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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1915)
KEITH THEATRE Thursday, August 26th, CUT AND COUNTY NEWS "Quo Vadis" The Stupendous Photo Drama in eight ports. First Show Starts at 7:00. Second show 9:00. 10c and 25c. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Attorney M. B. Crosby transacted business In Tryon yesterday. White Russian Soap ?3.00 a box at R.. N. Lamb's. 'Mrs. Ray Chalk left Saturday after noon for Denver to spend a couple of weeks. B. T. Tramp has returned from Chicago, where he transacted business for a week. " Misses Mabel, Lula and Grace Burke spent Sunday with friends in Gothenburg. Rev. Claire of Wood River, con ducted services at the Presbyterian church Sunday. George Walsh returned Saturday afternoon, from Bridgeport where he spent several weeks. -Miss Helen Lambert left yesterday morning for Oshkosh to visit relatives for a week or longer. Misses Clara Rodgers and Matie Paulson spent Sunday as the guest of friends In Ogalalla. Miss Nora Jeffers resumed work at the Telegraph office yesterday after a vacation of six weeks. John Costello of Sidney, visited lo cal friends Friday afternoon while en route to Kearney by auto; York Hinman and son Junior Hin man left Saturday evening for Hast ings to spend several days. Mrs. Walter Ross returned SaturT day evening and nre guests of Mr.' and Salt Lake City and Ogden. B. F. Roblson, linotype operator In Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lute of Pax ton, came down Sunday morning to visit Attorney and Mrs. Albert Mul doon . John Bratt has returned from Den ver where he transacted business and visited his daughter, Mrs. Charles Hendy. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tiley returned Saturday evening from nn auto trip to DesMoines, which was very en joyable. Mrs. X. M. RaGinussen, of Minden, arrived here a few days ago to spend a fortnight with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Porter. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Porter ,of Hold rege, are visiting with the former's brother Harry Porter and family for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nel3on and son of Stromsburg arrived here Sun day evening and are guests of Mr. nad Mrs. R. E. Anderson. Mrs. G. Leavitt and daughter came a few days ago from Salem, Wfe.. :to visit for a month at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Leavitt., John Irvine resigned his position as machinist In the round house last week, and left for Aberdeen, Scotland to make an extended visit. Mrs. Freeman Millet came down from Sedgwick Sunday 'evening to spend; a fortnight with her parents', Mr .and Mrs. D. M. Tatum. Mr. and Mrs. Pi'T; Van Cleave of Callaway arrived here Saturday after nbon to visit with Mr. and Mrs. P L. Van Cleave for two weeks. Ralph Starkey and Henry Rebhau sen wno nau ueen attending me Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Evans are spend ing a couple of weeks In Denver with ' friends A special term of tho district court to henr equity cases will convene Aug ust 30th. Adnm Christ went to Paxton Satur day morning to spend a week with his brother. I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hansen return i od Saturday from Denver where they visited for a week. Arthur Stlllwell. of Iowa City. Iowa, Is being entertained at tWh'ome of his aunt, Mrs. H. E. Welsh. J. D. Utendorfer, of the City National Hank of Omaha, spent the--week-end Istting F. C. Pllstlcker. Editor Kelly and Thomas Green re- turui'd Saturdny from Wyoming where ' t'uy spent a week Ashing. Joseph Herrod, of Columbus, spent the latter part of last week visiting at tho home of his brother John Her-, rod. Mrs. Harry Samelson and children havo returned from Hannn, Wyo., where they spent a month with rela tives. Mrs. Nellie Hallett, of Lincoln, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Starr, having arrived tho latter part of last week. Mrs. James Dorram and daughter Zella went to Cozad Saturday after noon to visit tho former s mother Mrs. Kinnant. : 4 Mrs. Robert Mason, of Aurora, 111., who has boon visiting Mr. and Mrs.i M. Mason for two weeks, will re turn home today. i Mrs. Elizabeth Craigle and daughter! Mary will leave uext week for Call- frnia where they will visit relatives for several weeks. The Tribune office, left Sunday for a vatlonal Handicap Shoot at Chicago visit with relatives in Laramie. returned home Sunday morning. ' AT.natpr Francis Louden returned I m iur, mm ima. j. ui iuic, ui j. ino- Saturday evening from Laramie where b returned home Saturday even he visited relatives for a week. , after -spending two weeks with Miss Cre Diener returned Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hoagland. evening rrom ties Aioines wnere sue clmrles Calhoun left Sunday morn visited relatives for two weeks. Miss Hazel Feeney, of Kearney, who was a guest at the Nolan home, re turned home Saturday morning. Lois Porter returned Saturday evening from Minden where she visit ed her grandmother for some time. $1200 will buy" the property at 315 So. Dewey St. If taken soon. Address the owner, W. II. Barton, Maywood, Neb. . ' Mrs. C. E. Souser and three daugh ters left Saturday evening for Ster ling, 111., to spend a -month with relatives. ror Rent. Fivo room cottage, city water, elec tric lights and sewer. $15 per month. Inqulro of T. SImant. 303 south Chest nut street. 57tf ing for Los Angeles where he will visit relatives for several weeks. Mrs Calhoun has been there for a month past. Misses Eunice and Jessie Babbitt returned Saturday evening from pleasant visit in California, during which they attended tho Panama ex position. Mr .and Mrs. Frank Bretzer and their guests Mr. and Mrs. George Bret zer, of Syracuse, N. Y., returned Friday evening from Denver where i they spent a week. Don't 'think you need glasses' be cause some friend has told you so. If your eyes are in such condition that you aro telling friends about tnem they need the immediate attention of a competent optometrist. C. . CLIN TON, Registered Optometrist. 'JF JE iL 3 iEi &5 Car load, to arrive about the 30th. Alberta Freestone Peaches in bushel baskets. Keifer Pears in bushel baskets. Italian Prunes or blue plums in crates for canning. This car of fruit comes direct from the grower, no middle-man gets a crack at it. It will pay to wait for this car, it is already partly sold. Better get your order in. We make the price and will save you 25 per cent on your fruit. ' R. N. LAMB Final Clean Up of ummer We will offer Saturday and until closed out all of our White and Colored Summer Dresses in two lots LOT 1 Consists of Dresses sold up to 3.50, all new and snappy styles, choice LOT 2 All Dresses that sold from $5 to $7.50, some colored bul mostly while, nicely made in new styles, choice Wilcox Department Store. Buys K. C. Property. C. O. Welngnnd has purchased tho. tt - t 1 .. i. o.....lnI t..i.i. i" . 1. 1 MVS'. IliU I V LiitWSUU kJUUU(l) IMUKIllH UI U1UIIIUU ll 1111 U1U mornjng for Grand Island where Mr. corner of Fourth and Locust streets Laws6n has opened a shoe storo and for a consideration of $5,500. It Is where they will reside. I Mr. Welngnnd's Intention to occupy it no o rnafilnnnn onrlv nnvt anrllifr wlinll Miss Anna McLano returned to her , " - r ' "n N home in Cozad Snturday afternoon af ter a visit of several weeks with her brother Charles McLane. Mrs. Waxham, of Cheyenne, who for ! ho takes tho management of tho now Hotel McCabe, thus obviating tho ne cessslty of his family occupying rooms at tho hotel. Tho slto Is considered . an excellent business slto and some Harry ilng may bo erected. i merly lived here, came a few days ago j time in tho future a business build to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Moore for a month or more. Miss. Minerva Harrington, of Den-! Photographs of Country Scenes veri'la7 spending a couple of weeks as' secretary Tempie, 01 tne cnamuer the guest of her cousins, Misses Cath-, of Commerce, has a fine display of during the trips recently made In the erino and Evangeline Herrod Miss Mildred Raymond, of Kirks country, on which he wns accompan- ville, Mo., who had been the guest of:le(i by Messrs. Plelsticker, Sebastian ner aunt, .Mrs. james i-eomiru, ien 1U)(1 Gilmnn. Cuts will be made of Saturday morning for Kearney. I B0I1)0 o( tiiese photographs and they onev to Loan ON FARMS AND RANCHES Lowest Ratcn and Best Terms. Plenty of Money on hand to Close Louns Promptly. Buchanan & Patterson Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lawhead ex pect to leave tho latter part of this week for Zanesville and Cleveland, Ohio, to ;spend a month with relatives. For Rent Crackerjack rooms, mod ern, close in. Black oo. ui-a Scott Reynolds has been appointed by tho governor as delegate to the National Good Roads convention at Oakland, Cal., beginning September 10th. Miss Ida Ottenstein, who has been spending tho summer In California, will' return shortly and resumo her class in piano at the beginning of the school year. will be published In. the county papers and perhaps Incorporated in a book. It is the purposo of these gentlemen to visit the east part of the county Rillo Club, has been completed, the federal govrnmcnt has furnished tho club with twenty-six long-range guns, and 1200 rounds of ammunition, and tho first try-outs on tho range were mado Saturday and Sunday. Whilo tho local club has 125 members, only a dozen or more havo tried their skill on thn ranee, which Is located south Mrs. "William Barrier and children of the exnerimental farm. Sunday liift at noon Saturday for Lexington 1 seven men shot at tho 200 and 300 where they wllf'res'lde In tho future. 'yard targets and tho following scores Mr, Harrier recently purchased a bak- were mado out of a possible nrty: ..36 Notice (o Non-llesldent Defendants. Filw.'iril R. Jeter nnil William A. Mc- thts week and take a number of views. Cutehen, defendants will tako notice " that on tho Oth day of August, 1915, . Shooting at tho RHIe Range. , Clara S. Padgett, plaintiff herein, filed Tho range for tho North Platte Rifle a petition In tho District Court of club, which is a mmber of the National i Lincoln County, Nebraska, against ery In that city A. Holzmark, of Gothenburg, spent the latter part of last week here buy ing Llncgjn county land, and lntqnds to become a resident of the county in tho ner future. Frances Flynn, who had been spend ing tho summer with the home folks, returned to Palo Alta, Cal., Satur day morning to take up his work In the Stanford university. 300 yd 9 Juleus Hoga... J. C. Askwig 40 E. A. Garrison 38 M. J. Forbes 31 Charles Cornwell 30 C. F. Temple 29 John Oestrich 34 Tho members of tho club aro taking much interest in tho organization, and it is probable that shooting squads will be on tho rango nearly every 30 32 25 27 27 13 Ike Stebblns, the meat market man,!'1" has purchased tho Mrs. B. L. Rob inson house at G21 west Second street, paying therefore $2,800. The sale was made through C. F. Temple. A. L. Carlisle, a retired ranchman of Peru, came Saturday evening to spend a conple of weeks or longer with his daughter, Mrs, Burr B. Lloyd, at her home southwest of this city. In- Tlic JIutnl Building & Loan Associa tion Is prepared to Issuo a limited amount of Its Full Paid Stock. First co mo first served. This stock Is Is sued In any amount from $100.00 to $:,0()0.00 and pays semi-annual dhl (lends at rate of six per cent. Migratory Bird Law to be Unforced, i September, 1915 The U. S Dept of Agriculture has1 said defendants et al, tho object and prayer of which aro to quiet plain tiff's title to the Northeast Quarter (NEVi) of Section Twenty-one. (21), Township Ten (10) N. of Rango Thir-ty-threo (33) West of tho 6th P. M, In Lincoln CoUnty, Nebraska, and es pecially for a decree adjudging fraud ulent and void a certain deed from ono S. R. Razco to S. H. Stahr, and a cer tain deed from S. II. Stahr to W. M. Jones, and n certain deed from W. M. Jones to Edward E. Jeter, and a cor tnln deed from Clara S. Padgett, sin gle, to S. R. Razee, all of which deeds pretended to convey tho nbovo des cribed real estate, and also . decree ing fraudulent and void a certain mortgago from W. M. Jones for $1000.00 to S. II. Stahr, and a pretend ed assignment of said mortgago from S. H. Stahr to William A. McCutchen, which mortgage pretended to convoy a Hen on tho abovo described real es tate, and also to declnre fraudulent and void a certain decree rendered In , tho case of William A. McCutchen vs. Edwnrd E. Jeter, rendered In tho Dis trict Court of Lincoln County, Nebras ka, which decreo protended to fore close tho nbovo described mortgago, and also damages In tho mini of $100.00 for general equitable relief. , You aro required to nnswer this said petition on or beforo the 20tu day oi affairs of the Corporation shall bo conducted by a president, vlco-presl-dent, secretary and treasurer. Dated this 1st day of August, 1915. JOHN S. SIMMS, GEORGE B. DENT, JOSIAII B. REDFIELD, VORIIEES LUCAS. TI rnn. PllnlnllA.l . X'Ul IVClIt I' III 1I1BUVU 1 UU1U9 . Ill i Inmin.) II.. 1 ... , , . . nnirn 414 west Third street 1MUl;u 11 uucuuu jeuur rumuvu quire 4n west lniru street. t0 the ,n,Kratory blnl lnWi a copy of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ilutscll and chil-lwhlch has been handed The Tribune dren, of Aurora, who aro enroute tolby John C. Den. This circular In al0-4w CLARA S. PADGETT, Plaintiff. western points by auto, spent the week-end with their nelces Miss Maud Miller and Mrs. Charles Thornburg. County Commissioner Springer will part says: With tho approach of tho open sea son for shooting wild fowl, the United States Dept. of Agriculture Is wurn- X0TICI3 FOR PUBLICATION Department of (lie Interior Serial N'o. O.MllS U. S. Land Offco at North Platte, Neb., August 5, 1915. Notce is hereby given that Syril II. i.Mia nf Vnrfli Plnttf Vnlimfdm. who. leave September 2d for a visit at his! '"p. Portsmon that tho Federal regu i- on NoV(;mbor 21 1911 nin(lo Homestead old home in Philadelphia. This Is a 'n1t11,"s. "?1a",on!,.eil 0c obo. h 10" Entry No. 05318, for EVfc and Eft of trip ho makes every two or three years, i auuiu -, w Sections, Township 11 N., uango He Iwill bo absent about three weeks. ' t erHtandlngr has arisen from tho 2 W., 6th Principal Meridian, has i tact that tho various stato laws do not ,u,i h,.a nt intonHon to mako final Rapid progress is being made In ex- always conform to the federal regula- n,Pnn Venr Proof to establish claim vnlhirr 1 1 ImoAiiiAni frf tlm 1. 1, 1 ni.J I- -.1 .l ....rnM... JCIU . ,, , . - to tuo land nnovo iiubuhuuu, uiuiu Notice to Contractors You aro hcrby notflicd thnt sealed bids will bo received by tho Director, Leonard Laubnor, of School District No. 33 In Lincoln County, Nobrcaka, at tho office or Beolor & Crosby, In North Platto, Nebraska, up until 1 o'clock p. m. of tho 11th day of September, 1915, for tho erection and completion of a four room brick and ro-enforced concrcto school house at O'Fallon, Lincoln county, Nebraska. 'Such bids must bo accompanied by cortlfled chock in tho sum of Ono Hun dred fifty 00.100 ($150.00) Dollars, payablo to Henry Fulk, Trcasuror of School District No. 33 In Lincoln County, Nebrusku, which will bo for feited If tho person to whom tho con tract is awarded, fails to obiter Into tho Contract. Tho School Board reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Plnns and specifications may bo ex amined nt tho offlco of Bort M. Roy nolds, Architect, North Platto, Ne braska. Bids will bo opened nt tho offlco qf Bcclor & Crosby, North Platto, Ne braska, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day LEONARD LAUBNER, al3-4w Director. Xot n Hospital, Hut a .Hoiii Nurso Brown Memorial Hospital 1008 West 4th St., North Platto, Neb, Mrs. Margaret Hall, Superintendent, Miss Vela LMckard, Graduate Nurse. Dr. J. S. Twlncin, new tlons regurded as unfortu- . ror mis wont w. u. , nnio nut in sucn cases ino department i, iniutnv nmi Hncoivor at Nrotli s the contract and over 1,000, must Insist upon the observance of the ni.t vr.i.riioif,, nn tho Cth dav of s of earth will bo removed, federal regulations. I nptnber 1915 Murphy, formerly of this city, I , ,T,no, 0I',r ,8ear!on ,for, nilBrntory Claimant names as witnesses: F. C. .1.' ilium in ivio in .win i, in wiutu Avlipolnr. or UIKlieil. iei)r NVlllliiiu I I PHONE 67. cavating the basement Hotel McCabe Waldo ha cubic yard John visited with his sister, Mrs. Jotter Qulnn tho latter part of last week whilo enrouto from Cheyenne to Kan sas City, where he has accepted a po sition in tho machine shops. SPECIAL SALE Every Saturday, also the 15 16, 17 and 18th days of each month, will bo potato days at tho North Side barn. Phono No. 29 for prices. I will savo you money. 57tf JULIUS MOGENSEN. braska Is a part, is as follows Water '.fowl Sept. 1st, Dec. 10th. Ralls, Coots and Galllnules, Sept. 1st, Dec. 1st. , Shoro birds blnck breasted and guidon plover, Jacksnlpo and yellow; logs, Sept. Dec. 16th. Insectivorous birds protected Indefi nitely. Upland plg i'ons, cranes, swans, curlews, smnller .-horo birds and wood-ducks protected until Sept. 1, 1918. Tloldorness. of North Platte, JNonr., Jesso Wghborgor, of North Platto, Nebr., Harry Stevens, of Dlgnoll, Nebr, alO-Ow J. E. EVANS, Register. Sanitary CITY HOSPITAL 607 LOCUST STREET NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 Newly Furnished Fireproof This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment of Surg ical, Medical and Obstetrical cases. A Strictly modern Hospital for tho convenience of the physlans If North IMatte and country tributary thereto. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned, havo formed a cornoratlon under tho name of "Tho North Platto General Hospital," with Its principal placo of business In North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho gon oral naturo of Its business Is tho own Ing, operating, nad maintaining of a general hospital, tho leasing, nurchns ing and maintaining of such buildings and real estato as may bo necessary for that purposo, tho amount of tho capital stock Is Ono Thousand 00.100 ($1,000.00) Dollars, Six Hundred 00.100 ($600.00) Dollars, of which has boon paid in cash, balance to bo paid as tho Board of Directors may desig nato, and tho tlmo of tho commence ment of said business is tho 1st day of August, 1915. and shall contlnuo for a period of twenty yoars. Tho high est amount of indebtedness to which tho Corporation shall subject itsolf at any tlmo is tho sum of Six Hundred sixty-six 60.100 ($060.06) Dollars. Tho, Physician nnlSurgQQU Rest for IIuinniiity'H Cure Orlllclnl Surgery with Homeopathic Medi cine for Acute and Chronic Disease. OIIlco phone 241; Rea. phono 217 L. C. DROS'f, Osteopathic Physlclnn. 1 North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. john s. soors, ar. p., Thyslclaii and burgeon Oihco B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phono, Otllce, 83; Residence 38. II. II. LAND Git AE Painter, Paperhanger and Decorator Phone Black 570. Hospital Phono Black 633. Houso Phono Black 633. Y. T. PMTCHAItl), Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., oao-half block southwest of tho Court Hous(