they did not help her any. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgotnblo Com pound had been of great benefit to mo, so I decided to havo her give it a trial. Sho has taken fivo bottles of tho Vejre- ' table Comnound ac cording to directions on tho bottlo and she is cured of this trouble Sho was all run down when oho started taking the Compound and her periods did not como right She was so poorly nnd weak thnt I often had to help her drcsa herself, but now sho is regular nnd is growing strong and healthy." Mrs. Martin Helvig, Plover, Iowa. Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for tho good Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has accom plished aro constantly being received, proving tho reliability of this grand old remedy. If you nro ill do not drag along and continuo to suffer day in and day out but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, a woman's remedy for woman's ills. If yon want special adrico write to Lydia E.Pinkhnm Mediclno Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will ho opened, read and answered by a noman and held in strict confidence. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of xnrrtt. Ilelpa to (radical dandruff. For Rest orinz Color anil Daauty to Grny or Faded Hair. doc and 5i.j ki urucgiita Books ana unrigs. John Kendrlck Hanks, author of "A Houseboat on tho Styx," and "Coffee and Ropartco," who Is spending tho summer at his camp in Maine, said In an Interview last week: "Peoplo should own and read books just as they Bhould seek friendships, and try to understand their friends. A book that ono has como to know, and to love, Is ono of tho truest of friends. In my library in Maine aro not many books, but none the less Lincoln walks thero with mo; Emerson is my friend; Balzac and Dumas aro permanent dwellers at my side; I frolic with Mark Twain there; I travel with O. Henry, and I play boyish tricks with Aid rich and Penrod; I fonco with Mon taigne, and the great spirits of "Tho Spectator." A Matter of Surprise. "Don't you think women ought to vote?" asked Mr. Meekton's wife. "Well, Henrietta, thero's no doubt In my mind that you ought to vote. But If your opinion of some of tho othor women Is correct, I don't soa why you should want to intrust them with such a responsibility." If there Is anything moro misleading than tho average guaranty, wo would gladly give up a nickel to seo a mov ing picture of it. When you meet a self-mado man he always wants to tell you all about the job. Even after a mnn swears off ho is apt to keep right on swearing. MOTHER SCEIO