The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 10, 1915, Image 4

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    DR. 0. H. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonnU
: State Bank.
Miss Ella Illako lias returned from
a weeks' Visit at the Patrick ranch.
Editor Fred ItasmtiBsen was up
from HerSltey the latter part of Inst
Miss Minnie Gasncr left a few days
ago for Chappoll to spond a couple of
weeks. !
Miss Mankin, of Grand Island, was
a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Groon
last week.
Master Theodoro Payne has gone
to Omaha to spend ton dnys visiting
his uncle. v
The Indian Card Club will be enter
tained Thursday aftomoon by Mrs. J.
F. Clabaugb.
Mr. and' Mrs. A. L. Mlschko, who
visited In Sutherland the past week,
will return today.
Miss Elizabeth Carmlcheal, of Alli
ance, is expected hero this week to re
main Indefinitely.
Ira Ditch, of Wallace, entered the
Nurse Drown Hospital a few days ago
to take treatment. '
Mrs. Mao Sullivan and sons, of Oma
ha, who visited the Marcott family last
week, have roturnud homo.
Mrs. Joseph Murpliy will leave short
ly for Salt Lake City to spend a cou
ple of weeks with friends.
Mrs. J. 'L. Deokman and baby have
returned from a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Jngger In Gothenburg.
' Myrtlo and Floyd Hof.s liave gone
to Gothenburg to visit for a week with
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Itistine.
Miss Margaret Mcttln will leave
next week 'for Ogalalla to spend a fort
night or longer with relatives.
Robert Sailor ha3 accepted a po
sition In tho Brooks photograph gal
lery and b)($an work last week.
Mrs. Frank Yearsloy has returned
from Falls' City, wliero sho was tho
guest of relatives for some time.
Miss Hejn Johnson left tho latter
part of lastweok for California to re
maln for several months with her sis
ter. if tan W f1 TItrii nctnn n ti il r anna
left Saturday morning for Red Cloud f Omaha, who visited her sister,
whero they"wlll visit relatives for a M. Mary Dunn, for two weeks, re-
fortnight I 11,1 I'""'" auiuiuuy muniiug.
Robert Hotlcers. df OshkoShDSPentl rila. W. II. Anderson, of Ogden, who
tho week 6nd with friends In town was the fuest of Mr. and Mre. Charles
and left Saturday fqr Chlcaga to Iran- ano for two days, loft Friday af
act misinoss, ...w.. w .... .
Mrs. Joseph Ilaugh and daughters M,r- "d Mrs- JSeI)h JcasuP , aml
who spent several weeks at their I CarUon, who woro called to
ranch, forty miles south of the city, 'Grand Island by the death of a rela
have,returned. l'vu' rel,'rnei' homo Friday afternoon.
Nothing Is more important for the Does your piano uecd tuning or reg
preservation of good health and clear ulating? If so, calPUM. Expert pl
businesn Judgment than zealous caro,ano tuning at Clinton's Jewolry Store,
of tho eyes. Perfect fitting glnsaes Gaston Music Co., "Wylio Walker, Tun
will overcome nature's defects. C. S. er. 57-2
CLINTON, Registered Optometrist", j Mrg Fred nnd chlidn, 0f
Mrs. PaOlcGraw and daughtor,Bue-Salt Lnlco clty( who woro tUo gucsts
lab, who apont tho summer on their. or hor si8tcr( Mra, L. Kolly for two
rancu wcbi ot iowii, imvo ruuirmju jnonths, returned homo Saturday morn-
For Rent Modern house. Inquire
of A. A. Sc hntz. G5tf
Arthur and McKlnley May, of Goth
enburg, were guests at sevoral lo
cal social funltlons last week.
Mrs. Hugh Merritt was called to
Livingston, Kansas, a few days ago
by tha serious Illness of her fnthcr.
Mrs. Emma Richardson, who visit
ed hor brother, J. A. Neumnn, In .Goth
enburg last week, has returned homo.
Wo have the exclusive sale of tho
State Farm cream and milk.
Clyde McGoe, of ' Stapleton, came
n few days ago to' take a series of
treatments at the Nurse Brown hos
pital. Miss Mario Bowen expects to leave
in a few days for Elm Creek and Wood
River to spond a couplo of weoks visit
ing friends.
Mrs. L. G. Bnber, of Balrd, Is the
guest of her sister Mrs. Patrick Mc
Graw, Jr., and will visit here for two
or three weeks.
William Harcourt returned Friday
afternoon from Omaha and other
eastern points whero ho spent several
days on business.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds have
rented the Norrls house on east Third
street and took possession tho latter
part of last week.
Miss Marguerite Roddy and brothor
Paul will loave soon for Sibley, Iowa?
and Lako Okobojl to spend several
weeks with relatives.
Lost Bunch of keys marked T. P.
A., tag No. 119.355. Reward if returned
to Dickey's store.
Misses Clara and Mertie Humphrey,
of Sutherland, returned home tho lat
ter part of the week after visiting with
Miss Josephine Sadie.
Misses Laura Murray, Graco Burke
and Blanche Fonda Wore guests of
tho Fred Erlcson family in Maxwell the
latter part of last week.
Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Kerr returned
Friday, the former from a short stay
In Omaha and the lattor from an ex
tended visit In Akron, lown.
Miss Ruoy Shanor, who had been vis
iting her parents at Maxwoll for two
weeks, returned Sunday and resumed
work In Tho Leader yostcrday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hunt and family
loft a few days ago for Gothenburg,
where they will visit tho J. W. Hunt
family for a week or ten dnys,
Miss Mary Whelphey returned to
her homo In Fremont tlio latter part
of last week, after spending a month
with her uut Mrs. II. M. Grimes.
Mrs. Frank J. McDonough nnd son
Miss Esthor Frcdorlcl wns the guest
of friends in Lexington Sunday.
Mrs. John Grant has returned from
a short visit with her son in Kearney.
Mtssos Pearl nnd Helen Koontz are
spending tills week wltn Maxwell rola
tives. Miss Eva Baker spont the greater
part of last week In Brady with the
Totro family.
For Farm Loans sco or wrlto Gene
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. 41tf
Lloyd Powers has returned from
Omaha whore ho transacted business
for several days.
Guests of Miss Marlon Lawson this
week aro Lester Zook and Pauline
Gillam, of Lexington.
Miss Esthor Hogsett, who spont two
weoks with friends In Omaha, return
ed Snturday evening.
Miss Mnyine Spies returned Friday
evening from Omaha whero sho spont
a fortnight with friends.
Mlssos Irene and Mario Stuart er
pect to leave next week for Denver to
spend a couplo of weoks.
Mrs. James II. Morrow returned the
lattor part of last week from a short
visit with Kearney friends.
Miss Josephine McMicheal returned
to Wellileot last week nftor spending
two weeks with frlnds here.
II. V. HHIker, of Denver, spont the
week end In town transacting buslnoss
and visiting the Streltz family.
Mrs. C. W. Krouger, of Wallace,'
submitted to an operation at the
Nurse Brown hospital a few days ago.
Mrs. Rose Garrison and children left
Saturdny morning for Paxton to visit
tho McFadden family for two weeks or
ho second section of train No. 1G
Friday ;nomlng was an Elk special
returning from tho exposition at San
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kahlor, of Sew
ard, who wore guests of tho former's
brother, Henry Kahlor last week, have
gouo home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cook, who havo
been with a fishing party In . Evans
ton, Wyo for sevoral weeks, are ex
pected home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ellis and child.
who mado nn extended visit 'with rel
atives in Oklahoma City, returned
!homo Friday morning.
In the county court Friday Mrs.
Ellznboth Danze was appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of her hus
band, tho lato James Danze.
Mrs. J. J. Sullivan and daughter,
JMlss Mnry, of Omaha, will spen'd a few
days hero this week while enroute to
Dcnvor to visit for a fortnight.
to the city; to spend tho remainder of
tho season.
Mrs. Goorgo N. Glhbs and daughtor
who wero-gucs'ts of her parents Dr.
and Mrs. MKinley, in York, for a cou
plo of months, returned homo laBt
week, i
Wanted -10 men with binders and
four horso teams to harvest sweet clov
er. Also slnglo bunds for shocking.
Long Job nnd top wages.
Phono Black 710, 501 S. Willow.
Ben Elliott, formorly of this city, who
hns been .nh Instructor In tho en
gineering department of tho state un
iversity ntT'Madisan, Wis., visited his
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Elliott, Inst
week and . left Friday afternoon for
Omaha to spend soveral weeks visit
ing his brpthur nnd transacting business.
Miss Nova Armstrong, of Anltugo,
Wis., who hns bcon visiting hor cou
sin, Mrs. George I). Langlola for sever
al months, will leave for homo this
Mrs. If. D. Boyden nnd daughter
Miss Ruth, of Grand Island who were
entertained for a couplo of weoks nt
tho A. F. Streltz homo, left Friday af
Tho mlddlo aged man of from 35
to GO, without glasses, will ho tho old
mnn without good eyes. Optometry Is
battering down the old, erroneous im-
prosslon that they should postpone
tho day of gluss wenrlng Just as long
ns possible. C. S. CLINTON, Regis
tered Optometrist.
Mrs. Max Von Goetz, a July bride,
wns tendered a mlscolancous shower
Friday aftornoon at tho homo of her
grnndmothor, Mrs. II. C. Welch. Sho
received a pretty assortment of house
hold gifts. Lato in tho afternoon a
dainty lunch wns sorved.
1 sKyrvwm -I
lHArLrn i I
Good All the
Year Round.
Got a gna hot water heater. It
attaches to tho ordinary boiler in
your kitchpn.
In summer you can havo hot wa
ter instantly at extremely small
cost. Makes tho man happy at bath
and at shaving time. Is a necessity
for tho housowifo for washing and
for dishes'.'
In winter it gives quickly hot
water nt'all times when most
Very durable. Prices low.
North Platte Light & Power Co.,
C. R, MOREY, Mgr.
District Store Clerk Nelson nnd
General Store Keeper Fries, of tho U.
P., camo up from Omaha last week
to check the local storo rooms.
Mr. and Mrs. "W. A. Buchfinck are
moving this week into the former
Thomas house on south Maple street,
which they recently purchnsed.
For Sale Cheap Two high grade
used automobiles. Will sell either, ex
chango for stock, negotiable paper or
land. 0. H. TIIOELECKE.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Deats will leave
next week for western points to spend
a month, hey expect to visit in Ta-
coina, Milteouln, Seattle and Port
A. F. Hill and son, of Prophetstown,
111., spent tho week end hore buying
cattlo for their eastern ranch. They
aro making a trip through the west by
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartman and
child, of Chicago, who woro guests of
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McNeal, Jr., for
two weeks, returned homo Friday eV'
Mrs. Carter Harrison, wlfo of Ex
Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, and a
party of friends, wont through the lat
tor part of last week to tho Panama
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weeks are vis
ltlng their sons Edward and Robert,
whllo enroute homo to Grand Island
from a pleasant visit at tho Panama
A number of local young folks at
tonded a barn dnnco given at the
Fred Erlcson ranch near Marwoll Fri
day evonlng and report n very enjoy
able ovenlng.
Miss Irma Scherhacher, of Guide
Rock, arrived hero tho latter part of
lust weok to uccept a position ns
stenographer In tho Iloagland & Hoag-
land law office.
Miss Ruth Streltz and hor guest
Miss Josophlno Murphy, of Lincoln, ex
pect to leave- In a few days for nn out
ing In Estos Park and other western
points of interest.
Mrs. Lawrence Qualley, of Elk
mont, Is spending a fortnight with her
mother, Mrs. John Connott. Mrs
Qualley was formerly Miss Edith
Rousho of this city.
Tho Ogalalla and Sutherland ball
teams cnncollcd tholr gnmo Sunday In
ordor that tho fans would havo nn op
portunity to soo tho Brldgoport-
Boostor gnmo hero.
Cltv offlcors hnvo boon notified to
bo on tho lookout for U mnn by tho
nnmo of Jack Mndlgnn, who oscnped
August 3rd from tho Laramlo Jail and
Is making his way east.
J. E. Sebastian Is having a now
$3200 bungalow erectod on his lots on
east Second street. It will havo six
largo rooms and bo fitted up with
ovory mouorn convenience.
T. T. Marcott, of Brady, spent Sun
day hero, having boon notified lust
weok that ho was appointed one of
tho commltteo to rocelvo W. J. Bryan,
who addressed tho Chautauqua.
Attorney and Mrs. J. S. Iloagland
left In their car Sunday aftornoon for
Contral City whora tho formor will
deliver an nddross for tho Old Sol
dlers Reunion on Monday. Later in
tho week tho y will go to Lincoln to
attend tho wedding of a nelce.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Snggerson
left a few days ago for Grand Island
to visit friends for a week or longer.
Mlssos Maud and .Mabel Turple, of
Goldon, who have been visiting their
brother, Frank Turplo, for n couple of
weeks returned homo Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Courtnoy, of
Stromsborg, visited in town the lat
ter part of last week and have gone
to O'Fnllons whero they will be the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. White.
Dld you notlco our ndvortlsoment on
page 43 of last week's Saturdny even
ing Post? Bo sure nnd look It up.
CLINTON, tho Jeweler.
A. O. Sumption, of Omaha, travel
ing auditor for tho Union Pnclflc Co.,
spent the week end here checking up
the local ticket office, while enroute
homo from San Diego, whore he spent
his vacation.
Messrs. E. Rlnckor, F. Snndall, C.
Jones, C. Tlghe nnd M. Bullard have
erected a tent on tho former Russell
giounds In tho aouthwost part of the
city, which they will use for sleeping
quarters during the summer.
Have you seen the 13c handkerchiefs
ut E. T. TRAMP & SONS?
Frlonds In town received word that
Miss Gladys Hall, who was to sail
from San Francisco last week for Ma
nila', whero sho has been engaged to
teach was delayed by Illness, and will
not sail until tho September boat.
Honry Rebhausen will leave Thurs
day for Chicago to take part In the
great American handicap shoot for
tho championship. Mr. Rebhausen
made tho highest scores at tho state
shoot which was held here last May.
E. O. Fuller, of Cheyenne, was in
town Friday evening while .enroute
to Lincoln on busness. Mr. Fuller
wan employed in tho U. S. land office
in this city for a number of years prior
to going to Cheyenne.
A score of young folks were enter
tnlned Friday evening by Albort Wes
tenfeldt at card. Prizes were award
ed to Messrs. Irving Johnson and
Harry Lannln. Enjoyable refresh
ments woro served after tho games.
Tho replevin suit of Win, Coleman
vs. Thomas Rowley will be up for
hearing In the county court tomorrow.
Coleman claims that the defendant
has and is unlawfully keeping three
calves which bol6ng to the defendant.
A. C. Coombs, who had been em
ployed as Union Pacific yard watch
man in tho local yards, was trans
ferred to Cheyenne and left Saturday
morning. Mrs. Coombs and family
will be ready to move In thirty days.
Misses Mnry and Adeline Winn and
brother John, of Kearney, formerly of
this city, visited tho Minshall family
last week while enroute to California
to make their home. Mr. and Mrs
Winn have lieen there for several
Tho Episcopal ball team, who have
won overy game this season, defeated
tho Lutheran nine the latter part of
last week by a score of 1G to S. Hal
ligan pitched for the former and Ru
dat for the Lutherans. Catchers were
Jones and Sandnll.
The .lludil Iluildlutr & Loan Associa
tion is prepared (o issue u limited
amount of its Full Paid Slock. First
come first served. This stock is is
sued in any amount from $100.00 to
$.,M)().ul) nnd pays scml-itnnunl dm
dends at rale of six per cent.
Miss Penrl Frank, who has been em
ployed us stenographer in tho Hong
land & Iloagland law offico for some
time, resigned last week and will leave
for Kansas to accept a position as
teacher in tho schools and also to
take university eytension work.
SWEET CLOVKK and all growing
crops INSURED against RAIL. Also
fire, tornado, automobile insurance
Strictly old line.
54-1 Doollttlo Building, Phono 612
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. J. Drane, of Pltts
bucg, arrived hero Sunday to bo the
guests of Attorney and Mrs. W. V
Hoagland for two weeks. Mrs. Drane
la a cousin of tho latter and was
formerly Mrs. Ida Wolmsley, of this
city. While hero she made her home
with tho Singleton family.
Verno Powell, formerly of this city
who has been located In Ft. Scott,
Kansas, for a number of years, is ex
pected to visit his father, W. R. Pow
ell for a montn or longer, vorne
is nn accomplished musician and has
been taking instructions in a Boston
musical school for some timo and is a
members of the Ft. Scott band.
The RIversido Country Club havo
leased tho property known as Dicks
Grovo for tho purpos of maintaining
a golf course. Thcso aro private
grounds and are for the use of mem
bors only and their immediate family
P. R. HALLIGAN, Secretary
Fruit. Kxhiblls
Tho managers of the North Platto
Artificial Ico and Cold Storage Co
havo kindly offered to keep In cold
storago any exhibits of fruit selected
Ifor tho county or stato fairs. The
fruit should be picked and carefully
selected nt tho proper timo and sent
direct to this company for storage
until time for exhibiting. This will
make it possiblo to keep the fruit in
porfect condition and should assist
very materially in making a very cred
itablo exhibit at both the county and
state fairs.
Every Saturday, also tho 15 1G, 17
and 18th days of each month, will bo
potato days at tho North Side barn
Phono No. 2U for prices, i win sav
you money.
Poultry Parasites
You keep tho poultry house clean
to keep the parnsltes off the chickens
You sprny to kill germs but what do
you do to get tho gorms and para
sites insldo the chickens? Hons cs
peftally show it at moulting timo
and during tho wlntor. How enn you
oxnect thorn to lay? Free thorn of nil
Internal parasitos by feeding B. A.
Thomas Poultry Powder occasionally.
If it doesn't maUo your lions hnppy,;
wo will return your money, bold by
A. F. Fink.
$1.15 per Bushel
Elborta Freestone Peaches from Arkansas.
We are closing out the car, these Peaches
are as nice as any that have come to North Platte
this year. While they last they are $1.15 per'
Bushel, 5 Bushel lots $1.10.
Cane Sugar $6.75 per cwt.
Quart Mason Jars 4Sc per dozen
Better take advantage of this price, you will
not buy Peaches as cheap again this year. Only
a small portion of car left.
H I Ib tremes of temperature. Oil that leaves I i&S
lY usintr oil that stands up under both ex
tremes of temperature. (Ju that leaves
practically no carbon. Oil that absolutely
reduces friction. Then you will be in the ranks
of the care free motorists who use
the standard tested motor oil.
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
.iczi- ii lizzie
Farmers, Attention
The greatest grain crop you ever raised
is assured barring ZE3C I T . ,
There have been hail storms all around
us. You cannot bar the HAIL, but you
can bar the consequences by letting us
write you a policy against loss by HAIL.
Delays are dangerous.