The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 27, 1915, Image 8

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Semi-Weekly Tribune
IltA L. HAKE, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mull In Ad
Ono Year by Cnrrlcr In Advance. .$1.50
Entered at Nortli I'lattc, Nebraska,
Postofllco as Second Class Matter.
F If I DAY, AFCU'ST i!7lh,
Clirlsllnn Selene Lecture
Clarenco W. Chndwlck, of Omnhn,
delivered n lecture on ChrliUlnix'ScIenco
last ovoning at the Christian church to
an audience of about ir0. Upon being
introduced by Judge Grimes, the lec
turer said In part:
Thoro Is perhaps one basic thought
upon which all rollglonlsts agree at tho
very outset, viz: Consciousness Is. Wo
all assent to tho fact that we are In a
conscious state of being or existence,
and that without such consciousness
wo would cease to exist. So far jio
good. But when wo attempt to call
this consciousness God, or good, we
Immediately plunge Into an abyss of
darknoss from which tho christian
world for centuries has been strug
gling to extrlcato Itself, that of ming
ling good and evil, calling ovll
good nnd good evil. The bunl
llstlc conception of conscious
man race. It Is evident then, that
from It humanity must escape If It
would pver reach what Is called
heaven. Hence Its need of a Saviour.
Heaven Is, always has been nnd nl
ways will bo not n locality, but a di
vine, harmonious stute of conscious
ness Into which no erroneous or evil
thought over entered or ever can en
ter. It therefore follows conclusively
thnt nil wrong thought must bo pur
ged from consciousness, nnd that our
heaven will be .found hero nnd now
Just to tho extent that we reject the
evil and lay hold of tho good.
God Is not revealed to humanity
through a good and ovll conscious
ness. Whoover Insists upon owning
such a "consciousness has not there
foro partaken of tho resurrection.
Tills fnct Is ono that should receive
more thoughtful consideration nt the
hands of all Christian people, for it
most vitally concerns the welfnro of
ijll humanity.
Thoro nro no peoplo on earth who
feel and oxpreBs moro genuine affec
tion for Jesus Christ than do Christian
Scientists. They not only bollevo
but they understand why lie Is to
them "tho resurrection and tho life."
They reverently acknowledge him ns
Saviour of the world, and they nro
striving to keep his comninndments
Ono of the very llrst things which
the Btudcnt of Christian Science docs
after gaining even a fnint glimpse of
tho truth of his being Is to give all
power to good and none to evil. The
door to tho kingdom of heaven Is
opened to him tho moment ho does
this. Then he wonders why he spent
so many years In believing In two
Mmm I
mini .
powers while calling one of
' Wherever tho Christ activity lias
i,o.i.n t n.,,1 nvnrou0i in i,iiwi,ii
,.nnH,.miHnnHH - l.nhnl.l .l l.nMnr mnn
or woman, ono who Is moro nractlcnl.1
moro honest, moro loving, moro sym-'
pathetic, moro generous, moro gonsld-
orate, more capable in overy respect.
DlHObedlcnco to God's law Is what re-
tards normal human progress, while
obcdlenco to It leads Immediately to a
present , participation In all that
mnkos for tho mental, moral and phy-
sienl uplift of humanity.
Mary liaker Eddy Is tho Discoverer
ami Founder of Christian Science, i fnmlllos while onrouto home from
Jler genuine npbllty of character, hor California.
Intensely religious nature, and horj Darrol Henley an d Miss Alice Hoag
unbounded lovo for God and humnn- ( lnnd entertained a numbor of their
ity, mado her ono of tho world great- young frlonds nt a dancing party at
est of modern rollglous Leaders and Masonic hall Inst evening.
Teachers. Chrlstinn Sclonco did not Mr8. P, H. Thompson entertained a
orlglnnto In Mrs. Lddy's human mind., number of Indies yestorday afternoon
It was tho Christ Idea of tho ononcss! , honor ot Mrs. Ri Lt Malmstein of
and allness of tllvlno mind that found , aunuison, Utah, formerly of this city,
expression In her purified mentality., T TI ,,,., , T,
Tho revelation ot .the spiritual Idea to . J L"1',
Mrs. Eddy's consciousness Is the' ; T; h;. Tlan"V ??M ?,5
greatest mental phenomenon that thf - ns "olegates to the
could over bo experienced by a human I K, , u 0,,e wulch mcots 1,1 0maUa
being. It Is "tho resurrection and tho m uclol)0r-
llfo" to nil who lovo God and keop! Lightning Btruck tho chimney on
His commandments. Chus. Echolberry's houso Wednesday
Tho Chrlstinn Scleneo text-book,' evening, and descending tho flue burst
"Sclonco nnd Health with Key to tho;l stvo door scnttorlng sout pro
Scrlptures," Is the natural and logical nilscuously. Tho damago wns slight,
outcome of Mrs. Eddy's unsolfed do- Wnnled (illrl for general hnuse
votlon and fidelity to the spiritual h.nrU, apply 112 YV'it Fourth St
lden. Roscbo Zlmmer, of Sidney, formerly
Tho Christ mothod of learning life of this city, spent yesterday In town
Is nindo plnln In ChrlBtlnn left for tho east last evening.
n is so sinip e ana practical t int
young niiii oni a no may reatiuy
anopi ii. r.vcry una act on our part
every loving tmcriuco ior tne goon ot
Car load to arrive about the 30th.
Alberta Freestone Peaches in bushel baskets.
Keifer Pears in bushel baskets.
Italian Prunes or blue plums in crates for canning.
This car of fruit comes direct from the grower, no
middle-man gets a crack at it. It will pay to wait
for this car, it is already pnrtly sold. Better get
your order in..
We make the price and will save you 25 per
cent on your fruit.
CUrtiS "1
rT' 1 1
ir?l mt"' . I
Illy " ' o'.v
(in, . fi- INIHrOOM
l-ll r,,0,II 1 J
a K '
others, means Just so much of death
loss Life for us hero and now. In
other words, the moro good we do and
eaibody tho more permanent becomes
our sense of Life.
Obosrvatlon and experience both
compel tho admission that tho most
successful and salutary Influence
known to tho world today Is
the practise of Christian Science. As
a prophylactic or preventive with
Iintl, nl.tMrn.i o,1 ,i,1Ha It
compeer. Ono Christina Sclonco sire01-
treatment has frequently cast otit the, Defectlvo vision produces Irritation
demon of Intemperance In Its very ; and nerveousness, and In this condl
worst form. It has also healed the tlon no person Is capable of giving
morphine, cocaine and other domor-: to business matters or to the ordinary
nilzing nanus. Christian Science rec
ognizes the healing of disease as al-
m fu tnrttilnntnl - 11m nnnminiiUirr nt
tho moral rauit under whatevor
guise It may appear.
It requires honesty, humility, com
passion, moral purify, ntid spiritual
understanding to give a treatment In
Christian Sclonce. Simple though tho
process Is, none but a Christian can
understand It or use it. It is be
yond the ken of human will power or
"mental suggestion" even to attempt
. i.. ah. i .. . r .. oi .
viiiiaiiuu outi'iicu uuuuui'iil.
Tronmont Is .not the Influence of one
humnn mind over another. It Is tho
activity Of the Word of God In human
;"nousnesi u, u
"West truest sense.
The Episcopal guild will hold
their annual fair and supper on Nov.
Walter Goehring, of Phihulolphln, Is
, vsltlng tho Hastings and Hoaglnnd
Mra, Kml Fredrlckson and Miss
Tll0o nan8pn, wUo wcro vistlng at
Oshkosh returned home Wednesday
rjraaggffiMwre n 'im mi mil mm m ,i
Compact anc
This is a mo3t conveniently
arranged house. The grade
entrance on the side gives ac
cess to the basement, kitchen
and living room. The bath on
the second lloor opens on a
hall and is easy of access from
all the bedrooms. Each bed
room js a corner room, with
two windows.
The dining room has a built
in sideboard, and there arc col
onnades in the opening to the
jiving room. In the rear there
is a nice screened porch.
Come In nnd let u show you tlie
trcoml floor plan. This house will
make yon a comfortable, convenient
tinil distinctive home. Ask as to let
you see Design 02l.
Mrs. George Kanough, of Grand
Island, returned home Inst evening af
ter a short visit here. Mrs. Kanough
was formerly Miss Francis Nichols of
this city.
D. V. Baker who recently bought
the Sheedy & Forstedt Harness Shop
at auction, sold ho name Tueday af
ternoon to M. C. Rodgors, who will
move from his present location In
Ati.. it.. 1 Mil ni..n.
affn'Irs of life, the attentions neces
sary to success.
Registered Optometrist.
Following Is tho menu to be served
at tho commercial dinner at tho
Christian church Monday Aug. 30th.
Roast pork and brown gravy, beef
loaf, escolloped potatoes with cheese,
sweet corn on cob, fried cabbage,
brown sweet potatoes, creamed to
matoes, apple sauce, corn bread, w'hlto
bread, cream banaua pie, leo tea and
Whereas at a regular meeting of the
City Council of North Platte, held
August 2nd, 1915, tho following mo
tlon was adopted. Moved that the
Council approve the following con
tract with tho North Platte Light &
Power Company nnd that the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to execute
same and that tho same be submitted
for the approval or disapproval of the
voters of the City of North Platte at a
special election to be held on Sep
tember 14th, 1915 for this purpose' and
In the manner provided by law.
Street Lighting Contract between
North Plutto Light and Power Com
pany and City of iNorth Platte.
This contract entored Into by and
between North Platte Light and Power
Company, a corporation, as the party
of tho first part, and City of North
Platte, in the County of Lincoln and
Stato of Nebraska, as party of the sec
ond part.
1, Tho party of the first part here
by agrees to furnish to tho party of
tho second pnrt, and the party ot the
second part hereby agrees to tako and
use, for tho purpose of lighting, the
streets, alleys and public places of the
party of the second part, and during
tho period of fvo years horelnbelow
iioscriueu, electric light supplied by
such number of overhead suspended
hooded Incandescent street lamps as
may bo required and from tlmo to
time ordered Installed by the party of
tho second part during said period, at
tho following rates and prices, which
the party of the second part hereby
agrees to pay to the party of tho first
part, and upon the following terms and
2. For sixty candlo power Incandes
cent lnmpa or their equivalent In can
dle power, each per annum ?21.00; for
eighty candle power lncnndoscont
lamps or their equivalent in candlo
power, each per annum J2H.75; for one
hundred power Incandescent lamps or
their equivalent In candle power, each
per annum ?2tJ.50. for two hundred and
fifty candle power Incandescent lamps
or their equivalent In candle powoT,
each per annum $5S.OO; for four hun
dred candle power lncandoscont lamps
or their equivalent In candle power,
each per annum $S2.50; for thirty-two
candle power Incandescent lnmps as
specified and provided for In Para
graph S, ?1S.00 per annum.
For arc lights or high candle power
Incandescent lamps used In place of
arc lights as specified and provided for
In Paragraph 3, $85.00 per annum.
Payhient shall bo 'made I ntwolvo
equal monthly Installments. Lnmi3
shall be lluhted from dusk until dawn
each night. All lamps and equipment
shall be furnished nnd maintained by
tho party of tho first part.
3. It is agreed by the partlos here
to that tho party of the first part will
promptly, after tho confirmation of
this contract by the afflrmatlvo vote of
tho electors ot North Platto, Nebraska,
proceed to install and equip a now
and modern qystem, Including wires,
LlceuNod Embnlniers
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black G83.
poles and accessories, for tho service
of such sixty, eighty, ono hundred,
I two hundred and fifty and four hun
' dred candle power Incandescent lamps
or their equivalent which tho second
l party may order Installed
under this contract. Tho work or in
stalling such new and modern system
for street lights as provided for above,
shall after commencement, be carried
, on dllllgently to completion.
Until the completion of said new nnd
I modern system, the street lights now
used by tho second party and supplied
by the first party, shall bo continued
In use nnd paid for at the schedule
named In Paragraph 2.
I 4. In the event of nny of said lamps
not burning during the tlmo required,
the party of the second part shall have
the right to deduct tho pro rata amount
, from the bill for each night such lamp
falls to supply light for more than two
consecutive nights, after receipt by
the party of tho first part of written
notice from the proper official of the
party of the second part that said lamp
Is not burning.
5. All street lamps provided for
herein shall bo placed at such points
within tho territorial limits of the par
ty of the second part as may be desig
nated by the mayor and city council
or authorized representative of the
party of tho second part; provided that
no lamp shall bo ordered installed at
a greater distance than seven hundred
feet from tho location of a then exist
ing street series lamp; and should
the party of the second part require
tho re-locatlon of any lamp after the
same has been located, then the party
of tho second part shall pay to the par
ty of tho first pnrt the acutal cost of
labor and material necessary In such
re-locntlon. t
C. The party of the second part
shall, In conformity with the law, sub
mit this contract for approval or dis
approval, to Its electors at a special
olectlon held September fourteenth,
1915. Should this contract by said
electors at such election be disapprov
ed, then no obigatlon hereunder shall
be upon either party hereto. But
should this contract by said electors
at such election be approved, then this
contract shall In each and all of Its
provisions take effect and be and con
tinue in full force for and during a
period of five years from and after the
first day of November, 1915: lt being
distinctly understood and agreed that
tho party of the first part shall have
a reasonable tlmo In which to supply
tho necessary equipment for the un
filing of Its obligations hereunder, and
that It will make every effort to supply
such equipment as speedily and soon
as practicable.
Edch and all of the rights, privi
leges and advantages lodged In Or pass
ing to the party of tho first part by
virtue hereof may by It be transferred
and assigned, but only upon the as
sumption by any grantee or assignee
of each and all of tho obligations of
tho party of tho first part thereunder,
In Testimony Whereof, North Platte
Light and Power Company has here
unto set its hand and attached Its cor
porate seal by Willis Todd, Us Vice
President, thereunto authorized, and
City of North Platte has hereunto set
Its hand by Its mayor, attested by Its
city cleric, all on this 3rd day of
August A. D. ,1915.
(Partjh of First Part)
Witness to Eignnture of Party of First
KA. (Party of Second Part)
Attest: Mayor,
City Clork.
Therefore notice Is horby given that
a special election will bo held In the
City of North Platte, Nebraska, on
Tuesday, September 14th, 1915, at the
places hereinafter specified In tho sev
eral wards of the city for the purpose
of submitting tho following proposl
tlon to the voters of said city: "Shall
tho Mayor nnd Clerk of said city bo
ompowered to enter Into a contract
with the North Platte Light & Power
Company a copy of which Is printed
above for tho purpose of stroct light
Tho polls of said election shall be
kept open between tho hours of
o clock A. M, anu 7 o clock r. M. on
said day and tho voting places therefor
In tho several wards shall bo as fol
lows to-wlt:
First Ward at tho entrance at the
Lloyd Opera House In said ward
Second Ward at tho Court Room at
the County Court House In said ward
Third Ward at tho old Hoso Houso
situated on Vine Street between Front
and Sixth streets in said ward.
Fourth Ward at old Hoso houso on
North Loeutt street In said ward.
Tho ballots for said election shall
have prlntod thereon:
For granting permission to the May
or and Clerl: of the City of North
Platte to entr Into a contract with said
company for tho purpose of streot
Against granting permission to tho
Mayor nnd Clerk of the said city
to enter Into said contract with tho
North Plntte Light and Power Com
Thoso voting In favor of granting
said permission shall mark their bal
lots with an "X" opposlto tho para
graph beginning, For granting salU
Thoso voting against granting of
said permission shall mark their bal
lots with nn "X" opposlto tho para
graph beginning against.
This notice shall bo published 30
days prior to said olectlon.
Signed this 9th day of August, A. D.
Attest: Mayor.
City Clork.
Notice Is horoby glvon, thnt on
Tuesday, tho 14th day of Soptembor,
1915, a special olectlon will bold in tho
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nobraska, at which said olectlon thoro
will be submitted to tho peoplo tho
Shall the Mayor and City Council,
of tho City ot North Platto, In tho
County ot Lincoln and Stato ot No-
braska, plcdgo the property and
credit of the City upon its negotiable
bonds to an amount not exceeding
316,000.00, to be used In paying tho
cost of paving the Intersections of
streots and spaces opposite alleys In
paving districts In said City, and, shall
tho Mayor and City Council of said
City of North Platte levy a tax annual
ly upon tho taxable nronorty of said
city in addition to all other taxes suf
ficient to pay the Interest on said bonds
nnd create a sinking fund, sufficient to
pay salu bonds when they become
duo at their maturity.
Said bonds to draw Interest nt a
rate not to .exceed Five (5) per cent
per annum, payable semi-annually
rrom their date until paid, and bo evi
denced by coupons to said bonds at
tached. Said bonds shall bo drawn
payable to bearer, duo twenty years
after date, but redeemable at the op
tion of the City ton years after date.
Said bonds to be Issued and bear
such date as tho Mayor and Council
may by resolution direct. Said bonds
and coupons to bo payable at tho of
fice of tho Stato Treasurer In the City
of Lincoln, Nebraska, and said bonds
shall be known nnd described as
'Paving Bonds of the City of North
Platte, Nebraska."
The ballots to be used at said elec
tion shall have written or printed
thereon the following:
For nuthorlzlng tho Mayor and
Council of the City or North Platte,
Nebraska, to borrow money and pledge
the property and credit of tho city, up
on Its negotiable bonds to an amount
not exceeding ?1G,000.00 to be used In
paying the cost of paving tho Inter
sections of streets and spaces oppo-
uto alleys In paving districts in said
city and for authorizing tho Mayor
and City Council to levy a tax an
nually upon the taxable property of
said City In addition to all other tares,
sufficient to pay the Interest on said
bonds and creating a sinking fund
sufficient to pay said bonds when they
become due at their maturity. Said
bonds to draw Interest at a rate not
to exceed five per cent per annum,
from their date until paid, which Inter
est shall be payable semi-annually and
bo evidenced by coupons to said bonds
attached. Said bonds to be drawn
payable to bearer, duo twenty years
after date, but redeemable at tho op
tlon of the City ten years after tho
(Into thereof. Said bonds to be issued
at such time and bearing such date as
the Mayor, and City Council by reso
lution may direct. Both bounds and
coupons to be payable at the office of
the State Treasurer In the City of Lin
coin, Nebraska.
tXgalnst authorizing the Mayor and
City Council of the City of North
Platte, Nebraska, to borrow money and
pledge the property nnd the credit of
the City upon its negotiable bonds to
an amount not exceeding $16,000.00 to
be used in paying tho cost of paving
the Intersections of streets and spaces
opposite alleys in paving districts of
said City, and agalmlt authorizing
the Mayor and city council to levy a
tax annaully upon the taxable proper
ty of said city In addition to all other
taxes, sufficient to pay the Interest on
said bonds and creating a sinking
fund sufficient to pay said bonds when
they become duo at their maturity.
Said bonds to draw Interest at a rate
not to exceed five per cent per annum,
from their date until pasd, which in
terest shall be payable ccmi-annu-nlly
and be evidenced by coupons to
said bonds attached. Said bonds to
be drawn payable to bearer, due twen
ty years after date, but redeemable at
tho option of the City ten years after
the date thereof. Said bonds to be
Issued at such time and bearing such
date as the Mayor and City Council
by resolution may direct. Both bonds
and coupons to be payable at the office
of the State Treasurer m tho C ty ot
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Those voting in favor of said prop
position will mark their ballots with a
cross In the square to the left of the
proposition beginning, "Yes, for auth
orizing tho Mayor and City Council of
tho City of North Platte, Nebraska to
borrow nioney and pledge the property
and credit of the City upon Its nego-
tlabe bonds," etc.
Those voting against said proposi
tion shall mark their ballot with a
cross In the square to tho left of the
proposition beginning, "No, against
authorizing, tho Mayor and City Coun
cil of the City of North Platte, Nebras
ka, to borrow money and pledge the
property and credit of the City upon
Its negotlnblo bonds to an amount not
to exceed $16,000.00."
Tho polls at such special election
shal be kept open during the hours of
9 A. M. to 7 P. M. of said day and the
voting places for said election shall be
as follows:
First Ward at the Lloyd Opera
Second Ward In the Commissioners
room at the Court Houso of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, In said Second
Third Ward at tho old hose house
situated on Vine Street between Sixth
Streot and Front Streot.
Fourth Ward at tho old hose house
situated on North Locust Stroot.
By order of tho Mayor and City
Council of said City of North Platto.
Dated this 4th dny of August. 1915.
City Clerk.
Notico Is horoby given tl'at on tho
14th du of September, 191.". A special
election will bo held In tho City of
North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, at which tho following proposition
will be submitted to the voters of said
St All the Mayor and City Council of
tho City of North Platte. In the Coun
ty of Lincoln, in tho stato of Nobrus
ka, Issue Twelvo Thousand 00.100
($12,000.00) dollars -City of North
Platte Park Bonds' In denominations
of Two Thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00)
Dollars each, bearing Interest at the
rato of five per cent per annum, pay
ablo annually, tho Interest and prln
clpnl payable at tho office of the Stato
Treasurer of tho Stato of Nobraska?
Said bonds to benr date of Octo
bor 1. 1915. and tho Interest on said
bonds, to bo payablo on the 1st day
of Octobor, 1916, and on the first
day of Octobor (jf each and overy
year thereafter, until all of tho interest
on sold bonus snail navo ueen paiu.
Said bonds to bo numbored consecu
tively from ono to six Inclusive, and
tho lutorcst thereon to be evidenced
by coupons thereto attached.
Bond numbor one to become duo and
payable on the 1st day of October,
Bond number two to become duo and
payable on the 1st day of October,
Bond number three to become duo
and payable on the 1st dny of Octo
ber, 1922.
Bond numbor four to become duo
and payable on tho 1st day of Octo
ber, 1923.
Bond numbor five to become due and
pnyable on the 1st day of October,
Bond number six to become duo and''
payable on the 1st day of October,
Shall the Mayor and City Council of
tho City of North Platte, in the Coun
ty of Lincoln, in tho State of Nebraska,
levy a tax In tho year 1915, and In each
and every year thereafter sufficient
to pay tho interest on said bonds; and
In the year 1919 and In each and every
year thereafter sufficient to 'pay tho
principal of said bonds n3 they become
due, until sufficient tax has been levied
to pay all of tho principal on said
bonds; nnd such tax both for princi
pal and interest to bo levied upon all
of the taxablo property In said City
of North Plattc
Said bonds to be used for tho pur
pose of raising money to purchase
from William AV. Blrgc, Trustee, and
hold In tho name of the City of North
Platte, in the County of Lincoln, In tho
State of Nebraska, tho following land,
lot and parcel of ground, lying adja
cent to said City of North Platte, to
wlt: All that part of tho southeast
quarter (SE) of section twenty
eight (28) in township fourteen (14)
north, of rango thirty (30) west of tho
6th P. M. lying south of the North
Platte river, and east of tho main road
running north along said tract, which
road is an extension of Locust street
in said City, to be used and Improved
for parks and parkways.
The ballots to be used at said elec
tion shall havo printed thereon:
For Issuing of Twelve thousand
00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City of
North Platte Park Bonds," In denom
inations of Two thousand 00.100
($2,000.00) Dollars, each, bearing Inter
est at the rate of five per cent per an
num, payable annually, interest and
principal payable at the office of tho
State Treasurer of the State of Ne
braska, said bonds to bear date of
October 1st, 1915, and tho Interest
on said bonds shall be payable on the
1st day of October, 1916, and on the
first da- of October of each and ev
ery year thereafter until all of tho In
terest on said bonds shall havo been
paid; to levy a tax In the year 1915,
and each and every year thereafter
sufllclent to pay tho interest on said
bonds, and In the year 1919 and In ench
and every year thereafter sufficient
to pay the principal of said bonds as
they become due, until sufllclent tax
has been levied to pay all of the prin
cipal on said bonds; such tax both for
Interestand principal to bo levied up
on all of the taxable property In said
City of North Platte.
Against issuing of Twelve thousand
00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City of
North Platte Park Bonds," in denom
inations of Two thousand 00.100
($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing inter
est at the rate of five per cent per an
num, payable annually, Interest and
principal payable at tho office of the
State Trensurer of the State of Ne
braska, said bonds to bear date of
October 1st, 1915, and the interest
on said bonds shall be payable on tho
1st day of October, 1916, and on the
1st day of October of each and ev
ery year thereafter until all of the In
terest on said bonds shall havo been
paid; to levy a tax In the year 1915,
and each and every year thereafter
sufllclent to pay the interest on said
bonds, and in the year 1919 and In each
and overy year thereafter sufficient
to pay the principal of said bonds as
they become due, until sufficient tax
has been levied to pay all of tho prin
cipal on said bonds; such tax both for
Interest and principal to be levied up
on, all of the taxable property In said
City of North Platte.
Those voting in favor of said
proposition shall mark their bal
lots with an -X after the paragraph
beginning with the word "FOR"; and
those voting against said proposition
shall mark their ballot with an X af
ter the paragraph beginning with tho
word "AGAINST".
Said election will be open
at 9 o'clock In the morning and
will continue to be open until 7
o'clock In tho afternoon of said day of
election. The polling places of said
election will be at the entrance of the
old Lloyd Opera Houso on the corner
of Pino and and Sixth streets, In tho
first ward of said City; and at the
County Commissioners' room In tho
Court House In tho second
ward of said City; and at tho old hoso
houso, situate on Vine street betwoen
Front and Sixth streots in tho third
ward of said City; and nt tho hose
house in the fourth ward of said City;
sam election win be conducted in
manner nnd form as provided by tho
ordinances of said City, und tho; Stat
utes of tho Stato of Nebraska.
By order of tho Mayor and' City
Council of tho City of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Dated this 4th day of August, 1915.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
Probate Notice lo Creditors.
In the County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In tho matter of tho Estate of Wil
liam Hlghberger, Deceased.
Notice is hereby glvon that the cred
itors of the deceased will meet tho
Administrator of said ostato boforo
me, County Judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court room
In said county, on tho 24th day of
September, 1915, and on tho 24th day
of March, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. in. each
day for the purpose of presenting their
claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance. Six months are al
lowed for creditors to present their
clalns and ono year for tho adminis
trator to settle said estato from the
24th day of September, 1915. This
notice will be published In tho North
Plattto Tribune, a semi-weekly news
por, for four..'.coka. successively. prior
to the 24tH day of September, 1915.
Witness my hand and seal of said
court this 18th day of August, 1915.
A24-4 County Judgo.