The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 10, 1915, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
IKA L. HAKE, Editor nnd Publisher.
.Ono Year by .Unll In Advance. . . .81.26
One Year hy Carrier In Advance. .81.50
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofllco as Second Class Matter.
TCESBAV, AlWST 10, 1016.
Facls Regarding Christian Science
Forty years ago Mrs. Eddy gave to
the world In published form tho first
edition of Scleneo and Health with
Key to the Scriptures and founded
tho religion which she named Chris
tian Science.
It may bo of Interest to such of
your readers as liavc formed a con
ception of Christian Science only-from
thoso who aro opposed to It, to de
vote a few momonts to a consideration
of tho fundamentals upon which this
religion rests, and for this purpose we
will omit any discussion concerning
which there Is the slightest varia
tion of opinion among tho students of
First, It cannot but be conceded that
Mrs. Kdilv drew her inspiration rrom
tho Bible, nnd from U alone. Furthf r,
no one questions but that tho healing
of sickness, which seems to thoso un-
acnualnted with Science, (to no us
distinctive feature, Is based upon tho
liealliiK which Jesus did nnd com
manded his disciples to follow. More
over, there wll bo no dispute but what
Christian Sclonco is a consistent ei-
fort to understand tho Bible In its
spiritual siKiilficanco as opposed to
tho mere material Import of the words
However radical the stand taken by
Christian Scientists in opposition to
tho use of medicine may seem to thoso
who liavo made no study of the sub-
leet. wo surely havo as yet stated
nothing that departs from tho basic
principles' upon which every religion
s founded.
Tho Bible as the guide Jesus a stho
wnv-showor. and man lu Ins spiritual
relation to God ought not to offend
tho most sonsltlvo of tho clergy, or
tho most ardent follower of Luther,
Calvin, Wesloy, Williams, Browne, or
What 1b It then that makes tho pro
fesslonal follower of tho lowly Naza
rene. who takes his text from tho BL
bio and endeavors to appeal to man's
spiritual nature, thunder denuncla
Hons unon Christian Sclonco?
Ono would supposo that a man who
was unsollshly giving his llfo to tho
service of mankind with a thought sin
glo for tho uplift of tho world would
wolcomo a movement which taught its
adherents to study tho bible dally, to
pray unceasingly, nnd to endeavor at
least to enter into tne spiritual mo.
no matter if they never healcd'a cuso
of sickness.
Sovoral answers may bo made to
the suostlon propounded
Tho ono which most naturaly will
occur to ub Is tho historical fact that
every departure from established be
llefs has been mot by persecution.
TJio scriptural Injunction to bewaro
of "falso prophets" has been worked
overtime In every age and against ev
err oxlsting religion.
Huss was burned at the stako and
even his safo conduct was repudiated
under the plea that no promise , made
to a heretic was binding. Roger Wll
Hams was driven to make companions
-with tho Indians. Wesley was op
posed and ridiculed. Luther saved
ills llfo by (light.
Modern porsecutiou dooo not tako
on such drastic methods, in that It
permitB tho Individual bellover to live
but abuses and misrepresents nis no
Thoso who hurl tho anathema of
"faiso doctrine" at Christian Sclonco
need but brush tho dust from tho npol
ogetlcs of their own cliurch and find
that tho founders of the religion which
they follow, woro driven Into exile as
of tho "devlr if perchance they woro
Thus his
Miss Alma Boyt, of Omaha arrived rn. 0f nnvinsr the intersections of
hero Saturday evening to visit Mr. streets nnd spaces opposite alleys In
and Mrs. urooKs meadows ior some ptivlng districts In said City, and, shall
time. the Mayor and City Council of said
City of North Platto levy a tax annual-
day from a pleasant visit with her ly ""on the taxable property of said
daughter, Mrs. George Saint, in Mil- city In addition to all o her taxes suf
wmikon flclent to pay the Interest on said bonds
aim crimiu u suhuiik iuihi, auuiuiuiu iu
A meeting of the Chamber of Com- T,nv said bonds when they bsuome
merco will bo held Thursday evening tlUe at their maturity.
instead or tomorrow, on account ot , gB,a bonds to draw interest at a
Chautauqua. rate not to exceed Five (5) per cent
iti Tiin..M. Tr.,,i i.n. ,. a unr. 1er annum, payable soml-annually
guest this week Miss Paulino Sutton, "' their date until paid, and be e I
of Clinton, Iowa, who Is onrouto to I1"'11 coupons to said bonds at-
Colorado to spend a cuple of weeks.
And .Many of Hie Voices are of 'orlh such date as tho Mayor and Council
Pintle People. niny by resolution direct, bald bonds
rr.i.i... i n. and coupons to be payable at tho of-
grand chorus! And that's the number ? ' State Treasurer In the. c It y
f A,nrinn ,,, n,i wn,nn ,, nr. of Lincoln, Nebraska, and said bonds
c iir c i,i,i. ...i raviKjt lioiuiB ui wiu v.iuj m nuiiu
itjl lUllt'L Hum ijuunaiitv. iitittij iuiu I ... ,, i.
tilmlilnr Ilia Tlinv onv 1 tn frlpinla I 1 lOlie, .ePraSKa.
They tell It In tho home papers. North
DldMn nnniili rtvn in Mild rllt tl I a
Hnns Johnson, 614 Walnut street, ",c'c" "
i 1. 111,.., IITnH T I I i-
Jiwi nuw, rui jcuio x uo ..ii,,l-l H.n Mnvnr i.n.l
credit of the City upon Its negotlablol by coupons thereto attached.
bonds to an amount not exceeding
316,000.00. to be used In paying the
k J. WEN'ER & CO.
Bond number one to become due and Ileal Estate nnd Insurance
payable on the 1st day of October,' Como and ace ua for town iota a
1020. . I (iifforent narts of tho city. Good In-
Bond number two to become duo and vo8tmonts on easy terms. Houses for
lyablo on the 1st day of October,; nnd ronf. Wq havo ttiso e00(1 i,ar.
; sale and rent. Wo have also good bar
gains lu farms and ranchos.
Cor. Front and Dowcy Sta.. upstairs.
:i(,0()l) VOICES
tached. Said bonds shall bo drawn
nnyable to bearer, due twenty years
after date, but redeemable at the op
tion of the City ten years after date.
Said bonds to be issued nnd bear
Bond number three to become due,
and payable on the 1st day of Octo
ber, 1922.
Bond number four to become duo
and payable on tho 1st day of Octo
ber, 1923.
Bond number five to become due nnd
payable on the 1st day of October,
Bond uurnbor six to become duo and
payable on tho 1st day of October,
Shall tho Mayor and City Council of
the City of North Platte, In the Coun
ty of Lincoln, In tho State of Nebraska,
levy a tax In tho year 1915, and In each
and every year thereafter sulllclent
to pay the Interest on said ponds; anu Special Attention Given to uyuecoiogy
in the year 1919 and in eacn ana every obstetrics and Children's uiseases.
VtLL KS L,C" L lZ Ofllco McDonald State Bank Building.
Oflico phone 241. Res. phono 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platto, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
J L illllUt llltlA (till II Wliltll 1111 t 3 I t . .1 n mI Un.l
..i.nt i r - t.-n.... nma shall be known and described
rnllnf frntn l.noloxlin Ijt.lnov nn,1 I'a ll.g UOllUS 01 II
The ballots to bo used at said elec
tion shall have written or printed
un..l.tA.l ...Ul. mooi.lnlllf .1.,. 4
heavy work In the blacksmith shop. I Council of the CI tj ' of North PlnttP.
havo frequently taken Doan's Kidney ebr"ska'r f, 2 ?m,J "2itJ
Pills, procured from Schiller & Co.'s lhe ,a," Lc,'u nn imn K
Drug Store, nnd they rid me of back- lts noKt,nbc,1. lm n n,ni00;1 "l
aches lameness and other kidney dls- not exceeding f 10,000.00 to bo uSe(1n
orders. I recommend Doan's Kidney the cost of pa Ing the inter
Pills ns a remedy of merit that all kid- ",,?,, ." ,i 5 t ? i n a t n !! iii
nev sufferers should trv " s,te ill,e 8 ln Pav,K "'stricts iu said
ncy suuerers Biiuum ix. ,.u.. i enr. nuiimrhlin. Mc Mm-nr
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't aim- " " 'V ' "V"fv. "
ply ask for a kidney remedy-get ?' C1!0. " . . 2 'L ;
, Pills the same that "lW, , " T, . . " n '"nZZ V;, "
nrlnclnal of said bonds ns they become
due, until sulllclent tax has been levied
to nay all of the principal on said
bonds; and such tax-both for princi
pal and interest to be levied upon all
of the taxable property in said City
of North Platte?
Said bonds to bo used for tho nur-
pose of raising money to purchnso
from William W. BIrge, Trustee, and
Graduate Veterinarian
hold In the name of the City of North Eight years a Government Vetorlnar-
latte. In the County of Lincoln, ln tho lan. Hospital 218 south Locust St.,
State of Nebraska, tho following land,
lot and parcel of ground, lying ndja-
ent to said City of North Platte, t6-
wit: All that part of the southeast
quarter (SE1) of section twenty-
Doan's Kidney
Mr. Johnson had. Foster-MIlburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
said City In addition to all other tares,
sulllclont to pay the interest on saiu
bonds and creating a sinking fund
sufficient to pay said bonds when they
become due at their maturity, said
bonds to draw interest at a rate not
to exceed five per cent per annum
with Km prlnc pal place ot business nt from tncr date until paid, which inter-
Ogalal a, Neb.. writes Insurance cst shall hti Imyable semi-annually and
ngainsl lire, Lightning, VUndstemi, be evidenced bv coupons to said bonds
Cyclone and Tornado on farm prop, attached. Said bonds to be drawn
eny, including live stock, on mrnis pavablo to bearer, due twenty years
in neiin, Jjiiicoiii, rerKins, wcuei ami i after (
(hirden couiillcs iu Nebraska.
ilnfn. lint, redeemable at the oi-
This timi nf tho nitv ton vears after the
Is strictly a fanners' insurance mid Is date thereof. Said bonds to be Issued
written at cost. t snrh ttmn and bearing such date as
iiuvo our agents explain our incth- hp Mnvnr nnd Ci'tv Council by reso
ods, (r wrllft our secretary for In- hution mav direct. Botli bounds and
formation. The following are agents coupons to be payable at the office of
the State Treasurer in the Ulty ot liin
north, of range thirty (30) west of the
0th P. M. lying south of the North
Platte river, and east of the main road
running north nlong said tract, which
road is an extension of Locust street
n said City, to be used and improved
for parks and parkways.
The ballots to be used at said elec
tion shall have printed thereon:
For Imuuig of Twelve thousand
00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City of
North Platte Park Bonds," In denonv
inations of Two thousand 00.100
($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing inter
est nt the rate of five per cent per an
Office 130
Residence 115
of (his company in Lincoln county:
J.ewis .llucey, North Platte. Neb., coin, Nebraska.
Win., F .Elfeldl, Sutherland, Neb.
,T. H. Itostwiclc, llojrshcy. Neb.
C. A. EIKEIl, Prcsideilt.
(!. E. JCNGE, Secretary,
Big Springs, Neb.
Special Attention given to Suigery
and Obstetrics.
num. payable annually, Interest and Office: Building and Loan Building
principal payable at the office of the
State Treasurer of the State or fse
braska, said bonds to bear date of
October 1st,- 1915, and the Interest
on said bonds shall beipayable on the
,1st. day of October. 1910, and on the
first day of October of each and ev
ery year tnereaiter untu an oi tno in
Acalnst authorizing the Mayor and
City Council of the City of North
Platte. Nebraska, to borrow monojvanu
pledge the property nnd the credit of
tho City uoon Its negotiable bonds to
an amount not exceeding ?1G,000.00 to
given tnat on tno " " & "" i
t, 1915, at 10 o'clock intersections of streets and spaces
signed will sell at opposite alleys in paving districts of
: the stocll and fix- said City, ami ngalnrit authorizing
Notice is hereby given that on tho M'0 used 1,1 paying the cost of paving
21st day of August
A. M., tho tinders
tilimln nlinfftin nil
tures nnd book accounts belonging the yoranU City Council to levy a
tn tim iirmmf Pmtn,!! x. ci,r,,if. f tax amiaullv upon the taxable proper-
North Platte. Nebraska, as trustees ' of sall W Edition to all other
fr tim i.nnf r,- n, n.,n,nM t.' taxes, suftlclent to nay me Interest on
stedt & Sheedy at the store building In laid bond" "ml creating a sinkinE
which said Forstedt & Sheedy are lo- ' ,l" 7,
at 512 ocust street North JM? .,,ec?m? d"e hcK
Platto, Nebraska, to the-hlghest bid- Pa " uom,s l, "ra" ,,,lt,r8l "l.r'"J
J22-5 Mcdonald state bank,
permitted to escapo at all.
tory repeats ltsou.
Tho answer howevor, which present
a more honcful indication of progress
Is found ln tho fact that tho world is
awakening from Its superstitious
fear, of a literal hell flro and that
Christian Sclonce, departing from tho
methods of terrorizing its subjects
into a calm and sane consideration
of man endowed by his maker with
ability to withstand evil, disease and
fear threatens 'to destroy tho power
with which priest craft has so long
hold tho world in subjection.
Christian Sclonco was first lg-1
norud, then ridiculed, afterwards Its
healings denied, now they aro ad
mitted but asserted to bo of the devil,
but tho time Is rapidly approaching
when all men will recognize tho fact
that Mrs. Eddy has caught tho divine
message which Josus gave to tho
world and that He wub not teaching
and healing for tho benefit of a few
llshormen on tho shores of Galilee,
but for all time and for all men. and
that now and hero is tho day ot sal
vntlQn. That Christian SeloutlHts do not be
lieve iu tho reality of pain is In
deed truo, but to leavo lt'llldro would
crwito tho falso Improsslon which was
As well extract an arbitrary formu
la from a book of chemistry and say
that it is tho scleneo of chemistry, now
you know what chemistry Ih and soo
how foolish it Is.
The ohomlst would sny bettor got a
Btandard work on tho subject and see
what relation the formula has to tho
science taught.
Nearly every public library contains
the fiulliorlscod literature of Christian
Science and Is it not equaly fair that
those who wish to form an opinion in
regard to Christian Science should not
do ho until they liave candidly and
can uilly read what Its adherents
claUn Cor It?
uvir own mental Integrity demands
thl. wn If your some of justlep does
not compel It. Reapectfully
Omaha. July 5, . 1915.
not to exceed five per cent per annum
from their date until pa.d, which in
terest shall bo payable coml-nnnu
ally nnd be evidenced by coupons to
said bonds nttnehed. Sard Donds to
Notice to N'on-Itesldeut Defendants, be drawn payable to bearor, due twen
Ldward E. Jeter and William A. Mc- ty years after date, but redeemable at
Cutchen, defendants will take notice tho option of tho City ten years after
that on tho 6th day of August, 1D15. the date thereof. Said bonds to be
Clnra S. Padgett, plaintiff herein, filed issued at such time and bearing such
a petition in the District Court of date as tho Mayor and City Council
Lincoln County, Nebraska, against by resolution may direct. Both bonds
said defendants et nl, the object and and coupons to be payablo at the office
prayor of which are to quiet plain- of the State Treasurer lit tho C'ty of
tin s title to tne Northeast Quarter Lincoln, Nebraska
(XiSVi) ot Section Twenty-one (21). Those voting ln favor of said prop-
ToNvnshlp Ton (10) N. of Range Thlr- position will mark their ballots with a
ty-tnreo (33) West of the 0th P. M. cross In the square to the lett or, tne
ln Lincoln County, Nobrnska. and es- proposition beginning, "Yes, for nuth
pociauy for a decreo adjudging fraud- orlzing the Mayor and city Council ot
uient and void a certain deed from one tho City of North Platte, Nebraska to
b. it. Hazee to b. II. Stahr, and a cer- borrow money and pledge the property
tain deed from S. H. Stahr to W. M. and credit of the City upon Its nego
Jones, nnd a certain deed from W. M. tlnbo bonds," etc.
Jones to Edward E. Jeter, and a cer- Thoso voting against said proposl
tain deed from Clara S. Padgett, sin- tlon shall mark tholr ballot with a
gle, to S. R. Razee, all of which deeds cross In the square to tho left of tho
pretended to convey tho above des- proposition beginning, "No, against
craned real estate, and also decree- authorizing tho Mayor and City Coun
ing trauduient and void a certain I ell of tho City of North Platto, Nebras
mortgage from W. M. Jones for ka, to borrow money and pledgo the
$1000,00 to S. H. Stahr. and a orotend- property and credit of the City upon
ed assignment of said mortgage from Its negotiable bonds to nn amount not
a. tl. stahr to William A. McCutchen. to exceed 510,000.00."
which mortgngo protended to convey Tho polls at such special election
a Hen on tho above described real os- shal be kept open during the hours of
laio, ami also to declare fraudulent u a. m. to i i jh. ot said nay and tne
and void a contain decreo rendorcd In voting places for said election shall be
tho case of William A. McCutchen vs. as follows
Edward E. Jeter, rendored In the Dls- First Ward at the Lloyd Opora
trict Court of Lincoln County. Nebras- House.
ka, which decree nretended to fore- Second Ward ln tho Commissioners
closo tho above described mortgage, room at the Court Houso of Lincoln
anu ajso uamagos in tne sum of S100.00 - ounty, iseurasua, in said second
tor general cquitanio reliof. ward.
ou aro required to answer this said Third ard at the old hose house
petition on or boforo tho 20th day of situated on Vine Street between Sixth
fcopieniner, tuio. airoet anu front street
CLARA S. PADGETT. Fourth Ward at tho old hose houso
situated on North Locust Street,
By order of tho Mayor and City
Council ot said City of North Platte
Dated this 4th day ot August. 1915
City Clerk
Notlco is hereby given that on tho
Physician and Surgeon.
Corner Sixth and Dowey Streets.
Phones, Ofllco 1S3, Residence 2S3
Hospital Phono Black 633.
Houso Phono Black 633.
Not n Hospital Hut a Homo
Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital
1008 West 4th St., North Platte, Neb.
Jlr.s. Margaret Hall, Superintendent,
JIIss Vela Plcknrd, Grmlunte N'ursc.
Dr. J. S. Twinein,
Physician and Surgeon
Best for Iluniiinily's Cure Orlllchil
Surgery wllh Homeopathic Medi
cine for Acute mid Chronic Disease'.
one-half block
Court House.
southwest of the
ight (2S) In township fourteen (14) . H, llhUk IhLil),
Successor to
Drs. Redfield & Redfleld
Office Phone 642 Res. Phono 676
Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap
pointment of Administrator.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In' tho County Court.
In tho Matter of the Estate of William
Hlghberger, Deceased.
On reading nnd filing the petition of
Josso Hlghberger praying that Admin
istration of said estate may be granted
to himself as Administrator.
Ordered, that August 13, A. D. 1915,
at 9 o'clock A. M. Is assigned for hear
ing said petlton, when all persons In
terested in said matter may appear at
a County Court to bo held ln and for
said County, and show cause why tho
prayer of potltonor sHiould not bo
granted; and that notlco of tho pen
dency of said petlton and the heariug
thereof be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by puhlishlng a
copy of this order ln tho North Platto
Tribune, a legal semi-weekly newspa
per printed in said County, for three
succossivo weeks, prior to said day of
Dated July 10, 1915.
20-3w County Judge.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Residence 38.
.tohn s. sianis, m. d.,
Physician and Surgeon
terest on said bonds shall havo been Office B.' & L. Building, Second Floor
paid; to levy a tax ln the year 1915, p. 0ffl .
nun uuni tutu tuij j .tvt tiiv. tiiin..
sufficient to pay tho interest on said
bonds, and in tho year 1919 and in each
and every year thereafter sufficient
to pay the principal of said bonds as
they become due, until sufficient tax
has been-levied to pay all of tho prin
ipal on said bonds; such tax both for
interest and principal to bo levied up
on all of tho taxable property in said
City of North Platto
Against Issuing of Twelve thousand
00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City of
North Platto Park Bonds," in denom
inations of Two thousand 00.100
($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing inter
raf nf Mm rntn nf flvn nor pont nnr nn.
num. payable annually, interest and l,IU,,u "h oiu
principal payable at the oince or tno
State Treasurer of the State of No
braska, said bonds to bear date of
October 1st, 1915. and tho interest
on snid bonds shall be payable on the
Licensed Embalmcrs
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phone Black 588.
Order of Hearing on Flnnl Settlement
Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County ss.
in tno County Court.
In tho Matter of tho Estate of Olaf
Johnson, Deceased.
To tho Creditors, Legatees and Oth
ers interested in tho Estate of Olaf
Tako notice that Krlstina Johnson
has filed In tho County Court a report
of her doings as Executrix of said
estate, and It is ordered that the same
stand for hearing the 14th day of Aug
ust, A. D. 1915, before tho Court at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.p at which
tlmo any person Interested may ap
pear and except to and contest tho
Notlco of this proceeding and the
hearing thereof is ordered given to all
persons interested In said matter by
publishing a copy of this order In tho
North Platto Tribune, a legal semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
County, for three consecutive weeks
prior to said date of hearing.
Dated July 17, 1915.
J20-3w County Judge.
Painter, Paporhanger and
ft iral
Welcome a
Good Cigar
And a good cigar means ono made
A well Improved Farm, close In. See
Tno Royitl Neighbors will hold tholr
rognJar moe'tlng at tho hall at 3 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon,
al0-4w Plaintiff.
ilepartiuent of the Interior
Serial No. 0.VUS
P. S. Land Offce at North Platte, Neb.,
AUgllSt 0, 1U15.
Notco Is hereby irlvon that, fivrll H
KdlH, of North Platto. Nobraska. who.
on November 21, 1911, mado Homestead
Entry No. 05318. for EU and KW. nf
wv sections. Townshln 11 N.. Ranee h sepiemner, iuib. a special
29 W., 6th Principal Meridian, has section will be held iu the city of
iiieu noucu or intention to make final porta naue, Lincoln rounty. Nbrns
three year Proof, to estnbllsh claim ,cn- nt which the following; proposition
to tne land abovo described, boforo w'" e auunutieu to the voters ot -snld
the Register and Receiver at Nrnth Cty:
Platto, Nebraska, on tho 5th day of Shall th-Mayor and City Council, of
uctouer, iui5. tno city or North Platto, In the Coun-
Clalmaut names as wltnoiHOJt: v. p. ty of Lincoln. In tho stnto of Nebras
Wheeler, ot lllgnell, Nebr.. William ) ,S8e Twolvp Thousand 00.100
HoldernoBS, of North Platte. Nebr.. (S12.000.00i dollars 'Citv of North
Jesse HlBliberger. ot North Plaiw, Platte Park Bonds' In denominations
Nebr., Harry Stevens, ot BlKiiell. Nebr. of Two Thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00)
alO-Ow , J. K. EVANS, lleelster. Dollars each, bearlnc interest nt the
7T rut0 o nvo l)er ceat l,or annum, pny-
NOT1CE 01 SPECIAL ELECTION Uble nnnually. the Interest and prin
, , , clpnl payable at the office of the State
iMHice is nereny ariven. that on t reasurer or the Stnta nf N'uhm.Vn?
Tuesday, the 14th dav Of Sentomhnr. Said boildm tn hear
1915, a special election will bold In the ber 1. 1915. and the internst nn ai,i
Oily of North lilntte, Lincoln Countv. bonds, to be navahln nn the iut iiHV
tiuititi, v niuvii mutt oicuuuu mure uj. uiHwiier. iwiu, anu on tile ttrst
1st day or October, lltiii, and on tne
1st ilnv nf Ofitnhnr nr onch nnd evJ I
cry year thereafter until all of tho in
terest on snid bonds shall havo been
paid; to levy a tax in the year 1915,
and each and every year thereafter
sufficient to pny the interest on saidl
bonds, and In the year 1919 and In each
and every year thereafter sufficient
to pay the principal of said bonds asl
they become due, until sufficient tax
has been levied to pay all of the prin
cipal on snid bonds; such tax both for
interest and principal to be levied up-J
on all of tho taxable property In said
City of North Platte.
Thoso voting in favor of said
proposition shall mark their bal
lots with an X nfter the paragraph
beginning with the- word "FOR"; and
thoso voting against said proposition
shnll mark tholr ballot, with an X af
ter tho paragraph beginning with the at tho Schmalzried factory. Our rep
word AUAirbl . utatlon as n. maker o fcood clears In
Said election will be open North Platto extends back thirty vears.
at 9 O'clock in the momlng and Tf w rltrl Tint mnkn Pnnrl Himra wn
Will conunuo to UO open untu nWnn1il lmvn hfAn fnrrntl tn nlnsA thn
o'clock in tho afternoon of said day of factory ycars ag0. I you have not
. ... , I'"'V"li i""8 ui sum bcen smoking Schmalzried's Cigars it
t , , k ' ,Vl u u is nt t0 lata to begin
um uiu)u upuiu iiuusu uii um curlier
of Pine and and Sixth streets, in the
first ward of said City; and at the
County Commissioners' room in tho
Court Ho:so In the second
wnrd of snid City; and at tho old hoso
houso, sltunto on vino street between
Front and Sixth streets In tho third
wnrd of said City; and at tho hoso
houso In the fourth ward of said City;
said olectlon will bo conducted In
manner nnd form ns provided by tho
ordinances ov aald City, and tho Stat
utos of tho Stato of Nebraska
By order of tho Mayor nnd City
Council of tho City of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Aebrnska
Dated thi3 1th day of August, 1915
(oFAI v 1 Vm v rErtr Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap
(bLAM ut Clerk- polntmcnt of Administrator or
J. F. Schmalzried
s an d Ca
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red C3G Office 439
will be submitted to the people the day of Ociobir of each and every
question: year thoronfter. until all of tho interest
Shnll tho Mayor nnd City Council, on said bonds shall have boon paid
ofs the City of North Platte. In the Said bouds to bo numbered consectt
County of Lincoln and State of N-- tlvely from ono to six Incluslvo nnd
braska, pledgo tho proporty and tho Interest theroon to bo evidenced
Order of Hearing on Flnnl Settlement
The State of Nebraska. Lincoln Coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun
ty, ss-.
ln tho County Court.
In the Matter .of the Estate of Charles In tho Matter of the Estate of Abblo
T. Robison. Deceased. u uomson, uecensou.
To the Creditors. Hoirs. Loiratees On reading nnd filing tho petition of
and Othors Interested ln the Estate of LUllo M. Dentler praying that Admin
Charles T. Robison. Istratlon of said Estate may be grant
Take Notice, That V. J. Dentler has od to F. J. Dentler. as Administrator,
filed ln tho County Court, a renort of Ordered, That August Ti, A. u. 1U15
his doings as Executor of said estate, At 9 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hear
and it is ordered that the same stand mg said petition, wnen nil persons in
for hearinsr the 27th day of AukusL terested iu said matter may appear at
A. D. 1915, before the Court at the hour a County Court to be held ln and for
of 9 o'clock n. m.. nt which time any said County, and show cause why tho
person Interested may anoear and ex- prayer of the petitioner should not b
cept to and contest the same. granted; and that notice of the pend-
Notice of this DrocectliuK and the ency ot said petition and tne Hearing
hearintTfhereof is ordered given to thereof beglveu to all persons Inter
till persons Interested In said matter ested ln said matter by publishing a
by publishing a copy of this order in copy ot this order in me .orm l'intte
the North Platte Tribune, a soml- Tribune, a semi-weekly nowspnpor
weekly newspaper printed In said printed ln said county, for throe suc-
Couuty, for thteo consecutive weoks cesslvo weeks, prior to said day of
prior to said date of hearing. iienrlng.
Dated August 2. 1915. Dated August 2, mr.
n2-3w County Judge. I a2-3w County Judge.
Order of Hearing on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho County Court.
In the Matter of the Estato of Beatrice
Gllfoyl, Deceased.
On reading and filing petition of
Henry Gllfoyl, Executor, praying a
final settlement and allowance of his
account, filed on the 13th day of July,
1915, and for his discharge as exec
utor, and for a decree of distribution
under the will and for construction of
tho terms thereof.
Ordered, that August 13th, A. D.
1915, at 2 o'clock P. M., Is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons Interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held In
and for said County, and show cause
why the prayer ' of tho petitioner
should not be granted; and that notice
of the pendency of said petition, and
the hearing thereof, be given to all
persons Interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order In tho
North Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said County, for
three successive weeks, prior to said
day of hearing,
J20-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska
In tho Matter of the Estate of Wil
liam Siebold, Deceased,
Notice is hereby given thaft the
creditors of the said deceased will
meet the administratrix of said estate
before me, county Judge, of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, at the county court
room in said county on the 27th day
of August, 1915. and on the 27th day
of February, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m.
each day for the purpose of present
ing their claims for examination, ad
justment and allowance, nnd on tho
same date tho petition of Julia M.
Siebold praying an allowance bo
made for support or tho family, and
that specific property bo asigned to
her her as widow will be heard. Six
months aro allowed, for creditors to
present their claims and one year for
tho administratrix to settle said es
tato from tho 27th day of August,
1915... This notice will bo published
in the North Platto Tribune a legal
semi-weekly nowspaper for four
weeks successively prior to tho 27th
day of August, 1915.
Witness my hand and seal of said
court this 22d day of July, 1915.
GEO. E. FRENCH, County Judge.
Petition for Appointment of Adminis
trator The State of Nebraska, Lincoln
County, S.S
In tho County Court
Tn the Matter of the Estato of Cora
H. Osgood. Deceased.
On . rending and filing tho petition
pf Charles R. Osgood praying that
administration of said estate may be
granted to him, as administrator.
Ordered, That August 19th, 1915, at
9 a. in, is assigned, for henrlng said
petition, when all persons Interested
In said matter may appear at a county
court to be held in and for satd
county and show cause why tho
prayer of petitioner should not bo
granted; and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and tho hearing
thereof be given to all persons Inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this ordor ln tho North Platto
Tribune, a semi-woekly nowspaper
printed in said county, for throe suc
cossivo woeks prior to said dav of
honrlng. , v ,,
Dated July 22, 19I5;
J27-3 County Judgo.