The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 27, 1915, Image 1

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8k JtoHlt Bhtti em
tMv Wxbum
No. 63
Joseph Jossui) returned Wednesday
evening from a short business visit
in Keystone.
Dr. Mario Ames left yesterday af
ternoon for Kearney to visit friends
for a few days. ,
Miss Elizabeth Illnma nhas accept
ed a position as book-kooper In the
Dixon Jowelry store.
Miss Mabel Breternltz will return
tomorrow from Sidney where she vis
ited her aunt for aweek.
Miss Elsie Roten returned to Max
well yesterday afternoon after a short
visit with town friends.
Mrs. Trout, of Mayflower, spent a
few days hero with friends while en
routo to Grand Island.
We can lit any lady In House
Dresses. Sizes up to G3. Look 'em
over. The Fashion Shop.
Ernest Howes Is suffering with a
sprained anklo which he sustained In
a fall the llrst of this week.
Logan Marcott of Brady, spent a
few days here with friends this week
and returned home yesterday.
Mrs. W. V. lloagland left yester
day aftemon for Elm Creek to in
spect the Rebokah lodge there.
The. exterior of the John Bonner
liomo on west Fifth street Is being
improved by a new stucco covering
Chester Baker, of Omaha, arrrived
hero yesterday to visit with his bro
ther Dick Baker for a week or more
Mrss. R. G. Chittenden returned to
Kearney yesterday afternoon. While
hero slie was the guest of Mrs. .F
Mrs. Wilson Tout and children,
who spent the summer at Colorado
Springs, returned home yesterday af
ternoon. Mrs. J. McCance, who spent the
past month visiting relatives in Salt
Lake City, returned home the first of
the week.
Miss Ida Hatfield, of Hastings, is
expected here this week to visit her
friend, Miss Grace Ogier for a week
or longer.
County Supt. Alleen Gantt spenl
yesterday in Brady and while there
delivered an address at a large Sun
day school picnic- - "fc. .,-
Wm. Heyso returned home Wed
nesday from an extende d visit n
Huntsvllle, Utah, with his daughter,
Mrs. Dan Downs.
Miss Ida Carroll has accepted a
position as stenographer in .the.,office
of District Clerk Prosser and will
begin work September 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Robinson of
LaVerne, la., who spent a couple of
weeks visiting their son O. R. Robin
son, returned homo yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Bowen, of Grand
Island, who had been visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Yost for several days,
left for homo yesterday afternoon.
E. T. Tramp and Miss Conway
havo just returned from eastern mar
kets where they have been for some
time past buying new fall merchan
dise. Our line of the Printzess garments
are arriving dally, one of the most
beautiful lines of Suits and Coats we
have ever had the pleasure of showing
to our customers. You can always
rely on these garments being right in
every respect. Spend a pleasant
half hour in our suit department
Kollli Theatre, Wednesday, Sept 1.
Whero Cowboy Is King.
Showing the Pendleton, Oregon,
Frontier Day. Broncho riding, ropo
throwing, etc. Excitement and action
reign supreme.
Afternoon and evening, 10 and inc.
Presbyterian Church
The Rev. George F. McDougall of
Brdgoport, Nebr., will occupy the pul
pit of the Presbyterian church next
Sunday Aug. 29th, morning and even
ing. Let all members and friends of
the church be present at the services.
Social Functions Today
Mrs. C. M. Reynolds will entertain
at a dinner party this- evening In
fnvor of Mr. Miller and daughter who
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. K.
Miss Mario VonGoetz will be hostess
nt a meeting of the Pan-Hellenic
Compllmnctary to, Miss Hilda Koes
tor, a dinner party will bo given this
evening by Mrs. J. J. Halligan.
Miss Ethel McVey has returned from
an extended visit in Colorado with
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Neville are
enjoying a visit from E. G. Clark, of
Baltimore, who arrived this morning.
Wanted Competent girl for general
housework. Modern house and small
family. W. II. McDonald, care of Mc
Donald State bank.
At the K. P. hall tomorrow after
noon the L. O. T. M. will initiate
a large class of candidates. Visitors
from other hives will be in attendance.
The Eldeen club .were entertained
with music and kensington work at
tho home of Charles Eaton Wed
nesday afternoon. The refreshments
were nicely served.
Mrs. George Finn returned yester
day morning from Denver where she
attended the wedding of a niece.
Mrs. Arthur Artz left yesterday af
ternoon for Denver to spend a week
with friends.
Miss Erma Huffman entertained at
bridge yesterday afternoon in favor
of Miss Gertrude Dill of Chicago.
Four tables were used in the game
and a very enjoyable afternoon was
Mrs. John Mang went, to Chicago
tho fore part of the week to visit
relatives for some time. t
. IrlrsT rJaiTnValerius-lUft 'a few.' (lays
ago for Detrlot to visit relatives fpr
several weeks. .
J, of Lincoln" is visiting
tlnsweTk1 with ClfSrles Temple. Mr.-
Piper ;IS' the' inspector of the North
;Gentral Building & Loan Co., and is
investigating loans here in which sev
eral thousand dollars are Involved.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bell, of the
Birdwood country, left last night for
a visit with relatives In Mornlngside,
Alberta, Can. - Whilo there they will
attend the golden weddng of Mr
Bell's parents. They wll be absent a
A vory little strain on the tender
delicate, nervo structure of the eye
soon exhausts the surplus nervous en
ergy of the human system. Seventy
five percent of all eye trouble may be
removed by optometry.
Registered Optometrist
Attorney A. W. Wolfonberger, of
Lincoln, visited at tho McDonald
bank yesterday while enroute to
Tryon on business. Upon his return
trip he will spend several days hero.
Mr. Wolfenberger was a candidate for
governor on tho Prohibition Ticket a
few years ago.
Fire Kilters at County Fair
One of the features of tho Lincoln
County Fair Aug. 30-31 And Sept. 1-2
will be the Fire Eating Demonstration
by Mr. Pyreno the greatest performer
In his profession known to the world
Could you stand calmly by and sec
a girl, with clothing saturated In gas
oline, burn before your very eyes, or
sit itnmoved In your thoatro box while
flames flooded tho stage and lapped
the. dranerlca of tho cdlllnir? Yet
hundreds of people have, with perfect
composure, witnessed such spectacles
under the controllng hand of Mr.
We cordially Invite you to see him
perform. Ho is only fourteen Inches
high, OVfc Inches around the Waist and
weighs about 5 pounds. Call and
take him home with you. Ho will
be a friend In need when your lire
starts In your car and enjoy that de
duction of 15 per cent per annum
on your insurance premium. Figure
It out yourself, fifteen per cent a year
while you are a car owner plus SE
At the Blrge Booth by the door.
Will Prospect for Oil
A lady who' lives on Medicine creek
In Frontier county just over tho Lin
coln county lino, was In town Tuesday
and said that parties are leasing
land along the creek with a view of
prospecting for oil. This lady says
that the ground along the edge of
tho crook seems strongly Imprcgatcd
with oil, that If you dig down a few
inches, water fills the hole and after
a few minutes a light skim of oil
covers tho water.
Medicine creek flows through the
south part of this county but as yet
no leases havo been made on Lincoln
county land. Tho leases in Frontier
county are being made for one year.
with tho privilege of an extension of
tho leases.
The fact that tho leases are being
made Is creating considerable excite
mnt In that section, and already the
residents are planning to do certain
tilings when they "strlko lie" on
their lands.
.Mr Iliirtiiinu Breaks Limb
Mrs. Sanford Hartnian is confined
to her room with a fracture of the
right leg above the knee. The Oc
cident oaccurrd Wednesday evening
while Mrs. Hartnian was walking
homo from prayer meeting. The
night was dark, with a storm threat
enlng, and as she reached the Dolson
corner on Sixth iitroet she- eYthor
'stepped tjff the curb or the crosswalk,
just 'vincii sue is noi curium, aim icu
into tho rather deep ditch. In the
fall the fracture was sustained, arid
when found she wns lying on her back
sufferng with great pain. Rev. and
Mrs. Oram were walking a short dis
tance behind, summoned help and
convoyed Mrs. Hartnian home. Inside
of an hour the physicians had reduced
tho fracture.
Regular Skinned Ham MiJSc the
pound ; nail iiiini ic me poiiuu.
Do It now . .Phone 2(!
Lace or
All the NEWEST and
LATEST creations in
FALL Footwear. For
the whole Family.
Our Price
Why Pay SS and $4.
Harry's Shoe Shop
First Door South Keith Theatre.
L'piscopal Team Wins
The ball team of the Episcopal
church defeated the Catholic team
Tuesday afternoon by the score of
eight to four In a game that aroused
great enthusiasm in the crowd of 400
spectators. In winning this game
the Episcopal team secured the
church league penant and closed the
season with a percentage of 1000, not
having lost a game. Tuesday s game
was not of the sand lot variety, it
was a real exhibition of ball playing.
a game in which every player showed
ginger, and while tliero were some
errors, they were shaded by tho bril
liant plays. Altogether lit was a
gamo that every spectator enjoyed
and every spectator rooted for one
team or the other and rooted with
all the enthusiasm In him. Tho
mound artists wero Guy Swope and
Jack Stack, and each dhl exceedingly
It Is now proposed topick -an all
star team from members of the
church league, send them up against
tho Boosters, cliargo an admission and
donate the receipts to the associated
charities. This is a good scheme--push
It along.
To the Ladies' attending the Lincoln County Fair. This Store Extends
a Most Hearty Welcome! We are glad to have you with us and we want you to
visit our store often? Make this Store your headquarters, come in and moke
yourself at home, plan to meet your friends at our Ladies1 Rest Room, and let
us repeat it's a pleasure to welcome you to North Platte. Come and see us.
You'll be given a hearty Welcome.
Special Low Prices During Fair Week
On all of our Fall, 1915,
NEW DRESSES New Furnishings
Hundreds of new Fall Garments are now shown at our strfre, and scores
of new Garments are arriving daily. Dozens of new Fall garments are sold
daily on account of the enourmo selection of the most stylish and beautiful
garments to be had are to be found here at POPULAR PRICES, we have doubled
our business in the last two weeks over a year ago at this t'me, you know the
Because, We Have The Goods!
v - : . i
The Balance of our Summer Garments Coats. Dresses and Skirts must
be disposed of at anyrold Price.
Yours, for better values and courteous treatment at ail times.
Ladies" Outfitting Store
The Home of the Fashion Girl. North Platte, Neb
lCIllo Club Scores
Tho following scores wero mndo by
members of the Rifle Club Wednesday
morning; fifty counting a perfect
300 yards K. M. Sturvovant 35, B.
C. Davis 30. Paul Gantt 23, Herbert
Borgstrom 38, Chas. Temple 28, T. J.
Kerr 39, W. J. Tley 27, L. B. Rob
inson 42, John Brooks 40, Ray Wel
born 35, S. M. Soudcr 24, G. D.
Jackson, Sidney, 39.
500 yards G. D. Jackson 41, Ray
Welborn 2C, John Brooks 35, L. B.
Robinson 18, Chas. Temple 18, B. C.
Davis 32, Herbert Bergstrom 29, K.
M. Sturvctant 30, Paul Gantt 19.
GOO yards Herbert Borgstrom 14,
B. C. Davis 20, Ray Welborn 3C, G.
D. Jackson 33.
Mrs. Jake Mang loft yesterday for
Salt Lake and other western points
to spend a fortnight.
Mrs. L. P. JepSen loft Tuesday
evening for Denver where she will ro
nialn for a couple of weeks with
A. J. Davis and son, of Woldon,
la., who wero guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Daniel, left yesterday after
noon for Julesburg.
M. Wesloy LaVJolette, pianist with
tho Lowry-Moody Evangelist party
spent several days hero this week vis
iting the Starr and 'Other families
while enrouto from California to Chl
cagoto open a music, school. .
Ray Tlglio will leave for Lewellen
Monday to spend a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Llston, of
Dickens, nro visiting this week with
local friends. v
Mrs. Georgo E. Stearns left Tues
day for a throe weeks, visit In Eric,
Pennsylvania with rolatlvcs.
Mis3 Edith Krles, of Kearnoy, who
had been tho guest of Mr. and Mra.
T, E. Toole loft for home Wednesday
Attornoy W. V. Hoagland will
leave today for Silver Creek where ho
has been niuestod to deliver an ad-dross.
Mrs. Willerton and two daughters
of Curtis, camo yesterday to' visit tho
former's son Grover Willerton and
wife for a week or longor.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lanhoni, of
Stronisburg arrrived hero Wednesday
evening to visit their daughter Mrs.
Lemuel Toole for a couple of weeks.
Wo are in position to furnish compatont nuraei for physicians, on
short no tic.
Call Phono 82 and state whethar you want graduate or domestic nune
w will compute uu the arrungamenti tor you wimoui cnarge.
For the careful hneslor, who wants
lo place hk Jille money where it illl
be snfc mid earn 7 to H per cent soini
an mini interest, not iuxuhlc, buy sonic
of our First .Mortgage Real .Eslnlc
Loan1.. They arc the best. Sec
The ball gaims scheduled for the
homo grounds nre: Stapleton next
Sundn ; Willow Island Tuesdny; Big
Springs Wednesday and Rlverdab'
Sunday and Monday, Sept. 5 und 0.
At Eustls yostprday the North Plan
and Willow Island ball teams battled
through thirteen innings with a score
of four to four, whon the gamo wax
called on account of darkness. In tin
ninth inning Bright stole In from third
to home, tielng the score.
Weather forecast: Partly cloudy to
night and Saturday, warmer tomor
row. Highest temporaturo yester
day 74. a year ago 70; lowest last
night 59, a year ago 53.
Mrs. J. G. Horseman, of Denver,
came last evening to visit her son,
A. L. Espeyl and fnm'lly for two
Mrs. Reeso and daughter of Nor
folk, arrived hero last evening from
Denver to visit her nophew Eli Kim
klo und family while enroute cast.
Prank Dlstel und sister Mrs. Chas.
Burroughs left tills morning for Kear
ney and Arnold to visit friends.
Mrs, W. H. McDonald and Janet
aro expected homo next week from
their visit In California.
McDonald State Bank,
or North l'lalto. Nob , Clinrtur No. 017
iiicorixjraiud. In tlio htatu of Nubraska,
ut Hit) closo of Imsiiiuhs Auk,
Jutli. liur..
Loans and discounts .
Ilonils, .securities, judir-
iiionts. claims, un. ..
IIiuiUIiih liousu, fund-
turu and llxturos
Oilier real 38tutu
Duo from nutn'l, and
stnto banks friS,071.:C
Checks and Items of
clianifo 1.H18.25
Hold coin 4.2r.M)
silvor. iiK'Icul.s and cunts. n.-JH.W
ffr..42 so
120 as
Capital stock paid In....
surplus fund
Undivided prollts nut-..
Individual doposlts sub
ject to chuck 107,678.70
lumaud certificates of
deposit 2.2IS.M
Tlmo certificates of du-
iosit 125,020.72'
Cfrtlfllcd ahdcU &O0.UO
Iiii to natu'l and statu
hanks 29,501.00
Noius and bills ro-dls-Depositors'
f 150,420. 15
325,751.7 1
3,8 61
Total 1150.420,15
Statu of Nnhraska, County of Lincoln, ss.
I, W. II, McDonald, Caslilur of tliu above
named bank, do liurutty swear that tin
aliovustatomont Is a corruct and truo copy ct
llio report uiaoti to tnuMato llunmiic Hoard
V, II. McDonald. Caslilur.
Attest; Chas. McDonald, 1)1 rue tor.
.1, II. McDonald, Director.
Uuhscrlbed and sworn to buforo mo this ZCtli
day of Autr. 1015.
C. F. Strausi, Notary I'ubltc
Keith Theatre
Saturday, August 28.
William Elliott in 5 part feature
"Woman and Wine, or the Model.''
10c and 15c.