The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 27, 1915, Image 1

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No. 54
Miss Gone Wortcn loft Sunday morn
ing for Coznd to spend a week or
Miss Ruth Donclson, who had been
seriously 111 for ten days, Is very
much Improved.
Ono hundred and fifty cars are now
"iced dally by the P. P. 13. Co. and forty
men are necessary for this work
Hay, Lincoln went to Sidney Sun
day evening to spend a few days with
his family who are visiting there.
Dr. Kemble. of Golden, arrived hero
Saturday evening to be the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turple for a
couple of weeks.
Mrs..M. V. Mitchell, who was oper
ated upon In an Omaha hospital re
cently, Is reported, to bo getting along
nicely. '
Mrs. John Murray and daughter.
Miss LauraJ. returned last evening
from Lincoln, where they had been
visiting relatives for seven weeks.
Mrs. 'Charles McNamara will enter
tain the Pan-Hellenic club Saturday.
Mrs. George Vosoipka will be host
ess to the- Et-A-Vlrp club this after
noon. Miss Eunice Uabbltt returned last
evening from Lincoln. After visiting
homo folks for a week Miss Babbitt
accompanied by a sister, will leave for
a visit at the San Frunsisco exposition.
Mrs. Hrabat and Mrs. Metz, of Dodge
were called here yesterday by the
death of their mother the late Mrs.
Agnes Kraul. Frank Kraul, of San
Francises', n son ot! the deceased,
will arrive today.
Mrs. "Will Carey and son Donald, of
Omaha, wlio were visiting relatives
bere, left for home Sunday evening,
Mrs. W. W. Pounds, of Pender, Xe-
Thls Is the last week of the July
Clearance Sale at Wilcox Departmont
Wanted Uaby go-cart. Must be In
good condition and reasonable. Call
Red 5S1.
Miss Eino Sutton loft at noon yestcr
dny for Kearney whore she Is now
Mrs. N. G. Honderson, of Lincoln,
who was the guest of Mrs John Knox,
has returned home.
Miss May MarovlBh, of Gnndy, for
merly of this city, Is spending this
week with local relatives.'
Mrs. C. P. Mlllor, who had been tak
ing treatment at the General hospital,
returned to her home yostcrday.
Mrs Si Smith, of Grand Island,
came in last evening to visit Mrs. A.
E. Mooney for a week or longer
Mr. and Mrs. George Trcxlcr have
returned from a pleasant auto trip
through Wyoming and Colorado.
Miss Alice Otten, who had been 111
Mercantile yesterday morn
Hall Storm North of Hrad) '
The section of country north of
Drady was visited b ya very disastrous
hailstorm Saturday evening, whlU
practically destroyed all crops In Its
path. It Is reported that about jnio
thousand acres of wheat, ready for
the binder suffered practically a total
loss, and hundreds of acres of corn
(toll In Season Tickets llssonibl Hub llntertnlns
Beginning with the game this after-, Tho Essembly club entertained
noon, season tickets will not bo lion- their husbands and children In tho
ored at the ball grounds. The II-' Dillon grovo with a big picnic din
nances of tho ball association are ; nor yesterday. The table was loaded
such that this stop has been made with good things to eat. Every ono
necessary, as the team can" only bo did justice to tho big feed after the
maintained from this time forward by strenuous ball game. The batteries
eacii atlonunnt paying me regular nil-, were Mcadames Smith and Dustin for
was stripped of the leaves and tho mission fee of twenty-live cents. the losers and Mesdames Cromwell
stalks battered down. There was al
so a considerable loss of oats,
Tour (.'ami's With HridK'cport
Tho management of the local ball
team has made arrangements for four
games with the strong Bridgeport
team. As now scheduled, two of tho
games will be played at Bridgeport
next Sunday and Monday, and return
games will bo played In this city the
following Sunday and Monday.
Games are also being arranged with
Oconto and IUverton, both strong
Since the season opened and tho. and Eshelman for tho winners, t
Jason tickets sold, thirteen games score being IS to S. Tho club will
New Highway Pennant.
A new Lincoln Highway pennant
has mnde Its appearance. The poii-
u, nu iiuu uv ... !,. ,. n,,l,.., l.ll. -..
for two weeks, resumed work at the ft""v" 'V : m L "u'i
the various cities and towns along
the route are marked. In Nebraska,
Logan Marcott, of Brady, formerly Omaha, Columbus, Kearney nnd Xorth
assistant In the county superintend- Plntte are shown. These towns arc
ent's olllce, Is visiting In town this about 100 miles apart and are thus
week. good points for a day's travel, the fast
Mr .! Mr f!nn Austin l.nvo nillllOr milking 200 IllileS lUlll tllC CUB'
returned from Cluc where they (lrlYcr 100 'tlcs
visited menus nnu attended the ceie- Passes Worthless Checks.
hration. Complaints have been filed against
Rli Rev. George A. Beecher. oC Lee H. Morley. of Brady, charging
Hastings, spent yesterday in town dis with passing two worthless
miRslnir rhumb matters with Dean checks In this city a few days ago. One
Hnwtcnr was cashed by Gus Huffman nnd the
other by Harcourt & Jensen, nnd each
Mrs. Letha Demlck and Mrs. Orra wnq rnr iiftPPn ilnllnrs. siioriiT Snii.
DeFord will leave the latter part of bury went t0 Urndy thls morning to
this week for Denver to spend a pince Morley under arrest. Morley
couple of weeks. hn9 been a resident of the Brady sec-
tion for a number of years. He once
braska, who has been visiting Mrs. A. 0 na t yesterday in town as owned 1G0 acres of good land, but
iu. wooney lor iwo. weens, win leave ... nf wniinm Aiinir w-hlln nnrnnto
We wish to extend our thanks to
the neighbors, friends, fraternal or
ders and base ball club for their kind
ness during the illness and at the
death of our beloved husband and son,
the late James Danze, and for the
lloral offerings. Signed: Mrs. James
Danze, Mrs. Win. Anderson, ...Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Danze, Omaha,
Miss Lucy Dunn entertained fifteen
friends yesterday afternoon in honor
of Mrs. Frank McDonough, of Oma
ha. The afternoon was spent in
sewing and soclnl conversation after
Which a nlcely-onyjared, lunch iwns
served. Out-of-town guests were tho
Misses Barnett, of Lincoln.
The Entre Nous club will be enter
tained tomorrow afternoon by Mrs.
Harry S. Johnston, 409' west Ninth
street. '
Miss Maude Oweii3, who had been
spending three weeks at the pan Fran
cisco exposition, returned home tills
morning. She reports a very enjoy
able and interesting visit.
guests of William Adair while enroute through mismanagement lost it
" 1 A l. . . . .1 1.1.
homo from Cheyenne.
Mrs. Frank Yearley left yesterday
afternoon for Filmore, Mo., and Falls
City, Neb., to be the guest of rela
tives for a fortnight.
through a debt.
season tickets sold, thirteen games score be nc IS to S. The club will be
have been played on the home grounds. I entertained Friday p. in. by Mrs. Mor
If each holder of a ticket attended rls and Mrs. Owens at tho homo ot
each game and It was his fault If ho the former, S03 west Eleventh street,
didn't the cost per game to him has Members please be present.
been about fifteen cents, and even If he!
onlv attended clcht enmes. he has Thlrty-ilve members of the Lutlior-
plaveri even on his Investment of $2 oh uins ciun wore ueiignuuiy onier-i
for the season ticket. tallied Friday evening at tho ranch!
;,honie or Mr. and Mrs. P. liunlloy, i
War Will ConUnuo
War will continue between Austrla.
and Gormany and thousands of hu
mnn lives will be cut and slashed to
satisfy tho greedy desires of tho rul
ers of Europe Just as the prices have
been cut and slashed still lower at
the wind up of Block's Clearanco Salo
of Ladles' and Children's Wearing Ap
parel consisting of Suits, Coats, Skirts,
Silk and Wnsh Waists, Petticoats,
Wash Skirts, MubIIii Underwear, etc.
Everything must go regardless of
cost to make room for our now fall
lino. Seeing Is bollcvlng. Don't miss
this opportunity to get your shnro of
theso wonderful bargains.
No man with good rich sporting ,
blood in his veins will kick on giving
up his ticket, and paying tho gate ad
mission during the remainder of the
The management regrets Hint this
step has been necessary but It is tho
only possible course to pursue If tho
team Is to be maintained the balance
of the season.
Mrs. Charles Hupfer,
A Sudden Death
Mrs. Agnes Kraul, twin sister -of
Mrs. Anna Seyferth, who has made her
home here for a year past, died sud-
son Charles ie,V..?"nia.le"l"B;... V.!
iiiu iivi siaici aiiv uui i li nit; i:jiiua
To Our Patrons nnd (ienernl Public:
We are glad to announce that Miss
V. Pickard, a graduate nurse, who
has rendered such effective service in
the past at Nurse Brown Memorial
Hospital has contracted for the com
ing yenr. With her help and that of
the Superintendent the hospital has
been made a success and we hereby
desire to express our appreciation to
those supporters wtio have made pos
sible its running.
We wish to ninke this a permanent
institution and to this end wo con
scientiously assure to all entering
therein the benefit that such an In
stitution can bestow by rendering cf
llclent, honest service, medically and
surgically. Special care and atten
tion given patients during tho lying
in pcrfioit Respectfully yoiirs,
J. S. TWINEM, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon. f4-2
and daughter Mary, havo returned i . snpnd the evenlne nnd diir
from an enjoyable trip to St. Louis and L01 1 l"fc?." U,"
111 lilt; LUUIOL- UL LUUL10UUUI1 1UU
from her chair unconscious. Med-
Lem Balloy amp' Frank Flint re- leal aid was summoned and she was
turned Saturday from a fishing trip to revived for a few minutes, but was
Sedgewick; They were not very sue- unable to speak and died within , ten
cessful in their efforts. minutes after being taken ill.
I TVTvtc Ti'rn lit Imtin lii " r m n !
Misses Maud and Mabel Turple. of rjpcemhnr "Sth ISfil nnd until u ve-ir
rtiiMi r.,i.. nrrivpii hpr. Sutnrdnv ueceittuor -Mil, 1861, anu.ainui a jear.
Goldeu, Col., arrived hero Saturday
evening to visit for two weeks with
their brother. Frank Turple.
ago made her home In Dodge, Neb.,
having come to tins country when
quite young. She leaves two daugh-
MistfVaunlta Hayes Will entertain 1 tors In Dodge and a son In California,
a numlil'r UP friends tbniorrow evening all of whom were summoned here.
in 'honor of the Misses Barnett, of The remains wll be taken to Dodge
Lincoln, Who are her guests.
Wanted A competent girl for gen
oral housework-'. Apply at the
Block Store.
for Interment.
The ladies' aid of the Swedish Luth
eran Mission Society will meet at the
f.nrm nf Pirns. Anilnrsnn. two inMps
Charles Thompson! wjio deserted smith nnd (Ivp miles wpsI. nf North
HIS WHO last weeiv, was arrestee! bun- pinttn nnxt Frlilnv nftp.rnnnn nt thrpp
, day evening ut Grand Island by Slier- o'clock Rov, Kenneth Bescher, of
For Sale
A beautiful C room bungalow, largo
pantry and cellar. 2 full lots, all
fenced; nlco garden and lawn; wash
house; three poultry houses; large
barn. These buildings aro practical
ly all new; private water plant; good
location on south Maple street; small
payment down, balance like rent. If
you want a nlco home see this. Phone
Red 30S. 54-2
Houses and nice' acanl rooms,;"1 Salisbury and is an Inmate of the Hershoy. will be present and deliver a,"11 "f tli0 lot
storage space and safe deposit boxes. , county iall. awaiting trial . short address. We Invito all who mi-;
Will Hulld This Year
Joseph Morsch and Will Klenk, who
purchased sixty-six feet of the Her
sliey lot on the cornor of Flth and
Locust, will erect a building thereon,
and hope to havo it completed this
year. A tenant lias been secured for
tho entire second iloor, nnd a tenant
for one of tho three store rooms on
the ground door, with a possible ten
ant for one of the other two rooms.
The building will be 00x100 feet and
will certainly be a noticeable improve
inent to Locust street.
Not inter than next year a building
i will bo erected on tlte other sixty-six
northwest of town. Tho girls say
the evening proved ono of tho most
enjoyablo they havo had this year.
Miss Marian Dontler, who had been
playing In a stock conipnny at tho
Elltch-Long Garden In Denver, went
through this city Sunday evening on
routo to Now York to begin rehearsals
for a new play In which she will ap
pear next seiiBon.
Weather forecast: unsottlcd weath
er with probably sliowors tonight;
not much change In temperature.
Highest temperature yostcrday 7S, a
year ago, 04; lowest last night CO, a
year ago CD.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wcstonfcldt en
tertained a largo number of friends
and neighbors Sunday evening In hon
or of their tlilrty-llrst wedding an
niversary. A sumptuous supper was
Tho members of the Nevlta club were
the guests of Mrs. Ada Lewis at a
theatre party at tho Keith and later
refreshments were served at tlio North
Platte candy kitchen last evening.
Mis Esther Elder will assist In At
torney Shunian's olllco during the nb
sence of Miss Minnie Lowe, who Is
visiting in Wyoming.
Mrs. H. M.. Getty and family left
this morning for Denver and Colorado
bprlngs to spend ton days with rela
Mrs. George Harvey has returned
from Cheyenne where s'ne was called
recently by tho Illness of her daughter.
Mrs. Robert Wolr and children re
turned last evening from Denver whore
they visited relatives last week. , ' :
Mrs. Bollo Sweet, of Blacnfoot, Ida-
hoe, Is the guest of her nephew, T. V.
Austin nnd wlfo.
Tho Eldocn club wll bo tho guests of
Mrs. E. W, Cross Wednesdny after
noon. George Amen, of Hastings, arrived
hero yesterday to accept a position In
tho Reese pnntatorluin.
Lost Sundny morning, a cameo pin.
Return to Miss Nellie Hnnnlln and
receive reward.
This to Show: That I had my crop
Insured against loss by Hail by Kratt &
Goodiiian mid I tun pleased to state
that my loss was promptly and satis
fiaiorlly adjusted and tho money paid
me, 1 commend this 11 mi to my farmer
friends. CllAltLF.S It. OSGOOD.
Keith Theatre
Saturday, July 31st,
We have a few gilt edge llrst mort
gage loans, ftiOf) and upwards, netting
I c ...... .4 I 1 ..........
nun o iit t t ni, r nii'iiiiiiiiili uiiyiy1
I'lieso mortgages not tillable, are, writ.,
en on a" conservative basis and iiiaile
by good pail les. If jou have Idle mou
y these are a good Investment. See
HliA I i ic GOODMAN.
HKATT & (iOODMAN. isiiss Katherine Seyferth, formerly derstand the Scandinavian language !,,,.. lo (r0H Continues.
ot tins city, wno is assistant in ur, "" .. llino ,. ,t C)ir cro,, nsuredi If
Thursday, July 29
The 5-part feature "Spring
time," with Florence Nash, from
the story by Booth Tarkiugton.
It is an exquisiie romance of llie
soutli before the war. A well
known story and a well known
Children 10 c. Adults 15c
of her Tlic Catholic ball team played their, ' (. , payment' of
,1. first game last evening and defeated; ,,,.,,,. T,lt.j- ,. ,Jmi( 0ll( n,IIS.
,i t nn J l0t.13a,Pttst nlne ' n, bcor? Tf, 11 to.1-lands of dollars within the last three
Quigley's oiilce In Omaha, was called lr??1Um"u? will be served.
here yesterday by the death
aunt, Che late Mrs. Agnes Kraul
One-Fifth off on Rugs and Lace Batteries were Stack and Haggerty
uuriains iins wuck ni wiicox uupan- Fellows and Peters
iiieju siu.i.. M,sg Cree rjienor resinned her du
Miss Cree Diener will entortain a ties In the olllce of Dr. Kerr yester-
fow friends at a six o'clock dinner day after taking a month s vacation.
HiIh nvorWncri rntnnHnintitnri' in Mio I Airnna nn(l RHxnliPtti nnrnntl. 3IOXKY TO LOAN OX HKAIi KS
nf T.lnpnln v)in nrp vlfiltlntr In tills
A warrant was sworn out yesterday
by C. I. Hill of Brady against War
ren Soules and William Beatty, charg
ing them with stealing six head of cat
tle. The case will be heard In county
court today.
Robert and Charles Gardner and
Mrs. Nellio Richards, of Sterling,
spent yesterday here while enroute
home from Gibbon where the attend
ed tho funeral of tlielr father, the
late George Gardner, who die ' nyt
Birdwood last week.
not, get n Iliad A- (Joodiiinn policy to
weeks. Don't 3011 wut some of (his
money i 1011 can gel II, If insured nnd
damaged. Testimonial .like Charles
Osgood speak for themselves. Head It
The Lending Insurance .Men
Mrs. Will Ilawley will entertain tho
Indian Card club tomorrow afternoon
rocery Special
This Week.
Standard Corn 4 cans 25c
Tomatoes Standard Grade full size cans, 3 for 2Sc
Pearl White Soap 8 bars 25c
Lennox Soap 8 bars , 25c
Dried Apricots per lb 12 Jc
Baked Beans full size can 10c
Fresh Eggs per dozen '. 13c
Cane Granulated Sugar per sack $6.85
Wilcox Department Store.
IF Crown
Y Puts More Miles !into Your Tank
Polarina Burns Up Clean B
Jiased on the famous novel by
Wilkie Collins.
10c and 15c
Don't forget your Coupons.
liSlil 11 iFiSlNfe
"""' ' nwiii 111 11 ! r 1
The Construction
Of A Twenty Story Skyscrapper
may not be just exactly wbat you liave in mind
but bow about a two story or a borne, a one
story bungalow, a barn, shed or fence.
When you have decided jnst what it is to
be, we would be pleased to estimate the cost ,
of your
Coates Lumber and Coal Co.
The Home of Good Coal.
Phone 7.
Money to Loan
Lowest Rates and Best Terms.
Plenty of Money on hand to Close
Loans Promptly.
Buchanan & Patterson