The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 09, 1915, Image 7

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Semi-Weekly Tribune
IKA L. BAKE, Editor nnd Publisher.
Olio Year by JInll in Advance. . . .$L2,
Quo Ycnr by Cnrrlcr In Advance. .$1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
PostolDce as Secona Class Matter.
FIUHAY, JULY Dili, 1915
James Beeder has returned from a
vlstt In Omaha.
Mrs. Thomas Baldock is visiting her
daughter in Council Bluffs.
Dan Roberts returned Tuesday ev
ening from a visit in Cheyenne.
Miss flazel Feeny, of Kearney, is a
guest at the Nolan residence.
Mis 'Gladys Stegall has returned
from a visit with friends at Gering.
Mrs. Rose Keltner spent the early
part of this week with friends In Pax
ton. Miss Nina Elder has accepted a po
sition in the 'Woodhurst insuranco of
fice. Miss Virginia Scott has returned
from a visit with relatives at Suther
land. Rev. Patrick McDaid spent the early
part of this week with friends in
Miss Eunice Babbitt is expected to
arrive next week for a visit with her
J. H. Gavers has returned from Om
aha whero he had been visiting for
several days.
In a game of ball Tuesday the Dev
ils defeated the McEvoys by a score
of seven to five.
Archie Combs, of the Hub store, is
spending a two weeks' vacation with
relatives at Maxwell.
Chas. Martini, Jr., ot Omaha, spent
several days in town this week visiting
his father and sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Thompson re
turned to Chappell after a visit at the
Fred Thompson home.
Miss May Winters, who had been vis
iting friends In town, lias returned to
her home in Hastings.
Miss Mabel McVicker, of Lexington,
was the guest of friends in town the
early part of this wek.
Mis Vera Kerlgan has returned to
her home In Cheyenne after a visit
with Miss Marie Martini.
Ben Anthony, of the Sebastian in
surance office, returned Wednesday
from a visit in Lincoln.
ing picture show at Julesburg, visited
friends In town this week.
Lester Donelson has been spending
this week In town as this1 guest of his
brother H. A. Donelson.
Ross Hosford and C. T. Whelan havo
returned from Omnhn. -where thev
spent several doys this wek.
Mrs. A. E. Timmerman and children
will return tomorrow from an extend
ed visit with relatives in York.
Mrs. John Holcomb and children, of
Laramie, came down this week to visit
a few days with Mr. Holcomue.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Stout, of Lewcllen
have returned home after a weeks visit
with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Sebastian.
Miss Theo. Schwniger returned to
Kearney normal Wednesday after vis
iting her parents for a few days.
Denver lots for sale or would trado
for cattle. Inquire of Mrs. C. F .Purdy,
Phono 793F22. 42-7
Mrs. W. C. Ristlno has returned to
her homo in Gothenburg after a visit
with her slBter, Mrs. Walter Ross.
Arthur Billiard returned Wednesday
from Omaha, whero he spent several
days. He attended the auto races
Miss Edith Marr, of Gothenburg, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Car
son the early part of this week.
Mrs. Tim Hnnlftn and daughter
were called to Hastings the early part
of the week by the death of a relative.
Cane Seed for sale. R. N. Lamb.
Mrs. James Beder and sons aro visit
ing friends in Omaha, having left for
that city tho early part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston, of
Gothenburg, have been the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howard this
Mrs. Philip Fent has returned from
Omaha where she went to attend tho
funeral of the late Conductor Pflas
or any Special Work.
Over McDonald Bank.
Phono 3G for Appointment.
Mrs. Edward Putoff, of Sidney, ar
rived a few days ago to visit her sister
Mrs. Elmer Coates for a week or
W. E. Wright, of Chappell, was in
town this week and while here pur
chased a 191G Buick car at the Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Culton, who have
been visiting in town will return to
their Arthur county homestead to-
Miss Mabel Ogle, who had been vis
iting her sister Mrs. Luther Tucker,
returned to her home In Ogalalla
Decks Cleared for Action!
With the excellent crop outlook in
this community, the Platte Ynlloy
Sut Hank Is ready for summer ser
vice, Our Summer Service means prompt,
helpful service decks cleared for ac
tion our entire working force atten
tive (o tho business and money re
quirements of every farmer in this
Whatever your business of 11 bank
ing nature, remember that the Hank of
Personal Service is here, ready on call.
4 I
Platte Valley State Bank,
North Platte, Nebraska.
visiting her parents for a few days,
returned to the Kearney state normal
Master Harold Coates camo down
Sutherland this week and will spend
the summer with his mother Mrs.
Emily Coates.
A. A. Schatz Is among the latest to
purchase a Ford car which ho will use
in traveling over tho country on his
Insuranco trips.
A social dance will lo held at Ma-
An Incident
Of Heredity
Doctor," said Normnn Goodfellow to
Dr. Theodore Colt, "I am thinking of
proposing niarrlngo to n lady in whose
family there are traces of insanity. Do
sonic hall this evening under tho man- y0u consider mo Justified in marrying
agement of George Weir and several her under the circumstances?"
other young men. "Not if the Insanity Is hereditary.
Miss Ktliol stecnll. nf Council muffs. Tllcro 13 n difference between in-
vi-na n ,nn.l nf .,o Will Rtonll hnmJllJ fr01 temporary cnilSO Mid
a few days ago while enrouto to tho tranBInlMcil from ,mrcnt ,0 child. I do
i-annmn exposition. .. con!i,i(.P tut nnv ono snOWIm?
Word from Omaha is to the effect from nn ailment which is hercdltnry
that Supt. Will Jcffers, who Is taking has n right to marry. Your question
treatment at n hospital Is showing suggests a story Involving a caso which
came witiuii my proressionnl experi
marked Improvement.
J. H. Stone returned Wednesday
from Omaluil where he transacted
busines for several days nnd also at
tended tho auto races.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stan and dnugh-
"Ono day n young mnn named Sever
ance came to consult me as to a caso
similar to yours. He had recently been
married and nil had gone happily till
one day on returning to his homo from
ImolnnKM tin fnitml Ills tvlfn lvlnty nn flip
ier are planning an uuio mp lU ami-n l)e(1 itulSI)0SC(li Silc soc,cll drowsy,
l'ark ana otner points in uoiorauo tnc ana, suggesting that she try to get n
latter part of this month.
Mrs. C. P. Carson, of Gothenburg,
who had been visiting her Bon Perry
Carson and family, returned to her
home Tuesdoy afternoon.
Mrs. Charles Llerk, Sr., left Wednes
day for Fremont to visit her daughter
Mrs. Jolin Monnich, formerly Miss
Bertha Oleson, of this city.
Deputy Postmaster Sturges returned
the early part of the week from Omaha
nap, lie took tnc evening paper to a
window nnd sat down to read.
"Presently he heard her tossing
about on the bed and, looking at her
from his paper, saw that, though
asleep or at least doulng. thero wns 1111
undulatory motion about her that sug
gested tho movement of a snnkc. He
had awakened her nnd asked her If
she had not been dreaming, but she
said she had not been conscious during
her nnp and felt much better for It
"Nevertheless Uie young husband
whero ho had cone to attend tlfe auto seemed to mo to have been much
race and the wrestllg match.
Miss Gene Hancock, who had been
In chnrgo of The Leader millinery de
partment for several weeks, left Tues
day for home In Oklahoma.
After visiting her daughters in town
for ten days, Mrs. J. N. Baker returned
to the Baker homestead in Arthur
county the early part of the week.
E. M. Smith, of the Smith garage,
went to Omaha Tuesday night and
will brivo back with a new Chevrolet
car which he has sold to George
Dr. T. J. Wurtelo and C. W. Ed
wards returned Tuesday from Omaha
very much enthused
races and tho wrestling uout, both of
which they witnessed.
For Farm Loans seo or writo Geno
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. 41tf
M. L. Rau, of Chicago, who owns a
controlling Interest In the Scoonover
Co., returned to Chicago the early part
of the week after transacting business
here for several days
Wanted -housework,
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Forbes nnd lit
It not for this 1 would havo concluded
thnt what ho had seen was tho work
ing of his wife's nerves uncontrolled
during slumber. I gave hlin this cnuso
In order to reassure him, but it did not
However, since I could glvo him no
other comfort, he left me, much de
Not long after his visit, tnklng up n
newspaper, I saw a notlco tbut ho had
left his house a few dnys before and
had not been heard from since. The
police had been notified, nnd nn alarm
had been sent out Fears were enter
tained that ho had met with foul play.
since the dny beforo his disappearance
he hnd drawn a largo sum of money
from Ills bank.
Ills visit" to me. the story ho told nnd
.1 tilu .1nnnioclti l.wl mn ir aiiannnf- Mint
no was suiiermg trom some nervous
or mental trouble, and I inclined to
tho belief thnt whnt he had told me
about his wife was a creation of a dis
eased brain. I did not boo how I
would be Justified in making known
my suspicions without mentioning the
cause, nnd that I did not care to do.
Severanco never turned up, nnd no
probable cause was over given for his
dlsnppenrance. When several years
had passed his wife gave him up for
dead, believing that he hnd been mur
dered for the money he had with him.
Four years nfter his disappearance she
married ngnln, and as fate would have
it her second husband wns a patient of
mine. I did not know thnt he was to
Good girl for general
Apply at 514 west Sixth
tlo daughter expect to leave shortly mnrry MrBi Sevoranco, and I wns sat-
for Estes Park and other points in
Colorado. They will make the trip by
auto and will be absent a couple of
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Emerson havo
returned to their homo in Alliance af
ter a visit with Mrs. Emerson's broth
ers John and Will Rodden. Mr. Em
erson is Burlington master mechanic
at Alliance.
30years of knowing how
Has taught us
What we're doing now
Mr. and Mrs. Will Cary and sons,
)of Omaha, are expected hero shortly
to spend a month, during which timo
Mr. Cary will look after matters per
taining to tho new steel bridge east of
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hayes are ex
pected home today from Omaha where
tho former spent tho Fourth of July
and tho latter had been visiltng
friends for a week. They will make
the trip home in a Ford car which tho
Standard Co. has furnished Mr. Hayes.
D. N. Callender, of Tryon, spent a
day or two in town this week visiting
E. W. Mann and transacting business.
Ho reports tho crops in McPherson
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
OneHundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
lsfled thnt I hnd not known It because
I should have been troubled as to what
I should do In the mntter, for I was
undecided whnt to attribute her first
husband's disappearance to.
Within n few months after my pa
tient's Hnmmond's marrlago ho camo
into my offico one dny with a wild
look In his eyes nnd told mo n story sim
ilar to tho one Severanco hnd told me.
no hnd had a disagreement with his
wife, during which she hnd become
very much excited. During the vitu
perations sho had hurled nt him her
eyes had glittered llko those of an an
gry' serpent Her appearance during
tho troublo had made such a horrible
impression upon him that no wns
afraid he would lose his mind. He
asked mo to give hlin a sedntlvc.
Hero was a worse complication for
mo than Severanco had brought me,
for I was not sure whether Sever
ance's experience had been an halluci
nation occasioned by a disordered brain
or had been caused by some peculiar
condition in his life. Hut I dared
not tell nnmmond this, for it would be
suro to mako a wreck of him. I had
no recourse but to say to him that he
must hnvc been suffering from some
nervous weakness. Instead of giving
him a drug I advised him to go on n
trip, but on no account to take his
wife with him.
lie took my ndvlco as to tho trip, but
never returned from it News of his
county In lino shape, tho people aro having fallen over a precipice In Swlt-
feellng much encouraged, and said tho
Fourth of July celebration at Tryon
was tho best ever.
Money to Loan
Lowest Rates and Best Terms.
Plenty o Money on hand to Close
Loans Promptly.
Buchanan & Patterson
In a creek valley near Pueblo, Colo.
Tills valley Is located in tho foot hills
near tho mountains whero drouth has
never been known and corn, wheat
and alfalfa make excellent crops.
1G0 acres, 5 room house, barn and
other buildings, all level, best of soil,
all under cultivation and fenced;
?25.00 per acre.
155 acres, good soil, house and barn,
good well, also running water. 55
acres cultivated; practically all can be
plowed. Prlco $15.00.
040 acres, 2 springs; 400 acres till
ablo 100 acres broke, plenty of posts
and wood. Four houses; price $12.00,
The above farms aro 10 mileB from
town and only 25 miles from tho city
of Pueblo. Thero is also a small
amount of government land open for
homesteadlng but you would have to
act quick to get a claim as thoy
are going fast. For moro information
call on C. II. LEININGER,
1114 North Locust North Platte, Neb,
zerlnnd was sent to her over the ocean.
but I havo alwnys suspected that lu
n rrfm tml fur ! trn riMTtilHMlrtn lilniM'l f.
One thing confirmed this suspicion.
his body wns never found.
Two years after having become n
hypothetical double widow tho Indy In
this case died. I confess I was re
lieved. Thero was now no further
chnncc of any moro of my clients mar
rying her. Soon nfter her death I made
somo Investigations as to her case
through tho physician who attended
her. I called on him and gavo him the
experience of her two husbands ns giv
en to mo. no accepted n theory I gave
him and promised If iwssiblo to learn
facts that would confirm it
no found nn nunt of the subject of
my story who told him thnt her sister
soon nfter her marriage had been
frightened by a serpent Six months
nfter this episode tho child, who be
came Mrs. Soverance-nammond, was
born. My theory was that tho moth
er fright nt this critical period affect
ed the nature of the child.
Farmers, Attention
The greatest grain crop you ever raised
is assured barring EE -A- I ZEL-i ,
There have been hail storms all around
us. You cannot barthe HAIL, but you
canbar the consequences by letting us
write you a policy against loss by HAIL.
Delays are dangerous.
First Class Sulky Cultivators at $27
Johnson & Thomas Self Dump Sulky Hay Rakes each $30
Thomas Crown Changeable Speed Mowers C foot cut $50
2 II P Gasoline Engines . $50
Monarch Maleable Iron Ranges at $50
Badgers New Century, P, & O. Canton at $25 to $27 each
$25 to $27
- . $30
$50 to $60
Samson & Aermotor Wind Mills, each -Champion
Foot Guide Hay Sweep; each -Two
Horse Power Pumping Engines, each
Sharpless Tubular Cream Separator below cost.
Hardware, Nail Bolts, Hinges, Rope at reduced prices.
Binding Twine and Cane Seed.
A few Bain Farm Wagons at Cost.
Corner 5th and Locust Street opposite Posloffice, Phone 15.
WAKE oousewo
Many Women
Are Slaves.
They are Blavea to tho kitchen
coal Btove tied hand and foot by
foolish, custom to nn old tradition.
But tho day of freedom haB dawned.
The modern gaB stove is proving
tho great emancipator. It turns
cooking into a pleasure It gives
tho housewifo more timo to herself.
It cookB better, faster and cleaner
than the coal Btove.
It is cheaper in tho end,
RKJSb i. J
North Platte Light & Power Co.,
C. Rc MOREY, Mgr.