The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 06, 1915, Image 1

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    "tfo TTIstorlcnl 8ot
No. 57
Harry Lawson spent several days
In Gratul Island on business this
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mlschke, are
spending a week with Sutherland
For Farm Loans seo or wrlto Gone
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. 41tf
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lawson, of Fre
mont, were In town Tuesday after
noon, onroute to Denver to visit with
Miss Ethel Robinson, of Wood River
who spent two weeks visiting Mrs.
.A E. Smith, left for homo Tuesday af
ternoon.. Mrs. John Grant went to Kearney
Wednesday morning where sho will
spend a week visiting her son F. J.
ArthurMay, of Omaha, spent Wed
nesday In" this city visiting friends and
was a guest at the dancing party at
the McCabe home Wednesday evening.
Miss Minna Stewart, deacouess of
"the Episcopal church, returned Wed
nesday from Omaha where she took
medical treatment for a couple of
Mrs. Sidney Dillon, formerly of this
city, who has been In Ravenna for
some time past, visited Mrs. Isaac
Dillon and Mrs. Lester Walker this
week while enroute to Hershey.
Archie Hood, Cecil Cool and Lewis
Kelly aro planning to take a trip to
Denver on foot. They expect to
start about the lGth and the idea Is
to get In condition for the fall foot
ball practice.
Roy Ames, who has been attending
the agricultural school at Curtis, vis
ited his mother, Dr. Mario Ames, In
town this week and left Wednesday
morning to spend several days with
his father at Potter.
Charles HirsqK 'and son returned
Wednesday afternoon from Delaware,
Ohio, where they spent several weeks
with relatives. Mrs. HIrsch and
daughter, who were visiting In Arap
ahoe, returned yesterday.
Attorney J. Victor Romlgh, of Goth
enburg, transacted legal business In
town Wednesday.
Miss Ella Blake- left a few days ago
for tho Patrick ranch near Sutherland
to spend a week or ten days.
Woodson Graham, of Tryon. spent
tho fore part of this week hero visit
ing his friend, Win. Adair, and having
duntal work done.
Rev. McDald returned Tuesday af
ternoon from a short visit In Omaha.
Mrs. Clyde Gideon and baby return
ed Tuesday everting from a three
weeks' visit In Grand Island, Omaha
and Donovan with relatives.
George LoDIoyt, of tho Hershey vl
clntly, spent several days In town this
week. He reports his crops to bo In
fine condition nnd Is displaying somo
of his corn at the Platte Valley Hank
which measures over nine feet.
Christian Science service Sunday 11
a. m., subject "Spirit." Wednesdny ev
ening meeting every week at 8:00. To
these services a cordial invitation is
extended to all. Building & Loan
building, room 25.
Following Is the menu for tho Com
mercial dinner at tho Christian church
Monday, August 9th. ' Roast pork,
beef loaf, brown potatoes and gravy,
creamed string beans, escalloped corn,
vegetable salad, applo plo, Iced tea
and coffee.
Tho Christian ball team took a game
from tho Methodist nine Tuesday ev
ening by a score of G to 4. Batteries
for tho former were Ellltt nnd Hollo
well and for tho Methodists Jones and
Adams. Tho score was tied In the
fourth Inning, aftor which the Chris
tians gained two.
Earl Carlton was caleld to Grand
Island a few days ago by tho death
of his grandmother. A week ago Mr.
Carlton was summoned there to at
tend the funeral of his grandfather
and it is thought that the shock of
his death caused the Illness of the be
reaved wife, who was far advanced in
Lost Bunch of keys marked T. P.
A., tag No. 119.355. Reward If returned
to Dickey's store.
Wo have the exclusive sale of the
Stato Farm cream and milk.
The Building of the Panama
Canal Was a Great Achievement
It requires determination, energy, push and
lumber to build anytning even a
House, Barn, Shed or Fence
Coates Lumber and Coal Co.
The Home of Good Coal.
Phone 7.
or Sale
I will sell to the highest bidder 160 acres 6
miles South of North Platte S. W, of sec. 4 1-12
R. 30. Known as the Chaffer Timber Claim on
Saturday, August 21, at 2 o'clock sharp will be
sold in front o! Mogensens Livery barn. This land
is all level good black Soil. 145 acres in cultivat
ion, Balance in pasture. Small frame improvements
any persons wanting to look at crops and land in
forenoon on date of sale will be taken out free from
Mogensens Livery barn. It is one of the best farms
in Lincoln County. On mail route and telephone
line school house on same section.
TERMS $1000 cash on date of sale, balance of
35 per cent when deed and abstract is furnished.
Balance to run 1 to 5 years as purchaser desires at
6 per cent, 2 per cent off if balance is cash.
Sam Martin Auctioneer.
W. J. Crow. OWNER.
St. - Paul, Nebraska.
Xew City Hospital Opens
The City Hospital located In the new
llratt building opened yesterday after
noon with a reception to tho public.
Visitors were shown through the rooms
by tho nursing staff until 10 p. in. and
presented, with a chrnntlon. Tho new
hospital will be undor the supervis
ion of Doctors, McCabo, Kerr nnd
Wurtelle, and hus been fitted up with
every modern convenience. The rooniB
are large, well lighted and properly
ventilated. They nre composed of two
private rooms, two wards, operating
room, dining room, kitchen and spa
clous halls. Miss Gertrude WhlBtor
will bo superintendent of the nursing
staff, assisted by Crcda Cass and Cella
'Miss Myrtle Berry, of Maywood, who
visited with Mr. nnd Mrs. Millard
Hosier, has returned liome.
Mrs. F. L. Rork and daughter, Mrs.
Ole Hasmussen, who spent several
weeks In Colorado Springs visiting
Miss Hazel Rork, returned home a few
days ago.
Miss Maggie Kocken, accompanied
by 1icr sister, Mrs. Turple and chil
dren, arrived home yesterday morning
from Ohio, where they had been since
late last fall.
Mrs. Gene Crook and children, late
of Norfolk, moved to this city the ilrst
of this week. Mr. Crook has been en
gaged here In the real estate business
for some time.
Miss Kathcrine Green, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green, returned
Tucsdny evning from a month's visit
with her grandmother, Mrs. Deerlng,
nt Grand Island.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Creeland, of Lew
ston, Idaho, who were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Austin for a weok,
while enroute homo from Nova Sco
tia, left this morning. .
Perry Collard, of Cherokee, Iowa,
spent the greater part of this week
visiting his uncle, Frank Lowell nnd
wife, while enroute to Cheycnno where
he may decide to locate.
Miss Grace McFadden of Sidney, ar
rived here Wednesday evening from
Lexington and will bo the guest of
Misses Florence and Mario Stnck for
a week, while enroute home.
One of the most untquo and Interest
ing social events of (his season was
the progressive party hold Wednes
dny by the N. A. T. Club. Tho festivi
ties of tlie dny began nt 10 o'clock in
the morning with a bridge party at
the home of Miss Mayme Plzer. For
this occasion tho house was decorated
with sweet peas and dahlias and dainty
refreshments were served. Miss Hll
degardo Clinton was awarded tho roy
al prlzo In tho games. At one o'clock
the guests were conveyed to the Wal
temath homo where they were served
with a luncheon In flvo courses by the
Misses Helen and Alma Waltemath.
The decorations were huge boquots
nnd hanging baskets of red honey
suckle and ferns. Place cards were
cartoons of tho guests with appropri
ate verses attached. At three o'clock
the young ladles started for a two
hour auto ride and returned nt live to
the homo of Miss Virginia Dullard,
where tea was served on prettily dec
orated tables. Garden (lowers were
used In abundance In decorating tho
dining room nnd hall. A six o'clock
dinner was next enjoyed nt tho Huff
man homo where the hostesses were
Misses I ruin Huffman, Margaret
Jones, Elizabeth Hlnman.nnd Hlldo
garde Clinton. Tho decorations and
place cards were marguerites and
the color schomo of green and white
carried out in serving tho courses, At
the homo of Miss Marie McCabo at nine
o'clock tho guests and their gentlemen
friends gathered for a dancing party.
The White orchestra furnished the
music and delicious refreshments
were served. Garden llowers were
used In profusion and the gowns of
the young ladles wore especially
worthy of mention. After tho dance
the members of tho club were taken to
the Ridings home for a slumber party
and served" with a sumptuous break
fust the following morning.
The City Council Tleets
Tho city council met Tuesday even
ing, with all present except Council
man Porter. The city attorney wns
ordered to draft nn ordlnanco asking
that property owners have their walks
cleared of Ico and snow during tho
winter months, otherwise tho city will
take charge and tax those who refuse
Miss Imm McMIcheal, who had A Petition from several residents of
been visiting relatives in Welllleet 10 south part of town requested that
and Dickens for several weeks, re- 'the wl!e fence around tho Ottensteln
turned a few days ago and resumed ?vo be removei and walks put In.
her duties as bookkeeper nt the Howe r'1,s was. referred to the street com
& Maloncv furniture store. mittee. An ordinance concerning tho
disposal of garbage was read for the
Mrs. Frank 13. Livingston and first time and a garbage can ordered
daughter Ruth left this week for Co-to"be placed in every ynrd. Tho ex
zad to visit relatives for several weeks ponse of keeping the cans empt'v to be
before taking up their residence in met bv a general levy.
Peoria, 111., where Mr. Livingston hns '
been employed for several months. Mrs. F. J. McGovern entertained a
few friends at a kensington yesterday
afternoon in fnvor of Mrs. F. J. Mc-
m . t T 1 1. .. -.1 ..
n. nV . , v . Uonough, of Omaha. The twelve
r ! u Vul nlVw nnn young lady guests were composed of
Club. After tho play the patrons were formr frlcn7i8 of the CU0Ht Qt ilouor
served with dainty refreshments. Tho i ,!.'. i! I0..1 ..,.",?..
UllC CH1U WHO il J t'DlUUlll. Lt UIIO tlt
t., J P
taFen ed ye ,ns misses aml V" e,,i,cd the renoWttl of
taiuueu oung misses friendship. Very dnlnty refreshments
Miss Edith Patterson gave a pretty, were served. An out of town guest was
party Wednesdny afternoon when she Miss Grace McFadden, of Sidney.
entertained n few friends at auction Friends in this city received word
bridge. Enjoyable refreshments were, tnIa woek of ti10 death of Robert Vance
served. Out of town guests were , nt Green River, Wyo. For a great
Misses Katherine Seyferth of Omaha, number of years Mr. Vance wns em-
Josephine Murphy of Lincoln and; ployed here in tho U. P. cur depart-
Ruth Hoyden, of Grand Island. nient nn,i WU8 a member of the local
A pleasant surprise party was ten-'A- - u- w- lo(,Kc ln Sod standing,
dered Mrs. Wm. Huddart Wednesday; The Catholic ball team played the
afternoon by a number of her neigh-: Christian nine Wednesday evening and
bors, it being tho occasion of the an- won by a score of 13 to 0. Stack and
vorsary of her birthday. She was
presented with a number of pieces of
hand pninted china. A nice lunch ad
ded to the enjoyment of the afternoon.
Mrs. Richmond' Birgo entertatm-d
the Pan-Hellenic club at a morning
Hagerty were batteries for tho former
and Mann and Clnbaiigh for tho Chris
tians. Miss Dorothy Rosencrans, of Cozad,
who had been visiting hor sister, Mrs.
I. E. Gilbert, for several weeks, wns
kensington yesterday. The guests were , cane(l homo yesterday nftornoon by
served witn a nico luucn. tho Illness of a relative.
Cash Grain Checks Here.
Clicrks rcccht'd In payment for
grain marketed nmy be cashed at the
Platte Valley State Hank. .
If preferred H' Issue n bank book
and blank cheeks and the money In
then in tillable In such amounts us
may be required without the attendant
chuuee of loss.
Or, Me will Issue a Cert Ideate of
A demand certificate Is Issued where
the money Is to be deposited tempor
arily. A time (Vrtllicute Is issued if the
money Is to remain six mouths or
longer, in which ciim the amount so
left bears Interest nt the rate of four
per cent.
IVe will be plensed to sene you.
Platte Valley State Bank,
' 'orth Platte , Nebraska.
L. L, Walker Is spending this weok
In cotts Hluff on business.
The Et-A-Vlrp club will bo ontor
tnlno Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Lem
uel Toole.
Miss Marie LeDloyt will loavo next
week for Paxton to visit rnlntlvna fur
a weok br longor.
Miss Elfroda MettlUvOxnocta tn" le.ivo
shortly for' nil oxtnmlml vUlt with ml.
atlves In Arlzoun.
The Methodist aid society wore en
tertained Wednesday afternoon by
lurs. &wan swnnson.
Mrs. William Mnstnn rntnrnml Wml.
nesday morning from Donvcr where
sho visited relntlves.
Miss Lena Cronor left a taw ilnvs
ngo for Grand Island to visit relatives
for a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Earl Stumtt wns rnllml tn num.
ha a few days ago by tho Illness of hor
mother, Mrs. Mary Neir.
Mrs. P. H. Lonecnii nnd son .Too vis
ited tho Wotzell family In Sutherland
mo taro part of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graves, of Rrndv.
came up yesterday morning to visit
friends for several, days..
Mrs. W. J. Hondy ontortulned at a
faintly dinner vosterdav In honor of
Mrs. Charles Hondy, of Denver.
Master Mori Smith went to Wood
River Tuesday afternoon to siiniul n
week with the Robinson family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Van Netta aro
rejoyslng over tho arrival of a baby
girl which was born to them Wednesdny.
Miss Marie Doran returned Wednes
day ovenlng from n pleasant visit of
ten days In Pueblo and Denver with
L. A. Carter, C. T. Cllne and C. A.
Dnlp, of Tryon, wero among tho busi
ness visitors In town tho foro nart
of this week
Mr. and Mrs. Cockle, of Sutherland,
who visited their son, Riley Cockle
and wife this week, went home Tues
day afternoon.
Rev. Barton and family were called
to Bedford, Iowa, the first of tho weok
by n telegram which stated that his
brother's wlfo and child hud been
Mrs. Perry Carson, who has been ill
for sevoral days, Is much Improved.
Miss Esther Hummell, who had spent
six months visiting relatives ln Porry,
111., nnd Montpellor, Intl.. returned
this morning.
Miss Jesslo Hughes, of Gaudy, s
visiting this weok ln town, having Just
returned from a plensant visit in
South Dakota.
Mre. George Hatfield and grandson
Milton Chnmborlnln left yesterday
morning for Paxton to spend n week
with relatives.
Wm. Yost returned Wednesday
from n short visit in Grand Island,
having gone down to attond tho Bar
num and Bailey circus. n
Ira Woldninn , Union Pacific special
agent, went to Pino Bluffs and other
western towns tho Jlrst of this week
to spend a few days.
Irwin Johnson, Albort Westenfoldt,
Otto Wostenfeldt nnd Harry Lanniu
will leave Sunday for Denver to spend
two weoks sight-seeing.
Miss Maymo McMlchnol will loavo
tomorrow for Sidney, where sho will
bo the guost of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph
Synodemus for n week.
Miss Elnlno Bundy left Tuesday nf
tornoon for Wallace to spend two
weeks with hor slstors Mrs. Allen
Waugh and Mrs. Dee Rnney.
Miss Nlua Little, of Henncsoy, Ok
lahonin. will arrive hero today and be
entertained by hor cousin, Mrs. W. J.
Tlley, for a weok or longer.
Mrs. Agnes Boyer returned Tuesday
from Ogalalla and other western Nebraska-
towns whero she spent n week
Inspecting L. O. T. M. lodges
Wilson Tout hus returned from Col
orado Springs whero ho spent several
weoks. Mrs. Tout nnd tho children
will remain thoro a month longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrlll McGovom and
baby, of Brady, arrived here yester
day morning to visit tho former's sis
ter, Mrs, H. A. Donolson for a weok.
Mrs. Patrick Norrls and daughter
Mildred, returned homo Wednesday
ovenlng from a thrco weeks visit with
relatives in Logan, Iowa, and Omaha.
Miss Katherlno nnd Nolllo Norris, of
Omaha, arrjyed hero Wednesday ov
enlng to spend n couple of weoks with
their aunt, Mrs. Patrick Norrls, and
W h f
; mm To
1r 'n-JH
A Practical Book
FREE . '
Planning -aiome, is such a big prob
lem, you cannpifauord to do without
the help wti can give.
You will find "Attractive Bunga
lows" a beautiful little book filled with
illustrations showing floor plans, in
terior and, exterior views" of honies that
have been built.
Wouldn't you like to have one to
look over in the evenings when plan
ning your home? We shall be very
glad to see that you have one. It only
takes a request from you.
Come in and ask us for one.
f 4
On Account of a delayed shipment, we have
just received a straight
Standard Mowers
Rather than carry these Mowers until next
season we are offering special inducements to
dispose of them at once.
North Side Hardware