The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 20, 1915, Image 3

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Varied Designs in Dance Frocks
Assures Further Federal Intrust In
State Irrigation May Mean
20-Year Extension Plan."
Whon ono watches the dancors at
the dinner or club dance It is hard to
decido upon the most attractlvo gown
or to pronounce Judgment that will
not straightway bo contradicted.
Dan co frocks are so varied In design
that this variety adds a plcasuro to
those already falling to the lot of tho
But certain of tho styles possess
unusual fascination. Among them the
gowns made of lace or net flounce?
over underskirts of silk never fail of
In nearly all dancing gowns tho
waist lino is high, tho bodico very
simple, and tho arms uncovered.
But not all tho pretty frocks aro
Blcovolcss. A flowered chiffon, made
with a flaring skirt, is worn with a
taffeta bodico having. a square neck
and elbow sleeves. Theso aro finished
with wide laco frills. Tho bodico
ends cross at tho front In surplice
fashion and fasten at the sides under
rosettes. Tho bodice is extended Into
a point at tho front, reaching below
tho waist line, and needs no girdle to
bo worn with It
Points aro not to bo lost sight of
in any of this season's apparel. An
other effective dress has a plain
bodico of lace with long sleeves ter
New Breakfast
Usually boudoir caps aro fascinating
flttlo headdresses made of laco ifnd
trimmed with ribbon or other llttlo
coquetries of decoration. Hero aro
some of tho new ones made of ribbons
and trimmed with other ribbons or
with laco. This reversal of the usual
order of things has resulted In caps
that havo lost nothing in beauty. They
havo Just one advantage over tho
laco caps they cover up certain llttlo
sins of omission In tho matter of hair
dressing. Thus they ingratlato them
selves with tho fair wearer who hesi
tates in choosing betweon tho cap of
ribbon and tho cap of lace.
All tho light colors In satin mos
salino and other lightweight, high-luster
ribbons aro used to mako theso
lovely accessories of dress, but Just
now rose pink and pale yellow are hav
ing a remarkable vogue. Some people
can't wear either of them, and many
deBlgnB aro mado up In light blue, a
few in holiotropo and in cream white
and an occasional oiie in pale green.
Almost overyono can wear certain
ehades or tints of bluo, and people
who have never experimented with
yellow may discover its becoming
ncsB. A wldo roso-plnk ribbon Is used for
tho cap at tho right. It is shaped to
tho head by means of shirred pin
tucks. The first row Is run in about
minating in small points over the
hand. Tho laco Is repeuted in tho
skirt in a pointed yoko, to which a
flounco of muslin Is set. Following
tho outlines of tho yoko this flounce
forms a point at tho back and front.
Two similar flounces below it aro sot
on to a foundation skirt, and they also
form a point at back and front. Tho
fourth flounco is set to tho bottom of
tho underskirt, which is cut with a
decided flare. Tho flounces emphaslzo
tho skirt's flare, and thin materials
like organdie look wonderfully pretty
mado In this way.
A good and slmplo model for a
dance frock is shown in tho picture
It is made of messallne satin and ad
Justed to the waist with shlrrings over
cable cord. Tho bodico is of chiffon
and velvet. Nothing looks as well
with tho dance frock as a laco pottl
coat as fluffy and dainty as it Is pos
sible to make it.
Attractive Dress.
Make the' bodico of your crepo do
chlno dress of flowered design and tho
skirt of the plain, then trim the bot
tom of tho skirt with the flowered ma
terlal and you will have a most at
tractive, dress.
Caps of Ribbon
two inches from tho edge to form the
ruffle about the face. At a distance
of less than an Inch a group of three
is run in and a second group of foui
(the last row on tho edgo of tho rib
bon) draws It up to form tho crown.
This cap Is trimmed with narrow
black velvet ribbon, which in turn is
ornamented with tiny ribbon (lowers,
sowed flat to Its surface.
Tho cap at 'tho left Is a familiar de
sign of laco and ribbon. It is made In
palo yellow with creani-coldred laco.
Over tho bow at tho front a cluster
of minlaturo apples, made of ribbon,
in yellow, coral pink and light blue,
takes the place of tho usual llttlo flow
ers, with strikingly good and original
Silk Suits.
There aro many women who, when
appearing upon tho street In tho day
time, must havo a coat suit In order
to feel well dressed. Of course, tho
cloth Bult Is too warm when tho ther
mometer soars high, so a substltuto
must bo provided. It Jb for this reason
that tho silk suits havo been launched
forth so profusely. Shantung, pongeo
and faille aro the favored materials for
these suits, and In somo cases the Bilk
Is combined with cloth not enough to
add warmth, but Just sufficient to
make a novel and stunning buIL
Old Soldiers' and Settler' re
union, Mlnatarc, August 26-29.
Conference of United Evangel
ist Churches of Nebraska, Omaha,
August 26-30.
Nebraska Stale Fair, Lincoln,
September 6 to 11.
National Farmers' Union elev
enth annual convention, Lincoln,
Sept. 6.
National convention of Letter
Carriers, Omaha, September 5
to 10.
Omaha's Merchants' Market
week, August 31 to Sept. 4.
Bohemian Catholic Turners' state
tournament, Plattsmouth, Sept. 3
to 6.
Convention of State Federation
of Labor, Omaha, Sept. 14.
State prohibition convention,
Lincoln, Sept. 29 and 30.
National Farmers' Congress
Omaha, Sept. 28 to Oct. 1.
Scottsbluff. Tho farmers' irriga
tion district by a vote of 22C to 18
adopted a contract for one-flfth ca
pacity of tho big canal to bo used by
the government for watering 20,000
acres north of Bridgeport. Tho canal
has ample capacity, and the districts'
approval of this contract, assures
further federal Interest in Nebraska
irrigation with the probable adoption
of a placo for taking over tho works
of the farmers' district and giving
tho farmers thereunder a scheme of
pnyments similar to twenty-year ex
tension plan undor tho government
Shells for the Allies.
Lincoln. Seventy-five centimeter
shells are likely to bo mado and sent
out of this city to tho allies within a
short time. A plen to tho Lincoln
Commercial club from big eastern
holders of munitions contracts has
not been mado in vain, for ono Lin
coln firm has written that It. .will help
out If satisfactory arrangements enn
be made. Pending tho completion of
the affair tho nnme is being withheld
by the Commorclnl club authorities.
Alfalfa Mill to Reopen.
Albion. The Albion alfalfa mill is
to reopen, after having been closed
down for a couple of years. Tho mill
was erected a few years ago by a
company of alfalfa raisers in this
community and for a couplo or three
years did considerable business, but
Anally closed. A few days ago tho
mlil was sold at public auction and
bought by D. J. Gates of this city,
who expects to havo tho mill ready
for operation by fall. Mr. Gates is
a largo land owner and raises a great
amount of alfalfa.
Non-Political Picnic.
Hastings. Plans for a state polit
ical picnic to bo conducted on a non
partisan basis aro under considera
tion here. Tho proposal has been
endorsed by the democratic and re
publican county chairmen and by all
chairmen who havo been heard from.
Court Order Against Road.
Hastings. At a special mooting of
tho council recently tho Union Pacific
was ordered to ccaso building a fenco
on its right-of-way to keep pedes
trians from crossing tho tracks oppo
site tho depot. It Is expected that lit
igation will result
New War Device.
Lincoln. Two Lincoln men havo
Invented an nppaartus to prevent
ships from being torpedoed and al
ready the naval board has taken up
tho matter with them in order to sro
what can bo done with tho Invention.
Pricks Pimple; dies Next Day.
Auburn. Miss Alberta Mutz, a
prominent young woman of this sec
tion, pricked n pimple on her chin
with a pin. Sho hecamo unconscious
a few ours later and died of blood
Eighty Bushels of Oats to Acre.
Cambridge. .Too Brown, living
three miles southeast of town, thresh
ed a field of oats that mad? eighty
bushels totho acre. HIb wheat made
twonty-ninb bushels to tho ncro.
Tragedy Near Holdrege.
Holdregci Vincent Wlnk'cmeyci
of New York City was Killed and
Fred R. Collum of Kansas. o'.y and
E It. Leo of Lincoln wore woundei)
Jn a box car hold-up on tho Bur.lng
ton freight No. 70, between this citj
and Funk. Iho men wcro hnrvestei
hands. Nino wero in tho car when
two hold-up men entered at Holdreg!
and when a short dlstanco out de
manded their savings of tho work-
men. Winklomoycr offerol resistance
and was Bhot four times with fin nu
tomatlc pistol.
Prof. B. K. Shepard of Tufts collego and tho small wlroloss machine with
steers an automobllo, fires n cannon, blows horns, rings bolls and does many
ground wire.
Vlow of the camp at Plattsburgh, N. Y whero hundreds of buslnoss men from overy state In tho Union nro
receiving military training. Among tho recruits nro many men of groat prominence and wealth. All undergo tho
strict training and dlscipllno of tho regular nrmy. At tho right is tho commander of tho camp, Capt. Halstcad
Doroy, aid to Gen. Leonard Wood.
TIiIb is tho gunboat Paclfluuo, the
This pollco department of Now York has a now Blgnal corps that Is bolng
thoroughly trained. At prcsont tho men wigwag their communications from
tho chimneys of Btatlons and the roofs of high buildings, but later a wiroleBB
system will bo Installed.
ontlro navy of Haiti, which Admiral
which ho oporatos a sovon-foot boat
othor things. Tho machlno has no
Caporton "captured" at Port-au-Prlncn.
Olllccr on tho American battleship
Utah operating tho rango finder dur
ing maneuvers.
Getting Down to Essentials.
"As a matter of professional con
Hdonco," said tho lawyer, "aro you,
"What's tho ubo of wasting tlmo on,
a minor consideration llko that?" re-'
Joined tho up-to-duto prisoner. "How
do you think I measure up for Insanity?"