The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 30, 1915, Image 4

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Morris Lnnnlng spent Wednesday
in Sidney on business.
Miss Marjory Campbell returned
Wednesday from a visit in Brady.
Peaches 10c a basket, while they
last, at Hcrrod's.
Bungalow aprons, the new better
effects, all colors, only 50c
Bo sure to see the waists specials
for today at 49c, 79c and 95c, at
Block' ladies' store.
Jess Fitch and D. II. Baker, of
Dickens, were in town Wednesday
and while hero purchased new Ford
Miss Ireno Mcdce, of Brady, arrived
yesterday morning to visit friends.
Clark LcDioyt has returned from
Cheyonne, whore ho spent ten days.
Rev. T. D. Sulivan, of Elm Creek,
Is visiting Uev. McDald this week.
Mrs. Mol Murray and children went
to Sutherland Wednesday afternoon to
visit friends.
Mrs. Harry Blickensdcrfer and
daughter of Albuquerque, N. M., who
are guests at the York Hlnman home,
visited, several days this week In
Gothenburg with relutivcs.
Neither parent or teacher can af
ford to neglect the child's visual sense.
Cross eyes in children are frequent
ly the result of eyestrain. The earlier
the piiRlnr In every case.
Mrs. Joseph Jessup, who was called c. S. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist
to Grand Island last week by the, ,
death of her grand father, will return Tho Episcopal and Christian ball
1 '. ' " teams played Wednesday evening to
' ' settle a tie score which resulted In
Mrs. Charles Flandcr, of Osceola, their last game. .The former won by a
who was the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. Claus Anderson, returned home
Wednesday morning.
Mrs. James Dorram entertained the
J. F. F. club Tuesday afternoon at
cards. Prizes were won by Mesdames
Gutherless and Mann.
Tho N. A. T. club were the guests of
Miss Dorothy Hlnman Wednesday af
ternoon and spent sovernl hours in
enjoyable card games.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tlghe returned
last ovonlng from Lexington whore
they had spent a week with their
daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Stuart; 1
This Is the last week ot'ithe July
Clearance Salo at Wilcox Department
Mrs. George Voselpka entertained
the EUA-VIrp club Tuesday afternoon
at a kenslngton. Out of town guests
were Mrs. Frank J. McDonotigh, of
Omaha and Miss Monette, of Stella,
Dr. Frank P. Johnston, of Chicago,
Is expected hero tomorrow to visit a't
the home of his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Lochlel Johnston. Mrs. Johnston and
the children havo been here for a
week past.
Tho Degree of Honor social club
will meet Tuesday afternoon with
Mrs. Ida Lemon at the Owl Cafe. As
sisting will be Mesdames J. G. Peel
er, Henry Breternltz, Andy Anderson,
Gough, Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Mrs.
Mary Alexander.
score of six to one. Batteries were
Swope and Day and Elliott and IIollo
well. " ,
Dr. arid Mrs. Fred W. Miller and
daughter Winifred, came Wednesday
afternoon and visited Mrs. Miller's
mother, Mrs. HIcliard Cox, while en
route to Portland .where they will
spend several weeks.
Complaints were made this week
by A. B. Hoagland against E. S. Davis,
Frank Elliott, Mrs. Metlln, William
Peters anil Peter Mylander for falluro
to remove rubbish from their premis
es and for having open vaults.
A miscellaneous shower was given
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Frank Darnell for Mrs. Ralph
Hansen, a recent bride. Many pieces
of cut glass, solid sliver, hnnd paint
ed china nnd water color pictures were
received. Tho hostess was nssisted
by Mrs. Xels Winters, Mrs. W. S. Leon
and Miss Hilda Anderson.
Colfnx Encampment No. 23 held In
stallation Friday night when Deputy
Grand Patriarch J. Guy Swope Install
ed tho following officers In their re
spective stations for tho ensuing
term: E. W. Wright, C. P.; C. E. Mc
Lane, S. W.; II. J. Dlener, J. W.; P. C.
Peterson, 1st Watch; F. C. Peterson,
2nd Watch; J. H. McICale, 3d Watch;
F. G. Rector, 4th Watch; J. Small
wood, Guide; J. Nolas, 1st Guard; S.
M. Souder, 2nd Guard; J. G. Palmer,
High Priest; E. S. Davis, Treas.: J.
Guy Swope, Sec; Win, Simants, IS.
Refreshments were served.
Athletes Go Through
M. W. Shepherd, coach of the Mill
rose Athletic Club of New York City,
and who lipids the world's running
record at from 500 to 1,000 ynrds dis
tances, passed through Wednesday to
the athletic games at San Francisco.
He was accompanied by five other ath
letes, i
Coach Stagg nnd five 'tfnlverslty of
Chicago athletes also went west the
same day over the Union Pacific.
Cahlll Has a New Job
W. R. Cahlll, formerly superintend
ent of the Nebraska division of the
Union Pacific, is now superintendent
of the Texas division of the Missouri,
Kansas & Texas, with headquarters at
Wichita Falls, Tex. Mr. Cahill's resig
nation from the Union Pacific was un
expectedly nnnounced at the same
tjme that his successor was appointed.
Too .Much Difference
According to statistics published in
the Omaha Bee it cost Lincoln county
$3,229 to make the annual assessment
this year, while in Custer county, which
has exactly the same area and a larger
population, the cost was $1,525, or less
than hnlf tho cost In this county. If
these figures are correct, the differ
ence In cost Is too great either Cus
ter county nssessors work fast, or else
tho Lincoln county asessors are
very slow In the work.
..The Beginning of The End..
To close out the balance of the
Oxfords and Pumps-, we place on
sale the entire stock at two
Choice of all the Ladies' 1
Oxfords and Pumps,. , in,,,
fact all low shoes, $5.00,
$4.50 and $4.00 grades at
$3.50, $3.00 and $2.50
Choice of till the Men"s
Low Shoes, regular $6.00,
$5.50, $5,00 and $4.50
values go at
$3.50 and $4,00 Oxfords
go at
Wagner Case Affirmed
The supremo court has affirmed
tho decision of tho lower court in the
case of Mrs. Emma Wagner ngalnst
the city, in which tho plaintiff ob
tained u Judgment for $208.00. This
was a damage case resulting from a
fall which Mrs. Wagner sustained on
nn icy pavement at the Dickey cor
ner over two years ago. Clerk Pros
ser, of the district court, received the
mandate Wednesday.
Sugar Factory at Bridgeport
A dispatch appearing in yesterday's
Bee from tho lively little town of
Bridgeport says: Plans are being per
fected for the erection of a big sugar , ,)elied to hol,i an inti0or instad of an
Mrs. J. J. Halllgan entertained a
few friends at cards yesterday after
noon. Miss Mao Walker pleasantly enter
tained, the members of the Saturday
afternoon bridge club Tuesday.
In favor of Mrs. Andrew McQovorn,
of Brady, Mrs. Joseph Murphy enter
tained a number of friends the latter
part of last week.
Mrs. York Hlnman will entertain
about fifty ladles this afternoon com
pllmetnry to Mrsfil. C. Bllckonsderfer,
who Is her guest.
Mrs. N. McCabo had as her guests
Wednesday afternoon, the members of
tho Mothers' Club, who spent a very
pleasant day. Tho refreshments were
nicely served In courses.
At a recent meeting of the J. F. F.
club the following orlcers were elect
ed: President, Mrs. II. J'. Ilcnckle;
vice president, Mrs. W. B. Brown;
secretary and treasurer, Mrs Harry
Miss Gladys Stegall entertained at
a seven o'clock dinner last evening in
honor of Miss Mabel Winegar, of
Sterling and Miss Ethel White, of
Boone, Iowa. Covers were laid for
t welve.
A farewell reception was held at
the homo of Miss Mabel Sawyer Wed
nesday evening by the Epwortli League
for Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Davis and Miss
Winnie Gassner. Games were played,
a musical program rendered and a
lunch served.
Miss Cree Diener entertained at a
six o'clock dinner Tuesday evening in
honor of the Misses Agnes and Eliza
beth Barnctt, of Lincoln, who are vis
iting local friends. The table was
prettily decorated with garden llowers
and covers were laid for eight.
A party of thirty-five held a pic
nic at the Country Club last vening
and wore compelled to remain there
until after the rain. Tliey were com
T. V. Powderly, of tho Immigration
department nt Washington, D. C, went
through Wednesday to California, and
while here visited his cousins Joseph
and John Murphy and Mrs. HI Smith.
For Farm Loans seo or write Geno
Crook, room 3, Waltcmath building,
North Platto. 41tf
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Davis, who have
been making their home at the experi
mental station, will leave this week
for Holbrook to reside.
factory at that place. Representa
tlves of tho sugar company have been
hero a few dnys and options have been
taken on several hundred acres of
choice sugar beet land close to town.
A careful survey sliows there are ful
ly 00,000 acres of available land In
Bridgeport territory.
Date of Election Changed
Tho date of the special election to
ho hold for the purpose of voting on
the bond propositions has been chang
ed from August 31st to September 14.
This chnngo was made because the
former date Is ono of the county fair
days, and this might have resulted in
not getting out a full vote.
A meeting of. the city council was
held Tuesday evening, tho former or
dinances authorizing the election was
repealed and new ordinances naming
the date of September 14th passed.
outdoor picnic, using the club house
for that purpose.
The Intermediate department of the
Christian Sunday school held an en
joyable social at the iiome of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Boyle lust evening. A
program of music and readings made
up the evening's entertainment, after
which refreshments were served.
The Indian Card Club spent Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. Will Hawley.
In the card games prizes were awarded
to Mrs. Keith Neville and Mrs. Joseph
Haves. Assisting tlio hostess were
Mesdames Thos. Healey, Jos. Hart and
G. B. Dent. Mrs. Heatherton, of New
York City, was an out of town guest.
Wednesday evening Miss Vaunita
Hayes " entrtaind forty young
ladles at a card party for
her guests the Misses Elizabeth and
Agnes Barnett, of Lincoln. Five hun
dred was played and a dainty lunch
served at midnight. Garden flowers
were used in abundance in decorating
RDER two Westinghouse
Electric Fans to day
One for your oflice one to take home
and be Comfortable the rest of the summer.
The office fan will enable you to do better
work will pay for itself in your increased
efficiency in a few days.
The home fan will make your leisure hours more restfulyou
will use it in the dining room, living room, hed room- all over
the house.
If the house isn't wired, it will pay youto have it wired just
to have the comfort of an electric fan. Why put it oft! The heat
las just begun.
North Platte Light & Power Co.,
C. R. MOREY, Mgr.
Pacing lii Grand Island
Mayor Chns Ryan, of Grand Island,
spent a few hours In town yesterday h,. j Fm J McDonough
LW, ! " ?lil of Omaha, was an out of town guest.
Grand Island a city of paved streets.
Not only havo tho business streets
been paved, but ono residence street
for a distance of ono and one-half miles
has been paved and other residence
streets aro being paved. This year
ten blocks nro being paved, and it is
the Intention to continue tho work
each year until all tlie streets have
permanent roadways. Brick Is now
used exclusively In Grand Island, as
It has been found to give the most sat
isfactory results.
To Our Patrons and General Public.:
Wo aro glad to announce that Miss
V. Pickard, a graduate nurse, who
has rendered such effective service in
the past at Nurse Brown Memorial
Hospital has contracted for the com
ing year. With her help and that of
tho Superintendent the hospital has
been made a success and we hereby
desire to express our appreciation to
those supporters who have made pos
siblo Its running.
Wo wish to make this a permanent
institution and to this end we con
scientiously assure to all entering
therein the benefit that sufth an in
stitution can bestow by rendering ef
ficient, honest service, medically and
surgically." Special care and atten
tion given patients during the lying
In period!. Respectfully yours,
J. S. TWINEM, M. D Physician nnd
Surgeon. 54-2
C. C. Ilupfor arrived from Hastlncs
Wednesday afternoon with n new Reo
six car. His former car, on tho return
trip from St. Louis, went wrong when
reaching tho east part of this state.
and Mr. Hupfer concluded to trado it
on n model six.
The Swedish Mission Society
Services will be held at the Advent
church next Sunday morning at 10:30,
Henceforth tho services will be Sun
day morning instead of as before in
the afternoon, on tho rirst Sunday in
each month.
It has long been desired by the
Swedes of North Platte to have a
church of their own, where their own
language is spoken. We therefore in
vlte our disposed, countrymen - who
don t yet enjoy the blessing of com
munlonshlp with a Lutheran church
to take part In this small beginning
to establish a congregation in the
Rev. Bescher will be very pleased to
get acquainted with you and would
appreciate your presence at the Ad
vent church next Sunday morning.
The. nnmo "Slnm" Is supposed by
somo pretty good authorities to bo de
rived from a Malay word, "sajam,"
brown. Both Siamese nnd Shans call
themselves "Thai" that Is. "the free.
A Real Want.
Clerk This Is the best burglar nlnnn
mnde. The burglar no sooner enters
the house than it alarms tho residents.
Customer Haven't yon got ono that
will alarm the burglar? Exchange.
Hardly Ever.
"Mniiunii. Ii 'man' a noun?"
"Yes. my dear."
"A proper noun?"
"nardly ever, dear." Houston Post.
" Long Distance" Saves
a Tiresome Trip
When you think you ought to make a
trip, why not talk instead? s
American brains, American initiativo,
and American scientific and technical skill,
have created an efficient and reasonable
priced telephone service for your uso.
"The World's Most Efficient Telephone
Grocery Special
This Week.
Standard Corn 1 cans 25c
Tomatoes StanilanrGrade full size cans, 3 for 25c
Pearl White Soap 8 bars 25c
Lennox Soap 8 bars , 25c
Dried Apricots per lb. . 124 c
' Naked Hcans full size can '. . . 10c
Fresh Eggs per dozen 13c
Cane Granulated Sugar per sack $6.85
Wilcox Department Store.
After visiting nt tho Ferguson and
York homes for some time, Mrs. Luto
returned to Paxton yesterday morning.
Principal Harris of the Mooreileld
Sqhools, spent several days In town
this week.
SWEET CLOVE It and all growing
crops INSURED against HAIL. Also
lire, tornado, automobile Insurance.
Strictly old line.
54-1 Uoollttle Building, Phono 012.
IIIHIIIIIIIHWlMWtWi MrUnttlht miivmaiiiaiai-.a.ill
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Farmers, Attention
Thegreatest grain crop you ever raised
is assured barring ZE3Z IE ZELi ,
There have been had storms all around
us. You cannot bar the HAIL, but you
can bar the consequences by letting us
write you a policy against loss by HAIL.
Delays are dangerous.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Organized 18S7.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte City property for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly
payments on SlOuO.OO loan are on principal $5.00
and interest $6.00 or 511.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.
Borrowers in this association can pay their
loans off with a saving of 25 to 30 per cent over
any competing association.