The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 31, 1915, Image 1

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No. 64
&JJ011I1 pattr &
Arthur McCnbo left Sunday for Omn
lia to attend school.
Miss Rene Jackson left Saturday
morning for Sidney.
Clarence McCabo returned Saturday
evening from Omaha, where ho spent
a week with relatives.
Mrs. A. Mcbane, ot cozad, wlio via-
Ited her son Charlos McLauc, returned
home yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. isaman returned to Aurora
Friday after visiting her mother, Mrs.
Lena Salisbury, for two weeks.
Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Elms and daugh
ter intend to leave for Lincoln In the
near future to make their home.
Miss Blanche Thornburg, who has
been visiting frionds in California,
for a month, will return homo I'ri-oning from Grand Island where she
day. I was the guest of relatives for a fort-
Miss Elizabeth RIggs returned tojnlsht.
Boulder Saturday morning after vis-, Mrs. Brooks Meadows entortalned a
Mug her brother N. W. Riggs for some fow frionds at a kensington yesterday
time. , afternoon complimentary to her guest,
Mrs. K. C. Baker and son Kenneth ma Charlotte Uhump of Omaha.
OBrlen, formerly of this city, visited
here the latter part of last week. Mrs.
Baker now resides at Atoka, Okla.
Deacon Henry Ives, of Ogalalla, held
sorvico at the Episcopal church Sun
day morning during the absence of
Dean Bowkor.
Word was received in town yester
day of the death of the twelve year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pick
ens, of Hershey.
Mason Jars 15c per dozen for pints
and 25c per dozen for quarts. These
are No. 1 Jars.
Mrs. David Rees and daughter Bu
ford, of Norfolk, who visited Mr. and
Mrs. Ell Kunkle for a week, while en
route home from Mariitovj, left at
noon yesterday.
See those 25 and 50c dress goods
at Wilcox Dept. Store.
On account of the fair the ladles'
aid society will meet on Friday of this
week Instead of Thursday, with Mrs.
C. J. McNamara, G21 west B street. A
good attendance is desired.
G. W. Evans, real estate dealer of,
Northport, spent yesterday in town
visiting his sister-in-law Mrs. E. A.
Garlichs and attending the county fair.
He left for Norfolk last evening.
Oscar S,chlpfer, of Slgourney, Iowa,
arrived last night and will be the guest
of 1iis old-time friend E.- F. Seeberger
while hero. Mr. Shipfer will devoto
his time largely to hunting chickens
and ducks.
Rev. Alfred Gllnian, of China, who
has been visiting rolat'ves In Last
Hampton for several weeks, camo Fri-f.,Trn,u"'e from Denver was delayed last, kensington. One hundred and twenty
iinv Mftnrnnnii tn sneiiil n. 'week ' with ' evening by a wreck at Crook wheroitive ladies ere entertained at the
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F
- 1
Hardware, Lumber, ('ruling and
Kindling n( Hershcj's, opposite Post
office, Fifth nnd Locust streets, rinTkic
!.-. n
Guessing at Glasses Is moro dan
gerous than guessing at almost .any
thing else in the world; If relief from
the errors of vision la to come through
tho wearing of glasses, it Is all Im
portant that those glasses shall bo ad
justed according to the measurements
of the most modern appliances. C. S.
CLINTON, Registered Optometrist.
flliO acres Improved ranch, close (o
town for sale or would dike good town
property as part pay, balance time. A
good place for stock.
Steel rake and hay sweep.
Lelnlnger, 1114 North Locust.
C. H.
1 ?mSS )
CllRTBS j Compact and
r.--r"9" 1 ! Comfortable
H . l c i ill .irriiiiQcd hnusf. The urade Mf
H 0 jiTi i -i- i entrance n the side gives ac- Ur
I 11 l
3' -, - rf, "NINWH M
I f ;J.nrr "rt li II room is a corner room, with
II pi
tl r-M. J
Miss Roglna Nolon left this morning
for Kearney to visit friends for a fow
Don Elliott loft this morning for
Lincoln whoro he will teach In the
Carl Brotlbeck has begun the erec
tion of a bungalow in the 1300 block
on west Fourth street.
Mrs. Georgo Grady and childron, of
c.rand Island, were here Sunday while
enrouto home from Denvor.
Furnished rooms for rent In modern
house. Mrs. M.
Third street.
V. Mitchell, 141 east
Mrs. M. Springer, of Kansas City,
came Saturday evening to visit her
uncle Thomas Cox for a week or long
er. Mrs. Albert Hurke returned last ev
All members of the Junior auxiliary
if Mm Flnltinnnnl rliitrih uMl mnnt nt
the home of Mrs. E. W. Cross, 520 east 1
Second street Friday at 2 p. m. for a1
picnic lunch
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Fair tonight and prob
ably Wednesday; warmer tonight.
Highest temperature yesterday 70, a
year ago 8S; lowest last night 52, a
year ago 59.
Mrs. Amanda Ilemmerltt, the moth-lmcnts were served.
nr nf olnvnn philrlrnn .Hail Rnrwlnv!
night at the age of llfty-ono years. The1"88 lyTlc, cntortnlnccl the
family lived hero for a titno in a tent!N- A- T-,clu,b, 1,rlda' nfternon. The
or shack on a vacant block of ground'
In Hip snnMi nnrt nf tmvn '
Dr. Brock, Dentist, has moved his
office to the Reynolds building, over
Rtniifi's Tinier Ktnrn. Rfttt
Many of the merchants on Dewey
street present Handsomely trimmed
winuows, several oi wnicn are mnue
up of farm produce. In the latter I
class tho most striking are The Star, i
ine nuu, aim tne iicuonaiu cioining
Htrvrn mill Tlorrvlinrrv .0- TOnrlma I
Mrs. C. F. Lucas, of Mt. Pulaski, who .
was the guest of her brother Albertrher cousin. Miss Acnes O'Neil. of Lin-
Muldoon, returned home yesterday j
morning, nor dougnter iMrs. Friah
who accompanied.her here will remain,
for a couple of months for the bene-1
lit of her health. I
JIave you ever worn a Prltnzeas ;
garment? They mean perfect satis- fiV0 hundred party Friday afternoon
faction. We have a beautiful assort-, and the following day entertained at
ment of new nifty fall styles. You bridge. The house was decorated with
can rest assured when wearing one of garden llowers and the refreshments
these, gamuts you are correctly dress- were very enjoyable. Yesterday after
' " E- T- TRAMP & SON. inoori Miss Murray was hostess at a
.,!.. . 1 . . I 1 1 ,, . i .... . M . i
I "push car loaded with rails. The head
engine was thrown completely off the
track, the second ongino turned over
and tho forward truck of tho baggage
car was damaged. No one was in
jured. Nathan Bergman, of Lincoln, is vis
iting his sister, Mrs. George Coates,
while enroute home from western cit
ies. Mr. Bergman has receiveed the ap
pointment as first alternate to West
Point military school through Senator
Hitchcock and is on Ills way to the
Columbia preparatory school. Ho was
one of two who were selected from a
class of twenty-eight.
We have a few good First .Mortgage
Real h'stnle Loans, netting 7 to S per
cent interest. In sums of S.'iOU nnd un
winds. Tin mortgages are nfiido on
consennthe basis and have good par -
ties and assets behind them. Nothing
safer for your idle money. See
'B'lWWWiirrv'iMi'ii'iiiHiiiiJiii'ii 'iitifnif Hum 1 1 n i j
This i'! a most conveniently
arranged houie. The grade
entrance n the side gives ac
cess to the basement, kitchen
and living room. The bath on
the second floor opens on a
hall and is easy of access from
all the bedrooms. Each bed
room is a corner room, with
two windows.
The dining room has a built
in sideboard, and there arc col
onnades in the opening to the
living room. In the rear there
is a nice screened porch.
Come in anil let ut show you the
Fccoml floor plan. Tlii house will
make you a comfortable, convenient
and distinctive home. Ask os to let
you sec Design CO I.
Tho Cathollr Girls' club will meet
Friday evening with MUa Gertrude
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Neville enter
tained nt a dancing party Friday ovon
iug in honor of their guest, Miss Miller
of Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brotzer enter
tained a number of friends Friday ev
ening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George
Bretzer of Syracuse, N. Y.
Mrs. James Guyman entertained a
coterie of friends and neighbors Sat
urday evening in honor of her guest
Mrs. Nay of Schuyler. A two course
lunch was served.
Miss Marie Von Goetz had as her
guests Friday afternoon, the Pan
Hellenic girls. Dainty refreshments
wore seerved and garden llowers used
In decorating the rooms.
A party of twenty chaperoned by
Mr and Mrs. Jack McGraw and Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Tiloy hold a picnic
west of town Friday evening and later
attended the dance at Hershey.
Miss Margaret Jones was hostess
1, ihc N- A- T- club Friday evening.
kuusib ib uiuuriuinu wu.i mm
games and served with a nice lunch.
Miss Gertrude Dill, of Chicago, was an
out-of-town guest.
;mts. H. ssi. urimes entertained a
number of ladles at a pretty party Fri
, day afternoon. A couple of hours
I were spent in kensington work nnd
social conversation. Delicious refresh
i"ullls l",,1U! wur" "ecunueu wuu
clusters of llowers and each guest was
. presented with a large boquet. Miss
Gertude Dill, of Chicago, was an out
of-town guest.
Dr. and Mrs. V. Lucas entertained a
number of friends at a picnic at Sioux
Lookout Saturday evening in honor of
w. Wesley La Violette, of Chicago,
and gave a muslcale last evening. The
gUe3t of honor was the pianist with
the Lowry-Moody Co.
Miss Florence Stack entertained at
cards vesterdav afternoon in linnnr nf
coin. The highest scores were made
by Mrs. Perry Carson, who received the
prize. A two course lunch was served,
out of town guest was Miss Lillian
Roberts, of Cheyenne.
MIes Laura Murray iravo a nlensant
i l. ' t ,
threo functions.
The Assembly club was entertained
Friday afternoon by Mrs. Frank Moore
and Mrs. Greeno, at the Moore home. A
verjv enjoyable afternoon was spent
in contests and prizes were won by
Mrs. Will Booth and IMrs. Walter Esh
elman. At the close a nice two course
luncheon was served. The club will
be entertained September 10 th by Mrs.
Harry Williams and Mrs. Dick Heaton
at tho Williams home, 218 south Ma
ple street.
Wheat Prices
The great rango in quality of the
1915 crop of Nebraska wheat is re
flected in the market prices at Oma
ha yesterday. The Bee's quotations
show several ears of No. II hard winter
wheat selling from $1.05 down to 99
i cents, while No
4 hard winter sold
1 all tho way -from 91 cents down to 70
i cents, tne quality or course ueiormin
ing the price. Here is a range of thir-
ty-fivo cents a bushel from the host No.
I! to the poorest No. 4.
It is probable that the range of qual
ity of wheat in Lincoln county will
class with the state at large, therefore
the farmers can reasonably expect
quite a variance In price.
We hae paid mil thousands of dol
lars In Hall, Lightning and Fire losst.
(his season. Honest losers can get
more of this money if insured with us
For Rent Fivo room cottage, mod
ern except heat. Inquire William Ma
loney, SOS enst Fifth.
To Follow The
SEPT. 5 TO OCT. 31.
Sond Your Subscription at onco for
The Omaha Daily Bee
Special Price of One
Dollar for Three Months
Daily and Sunday.
Yesterday was tho opening day of
the Lincoln county fair, a day in
which oxhlblts were entered and plac
ed. However, up to last cvenlug only
about half ot tho exhibit? had been
placed, but tho men wore nt work last
night, and by noon today the big hall
will be lllled with agricultural prod
ucts, fancy work, school work, tho
products of the thrifty housewife, and
tne booths of the local business men.
The building for the exhibits is the
one used for the Lowry-Moody revival
meetings and la excedlngly well
adapted as an exhibition hall. It is
well elctrlcally lighted, the displnv
tables are conveniently placed, and
on both sides are the booths.
Among Uiu booths that were cccu-ll-d
last evening were: W. W. Birge
Co.. Howe & Moloney, Davis Auto Co.,
North Platte Creamery, G. S. Huffman,
Gaston Music Co., Lloyd Powers,
Maxwell Auto .Agent, Block Ladles'
Furnishing Store, Smith the Apperaon
Auto Agent. Hendy-Ogler Co., Ford
and Dodge Cars, Derryhorry & Forbes
and the Coates Lumber & Coal Co. Oth
er booths will he fitted up today.
The big barn on the premises is used
for the display of horses. Last even
ing soveral of tho stalls were filled and
the exhibitors who will come In today
will fill every stall and then some,
for tlio display of live stock tills year
will be greater than over.
The hog pens are numerous nnd sev
eral exhibitors brought In thoir ani
mals yesterday. Threo pons of line
Chester Whites nttracted the atten
tion of visitors yesterday and there
were also several pens of the black
The red building on the grounds Is
used for the poultry nnd pet stock ex
hibit. Last evening tho display In this
line was line, Including thoroughbred
ciilikens, geese, ducks, rabbits, and
the very Interesting exhibit of pet
stock by Lee Simon.
Tho display of grains and grasses
prepared by Mr. Gilman Is really won
derful, made the more so by the ar
tistic manupr In which they are
This has not been a good season for
vegetables too cold and wot but tho
display promises to bo large, never
theless. However, wo shall miss those
eighty pound water molons usually
exhibited by Otto Mossmer and Jim
Bechan just now watrmelons are only
half grown.
Tho exhibit of school work Is very
large; so largo In fact that Coutny
Supt. Gautt cannot find room for all.
-The country schools nro exceedingly
well represented In this work.
Up to last evening tho fancy work de
partment made a good showing; but by
noon today, at which time tho entries
close, the display will be such aa to
lead one to believe that Lincoln coun
ty ladles devote much time to this
There is a liberal display of canned
goods, marmalode, Jelly, cakes, plea,
bread, and other articles along this
One of tho attractive exhibits is the
public park and fnlr ground scene
carried out In detail by C. C. Hunfer.
This Is some show of Itself, the grounds
representing tho several buildings, a
race track on which are toy horses and
riders, pens full of sheep, automobiles
in speeding contests, flower gardens,
living fountains, trees nnd shrubbery,
in fact all tho requirements und beau
ties of the community park which
The Tribune hopes the people of North
Platte will endorse by their votes on
tho 14th of Soptember. This scene by
Mr. Hupfer represents much time and
work, but public spirited follow that
he Is. lie gave both freely.
Tho ball diamond has been scraped
and bleachers erected for tho games
that will bo played today, Wednesday
and Thursday. At this point are alBO
located the aviation sheds, and from
there the big airships will ascend,
Tito grounds are well provided with
water both for visitors nnd stock, In
fact President Pielsticker and Secre
tary Sebastian have apparently left
nothing undone that would add lo the
pleasure or convonlonce of the visit
ors. In the grove aro several booths
where refreshments nre sold, and horo
also is located a big dance pavillion.
Other refreshment booths are loented
around the grounds.
No gambling in any form Is permlt
ed on the grounds. Several follows ap
plied for concessions of this nature but
were promptly turned down.
The Better Baby contest under the
suprvlslon of the Mothers' club is be
ing held In the former Dillon house,
east of the grounds, which has also
been fitted up as a rest room for the
mothers. Application blanks nro In
charge of Mrs. W. R. Malonoy. Exam
inations of the babies are being made
and their measurements taken by Drs.
ledflcld, Simms, ucas and other phy-
iicians, In a room set aside for this
purpose. Mouth examinations are
undo by Dr. Cressler. Mosdamcs Ld-
uind Dickey, J. B. Redfleld and O
!. Crossler are assisting In tho test
,om. Twenty babies wero examined
y. sterday morning and a greater niim
r during the afternoon.
We have a new shipment of Houbo
A'ons and convertnble house dresses
m;. Jo of tho best quality of dress glng
litims and precales. Perfect fitting
ga ments. It Is surely worth your
wh 'p to see them. All sizes, wo can
fit t!io stout woman too. ,
Houses, nice large unfurnished
rooms, storage room and safe deposit
Mrs. Paul Kelne, of Chicago, former
ly Miss Emily Ijrooks of this city, camo
last c-voulng to visit her motner, Mrs,
Formerly Je FasillOH SllOp 221
Pat East
T, t Always at Cut Price , c, ,
I heatre ' 6 btreet
Special For
Bon't forget to see our new Skirts
$6.50 Extra fine Dress Skirts $3.95
All Wool Dress
Remember we are showing a great assortment
of high grade of Ladies' Fall Suits at lowest prices
come in and compare our prices. Styles, Quality.
Having Completed a. full course in
I am prepared to answer any private calls for
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone Black 140 for
Appointments. 1 EMILY COATES.
All That Gliders is Aot (Sold
A town resident thought ho found n
gold mine yesterday when ho unearth
ed in tho south river a chunk of melt
ed brass weighing four or live pounds.
Thinking that tho metal might bo gold,
ho took it to the Dixon storo to bo
tested, but unfortunately for the finder
tho test proved it to bo brasB.
Hall (nine Thursday
One of the attractions on the fair
grounds Thursday alternoon will bo a
gamo of ball between tho Episcopal
team of tho church league and a team
of fnrmer boys living on the south side.
Bechnn, of Horshoy, will pitch for tho
south-alders, who aro said to 1)0 very
fair players.
Knlerlalnnienl at Hie Fair
Starting at nine o'clock this morn
ing, when tho North Platte Mlltary
Band gnve Its Initial concert, there will
be some amusement feature at tho fair
rounds every hour today, tomorrow
ml Thursday. At ten of clock v this
morning tho rough rldors put on their
exhibition, a number of ridors partici
pating. This artemoon at three tho
Boosters nnd tho Big Springs ball
tenniB will piny, and following tho
irnino will lie the nnnv nolo racoa and
several other races, tho day concluding
with a band concert at soven and gen
eral amusements.
Tomorrow at ten tho first noropluno
exhibition will bo inatlo, followed In
the afternoon by ball game, cowboy
polo races, band concert, and a second
flight by the aeroplane at f:30. Band
oncerta nnd other amusements have
beon provided for tho ovonlng.
Thursday the Gothenburg band will
be hero to assist tho local baud, and
both hands will take part In a parade
at ton. At cloven thero will bo an nor
oplano flight. In tho afternoon at two,
ex-Gov. Amnions, ot Colorado, will
speak on "Growers nnd Feeders," and
at three the Episcopal ball team will
play tho south sldo farmers' team. At
4:110 tho final acroplano exhibition will
be hold. Tho ovonlng will ho de
voted to a general Jubilee.
Cood girl for general housework.
Apply at 112 west Fourth si reel.
Mra. Arthur McMullen returned yes
terday afternoon from n visit In Porry
Iown, with relatives.
Miss Mao Buchnnau, of LaCrosse
Wis., Is making an extended visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott.
Miss Abblo McVlckor, of Lexington
returned homo last ovonlng after visit
This Week.
Just received about
300 Trimmed Hats, all
the leading Fall Shapes.
Regular price from $5
to $7.50. Our Cut
Skirts $2.95
Hand Concert at the County Fair
The North Platte Military band lins
been cngnged to furnish music for tho
Lincoln county fair August 31st, Sopt.
1st and 2nd, during the day and oven
ing sessions. Tho evening concerts will
bo a special feature. Director Earl
Stump has prepared tho following pro
grams: Program Tuesday evening, 7 p. m.
March Mado in the U. S. A. Santos.
Overturo Zampn Horold.
Molodio Wild Roao Bud Tobanc.
Characteristic Trombonlum,
Intermezzo LeSccretbGantlor.
Waltz Dream of Paradise Barnnrd.
March Tho Show Boy Hiff.
Program for Wednesday ovonlng, 7
p. in.
March The Carroltoniau Boehuloin.
Over'turo The Betrothal Bagloy.
IntonnezzoFlrst Heart Trobs Elt
Serenade LaPalomn Yraldler.
Novelty Operatic Ray Lenzbery.
Waltz Gold and Silver Lobar.
Mrach Pino Tree Stnte Hall.
Dr. Mario Amos returned yesterda
afternoon from a short stay in Kcar
Mlas Maud Rels, of Kearney, is ex
pectod horo today lo-toach In the loeni
Ten acros four blocks east and fou
blocks south of Elks Home, nin
acres In alfalfa, and lota of frui
trcos, apples In bonringlng, also oli.i
trees In lino condition. Inquire o.
Owen Jonoa. 03-2
To the Public
I dealro to announce that I havi
purchaacd tho haincas and saddlery
stock of tho lato firm of Forstcdt &
Sheedy, and am now moving my stock
to tho building occupied by that firm
tho consolidation of tho two stock
giving mo a superior and extensive
lino of goods. I also purchased the
book accounts of tho firm of Forstedt
& Sheedy. and all thoso indebted to
that firm will plenso call nnd settle
nt onco.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Oflice: Building nnd Loan Building
Phonei l Office 130
I honei Kegidence 115
Ing relatives horo for a fow days.