The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 23, 1915, Image 5

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Eegms Saturday 9 July 17th, Ends July 31st.
This is the time to buy your hot weather clothing. We want to close out every item included in
sale and have put a price on them that will move them if you consider quality.
For Men
Men's light colored Soft Shirts, collars J0n
attached '. HrOb
Men's Knit Union Suits, athletic style, nn
regular 50c garment Lull
Mens White Fiber Silk Hose 2 pair
Mens Apron Overalls, special value
. . .
Mens Rockford Socks per pair
JVIens Union Suits, high grade long M jQ
sleeves P Ii I w
Genuine Poros Knit Union Suits, first 00 n
quality 00U
B. V. D. Union Suits, $1.00 quality gjg
Mens Work Shirts CJq
One lot Dress Shirts, special value JjQq
Mens Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers
good 25c quality
Mens Shirts and Drawers, made of fine
combed yarns, the always depend- 9Q
able 50c quality 03 u
'Muslin Underwear
Ladies Muslin drawers, trimed with hem
stitched ruflle, made of good muslin -j jjg
Princess Slips, one small lot white and 7Qn
colors, values $1.25 to $2.00 I Jb
Ladies Combination Suits, nicely made, Op
good muslin, 75c value 40 li
Ladies Combination suits, finer qual
ity. $1.00 and $1.25 grade
Ladies Combination Suits, high grade QQn
$1.50 and $2.00 qualities uOu
Ladies Night gowns, maed of good ma
terial, our regular 75c number . . .
Ladies Night Gowns, plain and fancy crepes,
also good Cambric and Nainsook, 70 p
nicely trimmed IJu
One lot Petticoats, some made of crepes,
others of muslin, all good garments JCJn
One lot medium grade fast black per
One lot ladies O. K. Hose, colors
white or black, splendid value
Nicely trimmed, low neck, no sleeves, lace
edged drawers, loose knee "j 9 C
Made with knitted waist with taped buttons,
knee length drawers, a practical 00 p
garment OOli
LADIES SWITCHES We have reduced the
price on every number as follows:
$2.50 quality $1.98. $3.50 quality $2.78
$5.00 quality $3.98
This is your chance to own a fine switch
at considerable saving in price.
One large lot of Embroideries and inser
tions, medium widths,' all at one "jM n
price I 2l
One lot Corset Cover Embroideries, medium
grade of work, regular 25c quality
One lot 45 inch Voile Flouncings, beautiful
patterns in regular 75c quality J(J
One lot Swiss Bands, extra values, fine 1 Q p
quality . I J o
Ladies Percale Bonnets, the washable kind,
regular 25c quality 19c
Ladies' Chambray Bonnets, 50c qualtiy,
made in the reliable way you have always
found our bonnets to be JJ'Jc
One lot House and Street Dresses, made of
light percales, cerpes, etc., including sus
pender styles, $1.25 to $1.75 values CJJjQ
One lot House Dresses, $2.00 and $2.50
qualities . $1.G9
Grocery Specials
Corn, standard grade, 4 cans 2c
Tomatoes, standard grade, full size can
3 cans for .'. 2rc
Pearl White Soap, S bars 25c
Lenox Soap, S bars 25c
Kiugford's Corn Starch, 2 packages . . . ,15c
Silver Gloss Starch, 2 packages 15c
Dried Apricots per pound 12c
Baked Beans, full size can 10c
Frpsh Eggs per dozen 13c
One lot Childrens Gingham Dresses,
sizes 2 to G, a very neat little dress .
Childrens Dresses made from good de- 90 p
pendable materials, sizes 2 to G ... .uUb
One lot Childrens Dresses, extra well made
from standard materials, $1.00 7Qp
quality I Jb
Childrens Dresses made-from fine ma
terials, $1.50 quality
Childrens Rompers, regular 50c qual- OQn
ities in several different styles . ...wdb
Pine white Pique Belt and Bag 'to match dSc
Extra fine white Pique Belt and Bag to
match, just the thing to set off a white
dress of wash skirt ' 98c
One lot Silk Poplin Bags, enameled frames,
fancy colors 79c
All our Axminstcr, Velvet and Brusscl Rugs
in Room Sizes.
One lot Wool and Fiber Rugs 9x9 ft $1.1S
9x10 feet G inches $4.08
9x12 feet $5.1S
One lot small Velvet rugs 27x54 in 9Sc
This includes our entire stock of Lace Cur
tains, all grades.
MIDDY BLOUSES A full assortnient oTour
regular $1.00 quality 79c
FANCY RIBBONS One lot four to six inch
es wide. 25c quality, just the thing for
sashes and hair bows 19c
thii jlj
Goods jjH
One lot consisting of Kimona Crepes, small
figured crepes, dotted Mull and solid col
or siripes, values iu 10 Lbc per yarn 01 n pj
One lot fancy Crepes, regular 18c 1 Q1 n Vr
quality, new patterns light grounds u2b pl
IMinv uuu uiuwn, ,u(j qiiuuiy iuw
One lot plain colors cotton beach cloth.
12io and 15c qualities 9&e
One lot Assorted Wash Goods, regular 50c wfcn
qualities, different colors and different 'NJ
cloths, per yard 29c
Onn lnt f!nrtniiiK Swisses jinrl Pnlnvn'rl Sprimo Pfr
3G inches wide, ,se
Wo will give onc-iiflh off of rcgulnr price
of all of our Whito Dresses, Voilo and
Lmvn Dresses.
Ladies' Oxfords
One lot Ladies fine Oxfords, small' sizes a l
narrow widths, mostly $3 to $4 QJrt
grade j( ' u
One lot assorted leathers, some tan an:
some patents, regular sizes and M 2
widths $ I J j
One lot Whito Newbuck Mary Jane (M f 3
Pumps, $3.50 quality Pln j
ONE-FITH OFF on all of our regular stc k
Oxfords; this applies to the entire sto ,
except the special lots.
One-Fifth Off of all sizes of childrens 0
fords and slippers except barefoot' Si
dais. This takes in all sizes from infants
young ladies.
Wo havo out several lots of odd sizes at d
ferent prices, some of them only one pi
of a kind.
SUITS AND COATS Wo Still have a f.
good styles of Suits at $4.98 and $12. '
Ceats at $7.48 and $9.9S. Theso are .
high class garments and extra values.
rlsf? ' T7 T? ' S T? T7 ! 55 7 ! T7 S? T? ' 7 T?.? , ' T7 ! ?7 T? ! .S 7 5? T7 T7" T7 TT T? T?. ? T7 T7 R ? T7 T" . - rr r-r- c , . . .
To close out the balance of the
nrwL, d.
sale ibe entire stock at two
ing oi ine cna..
Choice of all the Ladies'
Oxfords and Pumps, in
fact all low shoes, $5.00,
$4.50 and $4,00 grades at
$3.50, 33.00 and $2.50
Choice of all the Mcn"s
Low Shoes, regular $6.00,
$5.50, $5,00 and $4.50
values go at '
$3.50 and $4.00 Oxfords
go at
Mrs. James Roddy and son Paul
visited In Grand Island tho first of
this week.
'Miss Jane Cushlng left for Oma
ha yesterday morning after visiting
her sister Mrs. Dorr Tarkington.
Mrs. George Coates was called to
Grand Island last evening by the ser
ious Illness of Mr Coates' mother
Paul Scharmann has returned
home from Hershey where ho visited
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo LeDioyt this
Mro n Smith nnil dauehtor. of
Grand Island, arrived hero yesterday
aftornoon and will visit Mr. and Mrs,
T. C. Thompson.
Mrs. O. B. Grahhm, of Denver, who
visited Mrs. M. M. Wayman anu invs.
Fred Donaldson this week, returned
home vosterday aftornoon
Miss May Arleno Thoelecke, of
Omaha arrived hero yesterday to be
the guest of her uncle, O. II. Thoelecke
and wife for a coup!-1 of weeks.
Mrs. Henrietta Matthews has re
turned from a visit? ''with friends in
Missouri. '
Mrs. Alphonsex-Pjcard is critical
ly ill with peritonitis, a consulta
tion of physiciana'.'hnving been held
last evening.
Lem Bailey and several others left
yesterday .for Sedgwick, Col., where
they will devote a couple of days
to baas Ashing.
Mrs. P. J. Gllman leaves Sunday
for Milwaukee where sho will visit
her. daughter, Mrs. Geo. A. Saint, for
two or three weeks.
Masters Claude and Andrew Ab
ernathy, of Tarkington, Wyo arrived
here last evening to visit for two
weeks with their grandmother, Mrs.
Robert Welliver.
The glass collar Laso in front of
the Harcourt & Jensen store was
broken Wednesday night and tho col
lars removed. The thief took quite an
assortment of sizes" and styes.
The only real newspaper story of
tho week emenated from tho county
judge's ofllce yesterday, but at tho
request of tho sheriff, who Is not yet
ready to servo tho papers, tho story
Is delayed in its publicity.
Tho young men from Mils city who
carried the message In tho Motor Re
lay race yesterday afternoon reached
their destination at Rig Springs in
two hours and thlrty-thrco minutes, a
distance of eighty miles. They de
livered It to carriers who will ride
to Cheyenne, and made up a half
hour of tho twelve hours lost since
the start of tbo trip.
ICncIiirr Car (Joes Wroiifr.
J. T. Keefe returned last evening
from Cheyenne where he had gone to
enter his car. In the elimination try
oi't his car, driven by a New York
driver, led all tho others, but In the
first race entered generator trouble
occurred before the machine had been
driven a mile, and was forced to re
tlros. Wi'th tho wellknown racing
speed of the car and tho, ability of the
driver, easy money ."awaited Mr.
Keefo had not tho accident occurred.
(iOO.OUO Cars in l!M(!.
The Ford contracting agent was in
town this week renewing a con
tract with the Hendy-Ogler Co. for
tho sale of cars for tho year begin
ning August 1st. Tills agent stated
that it was expected that the total
output of Ford cars beween August
1st, 1915, and August 1st, 1910, would
reach six hundred thousand.
Tho $50 rebate to those who pur
chased Fords within tho specified
time, will bo mailed out between
August 1st and September 30th. To
issue these rebate checks within two
months will require an army of
clerks. Tlfe Hendy-Ogior Co. havo
eighty-nine customers who will re
rolve rebates. During tho past year
tho firm sold $32,000 worth of new
Ford cars, and this amount would
have been larger had they been nble to
secure cars. They are now consid
erably behind on their orders.
Misses Madge Flynn nnd Hazel
Donaldson left this morning for Og-
i alalia to attend a house party.
Ray Tigho camo homo last evening
from Lexington whero he spent a
week visiting his sister.
Miss Vera Carter, of Tryon, visited
with Miss Helen Gleason this week
and returned homo this morning.
Moso McFarland and family have
returned from Bedford, Iowa, where
they were called recently by the death
of a relative.
Mrs. Hanibal, of McGrew, who has
been visiting in Hastings and Omaha,
camo Wednesday evening to spend
sonio tlmo with Mr and Mrs. Norman
Msr. Harry Rlickensderfer and
daughter, formerly of this city, are
the guests of Mrs York Illnman, hav
ing arrived last evening from Albu
querque, N. M.
Christian Science service Sunday 11
a. m. Wednesday evening meeting
ovory wook at 8:00. To thoso scr
vicoa a cordial Invitation is extended
to all. Building and Loan building,
room 25.
ADMiSSiON ,25c.
We have a car of Elberta Peaches in
bushel baskets to arrive Monday!
Fine quality, very cheap, also the
trimmings that goes with them. Such
as cane Sugar $6.85 per sack. Mason
quart jars 45c per dozen. Get your,;
supply early. They will not be any
cheaper tor Canning.
S 67.
Itacliii? Across the Continent
H. F. Alexander and I. F. Huber
passed through this city last night,
enrouto to Frisco. Thoy are attempt
ing to mako tho wost const in ton
days, out from Now York City. Up
to their arrivnl hero tho pair aro ono
day behind schedulo time, this loss
being attributed to bad road condi
tions through Iowa nnd other eastern
points. Tho party still havo what
they consider a lighting chanco to
lower tho worlds record for trans
continental auto Journey.
If the needs and the care of tho eyes
wen bettor understood thero would
be les suffering, loss blindness, loss
sorrow and less regret. C. S. CLIN-
Mrs. Harry Mitchell and children re
turned Wednosdny ovonlng from Oma
ha whoro they visited the former's
parents, Dr. and Mrs. 11. W, All-
The following Is tho mm
Christina church dinnor nex
Chicken ami noodlos, browi
string beans, cabbago naiad
ry pie, coffee, lco cream.
This straining, striving,
tioa this pushing boyoad
turo Intended is a tax 01
which cannot be levied witl'
C. S. CLINTON, Rogl"h)
Tho Lutheran Girls' Clu
entertained at tho Qualloy rt
of tho rlvor this ovonlng.
aro requested to moot at the
sovon o'clock, whoro convoy
be in waiting.
Woatlior forecast for No
and vloialty: Partly clom
and Saturday, not much
tomporaturo, Highost t
yesterday 88, a year ago
last night 58, a year ago G
! t