The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 10, 1915, Image 3

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Rocky Roads of China.
Wo all know tho description of the
simkcn In Ireland: "Tlioro nro none,"
and much the samo might 60 snld
about tho roads in China. Thero aro
so-called roads, certainly, upon which
tho people movo about, but I have
tfeldom met 0110 that was any better
than tho surrounding country, and
very, very otton on this journey I
met roads whero It was ease and lux
ury to n.ovo off thorn on to tho neigh
boring plowed field. Tho reclpo for
a road thero In tho North seems to
bo: "Tako a plcco of tha country that
Is really too bad to plow or to uso
for any agricultural purposes what
ever, that a mountain torrent, In fact,
has given up as too much for tho
water, upset a stono wall over it. a
stone wall with good largo stones In It,
tako caro they never for a moment Ho
evenly, and you havo your road. Wido
World Mnguzlne.
A Ghastly Fear.
Mrs. Strongmlnd Henry, I want
you to como straight homo as soon as
you leave tho ofllce, every day! You
wero twenty minutes Into yesterday,
and It gave mo quite a shock.
Henry Yes, Henrietta. But you
didn't think I'd been run over by a
car, did you?
Mrs. Strongmlnd No; but how was
I to know that somebody wasn't hold
ing you for ransom? Puck.
Perverse Human Nature.
"Is it true that poverty improves a
man's perspective?"
"I doubt iL"
"Then, how about riches?"
"Tho result is tho samo. When a
man's poor he can't appreciato tho
simplo life becauso ho has to live" it,
and when he's rich ho can't appreci
ato tho simple life because his doctor
recommends it."
Gave Him Pause.
Wife Henry, you really must have
tho landlord come and see for himself
tho damage the rain did to our coll
ing. Huo I can't without letting him see
tho damage tho children have done to
tho rest of tho house.
Not Under the Circumstances.
"Wore you surprised to hear of
Jones' death?"
I "Not at all. I know ho was being
attended by a physician."
Her Identity.
"Yonder girl's a daisy."
"Sho isn't, for I know her, and
she's a black-eyed Susan."
At a wedding men laugh and women
weep probably becauso they aro not
the victims.
Somehow- or other the fellow who ah
ways say "I told you so" never seems
to win any bets.
Number of Churches or Synagogues
Seem to Be of Relatively
Little Moment.
"Is it progress to go to church or
not to go to church?" asks Dr. Ernest
C. RichardBon of Princoton university.
Thereupon ho answers tho question in
this wise: "What Is almost tho last
word that can be spoken on universal
progress at tho present stage of af
fairs was once spoken by that most
gracious and polished author of tho
most scholarly 'Llfo of Our Lord,' Dr.
Samuel J. Andrews, apropos of this
very mattor.
"An enthusiastic tpostlo of Chris
tian endeavor In a quiet library read
ing room was holding forth In noisy
conversation on tho wonderful prog
ress of the church In these later
'"Why, Just thlnK of It,' he cried,
'thero aro twelve hundred churches (it
it was twelve hundred) in tho city of
Philadelphia alono today; twelvo hun
dred churches, JUHt think of It!'
"Doctor Andrews looked up from his
book at tho strenuous dcclalmcr and
remarked quietly, 'And thero were
eight hundred synagogues (If It was
eight hundred) in Jerusalem at tho
time when Jesus Christ was cruci
fied "
Well Named.
They wero talking about a promis
ing young man who had failed to niako
good as a traveling salesman.
Tho first man said to tho other
"It was queer about the boy. Ho
seemed to bo a regular whirlwind.
His first trip was a rattling success,
but call ho brought back from his
second trip was a buuch of foolish
"What was it you called him a
"I seo. All 'whirl' at tho beginning,
and all 'wind at tho llnish." Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
His Kick.
"You know thero is an old saying,
'Beauty may draw us with a slnglo
hair.' "
"Sure. But I'd like to get my hooks
on to the cartoonist who drow mo
with a single hair."
But She Can Stop Her Ears.
"Pa, what Is an echo?"
"An echo, my son, Is tho only thing
that can cheat a woman out of tho
last word."
Never do a thing gratis today that
someone Is likely to pay you to do tomorrow.
When a man goes in for reform
work he begins at home.
" - Vj 1111 gjfl M
The Meat
For Summer
isn't beef, pork or mutton, but the true life
giving meat of wheat.
Warm weather calls for lighter diet, and a
true grain food best answers every purpose of
comfort and activity, not only for the business
man but for everybody.
with cream or good milk for breakfast ten days, then
take note. Such a breakfast puts one in fine fettle and
There's a Reason"
Grape-Nut3 is a wheat and barley pure food un
like other cereals in that it affords the valuable
phosphates of the grains necessary for the daily re
building of brain, nerve and muscle tissue.
Economy, too, plays a part; and Grape-Nuts is
convenient ready to eat direct from the package.
Sold by Grocers Everywhere.
Necessary to Make Right Kind of
Start and Work Must Be Faith
fully Performed Every Day.
A poultry farm built upon a secure
foundation is sure to bo successful if
It is nftorward properly managed. It
Is not only necessary to make the right
kind of a start, but tho work must bo
regularly and faithfully performed day
In and day out.
As a rule beginners start with grcnt
enthusiasm, and not n fow build air
castles, but to many of them tho samo
ncss of tho work, tho closo applica
tion, tho constant watching, soon bo
como monotonous, and then thero is
a shirking of duty, neglect, careless
ness, and tho ontorprlso becomes a fall
Jro. Tho point is to begin small meas
ure tho size of tho initial stop with the
amount of capital and experience at
It Is often tho case that men with
more or less available capital, practi
cally put all their money in houses and
stock. This is a mistake and more so
A Purebred Cock.
(n tho caso of those who have no per
lonal experience in the work.
In the parlance of today, "a man
must bo on to his job." Ho must know
what to do and how best to do it. lie
must be. awaro that inexperience may
causo leaks, and leaks will soon .sink
tho enterprise.
It is a noteworthy fact that most
juccessful ioultry farms of today arc
those that havo started from a small
beginning and gradually expanded as
business and experience warranted.
Men "who would not go into the dry
goods business for tho reason that they
know nothing about it, will build
oousos and stock them and expect the
hens to do tho rest.
Hens, like cows, yield a profit nc
:ordlng to tho treatment given them.
They will not stand neglect. They are
hard workers when properly managed
and rewarded, but they can be the
most idle and Indifferent producers
when made to shift for themselves.
Our agricultural colleges havo done
much to teach the now aspirants now
to tread in poultry paths, and men Ami
women who endeavor to Improve Dy
theso excellently arranged courses of
Instruction will havo won half (.he
battle the other half naturally be
longs to practical experience.
A man with $1,000 would better in
vest one-half of It in buildings, stock
and fixtures and reserve tho other naif
for feed and running expenses, than
Invest the entire amount in tho exjulji
ment and have to go in debt for f lie
Eggs and poultry are staple crops
and tho demand Is far greater than
tho supply. This country needs more
poultry farms, und they will be suc
cessful when properly built and man
aged. But the beginning must be
small and the growth gradual so that
every part of tho work Is promptly
noted and carefully and correctly performed.
Homemade Affair Can Be Put To
gether Cheaply by Use of Well
Seasoned Light Lumber.
(By A. C SHKLDON, Ohio.)
Tho broodor is made of well-seasoned
light lumber, and the top Is 40
Inches long, .12 Inches wide; with the
other dimensions given Jn the illus
tration. Tho little opening In front should
havo a llttlo side door. Tho little box
Homemade Brooder.
on tho corner of the brooder as shown
Is for tho lamp or lantern to 00 placed
in to hent tho brooder. It should be
lined with tin or asbestos. There Is a
glass opening In tho top, 12 by 24.
This makes a lino brooder for
Bprlng, summer and fall, and gives
excellent satisfaction. Its capacity
is 220 chicks, and it can bo made at
a very small coBt.
Incubator Most Reliable.
You can hatch eggs in an Incubator
that you cannot trust under a hen
Thin-shelled oggs a hen soon demol
ishes, while an incubator will bring
tbeso out nicely, and so it will a
oracked egg
I N,Kot Cbafenfs 15 Fluid Drachma,
Children Cry For
alcohol- a pp.n cxnts
linti 11k Stomaclrt and Dowels of
Promotes DhJcslioaCliccrfuk
ncss nnd Rcst.Conlnins neither
Opiuin.Morpliinc nor Jlincml
Not Nakco wc.
Alx Stnna
Apcrlcet Remedy lorronsTTplP
.lion, oonr oioiiwcaLMarnuK-n
Worms, tcwrishncss und
Loss otf Sleep,
Facsimile Slgfwlurcof
he CwrrAun COMivyrfJ
Ctoslorln. is n. harmless snbstltnto lor Cnstor OH, Pare
gorlc, Drops and Soothlnp; Syrnps. It is plonsant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Nnrcotlo
substance. Its nfto is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
nnd allnys Fcvcrlshncss. For moro than thirty years it
lias hcen in constant uso for tho relief ol Constipation
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, nil Toothing' Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomnch nnd Bowels,
nsslmllntos tho Food, giving' healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend
1 Bears the Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Tibetans Will Not Be Denied the Joya
That Accrue From the Sense
of Bargaining.
'.Momiir tirno, bargain timo!" calls
out ono of tho poildlcrs by tho way
sido in Tibot cheerfully as ho boob
you returning from a gllmpao of tho
Biiows at sunriso. You hid him como
to you, nnd from ono of tho innumer
able pockets concealed in his volu
minous robo ho will produco a porfoct
llttlo Jado cup, or a Tibetan coffoo
pot or gold, copper und precious
BtoneB, or perhaps a huge lump of
rough turquolso hewn to look lllco a
couch with a tiny gold Buddha reclin
ing on it.
Then comeB tho bargaining, In which
ho and ull hla friends tako part against
your slnglo self.
It can all bo done by signs and
smiles and patience und in tho long
run you will get some things well
worth having at a very reasonable
But you must have no falso prido
about bargaining. It is un elementary
part of theso people's nature, and tho
Joy of aelllng will leave thom forever
when tho day of haggling is done.
It It Certainly Up to You and Cutl
cura. Trial Free.
Hot shampoos with Cutlcura Soap,
followed by light dressings of Cutl
cura Ointment rubbed into the scalp
skin tend to clear the scalp of dan
druff, sootho Itching and irritation and
promote healthy hair-growing condi
tions. Nothing bettor, cleaner, purer.
Sample each free by mail with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
An Error in Debate.
"I think I mude a mistake In argu
ing the question of expense with my
"What do you mean?"
"She wanted nu automobile and 1
inadvertently told her that 1 couldn't
afford it."
"Now she wants it worse than be
fore." Detroit Free Press.
Too True.
Bill It has been estimated that tho
heat received In a year by tho earth
from the sun Is aufllclont to molt a
layer of Ico 100 feot In thickness cov
oving tho globo.
Jill And yet wo havo to go hacking
at it on tho sidewalk with an old
hntchct, Just tho samo."
Not In the Money.
"Does your husband play cards for
"No," replied young Mrs. Torklns,
thoughtfully; "1 don't think Charley
plays for money. But all tho people
who play with him do."
Sight Came Too Late.
Sho When you married mo you
said you wero well off.
Ho So I was, but I didn't know it
Always proud to show white clothes.
Red Crohn Ball Blue docs make them
white. All grocers. Adv.
Women nro acting us street cleaners
In Cardiff, Wales. s
Drink Denlson's Coffee,
Kor your health's sako.
Olrls are employed ns messengers
In tho British war ofllce.
Women aro now eligible to becomo
notaries In North Carolina.
A man is Judged by his deeds; also
by what ho doesn't do.
In Evidence as Having Been Worn by
British Soldiers as Measure of
Military Necessity.
Tho correspondent who writes to a
cotomporary suggesting that tho
British war office authorltler should
insist on soldiers being clean shaven
instead of ordering them to wear mus
taches, might havo alleged Teutonic
Influence in tho adoption of tho mus
tucho of tho British army. Tho idea
was first borrowed from a batch of
Austrian officers quartered with Bomo
of our troops on tho South coast dur
ing tho Watorloo campaign. It was
then taken up by tho guards, who very
much rescuted any attempt on tho
part of mere lino rogimcnts to 'follow
tho now fashion. Tho winter cam
paign in tho Crimea led our men to
grow full beards for warmth, and
these, modified into flowing whlBkers
("Piccadilly wcepors," ns thoy enmo
to bo culled) on their roturn to Lon
don, wero long regarded ns tho mark
of tho man of faHhlon. London
1 No Speed Marvel.
"Is your hired man about th' place,
"Np. I sent him to th cross roads
to fetch th' mall."
"I seo a cloud o' dust down th' road.
Mobby that's hlra comin' now."
"Tnin't likely. I don't s'poso ho
evor moved fast enough in IiIb hull
llfo to raiso a cloud o' dUBt."
Spoiling Her Chances.
"Miss Twobblo oBplros to draw a
cultured circle about her."
"A dangerous thing fora young girl
to do."
"Why so?"
"Likely suitors show n disinclina
tion to break through a ring Ilka
Let Them Go Cheap.
Lady (in furniture storo to now
clork) Whero aro thoso handsome
sldqboards that you had last week?
Clerk (ombarrnsBod) Oh. I or I
shaved them off day aforo yesterday,
urn am. Llfo.
An Alternative.
Caller (at door of apartment house)
What, no elovator! Must I walk
.lunitor No; you may run, if you
Whon a man looks down on us, wo
can't help hoping ho will got dizzy
and full off.
Anticipations and rcgrots show up
oftencr thnn nnythlng else during a
man's earthly careor.
A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed
For Douches
In the local treatment of woman's Mil
such as loncorrhoeft and inflammation, hoi
douches of Faxtine aro vory eftlcaclous.
No woman -who has ever used medicated
douches will fall to appreciate the cloan and
healthy condition Paxilno produces and the
prompt relict from soreness and discomfort
which follows its use.Thls Is because i'axtln
possesses superior cleansing, disinfect
lug nuu ucaung properties.
For ton years tho Lydla E.
Flnkhara Medlclno Co. has roc
ominondod Paztine in their
private correspondence with wo
men, which proves Its superl
orlty.'VTomen who have beon
relieved say it Is " worth Us
BOc. large box or by mall. Bamplo freer,
Tha Paxton Toilot Co., Boston, Maaitr
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That's Why You'ra Tired-Out of Sort!
nave no Appetite.
will put you right
m a lew days.
They d(
their Juty
Cure Con-
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache)
Genuine must bear Signature
UIe. Hut, cIhb, or
nmnUI, aonrHlntu
cheap. LaatB all
aaason. Uadaal
maul, ett'Uplnrtl
overi will sot loll
t ajar unrthlnf.
OaanBtetd SotlTa.
iprtu paid for
HAIOLD I0UEKS, 163 Dt Ealk T., Brklrm, a. V.
TC WalBom II. Cilnmti.
A l'atent LawTer.WaKhtnfton.
BjU8 TOMcnablo. lllzhtit relirences, umtwvlcas,
licit corn, wheat, alfalfa farming conntrr In th
Watt, runs aiTsa ullxt uso Co., oatta,
7A WAY1 TO MAKK MONEY-It mar both
itt 1Tlt) begliinlUBOf yoarHnanclal Independ
ence. Addresa wltb S eta. poitaxa for Information,
zmuss arscuLTi hums, is$Uk.1t.,iiiufii'au, wis.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 32-1915.
Canada is CallinCfba
i her BicliWheat Lands
-She extends to Americans a hearty in
vitation to settle on her FREE Home
stead lands of 160 acres each or secure
some of the low priced lands in Mani
toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
This year wheat Is higher but Canadian land Just
as cheap, so the opportunity is more attractive than
ever. Canada wants you to help to feed the world
by tilling some of her soil land similar to that
which rlnrintr manv vears has averaced 20 to 45
bushela of wheat to the acre. Think what you
yrcan make with wheat around $1 bushel and
land so easv to ceL Wonderful vields also of
Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed farming
is fully as profitable an Industry as erala
sjis. -j. ne government tht9 year is asking
farmers to put increased acreage into
rtao grain. Military Bervlce 13 not com
pulsory In Canada. There is no conscription and no war tax on lands. The
climate is healthful anJ agreeable, railway facilities excellent, good schools and
churches convenient Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway
rates to Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
V'.V. Oennoll,220171h Sf.,Roora
, Deo Building Omaha, Nebr.
Canadian GoYeroroent A scat.
p iniiww a ii a r m m it