The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 13, 1915, Image 4

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Attorney Rolfe Halllgan transacted
legal business In Ogalalla this week.
Mrs. Charles Ell left this week for
Sidney to visit friends for several
A. E. Dowell loft a few days ago
for Columbus whore he will spend
several days.
Mrs. Orra DeFord has returned
from Denver where she spent a week
visiting friends,
"W. D. Waldo is having a now mod
em, 'two story home built on east
Fourth street. '
Mrs. Lillian aieason has resumed
work at the post office after enjoying
a three weeks vacation.
Paul Roddy has accepted a position
In the Rodden cigar store and began
work Tuesday morning.
Messrs. J. C. Wilson, II. A. Wilson
and George Walker have gone to Cal
ifornia to spend several weeks.
Mrs. Turner who submitted to an
operation at the North Platte general
liospital this week is doing nicely.
Mrs. Ivadelle Williams left Wednes
day evening for Omaha where it is
her intention to locate in the future.
County Surveyor Cochran, City En
gineer McNamara and Will Ritner
went to Ogalalla on business this
Harry Tagader roturncd tho first
of this week from Ogdon where he
pent a couple of weeks visiting
Mrs. Albert Weldman, of Denver,
camo down tho first of tho week to
spend a fortnight with her son Ira
Weldman and wife.
Mrs. A. W. McKeown and daughter
Josephine returned a few days ago
from a so-Journ in Denver and other
Colorado points.
Mrs, Charles Rogue acompanied by
her son Ted and daughter Emma loft
tho first of tills week for California
to spend several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Delaney of
Northport, returned homo Tuesday af
ter spending a week visiting friends
and attending Chautauqua.
Charles Strauss, book-keeper In the
McDonald State bank will return to
day from Lexington where ho spent
his vacation with his parents.
Conrad Walker left Wednesday
evening for Steam Boat Springs
whore ho has been awarded the con
tract for eight miles of sewer.
Charles VanPatten and Grover
Van Nordhelm of Hastings who were
guests at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
E. N. Ogler this week, have returned
Harry Daggett has taken a vacation
of two weeks from his duties as
Hwltphmnn on the tho Union Pacific
and left for Stromsburg to visit rel
Mrs. Roy Miner and nieco Delia
Wilson of Cheyenne, who were guests
of tho former's sister Mrs. Hnrry Mur
Irin for several days left Tuesday
evening. Mrs. Miner wus formerly
Miss Evelyn Post or tins city.
Misses Katherlrio and Helen Norrl
of Omaha, who were guests of. the
aunt Mrs. Pafrclk Norrls for a week
left for homo a few Jaya, ago. . .
Attorney Albert Muldoon returned a
few days ngo from western points
and after looking after business matr
tors here, left Wednesday for Idaho
Springs, Colo.
Miss Artn Kocken who has been
employed ns Instructor in tho schools
at Great Falls, Mont., canm homo a
few days ago to spend the Bummer
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0.
Kocken. Miss Kocken has been re
elected to teach there tho coming
tio chicken house at tho McEvoy
homo on west Sixth street was dam
aged by flro Tuesday afternoon. One
ot tho children had been burning rub
bish and wero not able to control tho
flro which got away from them, and
burned tho building beforo they could
stop Its course.
Tho attendance at tho Panama expo
sition in San Francisco has now ex
cceded tho 10,000,000 mark according
to tho record kept by tho exposition
directors. Tho 9,000,000 mark was
reached on July IJStli and the attend
ance has Increased daily since. An
average of iG',923 visit tho grounds
For Rent Furnished room. In
qulse 310 West Eighth street. 59-2
Hugh Lane, of Hastings, arrived a
few days ago to visit at tho Thorn
burg home.
Miss Lillian Uurgcson, of Omaha,
arrived hero Wednesday morning to
spend two wt'eks with lu Jlstor,
Mrs. Lee Keith.
Miss Myrtlo Kenworthy left Wed
nesday afternoon for Hershey whore
sho will bo tho guest of Miss Rernlqo
Eshelman for ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hunt and
family returned home Wednesday
morning nftor a two weoks' visit with
tho former's sister in Omaha.
Miss Alice Fitzpntrlck and slsltor
Margaret will leave in a few days for
Rawlins and Laratnlo to spend several
weoks with relatives and friends.
Miss Sadie Teets, or Omaha, a for
mer North Platte young lady, who
spent tho past week with Mr. und
Mrs. W. D. Joder, returned home Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Crosby, of Suth
erland camo down the first of the
weo kto visit their son, Attorney M. E.
Crosby and wife, and attend the Chau
tauqua. Miss Helen Wilson, of Raton, N. M.,
came Wednesday evening from Shen
andoah, Iowa, to visit her aunt, Mrs.
W, A. Skinner for two weeks, while
enroute home.
Judgo H. D. Rhea and Edward Lear
y, of Lexington, were in town this
week on matters pertaining to the
confirmation of the sale of some Daw
son county land.
George Adams, of Omaha, son of
J. W. Adams trainmaster in this city,
arrived hero a few days ago and has
taken a position ns foreman in the
ware house of tho Union Pacific.
MlsBes Mario Auerheimer and Linda
Rlsser, of Wisner, who wero guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Reflor this week
whilo endoute to tho San Francisco
exposition, left Wednesday afternoon.
H. P. Jensen, of tho Harcourt &
Jensen Clothing Co. left a few days
ago for Maryville, Mo to visit his
brother and later will spend a week
cr moro with his sister in Kansas
Avery Smith who was arrested last
week lor nssaultlng Keith Draper hud
a hearing in the county court a few
days ngo and was paroled to his step
father , Conrad Anderson for thirty
Complaints were filed Wednesday
by Inspector Iloagland against Wesley
Wilcox and J. B. Elliott for maintain
ing open vaults and against Thomas
B. Carr for dumping garbage on his
A marriago license was granted
Wednesday ,to David L. Andro of this
city and Miss Annio Garfield ot Max
well. Tho cermony took place at the
homq of Mr. and, Mrs. Arnold in tho
'Fourth ward. i r '
After August 24th all persons who
havo been notified by Inspector Hnag
land In regard to tho cleaning up of
their property and premises and not
compiled with tho order to make them
Banltary will bo prosecuted to tho full
&tent3f tho lawfo ,? 1 V
f A tint ? A ntviiof ' 1 KMi Hn'.nlmlr nnrn
which havo been attached to train No.
19 will bo transferred to tho Becond
section of train No. 19. Train No". 10
Will bo shortened by dlsponclng Avlth
several cars now .In use.
Baptist Sunday school services will
bo held nt tho church Sunday morn
Ing at 9:45. Preaching services
will bo held In tho evening under tho
supervision of Rev. Griffith of Max
well. Tho North Sldo Mission will be
held in tho afternoon at 3 p. m.
' James McGinley, now of Council
Idaho, formerly of this city and for
a number of years county treasurer at
Ogalalla. waa in town 'this week. He
is enrouto homo from Lincoln where ho
was called by tho death of his siBter
who wns killed last week in an auto-
niobllo accident.
Attorney Morton L. Corey, of Clay
Center, transacted business hero this
week and visited with Attorney M. E.
Crosby, who was his classmate at the
state university several yenrs ago. Mr,
Corey has been mentioned as a possi
ble candidate for deputy attorney general.
Miss Edith Patterson will entertain
tho Pan Hellenic club this afternoon.
Miss Esther Hummell will entertain
a number f young ladles nt a miscel
laneous shower Monday evening for
Miss Vivian Knox, who Is to marry
Harley Bonham Wednesday, August
The Tllllkum girls held a very cn-
oyable poverty party at the home of
Miss Alma Morrill Tuesday evening.
The young Indies came in costume and
were entertained with a number of
unique games, after which they were
served with lco cream, coffee and as
sorted cakes.
The J. F. F. club was royally enter
tained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. W.
B. Brown nt her homo on cast Sixth
treet. Card games were played and
prizes awarded for highest scores to
Mrs. James Dorram and Mrs. Theo
dore Lowe, Jr., Guest prizes were giv
en to Mrs. A. W. Shilling and Mrs.
Charles Edwards. A nicely prepared
lunch wob served after tho games.
Guests of the dn ywere Mcsdames Shil
ling, Edwards, Trexlcr. Moody Sny
der, Stegall and Brown. The next
meeting will bo held in two weeks nt
the home of Mrs. Harry Gutherless.
" vmi SA1YK
One set ton Fairbanks Wagon
Scutes. Jos llersliey. Opposite l'ost-
ofllee. Phone 15. -
tar ?&
End Waste
And Worry.
Everybody knows tho old fash
ioned kitchen conl Btovo is neithor
economical nor simplo nor efficient.
It is wasteful becnuso it burns
coal when not needed. It ia com
plicated bocauso you havo to fuss
with ashes and clinkers nnd ' new
fires. It is inefficient becnuso ifc
takes up too much time.
A gns range is cheapest, easiest,
Buy ono.
Miss Daisy Murray, of Sutherland.
who spent this week with her aunt,
Mrs. Mel Murray, returned homo yes
terday. '
Miss Vlvlim ICnnx will bo tho nuest
nf linnnr nt a nrn-nuntlal mvstcrv
shower to be given by Miss Mabel Saw
yer tins evening.
Miss Anna McLane, of Cozad, came
few days ago to spend a couple of
weeks with her brother, Charles Mc
Lane nnd family.
Mrs. A. Jackson, of Cozad, left
Wednesday afternoon after a week's
stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McLnne.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bremer returned
Inst evening from Omaha whero the
latter has been taking medical treat
ments for several months
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Huffman and
nnn. of Omaha, who were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Huffman this week,
returned homo weunesuay aiternoon.
PhrlsHnn science service Sunday 11
a. m. Subject, "Soul", Sunday school
19 m Wnilnosilnv evenlnc meetlnc
every week at 8 o'clock. Building and
Loan building room 2o.
Earl Stamp left last night for Coun
cil Bluffs to meet Mrs. Stamp, who
was called there recently by the ill
ness of her mother, and accompany
her home.
Xra Atnrv .TnnM lins tnken a three
weeks vacation from her duties as
lllirnrlnn nnil Miss Mabel Duke will
have charge of the library during her
Carl Brodbeck has let the contract
for n now modern six room bungalow
on wea't Fourth street .to Contractor
Winslow, and work will 'begin Monday
We have our new optical room com
pleted with new and up to date instru
ments for testing th eyes in the even
ing ns well ns in the day time. C. b.
CLINTON, Registered Optometrist.
Word was received hero this week
of th death of Rev. D. Z. Foulk which
occurred at York Springs, Pa. Rev.
Foulk was formerly pastor of the
Lutheran church of this city, leaving
hero about fifteen years ago. Inter
ment was made at Gettysburg Tuesday
Wisdom comeB by experience-
sometimes, not always. Ho who goes
year after year with defective glasss
he who picks his "specs" trom on a
counter or from the hnnd3 of some
peddler or traveling fakir, will some
lay find that he has been groping in
tho dark. C. S. CLINTON, Regis
tered Optometrist.
All people desiring concession rights
on fair grounds aro requested to call
on F. E. PiolBticker, president, or J
E. Sebastian,, secretary.
Every Saturday, also the 15 1G, 17
and 18th days of each month, will be
potato days at tho North Slue barn.
Phono No. 29 for prices. I will savo
you money.
August 2, 1915
Board of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. Present
Herminghauson, Springer, white and
county clerk.
Tho following claims were allowed
on tho general fund:
Anna Anderson, care of county poor
Esslo Wessberg, clerical work
C. F. Temple, Insurance premiums
Alloen Gantt, office oxponses, $10.85
Allcon Gantt, trnvollng oxponses
Alleen Gantt, salary tor July
$133. 33.
Mildred Olson, holding examinations
disallowed for $77.25.
North Platte Light & Power Co.,
C. R, MOREY, Mgr.
..General Hospital..
Phone 58 723 Locust Slteet
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medicn),
urgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. RedfielJ. M. D. JS. Sirams, M.D.
Miss Elise Sieman, Supt.
Sundry persons, fees In state cases,
John Wing, damages for horse, dis
allowed for $15.
J. B. Hemphill, printing, $2C.
Bessie Salisbury, clerical work,
$24 .
"c'w. Yost, salary for July, $137.50.
C W. Yost, office expenses, $19.45.
Jos. M. Wilson, salary and cash
items, $77.25.
Hilda Anderson, clerk county court,
North Platto Drug Co., medicine for
county poor, $4.40.
It. Rasmussen, mdso county poor,
Roy Wilson, salary for July, $75.
A. J. Salisbury, salary, $145.S0.
W. S. Cover, mdse county poor.
Ed Gllman, services state vs. Soules
et al, $10.
M. K. Neville, rent county attorney's
office 4-1 to 8-1. '15, $4S.
M. K. Nevelle. rent poormastor's of
fflce, $1G.
J. M. Frlsto, special commissioner
road 105, $5.
O. C. Hupfer, meals county poor,
E. W. Todd & Co., protectograph,
Allowed on bridge fund:
erland bridge, $104.
Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank Co.,j
culverts, six claims, $500.99.
Wm. Dymond, bridge work, $14.
Allowed on road district funds:
C. L. Ross, rond work district 31,
Carl Dixon, road work district 18,
W. H. Mason, road work district 8,
W. M. Dymond, balance duo on 1914
settlement, allowed on road district
, $70.45.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
C. W. YOST, County Clerk.
August 3, 1915.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present Herminghausen,
Springer and county clerk.
Claims of precinct assessors for
1915 allowed on general ffjnd, to-
Otto Mesmer, Lemon, $45.
Geo. Fowler, Sellers, $45.
B. A Wilson, North Platte No 2, $93.
D. W. Kunkel, eKm, $15.
H. B. Attebery, Sprindale, $24.
J. P. Nystrora, Vromnn, $63. 4G.
Greeley Bundy, North Platte No. 4,
M. L. Smith, Garfield, $54.
Chas. Oman, Antelope. $81.
F. M. Kuser, Cox, $39.
T. L. O'Rourke, Cottonwood, $97.
S. J Filbert, Medicine, $72.
M. C. Leth, Miller, $40.50. .
J. E. Hall, Somerset, $51.50.
Bert Evarts, Jeffrey. $39.25.
E. L. Garrison, Well, $48.
Fred Loudon, North. Platte No. 1,
S. G. Swanson, Wallace, $114.
G. R. Phillips, HookerT $33.38.
J. Highberger, $51.
J. F. McGee, Brary, $114.70. '
W. W. Groves, Rosedale, $51.
Terkel Jepsen, Fox Creek, $G0.
F. J. Dlener, North Platte No. 3,
Wm. Lane, Whittier, 542.
C. S. Kilmer, Table, $51.25.
D. E. Martin, Bird wood, $42.
John J. Glnapp, Gaslin, $51.
F. D. Tatman, Myrtle, $45.
Fred Griffiths, Dickens, $S5.50.
B. M. Stackhouse, Osgood, $30.
H. E. Anderson, Buchanan, $00.25.
I. E. Ware, Nichols, $9G.
LeRoy Morovlsh, Sunshine, $48.
Jas. W. Martin, Sutherland, $120.68
C. A. Wwman, Hinman, $75.
Jonathan Pease, Nowell, $57.
O. H. Covell, Hall, $78.'
August Graff, Walker, $48.
H. W. Strickland, Peckham, $36.42
J. H. Fitch, Willow, $39.
M. K. Neville, rent for county at
torney's office, six -i.onths, $72.
M. K. Neville, rent for county poor-
master's office. $12.
Nebraska Telephone Co., toll
charges. $13.85.
Nebraska Telephone Co.. pnone rent
for Aucust. $18.25.
Rlncker Book & Drug Co., meuicino
for county noor. $2.50.
W. H. Merrick, & Co., muse county
noor. $32.75.
John Geadke, care or jugert Aianm,
Isaac Selby, mdse county poor, $.
F. D. Westenfeld, mdse county poor,
two claims. $57.
Llerk-Sandall Co., mdse for county
poor, $3S.40.
Bratt & Goouman, insurance pre
mium, $37.50.
John Herrod, muse county poor,
Wm. T. Green, repairs at court
house, $5.
R. S. Baker medicine county
poor, $29.15.
Tho Hub, mdse county poor, jfu.-iu.
H . B. Sanderson, road work district
7, $22.
Emma Pulvor, ,caro or county poor
July 1 to November 1, 1914,
allowed for $45.17 anil dlsalioweu ror
Emma Pulver, care of county poor,
November 1 to December 31, 1914,
allowed for $313.00 and disallowed
for $105. UO.
Whereupon the board adjourns until
C. W. YOST, County Clerk.
August 4, 1915.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present Herminghauson,
Springer. White nnd comity clerk.
Rush Morcuntile Co., mdso for
county poor, $78.70.
Board spent the balance of the day
viewing roads and bridges, and stood
udjourned until tomorrow.
C. W. YOST, County Clerk.
, August 5, 1915.
Board met same as yestorday. Pres
ent full board and county clerk.
Paul G. Meyers, additions to city
mnp, allowed on general fund, $G.
James Stephens, road work district
51, $8.
Eugeno K. Souder, road work dis
trict 51. $22.
Roy DoLato, road work district 51,
J. F. Stephens, road work district
51, $14.
Tho county treasurer is hereby auth
orized to transfor $150 from rond dis
trict 2G to road district 29, said nmount
being its share of original district 26.
Board sp6nt balance of day at Ft.
McPherson on rond matters and stood
adjourned until August 10, 1915.
4 C. W. YOST, County Clerk.
The Platte Valley State Bank ser
ves best Its stockholders by giving
its best service to its customers.
If you are a customer of this bank,
you will understand that it is our
constant desire to have you use every
facility here provided for your con
venience as often as you can.
If you do not bank here, be assured
"our latch string is always out" and
you have only to express your require
ments to place our SERVICE at your
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.
IPP M fa tfWWSimnii lilt
A 247
A Bunch
Of Our Peerless Shingles
would last a good many years in a family
with only one kid, and quite a number
of years in one having a bunch of kids.
The Shed Water Like A Duck
It always pays to buy the best,
because you get the best results.
Coates Lumber and Coal Co.
The Home of Good Coal.
Phone 7,
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
T ii ii ii 'ii if n i"l
Farmers, Attentio
The greatest grain crop you ever raised
is assured barring I T . ,
There have been hail storms all around
us. You cannot bar the HAIL, but you
can bar the consequences by letting us
write you a policy against loss by HAIL.
Delays are dangerous.