Semi-Weekly Tribune IHA L. HAKE, Editor nnd Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono-Year by Mall la Adranco. . . .$1.25 One Year by Carrier In Adranco. .$1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, PoatoUlco aa Second Class Mattor. Pit! DAY, JULY iW, 1I5. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Churlou Tomlskl roturned Wednes day from Cheyenne after visiting there for a week. Mrs. Lillian Olcnson, of tho post offlco l taking a two weeks vacation from her dutlos. Mrs. James Dnnzo has gone to Ilor shey to visit several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. llostwlek. Tho quarantine for small-pox was lifted from tho McGraw homo the lat ter part of last week. Mrs. Lllllo Prettyman wont to Suth erland Wednesday morning to visit friends for a few days. Misses Amy and Kayo Eldor, who spent two wooks In Omaha, roturned homo Wednesday ovonlng. Mrg. M. H. Cemer, of Lq eVgns, who Tlvcil Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duke and family. Mrs. E. K. Lniigston returned to Kearney tho first of tho wook nftor visiting at tho Cramer homo. Peaehos 10c a basket, while they last, at Horrod's. Mrs. C. 13. Sousor and daughter, who wro visiting In Loxlngton, re turned homo Tuesday ovonlug. Joo PIzor came homo Wednesday evonlng from Grand Island nftor spending two wooks with his uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Swopo and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green made a fish ing trip to Maywood tho first of this week. Mrs. Largo and son Wayne, of Suth erland, returned homo Tuesday after noon after a short visit with friends In town. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Healey arc enjoying a visit from Mrs. Heatherton of New York, who arrived Wednesday morning. Miss Ulanche Thornhurg will lenve Sunday for California whoro she will visit with Miss Hazol Henderson for a month. Miss Ilazol Llcrk returned tho first of this week from tho .eastern part of tho stuto whoro she visited relntlves for a week. Edgar Tollo roturned a fow days ago from a visit In the custom part of the state. . Misses Madgo Fly tin and Hazel Don aldson, who wore guests ut a house pnrty in Ognlalla for a wcok, have ro turned homo. Mrs. Fred Potorsou, of Council Ijlufl's, who was the guest ,of Miss Mario Prltchard, left for . home Tues day evening. Earl Carlton returned Tuesday from Grand Islnnd, wncro no was called by the death of his grand fnthor last week. y Elborta peaches 10c a basket at Wilcox Dopartmont Store. Mr. and MrB. Floyd Steele returned home Tuesday evening from Grand Island, whore thoy visited for llvo weeks with rolatlves. Misses Grace and Vorno Droternltz loft Wednesday morning for Sidney to visit their aunt, Mrs. Will Breter- nltz for a couple of weeks. Misu Sadio MeFaddon, of Sidney, will visit tho Misses Floronco and Mario Stack this week while onrouto homo from tho ICeanley Normul. Miss Mabel McVleker, of Lexington camo up Tuesday afternoon to spend a fow days on business relatlvo to her mllllnory pnrlors in Tho Leader. Mr. und Mrs. William Anderson left Wednesday afternoon for Excelsior Springs, Mo to spend sovoral weeks for tho boiiofit of the latter a health. MIssob Mary Ellen Wagner and Ellz aboth Robinson, of Rawlins, who were guwrts of their aun.t,,, Mrs. J. W. FlUpatrlcl: for two wooks, returned homo Wednosday morning. f TArrangemonta aro bolng made to liavo a siiectal train run to Bridgeport Sunday morning for tho convenience of thoao ho wish tovnttond tho ball game. It will return that 'evening. oxpocled this week to visit Dean Bow kor, whllo eurouto west on a botanical trip, Mr. liutes bolng an expert hot nnjit, Rov. Hates was rector of tho ldll EpUcopal church twenty-live yws ago. Mrs. Ella Lynch and daughtor Wln- nlu,.Mm, I. Barrett and Mrs. Uesalo Moirhtt, of lloono, Iowa, who woro gueHta of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cuiii lningB, left Tuesday evening for Den ver to upend a week or longer. Mr, aid Mrs. Hans Gulbrnnsou nnd family, of t'hlcngo, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuser for six wooks, loft Tuosday evening, Enroute 'homo they will visit In Iowa. MrB. Gul branson is a sister of Mr. Kuser. Ray Brown, tho four year old sou of Mr. and Mra. Albert Drown, waa knocked down nnd Injured by an au tomobllo a fow days ago. Ono leg was brokon, his faco scratched and ho rocolved a nunibor of bruises. Rov. J. M. Ddtos, of Red Cloud, Is Wo take this method of extondlng our gratlttido to the neighbors and frlouda who so kindly assisted us at the death of our beloved relative, tho lato Mrs. Agnes Kraul. Signed: Mrs, Anna Soyforth, MIbb Knthcrlno Sey forth, Omaha, Frank Kraul, San Fran cisco, Mrs. Mctz, Dodgo, MrB. Hrabat, Dodgo. FOR HALE C11EAI'. Detroit Vapor Solf.geiicrallng (Jnso lino Stove, practically now. C2-G J. 0. Holluinn. Boosters Win in (ho Tenth There was a battle royal down at tho ball lot Tuesday afternoon between Mr. Bailey, the spit ball artist of the Grant team, nnd Mr. Luby who did the twirling for the Doostors, and the game entered the tenth frame before the Grant players succumbed to a score of four to three. North Platte fans looked upon the Grant players as corn cultivators, and anticipating that they would provo "onsy," tho attendnnco was small, very small, In fact. Hut let It be re corded that while the Grant boys come from a wayside village sur rounded by corn fields, nnd may be good cultivators of corn, they like wise know ball, and had It not been for several costly errors, they would havo returned home with the Roost ers' bacon wrapped In tlssuo paper and securely tied In a gunny sack. Tl II 11 . . , , . I tl Rallcy, tho Grant p teller, Isn . a particularly handsome individual, but what he i lacks in WPearanco makes up In he break" o Ids sp It . l a 1, and It "broke' so well Tuesday bat e gh oon Roosters sawed the alr llttlo' "oil," If you pleaso, and whllo 1.. - A 1. . . 4 I 1 ... . 1. - ..... IS IZ n i,i it ,n touched up for nine hits. He could, we guoss-and only seven ! wore , made. Grant made three errors and,of enablIn tho votei:s of the cty iav. I ub'was3' somewhat wild lust the legal right so to do, to vote up- i..ur was soniewnnt wiiu, jusi a nn fii,..iw nmnn.nimi nowovor, go imu uib ihja lumunow uiiii - . -..ip.j thp'nrnnortv and shut out Grant, and . not work so hard'"? JL1' ... 7 !0K,a, n as ho did Tuesday. The Roosters were) U1UU11VU Willi tU C-1IU1B. fho Roosters made two runs in tho early frames, which were tied by nf .S, nZ fnrn, .....i. 1 i i.,n, sections 01 streets and spaces oppo Grant in the seventh, and In the eighth , .. ..nevg ln ,,.,vlni: districts in said thing must be did," and he did It by raising one for three bags, and n' overthrow to third allowed him to plank his numbor tlilrteens on tuo' home sack, tying the score. Luby tightened up In the tenth and had the visitors at his mercy, and when the Doostors camo In Bright made n two bagger, was advanced to third by Gettman's sacrlflco and came In on a safety by Holllday and It was all off. It was some ball gnnie: none bet ter this season, in fact, and the "corn cultivators" shouldn't worry because they lost. Hayes County Crops Destroyed. John E. Koontz. returned the early part of the wook from a visit with rel atives in Haves county, nnd while there witnessed the devastation wrought by a hailstorm last week. The torritory covered by tho storm was four miles wide and thirty miles long and the destruction to crops was prac tically complete. Small grain was i,ust ready for cutting when the storm came, and promised an unusual yield. Even the prairie grass was chopped to pieces, and it Is related that at one farm house tho hall stones were so large ns to break through tho roof and that tho children In the family were placed under tho beds to keep them from being Injured by the hail. Hayes county Is directly south of this county. Planning Fair Campaign A campaign having for Its object the boosting of the county fair, id being planned by President Plelstlcker and Secrotary Sabastlan of the fair as sociation nnd Messrs. Snyder and Gil man of the experimental station. The plan Is to hold school house meetings In a number of precincts, give talks on the fair, distribute literature and premium lists, and work in conjunc tion with the precinct committeemen In getting ovorybody Interested In making exhibits at the fair. Tho case of the state against Beatty and Warren Soules, charged with cattle stenling with C. I. Hill as tho complaining witness, was called In the county court Tuesday and a continuance for one week taken by tho defendants. Each furnished bonds In tho sum of 300. Till: FARMERS' MUTUAL ASSESS MENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION" OF N Ultlt ASK A. with Its principal place of business at Ogalalla, Neb., writes insurance ugainsl Fire, Lightning, Windstorm, Cyclone and Tornado on farm prop erty, including live stock, 011 farms In Keith, Lincoln, Perkins, Deuel and (.'anion counties in Nebraska. This Is strictly a fn rotors' insurance and Is written u( cost. lliuo our agents explain our meth ods, or write our secretary for In - lorniatlon. The following are ngenls of (his company in Lincoln county: . Lewis Mnccy, North Platte, Neb., Win. F .Elfeldt, Sutherland, Neb. ,1. It. Roshick, Hershey, N'eb. C. A. EIKER, President, (J. E. ,JPN(?E, Secretary, Rig Springs, Nob. P. .1. DIENFP. & CO. Heal Eslate and Insurance Coma and see us for town lots In dlfforont parts of the city. . Good In vestments on ensy tortns. Houses for salo and rent. Wo have also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front nnd Dewey Sts.. upstairs. Office phono i41. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases Oillco McDonald Stato Bank Building. Corner Sixth nnd Dowoy Stroots. Phones, OUlco 183, Residence 283 Hospital Phono Black C33. Houso Phono Black G33. W. T. riUTCHAlU), Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterlnar Ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., ono-hnlf block southwest of the Court Ilousfi ORDINANCE NO. GC. ProTlding for (he submission to (be roters of the City of North Pintle, Nebraska, of a proposition author izing (he Mayor and Council of bald ('II j, (o borrow money and pledge (he properly and credit of snld City upon Its negotiable bonds to an amount not exceeding Sixteen Thousand Dollars to bo used for llie I nnvmcnt of the cost of imviiiir flu Intersections of streets nnd spaces opposite alleys In paring districts in said City, und (0 levy a tax, iiiinu nil)., on (he (nxuble property of the City, in addition to all other taxes, sufficient to pay the interest 011 said bonds und (0 create 11 sinking fund for (lie payment of said bonds when (hey become due; calling a special election for (he purpose; and ap pointing clerks und judges for said special election Ro It ordained by the Mayor and ' JJU lb 11 UillllL-U IIJ HIV UIIU , f, of t, clt o North 1MaltC( k. 0j)ra8ja I' gECTI0N j A geclai olectlon ,s , , d t bo'ned ,n t, n f v , u Nobrngkai on thc 14tU j , f Srtemheri A- D. 1915 at tho Shall tho Mayor and Council of the 'C1')' o orth platte- Nebraska, have . ,1D n,l(,,nr70,i , i,rrnu- and be authorized to borrow - not CIV1., TV..,oo.w1 nllnru In J,.i Vu"""". 3 iT. -X- V' " V'" - '"'y" a , k f u .'L.rl0", , 1 anlil linnila ivhnn tlipv hncnmn flnp nnd ... . .... ...;..,,.,, imvuuii; in iiivii iiiutuiiit SECTION 2. Tho bonds proposed by the preceding section shall draw in terest at the rate of not to exceed 5 per cent per annum from their date un til paid, which Interest shall be pay able semi-annually and bo evidenced by coupons to said bonds attached. Said bonds shall be drawn payable to the bearer twenty years after date but redeemable at the option of the city ten years after the date thorof. Said bonds shall be Issued at such time and bear such date as tho Mayor and Coun cil may by resolution direct, and said bonds and Interest coupons thereon shall bo payable at the oillco of the state treasurer In the City of Lincoln, Nebraska. SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the Mayor and the City Clerk acting for nnd on behalf of the City to sign and attest said bonds nnd . adlx tho seal of the said city thereto, and the coupons attached to said bonds shall bo signed by the City Clerk without seal. SECTION 4. Before negotiating said bonds tho Mayor and Council shall ad vertise for bids for the sale thereof In such manner as they may deem best Such notice shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids, and tho bonds Bliall bo sold to the highest responsi ble bidder for cash but in no case be low their par value; and in case the proceedings above provided ln this section shall not result in a satisfac tory sale of said bonds on the date, in said notice provided, then and in that case the Mayor and Council may proceed to negotiate and sell said bonds at public or private sale, ln such mannqr ns they may consider for the best Interest of the city. SECTION 5. Tho proceeds of tho sale of said bonds shall bo paid ,toho treasurer of said city, and shall be by him placed .o tho credit of the "Pav ing Bond Fund" and said bonds shall bo described as "Paving Bonds of tho City of North Platte, Nebraska." SECTION C. The poll3 at such spe cial election shall be kept open be tween tho hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 7 o'clock p. m., of said day, and tho voting places for said election shall be as follows, to-wlt: First ward at the Lloyd Opera House. Second ward ln tho Commissioners' room at the Court House of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Third ward at tho old fire hose houso situated on Vine street between Sixth street and Front street. Fourth ward at tho old hose house situated on north Locust street. SECTION 7. Tho ballots voted at said special olectlon shall bo ln ac cordance with the form prescribed In the Australian Ballot Law, and shall have printed thereon tho proposition ns embodied In sections one and two of this ordinance, wikh the words "yes" and "no" properly arranged ad jacent therc.o for the expression of the will of the voter, nnd should majority of the votes cast at such election upon said proposition be ln favor of said proposition, then tho snnio shall be considered adopted, and tho Mayor and Council shall havo power and be authorized to issue said bonds and levy tuch taxes for the pur poso und upon tho torms und condi tions above specified. SECTION 8. Thoro shnll be three Judges aud two clerks appointed by tho Mayor and couucll for each polling place who shall perform the duties at such elec'tbin usunlly devolving upon judges and clerks at election for city ofllccrs. Tho roturns of Bald election shall bo mado to tho Mayor and Couucll of said City of North Platte, aud by them canvassed and the result determined ami declared at their first meeting nfter said election Such Judges nnd clorks for this spo clal oloctlcn ns provided for above aro hereby designated and nppplntod as follows, viz: In tho first ward, for clerks, A Schntz aud J. E. Sebastian. In tho fir:', ward for Judges, P. H Sullivan, Win. Mnlonoy nnd J. T Keofo. In tho socond" ward fdr clerks, Er uost Hlnckor and wm. Baldock. In tho second war.d for Judges, J. V, vosoipKn, ueo. uonehowor and A. Bui lard. In tho third ward, for clerks, A. B Hoagland and Fred Dick. In tho third ward for Judgos, A. O Kockon, John Boyer and S. Hartman In tho fourth ward, for clorks, Hou ry Wostonfeldt and A. W. Ilughes. In tho fourth ward for Judges, Thco Lowo, Sr., Richard Owens nnd John Caurlght. vilonnii ticroltmftur amif'lfiPM In Mm tfov . Ull iwiiwii nth iinijiwomwiii m- SECTION 9. Notice of said election and of the proposition submitted shall be given by publication In the North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune and North Platte Telegraph for five consecutive weeks preceding said election. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall take effect and bo In force from and af ter Its passage, approval and publlcn- tlon. Passed and approved this 27th day of July, A. D. 1015. E. II. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. (SEAL) ORDINANCE NO. 07. An ordinance providing for (he sub mitting to (he electors of (he City of North rinUo, Couny of Lincoln, Stale of Nebraska, (lie following question: "Shall the City of Norih Platlc. in (lie County of Lincoln, Stale of Nebras ka, issue Its 'City of North Finite Bonds' hi (lie sum of (vtehc llious uud 00.101) ($12,000.00) dollars, for (he purpose of raising money (0 pur chase from William IV. Dirge. In:- (ee. and bold in the mime of the City of North Platte, in the County of Lin coln, in the Stale of Nebraska, the following laud, lot and parcel of ground lying adjacent lo said City of North Plntto, to-wit: All that purl of (he southeast quurtcr (SKH) of section twenty-eight (2S) In township fourteen (11) north, of range thirty (!10) west of (he (!tli V. M., lying south or me North riatie rier, and east of thc main road run ning north along said tract, which road Is an extension of Locust street In said Clt), to be used und Improved for parks and parkways, and to pro- lido for (he levying mid collecting by the proper officers of said city, a tax annually, to pay the Interest and principal oi said bonds as they mature:" Be it ordained by the' Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platte, in the County of Lincoln, ln the State of Nebraska: SECTION 1. That a special elee tlon shall be held in said City of North Platte, In the County of Lincoln, in the State of Nebraska, on the 14th day of September, 1915, at which election the following proportion shall be sub niltted to the-voters of said City: Shall the Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte, In the Coun ty of Lincoln, In the state of Nebras ka, Issue Twelve Thousand 00.100 ($12,000.00) dollars 'City of North Platte Park Bonds' In denominations of Two Thousand Ou.100 (&2.000.00) Dollars each, bearing Interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, pay able annually, tho Interest and prin clpal payable at the olllce of tho State Treasurer of the State of Nebraska? Said bonds to bear date of Octo ber 1, 1915, and the Interest on said bonds, to bo payable on the 1st day of October, 191G, and on the first day of October of each and overy year thereafter, until all of the Interest ou said bonds shall have been paid. Said bonds to be numbered consecu tivcly from one to six inclusive, and tho interest thereon to bo evidenced by coupons thereto attached. Bond number one to become duo and payable on the 1st day of October, 1920. Bond number two to become due and payablo on tho 1st day of October 1921. Bond number three to become duo and payable on the 1st day of Octo ber. 1922. Bond number four to become due and payable on the 1st day of Octo ber, 1923. Bond numbor five to become duo and payablo on tho 1st day of October 1924. Bond number six to become duo nnd payable on tho 1st day of October 1925. Shall the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Platte, In the Coun ty of Lincoln, In the State of Nebraska levy a tax in the year 1915. and In each md every year thereafter sufficient to pay the Interest on said bonds; and in the year 1919 and In each and every year thereaftor sufficient to pay the principal on said bonds as they become due, until sufficient tax has been levied to pay nil of tho principal of said bonds; and such tnx both for prlncl pal and Interest to bo levied upon all of the taxable property In said City of North Platte? Said bonds to bo used for the pur pose of raising money to purchase from William W. Blrge, Trustee, and hold In tho name of the City of North Platte, in thc"C unty of Lincoln, in the State of Ncbrr.: 'ca, tho following land lot and parcel of ground, lying adja cent to said City of North Platte, to wit: All tvr: part of tho southeast quarter (SEVP of section twenty eight (28) In township fourteen (14) north, of rango thirty (30) west of the Gth P. M. lying south of thc North Platte river, and east of the main road running north along said tract, which road Is an extension of Locust street in said City, tc be used and improved for parks and narkways. SECTION 2. Tho ballots to bo used at said election shall havo printed thereon: For issuing of Twelvo thousand 00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City North latte Turk Bonds," In denom Inatlons of Two thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00) Dollnrs each, bearing inter est nt the rate of live per cent per an num. payable annuallyjlnterest, and principal payablo at the oillco of tho State Treasurer of the Stato of Ne braska. said bonds to bear date of October 1 ht. 1915, and tho Interest on said bonds shall be payable on the 1st day of October, 1910, and on the first day of Ootober of each and ev ery year thereafter until all of tho in terest on snld bonds shall havo been paid; to levy a tax In the year 1915, and each and every year thereafter sutllclent to pay the Interest on said bonds, and ln tho year 1919 and In each and overy year thereafter sufficient to pay tho principal of said bonds as they become due, until sulficlent tax has boen'levled to pay all of tho prin cipal oa anld bonds; such tax both for Interest and principal to bo levied up on ull of tho taxable property In said City of North Platto. Against Issuing of Twolvo thousand 00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City of North lntte Park Bonds," In denom inations of Two thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing Inter ost at tho rato of five por cent por an num, payablo annually.tfutorest and principal payablo at tho oillco of tho State Treasurer of the Stato of Ne braska, said bonds to bear date of Octobor 1st, 1915, and tho Intorest on said bonds shall be payable on the 1st day of October, 1910, and on the 1st day of October of each and ev ery year thereafter until nil of the In terest on snld bonds shnll havo been paid; to levy a tax In thc year 1915, and each and every year thereaftor ufllclent to pay tho Interest on said bonds, nnd In tho year 1919 and In each and every year thereafter sufficient to pay tho principal of said bonds ns they becomo duo, until sufficient tax has been levied to pay all of the prln- Ipal on said bonds; such tax both for interest nnd principal to bo levied up on nil of tho taxable property ln said City of North Platto. SECTION 3. Those voting In favor of said proposition shall mark their ballots with an X after the paragraph beginning with the word "FOR"; and those voting against said proposition shnll mark their ballot with an X af ter the paragraph beginning with the word "AGAINST . SECTION 4. Notice of said election shall bo given by tho publication, of a notico In tho North Platto Telegraph, and In tho North Plntte Semi-Weekly Tribune, the former n weekly newspa per, and the latter a rfeml-wcekly newspaper, both published ln the City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne braska, anij of general circulation In aid County 01 Lincoln, as said papers have been designated as official papers of said City; said notice shall bepub- llshed for at least five weeks prior to said election, and the City Clerk Is hereby instructed to cause the publica tion of such notice to bo made. SECTION 5. Said election will bo open at 9 o'clock In tho morning and will contlnuo to be open until 7 o'clock ln the afternoon of said day of election. The polling places of said election will bo at the entrance of the old Lloyd Opera House on the corner of Pino nnd nnd Sixth streets, In thc first ward of said City; and at the County Commissioners' room In tho County Court House In the second ward of said City; and at the old hose houso, situate on Vine street between Front and Sixth streets in the third ward of said City; and at tho hose house In the fourth ward of said City; said election will be conducted in mannqr and form as. provided by tho ordinances of said City, and the Stat utes of the State of Nebraska. SECTION 0. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and nfter its passage and approval and publication as required by law. Passed and approved this 27th day of July. 1915. E. H. EVANS, Attest: Mayor. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. J. B. ItEDFIELD. PIIYSICL1N & SURGEON Successor td",:,:' HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfield & Redfleld Office Phone G42 Res. Phono G7G Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon Special" Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building Office 130 Phones I Residence 115 JOHN S. SDIMS, M. Physician nnd Surgeon Office B. & L. Buildlh'g, Second Floor Phone, Office, 83; Residence 3S. DEKRYBEItRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 588. II. II. LAND GRAF Fainter, Paperhanger and Decorator Phono Black 570. Welcome a Good Cigar And a good cigar means one mado at tho Schmalzrled factory. Our rep utation as a maker o fgood cigars in North Platto extends back thirty years. If wo did not make good cigars we would havo been forced to closo tho factory years ago. If you havo not been smoking Schmalzricd's Cigars It Is not too lato to begin. J. F. Schmolzried. in s anil ua Bought and highest markat prices paid PHONES Residence Red 03G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. TT HO I I ot a-Hospital But a Homo Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital 1008 West 4th St., North Platte, Neb. .Mrs. .Margaret llnll, Superintendent. Miss Veta Pickurd, Graduate Nurse. Dr. -T. S. Twlnein, Physician and Surgeon Rest for llumanily's Cure Orlllclal Surgery with Homeopathic Medi cine for Acute and Chronic Disease. Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrator. Stnto of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho County Court. In tho Matter of tho Estate of William Hlghberger, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Jesso Hlghberger praying that Admin istration of said estate may be granted to himself as Administrator. Ordered, that August 13, A. D. 1915, at 9 o'clock A. M. Is assigned for hear ing said petlton, when all persons In terested In said matter may appear at a County Court to bo hold In and for said County, nnd show cause why tho prayer of potltonqr sjhould not bo granteu; anu tnat notico of tho pen dency of said petlton and tho hearing thereof ho given to all persons Inter ested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In tho North Platto' Tribune, a legal semi-weekly newspa per printed In said County, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated July 1G, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, 20-3w County Judge. Order of Hearing 011 Final Settlement Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County ss. In the County Court. In tho Matter of the Estate of Olaf Johnson, Deceased. To tho Creditors, Legatees and Oth ers Interested in tho Estate of Olaf Johnson : Take notice that Krlstlna Johnson has filed In thc County Court, a report of her doings as Executrix of said estate, and It Is ordered that the same stand for hearing the 14th day of Aug ust, A. D. 1915, before the Court at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M at which tlmo any person interested may ap pear and except to and contest tho same. Notice of this proceeding and tho hearing thereof Is ordered given to all persons Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tho North Platto Tribune, a legal, semi weekly newspaper printed ln said County, for three consecutive weeks prior to said date of hearing. Dated July 17, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, J20-3w County Judge. Order of Hearing on Petition for Set tlement of Account. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In the County Court. x In the Matter of the Estate of Beatrice Gllfoyl, Deceased. On reading and filing petition of Henry Gllfoyl, Executor, praying a final settlement and allowance of his account, filed on the 13th day of July, 1915, and for his discharge as exec utor, aad for a decree of distribution under the will and for construction of the terms thereof. Ordered, that August 13th, A. D. 1915, at 2 o'clock P. M., Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons Interested in said matter may ap pear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer -,of the petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition, and tho hearing thereof, be given to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tho North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspitper printed in said County, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. GEO. E. FRENCH, J20-3w County Judge. FKOBATi: ISOTICK. In thc County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska In the Matter of the Estate of Wil liam Siebold, DeceaseiL. Notice Is hereby gnren thtf: the creditors of the said deceased will meet tho administratrix of said estate before me, county Judge, of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room In said county on the 27th day of August, 1915. and on the 27th day of February, 191G, at 9 o'clock a. m each day for the purpose of present- ring their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance, and on the same dato the petition of Julia M. Siebold praying an allowance bo mnde for support of the family, and that specific property be aslgned to her her as widow will bo heard. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims and one year for the administratrix to settle said es tate from the 27th day of August, 1915... This notico will be published ln the North Platto Tribune a legal semi-weekly newspaper for four weeks successively prior to the 27th day of August, 1915. Witness my hand aad seal of said court this 22d day of July, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, County Judge. retitiou for Appointment of Adnilnls trator The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S.S In the County Court In the Matter of the Estate of Cora 11. Osgood, Deceased. On reading and filing tho petition of Charles R. Osgood praying that administration of said estate may bo granted to him ns administrator. Ordered, That August 19th, 1915. at 9 a. m. Is nsslgned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested In said mattor may appear at a county court to) bo hold in and for said county nnd show cause why tho prayer of potuioner snouiu not do granted; and -that notico of the pen dency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons Inter ested ln said matter by publishing a copy of this ordor In the .North Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three suc cessive weeka prior to said 'day of hearing. ,. ' Dated July 22, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, J27-3 County Judga.