The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 13, 1915, Image 7

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Very Newest Things in Neckwear
University Law School Head Says
Commission's Action Won't Frac
ture the Constitution.
Besides tho vogue (or furs and for
ostrich boas which has proved a (cu
lture of tho passing season, neckpieces
,o( mallnes or net and others of silk
or chiffon, or combinations of these
iraaterlalB, havo proved almost as pop
ular. They ndmlt of much Individual
ity In taste and they are economical.
Mallnes, fragile as It looks, may be
bought In the waterproofed variety
and many of the light silks suffer lit
tle damage from moisture. Glimpses
of threo unusual neckpieces made of
fabrics are shown in the picture given
At the right a bit of a taffeta scarf,
edged with a full ruche of taffeta,
appears thrown about the shoulders.
It is a simple matter to make theso
little mantles or scarfs. A straight
length of taffeta edged with a full box
plaited niching of tho silk or a short
mantolllke garment finished about
the neck and down the fronts with
niching, is all there Is to it. Tho
edges of the ruche are loft raw or
clipped in points and soft ribbon pro
vides ties to bo used when tho scarf
is brought up close about tho throat.
Just below at tho center of tho picturo
a very full and very wide rucho of
black mallnes is mado of a wide box
plalted ruffle sowed to a band with a
full narrower niching above It. This
neckpiece is pretty In white and in
palo colors. It seems at its best In
black or white.
Many of tho short, full, neck ruffs
are In combinations of black and
white or gray and white. Among theso
short, boxplalted ruffs, of white net
edged with narrow black velvet rib
bon, aro some very smart ones. They
Pretty or Practical, or Both
Soma of this season's underbodices
are merely protty, and others are sim
ply practical, but hero are two that
aro both protty and practical. What
is further In their favor is tho fact
that they aro simplicity ltsplf when It
comes to tho making of them.
Tho season's shcor blouses of thin
crepo, chiffon and laco or net, require
more than tho usual attention to un
derbodices. In fact somo blouses aro
very sheer and very plain, merely veil
ing a dainty and elaborato bodice,
which is mado as alluringly pretty as
At the left of tho picturo a bodice
1b shown, mado of a wide embroidery
flcuncing in open eyelet work pattern.
It Is a good, well-woven pleco of lawn
embroidery, and tho garment is edged
with a narrow-scalloped edging of
cluny lace. A samplo of this laco
is shown at tho bottom of the picturo.
Machlne-mado cluny of linen thread Is
cheap and will outlast, usually, the
garment it trims. Another very du
rable lace is shown in tho torchon edg
ings of cotton that aro as duraMo as
cluny, in fact thoy do not wear out.
In cutting this underbodice, tho pat
tern is laid on tho flouncing In such
a way that the front pieces overlap.
are Inexpensive and at the samo time
elegant looking.
A scarf of chiffon, elaborated with
many rows of shirred puffs, made in
whlto or palo colors, is glimpsed in
the third picture. It is designed to
add another charm to the dinner or
dance frock and requires considerable
patlenco and careful work In making.
But aside from tho somewhat tedious
work it presents no other difficulties,
as It is Blmply a straight length of tho
material mado fluffy by shlrrlngs. Fig
ured chiffons, showing scattered lloral
patterns against a plain, light ground
make beautiful neckpieces of this
Visible Hoops.
Tho Idea of overdress Is favorable
to voiles which show tho undercolor
very prettily, and one of the new ideas
which waB recently exploited at a lead
ing exhibit was materially helped by
tho use of voile for the outer dress.
This Idea was the Introduction of
visible hoop skirts. The hoops were
covered with ''ribbon and run between
tho outer artd inner skirts.
Of course, the covering Was plainly
visible from the outside and it is said
that tho idea will be reproduced In
lingerie dresses.
Autumn Costume.
Seen recontly was one of the stun
ning things evolved for autumn. Of
dark blue serge, it was cut in loose
circular coat shape and had wldo
turned back cuffs of embroidered silk.
It was lined with whlto silk and the
blouse underneath was of whlto habu
tal, with medic! collar or filet lace.
The bodice may bo mude to reach only
to tho waist lino, or with a short basquo
below as shown in tho picturo. Rib
bons run in casings about the waist
and top edgo, adjust it to tho figure,
and provido a protty finishing touch.
Tho dainty bodice at tho right is
mado of light pink crepo do chlno and
lace. It Is merely a straight strip of
tho crepe hemmed at one edge. A
wldo val or shadow laco is stitched
along its scallops to the other edge.
Hero a narrow beading and edging In
one is sewed on.
Shoulder straps of the wldo val laco,
edged with the beaded laco, aro sewed
to tho body. Narrow ribbon is run
through tho beading to draw tho
bodice up about tho bust, and ovor tho
shoulders through tho beading to ad
Just tho straps. These ribbons aro
liko tho bodice and mako a pretty
decoration. A small wild roso mado of
ribbon, conceals a snap fastener at tho
Tho waist Is adjusted at tho belt by
a length of flat elastic cord, run in tho
hem and fastened with a snap fastener.
A length about a third grcator than
tho bust measure in requirod to mako
this crepe underbodico of tho requisite
Old Soldiers' and Settlers' re
union, Mlnatare, August 26-29.
Conference of United Evangel
ist Churches of Nebraska, Omaha,
'August 26-30.
Nebraska Staie Fair, Lincoln,
September 6 to 11.
National Farmers' Union elev
enth annual convention, Lincoln,
Sept. 6.
National convention of Letter
Carriers, Omaha, September 5
to 10.
Omaha's Merchants' Market
week, August 31 to Sept. 4.
Convention of State Federation
of Labor, Omaha, Sept. 14.
State prohibition convention,
Lincofn, Sept. 29 and 30.
National Farmers' Congress
Omaha, Sept. 28 to Oct. 1.
Lincoln. Decision of the railway
commission to enforce the publio
warehouse act passed by the last leg
islature Is based upon opinion render,
cd by Dean Hastings of the university
law school.
In the document setting forth a le
gal discussion of tho points involved
and taking issue with the attorney
general the dean., says that the com
mission may assume other powers
than the mere regulation of common
carriers. He says, "the legislature
may do anything in tho way of pollt
leal adjustment which Is not specific
ally forbidden it," hence In piling the
additional duty on the commission
there is no fracture of the constitu
As to tho assertion of the attorney
general that tho warehouse act con
flicts with the storage warehouse act
of 1009 and that It does not repeal
any part of the statute Dean Hastings
says tho 1915 enactment "is as sop
arate and distinct from it as the cold
storage act of 1913, which is placed
under the food commission for admin
istration." On the attorney general's insistence
that tho other executive state officers
should Join with the railway com
mission in administering the act the
dean says the commission is Just as
much a constitutional body as arc
other state officers nnd that there
fore the delegation of certain duties
to this body is entirely within tho
power of tho legislature Just as It Is
within the lawmakers' power to add
duties hero and there to tho various
other constitutional stato officers.
The commission will enforce the net
as best It knows how without tho as
sistance of any outside bodies.'-it says
and will do so in tho hopo of making
tho law as successfully operative as
It can he.
Five Big Concerts.
Omaha. Five concerts by the
world's greatest artists aro to be
given for the benefit of charity by the
associated retailers of Omaha, begin
nlng Tuesday, October 7, with the
Boston Symphony Orchestra of IOC
members undor tho direction of Dr.
Karl Muck.
Geraldlno Farrar, tho world's foro
most lyric soprano, appears on No
vcmbor 23, and Melba, beloved of all
musicians, on December 8. On Mon
day, January 17, Paderewskl, the wiz
ard of tho piano, will glvo ono of hie
greatest concerts, and Fritz Krelsler
tho premlor violin virtuoso of the
world, closes tho season on Febru
ary 15.
Nebraskans Killed In Kansas.
Lincoln. Mrs. William Kornbeaum
and her 19-year-old daughter , were
Instantly killed and Dr. Chambers of
Hanover, Kans, fatally injured when
his automobilo turned ovor while
trying to avoid a train at n crossing
near Hanover. Tho two ladies were
thrown directly In front of tho np
proachlng engine and were cut to
Plan for Fall Festival.
Beatrice Tho Beatrice Commercial
club went on record ns endorsing the
fall festival to be given by tho "Nights
of Gageco," a boosting organization
recently organized hero.
New Use for Silos.
Weeping Water A now use for the
silo has been dovoloped In this part
of tho stato by tho excessive rains.
This Is tho saving of alfalfa crops
which would bo ruined for mnklni?
hay. When a big cutting Is once
mado and rains turn In and continue
for sovoral days it in impossible to
get tho alfnlfa dry enough for hay
Evon tho real wot alfnlfa plants can
bo run through tho onsllago cutter
though, and this has been dono in n
number of localities and it la
though it wll lmako first class feed.
Scene in tho League Island navy
battleship Connecticut to bo taken to
restoring ordor on tho Island.
Sceno In tho centor of Warsaw, tho capital of Kusslan Poland, which has boon tho object of tho groat Teuton
drive in tho eastern theater of tho war and is now in tho hands of tho GornianB.
Abraham Cornelius, Jr, cashier of tho Citizens National bank of IOngle
wood, N. J., and Miss Lorotta Adolguls, formerly tho bank's stenographer,
both or whom aro missing. Tho directors of tho bank huvo repqrtcd a
shortage of $11,000 in tho cashier's accounts.
A sceno in tho Isonzo district when tho longprayed-for Invasion took
placo. Tho Italian soldiers wero hailed as tho "rodoomers" of the section
which for as far back as tho Inhabitants could roniombor was uudor Austrian
rulo. Everywhere tho inhabitants turned out to givo thorn fitting greeting.
Tho photograph bIiowb women giving flowers to tho Italian troops.
yard, Philadelphia, as 500 bluojackets wore bolng hurried aboard tho
Haiti to ro enforco tho command of Hear Admiral Caporton and help in
Most Uev Edward J. Ilanna wan
confirmed aB archbishop of San Fran
cisco recently, succeeding tho late
Archbishop Itiordun. Tho photograph
shows him In his robes In St. Mnry's
Here's a Sentence.
Thero was tho savor, tho desidera
tum, tho force and quantity that wo
havo boon talking of a savor lm
monso nnd oxtrnordlnary, In relation
to which tho muddloment that I have
called subjoctlvo enmo directly from,
tho fnct that It Is not, liko tho savors
to which I Just paid tribute, -'dished
served, admlnlstored after the fashions
of prodouB things In general, isn't per
haps In any degree tho result of wlmti
pasBOB In other soclotlos for prepar.H
tlon, It grows wild, and I hnd doubt-
loss parthkon of It crudo with thai
marvelous offect of Its not dlsagrce-i
Ing with mo. Tho Sun.