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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1915)
Hilton 'Hi Wat JJortlt p THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGl'ST 3, 1915. No. 56 FORD REDUCE PRICE Ford Cars will Sell in North Platte as follows: Five Passenger Touring $473.75 raw. Two P Runabout $423.75. assenser tales will be Enormous, Delivery a Little Slow for a Time. Let us Have You Order at Once. Cor 4th & Dewey HENDY AUTO CO., NORTH PLATTE. CITY AND COUNTY NEIVS Miss Nina Vou Doran spent Saurday in Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Anderson, of Ogden, arc expected1 this jweek to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles McL'ane. Mrs. Herman LeDioyt and family, who visited relatives in Paxtou for two weeks, returned home Sunday ev ening. Judge Grimes, W. T. Wilcox and J. J. Halligan spent the week, end as guests at the Mort Smith ranch near Broadwater. Edward Luby has accepted a posi tion with the Union Pacific Co. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sandall, who spent last week in Omaha, have re turned home. Miss Dorothy Whelpy, of Fremont, is visiting at the home of Judge and Mrs. H. M. Grimes. Best Cane Granulated Sugar $6.G0 a sack at Wilcox Department Store. The Mothers' Club met at the home of Mrs. John Murphy Saturday even ing and attended the Keith theatre in a body. After the "pictures they were! served "with refreshments at the North ' Platte Candy kitchen. The Ladies Auxiliary of the B. of R. T. will hold a Kensington at the home of Mrs. Carl Bonner tomorrow afternoon. Master Dwlght Davidson, of Pine Bluffs, who was the guest of his uncle, Ira Weidman and wife, returned home last evening. Rev. Mooro and wife, of Oklahoma City, who spent two months here with their son, Harry Moore and wife, left for home last evening. Masters Charles and Donald Yost, who visited the Shindlo family at Lowelltfn for Wo weeks, returned home last evening. TIP" While in New York Mr. Block, in company with two other buyers, purchasod the entire surplus stock of one oi the largest waist concerns in the country, Shen Bros., of 566 Broadway, New York, and they are placed on sale at Block's Ladies' Outfitting Store TUESDAY, AUGUST 3. LOOK AT OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. WAISTS OF ALL KINDS. Crepes, China Silks, Voiles, Lawns and Organdies. NOTE THE PRICES: Values from $2. up to $4.00 OTHERS PRICED PROPORTIONATELY LOW. This is your opportunity to secure THIS SEASON'S CREATIONS AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF THEIR ACTUAL VALUE. Also a large assortment of White Skirts, including QO large sizes, extraordinary values at - - - tOL Ask to See Our Fall Suits. 5! Ladies" Outfitting Store Eg Schleicher Hound Over In u justice court nt Brady yester day. Ben Sloicher, a well known res ident of that section, was bound over to the district court on tho charge of bastardy. Tho complaining witness Is a wom an named Schmidt, somo twenty-live years old, who lives near Brady. Bond for his appearance in tho dis trict court was furnished. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS For G88. Sale Garage. Phone BlacK Values from $4.00 I up to $6.U0 p July Hrailis Record Last month was a record breahcr for low temperature; never before since the establishment of the local u S. weather bureau forty-one years ago, have we had a July so cool. The average temperature for the month is 711.0 degrees, but last month It was G9 degrees and In July, 1014, It was 70 degrees. Tho rainfall during the month was 4. GO inches, as compared Willi a 'littlo over one-hnlf inch in July, 1914. The excess of precipitation since January 1st. as compared with the average year, Is 11.07 Indies. Preliminary Hearing Today Tho preliminary hearing of Warren SOulcs and Wm. Beatty, Jr., charged with cattle stealing, with C. I. III11 as tho complaining witness, will take place today in the county court. Sheriff Salisbury was In Brady yes terday and subponned twenty-ono wit nesses who are expectcu to give evi dence In the case, nbout half of them for the prosecution, the remalnd r for the defense. In addition to these witnesses a score or more other Brady residents aro here as spectators, and the vil lage is therefore well represented in town today. Tho rainfall during the past week has been as follows: July 27th .20 inch, 2Sth, 01 inch, 29 th l.I'.O inches, :!lst 1.03 inches, August 1st 1.25 inch es. Corn, notwithstanding there has been a lack of hot weather, Is grow ing very rapidly. It is genornlly con sidered that If killing frost is dolnycd ton days later than usual Lincoln eountys corn crop will bo consider ably above tho average. See our Pall display of advance styles In Suits. Block's. C'y Russell sent his two threshing outfits In the country last week, one between the rivers, the oilier over on tho south side, and expected to be gin operations, but the rains lntor ferred with running the outfits, but as soon as the shocks dry out tho machines will hum. Is It your head that nches? Sixty ncr cent of all headaches are caused by defective eyes. Littlo eye defects trrow to big ones if not properly u nd promptly attended to. C. S. 'LINTON, Registered uptomeirisi, Dean Bowkor left Saturday on a trip to Kidney, Bridgeport and othor points in the west part or tho stale to iook I ifter Episcopal church matters. Rev. , Ives, of Ogalalla, held services at the Episcopal church Sunday. l Elborta Peaches $1.15 per bushel. Uilcox Department Store. The commute of forty which guar i tc i d tho sale of $1,400 worth of sea si n tickets for the Chautauqua, began a . anvass of the city yesterday and dts po , d of about one-third the required number. The canvass will be continued today and tomorrow. A business mooting of the Bible flusii of the Prisbyterlan church will be held at tho homo of Mrs. Alex Pen wlcit, GOIi west Sixth streot, Friday afternoon. For Rent Modern house. Inquire of A. A. Schatz. 55t W. O. Wado began work In tho U. P. baggago room last evening. Ira, Simpson has returned from Om aha where ho spent a fortnight. Butler Buchanan went to Overton tills morning to transact business. : Ben Payne left Saturday for1 Beatrice1 to spend a couple of weeks wtlh rela tives. -.vR, O.. Blake, of Lodgepolo, is among the business visitors In town this week. Mrs. G. IIuasjLwas called to Lincoln Friday ' cvcnlngwby 'the lllnes3offcn relative. Mr.1 Lundeen, offlGpzads arrived In tho city this morning tBvisit with Mrs. John Salton. The Socialist Study Club will meet with Mrs. Howard McMIcliael tomor row afternoon. James Howe and Guy Fear, of Wal lace, visited the latter's uncle, E. X. Ogler, yesterdny. Miss Mary Maloy, of Lisco, visited in town yesterday while enroute home from Grand Island. Arthur Artz lins resigned his posi tion In tho U. P. Shops nud will take up the plumbing business. George Lannln and Walter Mcttln left Saturdny morning for Denvor and Colorado Springs to spend ton dnys. Thomas Joffors went to Kearney this morning to attond tho Barnum & Bailey circus and accompany his fnm- ily home. Mrs. Harry Fleishmann and daugh ter returned today from Omaha whero they had visited relatives since July -i tn. William Murphy, of the local ma chino shops, loft tho latter aprt of last weoic for Omaha to spend a week or longer. .... Mrs. Hello Sweot, o Blackfoot, Ia wno was tno guest or Mr. and Mrs Tliomns Austin for a week while en- route homo from Kansas City, left this morning. A merry twinkle in an eye Is not always lndlcntlvo of perfect eyesight, but the merry twinkle is seen more frequently in those without defects. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist. Governor Morehend has appointed W. V, Hoagland, of this city, ns a dol egato to tho nntionnl irrigation con gress to be hold at Sacramento, Sept. 13lh to 2th. ' .'111 pit I k Goodman make real estate loans, write best old line Hull, Fire, Lightning and Life Insurance. Every loss promptly adjusted. If looking for .safe Insurance, see litem. Andy Berg, pt Grand Island, wh6 has been In charge of pumpn and tanks on tho Union Pacific for forty-nine years, is spending tho day in town on his Html trip over tho line, as ho will bo put on tho pension list this' week. Wentohr forecast for North Platto and vicinity partly cloudy and slight ly warmer tonight; Wednesday partly cloudy and warmer. Highest tempera ture yesterday 72, a year ago S2; low est temperature last night 52, a year ago D8. FOR SALK One set 1 ton Fairbanks Wagon Scales. Jus Horsliey, Opposite Post ofllce, Phone 1.1. . . . , . o5-tf The Cosl. Ono year of the European war has resulted in 2,408,00 killed, 5,155,00 wounded, 1,802,000 missing, a total of 9,3115,000. In the killed the allies' sharo has been 1,503,000 and Germany, Aud-trla-IIungnry and Turkey 905,000. The same porcentago of wounded and miss ing holds as to the contendolng armies. The Russlun loss has about equalled tho combined loss of all tho othor al lies, tho deaths bolng placed at 800, 000, with 2,000,000 wounded and 800, 000 missing. It is claimed that 8, 000,000 Russians are held as prison ers of war. Tho war loans mado by all tho coun tries Involved have rcuched the enor nous sum of seventeen bllllou dollars. m hill pasture Plenty of wutvv, good feed; close in. Horses and ciillle ii per head per day. Y3l RAMSEY, Across the rontl from Coolldge's. FOR SALK CHEAP. Detroit Vapor Self-generating Gaso line Stou', practically new. 52-G J. C. Holliiiiin. KEITH THEATRE SATURDAY, AUGUST 7. , Lew Fields in "OLD DUTCH" made his greatest success in the play as it was produced by the Shuberts. All of the humor in this play you will find in the picture and you will en joy it just as thoroughly as you would if you had paid 82 to see Lew Field himself. A. brilliant cast supports Lew Fields, including Vivian Martin, Charles Judels and George Hassell. A SHUBERT FEATURE In 5 Acts OlD dutch! Price 10c15c.