Grief Mention of What Is Transpiring
In Various Sections of Our Own
and Foreign Countries.
Prisoners taken by the Italian forces
iiovf number 17,000, Including 380 of
ilcers, according to an announcement
-made by tho Stofanl News agency of
A lone bank robber bold up Cash
ier Leo Forrin ns he entered tho
Cedar Rapids National bank of Ce
dor Rapids, la., and escaped with
"Tho only peace Franco can accept
is ono which will guarantee tho secu
rity of Europe," read a message from
President Polncaro to the French
Chamber of Deputies.
Tho labor of a million men will be
required to insure the predominance
of the British fleet at sea, the chan
cellor of thcexchequer, Reginald Mc
Kenna, declared at a meeting at Pres
ton, England.
"A lasting Russian offensive is no
"longer to be expected In tho near fu
ture," says Major Moraht, military
critic of tho Berlin Tageblatt, in a
tovIow of tho situation in Poland.
The first gold medal for individual
Dra'vory was awarded by King Victor
TSmmanuol of Italy to Corporal Bob
bino of Salerno, who, when attacked
"by nine Austrians, killed seven of
them and captured tho remaining two.
Warsaw, capital of Poland, has
"been taken by tho Austro-Gormnn ar
mies. Since tho beginning of the
Teutonic drive in May against the
Itussians, they have recaptured
Przemysl, Lemberg, nnd now occupy
nearly tho whole of Poland.
Tho military authorities of tho
province of Brandenburg, in which
Uerlin is located, havo issued an or
dor expropriating all supplies of cop
per, brass and nickel. The order
covers skillets, pots, pans and kettles
And household utensils.
The French Chnmber of Deputies
passed a bill carrying an appropria
tion of 120 million francs ($24,000,
000), to be used in tho purchase of
-wheat and flour for feeding tho civil
population of France. Tho limit of
auch purchases is fixed at 209,000,000
jitney bus opeuatprs of - Das
Moines havo appealed to the Iowa
supreme court for a stay of enforce
ment of the recently amended jitney
Inis ordinance.
Four men were killed and four
others Injured, when the power plant
of tho Knickerbocker Cement com
pany submerged in quicksand at Hud
con, N. Y. Tho entire building dis
appeared. The Locomobile Company of Amer
ica announced at Bridgeport, Conn.,
it would Institute an eight-hour work
day in its plant should tho employes
desire that instead of tho profit-sharing
plan recently proposed.
Miss Catherine Barker, daughter of
tho late John H. Barker and heiress
to $30,000,000, was married to Howard
3L Spalding, Jr., of Chicago. Tho cor--emony
took place at tho bride's sum
mer residence at Harbor Point, Mich.
The Chicago, Rock Island and Pa
cific passenger train from Kansas
City to St. Paul, via Des Moines, was
wrecked several miles south of Own
tonna, Minn. All tho coaches turned
over, but none of tho passengers was
Enlistment of the unemployed for
"brief periods In tho army and navy
-was suggested by Ethelbert Stewart,
chief statistician of the Department
of Labor at tho employment confer
once in San Francisco, as a plan
which would relieve distress among
workers and create a reserve of train-
d men for national defense.
A resolution protesting against tho
tralllc In war materials between the
"United States and tho enemies of Ger
many was adopted by the National
German-American Alliance, In conven-
tlon in San Francisco.
An appeal for an American mer
chant marine to carry tho commerce
of the United States and to form a
naval auxiliary fleet in war timo was
contained in a letter from Secrotary
TUcAdoo of tho Treasury department,
Tead before the Chamber of Commerce
at Greensboro, N. C.
Notlco was given to 3,000 workmen
by the Locomobilo Company of Amor
ica, at Bridgeport, Conn., that profits
would bo shared with them. Tho plan
Is to increase wages proportionately
with tho increaso of product
Tho new torpedo boat destroyer
Ericsson, built by tho Now York Ship
Building company, was delivered to
tho government ut tho Philadelphia
navy yard.
Two soldiers und a civilian lost
their lives at tho United Status arse
nal at Philadelphia in an explosion of
time fuses used on shrapnel shells.
Another civilian was injured.
Kansas City, Mo., was selected as
tho noxt meeting place of tho Amer
ican Osteopathic association at tho
closing session of its nineteenth an
num convention nt Portland, Ore.
To women, health is moro impor
tant than tho privilege of voting, de
clared Dr. Evelyn K. Bush of Louis
ville, Ky., at tho nnnual convention of
tho American Osteopathic association
at Portland, Ore.
The name of Robert Wilcox was
taken from the roll of those indicted
for participation In the alleged Pan
ama zono supply purchases frauds at
Now York. Wilcox was Indicted with
John Burke on a charge of offering
n bribe.
Tho tolls collected for uso of tho
Panama canal durlntr tho month of
July wore tho largest since the water
way has been .in operation. The total
was Jii73.3fifi. ns comnared with tho
March tolls of $5G0,574, tho previous
James II. Thomas, sr, tho negro
mayor of Brooklyn, 111., a negro settle
ment, nnd live negro policemen of the
town, were found guilty of murder lu
tho circuit court at Belleville, 111., and
sentenced to fourteen years each in
tho penitentiary.
Thirty-seven convicts on a motor
truck, which was crossing a railroad
track at Spokane, Wash., realized
that a collision with an approaching
switch engine was inevitable, and
refrained from jumping for fear of
boinc shot by armed guards follow
ing in an automobile. The engine
crashed squarely into the truck nnd
seven were severely injured.
Joe Welling of Chicago earned a
shade over Ad Wolgast in a ten-round
no-declslon light in Duluth, Minn.
Mutz Ens, first baseman with tho
Bridgeport club of the Eastern league
last year, has signed to play with tho
St Joseph Western league club.
Packoy McFarland of Chicago and
Mike Gibbons of St. Paul have signed
the articles for their battlo at Brigh
ton Beach, New York, September 11.
The purso to be divided by the box
ers amounts to $32,500.
Tho Decatur, 111., Three-I league
club that suffered a series of misfor
tunes, Including tho wrecking of its
grandstand by a tornado recently, has
surrendered its franchise, which prob
ably will be taken by Rock Island or
Two world's records were shattered
and two were tied at tho staudlum of
the Panama-Pacific exposition. Tho
records broken were in tho 220-yard
dash and tho 440-yard hurdles. F. R.
McBride of Denver was clocked in 21
seconds flat In the 220. A. Fumentor
of San Francisco traveled over tho
440-yard sticks In 53Vi seconds.
Harry Koch is again tennis singles
champion of Nebraska. In the final
rounds of the state tournament at
Lincoln the Omaha racquet star
trounced Coach "Jumbo" Stlehm of
the University of Nebraska. Koch
carried off tho silver trophy cup of
the championship, whllo Stlehm was
awarded a small cup as runner-up.
Tho first report on operations of
tho twelve federal reserve banks,
shows that the system earned $918,
588 from November 1C, 1914, to June
30, last
The Stato department has announc
ed that the cooperation of South
American and Central American re
publics will bo asked to help in the
next step to restore peace in Mexico,
State department ofllcials have de
cided they are powerless to securo
relief from tho riding censorship to
which American mall and cable mes
sages passing through the belligerent
countries of Europe are subjected.
Representatives of American pack
ers have renewed their protests to
the Stato department against British
interforenco with their trade with
neutral nations of Europe. They
asked that representations be made
to recont British notes, which would
establish their rights to engago in
this business.
Treasury receipts for July, tho first
month of tho new fiscal year, ran six
teen millions behind expenditures. A
working balance of approximately ono
hundred millions is still available.
Immigration was at its lowest sinco
1899 during tho twolvo months ended
July 1, and tho net Increaso In tho for
elgn population for tho year was less
than 48,000. Statistics show 32C,700
Immigrant and 107,544 non-immigrant
aliens admitted to tho United States
during the year.
Contract for Kearney Auditorium Let
to W. F. Crosley of that City.
Other Bids Ruled Out.
Lincoln. Tho Stato Normal board
by a vote of four to two dccldod that
it has greater authority ovor Uh own
membership than the governor who
nppointed them, nnd though tho com
mission of J. R. Gettys, n momber of
tho board, reads that his term of
office expires on Soptombor 1, 191G, it
voted him out nnd seated his suc
cessor, H. e! Rclscho of Chadron,
recently nppointed by tho governor,
contending that tho Gettys term ex
pired Juno 22. Mr. Gettys offered to
resign, If tho board would give him
timo to visit tho olllco of the gover
nor in order to look ovor tho records,
should they show ho was not a mem
ber. However, tho board refused to
take a recess long enough to let Get
tys look the matter up, and seated
Reische, Thomas and Hall, voting in
the minority.
Tho board then voted tho contract
for the Kearney Normal Auditorium
to W. F. Crosloy of Kearney for $57,
SGI, tho highest bidder, and ruled out
nil bidders who hnd bid separately
on tho heating and lighting, notwith
standing that tho advertisement
colled for separate bids, nnd the Crow
ley bid did not Hay anything about
heating and lighting.
Meanwhile sub-rosa news from the
attorney generals olllco was that a
suit might soon bo started to test tho
constitutionality of tho board's crea
tion. The question hns been raised
ngainst it and thoro are several stato
ofllcials who contend that tho board
Is maintaining an Illegal oxlstenco
nnd that the soonor its affairs are
scrutinized by the supremo court
tho better it will bo for tho four slate
normal schools managed by it.
State Much Richer.
Seven counties of the state of Ne
braska retrograded so far as their tax
valuations for tho current- year aro
concerned. The other counties bounc
ed up by a margin exceeding $12,-
000,000 and the state's total vnluatlon
when Greeley county finally reports,
will be approximately $185,000,000.
That Is on tho one-ilfth baBls. The
actual value of this property then
and it is known that much escapes
and that on the average It is assessed
at only about 70 per cent of Its true
value amounts to $2,240,000,000.
The actual value of taxable prop
erty In the state, If a strict account
ing could bo had, would amount to
easily $3,000,000,000 in the opinion of
some of the exports.
Must Apply to Commission.
Attorney General Reed has inform
ed Hugh O'Neill, president of tho Nio
brara Electric Light, Power and Rail
way company, that ho must apply to
tho railway commission to get us ap
nroval before the state could invest
In tho $7,000 worth of bonds offored
by Coleman township, Holt county,
which were issued to aid In tho con
struction of tho road. The company
is planning a railroad from Anoka,
Boyd county, to Atkinson, Holt coun
ty, a distance of twenty-five miles.
May Call In Inspectors.
Because State Treasurer George E.
Hall will not permit the state food
commissioner to withdraw from tho
stato treasury fees earned by his de
partmont for tho support of such de
partments, it is rumored that Gov
ernor Morohead, as stato food com
mlssloner, may direct Deputy Com
missioner C. E. Harmon to call In all
state food, dairy, drug and oil lnspec
tors and close theso departments
September 1.
242 Convicts Working Outside.
Two hundred and forty-two con
victs nro now working outside of the
state penitentiary on parole, accord
ing to tho monthly report of Warden
Fenton. This Is the largest nurabei
since the creation of tho pardon
Quarantine for Dourlne.
Following the action of tho State
Llvo Stock Sanitary board the state
veterinarian has issued an order
quarantining the counties of Blaine,
Cherry, Grant, Hooker nnd Thomas
as regards dourlne.
New State Bank.
Another stato bank was added to
tho honor roll when tho Enola State
bank secured Its papers and formal
right to do business. The Institution
has a $10,000 capitalization.
Would Start Plate Factory.
Commission Gerdcs of tho Board of
Control has submitted to the hoard
a proposal to establish a plant for the
manufacture of nutomobilo number
plntes at tho Nebraska penitentiary
He has Just been to Chicago, where
he hns been Investigating such an es
tabllshment and Is convinced that ono
could bo Installed at a cost of from
$4,000 to $5,000. Commissions
Gordes sops a future development in
tho Industry In tho manufacture of ad
vertising plates, now becoming quite
The Burlington will build a new do
pot at David City.
Bnyard will soon havo a now pic
turo theater.
Plattsmouth is to havo a now city
hall, to cost $12,500.
Tho Stanton county fair will bo
held Soptombor 1 to 3.
A wntor works system will soon bo
established in Mllllgan.
Tho Farmers State bank of Valley
has boon granted a chnrtor.
Plans aro nearly ready for Wcop
Ing Wntor's now bank building.
Tho contract for putting in Bridge
port's sower system has been let.
Flro caused $18,000 loss to tho
Eagle's hall in Florence, a suburb of
A Chicago man is planning to build
i $05,000 moving plcturo theater in
Otto Gllck, shoo tuorchnnt, of
Omahn, was killed In nn nutomobilo
iccidont In that city.
Tho annual pow-wow of tho
Omaha Indians will bo held at Walt
hill August 11 to 22.
J. S. Swan reports a loss of moro
than 10,000 bushels of apples from
3cab in his orchnrd near Auburn.
Tho body of A. Bnuman, jr., former
sheriff of Dodgo county, who drowned
himself In tho Platte river, was found.
The three-year-old son of Thomas
Gllva was drowned In a milk can on
tho Gllva farm west of Platto Center.
A plcturo film company has been
arganlzed In Chadron with A. 1 An
drews as president, capitalized at
Farmers with pitchforks harvested
a big crop of fish stranded in reced
ing tide wntor from tho Blue rlvor at
Ex-Governor Aldrlch has purchnsed
the Bell line of six elovntors along tho
Northwestern In Butler and adjoin
ing counties.
Tentative plans for laying the cor
nerstone of tho new Masonic orphans'
homo on jtho Masonic grounds north
or Fremont on August 1G, have been
Thirty-flvo new bridges will bo
built in Ccdnr county to replace old
ones washed out by floods this sum
mer. Genevieve Hughes, a G-yoar-old girl
whllo picking flowers, stepped in
front of n hay mower near Albion,
and hnd her right foot completely
Mrs. Daniol Sullivan of Lincoln was
killed and M. II. Qulnn of Denton was
seriously injured when nn uutomo
bllo In which they wore riding, turn
ed turtle near Denton.
H. C. ProbaBco, assistant cashier
of tho Nebraska Stato bank at Lin
coln, is dead. Ho formerly lived in
Red Cloud nnd was ono of tho best
known church workers In tho state.
Thero nro in Nebraska 65,221 farm
ers who till their own land ngainst
38,747 who aro tenants. Almost a
quarter million people over twenty
ono aro employed on farms.
Charles Benson, instructor in tho
iepartmcnt of education nt Kearney
normal lias resigned to nccopt a po
sition in the Missouri Stato Teachers'
college at Capo Girardeau.
Tho little 5-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lou Warner of near North Bond,
lies in a critical condition, suffering
from concussion of tho brain, as a
result of being kicked by U mule.
A session of the Holdrcgo Chautau
qua was broken up Saturday evening
by rain and heavy wind, which finally
blow down tho tent. Two thousand
people wero dronched before reach
ing shelter.
Henry Turner of Hugo, Colo., waB
thrown Into a wire fonco near Paw
nee City and Instantly killed, his head
being nearly sevored from his body,
when a horse ho was driving becamo
frightened by a train.
O. F. Dornblaser of Texas, national
organizer of tho Formers' Educational
and Co-operative union of Amoricn,
will lecturo on the Chautauqua
grounds at St. Edward, Mondny af
ternoon, August 1G.
Ninoleon pieces of skin, each nn
Inch and a half square, wero grafted'
onto tho burned body of little Emma
Kcrbel of Havclock nt a Lincoln hos
pital. Tho skin was contributed by
two brothers, n sister and soven
Perfect trust can be reposed in.
President Wilson by tho people of
Iho country, nnd he will save them
from war, if that Is humanely pos
sible. So snld Vico Prosldent Thom
as Marshall of Indlann In a Chautau
qua nd dress at Lincoln.
J. F. Kramor, ono of tho oldest cit
izens of Syracuse, met with a ser
ious accident Ho had Just rotunied
from town and was driving his tenm
nnd standing up in tho roar of tho
wagon whon tho team suddenly Jerk
ed, while crossing a rough place,
throwing him backward out of tho
wagon, breaking his hack.
Tho twenty-sevonth annunl old set
tlors' reunion of Cass and Otoo coun
ties will bo hold nt Union, Cass coun
ty, August 13 and 14.
John Bly, block signal maintainor
for tho Union Pacific, stationed nt
Elkhorn, was struck by a passengor
train and instantly killed.
Tho most offectlvo tost of ondur
anco over tried by any manufacturer
of farm tractor engines was complet
ed whon tho WnlllB "Cub" tractor,
handled by the J. I. Case Plow works,
finished its 'i.OOO-milo durability run,
from Cleveland. C to Fremont
The Original
In order to mnkp ns great profit as
posslblo wo should uso economy in
tho production as well as good Judg
ment in tho marketing of eggs and
Tho farmer has a great ndvantngo
hero over tho poultry man who hns nil
tho feed to buy und wo must not for
get to mnko tho best uso posslblo of
this advantage.
Grit and charcoal can bo found and
mado on tho farm and tho exponso of
buying theso ncccssnry things can bo
savod. If thoro is a crook bod near,
haul gravel from that nnd place near
tho henhouses whoro tho poultry can
find it Charcoal can bo mado by tak
ing tho llvo coals from tho stovo and
pouring wntor ovor them. They will
immediately turn to charcoal and can
bo ground or broken up into tho right
slzo for the chickens to swallow. Bet
tor do this work out of doors as steam
and ashes will fly from tho coals when
tho water is poured on them.
In theso ways wo can greatly rcduco
tho cost of keeping our poultry nnd
It will pay us to give timo nnd thought
to our work ns tho profit in tho poul
try business, ns In nny other, lies bo
tweon tho cost of production and tho
amount received for tho marketed
Besides comfortablo quarters, tho
chick, to thrivo, must havo exercise,
water, grit, a variety of grain food,
green or succulent food, and casein
or meat foods.
Exerclso Is as essential as food, and
lack of it Indicates wrong methods of
roaring. Tho natural way for n chick
to tako Its food is to scratch for it, tak
ing a llttlo at a time. If Btnull chick
ens aro put into a box with a baro
floor nnd fed from a trough, they willl
becomo wenk. Many will bocomo
clogged behind with tho excrements
accumulating on tho down, and it is
generally concluded that something
Fowl Cannot Live Under Burning Sun
It Must Have Shade and Water
What to Feed Them.
Thoro is monoy in ducks, and you
can hatch them in an incubator and
every ono will hatch, but few people
know how to ralso or hatch them
proporly. Too many begin nnd then
glvo up beforo thoy loarn how. Sue-
Runner Ducks.
cossful duck breeders will not aver
ago losing two in ono hundred. Many
pooplo ask: "Why do my ducks got
diarrhea, why act dizzy, why drop
dead?" If a duck gotB diarrhea you
nro not feeding right; if dizzy, you
aro neglecting something that should
bo In its feed not enough grass, meat,
water, or sand. If It dropB dead you
havo lot it get worms somewhere, eat
ing throat worms, or stuffed on too
dry cornmeal, or lot it get sunstruck.
A duck cannot llvo under a burning
sun; It must havo shade and water.
After tho ducklings havo dried off
In tho incubator, and aro from twenty
four to thlrty-slx hourB old, thoy aro
placed in tho breeder arid may bo
given their llrst tceul, which Is tho
samo ns tho regular rations thoy aro
to receive afterwards. This consists
of a bran mash mado of two-thirds
bran or coaso middlings, and one
third cornmeal by weight, mixed with
cold water or skim milk.
After tho first four days tho feed
consists of cornmeal tyid bran or
coarse middlings of equal parts, and
ono pound in twenty of beef scraps.
Tho amount of hoof Bcraps Is In
creased until at eight wookB' old thoy
get about ono-olghth. A llttlo sharp
sand or chick grit is nlso mixed with
tho mash.
Ducks iutended for market at teu
lias boon fod to cnuso bowel trouble.
As a matter of fact thoy are weak
from lack of exorcise, nnd tho appear
anco of diarrhea is only the Inability,
of tho chick to proporly expel its ox
crcnonts. If chicks cannot bo. out of doors
their focdlug floor should bo covered
with sand, and ovor this should bo
thrown somo litter, such no chaff from'
tho straw Btack or loaves from an!
alfalfa loft. Placo tho feed in this
litter. If small quantities nro thus
given, nnd given ofton, tho quostlon
of exerclso Is solved. Brooder chicks
need moro caro In thiB way than do
chicks with honB, but oven in tho lat
ter cbbo it Is worth whllo to mako.
thorn scratch for tholr food when thoy
aro raised Indoors.
Tho notion 1b provalcnt that a chick
should begin his dlot on boiled oggs,
bread nnd milk, or somo other soft
food. This notion has probably arisen
from tho knowledgo that most young
animals cannot digest hard foods. But
when wo consider tho fact that tho
natural food of tho young mammal Is
milk, we seo why this prlnclplo doc?
not npply to chlckonB.
Llttlo chicks should bo first fed
when sovonty-two to nlnoty-slx hours
old. Feed small quantities nnd aa
often hb is convenient. If tho food
is buried in deep litter thoy must
work longer getting It out Tho idon
is to linvo them always hungry enough
to hunt for food, and always a little
food for them to find. If tho chicks
nro at liberty, feeding often is not so
important thrco times a day would
bo sulllcient; whllo If thoy roam far
in tho fields, finding much food, morn
ing and evening feodlng Is all that ia
necessary It is not a matter of
great importance just what grain a
chicken is first fod. Tho Important
thing is that thoy bo supplied with n
varioty of grain as with casein or
meat, grit and greon food.
weeks of ago aro not given green
stuff, but nro fed jrtvo or six times a
day all tho mash thoy will cat clean
in 15 minutes. Thon tho fpodlng
boards aro removed and cleaned for
another meal.
Skim Milk la Especially Valuable for
Young Fowls During Hot Weather
Tests at Purdue.
About ten or twolvo years ago the
Purduo university station made an
exporlmont of two Iota of chicks, tho
food, caro and treatment of tho two
Iota being identical except that lot
two roceived in addition to tho food
given lot ono all tho skim milk thoy
would drink.
In tho beginning of tho test the
combined weight of lot ono waB 121
ounces. In two months lot one
weighed 297.5; lot two 47G.C ounces.;
Tho avorago gain per chick in that
timo was: Lot ono, 2.75; lot two, 3.95 J
This showed that if skim milk be
added to the ration fed to young chick J
ens It will increaso tho consumption
of tho other foods given. The great
increaso in avorago gain wna coinci
dent with tho poriod when tho great
ost amount of skim milk was con
sumed. Skim milk is especially valuable ae
ri food for young chlckous during the
hot weather and becomes of loss Im
portance as tho chickens grow older
nnd tho wenthor becomes cooler.
Two Hundred Chicks Should Bring
From $100 to $150, While Calf
Will Clear About $20.
Poultry will return greater profit
than nil other live stock on tho fnrm.
You will feed a calf a couple of years,
and ovor the feed put into it will
clear, it may bo, $20. Turn 200 chicks
out on rango with a little grain ra
tion morning nnd night and in six
months tho 200 chicks ought to bring
from $100 to $150 if sold on a city
market at 15 cents a pound; less, of
course, If sold to tho country trade.
But oeo tho difference? It isn't ralso
more beef; it is ralso more chick
ens. Keep Hopper Full.
Keep tho hoppor full of dry maah
all of tho time. Tills gives tho chick
ens an opportunity to balance tho
grain rations fed.