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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1915)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. IN SUCH PAIN WOMAN CRIED Suffered Everything Until Re stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. Florcnco, So. Dakota. "I used to be very sick every month with bearing down pains nnd backache, and had hoadacha a good deal of tho time and very little appetite. Tho pains were so bad that I used to sit right down on tho floor and cry, bc causo it hurt me so and I could not do any work at thoso times. An old wo man advised mo to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and I got a bottle. I felt better tho next month so I took threo moro bottles of it and got well so I could work all tho time. I hope every woman who suffers like I did will try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. P.W.Lanseng, Box 8, Allyn, Wash. Why will women continue to suffer Czy in and day out or drog out a sickly, half hearted existence,missing three-fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? For thirty years it has been the stand ard remedy for femalo ills, and has re Btored tho health of thousands of women who havo been troubled with such ail ments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc. If you Tvant special ndrlco trrlto to Lydia E. Plnltham Mcdlcluo Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will fee opened, road and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surely but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner dis tresscure indigestion. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature BLACK LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED br Cuttir't Blaeklsg Pills. Lcw prictj, trash, reliable: preftrred 1)7 western stockmen, because they srotset wharf other vaeelnes fall. Write for booklet and testimonials. 10-dole fkgs. Dlaeklei Pills $1.00 80-dsie past. Blaekltg Pills 4.00 ties anr Injector, but Cutter's best. The superiority of Cutter products Is due to ortr IS fears of speclallilni In vaoolnee and eerums only. Insist en. Cutter's. If unobtainable, order direct. Tka Cutttr Laboratory, Btrkilsy, CaJ., ar Cslcaio, III, DAISY FLY KILLER ta'Kft ffi fllea, Neat, clean, or namental, conrenlent, cheap. Lasts all eaason. Uadeol metal, can't spill or tip oren will not soil or 11 nlara anything pnaranteed etfectlre. ipress paid for 11.00. ISOLD SOMEES.ltO De Kalfe At.., Brooklyn, N. T PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and 3osuty to Gray or Fnded Hair. 60c. and J 1.00 at Drurclats, Probably Not. "I believe a man should bo mas ter in his own house," said the new ly married man. "There can be only ono head In a family, and I mean to bo it." "That's a very good Idea," answered his friend, who had been married moro years than the other had lived. "A very good idea indeed. Have you spoken to your wife about it?" What He Did. "Papa, who is this Thaw that the papers are always talking about?" "Ho's tho man who put the 'b' in 'rainstorm' " A la Bible. "If I kissed you on ono check, what would you do?" "I'd turn tho other cheek, also." One Way to Lengthen Life Late In life, when tlie organs begin to weaken, tho hard-worklnp Kidneys often tire out first. Falling eyesight, still, achy joints, rheumatlo pains, lame back and distressing urination are often due only to weak kidneys. Prevention Is the best cure and at middle age any sign of kidney weak ness should have prompt attention. Doan's Kidney Pills have mado life more comfort able for thousands of old folks. It Is tho best recommended special kidney remedy. A Nebraska Case Charles Vanberg, 1115 Sixth St., Au- TMt rora, Neu., says: "An accident left my kidneys disor dered and I suf f e r e d Intensely from pains through tho small of my back, The kidney secretions pas Bed too frequently dur ing tho night and tho passages were ncaldlng. Uoan'i Kidney Pills help ed me as soon as f used them and four boxes removeu tho backache, regulated tho action of my kidneys. I haven't had any trou ble since." Get Doan'a at Any Store, EOc a Bos DOAN'S FOSTER-MILD URN CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. 4ssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJ M ( wm P" faOP I JRKf I I VtK PQJLTW FREE POULTRY F0M VERMIN Lousy Chicks or Turkeys Are Moro Apt to Be Affected With Gapes or Some Other Ailment. Chicks nro growing fast theso days and lice are also making rapid growth Tho most essential thing at this sea son is to keep young poultry free from lice. They cannot thrive with vermin sapping their strength, and lousy chicks or turkeys nro more likely to bo affected with gapes, or some other ailment. In looking for lice examines the lit tle wings and around the vent. Be tween tho long wing feathers of tho littlo Leghorn chick or young turkey Is a favorite hiding place for lice where they sap the life from tho littlo birds until they haven't enough strength to hold up their wings. For head llco on chicks, or tho ticks that prey on young turkeys look upon tho neck, pushing back tho feathers carefully until you reach tho top of tho head. A littlo pure lard or sweet oil omthe head, neck and wings and around tho vent may be used to advantage, but too much will kill tho lice and chicks both. One can make his own insect powder r tho following recipo: Ono pint jasollne; two-thirds of a pint of ide carbolic acid, stir thoroughly in five pounds of fine road dust, let dry for an hour and put in an air tight receptacle. This powder is death to head and body lice and harm less to chicks and poults. Try to bo careful when using any insect powder see that none gets in their eyes Dust the mother hen when you turn her out in the morning. If this is done at night the dust gets into the eyes of tho chicks and makes them uncomfortable. Some say tho powder getting into the eyes will cause blind ness. MILK FOR GROWING CHICKENS Indiana Station Expert Finds Its Use Quite Valuable in Aiding Diges tion of Other Foods. W. B. Anderson of the Indiana ex- perlment station has carried through two tests to determine the value of skim milk for growing chickens. In tho first test two lots of chicks, con slstlng of ten Plymouth Itocks and ten Houdans, were fed all they would eat of a mixture of crushed corn, bran and ground oats, 2-1-1. Both lots were also fed cracked bone, cabbage and lettuce, and tho Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerel. amount of theso articles consumed is not recorded. The two lots received the same treat ment except that lot 2 was given all the skim milk they would eat in addi tlon to the grain ration. Tho test was continued for eight weeks. Lot 1 consumed 179.8 pounds of grain, nnd the average weekly gain per chick was 2.C2 ounces. Lot 2 con sumcd 217.3 pounds of grain and 90.4 pounds of skim milk, and the average weekly gain per chick was -1.4G ounces Tho conclusion drawn was to tho ef feet that the use of the milk was very profitable, as it aided in tho digestion of the other foods, resulting in in' creased consumption and faster growth. This test was duplicated during tho summer with practically identical re suits, and wo may assume that skim milk, whenever available, is especially valuable for growiug chicks. Put Mites to Flight. Creolin. or any of the numerous tils infectants mado up largely of it, will put mites to flight. To treat tho roosts and interior of tho hen house with this or a similar disinfectant take an old shoo brush and fasten it on to a sawed off broom handlo, then apply tho liquid with this homemade brush. Rye as Chick Food. Rye 1b an excellent chick food, but in summer the chick that Is penned will relish lettuce and Swiss chard moro than rye. Ono can sow these thick. Cut in small bits and tho chicks will soon clean up tho pil of green stuff. 0 HOLD CONGRESS AT FAIR The Leading Good Roads Associations of the United States to Meet at Panama-Pacific Exposition. Preliminary plans havo been Com pleted for what promises to bo tho largest gathering of good roads advo cates over held. This meeting will bo held at the Pannma-P.HClIlc interna tional exposition and will be known aa tho Pau-Amorican road congress. It will bo under tho joint ausplceB of tho American Hoad Builders' associa tion nnd tho American Highway asso ciation. The tentative date selected is that of the week of September C Tho plans for tho congress will' bo handled by an executive committee of live. This coinmlttco is made up of Gov. Charles V. Gates of Vermont, chairman; V. V. Crosby, former stato highway engineer of Maryland, and E. L. Powers, editor of Good Roads, rep resenting the American Road Build ers' association, and JameB II. Mac- Donald, former state highway commis sioner of Connecticut, and J. 12. Pen nybackor, chief of division of econom ics, United States ofllcc of public roads, representing the American Highway association. At tho meeting held in Montpeller, Vt., on March 18, Governor Gates was elected the llfth member nnd chair man of tho committee. In order to facilitate its work the committee has appointed the same among four sub committees, as follows: Finance, James H. MacDonald; program, W. W. Crosby; publicity, E. L. Powers, and arrangements, J. E. Pennybackcr. It is expected that this meeting will bring together not only olllclal rep resentatives from every stato but also from the Canadian provinces and many of the South American coun tries. Olllclal invitations will soon bo issued to tho governors of the several states to appoint delegates. Tho members of the committee have been working for some months in making preparations for this meet ing, and great interest has been shown in the work by thoso Identified with highway improvement. Tho co-opera tion of other good roads organizations, tho railroads and others, is promised, with tho result that it is expected that tho meeting will mark a milo stone in the propaganda for good roads. The organization under whose auB- pices tho joint congress will be held aro known as tho two leading good roads associations of the United States. Both associations during tho last few years havo held successful congresses independently, but this year it was felt, In view of the Panama-Pacific International exposition, that it would best serve the Interests Road Near Riverside, Cal. of all good roads advocates concenipd to hold a Joint congress during the exposition. Both organizations aro requested by two members on tho executive committeo, the fifth member having been elected by tho other four. Tin selection of Governor Gates as tho fifth member is felt to bo peculiarly fortu nato, not only on account of his ofll clal position and his ability nnd fair ness, but because of the fact that he. for ten years or more, was the stato highway commissioner of Vermont, and it was duo to ills record in this ofllco that ho was elected governor by ono of tho largest majorities ever given a governor in that state. This election to tho governorship Is one of tho highest tributes ever paid to a road builder, and bo far as known Is tho first luatance on record of such recognition. Bad Roads Interfere. Thcro is not any question about bad roads Interfering with placing the crops on tho market at tho proper tlmo. Alluring Country Road. Thero is nothing more nllurliiK than a good country roud Htrotching off over tho hills and leading to come un discovered country. Work In Michigan. From 1910 to 1913 Michignn Epent 17,250,000 on highways. A tombstono always lins a good word for a man when he's down. Drink Denlson's Coffee, For your health's sako. Too many things nro not worth tho rffort necessary to obtain them. Always ue Red Cross Rail Blue. Delights the laundress. At all good gioccrs. Adr. ' The doublo life would not be so dan gerous if the fool love letters could bo avoided. NAM IVAIt ZONIC Have ordered Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic ponder for use amonc the convalescent trccps. Shaken Into the shoes or dissolved In tha loot tuth, Allen's Foot-Ease elves refreshing test and romfort and prevents the feet Retime tired or loct-sore. Try It TODAY D.-n't accept any sub itltute. Sold Everywhere, 25e For FREE sam ple, address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Adv Of No Further Use. "What aro theso volumes you nro throwing out?" "My llbrury on International law." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA, a safo and suro remedy for Infants and children, and seo that it Ttonro fVia. Signature of ULzTAL In Uso For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Flctcher'o Castoria One Explanation. Rankin I wonder how wrist watches camo to bo fashionable? Phyle I suppose it is because tho sinnll amount of goods used in modern gowns does not permit of pockets. RESIN0L SURELY MAKES ITCHING ECZEMA VANISH Thero Is lmmediato relief for skins itching, burning and disfigured by eczema, heat-rash, or similar torment ing skln-troublc, in a warm bath with reslnol soap and a slmplo application of reslnol ointment. Tho soothing, healing reslnol medication sinks right Into tho skin, stops Itching instantly, and soon clears away all traco of erup tion, even in severe and stubborn cases whero other treatments havo had no effect. After that, tho regular uso of reslnol soap is usually enough to keep the skin clear and healthy. Ev ery druggist sells reslnol ointment and reslnol soap. Adv. The Meter's Record. A representative of tho gaB depart ment called on a householder and In timated that ho wbb afraid something was wrong with the meter. From tho official point of view, of course, meters can only show one fault, nnd tho symp torn which had cast suspicion on this meter was that it hnd registered less during the quarter than in tho corre sponding part of the previous year, But the lady of tho house has a con' vlncing explanation of tho decline "You see," she said, "my daughtor was engnged last winter. She got miuried in June." The ofllcial, who was evidently a parent himself, was quito satisfied, and tho meter loft tho court without n stain upon its high character. The Female of the Species. "Look, dear, at that bird in yonder tree. How clear his song notes! He's been twitting happily for over an hour." The husband looked up from bis paper, but not nt tho bird. "I wish you'd understand ono thing," ho said. "When you hear n bird twitting don't mnko tho mistake of referring to it as 'ho.' Tho twitters aro invariably the woman birds." Not So Bad as That. "What aro you so furious about, wife?" "Mrs. Smith just called mo an old cat!" "Why, you'ro not old!" Farm Life. Spoak but little and let that little bo tho truth. Hi "Hey; mBI I Skinnscy; gB319 Come on overf , "aanSBansMsSsVsBBMBBfM i s 1 1 1 si 1 1 ii wiiii mi iBtaBassaaaaaasMl iiTiiit i iiiiw Un l in laaurP HIS WIFE'S NAME OMITTED Considerably Depreciated thi Value of the Book Containing Speeches of Greatest Talkers. "Sir," said tho sleek-looking agent, approaching tho desk of tho meek- looking man nnd opening ono of thoso folding thlngnmajigs showing styles of binding, "I bcllovo I can Interest you In this masslvo set of books contain ing tho speeches of tho world's grcnt est orators. Seventy volumes, one: dollar down and ono dollar a month until tho prlco, $C80, has been paid. This set of books gives you tho most celebrated speeches of tho greatest talkers tho world has ever known, and" "Let mo seo tho index," said tho meek man. The agent handed It to him, and ho looked through It carefully and me thodically, running his finger along the list of names. Reaching tho end ho handed tho in dex back to tho agent and snid: "It Isn't what you claim it is. I hnppen to know tho greatest talker in tho world, and you haven't her in tho index." Not Guilty. "Hoy, you big bushcrl" yelled an excited fan as tho pitcher of the homo team issued his fourth succcsslvo base on balls, forcing a runner across tho plate. "Whore did you learn to pitch? In a correspondence school?" If tho pitcher heard, ho mado no sign, but another spectator sitting near tho excited ono administered n stinging rebuke. "You talk llko a fish," ho said scornfully. "What makes you think that dub over learned to pitch any whero?" They All Do. Jinks I'm taking it easy now. Blinks Out of a Job? Jinks No; got a political Job. In a Restaurant. Angry Diner Walter, you aro not fit to servo a pig. Walter I'm doing my best, sir. No Insult Meant. Shortly after a certain marruls received an important governmental position ho was overwhelmed with begging letters, tho result of tho ro markablo statements sent out con cerning his unbounded generosity. Among tho letters ho received was ono which became a standing jolio among his friends. It wns from a woman who wanted a cowing machine, and her letter commenced thus: "Dear Sir A year ago you camo to our town to mnlto a speech. I went out to hear you, and I havo been 11' over since." Tho fact was tho lady caught cold on tho occasion in question, but sho certainly did not refer to tho matter in very diplomatic language. After a Catch. A man with a small mesh not was soen returning to his bungalow. "IJeen out after tho speckled beau ties?" askod a neighbor. "No, I'm going In after mosquitoes," replied tho not bearer, with vengeance In his tones. Heard. "Whore did you buy tho candy?" "At tho Jltnoy and dirno omporium." -Uoston Evening Transcript. Tho sweet tooth promotes the snur disposition. Tho cucumber knocks a man out after ho gets it down. mini No bother to get summcr( meals with these on hand Vienna Style Sausage and Potted Meats Just open and serve.' Excellent for sandwiches. ImM on Llbby't at your grocer i. Libby, McNcill Sc Libby, Chicago University of Notre Dame MOTAE OSME. .IHDUHA Thorough Education. Moral Training. Twenty one courses lradlnir to decrees In Classics, Modern ittfrn,Joirunllm. Politics! Economy, Commerce, Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy, EoKlneerlnc, Architecture, Law. Preparatory School, various courses. ForCatalocues address DOX II, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA MM FADMC In Western Nebraska Corn llelt. 44 I rtKIHj 6 . 30 pr acre. AU banralos. Y. U. WcKAllLANU, tji I'ooplcs U. Bldg- l'ltubursl Sulramen, Agent, Us'eriwlierc Now Auto Fuel. All owners of Goaollno driven motors are prospective users. Tnnkll, Cleveland, O. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 31-1915. Nebraska Directory THE PAXTON HOTEL Omahi. Ntbrsska EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms from 11.00 up single. 7B cents up double. I CAVE PRICKS REASONABLE STRICTLY No. I 85c Ptr Lb. F. O. B. OMAHA Ask tot DoHvonad Prtaam Writo for Oatalog WHERE THE INCHES COUNTED British Statesman's Remarkably Neat Retort to Chairman's Shaft of "Wit." Lloyd-George's wit on tho platform la well known, but bcro is ono of tho neatest retorts ho over mado. Ho was addressing a meeting in South Wales, according to Poarson'a Weekly, when tho chairman, thinking to bo witty at tho chancellor's expense, remarked to tho audlonco that ho waa a littlo disappointed in Lloyd-Qcorge'a appearance. "I had heard so much about Mr. Lloyd-George," ho said, "that I nat urally expected to moot a big man in every senso; but, as you can seo for yourselves, ho is very small in stat ure." Many an orator would havo been grlovously upBct by such an unfortu nnto beginning to tho proceedings, but not so Lloyd-Georgo. "I am grieved to find," ho said, wltb mock seriousness, "that your chairman 1b disappointed in my size, but this Is owing to tho way you havo hero ol measuring a man. In North WaleB we mcasuro a man from his chin up, but you evidently mcasuro him from hla chin down!" After that tho chairman mado no moro personal remarks. Tho man who 1b known merely aa his wifn's husband usually deserves to be. W'alT fI.-t(B-''UflTT7-.SaaaaaaWiiSaataak.