The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 23, 1915, Image 4

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    DR. 0. H. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
Stnte Dnnk.
Mrs. J. II. Ilcdfleld wna u visitor In
Oshkoah Wednesday.
For Kent 3 rooms for light home
keeping. 320 en st Fifth street.
Mrs. C. N. Hrown, of Mltcholl, Is the
Kucst of her mother, Mm. M. Connett.
Arthur Hush nnd Ilolfe Hnlllgnn
were visitors In Arthur Wednosdny.
J, S. Davl left Inst night to get a
Utilck six for Thos. Neal, of Tryon,
Dr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Twlnem will soon
lenvo for a visit with relatives In
Mr.' and Mrs. John Knox are enjoy
ing a visit from Mrs. 0. Ilondorson, of
Fred Frye wont to Grand Island
Wednesday, where he will visit for a
few days.
Mrs. Hces, of Elsie, Is spending a
couple of weeks with her daughter
Mrs. John McGraw.
Mrs. L. 1). Newton who hnd been vis
iting at the J. N. linker home, return
ed to Well fleet yesterday.
Mrs. Mike Hayes Is visiting friends
In Grand Island, having loft for that
placo Wednesday morning.
Lawrenco Murrln went to Cheyenne
Wednesday to visit his aunt and attend
the races and other Bports.
Mrs. Ilalph Smith and child went to
Kearney Wednesday morning where
they will visit relatives for sevoral
Miss Plckard, nurso at the Hrown
Momorlal hospital, loft thU week for
n month's vlolt nt her home In Harlan,
James Thompson, who hns been In
the employ of the local telephone com
pany, was transferred to Sidney Wed
nesday. Mrs. W. A. Huchllnk and baby re
turned Tuesday evening from Grand I
Islnnd, whero they had been visiting I
Mrs. Ira Woldnian loft Wednesdny
for Ohcyenno to attend Frontier Days.
Enrouto she spent a day with friends
nt Pino muffs.
Win. Harcourt is among tho North
riatto people who huvo beon in Chey
enno this week attending the Frontier
Days celebration.
Mrs. Jnnies Kennedy returned tho
first of tho week from Omaha whora
Bho was called two weeks ago by tho
Illness of her brothor.
Fred Wilson loft Wednnsdnv fnr
Ashland, Nob., to visit friends for a
couple or weeks. Mrs. Wilson has,
been thero for a week past. 1
The Christian
MAKTIN 11 It ()
In Eight Gripping, Interesting Parts
Hull Cnine's superb love story.
A masterpiece in 500 Scenes with an All Star cast of Vitagraph players
Moving Picture Production ISxt raorcliiiary !
Viola Allen'H Greatest Dramatic Success and Achievement.
in this Most Remarkable Drama.
500 Scenes 3,000 People
Those who viewed the play, paid $2.00 for the best scats. The book sold for $1.50.
Those who saw the play, read the book and witnessed the picture, proclaim ttv
picture superior to both book and play.
Monday, July 26th.
Matinee 2:30, Evening 7 and 9:15
Prices 10c and 15 Cents.
Misses Elizabeth nnd Agnes Barnott
ur. lvd from Llnr-oln Wcdn '30.y and
will bo tho guests of Miss Vaunlta
Hayes for a couple of weeks.
Horbort L. Smith of this city and
Miss Margaret Fnbllnger of Gundy
were married at tho court house by
Judge French Wednesday morning.
Mrs. James Dnnze nnd mother Mrs.
Williams returned Tuesday evening
from Omaha, where they accompanied
the remoind of tho )nU James Dnnzc.
The N. A. T. club hold an enjoyable
outing nt the Hunter ranch near Suth
crlnnd Wednesday. Tho trip of tho
voting ladles wns mndo In aiitomo
The Christian Endcnvor society of
the Presbyterian church will hold a
luwn soalnl (his evening nt the home of
Miss VlvlHn,,Jttiox on west Second
stroflt. V
Mrs. 0. II. Hnndley and buby, of
Kansas City, who spent a month at the
Von Goetz home, lefy Wednesday for
OniBba to'vfijlt for ft fw days before
returning home.
Tho Lutheran ball team defeated the
Prosbyterlan team Tuesday evening
by a Hcoro of seven to five. Ilnttories
were Peterson nnd linker for the
Presbyterians nnd Weinberg nnd Sun
dull for tho Lutherans.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. Strn'norn leave
the early part of next wea't for Cali
fornia, where they will spend about
a month. Enroutt honiL. they will
stop off nt Cherokee Park, where
Mr. Strahorn will devote some lime to
foiling for trout.
Tho Presbyterian Sunday school
clnsses taught by Mrs. Lincoln and W.
E. Shunian, numbering nbout two doz
en young men nnd young logics, held
a picnic at tho experimental farm Inst
evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Shu
man were tho chnporones.
E. A. Nicholson, of Chicago, nrrlvrd
tho early part of tho week and will
take tho management of Harry's Shoo
Shop in tho Keith theatre building.
Mr. Nicholson Is an experienced shoe
man, having filled positions both in
Omaha and Chicago.
In nry Hebhnuson will attend the na
ticnal shooting tournament time will
bo hold at Chicago beginning August
Iflth. In winning tin stutc champion
ship in tho shoot in tills city In May
Mr. Uebhuusen received fifty dollars
toward his expenses In atending the
national shoot.
T. C. PuKorson Is enjoying the
pleasure of his new Slx-Hulek, it hav
ing been brought in by J. S. Davis of
tho Davis Auto Co., from Lincoln. The
tlma from Lincoln to North Platte
was twelve and ono-lialf hours: or
about 27Vi miles per hour, tho ronds
getting much bettor In tho lust few
Lutheran Announcements
9:45 Sunday school.
11 o'clock morning worship; ser
mon subject, New Tostament Baptisms.
Tho first monthly offering received
last Sunday for tho Church Hullding
Fund was threo hundred dollars,
bringing the total amount of cash on
hand toward tho new church building
to $1174. Tho chest wll bo set out
again the 4th Sunday In August.
S , & 15 S T IJ S
Itulrk Win In Hill Climb.
In A recent hill climbing conteit
motched between Bulck, Dodge and
Maxwell cars on Huick holl, North
Platte, Neb., Jlulck carried away tho
laurels, climbing tho hill with ilvp
ijusttngcrs, tho othors bclnt, until)!.: to
got up tho hill wltalhe lone driver.
itgfln tho famous over-head vuIvp
motor proved that the Ilulck Motor Co.
guaranteo that "Over Head Valve Mo
tors" develop mor power than any
other typo, of "auie size American or
foreign make.
This was a common stock car, such
ns we are sell'ng every day, and only
goe to show what u wonderfully re
fined and powerful car thf IJiilfck Co.
Is producing.
J. S. DAVIS Ati'I'O CO.,
North Platte, Neb.
Take Giliiiuii A hint;.
John II. Gllman, of Leavenworth,
Knnsns, has been secured to prepare
exhibits of agricultural products for
tho county, state and International
fairs. Any ono making a trip into the
distant parts of tho county Is urged
to take Mr. Gllman along In order that
ho may secure tho best specimens of
all tho agricultural products of the
county and also create Interest and
enthusiasm among tho farmers; Mr.
Oilman is stationed at the Experiment
station, rnono jyy.
30 years of knowing how
Has taught us
What we're doing now
Linvsoii Will Lcino City.
Harry Lawson, owner of "Harry's
Shoo Shop," will soon leave for
Grand Island, where ho will opoir'an
othor store and will remain there In
churgo. The store In this city will be
under the management of E. A. Nichol
son, who arrived this week from Chi
Mr. Lawson hns built up a large
business bore, and encouraged by this
will open In Grand Island, his Inten
tion being to ultimately huvo a string
of stores.
The removal of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson
will be regretted by many.
K.xaiuinallons Given Thursday and Fri
day Instead of Friday and Saturday
Tho next regular Teacher's Exam
ination will bo held In North Platte,
Thursday and Friday, July 29th and
SOtlii- Examinations will bo given
in county, city, state, life and reading
clrclo subjects. 60-3 .
I'resontliifr Strong Plays
Manager Gnrman is presenting to the
people, of North Plntte some vcrv
strong plays In motion pictures. Start
ing with "Tho Spilers" last Monday.
ho followed witli tho "House of Pond-
ago" Wednesday and Thursday even
ings of this week, "Tho Poss" will be
given tomorrow night and next Mon
day afternoon and evening will pre
sent "The Christian" by Hall C;Une,
wan isditlt Story as tho star. There
aro 500 scenes and 3,000 people, mak
ing it a wonderful moving picture
For Rent
Fourteen room house, all modern
nnd In good repair. Centrally located.
For particulars inqulro of Mrs. R. D.
Thomson, 514 west Fifth. tf
Will Play Kearney Sunday
For some unknown reason IJridgc
port cancelled Its series of ball
games scheduled for today, tomorrow
and Sunday on tho North Platto
grounds. This Is a disappointment
for the fnns wore looking forward to
three games of real ball.
Tho Kearney Independents, said to
bo a fast team, has ebon secured for
n gnino on tho local grounds next
Sunday, and tho team may conclude to
remain over and play Monday.
.Too Fixer's ball team wos defeated
by the Hoy Scout team Wednesday af
ternoon by a score of llvo to eight.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ell and Miss
Edith Holland are in Choyonno at
tending tho Frontier Days celebra
tion. Doctors Charles Rich of Omaha, and
Henry Ferrill, of Wallace wero visit
ors at tho North Platto General Hos
pital yesterday.
Lost Ladles gold watch and fob.
name insldo case. Reward. Phono 191
Tho erection of a. temporary bridge
across tho draw at tho Halllgan farm
has mndo access to tho Country Club
grounds accessible. Several private
picnics huvo been held thoro this
J. W. Payne, who hnd been suffer
ing with rlioumatlsm his inoro or
less constant onomy was able to
come down town yestorday, using a
cane to aid locomotion.
Tho World-Horald of yesterday
gavo notice of a marriage license is
sued to James F. Stout and Miss Pearl
Weeks, both of Omalin. Miss Weeks
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo
soph Weoks, formerly of this city.
Hlgnell, Nob., May 7th, ;315.
Mr. McMasters:
This will Introduco Mr. M. Y. Star
buck, who Is soiling tho best hall In
surance that can bo found.
IIo has wrltton $15,000 horo In my
I am sure ho Is all right and that tho
Company ho represents Is nlso good.
I am, Yours truly,
UltlH Will ho roenlvml until i: l M
o'clock on Friday, July 30, 1915, at tlio
otlloo of W. l. Hnydor, supurlntondcnt
in nxiiiTimeni minmuuon nt .North
I'lnttO. .Noll'anl;n. fnr thn rniiMtriinllim
of a two-story dwelling houso upon
nnld Kxpoilment Hulistntlou fixrm; to
cost approximately $2800 nccortlliiK
to plans nnd specifications now on fllo
in ino oiuco or sum Kiipurlntcndcnt W.
i-. onjuiu. iiiuH muHi ue soaiott una me
worn -11111 lor dwelling House, Kx
liurlinent .Substation. North Plntte, No
urilBKU." Wl'lttoil lllntlilv on tin, nut
Ride. A cnshlor's chock or certificate
of doposlt from moiiio North Plntte
hank In the sum of llfty dollars
iiou.ipuj lmviuno unconditionally to tin
lfonrd or ItoKontB, Unlvorslty of Ne
brtuku. must accompany enoh bid.
53-2 J. S. DAL13S, Secretary
Council Passes Ordinance!).
The council met In regular session
Tuesdny evening and devoted Its time
to considering tho street lighting con
tract and passing four ordinances.
The lighting contract was not consid
ered In proper shape for acceptance,
and It was referred to the proper com
mute who with tho mayor will hold a
conforenco with President Todd of the
electric compnny.
Tho stre.H paving ordinance, which
had been twice read nt a previous
imetlng, passes a third reading and un
der a suspension of the rules tho pub
lic park ordinanco was passed. The
paving ordinance authorizes an elec
tion to bo hold Tuesday, August 31st,
to vote on the proposition of Issuing
St S.OOO bonds to pave the street and
alley intersections. At this same elec
tion there will be submitted the propo
sitlon of Issuing $12,000 boirds for the
purchase of the nlnoty'two acres of
Dillon land on noith Locust street for
public park purposes. A petition con
taining over 500 names was presented
to the council asking that the park
proposition be submitted to a vote.
Another ordinanco passed repealed
ordinanco No. -IS which provided for a
license for peanut stands on tho
-.'rents. I'nder itbo new ordinance
i lie peanut stands on the streets must
acato tho streols.
Tho fourth ordinance passed throws
i he entire city within the sewer dis
tricts, and under its provisions cess
pools aro prohibited If connection with
sewers aro posiblo. This applies to
privy vaults as well as cess pools.
Tho ordinance providing, for a city
scavenger and defining his duties wns
laid over until tho next meeting of tho
Take Views .of the City
Tho Lincoln Highway moving pic
ture pnrty, enrou'to from New York
City to San Francisco, arrived here
at noon Tuesday nnd spent the greater
part of tho afternoon taking plotures
of the interesting and historical places
and buildings In and around, the city.
Tho party were met near Gothenburg
by a number of local business men, In
their cars, who extended a welcome
to tho city and pointed out the import
ant places along the road.
H. C. Osterman, of Chicago, consul-at-lurgo
for the Lincoln Highway as
sociation travels in the first car and
Is in charge of the moving picture
caravan. Mrs. Osterman accompanies
him nnd they use a large white Stuts
C. W. Thomas, the official "movie"
man is also in charge of the moving
picture department bf the Packard
Motor Car Co. E. A. Holden fills the
position of secretary 4o Mr. Osterman;
T. A. Stalker drives the Packard car
and is also ono of the Packard toclinl
iaj men; J. Meinzlnger, the research
engineer of the Studebaker corpora
tion, drives the Studebaker car; R. C.
Sackett handles the publicity features
and is in the advertising department
of the Studebaker Co.; Mr. and Mrs.
George Wolz and daughter, of Fre
mont, are also with the party, the
former being state consul for the Lin
coln Highway association and is going
as far us Cheyenne with them. C. L.
Roiling, stntistican, is gathering road
Information and inquiring Into the
amount of money spent on road im
provements on their route. He comes
from Lancaster, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. O.
P. Canaday, of Ft. Wayne, Intl., are
driving in the tank car, .donated by
the Ft. Wayne Oil and Tank Co., and
carrying tho gasoline to be used on
tho trip. Tho baggage is carried In a
Little Giant Truck, In charge of Roy
Bcardsley and Earl Phillips.
Tho object of the trip is to arouse
Interest in transcontinental travel,
firoinoto tho Lincoln Highway and as
an educational proposition by which
wo becomo familiar with tho scenic
and historical features of tho High
way between Now York and San Fran
cisco. Ten thousand feet of film is being
used In tho pictures and In it aro sixty
flvo towns nnd cities out of a (total of
four hundred nnd fourteen. North
Platte was fortunate enough ito bo se
lected when a number of cities of
sixty thousand population wore omit
ted. Tho cities west, of Omaha have
been proforred in order that eastern
people, who have no knowledge of
western conditions, and often havo
them misrepresented, may bo bene
fitted. The trip began on May 15th, at
Coney Island, Now York, when tho
first picture was taken of tho cars with
tho rear wheels Inthe Atlantic ocean.
A bottle of the soa water is carried iu
tho cars and will be emptied in the
Pacific ocean September 1st, when the
pictures "will bo tnken with tho front
wheels-of the cars in tho water. ,
The first picture taken horo was tlio
flag stuff marker at Ft. McPherson,
then tho national ceiueftery, tho next at
Sioux Lookout, several at the experi
mental farm, tho highwny bridge,
Scouts' Rest ranch and on the main
streets. A largo number of local peo
ple appear in them.
During tlio Journey no chains havo
been broken and the cars have not
been delayed by bad roads. Prints of
tho pictures will bo sent to each of tho
towns visited in September nnd shown
thora beforo being released for pub
lie use. Tho cars used on tho trip
nro donated by their makers who also
furnish men to drive them. The next
stop will bo at Choyonno and a plcturo
of itrain No. 19 wll bo taken on tho
way thoro. Through I'.ho courtesy
of tho Union Pacific Co., fast trains
nro run slower in ordar to bo photo
graphed and on several occasions
stopped to allow tho camera man to
rldo on tho observation end and tnko
views of tho highway as It follows tho
Sturdy .Max Surprises Friends-.
Max Von Goetz sprang a surprise on
his parents and friends Tuesday when
ho wired from Kimball thnt ho hod be
came a bonodlct. Tho young lady of
his cnoico Is Miss Llola Ratcliff. who
has made her homo in this city, and the
coremony occurred at Kimball, for
which placo thoy left Monday night
without advising anyono of their in
tentions almost an elopement you
may say. Mr. and Mrs. VonGoetz will
spond a conplo of weoks In Wyoming
and Colorado, aftor which thoy will
niako. North Platto tholr homo. Max's
friends fool that ho has "something
coming to him" whon lie returns.
For Farm Loans see or wrlto Gono
Crook, room 3. Waltomnth bulldlnir.
North Platte. 41tf '
Mrs. P. II . Lonegnn nnd Mrs, Jo
soph Qnlnn visited friends In Brady
this week.
Greater Omaha has twenty-five
times the population of North PJattc
and tho expense of running the city
for tho next yenr will bo Hftv-fivo
times the cost of running North'Plntte;
in other- words tho cost of government
per capita Is more thun double the
cost In North Plntte. This does not
include the school levy, which Is nbout
ns high In North Platto as It is In
RDER two Westinghouse
Electric Fans to-day
One for your office one to take home
and be Comfortable the rest of the summer.
The office fan will enable you to do better
work will pay for itself in your increased
efficiency in a few days.
The home fan will make your leisure hours more restfulyou.
will use 'it in the dining room, living room, bed room all over
the house. ,
If the house isn't wired, it will pay youto have it wired just
to have the comfort of an electric fan. Why put it ofi! The heat
has just begun.
North Platte Light & Power Co.,
C. R MOREY, Mgr.
The First Nationa! Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Thefgreatest grain crop you ever raised
is assured barring !E3H "X T .
There have been hail storms all around
us. You cannot bar the HAIL, but you
can bar trie consequences by Jetting us
write you a policy against loss by HAIL.
Delays are dangerous.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Orgunized 1887.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte City property for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly
payments on $10uO.0l) loan are on principal $5.00
and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.
Borrowers in this association can pay their
loans off with a saving of 25 to 30 per cent over
any competing association.
T. M. Johnson, formerly postmnstor
at Ogalalla, Is visiting horo while fcn
routo homo from Lincoln'. ' Mr.
Johnson Is now In the real estate bus
iness. , v "
t i '4 .f i
Press dlspnches stato that tlio coast
to coast flight of airmen, In which six
ty illors were to take part, has been in
definitely postponed. Tho European
war Is given as tho cause for tho
postponement of the flight. The course
of tlio flight would havo been nlong
tho Lincoln Highway.