Semi-Weekly Tribune
IRA L. HAKE, Editor nml Publisher.
North rinttc City Schools
The following Is tho assignment ot
teachers for 1916-1916:
Administration Wilson TouA. city
superintendent; Julia Mansfield, pen
manship supervisor.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES! . central ngn ocnooi 1 . in. euu.
One Year by JInll In AdTnncc... 81.25 imush, pnncipn ; u. i. r lovers, v b
Ono Year by Cnrrlcr In Advnnco..$l0 Icnl sclcncos; Lucretla Davis, sionog
. . ....- rnphy; Agnes Hutchinson, Latin j Erl-
ka Bonckomner. uerman; u. J. uron-
Entered at North I'latte, Nebraska,
Postofllco as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY. Al'CUJST !0, 101.'
netnan, commercial anil scionce; is
thor Bailey, mathomatlcs; Grace Hoi-
man, lilstory and biology; Saille Brown
Jefferson School Sylvia Watts.
principal; Maud Rocs, seventh room;
Ellon Anderson, sixth room; Sarah
Monlcal, fifth room; Edith Malm,
Normal school fund, .85 mills; Stato
aid bridge fund .10 mills; total G.SO
County Levy Goncral fund 7.50
mills; rood fund, 3.70 mills; bridge
fund, 3.00 mills; special emergency
bridge .70 mills; soldiers' relief fund,
.KMnllis; total 15.00 mills. '
Special Levies Road district No.
46, 5.00 mills; road district No. 30,
5.00 mills.
Precinct Levies Horshey bridge
bond and interest 1.00 mill; Bost-
vvlck bridge bond and Interest 1.00
mill: HIrdvvood brlgo bond and Inter
est, 2.00 mills; Platte bridge bond and
interest, 1.00 mill; South Platte bridge
bond and interest, 2. 00 mills.
North Platte Levy General fund,
4.00 mills; library fund, 1.50
mills; park fund, l.Ou mill; lighting
fund, 3.60 mills; fire protection fund,
5.00 mills; municipal highway fund,
A ProgrcNshe Town
Tho Tribune man spent a few hours
In Sidney the oary part of this week fourth room: Mrs. Adda Turnio. third
anu noicu uie gau ni wnicn mm. town room: Thoa Hansen, second room;
tins ueon going ror a couple oi years uuby Manuel, Hrst room
past. It wns his first visit thoro for WnshliiL'ton School Laura Murray.
several yenrs and he was surprised at tirlnnlnnl: Florence Antonldes.-eighth 2.00 mills: water bonds and Interest,
the municipal Improvements. Tho room; Blnnche Hunter, sovonth room; 5.00 mills; sewor bonds and Interest,
cut-stono court house Is a beauty and naZcl Wheeler, sixth room; Stolla 1.60 mills; bridge bnds and Interest,
tlio lawn surrounding It. Is In perfect Auhle. fifth room: Ada Toole, fourth .75 mills: nark bnds und interost, .75
sluipo and enhanced In nptearanco by room; Isabello Stafford, third room; mills; Paving bnds and interest, 1.00
largo uuub oi iiowora wnicn arc ueau- Maude Warrington, second room; Cleo mill; sewer maintenance, real estate
uiui. a nigu scnooi riunuing oi Daniels. Ilrst room. only, 2.50 mills; total as.ou muis.
stone Ih In tho rourse of construction, Lincoln School Emma Smith, nrln- Village of Maxwell general fund.
una wncn compictcu win be tnc most cp,u. n0S8iO craiidall, . Ighth room;
Imposing building of its class In west- isai,0l Dornn, sovonth room; Marjorle
em Nebraska. Tho town has also lot rvnH. hIxMi mom: Anna Farroll. fifth
tho contract for a very fine city hall room: Mao Hill, fourth room; Noll
that will cost $18,000 or $20,000 com- Hnrtmnn, third room; Ella I31ako, sec
jnuiu. uiu town iubu huh ii uriiugiu mi room: Ethel McVev. rst room
library, in addition to tlicso county linkup School Cntlierinn Johnson
nnu city nuiioings, iur. .Mcintoau is on.iini
erecting u $10,000 building that will
bo used exclusively for bank pur
Itonliiiiii.Kiiox Wedding
A simple and Impressive wedding
Tho nsseesed valuation. of Cheyonno took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
county Is loss than two-thirds tho vol- John Knox Wednesday evening when
uutlan of Lincoln county, while tho ns- their daughter, Miss Vivian, was mar
sesscd value of Sidney is nbout half rled to Harley . Bonhnm.
tho valuo of North Platto, yot tho peo- Tho coremony was performed at
plo of tho county did not hesitate to eight-thirty In tho presoncc of forty
vote bonds for tho splendid court houso seven relatives and friends. Rev. 11,
and tho neon lo of the town did not con- A. Cram was the off elating clergy
sldor thoy wore burdening themselves man and Burma Bonhnm played the
wiui taxation wncn incy voted bonus wedding march .
15 00 mills; light bonds and Interest,
0.00 mills; light maintenance fund,
5.00 mills; total 20.00 mills.
Village of Wallace General fund,
10.00 mills; lighting fund, 5.00 mills;
total 15.00 mills.
Village of Horshey General fund,
10 mills; street lighting fuiul, 5 mills;
lire protection fund, 20 mills; interest
on light bonds. 5 mills; interest on
water bonds, 10 mills; total 50 mills.
Village of Sutherland Gorteral fund
15 mills.
Vlllncn of Rradv General fund. 10
mills; light bonds, 5 mills; HghTblilld-
ing, 2.50 mills; total 17.00 mills.
polos and accessories, for tho service prodlt of Uio City upon its negotiable
of such sixty, eighty, ono hundred, bonds to an amount not exceeding
two hundred and fifty and four hun- 316,000.00, to be used lh paying tho
dred candle power Incandescent lamps cost of paving the intersections of
or their enuivnlcnt which tho second streets and spaces opposite alleys In
party may order Instilled paving districts In said City, and, shall
under this contract. Tho work of In- tho Mayor and City Council of said
stalling such new and modern system City of North Platte lovy a tax annual
for street lights as provided for above, U' upon tho taxable property of said
shall aftor commencement, be carried city in addition to all other taxes suf
on dllllgently to completions flclent to pay tho Interest on said bonds
Until tho completion of said now and and create n sinking fund, sufficient to
modern system, tho street lights now pay snld bonds when they becomo
used by the second party and sunnlled o at their maturity,
by tho first party, shall bo continued aam. "onus to uraw interest at n
in use and paid for at the schedule rate not to exceed Flvo (5) per cent
named in Paragraph 2. P?r annum, payable semi-annually
4. In the event of nnv of snlil lnmns from their date until paid, and be cvi-
ndt burning during the. time required, deuced by coupons to said bonds at-
the party of the second part shall have mcneu. uonus snan no drawn
the rlclit tn deiliif-t tho tirn rntn nmrinnt payable to bearer, duo twenty years
from the bill for each night such lamp after Jate- b"t redeemable at the op
inio to supply light for more than two "u" "l l"u
consecutive nlghVsV nftor receipt by Saia Vomls to bo Issued nnd bear
the nnrtv nf tlm first nnrt nf wrltton SUCll date OS the Mayor Ulld Council
nntlnn from tho nrnnxr nfflHnl nf tlm by resolution direct. Said bonds
party of the second part that said lamp anU c"pon to bo Pa'ahlc at the of
Is not burning. "co of tno Sta'o Treasurer In tho City
'to build tho high school building and
the city hull.
Wo rofer to Sidney's progrosslve
ness as a comparison to North Plntto's
Tho bride wore a beautiful white I
messallno gown with lace trimmings
and carried roses. Sho was attended
by Miss Alta Honhnm, who wore n
lack of this particular spirit. Tho dainty pink dress and held a pink bo
Sidnoy pcoplo are not afraid of a slight quet, and Mrs. Roy Knox, the latter
increase ot taxes; they realize that wearing a pretty blue gown and car
municipal improvements can ho made rled purple flowers
only by tho Issuance of bonds, and Messrs. Floyd Rlcheson and Roy
thoy do not hcsltato to vote the bonds. Knox stood with tho groom
In Nortli Platto there is a cowardly Pink, whlto and yellow llowers were
fear of increased taxation; tho avorn effectively used In decorating tho
ago proporty holder spends his money rooms and tnbles. The gifts included
ireeiy tor goou living nnd amusements. Ivor nml rut class, in on and china
but if a bond issue promises to Increase After a sumptuous wedding supper, the
uis raxes rorty cents a year no throws
up his hands In dreaded fear. If
North Platto Is to become- a progres
sive city this fear of taxation must bo
overcome. Other towns voto bonds
their honeymoon.
Mr. Honham came hero from Suth
erlnnd a few veara aco and has proven
aim uio peopie prosper mo same as hlmsolf to be a steady and Industrl
August 16, 1915.
Board of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. Present
Herminghausen, Springer, White ami
county clerk.
Tho county clerk is hereby Instruct
ed to notify the C. B. & Q. R. R.
Co. to build a bridge across their
tracks on section line between sections
33 and 34 T. 9, R. 26 at once, this be
ing a second notice. '
C. E. Hostetter, bridge work, allow
ed on bridge fund $19.96.
Wm. Dymond, building bridge at
Horshey, $45.
Tho claim of Platte valley uattie
n f... C11 m rnliflilillntr lirlflrro let
bride and groom departed for Denver - Snowed for the reason that
and o her points In Colorado to spend ,g not uble( ag they f)roke sald
bridge In drawing heavy engine over
5. All street lnmps provided for
herein shall bo placed nt such points
within the territorial limits of the par
ty of the second part as may bo desig
nated by the mayor nnd city council
or authorized representative of the
party of the second part: provided that
no lamp shall bo ordered installed, at
a greater distance than seven hundred
feet from the location of a then exist
ing street series lamp; and should
tho party of the second part require
the re-location of any lamp after the
same lias been located, then the party
of the second part shall pay to the par
ty of the first part the acutal cost of
labor and material necessary In such
of Lincoln, Nebraska, and said bonds
shall bo known and described as
"Paving Ponds of tho City of North
Platte, Nebraska."
The ballots to be used at said olec-
tlon shall have written or printed
thereon the following:
For authorizing the Mayor and
Council of the City of-North Platte,
Nebraska, to borrow money and pledge
the property and credit of the city, up
on its negotiable bonds to an amount
not exceeding $1G,000.00 to be used In
paying tho cost of paving the inter
sections of streets and spaces oppo
site alleys In paving districts in said
city and for authorizing tho Mayor
Til.. rininin in In.... n r, v n
O.-The party of the second nart " ""tZ'?"utT. . " "
f, it Vi,u n! I ' th nW S,U,b" sttld City In addition to all other tares,
mil fills nnnfrnnr in r nn lrnvn ri . illo.l . ....
sufficient to pay the interest on said
mit this contract for approval or dls
approval, to Its electorsat a special
election held September fourteenth,
1915. Should this contract by said
electors at such election be dlsannrov
ed, then no oblgation hereunder shall
be upon either party hereto. But
bonds and creating a sinking fund
sufficient to pay said bonds when they
become duo at their maturity. Said
bonds to draw interest at a rate not
to exceed flvo per cent per annum,
from their date until paid, which lnter-
I 11 I L i! I H'I" kllVII UHIC Ulilll IUIU, UIL.-
ni a,.l i L P ,raCt by sa d41clectrs Ust shall be payable semi-annually and
at such election be approved, then this
contract shall In each and all of its
provisions take effect and be and con
tlnue In full force for and during a
period of five years from and after the
Ilrst day of November, 1915; It being
bo evidenced by coupons to said bonds
attached. Saul bonds to bo drawn
payable to bearer, duo twenty years
after date, but redeemable at tho op
tlon of tho City ten years after tho
date thereof. Said bonds to be Issued
beforo tho bouds were voted; It
prove tho sanio In North Platto.
At present ho holds
the Derryberry &
a a I
win ous young man
a position with
Forbes Co.
Tho brldo Is ono of the best liked
young Indies of this city. Sho recent
ly resigned a position In the office of
Whereupon the board adjourns until
2 o'clock p. m. August 17, and recon
venes as a board of equalization.
C. W. YOST, County Clerk.
A Fishing Trip to Wyoming
E. F. Secborger, J. C. Den, O. E,
Elder. Dnvo Day and Ira L. Bare re
turned early Wednesday morning from tlu olnrk of tho district court, which
a two weeks' fishing trip In Wyoming. H)io filled very creditably. Thoy will
Tho trip was made In cars and tho
Bpcedomotcrs registered 980 miles.
Tho Lincoln Hlghwuy was followed as
far as Walcott, 395 miles west of North
Platto and tho routo then lay south to
tho Littlo Laramie river, whoro throe
days wcro spent, thence to Saratoga
on the North Platto river for a thrco
make their homo
ham'd parents
with MrjJ. Bon-
Tltc Illilcs Arc Here
Tho first consignment of rifles to bo
used by tho mcmbors of tho North
Platte Kiflo club hns been recolved,
The rifles are of tho 189S and 1903
F. .1. DfF.N'FE & CO.
Real Estate nnd Insurance
Come and see us for town lots In
dlfforent parts of the city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
saje and rent. We have also good uar-
saius in farms and ranches.
Cor, Front and Dnwnv Sts . unfair
Whereas at a regular meeting of the
City Council of North Platte, held
distinctly understood and agreed that at such time nnd bearing such date as
mo imu, ui ue iirsi pari suau nave the Mayor and 'City Council by reso
a reasonable time in which to supply hution may direct. Both bounds and
uio necessary equipment ror the ful- coupons to be payable nt the office of
niuiK ui us uuiiBuuuiis nureuiiuer, anu tho Stato Treasurer in the City of Lin
that It will make every effort to supply coiii, Nebraska,
such equipment as speedily and soon no.
as practicable. Against authorizing the Mayor and
7. Each and all of the rights, nrivi- nitv f'nunrll nf tlm Cltv of North
leges and advantages lodged In or pass- Platto, Nebraska, to borrow money and
nig 10 uie party oi uie nrst part by pledge the property and the credit of
virtue hereof may by It be transferred the City upon its negotiable bonds to
and assigned, but only upon the as- an amount not exceeding $16,000.00 to
sumption by any granteo or assignee be used in paying the cost of paving
of and all of the obligations of tho Intersections of streets and spaces
uio party ot the nrst part thereunder, opposite alleys In paving districts of
in jesumony nncreoi, North I'latto said City, and againrft authorizing
Light nnd Power Company has here- the Mayor and City Council to levy a
unto set Its hand and attached its cor- tax annaully upon tho taxable proper-
porato seal by Willis Todd, its Vice- ty of said city in addition to all other
President, thereunto authorized, and taxes, sufficient to pay 'tnc interest on
City of North Platto has hereunto set said bonds and creating a sinking
Its hand by its mayor, attested by Its fund sufficient to pay said bonds when
city clerk, all on this .3rd day of they become due at their maturity
days were spent, thence to Saratoga model and are ah excellent typrf of ugU8t. 2ni1',19,15! thor f ?111ow'n8t m
day stay, then to Encntnpinont for
two days, nnd then a final day's fish
in Big Creole twenty miles northeast of
In raturnlng tho party took tho
high power, long range gun. Tho pits
out nt tho state farm are practically
completed and the members wil lbo
UBlng the range in a very short time.-
A meeting of the members of the club
tlon was adopted. Moved that; the
Council approve the following con
tract with the North Platte Light &
Power Company and that the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to execute
, - - " . " ..... Jx llllLllllh IIIU IIIVIIIIJCID Ui. lilt V.. It, J , . , . l
North Park road from Encampment to wnH held at 8 o'clock Wednesday ev- 9nmo nml that tUo same ,)e submitted
Tlo Siding, a distunco of ninety miles, onlng at the Lloyd opera houso for tho o 11,0 PProl or.(li.snp)r?,;aKo V10
the ucuncry along which surpasses any purposo of going through the sighting voters of the City of North Platte at a
ilnary instruc- f1 V inir , -military
rlllo tcmbor 14th, 1915 for this purpose i
ed by the Kn- '!) tlic, n"lIn" rW by law.
will be strict- l L'K,'V,,V i i?"11?0.1. hCtn
mnUrn nn tl,P Norlll Pllltlo Light llllll POVVCr C
this wrltor has seen on his many pre
vloua fishing trips in Wyoming. Tho
road leads through the Nortli Park for
ost rosorvo and the tres are certainly
a rollof after passing over tho barren
Sherman hill route whore for fifty
miles ono scos nothing but sand dunes,
rocky ledges and sago brush. In tho
North Park tho road runs between
snow capped mountains, and In the
littlo vnlleys and draws wero soon
drill which Is tho preliminary Instruc- ppoelnl election to ho held on Sep-
t nn n tlin nam nf t in m 1 tnrv r o. i-lL" lul l"'a
Rulos and bylaws adopt
tioual Rlllo Association
ly lived up to nnd tho practice on the
range will bo according to military
regulations of tho United States army,
ight nnd Power Com
imny and C'lly of Xoiih Pintle.
This contract entered into hi" and
between North Platto Light and Power
Company, a corporation, as the party
of tho first part, and City of Nortli
Platto, In the County of Lincoln and
For Sale
A beautiful tl room bungalow, large
tf.iitn- timl nnllnt full Into nil fntm.
furm house surrounded by fields of a- line garden and lawn; wash houso; State ot Nebraska, ns party of the' sec-
jiiiuiiiiig wnimi mm uuiH mm uuej) thrco poultry houses: largo barn.
ri'l.nao l.n 1 1.1 In ere nrn nrnntlpiill V nlll nilrtMOQlll
. w " Prtv n wtitnp nlantr Eood loca- . L-Tho party-of the first part here-
tlon on south Mnplo street; small pay- " tv"lV
ment down, balance like rent. If you 11,0 second part, and the party of the
want a ntco homo see this. Phono Red Becoll VMt hereby agrees to take and
inn r.B.ffl liaU, 1U1 UIU 1HU UU3U Ul 11KI1111IK LUC
"O. ..11 ....l.t, 1
sireeiu, uuuys uuu puiitiu piuuus ui uiu
brief session of tho city council party or the second part, and during
..... - . a It. . t 1 O II .. . . I..- I. -..! .
wua hold Tuesday oveniuz at WHICH iuo purum oi nvu yeurn ueieiuuuiuw
which Is tho only pleasurable method the gnrbngo ordlnanco was advanced described, electric light supplied by
of malting a fishing trip, and tho only to a second reading. , Miner Hlnmnn such number of overhead suspended
means thin wrltor will employ In the presented a now contract for firemen's hooded incandescent street lamps as
futuro. Today you w nd twontv- nnd for tho keen and opera- may no requireu ami irom time to
flvo fisherman on tho streams to whore tlon of the auto ilro truck which stlpu- tlmo ordered Installed by the party ot
you found ono ton yeara ago. Tho lntod a cliargo of sixty-eight dollars the second part during sain period, ot
green patches of alfalfa
Fishing In the trout streams of Wy
oming Is not so good life a dozou years
ngo; in fact each succeeding year moro
porulstent effort la necessary to fill
your creol with Ilsh of good hIzo. This
is duo to tho increasing number of
flshunuen, and thia increase is largely
duo to tho advent of tho nutomohllo
this ,3rd
August A. D. .1915.
(Party of Flr&c Part) '
Wei yice-PresIdgnt,
Said bonds to draw interest at a rate
not to exceed five per cent per annum
from thOjr date until paid, which in
terest shall bo payable ceml-annu
ally and he ovldenced by coupons to
said bonds attached. Said bonds to
Witness to signature" of Party of First be drawn payable to bearer, due tw'en
' W T.TT'Pr.TT!
KA. (Party of Second Part)
Attest: , Mayor
City Clerk,
ty years after date, but redeemable at
the option of the City ten years after
the date thereof. Said bonds to be
Issued nt such time and bearing such
date as tho Mayor and City Council
by resolution may direct. Both bonds
and coupons to bo payable at the office
of the State Treasurer in the C'ty of
North Platte party was as successful
in catching trout as were any of tliol
parties met; tho day's catch running
from forty to Blxty. with an avorngo
weight of thrco-qiiurtcr pounds to tho
fish. Tho largest fish caught by tho
party was ls pounds, but whllo nt
Saratoga a Denver man brought In ono
Hhat weighed three pounds. Trout of
this bIzo. however, are rarely caught
thoso duys.
As a rulo tho roads aro rough and
over tho Shornian hill routo if ono
nvoragos fifteen mites nn hour ho Is
doing woll. doing wost tho party
had a nlco run to Cheyenne, but on
tho return trip tho ronds wero had
by reiiHun of the lute rains,
At Saratoga tho party was Joined on
Thursday of Inst wook by T. C. Who
lan, Loron Sturgos and Dick Bakor,
and this bunch remained together until
tho following Monday when tho throo
lnttor loft Tlo Siding for Cherokee
Park and Denver. V C. Hupfer, who
loft with tho party was called homo
boforo the boat fishing resorts wcro
reached and thus missed tho most en
loyablo featuros of tho trip, much to
his regret us well ns tho regret of tho
other members of tho party.
Miss Winifred Miller returned to her
homo In Fremont a fow days ago aftor
visiting hor grandmother, Mrs. Rich
nrd Cox, for several weeks,
Mr. und Mra. Allon Wnugh, of Wal
lace, aro visiting tho Inttor's puronta,
Mr, and mrs, urceloy Bundy this
'Misses Ruth and Doris Trot, ot
KfMirnov. nrrlvcd a fow davs ago to vIr
U'nt tho Vosolpka homo for a couple
Mrs. Lutzhultz and son Joseph loft
Wednesday ovonlng for Grand Island
to visit rolutlvcB for a fortnight.
per month, an Increnso ot thirty-eight tho following rates and prices, which
dollnrs per month over the old con- tno party or tno soconu part noreuy
tract price. The contract was re- agrees to pay to the party of tho first
ferred to the firo committee for lnvec-
Mlsa Elslo M. Johnson loft yostcr-J
day for u short visit lii Konrnoy. The
week beginning August 23rd, alio will I
part, and upon the following terms nnd
2. For sixty candle power Incandes
cent lamps or their oqulvalent In can
dle power, ench per annum $21.00; for
eighty candle power inenndascont
be instructor in penmanship and art imimL i,ir ..m.ivninnt i. mm.iin
nt tno lieu vvuiow county icacnora in- ,,...,. nnh ,inr minimi ar.- w nno
atltute to be hold at McCook. During humlrC(l powor incandescent lamps or
mo neuiiu mwi iu ... B... D,,- nielr equivalent in candle power, onch
vision of penmnnshlp nt Met ook. ner nm.m $20.50. for two hundred and
riiirlln llomeo. tho Moxlcnn who fifty cnndlo power inenndescent lamps
was arrested last week for resisting or tholr equivalent in candle power,
the officers nnd cnrrylug concealed each por annum $s.uu; lor rour.nun-
weapons had a hearing before Judge urcti canine power incandescent lamps
French Wednesday and was bound m muir vuuiviia-m. m cuiuiiu power
ovor to tho dlatrlct court. Ho fur
nished a cash bond ot ono hundred
dollnrs and loft for Hershoy where
ho la employed in tho beet Holds.
The Lutheran lndlos aro to hold an
oxchnngo at Dorryborry & Forbes Sat
August 15, 1915
Board of equalization met ns por re
cobs taken. Present Hermlnghuustn, tlm imrtv nf the ilrst nart.
... -...1 I " '
oach per annum $82.50; for thirtjvtwo
candlo power lncandescont lamps ns
spocllled and provided for In Para
graph 3, $18.00 por annum.
For urc lights or high candle power
Incandescent lamps used In place of
arc lights as specified nnd provided for
In Paragraph 3, $S5.00 por annum.
Payment shall bo made I ntwelvo
equal monthly installments. Lamps
shall bo lighted from dusk until dawn
oach night. All lamps and equipment
shall bo furnished and maintained by
Therefore notice Is horbv irlvon that Lincoln, Nebraska
a sneelal election will he helrl in the Those voting in favor of said prop
City of North Platte, Nebraska, on position will mnrk their ballots with a
Tuesday, September 14th, 1915, at the cross in the square to the left of the
nlnnos linrolnnftnr anpoinnil in tlin nw. proposition beginning, "Yes, for ailtll-
eral wards of the city for the purpose orlzlng the Mayor and City Council of
of submitting the following proposl- tho City of Nortli Platte, Nebraska to
tlon to the voters of said cltv: "Shall borrow money and pledge the property
the Mayor nnd Clerk of said city bo and credit of tho City upon its nego
emnoweroii to enter into a eontrnet -"-.
with the North Platte Light & Power
Company a copy of which Is printed
above for the purpose of street light
The polls of said election shall bo
kept open between the hours of 9
o ciock A. M. and 7 o clock P. M. on
said day and the voting places therefor
In tho several wards shall be as fol
lows to-wit:
First Ward at tho entrance at tho
Lloyd. Opera House In said ward
Second Ward at tho Court Room at
the County Court Houso in said ward
Third Ward at tho old Hoso Houso
situated on Vine Street between Front
and Sixth streets in said ward.
Fourth Wa:d at old Hoso houso on
North Locust street In said ward.
Tho ballots for said election shall
have printed thereon
ror granting permission to the May
or and Clerk of tho City of North
Platte to enter Into a contract with said
company for tho purpose ot street
Against granting permission to tho
Mayor and Clork of tho said city
to enter into said contract with tho
North Platte Light and Powor Com
Those voting In favor of granting
said permission shall mark thlr bal
lots with nn "X" opposite tho para
graph boglnnlng, For granting snld
Those voting ngalnst granting of
Thoso voting against said proposl
tlon shall mark their ballot with
cross in Uio square to tho left of the
propcfaitlon beginning, "No, agalns
authorizing tho Mayor and City Coun
cil of tho City of North Platte, Nebras
ka, to borrow money and pledge the
property and credit of the City upon
its negotiable bonds to an amount not
to exceed $16,000.00."
Tho polls at such special election
shal be kept open during tho hours of
9 A. M. to 7 P. M. of said day and tho
voting places for said election shall be
as follows:
First Ward at the Lloyd Opdra
Second Ward In tho Commissioners'
room nt the court Houso or Lincoln
.County, Nebraska, In said Second
Third Ward at tho old hoso houso
situated on Vine Street between Sixth
Street and Front Street.
Fourth Ward at tho. old hoso house
situnted on North Locust Street.
By order of tho Mayor and City
Council of said City of North Platto.
Dated tills 4th day of August, 1915.
City Clork.
by coupons thereto attached.
Bond number ono to becomo duo and
payable on the 1st day of October,
Bond numbor two to become duo and
payable on the 1st dny of October, '
Bond numbor threo to becomo duo
nnd payable on the 1st day of Octo
ber, 1922.
Bond numbor four to becomo duo
nd payable on tho 1st day of Octo
ber, 1923.
Bond numbor live to becomo due and
payable on the 1st day of October,
Bond number six to becomo duo nnd
payable on the 1st day of October,
Shall the Mayor and City Council of
tho City of North Platte. In the Coun
ty of Lincoln, In tho Stato of Nebraska,
lovy a tax in tho year 1915, and In each
and every year thereafter sulllcient
to pay tho Interest on said bonds; and
In the year 1919 and In each and every
ear thereafter sufficient to pay tho
principal of said bonds as they become
duo, until sufllclont tax has been levied
to pay all of tho principal on said
bonds; and such tax both for princi
pal and Interest to be levied unon all
of the taxable property in said City
of North Platte?
Said bonds to be used for the pur
pose of raising money to purchase
from Willlnm W. Blrge, Trustee, and
hold in the name of the City of North
i'latte, in the County of Lincoln, In the
Stato of Nebraska, tho following land,
lot and parcel of ground, lying adja
cent to said City of Nortli Platte, to-
wit: All that part of the southeast
quarter (SEV4) ot section twenty
eight (28) in township fourteen (14)
north, of range thirty (30) west of the
6th P. M. lying south of tho North
Platte river, and east of the main road
running north along said tract, which
rond Is an extension of Locust street
In said City, to bo used and Improved
for parks and parkways.
Tho ballots to be used at said elec
tion shall have printed thereon:
For Issuing of Twelve thousaud
00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollnrs "City of
North Platte Park Bonds," in denom
inations of Two thousaud 00.100
($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing Inter
est at the rate of five per cent per an
num, payable annually, interest and
principal payable at tho office of the
State Treasurer of the State of Ne
braska, said bonds to bear date of
October 1st, 1915, and-the interest
on said bonds shall be payable on the
1st day of October, 1916, and on the
first day of October of each and ev
ery year thereafter until all of the in
terest on said bonds shall have been
paid; to levy a tax In the year 1915,
and each and every year thereafter
sufficient to pay the interest on said
bonds, and In the year 1919 and In each
and every year thereafter sufficient
to pay the principal of said bonds as
they becomo due, until sufficient, tax
has been levied to pay all of tho prin
cipal on said bonds; such tax both for
Interest and principal to be levied up
on all of tho taxable proporty In said
City of North Platte.
Against issuing of Twelve thousand
00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City of
North Platto Park Bonds," in denom
inations of Two thousand 00.100
($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing inter
est at the rate of flvo por cent per an
num, payable annually, interest and
principal payable at the office of the
Stato -Treasurer of the State of Ne
braska, said bonds to bear date of
October 1st, 1915, and the interest
on sold bonds shall be payable on tho
1st day ot October, 1910, and on the
1st day of October of each and ev
ery year thereafter until all of the in
terest on said bonds shall have been
paid; to levy a tax In tho year 1915,
and each and every year thereafter
sufficient to pay the interest on said
bonds, and in tho year 1919 and in oach
and every year thereafter sufficient
to pay the principal of said bonds aa
they becomo due, until sufficient tax
has been levied to pny all of the prin
cipal on said bonds; such tax both for
interest and principal to be levied up
on all of tho taxable property in said
City of North Platte. " ' -
Those voting In favor of said
proposition shall mark their bal
lots with an X aftor the paragraph
beginning with the word "FOR"; and
those voting against said proposition
shall mark their ballot with an X af
tor the paragraph beginning with the
word "AGAINST".
Said elrction will be open
at 9 o'clock in the morning and
will continue to bo open until 7
o'clock In tho afternoon of said day of
election. The polling places of said
election will be at tho entrance of the
old Lloyd Opera House on tho corner
of Pino and and Sixth streets, in the
first ward of said City; and at the
County Commissioners' room in tho
Court House in the second
ward of said City; and nt the old hoso
house, situato on Vino street between
Front nnd Sixth streets in tho third
ward of said City; and at tho hoso
house in tho fourth ward of said City;
said election will ho conducted in
manner nnd form as provided by the
ordinances of said City,4nnd the Stat
utes of the State of Nebraska.
By order of the Mayor and City
Council of the City of North Platte,
Lincoln County. Nebraska.
Dated thia 4th day of August, 1915.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
Springer, Whlto and clork
The board hereby roconsidors Its
action ot July 6, 1915, in lowering tho
valuation ot land belonging to Jona
than Hlgglus in Sec. 35, T. 13, R.
29, and horoby raises tho valuation ot
said land from $7000 to $8500.
Lot 2, block 110 North Platto Is
horoby lowered from $3100 to $2400.
Tho hoard procooded to mnko and
did muko tho following lovles 1 mind
for Lincoln county, Nebraska, for tho
year 1915.
RtntA I .Y.vvrinnnriil fuiul. 4.10
mills; University fund , 1.00 mills;1
spoclal university fund, ,75 mills;
3. It Is agreed by tho parties here
to thnt tho party ot the first part will
promptly, aftor tho confirmation -of
this contract by tho affirmative voto of
tho electors of North Platto, Nebraska,
proceed to Install and equip a now
and modern system, including wires,
Licensed Embalniers
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234. ' -
Night Phono Black 688.
Notlco Is hereby given that on the
14th day of Soptombor, 1916, a special
election will be held In the City of
Vnrth Plnttn. T.'npnlii f'nuiitv. Nelirns-
sald permission shall mark their bal- ka, at which tho following proposition
lots with an "X" opposite tho para- wm i,o submitted to tho voters ot said
graph beginning against. ctv:
a his notlco shall bo published 30 simii tho Mnvnr nml Cltv Council of
days prior to snld election. tho City of North Platte, In tho Coun-
aigneu una uiu nay or August, a. u, ty of Lincoln, In tho stato of Nebras
City Clerk.
ka, Issue Twelvo Thousand 00.100
($12,000.00) dollars . 'City of North
Platto Park Bonds' In denominations
of Two Thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00)
Dollars each, bearing Interest nt tho
rate of flvo per cent por annum, pay
able annually, tho Intorest and prln
cipal payablo at tho office ot. t,hp Stato
Treasurer or tno atato or Nebraska?
Said bonds to bear date of Octo
rsotico is hereby given, that on
Tuesday, tlin 14th ilnv nf RnntnnihRr.
1915. n snnpini nidation win liniii in tlm her 1. 1915, and tho Interest on snld
City of North Platto, Lincoln County, bonds, to bo payablo on tho 1st day
Nebraska, at which said election there of October, 1916, and op. tho first
will bo submitted to tho peoplo tho day of October of each and every
question: year thereafter, until all ot the Interest
Shall tho Mnvor nnd Cltv Council, on said bonds shall have been paid,
of tho City ot North Platto, In tho Said bonds to. bo njuremi..consecu
County of Lincoln and State of Ne-'ttvoly from ono to six Inclusive, and
braska. nledgo tho nronortv and tho Intorest thoreon to bo evidenced
Order of Hearing on Final Settlement
The Stato of Nebraska. Lincoln Coun
ty, as.
In the, County Court.
In the Matter of tho Estate of Charles
T. Roblson, Deceased.
To the Creditors, Heirs, Legatees
and Others Interested In the Estato of
Charles T. Roblson.
Take Notlco, That F. J. Dentlor has
filed in the County Court, a report of
his doings as Executor of said estate,
and It is ordered that the same stand
for hearing the 27th day of August,
A. D. 1915, before tho Court at tho hour
of 9 o'clock a. m at which tlmo any
person Interested may appear and ex
cept to and contest tho same.
Notlco of this proceeding and the
hearing thoreof Is ordered given to
nil persons interested in said matter
by publishing n copy ot this order In
tho North Platto Tribune, a semi
weekly newspaper printed In said
County, for three consecutive weeks
prior to said dote bf hearing.
Dated August 2. 1015,
- - " GEO.'E.TFREtftJH.
a2-3w County Judgo.