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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1915)
LOCAL AKD rEnSOyAL Charley Boedor returned Saturday from a two.w'Wks' visit In Omulia. Claude Delaney, of Xorthport, spent Saturday In town on business matters. Miss Lorcnc Harvey, of Horshcy, Is visiting with her llttlo friend, Luclllo Dueler, this week. John Holcombo shipped dlavon cars of cattle to Dalo Creek, AVyo., tho lat tor part of last week. V. W. Burr returned to Denver Sun day evening after spending a week at tho experimental farm. Mrs. Anna Simpson returned home Saturday morning from Horshcy whore she visited frlonds for a week. Miss Clark, of Tryon, entered tho Nurse Brown hospital for treatment last week and Is doing nicely. A new assortment of Peggy O'Noll caps, all prices, at E, T, TRAMP (c SON'S. W. S. Dolson and Mrs. Henry Schott wore called to Lisco Saturday by the death of their sister, Mis. Belle Mul len. Will Connor, of Wood River, visited Frank Dunn the latter part of last week," 'while enrouto' home from Chap pell. Miss Amelia Burklund, of Suther land, visited local friends last week and returned home Saturday aftor noon. Roy Marovish, of Sutherland, came down Saturday morning to visit his Bister, Mrs. A. J. Frazier for a few days. Miss Naomi Dowhower, who was the guest of relatives at Bridgeport, returned homo the latter part of laBt week. Mrs. Roy Gunsolly and children, who have been guests In Ft. Pierre, S. D., for three weeks, are expected home today. Ned Stuart left Saturday evening for Los Angeles, after spending two months with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stuart. J. F. Clabaugh is carrying his right arm in a sling this week, having in Jured his wrist while cranking a car Friday afternoon. ' Attorney W. V. Hoagland will leave about August 27th for Silver Creek where he has been reuested to address a meeting of the I. 0. O. F. Mrs. Stella Adams, who resided here for a number of years, came down from Denver the latter part of last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Carl LIntz. Mrs. A. J. Frazier and daughter, Tryon, who visited the former's broth er in Sutherland for ten days, return ed'homo Saturday morning, liss Sadie Tcets, of Omaha.a-forni er resident of this city, arrived here a few days ago to bo the guest of Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Joder for a couplo of weeks. Wo have the ladiesfiber silk liose at 50c, the very best quality. E, T, TRAMP & SON'S. George C. Hanria, age 4G, of Madi son, N. J., and Bertie Sherman Price, age 40, of Greeley, Colo., were married at tho county judge's office Saturday morning by Judgo French. A new two story eight room modern cottage will bo erected at the experi mental farm in tho near future. , The contract was given to Howard McMi- chfeal the latter part of last week. Do peoplo continue to have opera tions performed when at least 98 ot (the cases operated on could be cured by other means if properly treated by the Quaker Specialists? As proof of the work our Doctors are doing, without operating we here with reprint an affidavit that appeared In the Beatrice Express and Sun last November. If you want more proof, call at any of our offices, visit withjDiir patients, and be convinced. AFFIDAVIT State of Nebraska.County of Gage, ss Personally appeared before mo one Doctor Fred W. Buck, who being duly sworn deposes jmd says That ho has practiced medicine for more than 20 years, and that during that time ho has never performed a surgical operation or advised ono to bo performed on any case of appendi citis, gall stone, mastoid absess, hem orrhoids, (piles), fomoral...dIrect or Indirect inguinal hernia (rupture), hy- drocolo, or ulceration of tho stomach or bowels; and deponent further states that during his 20 years of practice, ho has nevor had a patient die from any of tho above diseases while undor his care. Deponent further stntos that ho Is tho originator of-tho small needle direct Injection method of cur ing hernia, which has cured evory case that has taken his treatment according to direction during tho past ten years (Signed) FRED W. BUCK Sworn and subscribed, to before me a Notary Public, this second day o November, 1914. (Seal) (Signed) G. II. FROLICK, My commission oxpires January 1918. Thurs., Aug. 12 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. TIMMERMAN HOTEL Mrs. Harry Cramer and son John Wesley went to St. Paul, Neb., Satur day aftornoon to visit ,Mr. Cramer, who is employed there superintending the building of grain elevators. Mrs. William Dolson and daughter, Miss Florence Gurnscy, returned Fri day evening from Grand Island, where they spent a week, having their furni ture packed and shipped to this city. A recent Issue of the Keith County News stated that Harry Crook, former ly of tho Robhausen barber shop had purchased tho Beal tonsorlal narlor at Ogalalla and took possession last week. Now'SuIts arriving dally. You can rust assured they aro tho very best tyles at tho very best prices. E, T, TRAMP & SON'S. Mrs. D. T. Qulglcy and Miss Kathcr- Ine Seyferth, of Omaha, who spent two weoks here, left Sunday evening, ac companied by their mother, Mrs. An na Seyforth, who will make her home with them. The Lincoln County Teachers' Insti tute will Jo,hold In this city from Aug ust mm io August zutii, and anyone who can accommodate the teachers with board and room will pleaso noti fy tho county superintendent. Attorney and Mrs. E. R. O'Brlnn. of Olewln, Iowa, were guests of Attor ney James Kecfe last week, while en routo Home from a honevmoon trln In California. The younc men wore class mates In a law school In Iowa sevoral ears ago. A party of ten society nconle held a picnic at tho Country Club Friday ev onlng in honor of Miss Kathorlne Soy- lortn, or umalia. The pleasure of the evenng was marred a little by tho rain storm which necessitated an earlier return than was planned for. Friends In the city received word Saturday thaUMiss Arvilla Whltaker, who is visiting relatives In Vprmllllon, S. D., was Injured in an automobilo ac cident 'last week. Hor mother, who was witn nor, was pinned under the car and her arpi broken in three plac es. J. W. Galloway, vice president and manager of the I. L. A. and Western Railway Co., spent last week as the guest of Messrs. C. 0. Weingand and Thomas Orton. Mr. Galloway is In terested In sweet clover and was very enthusiastic in his praise of the crop In this vicinity. Mrs. V. E, McCarthy and son of Po- catella, Idaho, former residents of this city, nre visiting In town with former mends while on their way to Ogalal la to visit her brothers, the Messrs Ilanna. Mr. McCarthy was employed as trainmaster during their residence hero several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Voodry, of May- wood, lornier residents of this city, celebrated their golden wedding last week at tho Grogg home In Maywood. Two hundred guests wero present and among other presents a purse of gold was presented, them. . .They were mar ried at 'Davenport, Iowa, in 18G5, .lo cated hero In 1S91 and moved to May wood in 1003. Governor Morehead has chosen fifty gentlemen of Nebraska to go as dele gates to tho International irrigation congress to be held at Fresno, Sacre mcnto and San Francisco from Sep tember 13th to 20th nclusive. Among inoso namuii are v. v. iioagianu, oi this city, F. S. Bible, of Paxton, Fred Pierson of Sutherland and W. P. By ron, of Gothenburg. ror Kent. Five room cottage, city water, elec tric lights and sewer. ?15 per month Inquire of T. Simant. 303 south Chest nut Btrcet. 57tf liiiral Carrier KxaiuinuMon The United States civil service com mission has announced an examlna tlon for .the county of Lincoln, Neb., to bo held at North Platte, September 11, 1915, to fill tho position of rural car rier at Brady and vacancies that may alter occur on rural routes from other offices In the above mentioned county, Tho examination will uc open only to male citizens who are actually domi ciled In the territory of a post of fice In -the county and who meet the other requirements set forth In form No. 197.7. This form and application blanks may be obtained from the of flees mentioned above or from tne United States civil servico commls sion at Washington, D. C. Applications should be forwarded to tho commis sion at Washlncton at the earliest practicable date. Horse Sense. iV horse that refrains from eating Is using tho horse sense method oi curing itself of some Intestinal trou ble. Nature sometimes fails, so take no chances but go to tho aid of na ture as soon as you seo something wrong with your horse and give it a dose or two of B. A. Thomas Stock Remedy. If it does not respond at once, this medicino cost you nothing and It's Just as suro with cows or sheep. We give you your money back. Sold hf A. F. Fink. FOR SALE One set 1 ton Fairbanks Wagon Scales. Jos llorshey, Opposite Post office, Phone 1,". 5.V(f Mrs. EHznbeth Evelyn Graves, of Maxwell, died at the home of her daughter Mrs. Clara Grogg on east sixth street tne latter part oi last week at tho ago of flftey-two. Mrs Graves had been ill for several months with perlncious anemia and recently came to this city for treatments. Funeral services wero conducted Fri day afternoon by Rev. Cram and the remains taken to Maxwell tor nunai For Cuts and Sores. Farris Healing Remedy comes in concentrated form. To it you add a nlnt of linseed oil, if you want a heal ing oil, or a pound of lard or vase lino If you want a salve. AVo guaran tee that this makes you a full pint of bettor healing medicino than any thing you ever used no matter what the nr co. Why should you pay meu icine prices for simple oil or lard or vasellno? For sale by A. r . Finn. Joo Richards, ,of Omaha, who was an employee of the Richards Dry nnnils Ktnrn llPTA RPVPTfll VPfirH BCO came Sunday to visit friends and In - cid-ntly attend the ball game. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Miss Bertha Votaw, of Curtis, spent Sunday with local relatives. James Seaton, of Wallace, Is visiting his son C. A. Seaton In this city for n few dnys. Jack Welllver of Maxwell spent Sun day hero attending the ball gnmo antlt chautauqua. Virgin Wnrren and P. Gafulnor, of Ogalalla, wero down Sunday to attend tho Chautauqua. The itown rif Sholton hns voted ,000 bonds for a now Electric Light and Power Plant. tUtcr spending some time In Scotts Bluffs, Attorney Johnson spent the week-end In town. Frank Johnson, Lloyd Young nird T. T. Mnrcott were among tho Brady peoplo hero this week. For Rent Furnished cottage on Second street, south of new round houso. Phone Bllck 408. 5S-2 Miss Hunter of Sutherland, who visited Mrs. L. W. Walker, returned home yesterday morning. John Reynolds has resumed work nt the Wilcox department store, nftor taking his summer" vacation. Miss Lillian Sicks returned Satur day evening from an extended visit with her father In Kansns.' R. H. Brln, of Dallas, Texas, a cousin of Julius Plzor, Is spending this week at tho Plzor home. A mooting of tho Twentieth Century club has been cnlled tor Tuesday af ternoon, Augtfst 17th nt four o'clock In the library building. Mr. and Mrs. Snm Souder havo as their guest this week the former's brother Eugene Souder of Moorefleld, who came here a few days ago. W. R. Wrin of Farnnm Is among the visitors in town this week on business. Jay Smith spent a few days witli friends in Grand. Island last week. Peter C. Peterson received a legacy of seven hundred dollars from Den mark Saturday, havng been named as ones of tho heirs n his step-mothers' will. Frank Conneally and brother Luke, of Wallace, accompanied by their fam ilies came Saturday to spend this week visiting friends and attending Chau tauqua. Miss Margaret Cralgle returned. Saturdny from a live weeks' visit with the Downlo family in Oakland, Calif., and witli other relatives in Los Angeles. Mrs. Louis Riesman, of the Dallas Cotton Comb factory who is touring Nebraska stooped over Sunday in our city. Ho reports poor roads but good business. Mrs. Harry Ford, of Chicago, who has been spending tne summer in Denver with her father, Frank Dentler is expected today to visit her aunt, Mrs. Frank Lowell. ' City Clerk Terhple sent out fifty notices yesterday to property owners who havo neglected to put In cement walks around their lots and connect with the walks already In. Tho Lincoln Highway Garage has se cured the services of H. H. Sanders, of Denver, Colo., as machinist. Mr, Sanders comes well recommended and has had ten years' experience. Ralph Welborn, a brother of Ray Welborn of this city will be confined in tho Grand Junction hospital for thirty dnys as a result of injuries re ceived In a horseback-riding contest He voluntered to ride , an outlaw horse at a celebration there and was thrown off, trampled upon and bit by the animal, which proved to be 'un manageable. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Whereas at a regular meeting of the City Council of North, Platte, held August 2nd, 1915, the following mo tion was adopted. Moved that the Council approve tho following con tract with tho North Platte Light & Power Company and that the. Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same and that the same be submitted for tho approval or disapproval of tho voters or tho City of North Platte at a special election to be held on Sep tember 14th, 1915 for this purpose and in tho manner provided by law. Street Lighting Contract between North Platte Light nnd Power Coin-, puny and City of North Platte. This contract entered Into by and between North Platte Light and Power Company, a corporation, as the party of the first part, and City or North Platte, in the County of Lincoln and Stnto of Nebraska, as party of the sec ond part. WITNESSETH: 1. The party of the first part here by agrees to furnish to tho party of the second part, and tho purty or the second part hereby agrees to take and use, for tho purposo of lighting the streets, alleys and public places of the party or the second part, and during tho period of five years herelnbelow described, electric light 'supplied by such number of overhend -suspended hooded Incandescent street lamps as may bo required and lrom time to time ordered Installed by tho party of the second part during said period, at tho following rates and prices, which the narty of tho second part hereby agrees to pay to tho party of tho first part, and upon the followlngterms and conditions: 2. For sixty candle powor Incandes cent lamps or their equivalent in can dle power, each per annum $21.00; for eighty candle power Incandescent lnmps or their equivalent in candle power, each per annum $23.75; for one hundred power incandescent lamps or their euuivalent In candle power, each per annum $20.50. for two hundred nnd fifty' candle power Incandescent lamps or their equivalent In cnndlo power, each per annum $5S.OO; for four hun dred candle power Incandescent lamps or their equivalent In cnndlo power, each per annum $S2.50; for thirty-two cnndlo power Incandescent lamps as specified and provided for In Para graph 3. $18.00 per annum. For arc lichta or high candle power Incandescent lamps used In place of 1 are lights as specified and provided for in Paragraph 3, $ns.uu per annum. i, ,., i ,J ShiJ .V.iK. ! ",n,1,mo,?tl y, l"8tnEe t8, ...Llm,,s sunn ur iiKiueu iiuiu uusk mull (iiiwu i each night. All lamps and equipment shall be furnished and maintained by the party of the first part. 3. It Is agreed by the parties here to that the party of the first part will promptly, after the confirmation of l,s contract by the affirmative vote of imi en-dors oi .Norm 1'intte, Nebraska, proceed to Install and equip a now and modern system. Including wires, polos and accessories, for tho servico of such sixty, eighty, ono Hundred, two hundred and fifty and four hun dred candle power Incandoscent lamps or their equivalent which tho second party may order Installed undor this contract. Tho work of In stalling such now and modern svstem for street lights ns provided for above, shall after commencement, be carried on tlllligontly to completion. i-niu tno completion of said new and modern system, tho street Hclits used by tho second party and supplied by the first party, shall be continued in use nna paid for nt tho schedule named In Paragraph 2. 4. In the event of nny of said lamps not burning during the time required, the party of the second wart simii h the right to deduct the pro rata amount irom tne mil for each night such lamp falls to supply light for more than two consecutive nights, after receipt by the party of the first part of written notice from the proper official of the party of the second pnrt that said lamp Is not burning. 5. All street lamps provided for herein shall be placed nt such points within the territorial limits of the par ty of the second part as may bo desig nated by the mayor and city council or authorized representative of the party of the second part; provided that no lamp shall be ordered Installed at a greater distance than seven hundred feet from tho location of a then exist ing street series lamp; and should the party of the second rmrt renulro the re-loeatlon of nny lamp after the same has been located, then tho party of the second pnrt shall pay to the par ty of the first part the acutal cost of labor and material- necessary In such re-location. . The party of tho second part shall, in conformity with the law. sub mit this contract for approval or dis approval, to Its electors at a special election held September fourteenth, 191:. Should this contract by said electors ot such election be disapprov ed, then no oblgntlon hereunder shall bo upon cither party hereto. But should this contract by said electors at such election be approved, then this contract shall in each and nil of its provisions take effect and be and con tinue in full force for and during a period of five years from nnd after tho first day of November, 1915; it being distinctly understood and agreed that the party of the first part shall have a reasonable time in which to supply the necessary equipment for the ful- flllng of Its obligations hereunder, and that It will make every effort to supply such equipment as speedily and soon as practicable. '7. Each and all of the rights, privi leges and advantages lodged In or pass ing to the- party of the first part by virtue hereof may by It be transforrcd and assigned, but only upon the as sumption by any grantee or assignee of each and all of the obligations of the party of tho first part thereunder. In Testimony Whereof, North Platte Light and Power Company has here unto set its ltnnd and attached Its cor porato seal by Willis Todd, Its Vice President, thereunto authorized, and City of North Platto 1ms hcrounto set its hand by Its mayor, attested by its city clerk, all on tills 3rd day of August A. D. .1915. NORTH PLATTE LIGHT AND POW- E COMPANY, (Party of First Pnrt) By WILLIS TODD, Vice-President. Witness to slgunturo of Party of First Part W. LITTLE. CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRAS KA. (Party of Second Part) By E. 11. EVANS, Attest: Mayor. C,F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. Therefore notice is horby given thnt a special election will bo held In tho fity of North Platte, Nebraska, on Tuesday, September 14th, 1915, at the places hereinafter specified in tho sev eral wards of the city for the purpose of submitting tho following proposi tion to the voters of said city; "Shall tho Mayor and Clerk of said city bo empowered to enter Into a contract with the North Plutto Light & Power Company a copy of which Is printed nbqye rtr '" purpose or street light Imr." Tho polls of said election shall bo kept open betwoen tho hours or o'clock A. M. and 7 o'clock P. M. on said day and the voting places therefor in tho sovcral wards shall uo as roi lows to-wlt: First Ward at tho entranco at tho Lloyd Onern House In said ward. Second Ward at tho Court, Room at the County Court House In said ward. Third Ward at tho old IIoso House situated on Vino Street between Front and Sixth streets in said ward. Fourth Ward at old IIoso houso on North Locust street in said ward. Tho ballots for said olection shall havo printed thoreon: For granting permission to tho May or and Clerk of the City of North Platto to enter into a contract with said company for tho purposo of street lighting. And Against granting permission to the Mayor and Clerk of the said city to outer Into said contract with tho North Platte Light and Power Com- pany. Those voting In favor of granting said permission shall mark tholr bal lots with an "X" opposito the para graph beginning, For granting snld nernilHslon. Those voting against granting of snld permission shall mark their bal lots with an "X" opposite tne para trrnnh heclnnintr IlKalllEt. This notico shall bo published 30 days prior to said oloctlon. Slgnod thin 9th day of August, A. D, 1915. E. H. EVANS, Attest: Mayor, C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. Herbert Bristol and son returned Saturday evening from a short visit to Coznd. Two Ranges In One The Duplex Alcazar is a single range that does the ,work of two. Willi it you can cook in comfort every month in the year. " Burns Coal and Gas separately or both at once. YoU; can burn coal in the winter and keen the kitchen warm; gasp' in the summer and keep the kitchen cool. . s K The p"jj'frL M Smi Own tt uivfof tai S Coal and Cos Burns Coal It Is Different and Better Simple to Operate; not a part needs to he removed or replaced, cither in the Oven or on the cooking top. You simply "I'ull or Push the Lever"' and oven is ready for use with any fuel. It is actually Two Complete Ranges in One. HERE AT LAST IS The COAL and GAS RANGE that is Right Let us demonstrate it to You. HOWE & MALONEY. MmV.9.1KJ?W ' I'll mm JIM seams in every axle, so small you can't see them but large, enough to cause friction and wear. They are filled by the Mica in axle Made of finely powdered mica and hiuh grade urease stock. Kills, friction will not run or gum. Sold in 1 and 3 pound cans, ealvamV.ed iron pails, kees, half-barrels and barrels. Eureka Harness Oil Feeds the leather. Makes harness look better and last long. STANDARD OIL COMPANY . (NEBRASKA) Money to Loan ON FARMS AND RANCHES Lowest Raten and Best Terms. Plenty of Money on hand to Close Loans Promptly. Buchanan & Patterson J, S. Davis Is expected, to return to- j day from Lincoln, whero ho spent two (weeks on business Burns Gas Patented Fob. 9, 1915. 11' Mi ihlil lt trie There are holes and drease OMAHA