Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
For Sale Steel range in good con
dition. Inquire of Mrs. Ada Lowls.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs.
P. J. Nuugton the latter part of last
Chales Hupfer has returned from
Denver whore he wont by auto last
. Miss Alice Seaman, superintendent
of the Gennral hospital, Is taking her
Robort Dickey has returned from
Denver, wliere lie transacted business
last week.
Master Johnnie Scharmann left Sat
urday morning for Gurnsey to visit
tlio Ityan family.
Mrs. P. McKnight returned Friday
nlftcrnoon from a visit in eastern
towns with relatives.
Miss Mabel Durko will leave in a
few days for California to spend sev
eral weeks with friends.
. Mrs. Fred Duncan wns summoned
home from Cozad last week by the
illness of her daughter.
Miss Minnie Lang returned Satur
day afternoon from York, where she
Bpent a week with friends.
iiivuv rn iniv nv lii'll I'CTITC
Marion Darraum of Brule, who vis-1
ited Mr. and Mrs. Lem Toole Inst i
week, left Saturday morning.
Thomas Williams, of Dallas, Texas,)
arrived here latt week to spend the'
winter with th Raugh family. e
Ralph Ford spent the greater parti
of last week n Lexington and attend-.
ed the base ball tournament at Eustis.
Mrs. Nay, of Albion, formerly Miss
Mayme Doyle, of this city, came a few
days ago to visit Mr. and Mrs. James
Mason Jars 15c per dozen for pints
and 25c per dozen for quarts. These
are No. 1 Jars.
Miss. Edith 'Patterson will leave
tomorrow for Benson to take up- her
work as nutructdr in the schools
Mrs. H. M. Getty and children left
Saturday morning for Lincoln and
Holdrege to visit relatives for a fort
night. Little Pauline Duncan is very ill
from the effects of ptomaine poisoning
caused by eating minced ham last
Miss Inez Mavis returned to her
home in Lodge Pole"Sunday, after vis
iting the Frederici family for several
Misses Agnes and Lucille O'Neil, of
Lincoln, will return home today af
ter spending a week at the Slack
J. H. Miller and daughter, .who
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. 1.
Neville, left Saturday afternoon for
Mr. and Mrs. Neale Turpie and chil
dren returned Saturday afternoon in
their car from a three weeks' visit in
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. LeDIoyt and
family, who had been visiting rela
tives in Schuyler, returned home Sat
urday evening.
Mrs. Joe Seller and daughter, of
uarron, Iowa, came Saturday morn
ing to visit the former's brother, F.
C. Piolstlcker.
Mrs. Robert Weir and chldren left
Saturday afternoon for Sterling to
Vlfjt M.r. Wblr, who was recently
transferred there.
Mr. and Mrs. Clnrenco Miller, W.
It. Powell and son will leave tomor
row for Flats to spend several days
on a hunting trip.
Prof. M. M. Redenbaugh, of the local
high school faculty, is expected here
n a few days frm the east where he
spent his vacation.
Mrs. T. G. Thompson and children
returned Saturday evening from an
extended visit in Grand Island and
other eastern towns.
Mrs. McLane and daughter Anna
came from the eastern part of the
state Saturday and will visit Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Schwalger.
Miss Marlon Fenwlck, of Omaha,
left Saturday morning nfter a month's
visit. While here she wns the guest of
her uncle, Alex Fenwlck.
Mrs. J. C. Heywood, of Central City,
returned homo Saturday afternoon,
after spending two weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. A. F. McMasteis.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Neale and child,
of Kearney, arrived Saturday after
noon to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Banks for a week or more.
Misses Helen and Anna Shipman,
of Grand Island, visited Miss Mary
Ellas Sunday, while enrouto home
from the Panama exposition.
Miss Esther Bailey, of Lincoln, nnd
Miss Grace Hohlmann, of Todbias, are
expected this week to accept positions
as teachers in the local schools.
Mrs. W. E. Hunt, of Wood River, re
turned home Saturday, having been
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. E.
Smith, for a couple of weeks.
George Shoup, formerly of the
Payne Investment Co., of this city,
came up from Omaha last week and.
transacted business for several days.
Miss Lucille Rldgley, of Cheyenne,
went home Saturday morning after
spending two weeks with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fenwlck.
C. P. Clinton returned Friday ev
ening from California where he went
several weeks ago as delegate to the
B. P. O. E. convention and to visit,
Miss Mary Allen, of Farnam, who had
been the guest of her brother, Arthur
Allen for several days, while enroute
homo from Ft. Morgan, left yesterday
Misses Sybil Gantt and Lucille Mc
Farland left Saturday for Kearney
where they will be guests nt a house
party at the homo of Miss Ada
Miss Lucille1 Keller returned the
latter part of last, week from a two
months' stay in'Sioux;"Ciy.s' She has
been added to the nursing staff at the
General hospital.
A spark from a freight engine ig
nited the roof of the lime house at
the Field lumber yard Saturday morn
ing, the blaze was extinguished by
the employes before the arrival of the
fire truck and the damage was slight.
Horse Sense.
A horse that refrains from eating
is .using the horse sense method of
curing itself of some intestinal trou
ble. Nature sometimes fails, so tako
no chances but go to the nld of na
ture as soon as you see something
wrong with your horse and give it a
dose or two of B. A. Thomas Stock
Remedy. If it does not respond at
once, this medicine cost you nothing
and .it's just as sure with cows or
sheep. Wo give you your money back.
Sold by A. F. Fink.
Sanitary Newly Furnished Fireproof
This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment of Surg
ical, Medical and Obstetrical cases.
A Strictly modern Hospital for the convenience of the pi u .'
North Platte und country tributary thereto.
"Oh, For a
Breath of Air!'
You've henrd many n sick per
son say that during the stifling days
of summer or in the overheated
6ickrooni in winter.
Electric fans are a groat blessing.
All hospitals have thorn.
They nro the thing for baby's
nnp, for the kitchen, for the laun
dry, for the (lining room, for the
porch, for factory nnd olllec for
North Platte light & Power Co.,' b
Victor Anderson returned Saturday
from Lincoln, In.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Locke have re
turned from a visit of several weeks
in California.
Mrs. John Denn nnd daughter, Mur
iory, returned last night from un ex
tended visit in California.
J. V. I'ielstlcker. of the First Stnto
bank, of Dickens, Is visiting his broth
er. Frank Pielsticker.
Miss Elfreda Mettln and brother left
the latter part of last week for Myrtle
Point, Ore., to visit relatives for a
couple of weeks.
MIsa Margaret Jones resumed work
as stenographer in the Plntto Valley
bank yesterdny after a two weeks'
vacation. i
Charles Hayden was In town yestor-!
day to meet J. R. Johnson and son, of
Pittsburg, who will visit him at Wal
lace for a fortnight or longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parkls, of Osceola,
arrived Saturday evening to visit with
the hitter's parents for a week or more.
Mrs. Parkls was formerly Miss Geor
gia Goldsmith, of this city.
Frank Hatch returned Sunday from
Lawrence, Kans., where he visited the
N. A. Davis family. Mrs. Hatch will
prolong her visit there for n couple
of weeks.
Mrs. Win. Stack, Jr., entertained at
a family dinner party Thursday even
ing for the Misses Agnes and Lucille
O'Neil, of Lincoln, who arc the guests
of local relatives.
F. W. Rlnck'er returned Saturday
from Omaha, where he spent several
days purchnsng goods. Mrs. Rlnckr
will visit friends for some time before
returning home.
Messrs. H. M. Getty, M. C. Hayes, J.
W. Adams and Claude Dclnney re
turned Friday evening from Omaha
where they attended a safety first
meeting Inst week.
Mrs. R. G.Malmsteln nnd daughter,
of Gunnison, Utah, who visited Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Earhart last week,
while enroute home from Omaha, left1
Saturday morning. J
Win. Atlnlr wont to Omnha Saturday
to attend the funeral of his uncle the
late J. S. Adair, president of the City
National bank, of Kearney, who died
in Pasadena last week.
aticih T.niinn Biirirerson. 'of Omaha.
returned the latter part of last weok
frnm n slinrt. Ktnv in Holdroco and
will spend several weeks with her
sister, Mrs. Lee Keith.
Mrs. Kate Brandeburg, Mrs. Anna
Moore, Mrs. Win. McLano and Miss
Lillie Atkinson came up from Lexing
ton Saturday to visit friends and at
tend the L. O. T. M. rally.
Miss Arta Kokcn, who spent her
summer vacation with her parents
returned to Great Galls, Mont., Satur
day afternoon to resume her duties as
instructor in the schools there.
Mrs. Dan Roberts entertained a num
ber of young people Friday evening
in honor of Miss Lillian Roberts,
of Chevenne. who Is her cuest. In the
card games Miss Lucy Dunn won the
first prize.
Now is the time to select your Fall
suit. In our new quarters we are able
to take care of you in 1 lie best pos
sible way. Our'. ftqw fitting room is
very complete.' '. Alterations free and
wo guarantee oripMrrork.
That old democratic war horse John
J. McCarthy, hns been appointed post
master at Ogalallu. He was appli
cant for register of the local United
States land oclce, but lenrnlng that
the emoluments of that position were
less thnn the salary of the Ogalalla
postou'ico, he became an applicant for
the postfflce nnd was appointed last
Speakinc of nostmnstprs. tlu Nnrtii
Plntto office still hangs in the clouds.
tioin applicants, .Mr. Streitz and Mr.
McEvoy, seem confident of success, but
there is n rumor that stronir lttnr
have been sent to Washington to the
effect that for good of the party both
should be dropped. In connection with
this rumor is the assertion that But
ler Buchanan Is in a receptive mood,
and is really occupying the position
of a compromise enndidate. Just how
much there is in this rumor will de
velop later.
The enforcement of tlio honiHi nr.
dinanco has created considerable con
tention. PSnecInllV whprn nnrlloa linvnl
been hnuled into court for fnilure to!
obey the instruction of Health Officer
noagianu. 1'roperty owners should
not hesltntc to abate any nuisance thai1
may exist, neither should they delay1
In connecting with the sewer. North!
Platte has become somewhjt of n riiv I
and with the number of peoplo wo havp!
nuisances aro prportionatoly greater
than when wo were a smaller town. Ati
nil times tho health of our people'
should be our first consideration.
Every por.Min carrying one if our
Fire Iniirnnce policies ciin gel one of
our registered tags for key rings In
calling at the office of
Hunting Season Opens
The hunting season opens tomorrow '
and early very early- In the morning!
the roads leading out of North Platte
will be lined with cars currying hunt-'
era Into the country. For a couple of j
weeks pnst the hunters have made ex-
cursioiis into the country for the pur-'
pose of locating the birds, heuce to-1
morrow will know Just wliere to find
them. i
Chickens are said to be rather'
Scarce, duo no doubt to the rain and '
liallstorms which occurred shortly af
ter the hatching season. Ducks seem 1
to be rather plentiful on the lagoons.
Will One I.nsf Tun
" The Rooster ball tsntn ipIh
Saturday from Eustis where thv mk I
part In the tournament. They wonj
one game and lost two, winning a I
iweniy-iour inning game from Wil
low Islnnd by a score of eight to sev
en, losing to Elwood thirteen to one,
nnd losing to Cambridge Hvo to one.
After tho first game tho Roosters were
In n crippled condition. Harold Lang
ford having been hit In the eye by "a
ball, and Eddie Urlght becoming ser
iously ill.
In the game wth Willow Island
thirteen innings were played to a tie
Thursday afternoon, but on account
of darkness 'the gnme wns postponed
until the following morning when it
was renewed, each mnking threo runs
In the seventeenth Inning, and again
tiolng the score. Neither side again
scored untl the twenty-fourth Inning,
iirn the Roosters put two men over
th home plnti.
CJuitcP rorffr
Nurse ltriiMii llcm
hlle on his wny from Frankfort,'
iMinsns, to sui norland, c. W. Crandnll
was taken very 111 nnd taken from the
train here. Ho wns brought to the
hospital last Friday morning where ho
is receiving medical aid. Miss Stock
ier, who recently located In our city,
is in charge of the case.
Mrs. A. L. Thompson, of Elsie. Neb.,
was operated on Thursday morning.
Mrs. C. F. Yandes who nrrlved here
froni'Elsle, Nebr., Mondny was oper
ated on Thursday morning.
A beautiful writing desk nnd chair
were a gift to tho hospital this week.
We wish at this time to thank the
mnny friends who have been so gener
ous In sending us (lowers during the
past few weeks. Tho Eastern Star
ladles have boon most kind In remem
bering us ench week. The llowers have
all been beautiful nnd appreciated es
pecially by those patients from out
of town.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Reelor nnd Miss
Myrtle spent Sunday as the guests of
friends in Sutherland.
Every Saturday, also the 15 10, 17
and ISth days of each month, will bo
potato days at tho North Sldo barn.
Phono No. 20 for prices. I will save
you money.
In (he I'nlted States District Court,
For the IMsrlct of Nebraska,
North Plntto Division.
In the Matter of T. J. Daldock &
Son, a co-partnership, and William
M. Baldock an individual. Unnkrupt,
Case No. ,11. in Bankruptcy.
Voluntary Petition.
Notice of First. .Meeting of Creditors.
To the creditors of T. J. Ualdock
& Son, a co-partntrship, and William
M. Ualdock an ndividual, of North
Platte. In tho County of Lincoln, in
the District aforesaid.
Notice is hereby given that on the
24th day of August, A. D. 1915. the
said T. J Daldock & Son, n co-partnership,
and William M. Daldock an
individual, wore duly adjudged bank
rupts; and thnt tho first meeting of
their creditors will bo held at tho of
fice of tho Referee In Bankruptcy in
North Platjte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska, In said district, on tho Cth
day of September, A. D. 1!)15, at 9
o'clock a. in., nt which time the snld
creditors may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine
bankrupt, and transact such other
business as may properly come be
fore said meeting.
Referee In Bankruptcy.
p70R travel, for roughing, for mat-
inees or other occasions that
require a dressy suit the style most
appropriate for it is here.
New suits that you will enthuse about are just
unpacked so advanced in idea, so splendidly
made, that you can buy and wear them now,
and through the winter, too, and find that at
the end of the season, they will still be in the
lead of the mode still fresh looking and
perfect in shape.
f$y- Perhaps you are
fiCRtST Soing away this
V 4
v 1. vr
Fall? Much of the
pleasure of your
trip will be in the
admiring glances
your fashionable
new suit will
bring. And even
if you plan to stay
at home, you will
still be judged by
your appearance,
as you uncon
sciously judge
Briefly, you need
a new suit
such as these
just on dis play.
Wilcox Department Store.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned, have formed a corporation
under tho nnmo of "The North Platte
General llflspltal," with its principal
place of business in North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho gen
eral nature of Its business is the own
ing, operating, und maintaining of a
general hospital, the leasing, purchas
ing and maintaining of such buildings
and real estate as may bo necessary
for that purpose, tho amount of tho
capital stock Is One Thousand 00.100
($1,000.00) Dollars, Six Hundred
00.100 ($000.00) Dollnrs, of which has
been paid In cash, balanco to bo paid
as the Board of Directors may deslg
nato, and tho time of the commence
ment of snld business is the 1st day
of August, 1915. and shall continue for
a period of twenty years. Tho high
est amount of indebtedness to which
tlio Corporation shall subject itself
at any time Is tho sum of Six Hundred
sixty-six 00.100 ($GGG.GC) Dollars. Tho
affairs of tho Corporation shall bo
conducted by a president, vice-president,
secretary and treasurer.
Dated this 1st day of August, 1915
oneyto Loan
Lowest Ratcn and Best Terms.
Plenty of Money on hand to Close
Loans Promptly.
ochanan & Patterson I
C. R. MOREY, Mgr.
I JXotleo to Contractors
, You nre hcrby notflled that sealed
mils win 00 received by the Director,
JOHN s. SDLMS, ar. 1).,
Physician nnd Surucon
Leonard Laubner, of School District
Ofllco L. Building, Second Floor. ! No. 33 in Lincoln County, Nebraska, at
Phone, Olllce, S3;
Residence 3S.
Painter, l'npcrlianger and
Phone Black .j70.
Notice to N'oii-Ilesldcnt Defendants.
Edwnrd E. Jeter nnd William A. Mc
Cutchen, defendants will tako notlco
that on the Cth day or August, 1915,
Hara S. Padgett, plaintiff herein, liled
a petition in tho District Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, against
said defendants et ul, tho object nnd
prayer of which aro to quiet plain
tiff's title to tho Northeast Quarter
(NEU) of Section Twenty-0110 (21),
Township Ten (10) N. of Rnngo Thlr-ty-threo
(33) "West of tho 0th P. M.
In Lincoln County, Nebraska, and es
pfdally for a decree adjudging fraud
ulent and void a certain ilepil from mm
S. R. Razoo to S. H. Stahr, and a cor
tain deed from S. H. Stahr to W. M.
Jones, nnd a certain deed from W. M.
Jones to Edwnrd E. Jeter, and a cer
tain deed from Clara S. Padgett, sin
gle, to S. R. Razee, all of which dcod3
pretended to convey tho nbovo des
cribed renl estate, and nlso decree
ing fraudulent and void a certain
mortgngo from W. M. Jones for
$1000.00 to S. II. Stnhr, and a protend
ed assignment of said mortgage from
S. II. Stahr to "William A. McCutchcn,
which mortgngo pretended to convoy
a lien on the nbove described real os
tate, and also to declaro fraudulent
and void a certain decreo rendered In
tho case of William A. McCutchcn vs.
Edward E. Jeter, rendered in tho Dis
trict Court of Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, which decreo pretended to fore
close tho above described mortgage,
and also damages In tho mm of $100.00
for general equitable rollof.
You aro required to answer this said
pptltion on or beforo tho 20th day of
sepirmuer, llUii.
M0-4w Plaintiff.
the office of Beeler & Crosby, in North
Plntto, Nebraska, up until 1 o'clock
P. m. of tho 11 tli day of Soptember,
1915, for the erection and completion
of a four room brick nhd ro-onforced
concreto school liouse nt O'Fallon,
Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Such bids must bo accompanied by
cortlfled check In tho sum of Ono Hun
dred fifty 00.100 ($150.00) Dollars,
payablo to Henry Fulk, Treasurer' of
School District No. 33 in Lincoln
County, Nobrnskn, which will bo for
feited If tho person to whom tho con
tract Is awarded, fails to enter Into,
the Contract.
Tho School Board reserves tho right
to reject any nnd all bids.
Plans and specifications may bo cx
nmined nt tho offico of Bert M. Rey
nolds, Architect, North Platte, Ne
braska. Bids will bo opened nt tho offico of
Beeler &. Crosby, North Platto, No
braska, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day.
nl 3-4 w Director.
Department of the Interior
Serial Xo. O.VIIS
U. S. Land Olfco at North Platte, Neb.,
AUgUBt b, 1U15.
Notco Is hereby given that Syrll II.
Edis, of North Platte, Nebraska, who,
on November 21, 1911, made Homestead
Entry No. 05318, for Efc nnd EMs of
W'i Sections, Townsflip 11 N., Range
w., ijtn rnnclpnl Meridian, has
tiled notlco of Intention to mnko ilnnl
thrive year Proof, to ostubllsh claim
to the land nbovo described, beforo
the Register and Rocolver at Nroth
Platte, Nebraska, on tho 5th day of
October. 1015.
Claimant nntnes as witnesses: F. C.
Wheeler, of Blgnell, Nebr., William
Ilolderness, of North Platte, Nobr.,
Jcbbo Hlghborger, of North Platte,
Nebr., Harry Steveng, of Blgnell, Nebr.
alO-Gw J. E. EVANS, Register.
Xot u Hospital Jlut a Homo
Nurso Brown 3reinoiiul Hospital
100S West'4th St North Platte, Neb.
31 rs. Margaret Hull, Superintendent.
Miss Vela PIcKnrd, Urndunto Nurse.
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Physician and Surgeon
Rest for IIuinimilj'H Cure Orificlnl
Surgery with Ilonieopntlile MedU
clno for Acute und Chronic IHhciiso.
Welcome a
Good Cigar
And a good cigar means ono inado
at tho Schmalzried factory. Our rep
utation ns a maker o fgood cigars la
North Platto oxtonds back thirty years.
If wo did not mako good clgnra wo
would havo been forced to closo tho
factory yeara ago. If you havo not
been smoking Schraalzrlcd'a Cigars it
is not too luto to bogln.
J. F. Schmalaried