She MttVtk THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JULY 30, 1915. No. 55 LOCAL AM) PEKSOXAL Ponchos 10c a basket, while they last, at Ilerrod's. Miss Fern Garrison will leave this week for Vltor, Colorado, to accept a position as trimmer. Mrs. .1. S. Twlnem and children will leave Tuesday morning for 'Iowa to visit her mother for several weeks. Lawrence Murrln returned Wcd nooday ovenlng from Cheyenne, where he spent Hwo weeks with Ills aunt, Mrs. Chas. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Iiiggs, of Harnes City, Iowa, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Trexldr, while enroutc home from a visit in Colorado cities. Mrs. H. J. Phillips and daughter, of Now Jersey, who were guests of Mr. anil Mrs. Jesse Edwards for several weeks, returned home Tuesday after noon. Wanted Baby go-cart. Must be In good condition and reasonable. Call Red 581. Miss Fern Foster and siBter, of the Kearney Normal, arrived here Wed nesday to spend a day or two before going to their home In the Flats for the Miss Uuth, Falk, a cousin to Mrs. Fred Duncan, camo Wednesday even ing from Crston, Iowa, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Duncan for three weeks. l.ulMdSxrr-,jz..go..oyfromETAOIN E Cane sugar $G.75 per 100 at Herrod's. Paul Harrington, of Denver, who spent a week here on business and visiting his aunt, Mrs. John Herrod, returned to Denver Wednesday after noon. Use your eyes, but do not abuse them. When you discern a hint of dimness, a tired feeling, an ache, or headache, it is nature's cry for help. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist Rev. Mlmstreman, of Kearney, spent yesterday visiting with Rev. McDald. Tracy DeFord left yesterday aftr noon for Hrshey where she will visit her aunt, Mrs. J. M. 'Johnson, for two weeks. Members of the 600 club will in dulge in a picnic at Sioux Lookout this evening, leaving about five d'clock. The menu will include a broiled steaw, with Will McDonald and Ray Langford as cnefs. Mrs. P. A. Norton went to Norfolk yesterday afternoon to meet a cousin whom she had not seen in several years. They will leave together for Sioux City to spend two weeks with relatives. Peaches 10c a basket at Wilcox De partment Store. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Smith and daugh ter Hazel left yesterday for their fu ture home in Grand Island. For a number of years the former had been wire chief in the local telephone of fice and was recently transferred. M, R. Kely, of Cleveland, Ohio, vis ited his sister, Mrs. D. E. Morrill, this week and left at noon yesterday. He was enroute home from Phoenix, Ari zona, where he superintendend the In stalling the largest water valve now in use. Elberta peaches 10c a basket at Wilcox Department Store. Miss Christine Glow, of Denmark, arrived here Wednesday evening to be the guest of Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Fred erickson whllo enroute to San Fran cisco to visit her sister. Miss Glow was companion to Mrs. Frederickson's mother for a number of years in Den mark, and recently came to the United States to make an extended visit. FOR SALE One set 4 ton Fairbanks Wijjron Scales. Jos Hcrnho), Opposite Post office. Plume . ...Vi-tf There's No Lumber Like This Lumber Thai you know is dry and sound There's no lumber that is better Than In-Our Yard'ls Found There's no lumber firm for miles -around that can sell you better goods, For There's No Better Lumber IN THIS NECK OF THE WOODS Coates Lumber and Coal Co. The Home of Good Coal. Phone 7. Seo LeMastor for nit kinds of re pairing. , F. L. Moonoy has returned from a short visit in Colorado. H. L Walker, of the Flats, is spend ing this week hero on business. The L. O. T. M. record keeper will b(T"nt Newton's store Saturday after noon. Tom Watta, now of Grand Island, left yesterday morning after a short stay in town. Choice of our suits 5.00, special for Saturday, Block's. Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes loft Wednesday evening for Alllanco to spend sovoral days. Cano sugar ?G.75 per 100 at Herrod's. Miss Ida Johnson, of Kcnrnoy, who was the guest of Miss Margaret Brooks, returnd home last evening. After visiting at the Chrlstianson home for several weeks, Halger Nelson reurned to St. Paul yesterday. A few now Wooltex Suits for fall have arrived at Wilcox Dopartmont Store. P. II. McEvoy and daughters ro turned Tuesday evening from Omaha whore they spent several tlays. Miss Etlwl Getz, of Kearney, camo .last evening to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boylo until Sunday. A lot of white embroidered voile dresses $1.00. Block's. Mrs. Roy Bell and chlldrn, of St. Paul, Neb., who spent two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Vigo Chrlstcnson, left yesterday morning. Mrs. John Glnnapp, of Brady, is visiting this week with Mrs. Fred Oimette, having come up to take the teachers' examination. One-Fifth off on Rugs and Laco Curtains this week at Wilcox Depart ment Store. Misses Bertha JDurkce and Maud Barnett, of JulesbuSg, spent yesterday with Miss Margaret Brooks whllo en route home from Kearney. If you think that German Is easy, try your luck oiw "nachgcschmack." If you have good luck with this, then retire to "schlafg'oihach." Mrs. E. B. Gibbs, 'a former. North Platte resident, arrived Chicago this morning for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. -W. J. Stuart. The Presbyterian Sunday - school held a picnic at the Dillon grove yes terday afternoon, returning homef Just in time to bo cnught in, the 'raln. , Rev. Wm. Wnllace, D. I). who was to occupy the pulpit of he Presbyterian church next Sunday,' will not be here,' but wil be here foi Sunday, August; 15th. This section of the county was vis ited by a heavy rain last evening that continued for an hour or more. The weather bureau reported the precipi tation at one and three-tenths inches. For Rent Modern furnished room. Inquire at 300 east Third street or phono Red 537. The following is the menu for the commercial dinner at the Christian church basement Monday, August 2: Chicken and dumplings, mashed pota toes and gravy, cabbago salad, creamd turnips, raspberry pie, coffee and Iced tea. Notice to Wnler Consumers Either today or tomorrow, weather permitting, water will be shut off from all that portion of town east of Cot tonwood street for a period of from 2 to 4 hours while a cracked Are hy drant is repaired. Tho fire whistle will be blown about twenty minutes before shutting oft the water so consumers enn draw sufficient for their needs. HERSHEY S. WELCH, Water Commissioner. Appropriate s? 1,5110 for County Fair At a Joint meeting of the Chamber of Commerce directors, officers of tho county fair and the amusement coiu mlttoo of tho fair hold Wednesday ev ening, the nmusomcnt features of tho fair wero considered, and upon mo tion an appropriation of $1,500 was made for attractions for tho fair and for the expense of taking tho county exhibit to the state fair, and for the expense of collecting and preparing the state exhibits. Tho entertainment committee lias al ready secured a number of high class attractions for tho festival which Is to be held as the amusement feature of tho county fair, and one of tho feat ures wil be aeroplane flights for three days. Elmer Coates, a member of tho committee went to Omaha yesterday and while there will complete ar rangements for the aeroplane exhibi tions as well as secure other attrac tions. The amusement features this rail will be more varied and better than evr before. The exhibits for the county fair arc being collected by a number of those interested and are being prepared by Mr. Gllninn, a specialist in that lino who is now making his headquarters at the state farm. It Is requested that those who have exhibits leave them with Mr. Gllmnn, and thus as sist In making tho county exhibit an attractive one, and one that will be worthy of exhibition at the state fair. Another matter discussed was that of having a permanent exhibit of Lincoln county grnliis and grasses at tho railroad depot. This feature will bo taken up with the Union Pacific and tho company and the Chamber of Com merce will work together on the prop osition. It is believed that such an exhibit would prove an excellent way to advertise the county. Tho county fair and fall festival this year will bo by far the best ever hold and is tho duty of every1 resident of the countv to boost It along, for It Is ndt for tho benefit of North Platte, any more than it is for the benefit of tho whole county. The .Mulal Building Sc Loan Associa tion Is prepared to issue a limited amount of Its Full Paid Stock. First come first seru'd. This stoek Is Is sued In any amount from $100,110 to $5,000.00 and pays seini-anmial divi dends nt rate of six per cent. Special Train to Ball (.'nine Arrangements have ben made for a special train to Bridgeport next Sun day hi ordor to accommodate tthose who desiro to witness the bal game. The train will leave at 9:30 in the morning and return about eleven at night. Tho round trip ticket is $5.20. Up to a3t evening fifty fans had sig nified their intention of going and de posited, the faro. Others will decide to go, and it is probable a number of passengers wil be picked up along the line. Tho Bridgeport team is champions of northwst Nebraska, having won eighteen straight games. Notice to the Public and .My Patrons. On and after August 1st, 1915, I will be compelled to sell for cash. All customers knowing themselves in debted to me will please call and set tle their accounts, as I must hnve the money. Thanking you for your past patronage; 1 remain yours vry truly, JULIUS MOGENSEN. North Platte. Neb., July 28th, 1915. Vote Bonds for Now Building. Tho patrons of th O'Fallon school district voted Wednesday to issue bonds In the sum of ten thousand dol lars for a new school building, and to the credit of the patrons, the vote was unanimous. Plans for the now build ing are now being drawn, and when comploted bids will at once bo asked for tho construction of the building. Tho present school house was erected a number of years ago, and at that time was one of the best school build ings in the valley. It is now inad equate to meet th rquirements of the growing population, hence the voting of bonds for a larger and more mod ern building. Cliiiutuuqiui Tickets Tho Chautauqua tickets will go on sale Monday. Be prepared to buy your tickets when the men call. There are 14 programs and at $2.50 for a season ticket each program costs a lttlo over 17 cents. Think it over. For Rent. Five room cottage, city water, elec tric lights and sower. $15 per month. Inquire of T. Slmant. 303 south Chest nut street. 54-2 Cane sugar $0.75 per 100 at Herrod's. Talent at the North Platte Cliautuuqua which opens August ,tli. DR. E. T. HAGERMAN. The One Price to All. Visit our Rest Room, Free to all Special 25c Fibre Eiffel Silk Hose at 19c $2.00 Muslin Petticoats and Combination Suits,! only 69c $7.50, $8.00 AH Wool Imported Serge, Skirts all Sizes, at $3.95 $2.00 White Linen, and pique Skirts, at $1.00 $1.00 Fine Lawn and Tub Silk Shirt Waists on sale at 39c 1'EJiSOXAL PAltAGllAl'lIS Mr. and Mrs. Fetter, ot Maxwell, camo this morning to visit friends for a few days. Miss Vaunitn Hayes and sister An na spent yesterday In Central City. Dr. O. K. Tickler, of Howard, Nob., is visiting tills week with Dr. Frank Baldwin. Mrs John LeMastor will leave next week for a two weeks' visit lu DeiiTer and Grand Junction with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Thornburg left yesterday for Western nnd Canibridgo whero they will spend two weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Saline, of Needles, Cal., who were guests at the Don 'home, left this morning for Hildreth to visit relatives. Tho W C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. J T Murphy Monday afternoon at 3 oclock, 4011 south Willow. Election of officers will be hold and a largo at tendance is desired. Talent at the North Platte Cliautaiiiiim which opens August otli. FORREST SCHULZ Tho Vlollnlft. -i.f I vnmii (Jond competent girl 'for general housework. Cull utll!2 viest Fourth J street . Fashion 221 EAST SIXTH STREET. -TRY US FIRST- Our entire stock of SUM MER DRESSES will be on sale FRIDAY AND SATUR DAY. Sold up to $12.00, all over our price, your choice, See Window Display. Judge Grlmos went to Oshkosh this morning onl legal business. , Wanted Competent girl for gonornl housework. 412 west Fourth. Mrs. Ida Lmon and grand daughter havo returned from a week's stay in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sandall are spending tills week lu Omaha with friends. S. P. Dolatour, ot Lowcllon, trans acted business hero this week and left this morning. During tho storm last evening Clair Lemon was stunned by lightning near tho Coberly barber shop in tho Fourth wnrti. Miss Mary ArlonoThoelecke, of Om aha, who visited her uncle, O. H. Thoe lecko and AVlfe for ten days, has re turned home. Mrs. Wllllnm Fox, of Omnha, wife of Conductor Fox, returned homo tills morning aftor a short visit in this city. L. D. Thoelecko returned to Mol- roso this morning aftor visiting his son O. II. Thoelecko since Saturday. Notice Tho Illvorslde Country Club havo leased tho property known as Dick's Orovo for the purpoa of maintaining golf course. 'Iheso are private grounds and aro for tho uso of mem bers only and their Immedlato family HIVEHSIDE COUNTRY CLUB, P. It. HALLIGAN, Secretary Cliaiitaiiiiiiii .Meeting. There will be n meeting of all tho signers of tho Cliautuuqua contract to night 8 p. in. at city library. Every signer is urged to como out. The Chautauqua Is just ono week away, so it Is time for overybody to get busy. Notice Notice is hereby given that on tho 21st day of August, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M., the undersigned will sell at public auction all tho stock and fix tures and book accounts belonging to the firm of Forstedt & Sheedy of North Platto, Nebraska, as trustoea for tho benefit of tho creditors of For stedt & Shoedy at tho storo building In which said Forstedt & Sheedy aro lo cated, at G12 Locust street, North Platto, Nebraska, to tho highest bid der. J. II. HANEV COMPANY, J22-G Mcdonald state bank. Shop. Our Low Prices Are due to low rents. One price to oil. $4. Palm Beach Skirts, all Sizes, at $2.50 $10.00 all Silk faopliu Dresses, all new fall styles, at $4.95 $15.00 all Silk Dress, the finest you ever bought new fall styles, at $6.95 $6.00 Trimmed Panama Hats to close out, at $1.50 $7.50 English Rain Coats, jRagland Sleeves and Belts, at $3.95 $2.00 Crepe Kimonas, at 69c 75c Black Petticoat and Striped, at 39c The Bible Study class No. 1 will meet Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Philip Dents, 221 south Sycamore. Mrs. E. M. Oglor will visit frlendB In aothenburg Sunday Talent nt the North Platte ('huutnuqut:. which opens August 5th. OPIE READ. 8IDNEY LANDON. v. y.