The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 03, 1915, Image 5

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    Bryan Comin
UK. ... 'Xi. 'ITW1-'. 'AVI" "k
of Peace.
Mr. Bryan will make a few Chautauqua speeches
under Redpath-Horner management and North
Platte will be one of the cities where, with the
same matchless eloquence that has moved and
inspired millions of people all over the world,
Greatest Commoner will came fired with new Zealand enthusiasm proclaiming the Cause
His Subject is
America s
Non-Political, Non-Partison, But American. On this new cause he is making the greatest speech
of his life. It is the duty and privilege of every American to hear Mr. Bryan.
Chautauqua Season Ticket Holders Admitted Free. Single Admission fee
for Mr. Bryan's address adults 50c. Single Admission , fee for Mr. Bryan's
address children 25c.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
Lloyd Powers left Sunday evening
for Omaha to spend a week on busi
ness. - ' v
Mrs. Clint York wqnt to Cozad Sun
day morning to spend a month with
John Reynold's, or the Wilcox De
partment Store, Is taking a two weeks'
Will Friend left Saturday afternoon
for a short visit in the eastern part of
the state.
The Catholic Girls club will be en
tertained by Mrs. J. J. Horrigan to
morrow evening.
Don't forget to get in to see those
waists on sale Tuesday a. m.t at
Mr. and Mrs. Will Yost and daughter
Lydia left Saturday afternoon for Om
aha to visit friends.
Best Cane Granulated Sugar ?G.G0 a
sack at Wilcox Department Store.
Miss Irene McGee returned to Brady
Saturday after spending several days
with friends In town.
Harry Pizer left Satuday afternoon
for Grand Island to visit his uncle
for a week or longer.
Clarence Bltckensderfor, of Albu
(luersue, X. M., is expected this week
to visit the Hinman home.
W. L. Park and family in their pri
vate car went through Saturday morn
ing enroute home from Alaska.
Mr. and Mrs. William Burklund, of
Sutherland, came down Saturday
morning to visit local relatives.
Miss Lela Scott will leave this week
for Wood River and other eastern Ne
braska towns to visit friends.
Do you need a white dress skirt?
Just received a large assortment, all
sizes at Block's, 9Sc, on sale Tuesday
a. m.
David Sheedy and son Leo wont to
Cozad Saturday evening to spend a
week or ten days with friends.
Mrs. Magglo Smith, of Bertrand, who
spent a week with Mrs. A. E. Mooney,
returned homo Sunday morning-.
Theodoro Roosevelt was a passen
ger on train No. 20 Saturday nfter
noon enroute cast from California.
Miss Mabel Ilayos, formerly of this
city, spent the week end in town and
returned to Cozad Sunday evening.
Clyde McGIre, of Stapleton, entered
the Nurse Brown Memorial hospital
last week to tako medical treatment.
Mrs. Alden, of Grand Island, who
spent last week with relatives in this
city, left for home at noon Saturday.
After .Mting Mr. and " .s. Harry
Boyle r a week, Miss Ethel G u re
turns 1 to Kearney Saturday evening
For Farm Loans see or write Gene
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. 41tf
Attorney W. T. Wilcox and daugh
ter, Florence, will leave" shortly for
points in Ohio to spend several weeks.
Painters Dlstol nnd Sluder are
spending a few days in Dickens, put
ting interior decorations on the bank
Pat. Crowe is expected to return to
day from Des Moines, where he has
been visiting his parents for ttwo
Mrs. Beatrice Curray and daughter
Adelaide left Sunday morning lor the
eastern part of this slate to spend a
Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox and daughters
Ruth and Cynthia went to Cozad Sun
day morning to spend a week or more
with relatives. .
Mrl and Mrs. Joseph Kahler, of
Seward, arrived here Saturday tn vis
it the former's brother, Henry Kahler
for a few days.
Mrs. A. E. Moonoy and mother, Mrs.
M. A. Holtshuider, departed Sunday
morning for Gothenburg to visit rel
atives for a week.
Oren Coberly, James Flynn, Harry
Hartley and Frank Weaver went to
Denver the latter part of last week to
spend several days.
Miss Mario McCabo will entertain a
number of young people at a dancing
party tomorrow evening at her home
on west Fifth street.
A party of young folks chaperoned
by Mrs. D. E. Morrell and Mrs. Moso
McFarland held a picnic at Sioux
Lookout Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Max VonGoetz, who
had been spending their honeymoon
in Wyoming and Colorado, returned
home Saturday morning.
Clyde Cook left Saturday evening
for Evanstou, Wyo., to visit friends
for a week or so. Mrs. Cook has been
visiting there for two weeks past.
The Yeoman lodge wil hold a so
cial at the Lloyd opera house tonight
for their, membors. A program of
readings and music will be given.
Mrt.. Harry Johnston entertained
the Entre Nous club the latter part of
last week at cards. First prizo was
awarded to Mrs. H. A. Lawhead.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Opp, who had
been visiting Mr. and Mn. Frank
Flint for some time, left for Wood
River tho latter part of last week.
O. B. Atkins returned to this city
Friday evening aftetr a year's ab
sence in Birmingham, Alabama, and
resumed work as locomotive fireman.
Miss Christina Glow, of Denmark,
who was a guest at the Frederickson
home last week, left Saturday morning
for California to spend several weeks,
Mrs. Lading, who had been a guest
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Brown for some time, returned to
her home In Falrbury Sunday morn
ing. Mrs. Graco andi. daughter, Miss
Smith, of Grand Island, have gone
home after a two weeks' visit in tills
city with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Thomp
son. Miss Elsie Johnson, who had been
attending an art school in Cedar Rap
ids, Iowa, came home Friday evening
to spend the summer with her par
ents. lV
Contractor WInslow and his work
men returned Saturday morning from
the E. B. Compe ranch, where they are
building a new, modern six room
-Miss Ruth Mylander, who has been
a missionary in China for several
years, came Saturday to visit her
father Glaus Mylander for several
Mrs. H. E. Pounds and son Teddy
left for their home in Pender Sunlay
cj-it r.lriij, ci'er bp!..,!,-,' "wo weeks
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Miss Sara Kellogg, of New York,
arrived Saturday afternoon to visit
her aunt Mrs. Sanford Hartman while
enroute home from tho San Francisco
Miss Josephine Murphy, of Lincoln,
is tho guest of Miss Ruth Streitz, hav
ing arrived Sunday evening to spend
a couplo of weeks whllo enroute to
Estes Park.
Mrs. Stella Goodwin, of Kansas City,
who has been tho guest of her sister,
Mrs. C. R. Meyers for several weeks,
went to Denver Friday afternoon to
spend a week.
John Korte, of Curtis, was a business
visitor in tho city Monday.
Tho Ladles' Aid of the Presbyterian
church will meet in tho church parlors
tomorrow afternoon.
Mr. and .Mrs. John Day and daugh
ter Elva left Saturday evening for
Portland, Ore., where they will visit
for a month with Mrs. Guy Robinson
and Miss Mabel Day.
Yesterday morning Victor llnlligan
began work as reporter for tho Daily
Telegraph, and will gather news for
four or llvo weeks during the ab
sence of Everett Kendall.
Mrs. Harry Bllckensderfer and
daughter, of Albueiueniue, who wero
guetts at tho York Hinman homo last
week, left Saturday afternoon for
Illinois to make their home.
Luke Hart, of Omaha, a former res
ident of this city, camo Saturday to
visit liis brother, James Hart, while
enroute to Phoenix, Arizona, to spend
several months for tho ben-silt of his
Mr. and' Mrs. Chas. Hendy, Jr.,
and son, of Denver, arrived hero Sat
urday evening. Mr. Hendy will leavo
for Detroit to spend somo time on
buRlness and Mrs. Hendy will visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Bratt.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. treelnm.. of Lew
istou, Idaho, arrived hero Sunday af
ternoon to visit the latter's aunt
Mrs. George Austin, for a week while
enroute home from Nova Scotia.
Mrs. D. T. Qulgloy and son Ilart
lett, ofv Omaha, came Saturday efen
ing to visit her mother, Mrs. Anna Sey
ferth, for a week. Dr. Quigley will
come up Sunday to accompany them
Friends in town received announce
ments last week of the wedding of
Miss Tillio Nebolt, formerly of this
city to Charles Kelly of San Francis
co. Miss Nebolt went to California
a year ago.
Miss Thoma Nelson left Saturday
morning for her home in Ord, after a
six weeks' visit here. While here Bho
divided her time between the Hayes
and Mogeuson families.
G. C. Cover and T. Cahalane, east end
conductors, and their families spent
Saturday in towa while enroute to
Denver, Colorado Springs and Bould
er to spend several weeks.
E. C. Bentloy left Sunday morning
for Denver and Colorado Springs to
spend a couplo of weeks and later go
to Kansas City to visit relatives, ex
pecting to be absent a month.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. B. Louden visited
Mr. and Mrs. Nowklrk in Gaudy last
week. They wore among tho earliest
of pioneers on the tableland and tills
was their llrst visit there In ten years.
Perry Sltton, of Omaha, spent the
latter part of last week here and left
Saturday for Laramie to manage tho
Union Pacific hotel while the present
manager is taking his summer va
cation. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Keith, who recent
ly came here from Grand Island, have
moved Into tho Smith houso on east
Fourth street. Mr. Keith has takon
tho position of wlro chief at the tcl
epliono office.
Elizaboth Kaair-Langfcton, teacher
of singing in the North Platte School
of Music, will spend tho month of
August In study with F. A. Delano, of
Now York City, and Wiieatly of tho
London Grand Opera Co., botji of
whom nro In Lincoln during the sunt
nn'r. Mrs. Langston has closed an
other year of successful teaching In
North Platto and will return to her
work early in September.
The .Mnlal Building & Loan Associa
tion Is prepared o Issue a limited
amount of Us Full l'ald .Stock, First
eomo tlrst sen I'd. This stock Is Is
sued in mi)' amount from $100.00 to
$.",000,00 anil pays sciiiNuiinual divi
dends at rate of six per cent.
A pretty social affair of Friday af
ternoon was the kenslngton given by
Airs. York Hinman in honor of her
guest, Mrs. Harry Bllckensderfer, of
Albuqueniue. Tho guests composed
sixty ladies who wero friends of tho
gui'st of honor during hor rosidenco
hero. Garden flowers wero used In
decorating tho rooms and n dainty
lunch was sorvod on small tablos.
During tho afternoon Misses Esther
Antonldes and Dorothy Hinman nnd
Mrs, Orra DeFord favored the ti'-sts
with musical selections.
Mrs. Nichols Kletii' was tho guest
of honor at a surprise- party at tho
home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary El
der yesterday afternoon. Tho guests
wero composed of the old friends
and neighbors of former years and it
being Mrs. Klein's seventy-eighth
birthday, she received many appropri
ate remembrances. Tho nftesrnoon
was spent in sowing and social con
versation. Dainty refreshments were
For Sahs
A beautiful G room bungalow, largo
pantry and cellar. 2 full lots, ull
fenced; nice garden and lawn; wnsh
house; three poultry houses; largo
barn. Thcs,e buildings nro practical
ly all new; private water plant; good
location on south Maplo street; small
payment down, balance like rent. Tf
you want a nice home see this. Phono
neu ous. 54-2
Mrs. Patrick Norris and daughter
Mildred, who liavo been visiting rela
tives in Logan, Iowa, for several
weeks, are expected to return homo
Thursday evening.
Claudo Dclnney, C. C. Rniusdoll, J.
W. Adams and P. H. McEvoy went west
this morning t6 Bpend a week inspect
ing cars which will bo used for ship
ping small grain this season.
Mrs. Laura Shaffer, who lias been
employed as saleslady at tho Wilcox
store for several months, will leavo
next week for Dickens to spend sevor
al months on her homestead.
On complaint of D. E. Bruce, mali
nger of tho Nebraska House, J. D. Fol
lows was arrested last week for tho al
leged theft of twenty-flvo pounds of
bacon. Tho cuso camo up In tho county
court yesterday an,i was continued un
til Thursday.
The First National Bznk
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
ai n
Commute on Finance- makcB the following estimuto: To conduct tho
business of tho City of North Pintle, Nebraska, for tho ensuing fiscal year:
lor payment of interest on $100,0000.00 Water Bonds 5,000 00
I- or payment of Interest on 520,000.00 Sower Bonds 1 040 00
l'or payment of principal of one Sewer Bond, $1,000.00 1 OOo'oo
I' or payment of interest on $12,000.00 Brldgo Bonds Woo
Streets, Sidewalks, Crossings, Etc $ 5 000 00
SewerMaiiiteiiance and Flushing 3;00o:oo
Lighting Streets and Alloys 4 000 00
Incidental Expenses 't;oo'oo
To pay Salaries of Oillcers, Etc ' ' ' 5 ono'nn
Library Fund . '. " ' I 500 00
I'nrk Fund 1 000 00
Municipal Highway Fund oRoo
wator Mind , 20 000 00
Firo Fund, Including Hydrant Rontal . ' 1 5 000 00
13. W. MANN,
Committee 011 Financa.