Semi-Weekly Tribune IRA L. RARE, Editor mid Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Olio Year by Mull In Advance . . ,$I.2o One Year by Carrier In Advance. .$1.50 lintored ut North Platte, Nebraska, Postofllce as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, JULY l. J!)I5. Alleged Catlle Thieves Hound Out Will Realty and Wnren Soulos, of Rrady, woro bound over to the district court Saturday morning on the clmrgo of cattle stealing. Ronds woro placed at ?500 each, which woro furnished. The preliminary heuring was hold be fore Judgo French Friday and ter minated Saturday morning. The state introduced several wltnossos, but tho defendants made no deronso, asking for a dismissal on the grounds of in sufficient evidence. Tho two calves alleged to have been stolen from Borg innn wore Introduced In cvhlonco, one bearing Soufe brand, tho other Beat ty's brand. Borg.tinn claims that tho calves wero taken from his pasture by Boatty or Soulos, or by both, and claims that ho posltlvoly Identifies tho calvos as his. A daughter of tho com ii1 id n i n ir witness, and also other mom- hern of the fumily claim that the an- imnls bolong to Borgman. Tho case attracted much attention by reason of the prominence of the' parties chnrgod with tho thoft. Three Special Trains Friday. Tho third section of train No. 19 Friday was a Solig Movie special car rying one hundred and sixty people who will tako part in tho now picture entitled '"flia Seven Suffering Sib- tors," In thrco reels. Tho picture will bo ready for the public In nbout two months. Tho posing for tho same will bo mostly in California and Utah. Tbo train was composed of nine cars, one of which is fitted up ns a movie theatro and nnothor as a dancing room, a full orchestra furnishes music and a small newspaper entitled the "Dally Yelp" Is published for their entertain ment. On board aro Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Sellg, Mr. and Mrs. John Scllg, Miss Carrio Sellg, Miss Ruth Welsh and MIbb Frances Illnklo, In tho lead- lng role. A lnrge electric sign "Sellg" ls stretched across the railing of the observation cur. Willurd Howe, of tho Washington Times is a member or the party to tako notes of the trip, and also Miss Jost who holds an olllcial post lion in tho capltol. Tho Shrlnor8' special to Seattle went through hero at live-thirty Fri day evening, and was met by n largo number of local Masonic members, A large camel's head was placed In n give the following program Wednos consplcuous place on, Rio engine and a day afternoon, July 14tli, ut the home siren whistle nnnounceu their nr- rlvnl and departure. An Elks' special of nlno cars from Omaha and Wntertown, S. D passed through Friday evening enrouto to the annual convention. Tho train was a jilcoly appointed one and carried a Jolly crowd of R. P. O. E. With them Avas tho famous Watortown band which give concorts on tho way and recolv- ed generous applause for their solec- Hons bore. lvxiiiiilnatioiis (hm Thursday and FrU day Instead of Friday niitl Saturday Tho noxt regular Teachor'B Exam ination will bo hold in North Platte, Thursday and Friday, July 29th and SOtty ' Examinations will be given In county, city, state, life and reading clrclo subjects. 50-3 Coats ut half prico and less. If you aro in need of one now is tho time to tlmo to get it at Rlock's Clearing Sale, Cauls at half price and less. It you are in need of one no wIb tho time to got it at Rlock's Clearing Sale. Tho ohuroh league ball teams will bo busy this wcok. Last evening the Christina and Lutheran teams played, tho scoro resulting In a tie; this evonlng tho Christian and Eplsco pal teams meet tomorrow evening tho Episcopal and Methodists play, and Thursday evening tho Baptists and Methodists try conclusions. Tho E. T. Tramp homo on west Fourth stroot was struck by light ning oarly Saturday morning during! tho oloctrlcnl storm, causing a shock to tho outlro family nnd scattering tho brlckB of tho chimnoy whoro it en tered tho house. Tho walls of tho den on tho third lloor woro cracked, tho doors of the furnace blown off, nnd tho liro pluco damuged, scattering soot through the house ami hallways, $1.50 and $2.00 white Skirts in tho very latest styles, now going at 98c at Blocks Clearing Sale. Tho luto decision In favor of tho Un Ion Pacific la the St. Joo and Grand Island railroad caso, should mator tally help business on tho main lino, ns It means that tralllc from Kansas City, St. Joe and other southern shipping polntB to tho northwest will bo routed by Hastings and Gibbon to tho main line. This routo Is 100 miles shorter than .via Denver. ARornoy Loomls Is Tiuoted In Sunday's papors as saying that every contention of tho Union Fa clflo was sustaluod. COMMISSIONER PROCEEDINGS July 1, 1915. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present Hormlnghausen, Springer. White and county clerk. The following claims wore allowed on general fund: A. N. Durbln, office expenses $140.94. Alleen Guntt sulnry for Juno $133.33. Alleen Gantt, ofllco expenses $25.70. Joseph N. Wilson, salary, etc., $70.50. Hilda Anderson, clork of the county court $50. A. J. Salisbury, ofllco erponses $21.04 A. J. Salisbury, Jailor's fcos second quarter $135. A. J. Salisbury, salary for Juno $145.80. A. J. Salisbury, mileage state cases $73.50. A. J. Salisbury board of prisoners for second quarter $80. C. W. Yost, olllce expense $1!) 30. C. W. Yost, salary for June $137.50. Bessie Salisbury, work on assosor's noons i?io. Anna Anderson care of county poor 30. J. B. Hemphill printing, $10 75 Tramp &. Sonn, mdso county poor, 86.48. Klopp & Bartlott Co., supplies $109.00. Klopp & Bartlott Co., supplies ?258.76. Derryberry & Forbes, suplios $5S.15. Allowed on bridge fund: John R. Ritnor, Inspoctor at Suth erland bridge $104. R. R. Ilicka, bridge work, $8.50. E. C. Ilostettcr, brigo work, $10.55. Allowed on road district funds: J. F. Snyder, road work district 32, $43. Houtl work district 42: Geo. Grimths, $30.50. Russell Raker, $12.25. Dave Rank, $10.50. R. S. Selby, $31.50. Robert Campbell, $5.25. Frank Shill, $5.25. " For road work on district 8: W. E. Mason. $23.h5. ChnsLundgroen, $4.00. Tnlmago White, $0.40. Harry Mason, $0.00. J. J. Walters road work on commis- ai0ner district 1, $15.25. ji,n Schram, road work on commls- Bioner district 1, $21.00. The contract with Mrs. Emma Pul VCr fo rthe years 1912, 13 and 14 is hereby .renewed for tho. year 1915. uomi 0f h. C. Frnnsdscn, overseer district 39 is hereby approved. wneroupon me ooaru aujourns unui tomorrow. C. W. YOST, County Clerk. I'loner Mission The W. C, T. U. Flower Mission will or Airs i-. r. uvormnn: Proludo, Mrs Knowles. Song, quartette by four ladles. Prayer. Flower Mission work by Mrs. L. E. Mlllor, Mrs. J. A. Rlchison, Mrs. Ella Harttnun, Mrs. Rose Louden. Scripture. Mrs. Stella Ranks. "What Is tho duty of local superin. tendents of Flower Mission work? Mrs. Minnie Perkins. Responsive reading. Mrs. Geo. Chnmberlln, Mrs. E. M. Smith, Mrs. F. F. Overman, Mrs. Mrs. A. Howard, Mrs. It. L. Murdoch, Mrs. Rogue, Mrs. A. P. Kelly, Mrs. Edinlsten, Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. LeMnster. "Some of tho achievements of the W. C. T. U." Mrs. L. C. Savyer. Duet, Mrs. Van Cleave and Mrs. Mor ris. Whito Ribbon Rencdictlon. Numbers G, 24, 2G, by Mrs. Fern Langlols. Each member and guest to bring boquot of flowers to bo distributed to tho sic kin our city. MRS. MINNIE PERKINS State Supt. of Flowor Missions. NOTICE. Call at oillco of J. E. Sebastian nnd resorvo your booth space that is for snle In tho Floral Hall which will bo orected on tho Fair ground. Call at "t onco and got a good location. 48-2 James Mllotu, Jr., of Omaha, whoMoVt'gage payments'!!""!; ..cosslso visited Judgo Eller at Tryon for sev- oral weeks, is spending this week in town, onrouto home. ski: dr. elms for glasses or any Special Work. Ovor McDonald Bank. Phono 80 for Appointment. !10,000 VOICES And Jinny of the Voices aro of North Plnttc People. Thirty thousand voicesWhat a grand chorus! And that's tho immlinr of American men and women, who aro publicly praising Bonn's Kidney Pills inp rO MOT rrntll linrtlnrtlin Irlilnnir i . .1 bladdor Ills, Thoy .say it to friends. They tell It In tho homo papers, North Platto peoplo aro In this chorus. Hans Johnson, 614 Walnut street, North Plntte, says: "For years I was troubled with kldnoy complaint duo to heavy work in tho blacksmith shop. I hnvn frfnunntl tnknn Tinnii'n Ki.innv navo iroquonuy lancn uoan s iuunoy Pills, procured from Schlllor & Co.'s Drug Store, and thoy rid mo of back acho, lameness and other kldnoy dis orders. I recommend Doan's Kldnoy Pills U8 a remedy of merit that all kld noy BUfforors should try." Prlco 50c, nt nil dealors. Don't sim ply ask for a kldnoy remedy get Doun's Kldnoy Pills tho oamo that Mr. Johnson had. Fostor-M'.lburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. IW 1 r t II w mi 11 1 iiianw WT II 1 !! 11 J 1111,1 -I . It is false economy to buy any but high-grade, anti-skid tires. You can know true tire-saving only by using 6 & J Chain Tread" Tires Come in, telephone, or write us for the price on this famous, long mileage, real anti-skid tire. You will be surprised to find how little you will have to pay for G & J "Chain Tread" Tires of the size you use. J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. North Platte, Neb. STATEMENT Of tho condition of the Mutual llulldliiK d I.onn Association or North Platte. Nebraska, on the 30th tiny or June, 1915. Certincate No. 32. ASSISTS First mortgage loans $663,000.00 Loans In process or rorecios ure Loans on stock or pass hook security Honl CHtate, olllce Heal estate sold on contract 3,600.00 6,600.00 29.269.S1 3.353.16 Cash Delinquent lntorcHt, fines, etc Furniture and fixtures Foreclosure account 19,131.16 1 1.017.37 210.17 i Totnl $727,674.07 LIAHILITIES Running fttock anil dtvldendsJ303.219.93 I'am-up siock aim uivmonua. osu.iuu.uu . !,..,,.,.,... ,in,l 1.103(1 on i.UdCI W .............. Undivided profits 30,125.44 Advance Interest 99.60 Total $727,674.97 Iti'celptM 1111 illJxpeiiilltiirt'N for the Yeiir Ending J inn- no. I 111.',. UlSUEU'TH Cash (l,yilsHtt0r ; ; ;$ go'Jisoio 1 . nr rrnn nil 'ncj 3,099.80 86.35 Interest -4 n.S D.S50 Flues 580.00 Membership and transfer fooB 417.00 Hunts and olllce building re ceipts 1.529.S4 Other receipts In detail, fore closure account G3.50 Total $320,566.23 lMKHimSKMKNTS MortgaKO loans $178,700.00 Ktook loans o.suu.uu Withdrawals running stock and dtvldonds ay,uj.yu Withdrawals paid-up stock 62,000.00 AN't'i:,umrH?orkllvIlon'1 0,1 o 307 48 salaries 1,700.00 I utlmi ..Vlwinn.. . 412. tlU ens'ai oou,,t i?i?i'ib foreclosure 'accouAt' :";;;" 'ilLSt; furniture and tlxturcs 434.62 1IlC0 building 1.538.77 Tti ionKi;fi sa state of Nnbrnaka. Lincoln county ss. ,1. Samuel Goozoe, Secretary or the above named Association, do solemnly H...on thnt tho f0roiroiiiir stntnment of nvoar that tho foregoing Statement of tho condition oi said Association, is true and correct to tho best of my icnowieugo anu Doner. SAMUEL CiOOZEE, Secretary, Subscribed and sworn to before me tins titn nay or July, iuir. V. UOLFH HALLIOAN. Notary Public. V. T. REDMOND, i? VICTOIt VON OOETZ, ' C. O. WEINOAND, Dlrectore. ' Milillllil 111 III 111 SAFETY II. II. LANDGKAF Painter, Paperhanger and Decorator Phono Rluek 570. Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Reaidenoe Red 63G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Welcome a Good Cigar And a good cigar means ono made at the Schmalzrled factory. Our rep utation aia maker o fgood cigars In North Pl$to extends back thirty years If wo did not mako good cigars wo would have been forced to closo tho factory .yeqra ago. If you have not boen smoking Schmalzrlod's Cigars it Is not too lato to begin. J. F, Schmalzriod. I SI a rn nnJ i nil A n X ( I Si Pi 1 I If 11 Mill l h) PERFECTION OIL AND THE NEW PERFECTION STOVE r Mean quicker, r Ti f m jrerreccion on is clean reiiaoie ruei. The NEW PERFECTION OIL COOKSTOVE is the dependable oil stove now used in 2,000,000 homes. The-ovcn of the NEW PERFEC TION No. 7 becomes a Jireless cooker merely by pulling a damper. Docs half your cooking with the burners turned out. PERM 01L0 Am GAS STOVB COMFORT STANDARD OIL COMPANY ((Nebraska) OMAHA ma I Order of Rearing on Original Frobnto 01 Will. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In the County Court, Juno 10, 1915. In the Matter of the Estate of Agnetha Hansen, Deceased. On reading and filing tho petition or Rasmus Hansen, praying that the Instrument, filed on the lGth day of June 1915, and purporting to bo tho last Will and Testament of the said de ceased, may be proved, approved, pro bated, allowed and recorded as tho last Will and Testament of said Agnetha Hansen, deceased, and that the execution of said Instrument may be committed and the administration of said Estate may bo granted to Anna M. Hansen as Executrix. Ordered, That July 10, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons In terested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held In and for said County and show cause why tho prayer of petitioner should be granted. That a copy of this order bo pub lished in tho North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper published In said county, for three successive weeks prior to said hearing. GEO. E. FRENCH, J22-3 County Judge. PRORATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Doebke, Deceased. In th6 County Court of. Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, Juno 18, 1915. , Notice Is hereby given, that the cred itors of said deceased will meet the ex ecutrix of said Estate, before the Coun ty Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 20th day of July, 1915, and on the 20th day of January, 191C, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for the pur pose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. Six months aro allowed for July, 20, 1915, and one year for tho Ex July 20, 1915, and one year fo rthe Ex ecutrix to settle said estate from tho 18th day of June, 1915. Tills notice will be published In the North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper printed In said county, for four weeks successively, proceeding July 20th, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, 22-4w County Judge. . .TOHjS' s. seois, m. Physician nnd Surgeon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phono,' Office, 83; Residence 38. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases Office McDonald State Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones, Ofllco 183, Residence 283 GeosB. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building m, Office 130 Phones Residence 115 Office phone 241. Re's, phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DEltlll'BEItllY & FORBES, Licensed Einbulmcrs Undertakers and Funcml Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phone Black 538. Hospital Phono Black G33. Houso Phono Black G33. TV. T. ritlTCHAIU), Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government . Veterinar ian. Hospital' 218 south Locust SL, ono-halt block southwost of tho Court House. easier cooking. 1 ! 1 1 r 1 mm EdTlON qk-stoVes WITH IT.IIFKCTION OIL NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth St. MRS. M. HALL, Superintendent. Graduate Nurses In Attendance JOHN S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale Issi rd from tho district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Ocurt wherein Salmon C. Stewart is plain tiff and Georgo Edelman and Ly.Ha Edolman aro defendants, and to jmc directed, I will on tho 17th day J July, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m., at t east front door of the Court House North Platte, Lincoln County. Nebiai ka, sell at Public Auction to the high est bidder for cash, to satisfy said do cree, interest and costs, tho following described property, to-wlt: Northwest Quarter (NW1) of Sec tion Eleven (11) and the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWVl of SW4) of Section Two (2) all in Township Nine (9) Range Twenty-eight (28) Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., June 12, 1915. t-15-5 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. J. B. KEDFIELI). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS-HOSPITAL Drs. Rcdneld & Redflold Office Phone G42 Res.jphono G7C Order of llcurliiK u IVtltlnn for Ap pointment of Administrator or AtlmlnlNtrutrlv. Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun ty, ss. In tho County Court. In the Hatter of tho Estate of Wil liam Slebold. Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Julia M. Slebold praying that Adminis tration of said estate may bo granted to her ns administratrix. Ordered. That July 22, A. D. 191C, at 2 o'clock P. M. Is assigned for hearing said petition whon all persons inter ested In said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County .and show cause why tho prayer of pcttttoner should not bo granted: and that notice of tho pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In tho North Platto Tribune a semi-weekly nowspapor printed In said County for 3 successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated June 26th 1915. C5EO. 10. Ti'RTlNPHr J29-3W County Judge. NOTICK To every porson in actual uossesstori or occupancy of the land horelnnftnr described and to Edgar A. Stebblns, In wnuau iiuinu Hiiiii innus appear oi record In the county clork's otllco of Lincoln County, Nebraska: xou anu eacn of you will take notice that on November 7th. 1910, L. E. Roach purchased at public sale, certifi cate No. 4637. at tho County Treasur er's olllce of said County, tho following described lands situate In Lincoln Coun ty, Kcurasita. to-wlt: wast Half of the West Half (E of -V',6) of Section Twenty (20). Township Nino (9), North ui liiuiKo Ainriy-one west oi tno oth P. M. for tho delinquent taxes for the year 1909 assessed fn the name of Edgar A. Stebblns; and that on May 13, 1911 said L, E. Roach paid the subse quent taxes assessed against said lands for tho year 1910, assessed In the name of Edgar A. Stebblns: that on May 1C. 191'J. said L. E. Roach paid the subse- ?ent taxes assessed against said lands or the year 1911. assessed In the natno of Edgar A. Stebblns; and that on Aug gust 6, 1913 said L. E. Roach paid the subsequct taxes against said lands for tho year 1912. assessed In the name of E. A. Stobblns; that on August 7, 1914 said L. E. Roach paid the subsequent taxes assessed against said lands for the yoar 1913. assessed in the name of E. A. Stobblns; that on May 1, 1915 Ray C. Langford, assignee, paid the subse quent taxes assessed against aald lands for the year 1914, assessed In the name of E. A. Stebblns. That tho undersigned Ray C. Lang ford Is tho owner of said certificate by assignment and that after the expira tion of three months from the date of service of this notice. If said lands are not redeemed from Bald tax sale, said undersigned Ray C. Langford will ap ply to the County Treasurer of Lin coln County. Nebraska for deed to said lands. s . ( ' By E. H. EVANS, J25-3W ,.H(s Attorney.