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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1915)
tta &ve IK o Hit THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, jjlEB.. JULY 23, L915. No. 53 LOCAL AXD PERSONAL J. S. Davis Is transacting business in Lincoln this week. Dr. Mario Amos loft yesterday for Oinahn to spend a week or longer. bed G2-2 Harry Ooras, of the North Plutto Candy Kitchen, left the first of the week for Omaha to visit friends for ten days. Miss Molllo Penlston, of Rawlins, Wyoming, arrived a few days ago to visit her Bister, Mrs. Fred Marti, for 'a couple of weoks. Mrs. Jack Sinclair left yesterday af ternoon for Eagle Grove, Iowa, Chica go and cities of Michigan to spend a month or longer. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Greene, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, visited their cousin, Floyd Rlcheson yesterday while en routo to the exposition. Miss Nora Coleman, of Wahoo, who is enroute to the exposition at San Francisco, is spending this week ua the guest of Miss Mabel Duke. Mr .and Mrs. Herbert Marovlsh, of Sutherland, who were guests of the former's sister, Mrs. A. J. Frazlor, re turned homo yesterday morning. ' Miss Grace Mehlmann, of Chicago, who visited lier brother Roy Mehl mann and wife for two weeks, left yesterday afternoon for Denver. Dr. and Mrs. PrUchard and Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Dickey loft yoster day morning by auto for a trip to Estes Park and other western points of In terest. Mrs. A. R. Adamson, Jr., and cull drcn left yesterday morning for Chey enne to make their home. Mr. Adam son has been employed there for sev eral weeks. The Methodist aid society was en tertalned at a picnic at the experi mental farm yesterday by Mrs. John Stackliouse. They spent a very pleas ant afternoon. The North Platte RUle Club is spend in gtlils week fixing up the range at the experimental station, in order to have everything ready when the rifles and ammunition arrive. C. H. Brandt, who lives oh ranch near Keystone, spent a few days iioro this week and left yesterday af ternoon for Uplans, where ho will be married to Mrs. Anna Denison. Dr. and Mrs. "V. F. Crook and chil dren left Tuesday evening for Omaha, where 4hcy- will make their future home. They wore very popular peq pic, and .their removal Is greatly re- For Rent Furnished front room. Inqulro 502 cast Second. Mrs. David Mooney has returned from a short visit with friends In Brady. Charles Htrsch and son left yester day morning for an extended visit in Ohio. For Rent Six room house at 504 east Third street. Inquire of John Hcrrod. Mrs. J. G. Boeler entertained the members of tho Methodist choir last evening. E. M. Smith went to Omaha yester day afternoon to spend a few days on business. W. C. Wright left yesterday morning for Sidney to spend the week end with his brother. Miss "Mayme McMlchaol returned Wednesday evening from a bfief visit in Kearney. Mis Myrtle Bceler will leave Monday for Fremont to visit friends for a week or more. For Rent The Penlo house on cor nerof Second and Pino, inquire of Mujor Walker. Julius Pizer left yesterday morning for Colorado points to spend a week or longer visiting. Miss Maude Miller will leave Mon day for Chappoll to spend two weeks with her mother. Mrs. M. E. Madellck, of Hastings, who had been the guest of Mrs. H. L. Evans for some time, returned home yesterday afternoon. The P. E. O. will hold a guest day party at tho home of Mrs. C. F. Id dings this afternoon. Miss Roxy Murphy submitted to an operation this week, during which her tonsils were removed. Miss Irma Frederlcl returned yester day from Colorado where she spont two weeks sight-seeing. Harry Cramer went to Kimball yes terday morning where he will spend gretted by friends l" """"" "" I Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lorimer enter- Harold Duke Is attending the Fron- .talned the Jolly Young Matrons tier Days at Cheyenne, havinglcft'for club at' a lawn pprty Wednesday ev-- that city yesterday morning. enlng. A dainty luncheon was served .t m. at eight o'clock on decorated tables UU1U UlLil Willi lliuuugl Ulll 1' i i ii i i ii i A. B. H. on back of case. Return to arranged In the yard and the. latter 4 games and social conversation. ly o this cltP is visit nB 1 Is mo her ' About August 5tH a party of mighty iu Kii,ni,oti frni,i fiiiaxvoov i trout fishers will leave for the streams ..w. -w-m.... .v - of Wyomlngi trvlng out th0 Llttl0 . Miss Butterfield, of Omaha, who Laramie river first and then probably was tho guest of Mrs. J. J. Halligan driving across country to tho North for a week left Wednesday evening, i Platte and Encampment rivers Mr. and Mrs. George Trexlcr left Among those who are planning on a fow day ago for Cheyenne to take mK,"Kl"t!, 11 'V , , Vu" in ti,a v,winr nniohrnH tMa Wnoi, Green, Elder, Hupfor, Pluiner, Baker " " Day and Bare. They will bo absent Miss Alice lloagland will entertain about two weeks, the Pollvanna cirls in the basement of the EDisconal church this after-' Lumber and KIndlinir For Sale at noon. t Hershey's, opposite l'ostoffiee. Phone I 15. 52-4 Mrs. Charlie Calhoun left yesterday . morning for Long Beach, Cal., to spend , The second floor of tho remodeled several weeks with the Warrington Reynolds block will be ready for pc- cupancy in a lew days. - The lloor is handsomely finished, all inside rooms have ventilated skylights, each room has heat, electric lights and lavatories and toilets for both men and women are provldedf. A number of the rooms have already been leased. Tho q.uarters to bo oc cupied by Photographer Brooks are very commodious. In remodeling the building Mr. Reynolds has made both floors modern In every respect. Dispatch Carriers 12 Hours Lntc i With clothing, faco and hair coated thickly with dust, the Kearney rider In the trans-continental motorcycle) rolay race reached North Platte at 12:4G yesterday afternoon, Just twelve, hours behind schedule- time. Tho, greater part of tills time was lost com Ing through Illinois and Iowa, where recent heavy rains had rendered the roads almost Impassible. The small hand-bag containing the dispatch was turned over to Ralph Lutholz and George Easton, at tho postofllcc cor nor, and tho boys dashed west at a furious speed. It was not tho Intent tion to make n stop as one relay man, succeeded The other, but the strap of the bag caught on the glovo of th : Kearney riuer as lie oxtnueu it lo tne North Plttee rider, and In order tb disengugo It a delay of nearly two minutes occurred. Lutholz and Easton carried the dispatch to Big Springs, where It was turned over to tho relay rider who carried It to Sid ney The Kearney rider covered the dis tance to this city, 110 miles, in three hours and fifteen minutes. Soft roads were encountered at Cozad, and two of tlie three riders who started from Kearney dropped out, the other. one coining In from Cozad alone. From here west It Is expected that the riders will shorten up tho lost time and possibly enter San Francisco on schedule. CITY' AM) COLTXTl' NEWS Help Get Exhibits The worth of an agricultural exhibit depends largely on tho number of va rieties and kinds of products on dis play. Everybody Is urged to keep both oyes open for unusual kinds of grasses and grains or other products and bring these In, or report them to Mr. Gllman, who has been employed by tho County Fair Association to prepare ex hibits. Do this now as now Is tho only time to collect an exhibit. Mr. Gllman is located at the Experiment Station. Notice Notice is hereby given that on tho 21st day of August, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M., thd undersigned will sell nt public auction all tho stock and fix tures and book accounts belonging to the firm of Forstedt & Sheedy of North Platte, Nebraska, as trustees for the benefit of the creditors of For stedt &"jShccdy at the store building in wnicn saiu v orsieui & snceuy are lo cated, at 512 Locust street, North Platte, Nebraska, to the highest bidder. J. H. HANEY COMPANY. J22-5 MCDONALD STATE BANK.; J. W. Plelstlclter, of Wallace, spont the first of this wook visiting his brother, Frank Plelstlcker. Miss Flo Johnson expects to lenvo shortly for New York City to mnko nn extended with relatives. Mrs. Ralph Waro returned to Her- shey yesterday afternoon after visit ing with Mrs. V. A. Bradshaw. Mrs. M. Sundholmer, who has been visiting in Chicago for several months, roturncd home Wednesday evening. Miss Alpha Miller returned to Hor shey yesterday afternoon after visit ing her sister, Mrs. Ivndell Williams. Mrs. Louis Peterson Jcft last even ing for Omaha to visit the Kellher and Welngand families for a week or long er, E. II. Van Horn, who recontly sold out his Interests in the North Platte creamery left Wednesday for Lexing ton. Miss Gertrudo Nichols, of Kearney who visited Miss Hilda Anderson this week, left for home at noon IWcdncs day. Mrs. Walkup, of Ord, came Wednes day afternoon and will vbslt for a cou ple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. E, Vanscoy. Mrs. Frank Laughlln left a few days ago for Stapletoli to visit her sis ter, Mrs Roland Batio for n couple of weeks. Miss Opal Fox and brother Teddy left Wednesday afternoon for Cozad to spend n couplo of weeks with their grand parents. Mrs. W. R. Bradshaw of St. Louis, arrived hero Wednesday to visit her falster-ln-law, Mrs. V. G. Bradshaw, for a fortnight. Mrs. Harry Boylo and daughter, Katherlne, are expected home this evening from n two weeks' visit with Kearnoy relatives. The Pan Hellenic girls hold n .fare well picnic alt. tho Earl Hamilton ranch Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. W. F. Crook. Mr. and Mrs. Will Brosius, of Stn pleton, who visited the Liter's sister sister,- Miss Efllo Christ this week, havo returned home. JullUs Hahler and family left Wed nesday evening for California to at- w.tond the exposition and visit relatives for five or six weeks. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Ball, of Genoa, are visiting friends hero this week. For Sale Commercial Hotel. In qiiiro at hotel office at once. 53-2 Jack Carroll returned a fow days ago from a visit with relatives In Fremont. Adam .Christ returned Wednesday from a brief visit in Staplcton with his sister. Miss Cecil Falrchlld has accepted a position In tho Tramp dry goods de partment. v Mrs. Andy McGovorn, of Brady, came up Tuesday evening to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marti. Dunne Smith Is suffering with blood poisoning In his left arm, the result of a small scratch three days ago. Mrs. Charles Yost and son Allison visited friends at Oshkosh the first ot this week. Will Adair has rcturncdw from Gib bon and Kearney after a week's visit on business.. Miss Irene Hubbard loft Wednesday for Cheyenne to attend Frontier and visit her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. John Dlnns, of Fuller ton, k?t. Tuesday evening, after n short Btay In town. ' Tho Robort Owens home In tho Fourth ward was quarantined for small-pox yesterday. Ray Hemphill loft for Cheyenne a few days ago whore ho will bo em ployed for somo tlmel Mrs. Joseph Murphy returned Tues day from Omaha where she spent several days with relatives. 1 mm a n m a I Farmers "Busy Day Bank Mrs. Harry Samuelson and children left Wednesday afternoon for Hanna, Wyoming, and other western points to visit relatives for a month. Dissolution N'otlce. North Platte, Neb., July 21, 1915. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby gl.ven that the part nership heretofore existing between Albert Muldoon and George N. Gibbs, practicing law. in North Platte, Lin coln county, Nebraska, has this day w10 cnme Wednesday evening neon uissoivcn y mutual consent. , ,..,, , , Misses Cecil Falrchlld and Holon Ta- ciii. t..,o,i ., ii,, i turn, Mrs. Hollingshend and Chnrles E L,ort,To SCn " biL.?Igl CZ ! Churchill formed a party which visited Mr. and Mrs. Lochlel Johnston havo as their guests tills week Mrs. J. L. Johnston and children of' Chicago, family. Pasture for rent, or will take cattle by month. Can take 500 head. Ad bress Mrs. J. R. Dikeman, Hershey, Neb. 50-5 Mr. and Mrs. Perry. Carson enter talned tho members of the M. M. M. club and their husbands last evening at a prettily arranged party. Card games were played and refreshments 3orved. MMJiiiiiii mi mmmmmmgmmmtmmmm SyfeSa Jim- r zwz Dream of a Home Can be more easily and more quick ly realized if you will come and talk with us about your plans. For instance, wc show here the first floor plan and an outside view of a very attractive bungalow style of house. This will make you a delightful home. There is a cozy seat by the stairs in the large living room, a built-in side board in the dining room, and a fine sleeping porch on the second floor. You ought to see the second floor plan. Come in and let us show you this and other designs. Ask us to show you Design C-8. years of age, whoso homo is In Springfield, Mass., was arraigned in the county court yesterday afternoon on the charge of stealing a knife and ring from D. E. Bush. He pleaded guil ty to taking the knife, but Said lie knew nothing about the ring. Ho will bo held in jail until his parents can be communicated with by Judge French. Ed Keller was arrested In this city this week on advice of the sheriff at Ft. Morgan, Cob, on the charge of buying goods undrr misrepresenta tion while a resident of thnt town. After being placed under arrest Keller paid tho sum ho owed at Ft. Morgan, and also the costs of arrest and was released from custody. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winn, of Kearney, formerly of this city, went through Wednesday morning to Og den where they will spend several weeks. A number of friends met them a't tho. train and enjoyed a short visit. Misses Anna O'Conncll and Minerva McWIlllams wll leave next week for an extended visit in tho east. Tho former will spend a couplo of weeks with relatives in New York City and tho latter will visit In cities in Wis cousin. in Welllleet the first of this week. A party of local people drove out to tho Kuser ranch Tuesday evening to help Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Kuser cole brato their ninth wedding anniversary. One who might otherwise become a power in the land is often broken down mentally, physically and moral ly through defective eyes. C. S. CLIN TON, Registered Optometrist. Mrs. W. II. McDonald and daughter Janet left Wednesday evening for San Diego,. where thoy will visit the form er's father, James Belton, for several weeks. Mrs. G. M. Winters, of Lexington who had been visiting her son, W. H Wlnters-at Tryon for somo time spent a few days hero while enroute homo this week. Tho school district of Gandy has voted to issue four thousand dollars in bonds for the erection of a new school building. The vote for the bonds was almost unanimous Miss Susie lloagland, of Lincoln nnd Mrs. Emily lloagland of Brooklyn left Tuesday afternoon for western points, after visiting J. S. lloagland and wifo for several days. ' I T j II VI H 4 HO OH j Union Made Shoes For the entire family can be bought at this store .... LADIES This Patent Kid Pump is extreme ly stylish and com fortable. The price is $2.95 Why Pay More? Harry's Shoe Shop FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF KEITH THEATRE. Here, you need not take u holiday to attend to bunking mutters, for on your busy days this bunk Is your "busy duy" bunk, nlwiiys attentive to your liflcrcsts and demands. I'.very account with us Is held lu the strictest confidence. You run open nn account with this strong bank nnd deposit and withdraw by mall. In this way our service will bo right (hero on tho farm, no fur flier in ay than your mull box nnd your telephone. Platte Valley State Bank, "THE BANK-BY-M AIL-BANK' ' North Platte, Nebraska. teii!Kil ;,iteftse Tke Construction Of A Twenty Story Skyscrapper may not be just exactly what you have in mind but how about a two story or a home, a one story bungalow, a barn, shed or fence. - When you have decided jnst what it is to be, we would be pleased to estimate the cost of your LUMBER AND MATERIAL BILLS Coates Lumber and Coal Co, The Home of Good Coal. Phone 7. Money to Loan ON FARMS AND RANCHES Lowest Rates and Best Terms. Plenty of Money on hand to Close Loans Promptly. Buchanan & Patterson W. W. BIRGE CO.