The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 10, 1915, Image 1

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    it JjLarth
No; ..58
The Eldcon club will meet tomorrow
afternoon with Mrs. Arthur Artz.
Tho Mothers' club will meet Friday
afternoon with Mrs. Edmond Dickey.
Tho J. . F. club will meet this after
noon with Mrs. W. 13. Brown' on cast
Sixth street.
Leslie- Dick has taken a four week
vacation which ho will spend In cities
of Idaho with friends.
David Sheedy and son Leo who
spent ton days In Donver, returned
homo Saturday evening.
Will Schott will leave Thursday for
Salt Lako, Ogdcn and Portland to
spend his month's vacation.
Miss Helen Slobert and sister re
turned Sunday ovenlng from a visit
with relatives in "Wheatland, Wyo.
Mrs. Neale Turple, daughter and son
left yesterday morning for Denver to
visit frlonds for a week or longer.
Wo have corset models for every
lady, 'we can suit every figure.
Mrs. Hugh Bird and daughters left
Sunday evening for Burlington and
Olewln to. spond two weeks with rela
tives. Mrs. William Yost and daughter Ly
dla returned Saturday evening from
Grand Island whore they visited for a
week. ,
Tho TUUkum girls will give a pover
ty social at the home of Miss Alma
Morrill on west Fourth street this
Mrs James Conner, of Omaha, ar
rived here Saturday evening to visit
for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Miss Helen Hughes, of Gretna, carao
Saturday evening to bo the guest of
her aunt Mrs. Frank Doran for a
couple of weeks.
W. II. Calhoun, of Los Angeles, who
visited his nephew J. M. Calhoun here
last week, went to Marshalltown, la.,
Saturday evening.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Predmeskey and
daughters of Omaha, are being enter
tained at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Fleishman.
Miss Isabelle Doran, who has been
attending a normal school In Boulder
for several weeks is expected to re
turn home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Scott, of Suther
land, came down Sunday to visit tho
former's brother, M. E. Scott, and at
tend Chautauqua this week.
Mrs. George Shindle of Cheyenne,
formerly of this city, came a few
days ago to visit with her mother,
Mrs. Rose for some time. , . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Waltor Ross and tho
latters mother Mrs. Maggie McCance,
left Saturday evening for Ogden, Salt
Lake and other Interesting western
The Episcopal Sunday school will
hold a nlcnic at the North river Thurs-
ilni .1 P. mi vri n.wl tlin limnli tin!
served In the church basement In tho
Word .was received In town tho lat
ter part of last week that the Burling
ton Ice house at Bridgeport had been
struck by lightning and was complete
ly destroyed. I
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Scharman and
family former North Platte people I
are visiting this week with local rela-,
tlves and friends. They are now resi
dents of Kearney.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Ulrlck will movo'
to the experimental fajm this week
where the former wil havo charge of
the live stock. Mr. Ulrlck has been
employed with tho Derryberry &'
Forbes Hardware Co. for some time
and resigned Saturday. I
Mr. Homor, of tho Rodpath Hornor
Chautauqua Co., spont Sunday here on
Mrs. Jane Lane, of Pittsburg, ar
rived n few days ago to visit her sis
tor, Mrs. Margaret Post. .
Mr. and Mrs. Poinrd, of Schuyler,
arrived hero a few days ago to visit
Mr. and Mrs. James Guynan.
Miss Lorotta Murphy loft yesterday
morning for an extonded visit in Salt
Lako and other western cities. '
Complaints wore filed vs. J. D. Cox,
Charles McDonald and Maggie Pluttas
yesterday for keeping open vaults.
Fingle Nelson, of Brady, returned
homo yesterday aftornoon after visit
ing at tho homo of his uncle, Albert
Miss Ruth Stroltz nnd her guest,
Miss Murphy, of Lincoln, loavo to
night for Estes Park, to bo gone about
two weeks.
Miss Minerva McAVilllams loft Sun
day morning for southorn Wisconsin
whoro she will spend soveral wooks
witli her aunt.
Mrs. Roy Miner and niece Delia
Evelyn Wilson of Cheyenne, came
down yesterday afternoon to visit her
sister, Mrs. Harry Murrln.
Miss Laura Murray spent the week
end with friends In Maxwell and while
there attended a large barn party giv
en at the Ericsson ranclsFrlday even
ing. Mrs. McAlfrosh, of Chicago, mother
of Miss Marian Dentlcr who appeared
here" in "Peg of My Heart," spent Sun
day as the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Frank Lowell.
Mr. and Mrs. Grovnr f!rnnn whn
made their home hero a few years ago.j
came down from Oshkosh Saturday
evening to visit friends, attend the i
nan game ami uio cliautauqna.
Tho Philathea club of tho Baptist
church will entertain tho Brotherhood
club Thursday evening nt a picnic
suppor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Louden, 1015 east Fourth street.
Plumber W. T. Green was lined ?G
and costs Saturday for violuting an
ordinance which states that all plumb
ing work shall be Inspected at Inter
vals while being worked upon. Mr.
Green failed to comply witli the in
structions and a complaint was made
against him.
The vicinity of tho Platto Valley
school house was visited Friday even
Ins bv a. severe hail storm whlnli ilnni-
ageil tlie crops- in such a manner that;
tne narvest ol sugar ucets which had
been promising will now, bo almost
a total failure. The corn stalks were
toriij to.'-siireds and -beaten into the
ground', tin the-! George Scharmann
place the damage was the greatest.
The members of tho ladles' guild of
the Church 'of Our Savior have for
sale at a bargain genuine etchings and
photogravures, reproductions from
copper plates of famous paintings.
These pictures are educational and
should be In every home. Remember,
every order given will help a worthy
cause. We ask the co-ceratlon and
patronage of the public. Tho ladies'
guild will hold this sale in connection
with a ten cent social at tho Rectory,
Thursday afternoon, August 19th.
"Stop Thief" will bo the feature at
the Keith theatro Thursday, August
12. This well known farce of Cohan
and Harris with Harry Mcstayer and
Mary Ryan in the leading roles insures
an entertaining evening. With two
kleptomaiacs and a double wedding
pending tho lady of tho household has
her hands about full. Her dilemma
tho' will bring smiles for you. This is a
five part story. 10 and 15 cents. To
those movie fans who aro partial to
Harry Meyers and Rosemary Theby
there is a treat in store at tho Crys
tal tonight in the three part feature,
"The Prize Story."
Tito Bridgeport ball team lost tho
gatno for the championship Sunday
afternoon on the local grounds when
the Boostors won the third consecu
tive game from them. Tho game was
the most sensational of the season
and was witnessed by more than a
thousand people. Luby und Holliday
woro batteries for tho Boosters and
Galgano and Gray for Bridgeport, um
pire, Tlley. Tho homo team mado
three scores in tho third inning nnd
one In the fourth, one of thorn being
a homo run by Holliday the others by
Artloy, Grimm and Bright. Two
baso. hits were made by Getttnan and
Bockorwltz. In tho fifth inning on
account of a dispute over a decision
on second base, John Harrington of
Ogalalla was called upon to umpire
bases and In the eighth inning a
heated argument arose over a foul
ball in right Hold which delayed
game for some time. Bridgeport made
a scoro in tho fourth, sixth and
eighth Innings. Luby struck out three,
Gnlgano seven and walked three.
North Platte was marked with three
errors and the visitors one. One of
the features of tho game was the foul
catcli among tho automobiles by
Gettman. Catcher Gray of Bridgeport
was credited with a home run. Hits
by North Platto were six and Bridge
port seven.
By a score of C to 3 the Bridgeport
team won tho game with tho Boostors
Monday afternoon. Artley and Holla
day represented tho home team, Map
les and Gray for Bridgeport; umpires
Duncan and Johnson. Eight hits wero
made by Bridgeport and four by North
Platte. Artley struck out twelve und
Maples struck out eleven. Errors by
Bridgeport two, by Boosters four. A
homo run by Artley was a feature of
the game, several innings of wltjch
were played in the rain. Games with
tho Scotts Bluff team are scheduled
for Sunday and Monday, August 15th
and 10th.
m.m i . nuc i
The Building of the Panama
Canal Was a Great Achievement
It requires determination, energy, push and
lumber to build iinylninj even a
House, Barn, Shed or Fence
Coates Lumber and Coal Co,
The Home of Good Coal. Phone 7.
Fine 100 acre valley farm on "second
bottom," all in cultivation and the
best of soil for grain or alfalfa. Price
only $130 per acre. Must sell in 10
DCOO acres grazing and farm land,
suitable for good stock runch, 4000
acres under good three wire" fence.
Complete water systems. Price $5.50
per acre. O. H. THOELECKB,
53-8.; Sole Agent.
Mrs. Nancy A. Belgntel was born
in Bowling Green, Kentucky in 1S47,
died in Los Angeles, Calif., Aug. 2d,
1015. Mrs. Beightel mnde her homo
in North Platte for IS years previous
to moving; to California several years
Houses and nice unfurnished rooms,
storage space and safe deposit boxes.
Jay Park, son of W. L. Park of
Chicago, a former North Platto boy
who has been taking a course In
agriculture at Cornell Is expected tho
latter part of this week to visit the
Streitz family. After graduation It Is
his Intention to manage his father's
fruit farm near this city.
The Royal Girls of the Methodist
church were entertained by Myrtle
Kenworthy at her homo on Saturday
afternoon Aug. 7th. They spent most
of the afternoon playing games after
which refreshments wero served. All
reported having a very enjoyablo time.
Work on the new rest rooms In tho
basement of tho Building & Loan base
ment is being hurried In order that
they may be ready for use Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Toolo Una ns
their guest this week the former's
brother, who has returned to Kearney.
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Fair tonight nnd Wed
nesday not much change In tempera
ture. Highest temperature yestorday
84, a year ago 815; lowest last night
57, a year ago 48.
Miss Bertha Thoelecke who had
been ill at the homo of her brother, O.
H. Thoelecke recovered sufficiently to
be able to leave for Omaha a few days
where sho will take treatments for
Tho Misses Delcio and Thclma Fra
ter entertained a fow friends at a
porcli picnic Sunday evening n honor
of Misses Edna Rincker of Crawford
and Josephine Murphy of Lincoln.
Mrs. Charles Hendy and son who
were guests of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Brntt, returned last even
ing to Dpuvit.
Mrs. Thomas GnHs arrived here troni
Elm Creek several days ago to visit
her sister, Mrs. Sebastian Schwaiger,
for .some Um-.
Tho Chautnusua oponed Thursday
in this city with tho largest atten
dance of any In previous years. The
committee in charge of the season
tickets havo mnde good their contract
to sell $1,400 worth of tickets und the
gate receipts have been much larger
than anticipated. Tho talent Is first
class and ovory number has received
most generous nnnlnuso and hlKhest
Frank R. Beers, of David City, Is
In charge of tho platform, Jack Elliott
of University Place Is foreman of the
crew, Ray Watson of Mnrysville. Mo.,
cashier, and Agnes Hlgsbee, Junior
On the opening day a program of
Irish music wns rendered by the KU-
, lameys with Rita Rich, Laura Worn
j and Marguorlto Andrews and Adrlnn
I iNewens, mo inmous American mono-
logist gavo ono of his best ontertnln
I ments.
Friday tho Schulz-Robblns Musical
Artists were heard In an exceptionally
Lflne recital In which Miss Enid Tlllot
fjson, a popular young singer of Now
York, also appeared. Ned Woodman
i humorist nnd poet, favored tho au
dience with sonio of his most unlsuo
and lively work. Tho RIner Sisters on
Saturday afternoon and ovenlng ren
dered a new program of ontcrtalnlng
i reparteee nnd humor which excelled
oven their own numbor last season
I wlicli was so hlgly complimented and
created a desire for this return en
ongagement. Dr. E. T. Hngerman's sunny lecture
hld tho undivided attention of all
, and his powers of drawing both large
and small to htm aro wonderful. Sid
ney Landon In Impersonations lias few
equal. His work Is big, exciting and
. Glenn Frank, a young orator In his
early twenties, showiti his exceptional
I ability In his address Sunday morning
! and Opto Reed tho noted novelist, In
' a most happy manner, talked during
the afternoon, charming his listeners
by talking as ho writes; bringing out
j the poetry, philisophy nnd humor of
i his popular books In ovory sentence.
Sunday evening Win. Jchnlngs Bryan,
ox-secretary of stattj delivered a
powerful lecture on "Peace," dividing
his lecturo Into three parts. Tito gate
receipts on this occasion amounted to
$477.50 outside of the season tickets.
Over sixteen hundred people attended
this lcctunV, many of whom wore
obliged to stand during the entire pro
gram. Tho celebrated Tliavlu band and
ropean Grand Opera Singers yes-
terday wore a rare treat for music
lovers and rendered an exccllant pro
gram. Every seection was pleasing
and demonstrated the undisputed abil
ity of those taking part. This band
played at tho opening of the Panama
exposition and after the clinutauqua
season will fill engagements nt state
fairs, later returning to San Francisco
for a two months' stay.
Tho Musical American, Girls one of
t the weeks' best attractions will glvo a
' concert this afternoon and evening
and a brilliant lecture will follow by
tho famous blind statesman, Senator
T. P. Gore.
For Sale
A beautiful G room bungalow, large
pantry and cellar, 2 full lots, all fenc
ed; fine garden nnd lawn; wash house;
three poultry houses; largo barn.
These buildings aro practically all
new. Private water plant; good loca
tion on south Maple street; small pay
ment down, balance like rent. If you
want a nice home see tills. Phono Red
1108. GS-tf
A competent girl for general house
work. Apply 112 west Fourth St.
Mrs. Anna Redmond nnd son James
nre spending a week In Denver.
Tho Indian Card Club will meet with
Mrs. Cabaugh Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Trotter of Brady,
aro visiting friends and attending
ClMiutauqua this week.
Dr. Kolmor, of Golden, who was a
guest at tho Turple homo for a fort
night, left a fow days ago.
Henry Knhler, of the Wilcox depart
ment store hns gone to Seward and
Melford to spend two weeks.
Miss Tlico Schwnlgor, who had been
attending the Kearney Normal re
turned home a few days ago.
Father Malouey of Ogalalla Is spend
Ing a few days In town this wbok and
Incldently attending clinutauqua.
Attorney George N. Glbbs has rented
Room G in tho Reynolds building and
moved his office furnlturo thero yes
terday. Miss Buelah Bordner, of Lincoln
came this morning to visit her friend
Miss Theo Schwaiger for a week or
A special to tho Boo from Grand Is
land says C. C. Williams, a Union Pa
cific engineer, Is In the hospital, and
William Bowinnn, who hns maintained
a gambling room In tho Palmer hotel
for the last fow years, Is under $1500
bond for his appearance In court on
account of a cutting scrape In tho Pal
mer house lobby.
Williams declares the trouble grew
out of an nttompt of Bowman to black
mall him nnd Bowman declares that It
grew out of a suit to recover money
loaned nnd aspersions cast upon Bow
tnnns private affairs, though admitting
that when tho suit wns brought he
mado no appearance because It was
to recover a gambling debt.
Mrs Herbert Hunt, of Bridgeport,
who came down to nttond tho ball
game Sunday aftornoon, wns takon 111
and fainted In tho grandstand. Med
ical attention wns given her and In a
short time sho revived sufficiently to
be taken to her room at the hotel. Her
husband, Mr. Hurd played right Held
for Bridgeport.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tiloy loft last ev
ening for Des Moines, ho having beon
promoted by tho Head Castlo of Yeo
men to tho o. .Co of genornl stnte man
ager and he goes to receive his In
structions In tho new duties.
Tito fire department was called out
Saturday afternoon to the Dorrnm ros
ldenco on wost Fifth street where a
gasoline stovo had exploded. Tho
tlantes wero suirkly extinguished and
tho damages wore slight.
Street Inipnnements
Under supervision of Street Com
missioner Salisbury and City Engineer
McNamnra, a number of Improvements
hnvo been mndo on the streets In tho
enst part of town, In order that each
street can take enro of all drainage.
Tills was done by digging-tho ditches
deeper and putting In culverts on a
grndo lino through the oast part of
town. Fourth and Flftli streets aro
now drained the entire length, nnd on
Fourth a ditch has been cut from -tho
old Duck Pond, oast 2,000 feet to a
slough which carries thd water to tho
river. Sltfth street to th6 Cast end of
town will nlso bo mado totrnln under
droctons of tho street commssloner.
Tho city council has Instructed tho
city engineer to establish, a grade lino
throughout tho city and futuro all
Improvements on stroots,' sidewalks
or dltchos must be brought to this es
tablished grade. East Eighth street
has been graded to tako care of tho
water In that vicinity nnd west Ninth
street has been opened into tho Belle
vuo addition west of town. C street
wns graded during tho past yoar and Is
now considered ono of tho best streets
lit tho city. Work on B street, to havo
It In the snme condition will begin this
Detroit Vapor Self.gencratlitjr Onso
line Shne, practically new,
52-G J. 0. Ilollinnn.
Sunt. Will Jeffors spont Frldny
evening as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Schntz while enroute to Omaha
from an Inspection trip ns far wost
as Cheyenne In his private car.
Apperson, Haynes ari Chevrolet Cars
Come in and see the New Haynes; America's First
Automobile. Demonstration by Appointment.
H. H. Sanders, 'a Machinist o 10 Years Experience.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give Us a Trial.
It is false economy to buy any but
high-grade, anti-skid tires.
You can know true tire-saving only by using
G & J
"Chain Tread" Tires
Come in, telephone, or write us for the price
on this famous, long mileage, real anti-skid' tire.
You will be surprised to find how little you
will have to pay for G & J "Chain Tread" Tires of
the size you use.
J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. North Platte, Neb
- M
8 jl juil'ilwn jli
1 U El 1
q 13 WS
IT .
Ml ft
H 'ft
rami s
A Practical Book
Planning a home is such a big prob
lem, you cannot afford to do jyjithout
the help we can give. .
You will find "Attractive .Bunga
lows" a beautiful little book filled with
illustrations showing floor pla.ns, in
terior and exterior views of homes that
have been built.
Wouldn't you like to have one to
look over in the evenings when plan
ning your home? We shall be very
glad to sec that you have one. 'It only
takes a request from you.
Come in and ask us for one.
R'H fe warn
S3 j ts-- fF--iSfc.. ''mmvvMF'',;